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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prevence posturálních vad v populaci / Prevention of postural defects in the population

Langmajerová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation aims at verifying methodology used for somatographic evaluation of the shape and statics of the spine. The potential of the methodology verified lies in increased objectivity of upright body posture evaluation and thereby contributes to the specification of preventative measures for postural defects, and their consequences. Under a cross-sectional pilot study, a non-invasive somatographic method-a diagnostic DPT-3 system designated for spine shape diagnostics-was used to examine selected biomechanical parameters (spinal curves and statics in the sagittal plane in the upright position) in a total of 508 probands. Of this, 326 were school-age children and 182 adults. Among the key parameters monitored were: Cl (depth of cervical lordosis); LI (depth of lumbar lordosis); the sagittal balance of Cl/Ll, and VThk (distance of the peak of the thoracic kyphosis from the ideal verticals-IV). A questionnaire was used to evaluate the level of movement activity in probands and the relation between the occurrence of painful back and headaches and the measurement of biomechanical parameters and movement activity. A total of 81.3 % of children and 94.5 % of adults were found to have deviations from the biomechanically ideal posture model, which signals a postural defect. The values of the Cl (p...

Statistická analýza vad ve stavební praxi / Statistical analysis of defects in construction practice

Luska, Zbyněk January 2016 (has links)
This thesis on statistical analysis of defects in construction practice deals with the assessment of defects which are monitored within the system of construction and technical prevention in the period from 2010 to 2013. We cannot consider as defects such matters arising from non-compliance with the contractual relationship between the sponsor and implementer of the building work, and that this does not contradict the building Act. This thesis aims to determine the defects in construction practice and the right tools, statistical analysis, and quality control methods to assess the state and evolution of defects, as well as to find links and dependence of defects on defined factors. The methodological part of the thesis is based on an exploratory statistical analysis of qualitative data, Pareto analysis, and also statistical testing of the hypothesis of independence using the chi-square test of independence in the pivot table. The strength of any relationship is tested under Cramér V. The output of the thesis is a list of the most frequently occurring defects in construction practice, a description of the defects, and their evaluation in terms of occurrence in time, within a defined territory, and the occurrence of a specific building construction.

Implementace analýzy FMEA v rámci logistické technologie Just-in-Sequence / Implementation of FMEA analysis in logistics technology Just-in-Sequence

FRANĚK, Václav January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of this master thesis is to design implementation of FMEA analysis in logistics technology Just-in-Sequence at company Robert Bosch in České Budějovice. The operational objective is to define process and product produced by technology Just-in-Sequence. Analyze newly developed technology Just-in-Sequence and compare its advantages over the original method.

Det var en gång en normal familj... : En normkritiskt komparativ studie av familjekonstellationer i bilderböcker. / Once upon a time there was a family... : A norm-ciritcal comparative study of family constellations in picture books.

Danielsson, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Detta arbetes syfte är att se vilka olika familjekonstellationer som existerar i ett urval av bilderböcker som utkommit mellan 1989 och 2015. Dessa familjekonstellationers framställning har jämförts med hjälp av ett normkritiskt perspektiv, analyserats utifrån rådande normer som gäller familj och familjeliv i samhället och den statistik som tagits fram över olika familjeformer i Sverige under början av 2000-talet. Resultatet visar att de fyra olika bilderböckernas familjer alla på något sätt går emot normen, men att den familj som stämmer bäst överens med bilden om hur kärnfamiljen ska se ut är den nyaste av de fyra utvalda bilderböckerna. / The aim of this study is to explore the different family constellations that exists in a selection of children’s picture books published between the years of 1989 and 2015. The representations of these family constellations have been compared by critically investigating norms that applies to families and they have been analyzed by these norms and the statistics that existed in society at the beginning of the 21th century. The result shows that all of the four chosen picture-books goes against the norm on some point, but that the newest of the four books is the one that most resembles the picture of a nuclear family.

Förskollärares didaktiska arbete i förskolan med språkutveckling som exempel : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares arbete utifrån de didaktiska frågorna vad, hur och varför / Preschool teachers didactic work in preschool with language development as an example : A qualitative study on the work of preschool teachers based on the didactic questions what, how and why.

Jonsson, Pernilla January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att synliggöra förskollärares didaktiska arbete i förskolan medspråkutveckling som exempel. Detta för att skapa djupare kunskaper och förståelse förförskollärarnas undervisning utifrån studiens fyra frågeställningar. Utifrån syftetutmynnar frågeställningar som handlar om hur förskollärare arbetar med didaktiskafrågor med inriktning på språkutveckling i förskolan. Även hur lärarna bedriverundervisning och hur den kommer till uttryck i förskolan. Det görs genom att få reda påvarför förskollärare väljer att arbeta på ett visst sätt, hur de väljer att undervisa, det villsäga vilka metoder förskollärarna väljer att använda sig av. Även vad förskollärarnaväljer att arbeta med innehållsmässigt. Jag har genomfört tre semistruktureradeintervjuer med två förskollärare från en förskola belägen i centrala delarna av en svenskstorstad och med en förskollärare i ett förortsområde av den valda storstaden. För attbelysa resultatet ligger det didaktiska perspektivet till grund för studiens empiri. Detteoretiska ramverket är utgångspunkten för studiens analys, det vill säga det didaktiskaperspektivet och det sociokulturella perspektivet, samt de fyra frågeställningarna.Resultatet i studien visar att undervisningen som ska genomföras på förskolan är enaning svårtolkad om huruvida det ska bedrivas av förskollärarna. Det beror påförskollärarnas olika tolkningar om hur undervisningen ska implementeras i förskolan.Förskollärarna planerar undervisning utifrån didaktiska planeringsmallar för att den skabli kvalitativ. Lärarna använder sig av färre didaktiska val i verksamheten närplaneringstiden uteblir på grund av tidsbrist. På så vis tillämpas spontanaundervisningar framför planerade tillfällen. I resultatet framgår det också hurförskollärare tillämpar olika metoder för att ha en framgångsrik språkutveckling och detbehövs inte göras utifrån planeringensunderlag. Det visar att i yrkesrollen skaförskolläraren kunna tillämpa spontana aktiviteter. Enligt intervjuerna kan denkvalitativa undervisningen utebli om och när personalstyrkan inte är fulltaliga. Det göratt förskollärarna inte kan dela in barnen i smågrupper vilket resulterar i att utrymme förspråklig utveckling och lärande blir mindre för barnen. Då kan lärarnasundervisningsformer blir bristande. Utifrån intervjuerna ser samtliga förskollärareproblematik i genomförandet när planeringensunderlag inte blir genomtänkt i denutsträckningen som förskollärarna önskar.

Výroba a vady ocelových odlitků / Manufacturing and defects of steel castings

Smilovský, David January 2018 (has links)
A content of this thesis is an analysis of a steel castings production mismatch in Tatra Metallurgy foundry. Most common defects found on castings are gas holes. Thesis shows a theoretical research on casting defects caused by gases in steel castings. It also describes melting and degassing problematics of molten steel and procedures to reduce gas contents. The last part of theoretical research describes oxidation of steel in contact with silica mold. Practical part of thesis analysis production of steel castings to determine the cause of origin of gas holes. Main attention is paid to mold mixture, chemical composition, casting temperatures and casting time. The last chapter metallographically analysis two defected castings to determine the origin of defects. Main attention is paid to shape and chemical composition of gas holes and to morphology of steel inclusions.

Detekce vad potisku / Detection of printing defects

Boček, Václav January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and subsequent implementation of a unit inspecting a printed logos on the pen surface. A line-scan camera is used to capture the object. Whole the unit including acquited data processing is controlled by Raspberry Pi 4 platform extended by perifery board. The control of the hardware parts is implemented in C++, the detection algorithms in Python using OpenCV and TensorFlow libraries. The unit has a graphical user interface for control of the inspection process. In the end of the thesis test of the unit reliability is shown.

Detektor řečové aktivity v signálovém procesoru / Speech activity detector in digital signal processor

Kovařík, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
In this diploma thesis were created voice activity detectors according to the standard ITU-T G.729 and G.723.1. The voice activity detectors were implements in the digital signal processor TMS320C6416 made by Texas Instruments. At the same time detectors were designed using by MATLAB programming language. The diploma thesis can be divided into two parts. In the theoretical section provides information on how to report detectors in the standard ITU-T G.729 and G.723.1. In the implementation part is described steps in the implementation of the detector in signal processor TMS320C6416 and there are discussed various differences compared to the documentation.

Klasifikace detekovaných vad / Web defects classification

Janošík, Zdeněk January 2015 (has links)
In this master thesis is described how to design and implement classifier of defects detected during the final stage of production nonwovens. The beginning of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of options for image processing and classification. Followed by the part, where is described process of image segmentation and extraction of feature vector. Description of classifier implementation and table of achieved results of classification on real images of detected defects.

Optimalizace výroby těžkých ocelových odlitků / Optimation of heavy steel castings

Pernica, Vítězslav January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis deal with definnig the casuses of stell castings defects in the DSB EURO s.r.o Foundry. The main target is to optimise technological parameters for avoiding the surface casting defects. The first stage is the identification of the defects, describing of the main reasons and mechanic. Defect quantification is make from measuring of area and volume of the mended defects. In association with surface defects, the number of the crackings was observed. Finally there are suggested correction actions based on the previous investigation.

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