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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The General Lot Sizing And Scheduling Problem With Sequence Dependent Changeovers

Koclar, Ayse 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, we consider the General Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem in single level capacitated environments with sequence dependent item changeovers. Process industries may be regarded as suitable application areas of the problem. The focus on capacity utilization and intensively time consuming changeovers necessitate the integration of lot sizing and sequencing decisions in the production plan. We present a mathematical model which captures the essence of cases in the most generic and realistic setting of the problem. We discuss the impact and validity of some of the assumptions commonly encountered in the related literature. We also represent the problem using an alternative formulation and attempt to enhance the formulations with the use of some additional inequalities. Finally, we develop a heuristic by restricting the number of possible changeovers. Computational results are discussed.

Resource constrained shortest paths and extensions

Garcia, Renan 09 January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, we use integer programming techniques to solve the resource constrained shortest path problem (RCSPP) which seeks a minimum cost path between two nodes in a directed graph subject to a finite set of resource constraints. Although NP-hard, the RCSPP is extremely useful in practice and often appears as a subproblem in many decomposition schemes for difficult optimization problems. We begin with a study of the RCSPP polytope for the single resource case and obtain several new valid inequality classes. Separation routines are provided, along with a polynomial time algorithm for constructing an auxiliary conflict graph which can be used to separate well known valid inequalities for the node packing polytope. We establish some facet defining conditions when the underlying graph is acyclic and develop a polynomial time sequential lifting algorithm which can be used to strengthen one of the inequality classes. Next, we outline a branch-and-cut algorithm for the RCSPP. We present preprocessing techniques and branching schemes which lead to strengthened linear programming relaxations and balanced search trees, and the majority of the new inequality classes are generalized to consider multiple resources. We describe a primal heuristic scheme that uses fractional solutions, along with the current incumbent, to search for new feasible solutions throughout the branch-and-bound tree. A computational study is conducted to evaluate several implementation choices, and the results demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms the default branch-and-cut algorithm of a leading integer programming software package. Finally, we consider the dial-a-flight problem (DAFP), a new vehicle routing problem that arises in the context of on-demand air transportation and is concerned with the scheduling of a set of travel requests for a single day of operations. The DAFP can be formulated as an integer multicommodity network flow model consisting of several RCSPPs linked together by set partitioning constraints which guarantee that all travel requests are satisfied. Therefore, we extend our branch-and-cut algorithm for the RCSPP to solve the DAFP. Computational experiments with practical instances provided by the DayJet Corporation verify that the extended algorithm also outperforms the default branch-and-cut algorithm of a leading integer programming software package.

An Improved Mathematical Formulation For the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Problem

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a climate stabilization strategy that prevents CO2 emissions from entering the atmosphere. Despite its benefits, impactful CCS projects require large investments in infrastructure, which could deter governments from implementing this strategy. In this sense, the development of innovative tools to support large-scale cost-efficient CCS deployment decisions is critical for climate change mitigation. This thesis proposes an improved mathematical formulation for the scalable infrastructure model for CCS (SimCCS), whose main objective is to design a minimum-cost pipe network to capture, transport, and store a target amount of CO2. Model decisions include source, reservoir, and pipe selection, as well as CO2 amounts to capture, store, and transport. By studying the SimCCS optimal solution and the subjacent network topology, new valid inequalities (VI) are proposed to strengthen the existing mathematical formulation. These constraints seek to improve the quality of the linear relaxation solutions in the branch and bound algorithm used to solve SimCCS. Each VI is explained with its intuitive description, mathematical structure and examples of resulting improvements. Further, all VIs are validated by assessing the impact of their elimination from the new formulation. The validated new formulation solves the 72-nodes Alberta problem up to 7 times faster than the original model. The upgraded model reduces the computation time required to solve SimCCS in 72% of randomly generated test instances, solving SimCCS up to 200 times faster. These formulations can be tested and then applied to enhance variants of the SimCCS and general fixed-charge network flow problems. Finally, an experience from testing a Benders decomposition approach for SimCCS is discussed and future scope of probable efficient solution-methods is outlined. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Industrial Engineering 2017

When Bilevel Optimization Meets Gas Networks: Feasibility of Bookings in the European Entry-Exit Gas Market: Computational Complexity Results and Bilevel Optimization Approaches

Plein, Fränk 21 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Transport and trade of gas are decoupled after the liberalization of the European gas markets, which are now organized as so-called entry-exit systems. At the core of this market system are bookings and nominations, two special capacity-right contracts that grant traders access to the gas network. The latter is operated by a separate entity, known as the transmission system operator (TSO), who is in charge of the transport of gas from entry to exit nodes. In the mid to long term, traders sign a booking contract with the TSO to obtain injection and withdrawal capacities at entry and exit nodes, respectively. On a day-ahead basis, they then nominate within these booked capacities a balanced load flow of the planned amounts of gas to be injected into and withdrawn from the network the next day. The key property is that by signing a booking contract, the TSO is obliged to guarantee transportability for all balanced load flows in compliance with the booked capacities. To assess the feasibility of a booking, it is therefore necessary to check the feasibility of infinitely many nominations. As a result, deciding if a booking is feasible is a challenging mathematical problem, which we investigate in this dissertation.Our results range from passive networks, consisting of pipes only, to active networks, containing controllable elements to influence gas flows. Since the study of the latter naturally leads to a bilevel framework, we first consider some more general properties of bilevel optimization. For the case of linear bilevel optimization, we consider the hardness of validating the correctness of big-Ms often used in solving these problems via a single-level reformulation. We also derive a family of valid inequalities to be used in a bilevel-tailored branch-and-cut algorithm as a big-M-free alternative.We then turn to the study of feasible bookings. First, we present our results on passive networks, for which bilevel approaches are not required. A characterization of feasible bookings on passive networks is derived in terms of a finite set of nominations. While computing these nominations is a difficult task in general, we present polynomial complexity results for the special cases of tree-shaped or single-cycle passive networks. Finally, we consider networks with linearly modeled active elements. After obtaining a bilevel optimization model that allows us to determine the feasibility of a booking in this case, we derive various single-level reformulations to solve the problem. In addition, we obtain novel characterizations of feasible bookings on active networks, which generalize our characterization in the passive case. The performance of these various approaches is compared in a case study on two networks from the literature, one of which is a simplified version of the Greek gas network. / Transport et commerce de gaz sont découplés depuis la libéralisation des marchés européens du gaz, qui sont désormais organisés en systèmes dit d'entrée-sortie. Au cœur de ce système de marché se trouvent les réservations et les nominations, deux contrats spéciaux de droit à la capacité qui permettent aux négociants d'accéder au réseau de gaz. Ce dernier est exploité par une entité distincte, appelée gestionnaire de réseau de transport~(GRT), qui est chargée du transport du gaz entre les nœuds d'entrée et de sortie. À moyen et long terme, les négociants signent un contrat de réservation avec le GRT pour obtenir des capacités d'injection et d'extraction aux nœuds d'entrée et de sortie, respectivement. Au jour le jour, ils désignent ensuite, dans les limites des capacités réservées, un flux de charge équilibrée des quantités de gaz prévues à injecter et à extraire le lendemain. La propriété essentielle est qu'en signant un contrat de réservation, le GRT est obligé de garantir la transportabilité de tous les flux de charge équilibrée respectant les capacités réservées. Pour évaluer la faisabilité d'une réservation, il est donc nécessaire de vérifier la faisabilité d'une infinité de nominations. Par conséquent, décider si une réservation est réalisable est un problème mathématique difficile, que nous étudions dans cette thèse.Nos résultats vont des réseaux passifs, constitués uniquement de pipelines, aux réseaux actifs, contenant des éléments contrôlables pour influencer les flux de gaz. Comme l'étude de ces derniers conduit naturellement à un cadre biniveau, nous considérons d'abord certaines propriétés plus générales de l'optimisation biniveau. Pour le cas de l'optimisation biniveau linéaire, nous étudions la difficulté de valider l'exactitude des constantes de type big-M souvent utilisées dans la résolution de ces problèmes via une reformulation à un seul niveau. Nous déduisons également une famille d'inégalités valides à utiliser dans un algorithme de branch-and-cut adapté au biniveau comme alternative à l'approche utilisant des big-Ms.Nous nous tournons ensuite vers l'étude des réservations réalisables. D'abord, nous présentons nos résultats sur les réseaux passifs, pour lesquels les approches biniveaux ne sont pas nécessaires. Une caractérisation des réservations réalisables sur les réseaux passifs est déduite en termes d'un ensemble fini de nominations. Bien que le calcul de ces nominations soit une tâche difficile en général, nous présentons des algorithmes polynomiaux pour les cas particuliers des réseaux passifs en forme d'arbre ou contenant un cycle unique. Enfin, nous considérons les réseaux avec des éléments actifs modélisés à l'aide de contraintes linéaires. Après avoir obtenu un modèle biniveau, permettant de déterminer la faisabilité d'une réservation dans ce cas, nous dérivons diverses reformulations à un seul niveau pour résoudre le problème. En outre, nous obtenons de nouvelles caractérisations des réservations réalisables sur les réseaux actifs, qui généralisent notre caractérisation dans le cas passif. La performance de ces différentes approches est comparée dans une étude de cas réalisée sur deux réseaux de la littérature, dont l'un est une version simplifiée du réseau de gaz grec. / Nach der Liberalisierung der europäischen Gasmärkte, welche nun als sogenannte Entry-Exit Systeme organisiert sind, sind Transport und Handel von Gas entkoppelt. Im Zentrum dieses neuen Marktsystems sind Buchungen und Nominierungen, zwei spezielle Kapazitätrechtsverträge, die Händlern Zugang zum Gasnetz gewähren. Letzteres wird von einem separaten Akteur betrieben, dem sogenannten Fernleitungsnetzbetreiber (FNB), der für den Transport des Gases von den Einspeise- zu den Ausspeiseknoten verantwortlich ist. Händler schließen mittel- bis langfristig einen Buchungsvertrag mit dem FNB ab, um Ein- und Ausspeisekapazitäten zu erhalten. Täglich nominieren sie dann innerhalb der gebuchten Kapazitäten einen bilanzierten Lastfluss der geplanten Gasmengen, die am nächsten Tag eingespeist und entnommen werden sollen. Die Haupteigenschaft ist, dass der FNB sich durch Unterzeichnung eines Buchungsvertrages für die Transportierbarkeit aller bilanzierten Lastflüsse innerhalb der gebuchten Kapazitäten verpflichtet. Um die Zulässigkeit einer Buchung zu bestimmen ist es daher notwendig, die Zulässigkeit von unendlich vielen Nominierungen zu prüfen. Die Entscheidung, ob eine Buchung zulässig ist, ist daher ein anspruchsvolles mathematisches Problem, das wir in dieser Dissertation untersuchen.Unsere Ergebnisse reichen von passiven Netzen, die nur aus Rohren bestehen, bis hin zu aktiven Netzen, die steuerbare Elemente zur Beeinflussung der Gasflüsse enthalten. Da die Untersuchung aktiver Netze uns auf natürlichem Wege zu Bilevel-Problemen führt, betrachten wir zunächst einige allgemeinere Eigenschaften der Bilevel-Optimierung. Für den Fall der linearen Bilevel-Optimierung betrachten wir die Schwierigkeit, Big-Ms zu validieren, die oft bei der Lösung dieser Probleme mittels einer einstufigen Reformulierung verwendet werden. Wir leiten außerdem eine Familie gültiger Ungleichungen ab, die in einem Bilevel-spezifischen Branch-and-Cut Algorithmus als big-M-freie Alternative verwendet werden können.Wir wenden uns dann der Untersuchung von zulässigen Buchungen zu. Zunächst stellen wir unsere Ergebnisse zu passiven Netzwerken vor, für die Bilevel-Ansätze nicht erforderlich sind. Eine Charakterisierung zulässiger Buchungen in passiven Netzwerken wird in Bezug auf eine endliche Menge an Nominierungen hergeleitet. Während die Berechnung dieser Nominierungen im Allgemeinen eine schwierige Aufgabe ist, präsentieren wir polynomielle Komplexitätsergebnisse für die Spezialfälle baumförmiger oder einzyklischer passiver Netze. Schließlich betrachten wir Netze mit linear modellierten aktiven Elementen. Nachdem wir ein Bilevel-Modell hergeleitet haben, mit dem wir die Zulässigkeit einer Buchung in diesem Fall bestimmen können, leiten wir verschiedene einstufige Reformulierungen zur Lösung des Problems ab. Darüber hinaus erhalten wir neuartige Charakterisierungen zulässiger Buchungen auf aktiven Netzen, die unsere Charakterisierung im passiven Fall verallgemeinern. Die Anwendbarkeit dieser verschiedenen Ansätze wird in einer Fallstudie an zwei Netzen aus der Literatur verglichen, wovon eines eine vereinfachte Version des griechischen Gasnetzes ist. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

An Airspace Planning and Collaborative Decision Making Model Under Safety, Workload, and Equity Considerations

Staats, Raymond William 15 April 2003 (has links)
We develop a detailed, large-scale, airspace planning and collaborative decision-making model (APCDM), that is part of an $11.5B, 10-year, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-sponsored effort to increase U.S. National Airspace (NAS) capacity by 30 percent. Given a set of flights that must be scheduled during some planning horizon, we use a mixed-integer programming formulation to select a set of flight plans from among alternatives subject to flight safety, air traffic control workload, and airline equity constraints. Novel contributions of this research include three-dimensional probabilistic conflict analyses, the derivation of valid inequalities to tighten the conflict safety representation constraints, the development of workload metrics based on average (and its variance from) peak load measures, and the consideration of equity among airline carriers in absorbing the costs related to re-routing, delays, and cancellations. We also propose an improved set of flight plan cost factors for representing system costs and investigating fairness issues by addressing flight dependencies occurring in hubbed operations, as well as market factors such as schedule convenience, reliability, and the timeliness of connections. The APCDM model has potential use for both tactical and strategic applications, such as air traffic control in response to severe weather phenomenon or spacecraft launches, FAA policy evaluation, Homeland Defense contingency planning, and military air campaign planning. The model is tested to consider various airspace restriction scenarios imposed by dynamic severe weather systems and space launch Special Use Airspace (SUA) impositions. The results from this model can also serve to augment the FAA's National Playbook of standardized flight profiles in different disruption-prone regions of the National Airspace. / Ph. D.


GUSTAVO SOUTO DOS SANTOS DIZ 11 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] O problema de roteamento de navios com gestão de estoques (conhecido pelo termo em inglês Maritime inventory routing ou MIR) representa um problema prático de logística onde o transportador da carga também é responsável pela manutenção dos estoques do produto transportado nos portos de carga e descarga. Esta tese estuda um caso real do problema MIR. Um conjunto de testes é apresentado de modo a comparar diferentes formulações matemáticas da literatura, a fim de encontrar aquela mais aderente ao problema real. Em função da complexidade computacional do problema, é apresentada uma abordagem heurística que consegue encontrar soluções similares e reduz consideravelmente o tempo computacional quando comparadas com as formulações baseadas em PLIM. No entanto, problemas reais são muito influenciados por aspectos incertos. Sendo assim, é apresentada uma abordagem robusta para a otimização do problema MIR, que considera incerteza no tempo de estadia do navio nos portos. A abordagem apresentada produz soluções para diferentes níveis de robustez. Em outras palavras, considera o risco de variação no tempo de estadia do navio em um porto durante uma operação de carga ou descarga. Assim, é capaz de determinar a probabilidade de inviabilidade da solução encontrada para cada nível de robustez oferecido, além do impacto no custo de transporte à medida que soluções mais robustas são apresentadas. Esta abordagem oferece ao tomador de decisão a medida do trade-off entre robustez e custo de transporte. Desta forma, o mesmo pode determinar qual o nível de conservadorismo irá adotar em sua programação de navios e quanto isto irá impactar o custo de transporte. Os experimentos apresentados identificaram que, aumentos sutís no nível de robustez (com pequeno impacto no custo de transporte) podem reduzir consideravelmente a probabilidade de inviabilidade de uma solução. / [en] Maritime inventory routing (MIR) problem is an academic name for a practical logistic problem that represents the routing or scheduling of vessels to carry product(s) between ports. Meanwhile, the product(s) inventory levels in these ports must remain between operational bounds during the entire planning horizon. This thesis focus on how to support decision on a real-life MIR problem faced by a Brazilian petroleum company. To do so, we structure a set of tests to compare different formulation from literature and identify which is more adherent to real problem. Due to computational complexity of the problem, we present an heuristic approach that provides reasonably good solutions when compared to deterministic mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulations and reduces considerably the computational time of solving real-life instances. However, uncertainty events have great impact in the ship scheduling planning. Therefore, we propose a robust optimization approach that considers uncertainty in the time spent at ports in each ship visit. Our approach is able to determine the probability of infeasibility and the impact in the objective function for each level of robustness, helping to measure the uncertain aversion of the decision maker. Our experiments identified that, for a certain instance, varying the level of robustness one may reduce the probability of infeasibility from 87 per cent (of deterministic solution) to 2 per cent and it represents an increase in the transportation costs of about 13 per cent.


FELIPE SILVA PLACIDO DOS SANTOS 05 September 2017 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de aceleração da decomposição de Benders aplicada a uma versão mais geral e compacta (menos restrições e variáveis) do modelo de gestão de estoques, otimizado via programação estocástica de dois estágios que considera uma camada, um item, demanda incerta e política de controle (R, S). De maneira a ser possível considerar problemas de grande porte, foram aplicados os métodos L-Shaped tradicional com corte único e a sua forma estendida com múltiplos cortes. Resultados computacionais preliminares mostraram um substancial melhor desempenho computacional do método L-Shaped tradicional em relação à sua forma multi-cut L-Shaped, mesmo o primeiro necessitando de mais iterações para convergir na solução ótima. Tal observação motivou o desenvolvimento de uma nova técnica de aceleração da decomposição de Benders e de um conjunto de desigualdades válidas. Experimentos numéricos mostram que a abordagem proposta de combinar a técnica de aceleração elaborada com as desigualdades válidas desenvolvidas provê significativa redução do tempo computacional necessário para a solução de instâncias de grande porte. / [en] This dissertation presents a speed up proposal for the Benders decomposition applied to a more general and compact version (less constraints and variables) of inventory management model, optimized via two-stage stochastic programming, which considers one layer, one item, uncertain demand and control policy (R, S). In order to be possible to consider large scale problems, the L-Shaped traditional method with single cuts and its extended form with multiple cuts were applied. Preliminary computational results showed a substantially better computational performance of the traditional L-Shaped method in comparison to the multi-cut L-Shaped method, even with the first requiring more iterations to converge on optimum solutions. This observation led to the development of a new technique to accelerate the decomposition of Benders and a set of valid inequalities. Numerical experiments show that the proposed approach of combining the elaborate acceleration technique with the developed valid inequalities, provide significant reduction in the computational time required to solve large scale instances.

Design optimal des réseaux Fiber To The Home / Optimal design of Fiber To The Home networks

Angilella, Vincent 16 June 2018 (has links)
Pour les opérateurs, les réseaux FTTH représentent à la fois la solution de référence pour répondre à la demande croissante de trafic fixe, et un investissement considérable dû à leur mise en place. Le but de ces travaux est d'assurer le déploiement de réseaux de qualité à moindre coût. Nous commençons à présenter les différents aspects de la planification de ces réseaux qui en font un problème complexe. La littérature concernée est abordée afin d'exhiber les nouveaux défis que nous relevons. Puis nous élaborons des stratégies permettant de trouver la meilleure solution dans différents contextes. Plusieurs politiques de maintenance ou d'utilisation du génie civil sont ainsi explorées. Les problèmes rencontrés sont analysés à la lumière de divers outils d'optimisation (programmation entière, inégalités valides, programmation dynamique, approximations, complexités, inapproximabilité...) que nous utilisons et développons selon nos besoins. Les solutions proposées ont été testées et validées sur des instances réelles, et ont pour but d'être utilisées par Orange / For operators, FTTH networks are the most widespread solution to the increasing traffic demand. Their layout requires a huge investment. The aim of this work is to ensure a cost effective deployment of quality networks. We start by presenting aspects of this network design problem which make it a complex problem. The related literature is reviewed to highlight the novel issues that we solve. Then, we elaborate strategies to find the best solution in different contexts. Several policies regarding maintenance or civil engineering use will be investigated. The problems encountered are tackled using several combinatorial optimization tools (integer programming, valid inequalities, dynamic programming, approximations, complexity theory, inapproximability…) which will be developed according to our needs. The proposed solutions were tested and validated on real-life instances, and are meant to be implemented in a network planning tool from Orange

Specialized models for the long-term transmission network expansion planning problem /

Escobar Vargas, Laura Mónica January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Rubén Augusto Romero Lázaro / Resumo: A análise de sistemas altamente complexos quando e analizado o problema de planejamento de expansão de redes de transmissão de longo prazo, é o foco principal deste trabalho. Os modelos e metodos propostos são aplicados ao problema de planejamento estático tradicional, que é um problema de otimização matemática classificado como NP-completo, não-linear inteiro misto. O qual envolve no investimento, variáveis operacionais contínuas e variáveis inteiras. O comportamento normal de cada sistema pode conter informação essencial para a criação de novos métodos, como os planos de corte baseados em cortes de diferença de ângulos para problemas de grande escala, o que é a base é o ponto de partida deste trabalho, derivando em desigualdades válidas é ciclos críticos. Os cortes angulares básicos reduzem o espaço de busca do problema e o tempo total de cálculo deste problema, enquanto ao método de inequações válidas que pode ser usado para fornecer limites inferiores sólidos no investimento ótimo do planejamento de transmissão, já que a diferença entre o modelo DC (modelo exato) e o modelo de transporte (modelo mais relaxado) são as restrições angulares. Os ciclos críticos têm sido desenvolvidos para melhoraralguns dos modelos tradicionais do problemas de planejamento da expansão da rede de transmissão de longo prazo. A razão por trás disso é a ausência da segunda lei de Kirchhoff, que completa a representação do sistema, mas aumenta a complexidade. Para resolver os problemas resultantes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The analysis of highly complex systems when solving the long-term transmission network expansion planning problem is the main focus of this work. The proposed improved models and methodology are applied to the traditionalstatic planning problem, which is a mathematical optimization problem classified as NP-complete and mixed-integer nonlinear problem. It involves continuousoperating variables and integer investment variables. The normal behavior of each system can be shown essential information to the creation of new methods, as the cutting-planes based in bus-angle difference cuts for large-scale problems which were the starting point of this work, deriving in valid inequalities and critic cycles. The angular cuts aim to reduce the search space of the problem and the total computation time of this NP-hard problem as for the valid inequalities methodthat can be used to provide strong lower bounds on the optimal investment of the transmissionplanning, since the difference between the DC model (exact model) and the transport model (more relaxed model) are the angular constraints. Critic cycles has been develop in order to improve some of the traditional long-term transmission network expansion planning problem models. The reason behind it is the absence of second Kirchhoff’s law which completes the representationof the system, but increase the complexity. In order to solve the resulting problems, this work uses the modeling language AMPL with the solver CPLEX. In test systems w... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Flow-shop with time delays, linear modeling and exact solution approaches / Flow-shop avec temps de transport, modélisation linéaire et approches de résolution exacte

Mkadem, Mohamed Amine 07 December 2017 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous traitons le problème de flow-shop à deux machines avec temps de transport où l’objectif consiste à minimiser le temps de complétion maximal. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à la modélisation de ce problème. Nous avons proposé plusieurs programmes linéaires en nombres entiers. En particulier, nous avons introduit une formulation linéaire basée sur une généralisation non triviale du modèle d’affectation pour le cas où les durées des opérations sur une même machine sont identiques. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons élargi la portée de ces formulations mathématiques pour développer plusieurs bornes inférieures et un algorithme exact basé sur la méthode de coupe et branchement (Branch-and-Cut). En effet, un ensemble d’inégalités valides a été considéré afin d’améliorer la relaxation linéaire de ces programmes et d’accélérer leur convergence. Ces inégalités sont basées sur la proposition de nouvelles règles de dominance et l’identification de sous-instances faciles à résoudre. L’identification de ces sous-instances revient à déterminer les cliques maximales dans un graphe d’intervalles. En plus des inégalités valides, la méthode exacte proposée inclut la considération d’une méthode heuristique et d’une procédure visant à élaguer les nœuds. Enfin, nous avons proposé un algorithme par séparation et évaluation (Branch-and-Bound) pour lequel, nous avons introduit des règles de dominance et une méthode heuristique basée sur la recherche locale. Nos expérimentations montrent l’efficacité de nos approches qui dominent celles de la littérature. Ces expérimentations ont été conduites sur plusieurs classes d’instances qui incluent celles de la littérature, ainsi que des nouvelles classes d’instances où les algorithmes de la littérature se sont montrés peu efficaces. / In this thesis, we study the two-machine flow-shop problem with time delays in order to minimize the makespan. First, we propose a set of Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) formulations for the problem. In particular, we introduce a new compact mathematical formulation for the case where operations are identical per machine. The proposed mathematical formulations are then used to develop lower bounds and a branch-and-cut method. A set of valid inequalities is proposed in order to improve the linear relaxation of the MIPs. These inequalities are based on proposing new dominance rules and computing optimal solutions of polynomial-time-solvable sub-instances. These sub-instances are extracted by computing all maximal cliques on a particular Interval graph. In addition to the valid inequalities, the branch-and-cut method includes the consideration of a heuristic method and a node pruning procedure. Finally, we propose a branch-and-bound method. For which, we introduce a local search-based heuristic and dominance rules. Experiments were conducted on a variety of classes of instances including both literature and new proposed ones. These experiments show the efficiency of our approaches that outperform the leading methods published in the research literature.

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