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Software support for personalized document creationBalogh, István January 2007 (has links)
Communication trough documents have become a key element in every company?s life, communication channels expanded to include not just print but fax, web and email. Marketing and market studies repeatedly show that personalized documents (delivered through these channels) can positively influence customer relationship hereby help to achieve business success. For IT companies these changes created an exciting new opportunity to develop new solutions and offer new services. There are several companies on the market of personalized document creation which offering high quality product and services. Therefore it might not be easy to make the right choice, to find the most fitting solution and the best vendor. The main objective of this thesis is to provide detailed information about personalized document creation in general and to introduce the market leading vendors and their technology.
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Modelling and Optimisation of MDF Hot PressingGupta, Arun January 2007 (has links)
There are four big medium density fibreboard (MDF) plants in New Zealand with a total production capacity of close to one million cubic meters per year. A significant quantity of boards (nearly 3% or about 30,000 cubic meters per year) is rejected due to defects such as weak core, low modulus of rupture and elasticity, low internal bonding and delamination. The main cause of these defects, is lack of complete understanding of the inter relationship during the hot-pressing stage between the initial inputs such as temperature, moisture content, platen pressure and its impact on the properties of boards. The best solution is to develop a mathematical model to assist in understanding these relationships and to solve the equations in the model by using advanced software. This will reduce the number of expensive experiments and will enable us to see some of the parameters, which are otherwise difficult to visualise. Several earlier researchers have tried to model hot pressing of wood composites, mostly either for particle board or oriented strand board (OSB), and only a few are for MDF. The type of numerical methods used to solve the model equations and various assumptions, changes from one investigator to the other. The non-availability of source code to convert the mathematical equations into programme, is one of the reasons for this model development. To improve the productivity of MDF plants in New Zealand, there was a need to develop a computer programme which can include all the latest findings and can remove the defects which are present in earlier models. This model attempts a more complete integration than in the previous models of all the components such as heat transfer, moisture movement and vertical density profile formation in a one-dimensional model of hot pressing of MDF. One of the important features added in the heat and mass transfer part of the model is that the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) equation given for solid wood was modified to be applicable for the MDF fibres. In addition, this EMC equation can cover the complete range of hot pressing temperature from 160ºC to 200ºC. The changes in fibre moisture content due to bound water diffusion, which was were earlier neglected, was considered. The resin curing reactions for phenol formaldehyde and urea formaldehyde resins are also incorporated into the model, with the energy and water released during the curing reaction being included in the energy and mass balances. The validation of the heat and mass transfer model was done by comparing the values of core temperature and core pressure from the model and the experiments. The experimental value of core pressure and core temperature is obtained by putting a thermocouple and pressure transducer in the middle of the mat. The experimental core temperature results show qualitative agreement with the predicted results. In the beginning, the core temperatures from both experiment and model overlap each other. In the middle of the press cycle, the experimental core temperature is higher by 10ºC and by the end the difference decreases to 5ºC. The vertical density profile (VDP) is a critical determining factor for the strength and quality of MDF panels. The earlier concept of ratio of modulus of elasticity of the layer to the sum of modulus of elasticity of all the layers in the previous time step, given by Suo and Bowyer (1994), is refined with the latest published findings. The equation given by Carvalho et al. (2001) is used to calculate the MOE of different layers of the mat. The differential equation of a Maxwell element given by Zombori (2001) is used to measure stress, nonlinear strain function and relaxation of fibres. The model gives good agreement of peak and core density at lower platen temperature at 160ºC but with the increase of platen temperature to 198ºC, the rise in peak density is comparatively higher. There is a distinct increase in predicted peak density by 150 kg/m³ in comparison to the experimental result, where the increase is only by 10 kg/m³. There is a large decline (50 kg/m³) in core density in the experimental results in comparison to only a slight decline (13 kg/m³) in the predicted results. The use of Matlab provides a very convenient platform for producing graphical results. The time of computation at present is nearly 20 hrs in a personal computer with Pentium four processor and one GB RAM. The model can predict properties of a pressed board for the standard manufacturing conditions and also the new hot pressing technologies such as the use of steam injection or a cooling zone in the continuous press. A comparative study has been done to show the advantages of using new hot pressing technology. The present model will become an important tool in the hands of wood technologist, process engineers and MDF manufacturing personnel, to better understand the internal processes and to improve production and quality of MDF boards. This theoretical model helped in developing better understanding of internal processes. By using it, we can analyse the impact of platen temperature, moisture content on the core temperature, core pressure and density profile. It gives better insight into the relationship between core pressure and delamination of the board. The model is also able to predict the internal changes in the new hot pressing technologies such as the steam injection pressing and the use of a cooling zone in a continuous press. Using the simulation results, the exact time needed for the complete curing of resin can be calculated and then these results can be applied in the commercial plants. If the pressing time is reduced, then the over all production of both batch press and continuous press will increase. The second part of the project is the development of an empirical model to correlate the physical properties from the MDF board to the mean density. The empirical model is simple and straightforward, and thus can be applied in commercial operation for control and optimization. The empirical model can predict peak density, core density, and modulus of rupture, elasticity and internal bonding within the limits in which those relationships are derived. The model gives good results for thickness ranging from 10 to 13.5 mm and density ranging from 485 kg/m³ to 718 kg/m³.
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Impressão digital: tecnologias e impressão de dados variáveis / Digital printing: technology and variable data printingJusto, Thiago Cesar Teixeira 10 December 2015 (has links)
Atualmente, as artes gráficas vivem um momento de grande desenvolvimento tecnológico, principalmente em relação às novas tecnologias de impressão sem fôrma, popularmente conhecidas como impressão digital. O objetivo central desta pesquisa é compreender as mudanças dos métodos produtivos provocadas pela adoção da tecnologia de impressão digital pela indústria gráfica. Este trabalho propõe o levantamento dos principais sistemas de impressão sem fôrma adotados pelas gráficas, identificando as tendências tecnológicas de impressão sem fôrma desenvolvidas especialmente para a indústria gráfica. Visa, ainda, investigar quais recursos de impressão de dados variáveis foram viabilizados por esta tecnologia, analisando o impacto destes novos sistemas de impressão gráfica sobre a impressão de dados variáveis ou impressão personalizada. A pesquisa também apresenta um conjunto de trabalhos gráficos relevantes ou inovadores que utilizam a impressão de dados variáveis com o objetivo de apontar as possibilidades produtivas de impressão de dados variáveis viabilizadas por esta tecnologia. A análise dos resultados da pesquisa visa documentar o novo cenário da impressão digital dentro da indústria gráfica, as tecnologias de impressão sem fôrma mais empregadas por este setor, e as diferentes alternativas produtivas de impressão de dados variáveis. / Nowadays, the graphic arts are in a great moment of technological development, especially in new printing technologies without a printing plate, which is popularly known as digital print. The main objective of this research is to understand the changes in production methods by the adoption of digital printing technology for the printing industry. This paper proposes the research of the leading computer to press systems adopted by graphics and the identification of print technology trends without a printing plate, specially developed for the printing industry, as well as investigate which variable data printing capabilities were enabled by this technology, analyzing the impact of these new graphic printing systems on variable data printing and custom printing. The survey also presents a set of relevant and innovative graphic works that use variable data printing in order to point out the productive possibilities of variable data printing, enabled by this technology. The analysis of the survey results aims to document the new situation of digital printing in the printing industry, the printing technologies without a printing plate more used in this area and the different productive alternatives of variable data printing.
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Impressão digital: tecnologias e impressão de dados variáveis / Digital printing: technology and variable data printingThiago Cesar Teixeira Justo 10 December 2015 (has links)
Atualmente, as artes gráficas vivem um momento de grande desenvolvimento tecnológico, principalmente em relação às novas tecnologias de impressão sem fôrma, popularmente conhecidas como impressão digital. O objetivo central desta pesquisa é compreender as mudanças dos métodos produtivos provocadas pela adoção da tecnologia de impressão digital pela indústria gráfica. Este trabalho propõe o levantamento dos principais sistemas de impressão sem fôrma adotados pelas gráficas, identificando as tendências tecnológicas de impressão sem fôrma desenvolvidas especialmente para a indústria gráfica. Visa, ainda, investigar quais recursos de impressão de dados variáveis foram viabilizados por esta tecnologia, analisando o impacto destes novos sistemas de impressão gráfica sobre a impressão de dados variáveis ou impressão personalizada. A pesquisa também apresenta um conjunto de trabalhos gráficos relevantes ou inovadores que utilizam a impressão de dados variáveis com o objetivo de apontar as possibilidades produtivas de impressão de dados variáveis viabilizadas por esta tecnologia. A análise dos resultados da pesquisa visa documentar o novo cenário da impressão digital dentro da indústria gráfica, as tecnologias de impressão sem fôrma mais empregadas por este setor, e as diferentes alternativas produtivas de impressão de dados variáveis. / Nowadays, the graphic arts are in a great moment of technological development, especially in new printing technologies without a printing plate, which is popularly known as digital print. The main objective of this research is to understand the changes in production methods by the adoption of digital printing technology for the printing industry. This paper proposes the research of the leading computer to press systems adopted by graphics and the identification of print technology trends without a printing plate, specially developed for the printing industry, as well as investigate which variable data printing capabilities were enabled by this technology, analyzing the impact of these new graphic printing systems on variable data printing and custom printing. The survey also presents a set of relevant and innovative graphic works that use variable data printing in order to point out the productive possibilities of variable data printing, enabled by this technology. The analysis of the survey results aims to document the new situation of digital printing in the printing industry, the printing technologies without a printing plate more used in this area and the different productive alternatives of variable data printing.
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Femonationalism in a Nordic context : An analysis of the Finns Party and the Sweden DemocratsSelroos, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
In the past decade, scholars have discovered how European populist radical right parties have increasingly resorted to instrumentalizing issues of gender equality within broader anti-immigration and anti-Islam campaigns. This phenomenon has been coined as femonationalism by sociologist Sara R. Farris; building on her theorization, this thesis aims to investigate thisfurther in a Nordic context by examining whether and how femonationalism can be traced within the politics of the Finns Party (FP) and the Sweden Democrats (SD). This has been achieved by conducting an ideational analysis of the parties’ official election material and policy documents provided on their respective party websites. The analytical framework applied is political scientist Mats Lindberg’s VDP-triad, in which the central task is to capture the proposed value, descriptive, and prescriptive statements in a text. The thesis’ main findings indicate that for the FP, femonationalism could most closely be linked to their policy implications. Here, the FP advocates for extensive anti-immigration and anti-Islam policies, while also promoting policies that uphold a traditional gender order amongst Finns. For the SD, femonationalism was mostly found in their expressed value statements concerning the supremacy of western values in relation to gender equality, which migrants are supposed to internalize and respect. Implications for future research are to examine the phenomenon of femonationalism further in different country settings in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how it presents itself.
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Swedish Foreign Policy and China : A cas e study of Sweden’s foreign policy ideationalfoundation toward China during the period 2015 2020Ortega Zepeda, Javiera Victoria January 2021 (has links)
The bilateral relations between Sweden and China have been characterized by strong trade relations over the years. Nonetheless, several events between 2015 and 2020 have led the diplomatic relations between Sweden and China to take a different turn. Among them, the arrest of the Chinese-born Swedish writer and book publisher Gui Minhai and the alleged abuse of human rights by the Chinese government towards its population. These issues raise questions on how the Swedish government approaches the opportunities and challenges of China’s growing role internationally. This thesis has the purpose to analyse the Swedish government’s reports, statements and other documents regarding China in the period 2015 to 2020, with the intention of unveiling the Swedish foreign policy ideational foundation. Moreover, this thesis has the aim to examine whether it is possible to see a variation of the ideational foundation during these years. The analysis included the use of social constructivism as a theory and the VDP-triad methodology. From the analysis, it resulted that in the observed time period, Sweden’s foreign policy ideational foundation was characterized by the value of cooperation, especially regarding trade. Moreover, during the period observed Sweden characterized for being more active on criticizing China in regard to human rights, democracy and the rule of law. With China, Sweden is thus forced to balance two competing agendas: to pursue its interests and to promote its values.
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IDÉER OM JÄMSTÄLLDHETSINTEGRERING : En analys av övergripande tankemönster inom statliga myndigheter / Ideas of gender mainstreaming : an analysis of overall thought patterns within government agenciesEriksson, Klara January 2023 (has links)
Previous research indicates that gender mainstreaming is difficult to apply. Obstacles such as lack of political will, cultural and institutional resistance, lack of understanding, clashing perspectives and priorities, as well as insufficient resources, are most often cited as the cause. This study, against the background that these obstacles are founded in institutional contexts, intends to use feminist institutionalism to analyze state authorities' ideas about gender mainstreaming through the analysis of values, descriptions, and prescriptions. The results show that analyzed authorities are consistent in their basic ideas and values, where the strategy is taken seriously and seen as important. The annual reports are prepared in an operational manner, which shows action and progress. The result indicates that there is a general lack of prescriptions.
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Buddhist International Relations Theory: A Systematic AnalysisAndersson, Pontus January 2023 (has links)
The past decades have seen a growing critique of international relations theory (IRT) as being Eurocentric, inspiring the development of alternative interpretations of international politics. One such development is the emergence of Buddhist IRT, which, with only a handful of texts written on the subject, is still very much in its cradle. This analysis attempts to systematically analyse this new contribution through the use of Lindberg’s VDP-triad of ideational analysis as well as thematic analysis. This is important given the power of ideas to shape people’s conceptions of the world and provide road maps for policy makers, as well as the role theory may have in the serving of certain interests. The analysis finds a theory rich in both value judgments, descriptions, and prescriptions, where the most important descriptions regard a unique ontology of radical interdependence, an ontology which deeply affects all other stand-points within the theory. Further, the analysis identifies several areas which need to be clarified and/or confronted in the future development of the theory, including a number of in-consistencies as well as a possible framework for the justification of violence and authoritarian policy.
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Idéanalys av den svenska NatodebattenEklund, Emil January 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Drömmen om folkhemmet : En kvalitativ studie av Jimmie Åkessons almedalstal 2011 och 2018 ur ett idé-ideologiskt samt retoriskt perspektivEricsson, Fredric, Svensson, Philip January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the party leader of the Swedish democrats, Jimmie Åkesson. The aspects that we look into is if there are any rhetorical differences in his speeches at Almedalen the year of 2011 and 2018. Along with the rhetorical side the other aspect that will be examined is the differences in ideas and ideological roots that shines through at the two different speeches at Almedalen. In order to point out differences we used two different methods. The method used in the rhetorical spectrum is based on Bo Rhenbergs steps to analyse political speeches. For the part that focuses on what ideas that mediates and which types of ideological roots his speech derives to, we used Mats Lindbergs analysis to identify values and an own constructed model based on literature regarding ideologies for the ideological analysis. What we find in the rhetorical analysis is that Åkesson's rhetoric has changed marginally. It appears that he uses more of ethos' argumentation at the number 2018 than at 2011. Åkesson thus uses much of all the three rhetorical aspects. It also appears that the shift between the different styles Åkesson uses to convey the speech to the audience changes something between them both years. In the idea and ideological analysis, here too, the differences are relatively small. The actual differences in which values the speech contains are few, but they exist. Differences are not based on the fact that the party or Jimmie Åkesson has changed values and started to lean more to the right or to the left, instead the differences lie on which topics are in focus.
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