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ŽENY LITERÁRNÍCH SALONŮ: MARIE ANNA ZE SCHWARZENBERGU A MADAME DE STAËL / The Women of literature salons: Madame de Stäel and Maria Anna von Schwarzenberg.TAUCHMANOVÁ, Monika January 2012 (has links)
In Paris, in 1766 was born one of the most famous saloniérs at the turn of the 18. century Anne-Luise-Germaine de Necker later known as Madame de Staël. Only one year later came Marie Anna von Hohenfeld to life, later married to Schwarzenberg noble family, who was one of the important organizers of literature salons in Vienna.What influence had the interest on French milieu on Anna Maria and what influence had on the contrary the travels through Germany on Madame de Staël? What was common for these two women and what was different? What were their views about education, politics, culture and how they lived their religion?This diploma thesis is an attempt to unconventional images these two women, their salons, culture influences and above all motivations for organizing social life.The thesis results from yet not processed sources to Maria Anna as well as from published studies to Madame de Staël and salons as well. The thesis will certainly not to repeat what was written previously and to outline still missing comparison of mental worlds of both noblewomen.
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ZÁSOBOVÁNÍ SCHWARZENBERSKÉ DOMÁCNOSTI VE DRUHÉ POLOVINĚ 17. STOLETÍ / The supplying of Schwarzenberg households in the second half of the 17th centurySTOLIČKA, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
The thesis consists of several parts discussing the issue of the supplying of aristocratic homes in the Baroque period. Everything was done on the example of the Schwarzenberg households between the years 1656 and 1683, during the reign of Jan Adolf I. of Schwarzenberg. The first part involves the organization of the servants in his household. The second part deals with looking at the residence of his wife Marie Justine from Schwarzenberg, born in Starhemberg, Prague, around 1658. On the basis of their personal accounts, the authors presented this reconstruction supplying her household in Prague and a wider analysis of potential internal view of the expenditures in the category of alms. The following chapter deals with food supplies for Jan Adolf I's wife's household at Trebon. The last part relates to the analysis of transport of food to Schwarzenberg households in Vienna in the third quarter of the 17th century, part of which is closer to the probe focused on local supply and consumption of alcohol.
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Opereta Polská krev Oskara Nedbala v dobovém kontextu / Operetta "Polská krev" by Oskar Nedbal in Historical ContextPetrdlík, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
Oskar Nedbal patří mezi nejvýznamnější české hudební osobnosti konce 19. a počátku 20. století. Jeho přínos lze spatřovat nejen v oblasti interpretačního umění a hudebně organizačního úsilí, ale rovněž na poli skladatelském, především díky operetě Polská krev (Polenblut). Disertační práce se kromě nezbytného přehledu pramenů a literatury a nástinu života a díla Oskara Nedbala soustředí na otázku postavení operety Polská krev jak v rámci skladatelovy ostatní tvorby, tak i v širším kontextu vídeňské operety. Zároveň přináší doposud nepublikované informace o nedbalianech z depozitáře divadelního oddělení Národního muzea v Terezíně a ve světle průzkumu těchto pramenů se pokouší definovat základní atributy Nedbalova způsobu práce při kompozici operety Polská krev i dalších významných děl. Nedbalova vrcholná operetní tvorba je ukázkovým příkladem populární hudby vysoké umělecké úrovně, ve které se odráží skladatelův vysoce seriózní kompoziční přístup. Zejména opereta Polská krev dokumentuje Nedbalův záměr klást na tento žánr vyšší umělecký nárok, než jaký byl běžný zejména ve Vídni počátkem 20. století. Abstract: Oskar Nedbal is one of the most important Czech music personalities of the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th century. His contribution can be seen not only in the fields of interpretive art...
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Hermann Broch (1886-1951), penseur du dialogue et de l'altérité / Hermann Broch ( 1886-1951 ), thinker of dialogue and alterityGani, Djéhanne 29 November 2013 (has links)
Dans un contexte marqué par l’expérience de l’antisémitisme et du totalitarisme, Broch développe une anthropologie de la responsabilité qui dénonce l’individualisme et l’indifférence qui représente à la fois un danger pour l’humanité et pour la démocratie. Broch décrit la crise du monde moderne, mais au-delà de l’analyse, sa réflexion a avant tout une visée pratique. Il met en évidence les dangers et les folies ordinaires de l’humanité dans un monde dénué de sens, d’indifférence à l’autre et il propose une éthique de l’humanité dans laquelle le dialogue avec l’autre, comme avec soi, avec son passé, est la condition d’une conscience responsable. La responsabilité est au cœur de la conscience humaine et du vivre ensemble qui intègre l’autre. Broch prône, en effet, une politique de la responsabilité, tournée vers l’autre et vers l’avenir. L’autre de l’homme est en lui et conduit à un combat intérieur. Un comportement humain relève à la fois du « talent et devoir de l’homme » puisque l’altérité est le risque de l’humanité, la perte même de son humanité. L’autre de chaque homme constitue dès lors la possibilité de la perte de son humanité et de sa chute dans l’animalité – inscrite dans sa nature. Les notions de dialogue et d’altérité sont pluridimensionnelles : au croisement des questions littéraires, historiques, philosophiques, psychologiques, elles présentent l’ensemble de l’œuvre en articulant ses différents volets dans leur polysémie en échappant à une logique binaire, absente de l’œuvre de Broch pour éclairer le projet éthique et politique de l’auteur. / In a context marked by anti-semitism and totalitarianism, Broch develops an anthropology of responsibility that denounces individualism and indifference, both of which represent a danger for humanity and democracy. Broch depicts the crisis of the modern world. However, beyond analysis, his reflections have above all a practical aim. He reveals the common place dangers and follies of humanity in a world deprived of sense and of indifference to others. He proposes a code of ethics in which dialogue with others, as with oneself and one's past, is indispensable for a responsible conscience. Responsibility is at the heart of the human conscience and of the capacity to live together with others. Broch advocates, in fact, an active responsibility that is turned towards others and towards the future. Animal nature is embodied within oneself and leads an internal battle. Human behavior rises out of the “talents and duties of man” because alterity is the risk of humanity, that one could lose one's humanity. The sensitivity towards others, present in every man, therefore constitutes the possibility of losing one's humanity and of descending into animality. This is inscribed in the nature of man. The notions of dialogue and alterity are multidisciplinary : they are at the intersection of literary, historical, philosophical, and psychological questions. They present the whole work of Broch by articulating polysemously different aspects, escaping a binary logic and elucidating his moral and political project.
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An appraisal of the Institutional framework under the Kenyan proceeds of crime and Anti-Money laundering act, 2009Moroga, Denis wangwi January 2017 (has links)
Department of Criminal Justice and Procedure / Money laundering (ML) evolves in tandem with global technological advancement. This
phenomenon calls for multi-faceted responsive measures at national and international levels
to combat this nefarious crime.1 Today, combating ML requires co-operation among, inter
alia, financial intelligence units (FIUs), reporting institutions, law enforcement agencies, the
judiciary, as well as inter-state co-operation. In response to the ML threat, Kenya has adopted
comprehensive anti-money laundering (AML) laws, such as the Proceeds of Crime and Anti-
Money Laundering Act No. 9 of 2009 (POCAMLA) and the Prevention of Terrorism Act No. 30
of 2012. These, among other statutes, constitute the principal arsenal of the AML legal
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Construire sur le passé. Patrimoine culturel urbain et politiques de Développement : étude comparative sur le rôle des quartiers historiques dans les politiques de développement urbain de Vienne et de Budapest / Dwelling on the past. Built heritage and urban development policies : the role of historic city districts in the urban development policies of Vienna and Budapest – a comparative analysisRief-Vernay, Barbara 05 April 2014 (has links)
Les villes de l’Europe s’efforcent aujourd’hui plus que jamais de soigner et de mettre en exergue leur patrimoine bâti. Dans le sillage d’une réévaluation postmoderne de l’objet « vieille ville », elles redécouvrent leurs propres quartiers anciens, autrefois négligés, et les élèvent au rang de patrimoine culturel. Cette promotion ne se manifeste pas seulement par la réhabilitation et par la mise en scène du bâti ancien, mais aussi par son intégration dans les stratégies de développement urbain. Dans le contexte international, et en particulier dans le cadre de la compétition urbaine, les villes se définissent de plus en plus à travers leur potentiel culturel tout en faisant référence à leurs origines historiques et leurs quartiers anciens. En effet, les quartiers anciens sont devenus les vitrines des villes, ils sont considérés comme des vecteurs majeurs d’identité et d’image. C’est en vertu de ces qualités qu’ils sont considérés comme étant aptes à attirer des touristes, des investissements, de la main d’œuvre qualifiée, etc.Cette étude a pour objectif de mettre en évidence le rôle du patrimoine urbain dans les stratégies de développement économique et urbain de Vienne et de Budapest, deux métropoles centre-européennes disposant l’une et l’autre de vastes quartiers historiques. L’analyse a été conduite sous l’aune de deux postulats, le premier étant que le patrimoine urbain est une construction intellectuelle du présent qui répond à des besoins actuels, le deuxième reposant sur le fait que le patrimoine urbain est fonctionnalisé en tant que ressource pour le développement économique et urbain dans le cadre des politiques urbaines postfordistes. / More than ever, European metropolises are concerned about their built heritage, its rehabilitation and staging. With the recent postmodern reassessment of the object “old town”, cities are rediscovering their own historic districts, formerly neglected, and are elevating them into a cultural heritage rank. Such promotion does not only appear in the guise of reconstruction of old building stock and its presentation but also by integrating built heritage into marketing and urban development strategies. In an international context, and particularly in light of competition amongst cities, they are increasingly defining themselves through their cultural potential by referring to their origins, their traditions and their built heritage. In essence, old quarters have become showcases of their cities, making them major coordinates of identity and image. It is due to these qualities that they are considered suitable to attract tourists, investments, qualified workforce etc.This study aims at examining the utilisation of urban heritage in the urban development strategies of Vienna and Budapest, two Central European metropolises, both of which boast a vast urban heritage. The study is based on two underlying hypotheses: Firstly, the urban cultural heritage is an intellectual construct of the present, which responds to current needs of society. Secondly, urban heritage can be functionalised as a resource for economic and urban development in postfordist urban policies.
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Apocalipse alegre: configurações do indivíduo moderno em Leutnant Gustl. / Joyful apocalypse: modern individual settings in Leutnant GustlLorena Andrea Garcia Pereira Vicini 15 June 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar a novela Leutnant Gustl (1900), de Arthur Schnitzler. A obra, o primeiro monólogo interior em língua alemã, foi escrita no fin-de-siècle em Viena, período conhecido por sua alta produtividade intelectual e artística. Como consequência de uma política mesclada entre a monarquia e burguesia, a regência da cidade era caracterizada por um hibridismo de valores, a priori, paradoxos. Esse composto heterogêneo se reflete na sociedade e na classe artística, resultando em uma produção na qual elementos modernos e pré-modernos díspares convivem. Nesse sentido, sempre considerando o objeto como ponto de partida da análise, será observado em que medida a novela representa a pré-modernidade, com traços como a defesa da honra e a prática do duelo, e outros tipicamente modernos, como a ascensão do lazer, o consumo massificado e a valorização do individualismo. É nesse cenário que examinaremos o tenente Gustl, personagem-narrador, por muitos teóricos considerado um tipo representante do indivíduo da sociedade vienense daquela época. Tomando sua personalidade e sua trajetória como eixo norteador desse estudo, tentaremos mostrar em que medida ele se configura como um indivíduo moderno, apesar de sustentar, externamente, uma fachada de valores prémodernos, os quais, por meio do monólogo interior, o leitor sabe não se tratar nada além de uma imagem. Assim, tomando Gustl como um representante de seu tempo, contraditório e zeloso das falsas aparências, será investigada a sua inserção como indivíduo no seu tempo. / This dissertation aims to analyze the novel Leutnant Gustl (1900), by Arthur Schnitzler. The novel, the first to employ the \"stream-of-consciousness\" technique in German, was written in fin-de-siècle Vienna, a period known for its high intellectual and artistic productivity. Owing to a merged policy between the monarchy and the bourgeoisie, the citys government was characterized by a hybridization of values, paradoxical a priori. This heterogeneous compound is reflected in society and the artistic community, resulting in a production in which modern and pre-modern different elements coexist. Thereby, always considering the object as a starting point of analysis, there will be seen to what extent the novel represents the premodern with traits like the defense of honor and the practice of dueling , and other typically modern, as the rise of leisure, the massive consumption and the awareness of individualism. It is in this background that we examine the lieutenant Gustl, character and narrator, by many experts considered a representative of the individual type of Viennese society at the time. Taking his personality and his career as a core line, this study attempts to show the extent to which he is configured as a modern individual, in spite of sustaining, externally, an artificial appearance of pre-modern values, which, through interior monologue, the reader knows it is nothing but a façade. Hence, taking Gustl as a representative of his time, contradictory and earnest of false appearances, it will be investigated his inclusion as an individual in his time.
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Tvorba architekta Jakoba Gartnera na území Rakouska-Uherska / Work of architect Jakob Gartner in the territory of Austria-HungaryHalusková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
(in English): The subject of this thesis is the work of a Jewish architect Jakob Gartner (1860 - 1921) in the fields of sacral and mundane architecture. The paper is limited to structures build on the territory of Austria-Hungary. The beginning of the thesis is dedicated to the emerging emancipation of Jews and their influence on the whole society. Right after is the introduction to the theoretical discussion about the style and form, which were preceding the newly created architecture. After this introduction, the paper is pursuing the person of the architect Jakob Gartner himself. The key part of the thesis presents constructed and only planned synagogues across the countries. In the end the focus dedicated to constructed, mostly Viennese, mundane buildings and constructions like a maternity hospital, villa and a larger number of apartment buildings. The final part of the paper is a complete list of the work of Jakob Gartner, which includes as well the buildings built in the regions of Moravia and Silesia.
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Taxing recurrent services rendered by a foreign company to an associated enterprise in South AfricaCosta, David Patrick Anthony January 2013 (has links)
The objective of the study was to investigate the right of the South African Government to tax the income earned by a foreign company when rendering services in South Africa to a South African associated enterprise on a recurrent basis, together with the right to tax the amounts paid to the employees of the permanent establishment for services rendered in South Africa. At the same time the research investigated whether the services rendered by a foreign company to an associated enterprise in South Africa on a recurrent basis would constitute a permanent establishment, as this is essential before South Africa may tax either the foreign company or the employees of the permanent establishment (where such employees are not resident in South Africa).The research was conducted by means of a critical analysis of documentary data and data from a limited number of interviews with academics and the authors of textbooks and articles. In order to limit the scope of the research, a number of assumptions were made. Conflicting viewpoints underlying certain of these assumptions were discussed. Some of the important conclusions reached are that the provisions of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties should be taken into account when interpreting South African legislation (including Double Tax Agreements), and that the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Commentary may be relied upon when interpreting OECD based Double Tax Agreements in South Africa. No conclusion was reached on whether to apply an ambulatory or a static basis of interpreting the OECD Commentary, however. The final conclusion of the research is that the services rendered in South Africa on a recurrent basis would be geographically and commercially coherent and consequently meet the "location test'. It is clear that as the services are rendered regularly and recurrently, they would be regarded as having the necessary permanence and would meet the 'duration test'. The place of business would therefore be regarded as being fixed (having the necessary degree of permanence). As the services would be rendered at the place of business of the South African entity, they would be regarded as being rendered 'through' the place of business and the foreign entity would be regarded as having a permanent establishment in South Africa (as defined in Article 5(1) of the OECD Model Tax Convention}. The South African Government would therefore be entitled to tax the income attributable to the permanent establishment and the income earned by the non resident employees, who rendered services in South Africa for the permanent establishment. Once the entitlement to tax exists, South African legislative rules determine how South Africa proceeds to tax the income.
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Active converter based on the VIENNA rectifier topology interfacing a three-phase generator to a DC-busVisser, Jacobus Hendrik 25 October 2007 (has links)
AC-DC converters find application in every day life as a front-end to DC-DC and DC-AC converters. Active three-phase converters shape the three-phase input current to be sinusoidal and to be in-phase with the input voltage, as well as to provide a steady DC output voltage. This thesis investigates various active three-phase rectifier and control topologies and identifies a rectifier and control topology most suitable for use in converting a variable voltage variable frequency generator output to a DC voltage. In this dissertation, design relations are derived for determining the plant transfer response (for the suitable topology/controller), design equations are derived for designing/choosing the filter components, and guidelines are derived that will assist in choosing the right semi-conductor components and to give an estimation of expected system efficiency. The dissertation investigates the implementation of both analogue and digital control and provides implementation methodologies for both controllers. Expected results are verified by simulation and a build-up prototype. It was shown that the VIENNA rectifier is able to convert a generator type input, with variable input voltage amplitude and variable frequency, to a constant DC-bus voltage whilst controlling the input current to be sinusoidal and in phase with the input voltage. The rectifier was able to maintain a constant DC voltage at the output for input voltages as low as half the rated input voltage and for an equivalent output power of half the rated output power. This suggests that the VIENNA rectifier, controlled as a dual-boost rectifier, is suitable for applications that require power factor corrections and simultaneously operate from a wide input voltage range. / Dissertation (MEng (Electrical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / MEng / unrestricted
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