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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Literature Review of the Value Grid Model

Kodó, Krisztina, Hahn, Isabel January 2017 (has links)
The value grid model proposes a complex framework to analyse and understand value creatingactivities among different actors. This literature review is focusing on explaining the evolutionof the value grid model, thus explaining the following theories: (1) supply chain, (2) valuechain, (3) value system, (4) value network, (5) knowledge value chain, (6) value grid model.By underlining the significant changes in the level of business complexity, the importance forthe value grid model is explained. The model is based upon three dimensions, that when appliedcan enable a company to enhance its performance and leverage its own competitive advantage.

An empirical study of the impact of co-creation in enhancing NPD competences : a focus on the role of social media in enabling co-creation in consumer goods

Zairi, Nadir January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this research is to explore the interconnected relationships between cocreation, NPD and social media. Examining co-creation as a competence enhancing approach to NPD projects, and social media as an enabler of co-creation. The research provides a practical framework guiding the design of social media enabled co-creation experiences, to deliver a high-level impact on NPD competences. The exploratory study conducts an empirical investigation into the consumer goods market (non-durables and semi-durables). It maintains a focus on the metatheoretical principles of co-creation, providing a mid-range perspective of how to implement these principles in practice. The methodology involves a single case study with the perspectives of brands and consumers included as embedded units. Data are collected through qualitative interviews and document analysis, and analysed using a combination of content analysis and morphological analysis principles. The key findings guide the design of effective co-creation experiences. This is achieved through an in-depth knowledge of the fundamental driving and inhibiting factors both brands and consumers face; the specific characteristics of social media that enable co-creation; and several contextual contributions. Additionally, the findings contribute a deep understanding of the high-level relationship between cocreation and NPD competences, and categorise the role of social media in enabling co-creation. The results enrich the existing literature and provide practical contributions to guide the implementation of a co-creation approach in NPD. Despite the proliferation of the term co-creation since its emergence over a decade ago, a large portion of prior research deviates from the meta-theoretical principles of co-creation. Moreover, there remains a lack of frameworks guiding the implementation of co-creation in a real-life NPD scenario. This study makes an original contribution by exploring the meta-theoretical principles of co-creation in context, contributing a deep understanding of the interconnected relationships between co-creation, NPD and social media, and providing a practical framework to guide the implementation of social media enabled co-creation experiences.

Percepção das ações de cocriação de valor em cooperativas agropecuárias / Perception of value co-creation actions in agricultural cooperatives

Luana Zanetti Trindade Ferraz 29 June 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa avalia a percepção dos cooperados em relação às ações de cocriação de valor oferecidas pela cooperativa e se as características do cooperado e da cooperativa impactam na percepção. Para avaliação, desenvolveu-se um modelo de mensuração da percepção da cocriação de valor das atividades desenvolvidas pela cooperativa e as características do cooperado. O método de pesquisa usado foi a aplicação de um questionário aos membros de uma cooperativa agropecuária de café e, para testar o modelo proposto, usou-se o método Partial Least Square (PLS). As ações de cocriação de valor, profissionalização da gestão, satisfação e fidelidade e orientação temporal de longo prazo dos cooperados foram medidos tendo como base a percepção dos cooperados. A amostra teve 204 respostas válidas. Os resultados da análise descritiva indicam que os cooperados percebem mais valor nas atividades do processo produtivo de café, operados pela cooperativa aos seus cooperados em forma de ações operacionais, do que nas atividades fim. Os resultados do modelo demonstram uma associação significativa entre satisfação e fidelidade e percepção das ações de cocriação de valor e uma associação positiva entre orientação temporal de longo prazo dos cooperados e percepção das ações de cocriação de valor, ou seja, a percepção dos benefícios gerados pela organização com ações de cocriação de valor pode ser influenciada pelo horizonte temporal do cooperado e pelo nível de satisfação e fidelidade. Os dados também indicam que a variável latente profissionalização da gestão apresentou uma relação positiva com a satisfação e fidelidade e também com a orientação temporal de longo prazo do cooperado. Também foi feita uma análise complementar de sensibilidade para verificar se as características dos cooperados tornam o grupo homogêneo ou heterogêneo. Foi possível observar que há heterogeneidade na percepção dos cooperados em relação às características de tamanho da propriedade rural, nível de escolaridade, tempo de associação e endividamento. As principais contribuições deste trabalho foram o desenvolvimento de um instrumento para mensuração do nível de percepção das ações de cocriação de valor, bem como a investigação empírica sobre a relação desta com as demais variáveis. Como implicações práticas tem-se que os resultados das ações de criação de valor com características de inovação (cocriação de valor) tendem a ser percebidos no longo prazo e influenciados pelas características específicas dos cooperados. / This research evaluates the perception of the members in relation to the actions of value co-creation offered by the cooperative and if the characteristics of the cooperative and the members impact on the perception. For evaluation, a model was developed for measuring the perception of value co-creation of the activities developed by the cooperative and analyzed the relationship between the perception of value co-creation actions developed by the cooperative and the characteristics of the members. The research method was the application of a questionnaire to the members of an agricultural coffee cooperative and, to test the proposed model, the Partial Least Square (PLS) method was used. The actions of value co-creation, professionalization of management, satisfaction and loyalty and temporal orientation of the members were measured based on the perception of the members. The sample had 204 valid answers. The results of the descriptive analysis indicate that the cooperative members perceive more value in the activities of the coffee production process, operated by the cooperative to its members in the form of operational actions, than in the end activities. The results of the model demonstrate a significant association between satisfaction and loyalty and perception of value co-creation actions and a positive association between the member\'s time orientation and perception of value-co-creation actions, that is, the perception of the benefits generated by the organization with actions of value co-creation can be influenced by the time horizon of the member and by the level of satisfaction and loyalty. The data also indicate that the latent variable professionalization of management presented satisfaction and loyalty as the main indicator. A complementary sensitivity analysis was also made to verify if the characteristics of the member make the group homogeneous or heterogeneous. It was possible to observe that there is heterogeneity in the perception of the member in relation to the characteristics of rural property size, level of schooling, time of association and indebtedness. The main contributions of this research were the development of an instrument to measure the level of perception of value co-creation actions, as well as the empirical investigation about its relation with the other variables. As practical implications, the results of value co-creation actions with innovation characteristics (value co-creation) tend to be perceived in the long term and influenced by the specific characteristics of the member.

Criação de valor em instituições privadas de ensino superior de capital aberto no Brasil / Value creation in private institutions of college education companies in Brazil that are publicly-traded

Flavia Renata Moreira da Silva 24 November 2011 (has links)
Nos últimos anos o setor privado foi obtendo presença majoritária no ensino superior brasileiro, chegando a atender 74% dos alunos matriculados, no ano de 2009. O segmento experimentou um período de forte expansão, após a promulgação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação LDB (entre 1997 e 2002), e com o lançamento, pelo Governo Federal, de medidas que incentivaram o investimento privado no setor de ensino superior. Esse crescimento vivido pelo segmento está se esgotando e a competitividade no setor está aumentando. Nessa realidade competitiva em que as empresas estão imersas, os gestores devem buscar continuamente tornar suas empresas capazes de, no curto prazo, produzir resultados financeiros para garantir sua sobrevivência e que sejam compensadores a ponto de atrair o interesse e o capital de investidores; e ainda, no longo prazo, garantir a capacidade de renovação e adaptação do negócio às novas exigências do mercado. Neste contexto, a gestão baseada no valor surge como um instrumento gerencial para garantir a criação de valor para os acionistas e stakeholders. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar e analisar a criação de valor econômico no segmento de instituições privadas de ensino superior de capital aberto no Brasil. Para medir se há criação/destruição de valor foi usado o modelo de GTV Geração Total de Valor, desenvolvido pelo Prof. Dr. Alberto Borges Matias (2007), que separa a geração de valor no capital de giro (curto prazo) e no longo prazo. O estudo desenvolvido conclui que as instituições privadas de ensino superior de capital aberto no Brasil geram valor no curto prazo, mas destroem no longo prazo. / In recent years, the private sector gained a dominant share of Brazilian college education market, encompassing 74% of students enrolled in the year 2009. The industry experienced a period of strong expansion, after the promulgation of the Law of Directives and Basis of Education - LDB - (between 1997 and 2002) and with the launch by the Federal Government of measures that encouraged private investment in college education. The growth experienced by this industry is reaching its limit and competition is increasing. In this competitive reality in which companies are immersed, managers must continually seek to make their companies, in the short term, produce financial results to ensure their survival and be worth enough to attract the interest and capital of investors. As well, in the long term, managers must ensure the capacity for renewal and adaptation of the business to new market demands. In this context, value-based management emerged as a management tool to ensure value creation for shareholders and stakeholders. The main aim of this study is to identify and analyze the creation of economic value by private college education companies that are publicly-traded in Brazil. To measure whether there is creation / destruction of value, it was used the GTV model - Total Value Generation, developed by Prof. Dr. Alberto Borges Matias (2007), which separates the generation of value in two components: working capital (short term) and long term. The study conclude that the private college education companies that are publicly-traded in Brazil create value in the short term, but they destroy in the long term.

Att bygga en hållbar framtid : En kvalitativ korsfallstudie om hållbara värdekedjor ifastighetsbranschen

Jensen, William, Svensson, Maxim January 2018 (has links)
Forskning visar på att alla delar av samhället behöver ta ett större hållbarhetsansvar om vi ska kunna gå en hållbar framtid tillmötes. Då fastighetsbranschen dras med missgynnsamma arbetsförhållanden och stor miljöpåverkan är branschen ett område med stor utvecklingspotential. Studiens syfte har varit att utvärdera hur svenska företag inom fastighetsbranschen arbetar med hållbara värdekedjor för att främja ett hållbart värdeskapande där fokus har legat på fastighetsbolagens samverkan med dess leverantörer. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ undersökning av tre olika fastighetsbolag, Atrium Ljungberg, BESQAB och Hufvudstaden. Genom en applicering av Sustainable Value Creation (D’heur, 2015) har företagens hållbarhetsåtaganden identifierats tillsammans med styrkor och utvecklingsmöjligheter inom verksamheten. Studien visar på att det idag finns ett genomgående hållbarhetstänk inom fastighetsbranschen men att det även finns stora förbättringsmöjligheter. Tydliga krav, långsiktighetstänk och stort socialt ansvar var de prominenta styrkorna som identifierades. I framtiden kan fastighetsbranschen utveckla sitt hållbarhetsarbete genom att fokusera på att konsekvent följa satta hållbarhetsriktlinjer och främja ett ökat samarbete genom leverantörsnätverk.

Entrincheiramento gerencial e criação de valor nas cooperativas de crédito brasileiras / Managerial entrenchment and value creation in Brazilian credit unions

Canassa, Bruno José 28 September 2018 (has links)
O entrincheiramento gerencial se caracteriza pela redução dos direitos dos proprietários de qualquer organização, que passam a ter gestores fortalecidos e protegidos. Embora pesquisas apontem o entrincheiramento como redutor do valor nas empresas de capital aberto, teoricamente as cooperativas de crédito possuem características que tornam divergentes os possíveis efeitos do entrincheiramento gerencial sobre a criação de valor, ao potencializar problemas de agência ou originar relações de stewardship. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre esta relação nas cooperativas, sem haver investigação empírica sobre esta associação. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho investigou o entrincheiramento gerencial nas cooperativas de crédito brasileiras e sua associação à criação de valor. Utilizando dados encontrados nos estatutos sociais vigentes no ano de 2016, foi desenvolvido um índice de entrincheiramento baseado em previsões sobre dualidade, manutenção no cargo, trocas de conselheiros e limites contra candidaturas rivais, com a associação ao valor testada por técnicas de mínimos quadrados ordinários e em dois estágios. As estimações realizadas apontaram uma associação negativa entre o índice de entrincheiramento e a criação de valor, realçada pelo uso de mínimos quadrados em dois estágios, que persistiu em análises envolvendo amostras específicas de cooperativas, à exceção da amostra composta por cooperativas de livre admissão. Os resultados alinham o caso das cooperativas de crédito ao das empresas de capital aberto, o que pode implicar em uma similaridade entre estas formas organizacionais, apesar de teoricamente serem apresentadas como distintas. / The managerial entrenchment is characterized by the reduction of the ownership rights in any organization, which have their managers strengthened and protected. Although prior research points out the entrenchment as a reducer of value in investor-oriented firms, credit unions theoretically have characteristics that make divergent the possible effects of managerial entrenchment on the value creation, by potentiating agency problems or leading to stewardship relationships. However, there is little knowledge about this relationship in cooperatives, without any empirical research on this association. Therefore, this work investigated the managerial entrenchment in Brazilian credit unions and their association with value creation. Using data found in the credit unions\' bylaws in force in 2016, an entrenchment index based on provisions of duality, possibility of prolonged tenure, board members\' exchanges and limits against rival applications was developed, with the association with value tested by ordinary and two-stage least squares techniques. The estimation showed a negative association between the entrenchment index and the value creation, highlighted by the use of two-stage least squares, which persisted in analyzes involving specific samples of credit unions with the exception of the sample composed by free entry credit unions. The results align the case of credit unions with that of investor-oriented firms, which may imply a similarity between these organizational forms, although they are theoretically presented as distinct.

Empirical Forecasting of Returns during the Great Recession through Economic Value Added

Sekyere, Godwin Ohene 01 January 2016 (has links)
US economic recession from 2007- 2009, also known as the Great Recession, negatively impacted the financial sector as well as other aspects of society. Researchers have found value-based measures and accounting measures as effective performance measures, but they have found inconclusive results when comparing the strengths of economic value added (EVA) and accounting measures in predicting stock performance. This study used data from the Great Recession to further compare EVA and accounting measures. The purpose of this cross-sectional or correlational study was to determine the relative predictive strength of EVA during the Great Recession to determine whether a model with EVA added to accounting measures did a better job predicting stock returns. Secondary were data collected from a sample of 93 Fortune 500 Companies from 2007-2009 and then analyzed via multivariate regression analysis. The null hypothesis was not rejected. The result showed that EVA was not a useful addition to accounting variables in predicting stock returns during the Great Recession. Although the findings did not support EVA as a better predictor of stock returns during the Great Recession, the study revealed useful information about value-based measures and value-creation, especially how they are impacted by the period of a severe economic downturn. Researchers have indicated that creating value for shareholders enables the funding of positive-net-present-value projects that would result in positive social change. This study revealed that firms are unlikely to create shareholder value through returns on investment for a positive social change in unfavorable economic conditions.

Value as a Motivating Factor for Collaboration : The case of a collaborative network for wind asset owners for potential big data sharing

Kenjangada Kariappa, Ganapathy, Bjersér, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
The world's need for energy is increasing while we realize the consequences of existing unsustainable methods for energy production. Wind power is a potential partial solution, but it is a relatively new source of energy. Advances in technology and innovation can be one solution, but the wind energy industry is embracing them too slow due to, among other reasons, lack of incentives in terms of the added value provided. Collaboration and big data may possibly provide a key to overcome this. However, to our knowledge, this research area has received little attention, especially in the context of the wind energy industry.   The purpose of this study is to explore value as a motivating factor for potential big data collaboration via a collaborative network. This will be explored within the context of big data collaboration, and the collaborative network for wind asset owners O2O WIND International. A cross sectional, multi-method qualitative single in-depth case study is conducted. The data collected and analyzed is based on four semi-structured interviews and a set of rich documentary secondary data on the 25 of the participants in the collaborative network in the form of 3866 pages and 124 web pages visited.  The main findings are as follows. The 25 participants of the collaborative network were evaluated and their approach to three different types of value were visualized through a novel model: A three-dimensional value approach space. From this visualization clusters of participants resulting in 6 different approaches to value can be distinguished amongst the 25 participants.  Furthermore, 14 different categories of value as the participants express are possible to create through the collaborative network has been identified. These values have been categorized based on fundamental types of value, their dimensions and four value processes. As well as analyzed for patterns and similarities amongst them. The classification results in a unique categorization of participants of a collaborative network. These categories prove as customer  segments that the focal firm of the collaborative network can target.  The interviews resulted in insights about the current state of the industry, existing and future market problems and needs as well as existing and future market opportunities. Then possible business model implications originating from our findings, for the focal firm behind the collaborative network O2O WIND International as well as the participants of the collaboration, has been discussed. We conclude that big data and collaborative networks has potential for value creation in the wind power sector, if the business model of those involved takes it into account. However, more future research is necessary, and suggestions are made.

Promoting sustainability by spreading the Integrated Profit and Loss (IP&L™) framework : A multiple case study approach in the forest- and water industry

Rönnbäck, Samuel January 2019 (has links)
The integrated profit and loss (IP&L™) model is a model that provides a holistic performance evaluation of the organisation. The purpose of this study has been to explore how IP&L™ can be used in a wider setting and contribute towards more sustainable practices for an industry. The aim has therefore been to investigate advantages of having a widespread usage of the IP&L™ method, and to find out how the method can be spread to more companies. Based on this, the following three research questions was developed: What are the advantages of IP&L™ within an industry? What are the key factors in order to spread IP&L™ to other companies? What are the prerequisites for collaboration around IP&L™? The study has had a deductive and qualitative approach, investigating two different case companies. One company within the Australian water industry, and one within the Swedish forest industry. Data was collected through interviews with representatives from three different perspectives of working with IP&L™ within each company; the strategic perspective of sustainable development, the perspective of integrated reporting, and the market and customer perspective. It has been found that the main advantages of IP&L™ within an industry is that it develops consensus and new norms, enhances the external communication, and improves industry reputation. In order to spread IP&L™ to other companies, the study show that collaboration is an important factor, and to establish fruitful collaboration around IP&L™, it is important with leadership and dialogue. This study contributes to theory by providing knowledge around the specific IP&L™ model. It further has a practical contribution in the sense that it provides deeper knowledge around the IP&L™ and its usefulness, and can serve as a foundation for organisations in further developing how they use IP&L™.

Linking Marketing to Shareholder Value in Listed and Non-Listed Markets

Hodgson, Victoria Louise, n/a January 2004 (has links)
In this thesis it is recognised that marketing has a dual role to satisfy both customer and shareholder objectives. The issue of shareholder value creation of marketing is an important and immediate agenda for marketing executives, management and academics. To date, marketers have not been able to adequately quantify and measure shareholder value creation through marketing assets and marketing expenditure. This has led to a dilution of marketing power and influence in the boardroom with management tending to treat marketing as discretionary expenditure and not as an asset. Academics have responded with conceptual models that relate marketing assets back to shareholder value, generally through cash flow or sales models. The creation of shareholder value through marketing assets and expenditure is then conceptualised and tested empirically. The conceptual model builds on the theory of agency and incomplete markets setting to illustrate the flow effects through marketing assets to shareholder value. The conceptual model also demonstrates that marketing expenditure can have stock and/or flow impacts on shareholder value. Flow effects are indirect effects that are mediated through sales, cash flows, and earnings and can be either temporary or longer term. It is concluded that in listed markets stock prices are the general surrogate for shareholder value, and risk adjusted earnings are the appropriate surrogate in non-listed markets. The thesis then empirically illustrates and tests the relationships between marketing communications expenditure on two data sets representing firms in listed and non-listed settings. The empirical results reveal that marketing expenditure does play an important role in the creation of shareholder value and that stock and flow effects are both present. Knowledge of the various empirical impacts from marketing across firm size, industry and listed and non-listed market settings observed in this thesis should prove highly valuable for marketers and managers. Finally, a conceptual understanding by marketers of the financial metrics that are required to be influenced in order to increase shareholder equity will provide greater clout in negotiations with management and boards of directors.

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