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Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) Scarcity and Zooarchaeological Data Quality in Northwest Coast Archaeological SitesNims, Reno 29 April 2016 (has links)
Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) is a scarcely represented species in Northwest Coast archaeology, but its remains are abundant at Tse-whit-zen, a large, Lower Elwha Klallam village in modern Port Angeles, WA that was occupied over the past 2,800 years. Because sablefish flesh has high nutritional value and it can be easily captured from nearshore waters in its juvenile form, sablefish should have been pursued where it was available. Therefore, the scarcity of sablefish in many Northwest Coast archaeological sites could indicate this species was not abundant in past fisheries. However, current zooarchaeological reports do not contain sufficient information on taphonomic histories, sampling, or zooarchaeological methods to determine whether patterns of sablefish scarcity could actually explained by differential destruction of sablefish remains, sample size effects, screen size effects, or misidentification.
In this thesis, I examine how each of these factors may have affected the abundance of sablefish remains in Northwest coast archaeological sites. I evaluate four hypotheses that attribute sablefish representation to zooarchaeological identification methods, screen size, sample size, and post-depositional destruction of fishbone. While I do not explicitly test whether social and ecological factors affect sablefish abundance, sociocultural and environmental variation can be considered likely explanations for the observed patterns of sablefish representation if the other hypotheses are rejected. I test my hypotheses using three scales of archaeological records. First, I reanalyzed six previously analyzed Salish Sea assemblages to assess whether criteria for sablefish identification exist, are valid, and have been applied consistently. Second, I synthesized fishbone data from 35 previously analyzed Northwest Coast assemblages to evaluate the effects of screen size, sample size, and post-depositional destruction on sablefish representation. Finally, I integrate previously unreported fishbone data from the analysis of Tse-whit-zen into the synthesis of previous studies. The Tse-whit-zen materials I report on here represent six discrete time periods in the 1,800-year history of one large area of the site, which encompasses part of a plankhouse, providing a unique opportunity to examine the effects of screening, sample size, and post-depositional destruction at an extremely fine scale. I also use data from the reanalysis of a portion of the Tse-whit-zen fishbone to verify the consistency of sablefish identification for this site.
I reject all four hypotheses and conclude that the uneven distribution of sablefish is likely a true reflection of ecological factors, human decision-making, or both factors. Whether sablefish scarcity is related to distributions of sablefish in past environments, or whether humans chose not to pursue sablefish is not known from the current study. Connecting sablefish capture to specific seasons with body-size regression methods may reveal associations between sablefish acquisition and other seasonal fisheries and activities, and help evaluate whether they conflicted with sablefish procurement in some contexts.
Although zooarchaeological identification and reporting methods do not appear to account for sablefish scarcity, zooarchaeologists need to include more information about their methods so that the validity of inter-assemblage comparisons can be assessed. Zooarchaeologists maximize the value of their contributions to anthropology, biological sciences, and human ecodynamics when they explicitly report the methods they use to identify animal remains. By reporting the methodological and analytic procedures they used in detail, zooarchaeologists enhance the reader's confidence in their conclusions and provide future researchers with the information that is required to replicate their results. Which elements were recorded, and the criteria that were used to make taxonomic attributions, fundamentally affect the primary faunal data that researchers use. This study is part of a growing interest among zooarchaeologists in data quality assurance and quality control, which constitute a critical part of every large-scale comparative analysis.
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Gravfält och byar - En komparativ undersökning av sex gravfält från Värend / Gravefields and villages - A comparative analysis of sex gravefields from VärendRexhepi, Albion January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Gravfält och byar - En komparativ undersökning av sex gravfält från Värend. Gravefields and villages - A comparative analysis of sex gravefields from Värend. Abstract The basis that this study stands on, is that iron age-gravfields represents nearby village communities. The purpose of this study was to investigate if six gravefields within the old folkland Värend represent different villages, or does the six representative gravefield-villages only show dissimilarity in social differences that occurred within the villages? A comparative method analysis was used in this study, to help examine comparisons of the different grave types within the gravefields and the social phenomena that they reflect. To help the method further, old maps of the gravefields were used and field observations were made, to get a better picture in how the different grave types were placed and arranged within the gravefields and landscape. The results show that these six gravefields probably represents their own nearby villages, and many of the graves that occur within the different gravefields, are alike to each other, which show that these supposed representative gravefield-villages had similar grave traditions. / Sammanfattning Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka sex gravfält från det gamla folklandet Värend, varav de sex gravfälten ligger idag inom Växjö kommun. Gravfälten som undersöktes var Lilla Fjäll-gravfältet (Växjö RAÄ 111:1), Ingelstad-gravfältet (Östra Torsås RAÄ 1:1), Telestad-gravfältet (Växjö RAÄ 12:1), Skir-gravfältet (Växjö RAÄ 19–20:1), Orraryd-gravfältet (Nöbbele RAÄ 3:1) och Västenhaga-gravfältet (Bergunda RAÄ 25:1). Denna studie fokuserade sig på att undersöka de olika gravtyper som förekommer inom de sex gravfälten. Detta gjordes för att kunna hitta spår av hur de olika gravfältens representativa by-samhällena kan ha återspeglats. Detta gjordes genom att identifiera skillnader mellan respektive gravfält och därefter diskutera vad skillnaderna kan representera. Jag ville veta om det handlar om olikheter mellan sex skilda byar som begravt sina döda eller beror olikheten på sociala skillnader inom byarna? Resultatet visade på att det förekommer ett varierande och komplext gravstruktur där vissa av gravarna kan ha representerat olika gårdar inom byarna, medan vissa av gravarna representerades som högstatusgravar och religiösa/rituella gravar. De olika gravfälten visade även på att de representerade egna närbelägna byar.
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A id?ia de vida em comunidade - a apropria??o contempor?nea do conceito de vila: estudo de caso no munic?pio de CampinasGrieco, Jos? Luiz Rog? Ferreira 16 February 2011 (has links)
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Jose Luiz Roge Ferreira Grieco 1-34.pdf: 9378074 bytes, checksum: a540c8c997b1230281091e2b2641a24c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-02-16 / This work proposes study of a new housing typology that in recent years has been recurring in major urban centres both in tissue dispersed as the already consolidated. The typology of Vila, which besides presenting a density greater than the legally permitted in the area in which fall outside these enclaves is grounded by a set of meanings that understand behavioral and marketing spheres. This way the work turns to this phenomenon contemporary assuming understanding historiographical about the beginnings of the design of the ideal of community life, with the utopian Socialists, romantic, the experiences of communities in Europe, North America, trying to understand how this thought was settling in time and space, including as well some cases occurring in Brazil as well as the deployment of the first towns workers at the beginning of the 20th century in the city of Campinas, scenario selected case studies. Continuing the contextualization of the object of study in a second time, propose to the understanding of the process of urbanization and urban fabric configuration of Brazilian contemporary urban centres considering issues such as: the origins of dwellings workers in Brazil, the relationship between Brazil and the rural Urban Brazil, Brazil's role in international economic dynamics and their reflections in spatial conformation of our cities, the establishment of a spatiality where we no longer know what is urban and rural. Also becomes important to the understanding of social dynamics in major urban centres or security issues considering the feeling of lack thereof, of freedom, mobility and forms of consumption, seeking to understand the roots of behavior of contemporary society. Appropriating these references but also issues of market capitalization and constructive legislation relevant to the theme, of systematic marketing that involves sales of ventures was established to study some type VILLAGE condominiums deployed in a particular area of the city of Campinas: the axis of the highway Dom Pedro I from the ring road Mayor clover Magalh?es Teixeira until access to Highway Anhanguera. / Este trabalho prop?e o estudo de uma nova tipologia habitacional que nos ?ltimos anos vem sendo recorrente nos grandes centros urbanos tanto no tecido disperso como no j? consolidado. A tipologia de vila, que alem de apresentar um adensamento maior do que o permitido legalmente na ?rea na qual se inserem estes enclaves ? embasado por um conjunto de significados que compreendem esferas comportamentais e mercadol?gicas. Deste modo o trabalho volta-se para este fen?meno contempor?neo partindo do entendimento historiogr?fico sobre os prim?rdios da concep??o do ideal de vida em comunidade, com os ut?picos socialistas, rom?nticos, as experi?ncias de comunidades na Europa, America do Norte, procurando compreender como este pensamento foi se estabelecendo no tempo e no espa?o, incluindo assim alguns casos ocorridos no Brasil como tamb?m a implanta??o das primeiras vilas oper?rias no come?o do s?culo XX na cidade de Campinas, cen?rio dos estudos de caso selecionados. Dando continuidade a contextualiza??o do objeto de estudo, num segundo momento, propor-se o entendimento do processo de urbaniza??o e configura??o do tecido urbano contempor?neo dos centros urbanos brasileiros considerando quest?es como: as origens das habita??es oper?rias no Brasil, a rela??o entre o Brasil Urbano e o Brasil rural, o papel do Brasil na din?mica econ?mica internacional e seus respectivos reflexos na conforma??o espacial de nossas cidades, o estabelecimento de uma espacialidade onde j? n?o se sabe o que ? urbano e o que ? rural. Tamb?m se torna importante a compreens?o da din?mica social nos grandes centros urbanos considerando quest?es de seguran?a ou a sensa??o de falta dela, de liberdade, mobilidade e formas de consumo, ou seja, procurar entender as ra?zes do comportamento da sociedade contempor?nea. Se apropriando destas referencias como tamb?m de quest?es do mercado de incorpora??o e construtivo, da legisla??o pertinente ao tema, da sistem?tica do marketing que envolve a vendas dos empreendimentos foi estabelecido o estudo de alguns condom?nios do tipo VILA implantados em uma determinada ?rea da cidade de Campinas: o eixo da Rodovia Dom Pedro I compreendido entre o trevo do anel vi?rio Prefeito Magalh?es Teixeira at? acesso ? Rodovia Anhanguera.
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仪式互惠与多村落的仪式联合: 两个华北庙会的个案研究. / 两个华北庙会的个案研究 / Ritual reciprocity and village ritual alliances: a case study of two temple festivals in north China / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Yi shi hu hui yu duo cun luo de yi shi lian he: liang ge Hua bei miao hui de ge an yan jiu. / Liang ge Hua bei miao hui de ge an yan jiuJanuary 2013 (has links)
本文关注近代以来发生在华北乡村社会中的社区集体仪式。这些集体仪式以村落(及村落联盟)的求雨和庙会为其主要形式。在这些社区集体仪式之中,有相当一部分由多个村落共同协作完成。共同参与这些仪式的村落在一定程度上构成了仪式合作的关系。在本项研究中,这种村落间的关系往来模式被称之为多村落的仪式联合。 / 本文选用冀中地区的乡村的社区集体仪式作为研究对象,将关注点放在多村落的仪式联合之上。在两个个案民族志描写的基础上,试图回答这样的问题:华北民众的宗教生活所依赖的地方社会网络是怎样运作的?第一个个案为现北京房山河套沟地区的黑龙关庙会,该地区有着多村落联合举办庙会及求雨的传统。围绕着这些社区集体仪式,当地村落间形成了诸如“六山会这样的地方组织。黑龙关庙会的民族志资料证实,当地多村落的仪式联合,其形成和维系在相当程度上是以村落间花会的互动为主要依托。笔者将花会表演的互动视作仪式性的礼物流动。通过诸如走会和献会的行为描写,河套沟地区村落间的关系网络得以在宗教生活层面展现。黑龙关庙会的个案试图证实:仪式性的互惠作用于多村落仪式联合的形成及维系过程;第二个个案是河北的安国药王庙会。以安国药王庙为中心,文章首先对安国药王庙会与地方社会进行了历时性的文献梳理;继而对当代的药王庙会进行共时性的田野考察,展现当代的安国药王庙会与临近的村落庙会同处于一个关系网络之中。这个关系网络表现在庙会间的往来关系之中,这又被称之为“讲礼。讲礼对于地方仪式联合的形成起到了重要作用。 / 以礼物馈赠的视角来看待乡村社会的宗教生活,这是本项研究的基本方法。花会的走会、献会或庙会间的讲礼实践,是建构和维系多村落仪式联合的重要途径,它们遵循着乡村社会的一套生活逻辑。这套逻辑在地方社会被表述为关系、面子、人情等地方术语。从这个角度说,多村落的仪式联合亦受到这套生活逻辑的制约和影响。 / This dissertation focuses on the local community rituals in rural North China since modern times taking the praying-for-rain rituals and temple festivals of the villages as examples. There were many forms of ritual cooperation among the villages in rural North China. In this research, we would examine a mode of ritual interaction among selected villages by examining two cases in Central Hebei, China. / The first case is the Heilongguan Temple festival in Hetaogou area of Fangshan district around Peking. In Hetaogou, a large amount of villages performed the praying-for-rain rituals and temple festivals together. In these community rituals, the local organizations called Liushan Association(六山会) had played a crucial role. The ethnographic data of Chapter Two aim to show that the construction of multi-village alliance builds on the interaction of Flower fairs (花会)from different villages. In the forms of visiting each other during a temple festival parade known as Zouhui (走会)and xianhui(献会),villages built up the network of their alliance. The exchange of performance of Flower fairs is regarded as a mode of ritual exchange. The second case concerns the Medicine King Temple Festival(药王庙会)in Anguo County which is the main topic of Chapter Three. Using the methodology of historical anthropology to analyze the Anguo local society helps us to place the Medicine King Temple Festival(药王庙会)in a network of temple festivals from different villages. In Anguo, this interaction is called ‘treating each other with courtesy’ or Jiangli(讲礼). / Finally we would like to argue that visiting each other in a temple festival parade (Zouhui, Xianhui) and treating each other with courtesy Jiangli, were the main strategies of the villagers to construct their multi-village alliance. Their logics were not different from ‘returning the favor’ and ‘face saving’ which were common in rural society. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 徐天基. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 163-174). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Xu Tianji. / 摘要 --- p.3-4 / Chapter 第一章 --- 近代以来冀中乡村社会中的多村落仪式联合:研究计划及刍议 --- p.13 / Chapter 第二章: --- 仪式性互惠与多村落的仪式联合:黑龙关的例子 --- p.35 / Chapter 第三章 --- 礼物经济与多村落的仪式联合--安国县“讲礼的例子 --- p.64 / Chapter 第四章 --- 多村落的仪式联合:礼俗之中看地方宗教 --- p.103 / Chapter 附录一: --- 京西河套沟地区的花会 --- p.115 / Chapter 附录二: --- 安国民间曲艺概述 --- p.139 / Chapter 附录三: --- 民国时期安国县集市分布及周期 --- p.156 / Chapter 附录四: --- 民国二十年祁州药市十三帮组织 --- p.157 / Chapter 附录五: --- 图1 民国时期安国南关地方宗族分布图 --- p.161 / Chapter 附录六: --- 图2 药王邳彤传说结构分析图 --- p.162 / 参考书目 --- p.163-174
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Historic Structures Report: Lone Pine Indian Shaker Village, a Nineteenth Century Fishing Settlement in The Dalles, Wasco County, OregonSeaton, Anne 12 1900 (has links)
155 p. / Lone Pine Indian Shaker Village, located in The Dalles, Oregon, is the last remaining example of a late nineteenth century fishing settlement, a resource type that once proliferated along the banks of the Columbia River. Lone Pine Indian Shaker Village is also significant for its association with mixed heritage settlement, Native American fishing traditions, and the Indian Shaker Religion, a religion unique to the Northwest. This is an historical and architectural study of the village which includes the historical context and detailed description of the built environment, as it exists today and has evolved over time. Photographs, measured drawings, oral interviews and archival research are used to document and analyze the history and built environment of the village. Also included is a discussion of Treatment and Use options, followed by the author's recommendation for preservation and use of the village complex as an interpretive site. Today the village complex is vacant and suffers from neglect, and on November 19, 1996 the Indian Shaker Church collapsed under snow loads. Although an unfortunate event, it brings the issue of preservation of the entire site to the forefront. If no management plan is developed this valuable piece of Northwest cultural history will be lost forever. / Keepers of the Preservation Education Fund's H. Ward Jandl Fellowship
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Destino do corpo morto: cremação em São Paulo, século XXCardoso, Fabiana Franco 18 October 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-10-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In August 1974, there was the inauguration of the Crematorium Jayme Augusto
Lopes, popularly known as Crematorium Alpine Village. Thus, the city of São Paulo
began offering two destinations for the dead body: burial and cremation.
To track the origin of cremation in our city was required in addition to consulting
the press, read the Minutes of the City Council, bills and a text of the Public Civil
Action on missing politicians found in the ditch in Cemetery Perus. This study focused
on the period between the years 1967 and 1974, revealed the position of Brazilian
ecclesiastical and political authorities on the practice crematory, measures the
contribution of the military to the installation of the first crematorium in the capital, the
role of the press in disclosure of government plans, negotiations between the Church,
doctors and politicians to define adequate conditions for the population of the city, and
promote reflection on the constant transformation of the city of São Paulo in search of
modernity / Em agosto de 1974, ocorreu a inauguração do Crematório Jayme Augusto Lopes,
popularmente conhecido como Crematório de Vila Alpina. Dessa maneira, a cidade de
São Paulo começou a oferecer dois destinos para o corpo morto: o sepultamento e a
Para acompanhar a origem da cremação em nosso município foi necessário além
de consultar a imprensa, ler Atas da Câmara Municipal, projetos de lei e um texto da
Ação Civil Pública sobre desaparecidos políticos encontrados na vala do Cemitério de
Perus. Esse estudo focado no período compreendido entre os anos de 1967 e 1974,
revelou a posição de eclesiásticos brasileiros e de autoridades políticas sobre a prática
crematória, a contribuição de medidas do governo militar para a instalação dos
primeiros fornos na capital, o papel da imprensa na divulgação de planos
governamentais, as negociações entre Igreja, médicos e políticos para definição de
condições adequadas à população paulistana, além de promover reflexão sobre a
constante transformação da cidade de São Paulo em busca de modernidade
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Tekoa Pyau: uma aldeia Guarani na metrópoleMotta, Aline Villela de Mello 05 October 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-10-05 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study aims at portraying one of the Guarani villages in Jaraguá district, in São Paulo city, the Tekoa Pyau, focusing on the history of its formation, from the perspective of a tekoa creation, analysing how the Guarani indigenous people could re-insert in the geographic space, culturalizing and transforming it into a part of the Guarani universe. Moreover, the research aims at understanding how the Guarani comprehend their permanence in Jaraguá and their insertion in the urban area, how they see the non-indigenous people and the future of these relationships; that is to say how they manage their life in this metropolis and keep up their tradition. This village is located in an area on the margins of Bandeirantes highway, in the west part of the paulista capital, with few resources for their survival. Its inhabitants live, mainly, from the sale of handicrafts and some sporadic donation. The analysis of the collected data seems to indicate that the Guarani at the same time that they fight against the entropy and the messy contact with the non-indigenous people, they notice how essential this contact is for their survival. Taking all these aspects into consideration, they manage to keep their historical and cultural traditions, what could be noticed throughout this research and also in the presentation of the youngsters´vision of the future / Este estudo objetiva retratar uma das aldeias Guarani do bairro do Jaraguá, na cidade de São Paulo, o Tekoa Pyau, enfocando a história de sua formação na ótica da criação de um tekoa, analisando como se reinseriram no espaço geográfico e o culturalizaram, transformando-o em uma parte do universo Guarani. Além disso, procura entender como os Guarani compreendem a permanência no Jaraguá e sua inserção no meio urbano, como vêem o não índio e o futuro dessas relações, isto é, como articulam sua vida na metrópole e mantém a consonância com sua tradição. A aldeia localiza-se em uma área às margens da rodovia Bandeirantes, na zona oeste da capital paulista e possui poucos recursos para sua sobrevivência. Seus habitantes vivem, principalmente, da venda de artesanato e de doações esporádicas. A análise dos dados coletados parece indicar que os Guarani, ao mesmo tempo que lutam contra a entropia, contra o contato desordenado com os não indígenas, percebem o quão indispensável este contato é para sua sobrevivência. Com tudo isso, eles conseguem preservar suas tradições históricas e culturais, o que pôde ser percebido no decorrer da pesquisa e também na exposição da visão de futuro dos mais jovens
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Tekoa Pyau: uma aldeia Guarani na metrópoleMotta, Aline Villela de Mello 05 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:56:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Aline Villela de Mello Motta.pdf: 2850794 bytes, checksum: 1396f99ddff65bd07995a171d18f6269 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007-10-05 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study aims at portraying one of the Guarani villages in Jaraguá district, in São Paulo city, the Tekoa Pyau, focusing on the history of its formation, from the perspective of a tekoa creation, analysing how the Guarani indigenous people could re-insert in the geographic space, culturalizing and transforming it into a part of the Guarani universe. Moreover, the research aims at understanding how the Guarani comprehend their permanence in Jaraguá and their insertion in the urban area, how they see the non-indigenous people and the future of these relationships; that is to say how they manage their life in this metropolis and keep up their tradition. This village is located in an area on the margins of Bandeirantes highway, in the west part of the paulista capital, with few resources for their survival. Its inhabitants live, mainly, from the sale of handicrafts and some sporadic donation. The analysis of the collected data seems to indicate that the Guarani at the same time that they fight against the entropy and the messy contact with the non-indigenous people, they notice how essential this contact is for their survival. Taking all these aspects into consideration, they manage to keep their historical and cultural traditions, what could be noticed throughout this research and also in the presentation of the youngsters´vision of the future / Este estudo objetiva retratar uma das aldeias Guarani do bairro do Jaraguá, na cidade de São Paulo, o Tekoa Pyau, enfocando a história de sua formação na ótica da criação de um tekoa, analisando como se reinseriram no espaço geográfico e o culturalizaram, transformando-o em uma parte do universo Guarani. Além disso, procura entender como os Guarani compreendem a permanência no Jaraguá e sua inserção no meio urbano, como vêem o não índio e o futuro dessas relações, isto é, como articulam sua vida na metrópole e mantém a consonância com sua tradição. A aldeia localiza-se em uma área às margens da rodovia Bandeirantes, na zona oeste da capital paulista e possui poucos recursos para sua sobrevivência. Seus habitantes vivem, principalmente, da venda de artesanato e de doações esporádicas. A análise dos dados coletados parece indicar que os Guarani, ao mesmo tempo que lutam contra a entropia, contra o contato desordenado com os não indígenas, percebem o quão indispensável este contato é para sua sobrevivência. Com tudo isso, eles conseguem preservar suas tradições históricas e culturais, o que pôde ser percebido no decorrer da pesquisa e também na exposição da visão de futuro dos mais jovens
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Educa??o escolar ind?gena em uma escola do Oiapoque / Indigenous school education in a school of OiapoqueCOSTA, Risonete Santiago da 28 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-11-08T17:34:37Z
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2016 - Risonete Santiago da Costa.pdf: 1066426 bytes, checksum: a38b5c0fbc944c547afcb0aeddac360a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-08T17:34:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2016 - Risonete Santiago da Costa.pdf: 1066426 bytes, checksum: a38b5c0fbc944c547afcb0aeddac360a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-11-28 / This dissertation is a research work at the public Indigenous School Jorge Iaparr?, which is part of the Indigenous Land Ua??, Karipuna of ethnicity, which is located in the village of Manga, municipality of Oiapoque, State of Amap?. This research aimed to report the historical process of construction of the indigenous education and its implications in the educational process where we had the State Indigenous School Jorge Iaparr? as locus school research. Therefore we focus on how historically gave all territorial occupation process of the municipality of Oiapoque whose context occupation exerted great influence in the historical process of building cultural partner Karipuna ethnicity. We also investigated the historical processes of origin of ethnicity, culture, language, socio-economic and political organization. From these findings we see how was the process of education of the indigenous of this ethnic group, the origin of the village Manga and the whole school life in this village. In this context we focus all historicity of school education in its early stages and in the contexts of the various laws that guide the indigenous education considering the specificity of this type of education training of indigenous teachers and non-indigenous. For the analysis we carried out interviews with indigenous teachers, leaders and local and national educational proposals. This whole process was initially through ethnographic research and then carries out new data collection through case study. It was possible to carry out this study in a contextualized perception of indigenous education from the perception of interviewed people. / Esta disserta??o ? um trabalho de pesquisa desenvolvida na Escola Ind?gena Estadual Jorge Iaparr?, que faz parte da Terra Ind?gena Ua?a, da etnia Karipuna, que est? localizada na Aldeia Manga, Munic?pio de Oiapoque, Estado do Amap?. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal relatar o processo hist?rico de constru??o da educa??o escolar ind?gena e suas implica??es no processo educacional, onde tivemos a Escola Ind?gena Estadual Jorge Iaparr?, como escola l?cus da pesquisa. Para tanto enfocamos como se deu historicamente o processo de ocupa??o territorial do Munic?pio de Oiapoque, cujo contexto de ocupa??o exerceu grande influ?ncia no processo hist?rico de constru??o s?cio cultural da etnia Karipuna. Tamb?m investigamos os processos hist?ricos de origem desta etnia, sua cultura, l?ngua, organiza??o socioecon?mica e pol?tica. A partir destas constata??es, verificamos como ocorreu o processo de escolariza??o dos ind?genas desta etnia, a origem da aldeia Manga e a trajet?ria escolar nesta aldeia. Neste contexto enfocamos a historicidade da educa??o escolar em sua fase inicial e nos contextos das v?rias legisla??es que norteiam a educa??o escolar ind?gena, considerando a especificidade desta modalidade de educa??o, a forma??o de professores ind?genas e n?o ind?genas. Para as an?lises buscamos as entrevistas realizadas com os professores ind?genas, lideran?as e as propostas educacionais locais e nacionais. Todo este processo se deu inicialmente atrav?s de pesquisa etnogr?fica e posteriormente realizamos novas coletas de dados atrav?s de estudo de caso, onde foi poss?vel realizar um estudo numa forma contextualizada de educa??o escolar ind?gena a partir da vis?o dos entrevistados.
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The Promise And Challenges Of Local Health Governance In CambodiaJanuary 2015 (has links)
Village Malaria Workers (VMWs) play an important role in the prevention and treatment of malaria as frontline volunteers in Cambodia, a nation implementing decentralisation initiatives and that is reliant on task shifting to address health worker shortages. Studying the performance of VMWs and understanding the social capital that they are able to mobilise, including enabling and reinforcing factors while fighting malaria in Cambodia’s Pailin province, will benefit performance enhancement and program scale up. This dissertation examines the factors associated with the perceived performance of VMWs, which has the potential to provide practical guidance for Cambodian health system managers and local health practitioners to capitalize on locally-available human resources to implement their health initiatives as per the country’s decentralisation plans. The study was done in 2 districts of Pailin province in Cambodia. The findings were based on 35 semi-structured surveys, 13 key informant interviews, 6 focus group discussions, 3 group interviews and 2 in-depth interviews covering VMWS and stakeholders from the commune council, village health support groups, health center management committee, provincial health offices, a referral hospital, a pharmacy, village chiefs, and administrative officials. The interviews and discussions were conducted using set guides, which allowed for flexibility and asking for follow-up questions as well as probing for more information and clarification. Pre-determined themes were used in designing the instruments, and data from the survey, focus groups, and interviews were thematically coded for manual data analysis. This study showed that VMWs’ performance is affected by a variety of factors that emerge from the complex context in which they work. These include socio-demographic variables; their health system knowledge; access to enabling and reinforcing factors, including family and social support; personal motivation; resource availability, including budget, supplies, and equipment; ways of being selected; access to learning, training and capacity-building opportunities; and institutional communication and implementation of decentralised health program. Factors such as perceived corruption also were seen to affect VMW’s performance. The participants suggested various ways to address these challenges. In order to improve the performance of VMWs, people’s participation in all local governance arms, including the CC, VHSG, HCMC and the HC, needs to be strengthened. The roles and expectations regarding citizen participation need to be clarified using simple messages. Training and capacity-building support needs to be made available for learning key new skills as relevant. The equipment and supplies necessary for work as well as adequate reimbursement of transportation allowances need to be provided along with instilling a proper system of VMW supervision and mentoring that adequately recognises those that are high performing. Targeted capacity assessments for VMWs and the VHSG, HC and HCMC need to be undertaken followed by needed training and mentoring in order to address areas that need further support to enhance productivity. A volunteer selection process needs to follow the rules described in the CPP policy ensuring deliberate attempts to open up entry points for public service to those that have been excluded on the basis of formal qualifications, lack of kinship, or political affiliation. / acase@tulane.edu
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