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英國PFI制度及財政效果之研究陳東信, Chen , Tung-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要在介紹英國PFI制度及探討其財政效果。英國PFI (Private Finance Initiative) 計畫主要適用於無自償率也就是無法對民眾收費的公共建設計畫,例如:道路、學校、國防等。這些自償率為零的公共建設,相信只要政府有良好的配套措施,仍可吸引民間廠商來投資。由英國推動PFI的經驗可以得到證明。英國的PFI制度,是由民間企業投標公共工程,自行融資,興建完成交付使用後,再由政府依合約及服務與維修績效,逐年給付PFI費用。英國推動PFI的目的之一在於創造物超所值 (Value for Money, VFM) 的效果,英國PFI的有關單位亦創造相關機制,為使PFI達成VFM的目標。另外,在相關的PFI成功經驗中,可發現其在興建效率、成本控制及服務滿意度上皆有不錯的表現。
本文要探討的另一個重點為英國PFI的財政效果。英國推動PFI還有一個主要原因,因為實施PFI可以不必將該資產負債入帳,因而可規避舉債上限的規定。因此就財政的議題上,我們關心的議題有二,首先是政府實施PFI融資方案替代傳統融資方案時,是否可降低政府舉債的需求。第二是政府實施PFI融資方案,是否較傳統融資方案,更能節省政府的財政支出,因而可將節省下來的資金投資在其他的公共建設。我們以財務模擬試算來分析,其結果顯示,當一筆固定數量的支出每年由傳統融資移轉到PFI融資時,那麼公部門淨借款將會隨著時間減少,不過其減少的幅度會逐年縮小,最後可能不會減少,除非有物價膨脹或政府支出成長發生。在使用PFI融資時,為符合公共投資法則,我們以租稅融通PFI費用,則實施PFI計畫對租稅需求的影響,可能一直增加 (例如私部門利率高於公部門利率時) 或一直降低 (例如民間有較大的效率節省或政府執行較無效率時)。
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Uma análise crítica sobre o value for money de um protótipo de linha de metrô em São Paulo tendo como referência as atuais PPP das linhas 4 e 6. / A critical analysis about the value for money of a metro line prototype in São Paulo acting as reference the current PPP lines 4 and 6.Ponchio, Caoní Farias 22 September 2016 (has links)
A modalidade de contratação via parceria público-privada (PPP) vem sendo cada vez mais utilizada no mundo todo. No Brasil, foi criada pela Lei nº 11.079 e vem crescendo impulsionada pelos megaeventos esportivos como a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e as Olimpíadas em 2016, especialmente na área de infraestrutura em mobilidade urbana. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo fazer uma avaliação por value for money (VfM) da contratação e mérito de um projeto de PPP em um protótipo de uma linha de metrô na cidade de São Paulo baseado na atual Linha 6-Laranja. Após a avaliação, também será verificado o mérito pela escolha de um projeto de PPP de um segundo protótipo similar a Linha 4-Amarela do metrô de São Paulo, o que possibilitará a análise de qual o maior VfM entre dois protótipos de PPP de linhas de metrô, com escopo e divisão de riscos distintos, sendo um similar à Linha 6-Laranja e outro similar à Linha 4-Amarela, permitindo verificar qual a opção de melhor eficiência e retorno exigido pelo ente privado em projetos dessa magnitude, além de identificar as principais dificuldades e propor recomendações e melhorias. A metodologia do estudo é baseada na construção de um modelo de estimativa de custo e receita de linha-protótipo na cidade de São Paulo, tendo como base projetos similares no Brasil e no exterior, fundamentação teórica especializada do setor bem como avaliação de aspectos jurídicos e econômico-financeiros. Dentre as conclusões, observou-se a existência de mérito pela escolha por projetos de PPP em futuras linhas de metrô e, em razão das dificuldades do setor público em tocar grandes obras, com a falta de investimento e expertise em planejamento, da necessidade de melhoria no regime de contratação, com a criação de câmaras especializadas para discutir a viabilidade e a adequada transferência dos riscos entre o ente privado e o Estado em projetos de PPP verificados por meio da comparação do VfM entre os dois protótipos propostos. / The contracting mode public-private partnership (PPP) has been increasingly used in the world, and in Brazil, created by Law No. 11,079, is growing driven by mega sporting events like the World Cup 2014 and the Olympics in 2016, especially in infrastructure of urban mobility area. This thesis aims to make a value for money analysis for a PPP model contracting and therefore the credit through the contractual mode (PPP) of a prototype subway line in the city of Sao Paulo based on current Line 6 - Orange. After such an evaluation, it will also be verified through another prototype like Line 4 - Yellow which will enable the analysis of the higher value for money between the two prototypes of PPP existing in São Paulo with different scopes, one based on subway Line 4 - Yellow and other as the Line 6 - Orange, allowing to check the returns required by private entity in projects of this magnitude, in addition to predict the main difficulties and make recommendations and improvements. The study methodology is based on building a model to estimates costs and revenues of a prototype subway line in Sao Paulo city through a PPP model, based on Brazilian and international similar projects, specialized literature of the sector as well the assessment of legal, economic and financial aspects. Among conclusions, it was found that, given the difficulties of the public sector in leading major projects, such as lack of investment and expertise in planning, there is need for improvement in the procurement regime, such as the creation of specialized chambers to discuss the feasibility and appropriate division of risks between the private entity and the State in PPP projects through the comparison of both prototypes value for money proposed.
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Uma análise crítica sobre o value for money de um protótipo de linha de metrô em São Paulo tendo como referência as atuais PPP das linhas 4 e 6. / A critical analysis about the value for money of a metro line prototype in São Paulo acting as reference the current PPP lines 4 and 6.Caoní Farias Ponchio 22 September 2016 (has links)
A modalidade de contratação via parceria público-privada (PPP) vem sendo cada vez mais utilizada no mundo todo. No Brasil, foi criada pela Lei nº 11.079 e vem crescendo impulsionada pelos megaeventos esportivos como a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e as Olimpíadas em 2016, especialmente na área de infraestrutura em mobilidade urbana. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo fazer uma avaliação por value for money (VfM) da contratação e mérito de um projeto de PPP em um protótipo de uma linha de metrô na cidade de São Paulo baseado na atual Linha 6-Laranja. Após a avaliação, também será verificado o mérito pela escolha de um projeto de PPP de um segundo protótipo similar a Linha 4-Amarela do metrô de São Paulo, o que possibilitará a análise de qual o maior VfM entre dois protótipos de PPP de linhas de metrô, com escopo e divisão de riscos distintos, sendo um similar à Linha 6-Laranja e outro similar à Linha 4-Amarela, permitindo verificar qual a opção de melhor eficiência e retorno exigido pelo ente privado em projetos dessa magnitude, além de identificar as principais dificuldades e propor recomendações e melhorias. A metodologia do estudo é baseada na construção de um modelo de estimativa de custo e receita de linha-protótipo na cidade de São Paulo, tendo como base projetos similares no Brasil e no exterior, fundamentação teórica especializada do setor bem como avaliação de aspectos jurídicos e econômico-financeiros. Dentre as conclusões, observou-se a existência de mérito pela escolha por projetos de PPP em futuras linhas de metrô e, em razão das dificuldades do setor público em tocar grandes obras, com a falta de investimento e expertise em planejamento, da necessidade de melhoria no regime de contratação, com a criação de câmaras especializadas para discutir a viabilidade e a adequada transferência dos riscos entre o ente privado e o Estado em projetos de PPP verificados por meio da comparação do VfM entre os dois protótipos propostos. / The contracting mode public-private partnership (PPP) has been increasingly used in the world, and in Brazil, created by Law No. 11,079, is growing driven by mega sporting events like the World Cup 2014 and the Olympics in 2016, especially in infrastructure of urban mobility area. This thesis aims to make a value for money analysis for a PPP model contracting and therefore the credit through the contractual mode (PPP) of a prototype subway line in the city of Sao Paulo based on current Line 6 - Orange. After such an evaluation, it will also be verified through another prototype like Line 4 - Yellow which will enable the analysis of the higher value for money between the two prototypes of PPP existing in São Paulo with different scopes, one based on subway Line 4 - Yellow and other as the Line 6 - Orange, allowing to check the returns required by private entity in projects of this magnitude, in addition to predict the main difficulties and make recommendations and improvements. The study methodology is based on building a model to estimates costs and revenues of a prototype subway line in Sao Paulo city through a PPP model, based on Brazilian and international similar projects, specialized literature of the sector as well the assessment of legal, economic and financial aspects. Among conclusions, it was found that, given the difficulties of the public sector in leading major projects, such as lack of investment and expertise in planning, there is need for improvement in the procurement regime, such as the creation of specialized chambers to discuss the feasibility and appropriate division of risks between the private entity and the State in PPP projects through the comparison of both prototypes value for money proposed.
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污水下水道自辦乎?促參乎?陳威利, Chen,Wei Li Unknown Date (has links)
自2003年推動污水下水道第三期建設計畫起,我國為快速提升用戶接管率,引進民間參與辦理污水下水道建設。促參模式在經費預算面及組織人力面較政府自辦模式具有相對優勢,惟站在長遠國家污水下水道建設計畫考量,應參考國外PFI模式建立「公帑節省價值」 (Value for Money, VfM) 評估相關機制,評估促參模式具有VfM時方得採用。
VfM來源由「政府自辦與PFI基礎成本現值之差額」、「風險調整」、「彈性溢價調整」及「稅收差異調整」四項目所構成,本研究以羅東污水下水道BOT案為案例進行VfM評估,試算結果:(一) 單獨看本案基礎成本,促參PFI模式高於政府自辦5.7億餘元。 (二) 本案VfM值約10.7億餘元,即政府可節省10.7億餘元,顯示以促參模式辦理羅東污水下水道建設具有VfM及可行性。
現行規劃之民間參與污水下水道計畫以BOT ( Building, Operation, and Transfer)模式為主,然污水下水道實乃屬於低自償性之建設,且地方政府污水處理費率未修法之前,污水處理費幾乎由政府全額負擔,本質上較接近「民間融資創建」 (Private Finance Initiative, PFI ) 模式。PFI模式相當強調VfM評估,當專案具有VfM價值時方有採行PFI模式之必要。我國可參考國外VfM之評估機制建立相關規定,以確保未來引進民間參與污水下水道建設可達成效率之提高與成本之節省。
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A review of the impact of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice on the case for procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via P3sJatto, Lucky Bryce Junior 02 September 2011 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the advantages of procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via Public-Private Partnerships (P3s or PPPs) – cost and time savings and; innovation and high levels of efficiency – accounting for these advantages by reference to the underlying legal provisions and principles that facilitate them; and in this process highlights two significant directions in which Canadian P3 law, policy and practice has evolved – the enactment of P3 legislation and/or the formulation of non-statutory P3-related policy; as well as the establishment of legal institutions that promote and/or facilitate P3 procurements. The dissertation also addresses key arguments raised against P3s, by reference to aspects of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice. The research methodology comprises a detailed review of legal and non-legal sources. The implication of the research findings is that, given the foregoing developments in Canadian P3 law, policy and practice, the key arguments canvassed against P3s are overstated and lacking in merit.
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A review of the impact of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice on the case for procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via P3sJatto, Lucky Bryce Jr 02 September 2011 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the advantages of procuring capital-intensive infrastructure services via Public-Private Partnerships (P3s or PPPs) – cost and time savings and; innovation and high levels of efficiency – accounting for these advantages by reference to the underlying legal provisions and principles that facilitate them; and in this process highlights two significant directions in which Canadian P3 law, policy and practice has evolved – the enactment of P3 legislation and/or the formulation of non-statutory P3-related policy; as well as the establishment of legal institutions that promote and/or facilitate P3 procurements. The dissertation also addresses key arguments raised against P3s, by reference to aspects of Canadian law, policy and P3 practice. The research methodology comprises a detailed review of legal and non-legal sources. The implication of the research findings is that, given the foregoing developments in Canadian P3 law, policy and practice, the key arguments canvassed against P3s are overstated and lacking in merit.
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