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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variety versus Recurrence of Advertisement in Cross Reality Experiences

Blomquist, Eric January 2019 (has links)
Advertisement is funding a lot of the digital landscape we interact with on a day-to-day basis. As our digital landscape evolve and the field of Cross Reality is maturing, it is of value to examine its compatibility with this mean of monetization. With the perspective of three major stakeholders in mind (advertisers, developers and end-users) this study examines the impact of two different sets of advertisements, one set from a variety of brands and one set from a single brand, in a Virtual Reality experience. A user study is conducted with data being collected through a questionnairesupported interview as well as the advertisement software within the virtual experience. The results show very little impact on the user experience in general, however the data suggests a significant advantage for a variety of advertisement in terms of subconsciously reaching the user. / Reklam finanansierar stora delar av det digitala landskap vi interagerar med dagligen. Allt eftersom tekniken utvecklas och området Cross Reality mognar, är det av värde att undersöka dess kompabilitet med denna typ av finansiering. Ur perspektivet av tre huvudintressenter (annonsörer, utvecklare och slutanvändare), undersöker denna studie inverkan från två olika uppsättningar av reklam. Den ena uppsättningen består av reklam från en variation av varumärken och den andra uppsättningen består av reklam från ett enskilt varumärke. En användarstudie genomförs med data som insamlas via en enkät-stöttad intervju samt genom mjukvaran som levererar reklamen inom den virtuella upplevelsen. Resultaten visar väldigt liten inverkan på den generella användarupplevelsen, dock antyder datan att det finns en signifikant fördel för en variation av reklam när det gäller aspekten att undermedvetet nå användarna.

Gaze Teleportation in Virtual Reality / Blick Teleportation i Virtual Reality

Linn, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
This paper reports preliminary investigations into gaze teleportation, a locomotion interaction inside virtual reality in which the user can push a button and teleport to the point at which they are looking. The results could help future application creators design intuitive locomotion interfaces to allow users to more easily scale virtual worlds larger than their play space. In a study consisting of 12 participants, gaze teleportation was compared to the conventional hand-tracked controller. Participants played a portion of Valve’s The Lab with an HTC Vive and a Tobii Eyetracker; half of the participants completed the set tasks with gaze teleportation, and the other half used hand-tracking. Using Likert questions, they then rated their experiences in terms of enjoyment, frustration, effort, distance, occlusion, immersion, and motion sickness. After answering the questions, the participants got to try both methods and were interviewed on their preferences and opinions. Our results suggest that gaze teleportation is an enjoyable, fast, intuitive, and natural locomotion method that performs similarly to hand-tracked teleportation but is preferred by users when they are given a choice. We conclude that gaze teleportation is a good fit for applications in which users are expected to locomote in their direction of focus without too many distractions. / I det här dokumentet rapporteras preliminära resultat av blickteleportation, en rörelseinteraktion för virtuella verkligheter där användaren kan trycka på en knapp och teleportera till den punkt som de tittar på. Resultaten kan hjälpa framtida applikationsskapare att designa intuitiva rörelsegränssnitt så att användarna lättare kan röra sig i virtuella världar som är större än deras spelrum. I en studie med 12 deltagare jämfördes blick med teleportation med den konventionella handkontroll metoden. Deltagarna spelade en del av Valve’s The Lab med en HTC Vive och en Tobii Eyetracker; Hälften av deltagarna slutförde de uppsatta uppgifterna med blickteleportation, och den andra hälften använde handmetoden. Med Likert-frågor bedömde de sedan sina erfarenheter när det gällde njutning, frustration, ansträngning, avstånd, ocklusion och rörelsesjuka. Efter att ha besvarat frågorna fick deltagarna prova båda metoderna och intervjuades om sina preferenser och åsikter. Våra resultat tyder på att blickteleportation är en trevlig, snabb, intuitiv och naturlig rörelseinteraktion som presterar likt handmetoden, men föredras av användarna när de får välja. Vi drar slutsatsen att blickteleportation passar bra för applikationer där användarna förväntas förflytta sig i samma riktning som deras fokus.

Visual Communication Between Truck Driver and Other Road Users : Two concepts developed for Volvo GTT

Bai, Wei January 2018 (has links)
Denna rapport representerar masterprojektet som utförs av Wei Bai och Emma Styf, och skrevs av den förra. Projektet genomfördes med Volvo GTT Ergonomics avdelning (Volvo Group Trucks Technology).Med fokus på kommunikationen mellan lastbilsförare och andra trafikanter genomfördes användarstudier. 8 lastbilschaufförer observerades under arbetet och intervjuades om deras åsikter om andra trafikanter och nuvarande kommunikationsförhållanden. En undersökning skickades ut och fick 63 svar från bilförare, motorcyklister, cyklister och fotgängare. Genom att kombinera analysen av samrisker och undersökningen fastställdes den fokuserade kritiska situationen vid korsningen i stadstrafik, där kommunikationsbehovet främst ligger mellan lastbilföraren och sårbara trafikanter.Några av de anställda i Volvo GTT introducerades i konceptutvecklingsfasen i form av verkstad och användarutvärdering, för att hjälpa till med konceptgenerering och testning av designelement.De slutliga koncepten är två system som arbetar tillsammans på ett visuellt sätt, vilket förbättrar kommunikationen när sårbara trafikanter korsar vägen och när lastbilen vänder.Koncept A fungerar när lastbilen närmar sig ett korsning med fotgängare som väntar på att korsa. Truckens hastighetsstatus visas av LED-matrisen i frontgallret. När trucken har stoppats har lastbilschauffören möjlighet att sätta på en projicering av zebraövergången framåt för att låta fotgängarpasset. Projektionen är utformad för att vara interaktiv när det kommer fordon på andra sidan.Concept B arbetar för en lastbil som vrider höger. Ett projektionsområde på marken påminner andra trafikanter för att hålla säkert avstånd. Föraren får också uppstart och ljudsignaler om förekomsten av andra trafikanter. Trucken stannar automatiskt när en annan trafikanvändare är för nära. / This report represents the master thesis project conducted by Wei Bai and Emma Styf, and was written by the former. The project was conducted with the Ergonomics Department of Volvo GTT (Volvo Group Trucks Technology).With the focus on the communication between truck drivers and other road users, user studies were implemented. 8 truck drivers were observed during work and interviewed about their opinions on other road users and the current communication condition. A survey was sent out and got 63 responses from car drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians. Combining the analysis of co-rides and the survey, the focused critical situation was set at the intersection in urban traffic, in which the communication needs mainly lie between the truck driver and vulnerable road users.A few of employees in Volvo GTT were introduced in the phase of concept development in the forms of workshop and user evaluation, to help with the concept generation and design elements testing.The final concepts are two systems working cooperatively in a visual way, enhancing the communication when vulnerable road users are crossing the road and when the truck is turning.Concept A works when the truck is approaching an intersection with pedestrians waiting to cross. The speed status of the truck is shown by LED matrix in the front grille. Once the truck is stopped, the truck driver has the option to turn on a projection of zebra crossing to the front to let the pedestrian pass. The projection is designed to be interactive when there are vehicles coming on the other side.Concept B works for a truck turning right. A projection area on the ground reminds other road users to keep safe distance. The driver also gets head-up displayed and audio signals about the occurrence of other road users. The truck automatically stops when another road user has got too close.

After HTTPS: Indicating Risk Instead of Security

Holt, Matthew Wayne 01 April 2019 (has links)
Browser security indicators show warnings when sites load without HTTPS, but more malicious sites are using HTTPS to appear legitimate in browsers and deceive users. We explore a new approach to browser indicators that overcomes several limitations of existing indicators. First, we develop a high-level risk assessment framework to identify risky interactions and evaluate the utility of this approach through a survey. Next, we evaluate potential designs for a new risk indicator to communicate risk rather than security. Finally, we conduct a within-subjects user study to compare the risk indicator to existing security indicators by observing participant behavior and collecting feedback. Our results suggest that risk indicators make users more confident in judging their risk and that participants prefer risk indicators over current security indicators. In addition, users take fewer risks in the presence of risk indicators, making this a promising direction for research and implementation into web browsers.

Seamless and personalized connectivity for carsharing services : A Concept Framework and Proposed Solutions

Ma, Jingjun January 2020 (has links)
With the development of information and communication technology (ICT), car sharing becomes more and more popular. It is a short-term car rental service and Volvo entered this market in 2019. The purpose of this thesis is to design for a seamless and personalized experience for car sharing users with the smartphone. A literature overview and user interviews were performed to get a general understanding of the user groups, usage patterns of the car sharing service and their experience of connecting the smartphones to the car. Two user tests were made to iterate the design and get to know users’ opinions about the design concepts. Personas and scenarios were built up and that made the basis for the design of user interfaces on the car-sharing apps and the \ac{IVI}. As a result, a concept solution was brought up. The general process of the car sharing service was: booking a car, finding a car, getting onboard, picking up friends, and getting offboard. For drivers, they can find and unlock the car seamlessly with the phone, get onboard with all preferred settings applied, safely log into the IVI system, easily pick up friends by seeing their position, and clear personal data when they return the car. For passengers, they can see the position of the car and estimated arrival time, scan a QR code to turn their phones to a remoter of the IVI system, directly send a destination to the IVI system, and share their favorite music. Nearly all the users liked the designed functions in the tests but the adoption of the service was mainly affected by two factors. One was privacy concerns and the other was function value. Users made a choice of how important more functions were compared with sequences regarding loss of privacy. More future research needs to be done to further validate the findings of this thesis and achieve the designed experience.

Digital Libraries with Superimposed Information: Supporting Scholarly Tasks that Involve Fine Grain Information

Murthy, Uma 02 May 2011 (has links)
Many scholarly tasks involve working with contextualized fine-grain information, such as a music professor creating a multimedia lecture on a musical style, while bringing together several snippets of compositions of that style. We refer to such contextualized parts of a larger unit of information (or whole documents), as subdocuments. Current approaches to work with subdocuments involve a mix of paper-based and digital techniques. With the increase in the volume and in the heterogeneity of information sources, the management, organization, access, retrieval, as well as reuse of subdocuments becomes challenging, leading to inefficient and ineffective task execution. A digital library (DL) facilitates management, access, retrieval, and use of collections of data and metadata through services. However, most DLs do not provide infrastructure or services to support working with subdocuments. Superimposed information (SI) refers to new information that is created to reference subdocuments in existing information resources. We combine this idea of SI with traditional DL services, to define and develop a DL with SI (an SI-DL). Our research questions are centered around one main question: how can we extend the notion of a DL to include SI, in order to support scholarly tasks that involve working with subdocuments? We pursued this question from a theoretical as well as a practical/user perspective. From a theoretical perspective, we developed a formal metamodel that precisely defines the components of an SI-DL, building upon related work in DLs, SI, annotations, and hypertext. From the practical/user perspective, we developed prototype superimposed applications and conducted user studies to explore the use of SI in scholarly tasks. We developed SuperIDR, a prototype SI-DL, which enables users to mark up subimages, annotate them, and retrieve information in multiple ways, including browsing, and text- and content-based image retrieval. We explored the use of subimages and evaluated the use of SuperIDR in fish species identification, a scholarly task that involves working with subimages. Findings from the user studies and other work in our research lead to theory- and experiment-based enhancements that can guide design of digital libraries with superimposed information. / Ph. D.

Man in the Mirror: A Mythology-Driven Exploration of Multiple User-Interpretations in a Multimedia Space

Otitoju, Oluwabukumni Sharon 24 May 2007 (has links)
Artists, designers and writers have long employed ambiguity as a tool in compelling their audience to deduce a personal meaning to their work. As computing becomes less of a strictly workspace, task-oriented phenomenon and more of a ubiquitous, life-space one, it is increasingly important to consider the intelligence of the user in the design of everyday computer-based things. Support of multiple user interpretation through ambiguity is an element whose appropriate inclusion in system design can compel the user to deduce a personal interpretation of the system's meaning and utility. The work in this paper explores the process by which users may come to deduce a meaning to an ambiguous work, both as individuals and collaboratively. Incorporating elements of ambiguity, we created SenSpace, an immersive physical environment that embeds the Greek myth of Narcissus within itself. The subsequent user study provided insight on the process by which naïve visitors may come to deduce their meanings of a work, both individually and collaboratively. Our results showed that there exists a trade-off between a user's level of interaction and depth of the interpretation of the multimedia environment. We also show how ambiguity can be used as a design method, by incorporating observed user expectations into the system. This paper uses experimental evidence to advocate the design of systems that support not only the system goal the designer has in mind, but also the multiple perspectives and meanings that the user often brings to the system. / Master of Science

檔案館使用者之資訊行為研究:以中研院近史所檔案館為例 / A study on the information behavior of archives users: the case of archives of institute of modern history, academia sinica

陳碧珠 Unknown Date (has links)
檔案館的功能除了蒐集、整理及典藏具有持續性保存價值的檔案之外,提供民眾及研究者所需之檔案相關資訊,亦是其重要的功能;而近年來,「因為檔案的被利用,使得檔案有價值」的觀念更是盛行。為了要加強檔案館提供使用的功能,並設計出真正符合使用者所需之各項檢索工具與服務,從事使用者研究,尤其是針對檔案館使用者之資訊行為進行分析,對檔案館而言已愈形重要。本研究旨在以中研院近史所檔案館為研究個案,針對該館使用者之背景與其在檔案方面的資訊行為、及其對於檔案館的期許與建議等層面,以質性研究之方式進行深入探究,藉以歸納出國內檔案館使用者之背景特性與其在檔案方面之資訊行為特性,供檔案館在擬定各項管理政策及規劃各項服務活動時之參考。 本研究採用內容分析法與深度訪談法實際進行研究。首先針對中研院近史所檔案館自民國88年1月1日至90年12月31日間之使用者登記資料,從國籍、性別、單位及研究主題等屬性,進行內容分析,藉以瞭解該館使用者之背景特性。其次,以半結構式的深度訪談法訪談15位使用該館檔案具有豐富經驗之使用者,以收集檔案館使用者在檔案資訊方面之尋求與使用的相關經驗與意見。 研究結果有下列幾點發現:一、中研院近史所檔案館之使用群以國內外的史學研究者為主;二、學術研究是檔案館使用者產生檔案需求的主要因素;三、教師與同儕團體是檔案館使用者重要的檔案資訊來源管道;四、檔案館使用者之資訊行為具有瀏覽、選擇、確認、解讀、驗證與比較、連貫、形成觀點、延伸其他研究題目、以及檔案保存等九項特點;五、事前準備是檔案館使用者在檔案搜尋前的重要工作;六、檔案館使用者仍偏好以紙本目錄為主,檢索系統為輔的方式來搜尋檔案;七、檔案的驗證與比較是檔案使用上極為重要的過程;八、初次到檔案館之使用者,較需要檔案人員之協助,但對於經常使用檔案館之使用者,檔案人員較無法彰顯其功能;九、檔案館使用者的資訊行為屬於任務導向之活動,到檔案館的次數亦偏向在階段性時間內密集且頻繁。 根據研究結果,研究生從二方面提出建議。一、對現階段檔案館服務之建議:(一)加強檔案資訊來源之管道;(二)簡化調檔程序並提供檔案預約之服務;(三)強化檔案館網頁內容的深度與廣度;(四)加強檔案利用之推廣活動;(五)增加檔案館之開放時間;(六)重視檔案館使用者對於檔案目錄瀏覽之需求及使用者對於使用非原件形式檔案的感受。二、對未來檔案界發展方向之建議:(一)提昇檔案參考人員的專業素養;(二)同性質檔案應集中管理;(三)建立檔案館館際合作組織;(四)將數位化檔案內容予以出版;(五)檔案教育應與中小學之歷史教育結合。

Verktyg för lärande : Informationssökning och informationsanvändning i kommunal vuxenutbildning / Tools for Learning : Information Seeking and Use in Municipal Adult Education

Gärdén, Cecilia January 2010 (has links)
In education today, self-directed learning is promoted as an ideal as opposed to teacher-led instruction. This approach is reflected in public inquiries, proposals, syllabi and grading criteria, as we... merll as in schoolwork in practice. The approach has implications for various stakeholders in education, for example, students, teachers and librarians. Students at different educational levels are expected to develop their understanding of how to seek and select information, access, critically examine and understand different texts and their relations to other texts as well as produce their own texts in different contexts. Information seeking and use are key aspects of schoolwork and learning, and students are assumed to develop competence in information literacy. The thesis aims to deepen our knowledge of information practices in municipal adult education, by exploring the information seeking and information use associated with a specific school assignment. The theoretical framework used is a socio-cultural approach. In the study the following concepts have been identified as particularly important: mediation, sense-making, learning, practice, tools, scaffolds and interaction. From a socio-cultural perspective, the thesis explores 1) how adult students, teachers and librarians interact in information seeking and use in the practice of working with a complex school assignment, 2) what tools and scaffolds are used, and why, 3) how information is used by adult students to construct knowledge and make sense, and 4) what elements of information literacy emerge in the interaction around the assignment. To answer the research questions, a qualitative case study was conducted. The case study included 43 interviews, 30 observations and 17 documents, which provided in-depth knowledge of the interaction between individuals, practice and tools. Study results reveal an absence of interaction in information seeking and use in the educational context, as well as a lack of common references in the form of tools and support, leading to difficulties for the participants in achieving the results that were expected, according to learning objectives. In the tension between the school's discursive practice and the participants' self-directed learning, several critical elements of information literacy emerged, including the distinction between quantitative and qualitative information seeking, critical approaches towards information, knowledge of genres, the ability to identify and use various tools, and the ability to communicate conceptually about information seeking and use. The self-directed learning approach entails a number of challenges for adult students, teachers and librarians. These challenges involve building bridges between the rhetoric and practice of information literacy, developing institutional and social structures that facilitate and benefit the quality of interaction, creating common frames of reference for school assignments and clarifying standards and rules in the school context. / <p>Akademisk avhandling som med tillstånd av samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Göteborgs universitet för vinnande av doktorsexamen framläggs till offentlig granskning kl. 13.15 fredagen den 19 mars 2010, i hörsalen Sappören, Göteborgs universitet, Sprängkullsgatan 25.</p>

Development of an Indoor Cultivation Product for Restaurant Environments : Developing a Product Specification and Creating a Product Concept using User-Centered Design

Holmqvist, Sofia, Svensson, Moa January 2019 (has links)
In today’s society there is a growing awareness of where food is produced and there is a trend to use locally grown produce in restaurants. One way for restaurants to differentiate themselves is to grow the produce inside the restaurant. This thesis has the aim on identifying the problems and user needs for an indoor cultivation solution and developing a new indoor cultivation product that solves the identified problems and meet the user needs. To achieve this aim, a usercentered design approach was utilised and the following three research questions were answered: How can the needs of the user be translated into a product specification for indoor cultivation in restaurants? What are the functionality, usability, and construction requirements for an indoor cultivation product in a restaurant? What product concept can be designed to grow classic herbs in restaurants based on the needs of the user? To identify the needs interviews were performed with the users. The needs were then translated, together with the company’s needs, into a product specification. This was done in two steps, identifying the metrics and setting values. Some of the most important requirements are that a hydroponic system is used, that the product is easy to clean and is moveable. The product development process was iterative and included different ideation, development and evaluation methods. The users were involved in some of the evaluation methods to give input on the final design. Their opinion, together with evaluations based on the product specification, were used when choosing the final concept Lärad. Lärad uses a circulating hydroponic system and have three separate growing containers each containing 16 plants. The growing containers can be pulled out to enable easy access of the plants. Both the water system and the LED grow lights, that replaces natural sunlight, are controlled automatically to minimise the users’ involvement. To test the concept, to see how well the product specification is fulfilled, both a CAD model and a functional prototype were created. The results from the tests were, even at the concept stage, that 97% of all the tested requirements were fulfilled which shows that the concept is suitable for indoor cultivation in a restaurant environment. Some further work that includes refining the design and optimising for production will be needed to launch the product.

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