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Bendruomenės centro vaidmuo plėtojant socialines paslaugas kaimo bendruomenėje / The role of Community centre while expanding social services in a village commune / Die Rolle des Gemeindezentrums bei der Entwicklung von sozialen Dienstleistungen in der ländlichen GemeindeJakštienė, Renata 13 January 2009 (has links)
Kaimo ir nedidelių miestelių inteligentai, pamatę, kad per penkiolika metų politinė šalies valdžia neišsprendė jokios jų problemos, suskato veikti. Per dvejus metus susikūrė arti pusantro tūkstančio bendruomenių centrų ir vietos veiklos grupių.
Kaimo bendruomenių centrai yra aktyviausiai besisteigiančios visuomeninės organizacijos.Bendruomenės centrai kuriasi tam, kad suartintų skirtingas socialines grupes ir pagerintų bendruomenės gyvenimo sąlygas. Bendruomenės centras yra ta institucija, kuri gali apjungti vietinį ir globalinį visuomenės vystymosi ir tobulėjimo aspektus. Bendruomenės vienybė slypi įvairovėje, jos metodai yra labiau dvasiniai nei materialiniai, ji labiau stengiasi įsigilinti negu pakeisti, ir labiau pasitiki bičiuliškais ryšiais tarp draugų nei tarp organizacijų. Lietuvoje bendruomenių darbo patirtis dar nedidelė, jos pradėjo kurtis tik prieš dešimtmetį. Šiuo metu Lietuvoje yra susikūrę per tūkstantį bendruomenių centrų.
Teritorinės bendruomenės filosofija yra grindžiama nuostata, kad jos nariai patys gali ir privalo iškelti bendruomenės problemas, išskirti prioritetus, panaudoti turimus išteklius savo pačių problemoms spręsti. Kita vertus, bendruomenę galima analizuoti kaip mikrosociumą – artimiausią žmogui erdvę ir socialinę aplinką, betarpiškai veikiančią jo vystymąsi.
Todėl tyrimo objektu pasirinkau bendruomenės centro vaidmenį kaimo bendruomenėje.
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti bendruomenės centro vaidmenį kaimo bendruomenėje plėtojant socialines... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of the study is to determine the role of Community centre while expanding social services in a village commune. / Die Intelligenz auf dem Lande und in kleinen Städten hat gesehen, dass die politische Macht in den letzten fünfzehn Jahren nichts für ihre Probleme gemacht hat, und begann zu handeln. Innerhalb von zwei Jahren wurden anderthalbtausend Gemeindezentren und die lokalen Aktionsgruppen gegründet.
Ländliche Gemeindezentren sind gesellschaftliche Organisationen, die sehr aktiv gegründet wurden. Die Gemeindezentren wurden gegründet, um die verschiedenen sozialen Gruppen anzunahern und um die Lebensbedingungen der Gemeinden zu verbessern. Ein Gemeindezentrum ist eine Institution, die lokale und globale Aspekte der Gesellschaftentwicklung und -vervoll- kommen verbindet. Die Einheit der Gemeinde liegt in der Vielfalt, ihre Methoden sind mehr geistlich als materiell, sie versucht sich mehr zu vertiefen als etwas zu ändern und vertraut den freundschatftlichen Beziehung zwischen den Freunden mehr als zwischen den Organisationen. Die Arbeitserfahrung der Gemeinden in Litauen ist nicht gross, die ersten Gemeinden wurden erst vor zehn Jahren gegründet. Zur Zeit gibt es in Litauen mehr als tausend Gemeindezentren.
Die Philosophie der Gemeinde basiert auf der Überzeugung, dass die Gemeindemitglieder selbst die Probleme erheben, Prioritäte setzen, die verfügbaren Ressource für die Lösung ihrer eigenen Probleme ausnutzen können und müssen. Andererseits kann man die Gemeinde als ein Microsozium zu analysieren, das heisst als ein sozialer Umfeld, der sehr nah an einen Menschen ist und... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]
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Nusikalstamumas Kretingos rajono kaimuose / Criminality in the villages of Kretinga‘s districtTautkevičienė, Laura 03 July 2012 (has links)
Šio baigiamojo darbo tema „Nusikalstamumas Kretingos rajono kaimuose“. Nusikalstamumas yra socialinių pokyčių ir socialinio gyvenimo dalis. Jis laikomas normaliu reiškiniu, kuris egzistuoja kiekvienoje visuomenėje. Tirti nusikalstamumą yra būtina, kadangi nusikalstamumo masto žinojimas leidžia taikyti efektyvią prevenciją.
Šio tyrimo tikslas- nusikalstamumo Kretingos rajono kaimuose analizė 2006- 2010 m. Tyrimo objektas- nusikalstamumas Lietuvoje. Darbo tikslui pasiekti buvo išsikelti šie uždaviniai: atskleisti nusikalstamumo sampratą, išanalizuoti socialinius nusikalstamumo faktorius, ištirti registruoto nusikalstamumo kiekybinius ir kokybinius rodiklius Kretingos rajono kaimuose, ištirti nusikalstamų veikų pasiskirstymą pagal objektą, pateikti užregistruotų įtariamų (kaltinamų) asmenų kriminologinę charakteristiką, aptarti nusikalstamumo Kretingos rajone priežastis ir prevenciją.
Nusikalstamumas laikomas pavojingu visuomenei procesu, kuris pasireiškia konkrečioje teritorijoje tam tikru laiku. Nusikalstamumą lemia daugybė faktorių. 2006- 2010 m. nusikalstamumas Kretingos rajono kaimuose augo. Labiausiai paplitusios buvo turtinio pobūdžio nusikalstamos veikos. Absoliuti dauguma tarp visų įtariamų (kaltinamų) asmenų buvo vyrai, nedirbantys ir niekur nesimokantys piliečiai. Nusikalstamumas Kretingos rajono kaimuose atitiko Lietuvos nusikalstamumo tendencijas.
Darbe panaudoti šie teoriniai ir empiriniai tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros, straipsnių bei dokumentų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The theme of this Master thesis is „Criminality in the villages of Kretinga‘s district“. Criminality is a part of social changes and social life. It is considered to be normal phenomenon, which exists in every society. It is necessary to research the criminality, as criminality amount knowing let apply effective prevention.
The goal of the research- is to explore and give the analysis of criminal activity in Kretinga district villages 2006- 2010 year. The object of Master thesis- criminal activity in Lithuania. The following tasks were set in order to achieve the objective of the thesis: to define the conception of crime, to research the social factors of crime, to analyze quantitative and qualitative data on crime registred in 2006- 2010 year in villages of Kretinga‘s district, to analyze criminal acts by object, to make suspected (indictable) criminological characteristics, to identity reasons and prevention of criminality in Kretinga district.
Criminality is considered to be dangerous process for society, which occurs in particular territory and time. Criminality determines many factors. Criminality grew in Kretinga district villages in 2006-2010 year. The most common were criminal actions related with asset. Absolute majority of all suspected (indictable) persons were men, unemployed and nowhere studying citizens. Criminality in Kretinga district corresponded criminality tendencies in Lithuania.
There were used this teorical and empirical methods in the present thesis:... [to full text]
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Lifelong learning : The social impact of digital villages as community resource centres on disadvantaged womenHallberg, David January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this research was to enhance the understanding of what affects the social impact of ICT in lifelong learning on disadvantaged women. In contributing to the field of social informatics, this research employs behavioural theories as strategy and analytic possibilities. This research mainly used the Kenyan digital villages as CRCs as settings but did also look beyond such establishments to provide a more solid picture. The studies were located in Kenya with complementary studies in Bolivia, Cameroon, Sri Lanka, and Sweden. The main strategies and methods used were case study, comparative education approaches, and observations and interviewing techniques. The findings suggest that ICT and CRCs have the potential to support disadvantaged women and their lifelong learning. However, the positive social impacts are limited because the arrangement of them generally does not favour vernacular languages, illiterate users, female owners and users, or non-students. In general, the use of ICT was sometimes perceived as forced, which is both a barrier and a stressor in the use of ICT in lifelong learning. It also emerged from the comparative studies that discussions among the participants in the CRCs largely covered issues in respect to 1) family and reproduction and 2) self-esteem, i.e. what settles the matter of the social impact of ICT in lifelong learning depends on change attitude among men and women. With minimal if not zero self-esteem a change that would make the difference or break a woman’s “legendary status quo” in order for a woman to feel that she can reach her goal or ambitions in lifelong learning would be difficult. Hence the lack of self-esteem is a stressor in itself. This research is valuable for stakeholders delving into issues of development and learning using ICTs, not only in Kenya but in a broader, global perspective. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 6: Submitted.</p>
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Les ceràmiques de producció ibèrica de Sant Julià de Ramis: el poblat i els camps de sitgesSagrera i Aradilla, Jordi 28 February 2002 (has links)
The paper analyzes the Iberian ceramics from Sant Julià de Ramis (Girona). The scope of research includes the village itself and other archaeological sites as areas of the Bosc del Congosts silos and Escalers. The research draws several archaeological material dug up in the Iberian site and made in the fields of silos. / El treball analitza ceramiques procedents del poblat ibèric de Sant Julià de Ramis (Girona). L'abast de la recerca comprèn el mateix poblat i altres jaciments arqueològics com els camps de sitges del Bosc del Congost i els dels Escalers. La recerca es nodreix de material exhumat en diverses intervencions arqueològiques fetes en el poblat ibèric i en els camps de sitges.
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The impact of Tanzania's new land laws on the customary land rights of pastoralists : a case study of the Simanjiro and Bariadi districts /Gastorn, Kennedy. January 1900 (has links)
Oorspr. proefschrift Bayreuth, 2007. / Bibliogr.: p. 251-268. Met lit. opg.
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Os sentidos da educaçao escolar na metafora do desenvolvimento sustentavel do sertao semi-arido : o caso do povoado do Sao Bento /Da Silva Martins, Josemar, January 2003 (has links)
Thèse (M.Ed.) -- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2002. / Bibliogr.: f. [160]-169. Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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Mai Weini, a highland village in Eritrea a study of the people, their livelihood, and land tenure during times of turbulence /Tronvoll, Kjetil. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Oslo, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [291]-304) and index.
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Rurální turismus - případová studie obce Holubov / Rural tourism - case study of Holubov villageHOLÝ, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
This Bachelor Theses compare the wievw and expectations of local residents with tourists, including evaluation of the impal of tourism on nature. In the theoretical part are define terms related to tourism and impal on nature. Practical part also contains a description of the selected lokality Holubov village, in Southbohemian region. The practical part compares the data obtained from survey in 2013 and 2015. In this survey were research opinions and attitudes of residents and tourists.
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Návrh pozemkové úpravy na zvoleném katastrálním území / Projection of land consolidation for selected cadastral localityBRAŠNIČKA, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is to describe possible land consolidation in the cadastral area of Dřiteň. The emphasis has been put on the steps enabling a proper access to the property, then the steps to avoid erosion, the steps to create and preserve natural environment as well as the water management in the area. In addition, this thesis deals with the record of the rights and it proposes a new organizational design of the property for its owners. The outcome of this thesis is presented both in written and in graphic form. The data has been processed by the ArcGIS programme.
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Mapování prvků lidové architektury ve vybrané lokalitě / Mapping of folk architecture elements in the selected locationJORDÁNOVÁ, Jana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis concerns folk architecture and it is separated into two parts. The point of the theoretical part is a summary of folk architecture in the Czech Republic area and basic terms demarcation regarding this issue. The practical part deals particularly with description and documentation of identified objects of folk architecture in the chosen area, especially in the village called Záboří.
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