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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Roboto valdymo sistema / Robot control system

Mitka, Darius 21 June 2004 (has links)
The final work of master studies reviews various industrial robots constructions and parameters, from which they are characterized. Robotics systems and control of flexible production have been discussed in here. Various robots’ drives and their control advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. In the practical part original robot global movement platform is suggested and algorithm of two flexible production bays handling is created. Static characteristics of linear drive used in platform are calculated. Using software package “Matlab Simulink” model of symmetrical linear induction motor (LIM) is created and dynamic characteristics are gained. Concluding part presents inferences and suggestions.

Tiesiaeigio asinchroninio variklio magnetinio lauko imitacija / Simulation of magnetic field of linear asynchronous motor

Sadauskas, Tomas 23 June 2006 (has links)
In this thesis is investigated how magnetic field varies at different instants of time in the air gap of linear induction motor and outside of it. The are given results of simulation, which show the change of magnetic flux at different instants of time of linear induction motor in the air gap, outside the inductors, also magnetic flux dependencies on air gap width. Two models of linear induction motor with secondary element and without it are compared.

Žingsninio variklio tyrimas / Stepper motor research

Gelgota, Vytenis 10 June 2004 (has links)
The most widely used variable reluctance and permanent magnet stepper motors of different design types are discussed in the theoretical part of this work. It also overviews a constructional diversity of these motors, the fundamentals of operating modes and characteristics. This part discuses features of stepper motors as a part of automation control system, presents the main counting equations and applications with stepper motors. The practical part includes the mathematical model of stepper motor and the Simulink model that was developed for software package “Matlab”. Those models formed the basis for analysis of stepper motor dynamic characteristics in various operating modes (wave drive, full step drive, half step drive, microstepping, reversing, braking).

Dvimasės elektromechaninės sistemos tyrimas / The research of two – mass electromechanical system

Juraitis, Sigitas 11 June 2004 (has links)
In the final dissertation you will find analyzed the two - mass electromechanical system, finite tightness shaft and non-linear mechanical link included. Explored system shaft has finite tightness, non-linear element - backlash between the parts of mechanical link. The researches of two - mass electromechanical system were made using Simulink program pack. In this paper I have made the structural system scheme, transmission functions and simulated process of two - mass dynamical system. Gained motor and outlet shaft angular rotation speed and motor's electromagnetic moment transitive process curves, by all tightness and backlash worth' s. Researched results give new information about the two - mass electromechanical system' s dynamical process.

Fazinių įtampų asimetriškumo įtakos asinchroninių variklių darbui tyrimas / Investigation of Influence of Asymmetric Voltage on Characteristics of Asynchronous Motors

Baltrimas, Linas 18 June 2010 (has links)
Asimetrinė fazinių įtampų sistema stipriai pablogina asinchroninių variklių darbą. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti trifazio asinchroninio variklio darbą, esant įvairioms maitinimo įtampos fazorių modulių asimetrijoms. Asinchroninio variklio visi energetiniai rodikliai apskaičiuoti atlikus jų tuščiosios veikos ir apkrovos bandymus bei panaudojus atskirų galios nuostolių metodą. Įtampos asimetriškumo lygis gaunamas panaudojus simetrinių dedamųjų metodą. Atsiradus asimetrijai, asinchroninio variklio oro tarpe kuriamas elipsinis sukamasis magnetinis laukas, kuris sukelia variklyje ir sukimo, ir stabdymo momentus. Tik esant simetrinei fazinių įtampų sistemai (ka = 0 %), prie variklio nurodytosios apkrovos visi kiti dydžiai gaunami nurodytieji. Teoriškai ir eksperimentiškai ištyrus 1,1 kW galios asincroninį elektros variklį gauta, kad esant asimetrinei fazinių įtampų sistemai (ka = 11 %), prie nurodytosios apkrovos asinchroninio variklio iš tinklo vartojama galia P1 padidėjo 22,4 %, apsisukimai n sumažėjo, o slydimas s padidėjo 94,7 %, galios nuostoliai ΣP padidėjo 101 %, elektromagnetinis momentas Mem padidėjo 4,9 %, naudingumo koeficientas η sumažėjo 21,4 % ir galios koeficientas cos φ sumažėjo 0,9 %. / Asymmetrical phase system of voltages significantly degrades induction motors work. The study objective - to explore the three-phase asynchronous motor at different power supply modules vector asymmetry. All energetic indicators of the asynchronous motor winding were calculated after performing their no-load and load testing, and using the method of separate power loss. Asymmetry voltage level obtained by using the method of symmetrical components. The emergence of asymmetry in the induction motor air gap created elliptical rotary magnetic field, which caused an engine torque and braking points. Only a symmetrical phase voltage system (ka = 0%), the given load on the engine all the other values given are obtained. Theoretical and experimental study of 1,1 kW electric asynchronous motor revealed that in asymmetric phase voltage system (ka = 11%), at the given induction motor load from the mains power is used in P1 increased by 22,4%, n speed decreased and the slip increased by 94,7%, power ΣP loss has increased 101%, the electromagnetic torque Mem increased by 4,9%, the efficiency η decreased 21,4% and power factor cos φ decreased by 0,9%.

Daugiafazių elektromechaninių keitiklių tyrimas / Research of multi-phase electromechanical inverters

Ostanovkaitė, Aurelija 21 June 2013 (has links)
Tiriamajame darbe elektromagnetiniu požiūriu palyginamos viensluoksnė forminė trifazė ir to pačio tipo šešiafazė apvijos. Atlikta šių apvijų kuriamų sukamųjų magnetovarų harmonė analizė ir pagal gautus rezultatus apskaičiuoti elektromagnetinio efektyvumo koeficientai. Gauta, kad viensluoksnė forminė šešiafazė apvija turi geresnius elektromagnetinius parametrus. Šios šešiafazės apvijos efektyvumo koeficientas yra 8,7 % didesnis nei viensluoksnės forminės trifazės apvijos. Atliktas eksperimentinis tyrimas su 1,5 kW asinchroniniu varikliu su viensluoksne formine trifaze apvija ir su tuo pačiu pervyniotu varikliu su ta pačia šešiafaze apvija. Asinchroninio variklio su viensluoksne formine trifaze apvija ir to pačio pervynioto variklio su ta pačia šešiafaze apvija visi energiniai rodikliai apskaičiuoti atlikus tuščiosios veikos ir apkrovos bandymus. Atlikus asinchroninio variklio eksperimentinius bandymus prie nurodytosios apkrovos trifaziam ir šešiafaziam asinchroniniam varikliui, buvo gauti tokie skaičiavimo rezultatai: pervynioto šešiafazio variklio statoriaus apvijos fazinė srovė sumažėjo 25 %, imama iš tinklo galia sumažėjo 10 %, galios suminiai nuostoliai sumažėjo 38 %, galios faktorius padidėjo 4 %, naudingumo faktorius padidėjo beveik 15 %, sukimosi momentas padidėjo apie 5 %. Nustatyta, kad asinchroninis variklis su viensluoksne formine šešiafaze apvija turi geresnius energinius rodiklius nei asinchroninis variklis su to paties tipo trifaze apvija. / In this research electromagnetic properties of single-layer former three-phase winding and the same type six-phase winding are assessed and compared. Harmonic analyses of magnetomotive force was carried out on the rotary forces they generate and, according to final results, the electromagnetic efficiency coefficients were calculated. It was established that electromagnetic parameters of the single-layer former six-phase winding are better. The efficiency coefficient of the single-layer former six-phase winding is 8,7 % higher compared to the same three-phase winding. The experimental analysis of a three-phase asynchronous 1,5 kW motor with a single-layer three-phase winding and the same rewound motor with the same six-phase winding was performed. All energetic indicators of the asynchronous motor with a single-layer former three-phase winding and rewound motor the same six-phase winding were calculated after performing a no-load and load tests. Performing a load testing of the asynchronous motor for single-layer three-phase winding and the same six-phase winding it was established that the current of the stator winding of the rewound asynchronous motor with a single-layer six-phase winding decreased by 25 % at the indicated load, the power from the network decreased by 10 %. Moreover, the power loss decreased by 38 %, the power factor increased by 4 %, the efficiency factor increased almost by 15 %, and the torque increased by 5 %. It was established that the asynchronous... [to full text]

Elektromagnetinio žingsninio variklio tyrimas / Investigation of electromagnetic stepper motor

Kureckas, Tadas 20 June 2005 (has links)
Analysis of electromagnetic stepper motor at work have been performed. Types of stepper motors and its characteristics have been described generally. The programmes of modelling have been searching using internet and analysed. The programme QuickField 5.2 Studen‘s edition is in consort to demands and requests. Using QuickField 5.2 Student‘s edition the model of electromagnetic motor have been created and experimentations have been performed. Varying displacement of motor magnetic part the distribution of magnetic flux density and magnetic field lines have been analysed. The experimentations involving change of motors mechanical characteristics too (varying air gap between magnetic circuit and secondary part). Teoretical characteristics of distribution of magnetic field energy density, strenth and magnetic flux have been maked and compared. The conclusions and theoretical results specifying operating principle facility of electromagnetic motor. Characteristics of distribution of magnetic field and energy can be used for rating of influence to operation of motor.

Dyzelinių variklių, dirbančių antros kartos biodegalų mišiniais,eksploatacinių charakteristikų tyrimai / The research of exploitation characteristics of diesel engines running on second generation biofuel blends

Žaglinskis, Justas 17 December 2014 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimų aktualumą lemia energijos panaudojimo efektyvumo didinimas bei aplinkos taršos mažinimas transporto sektoriuje. Darbe sprendžiami eksperimentiniai, matematinio modeliavimo ir metodologiniai uždaviniai, siekiant kompleksiškai ištirti dyzelinių variklių, dirbančių II kartos RRME, alkoholio ir dyzelino mišiniais, eksploatacinius darbo rodiklius. Disertacijoje analizuotas ir įvertintas degalų mišinių panaudojimo lengvųjų automobilių ir pagalbiniame laivo dyzeliniuose varikliuose efektas. Tiriamojo darbo problematika, tikslas, uždaviniai suformuoti išanalizavus transporto sektoriaus sandarą, svarbą oro taršos ir energijos sunaudojimo srityse bei ES strateginius planus. Laboratorijos bei eksploatacijos sąlygomis ištirti I, II kartos biodegalų ir dyzelino mišiniai. Tyrimams panaudotuose varikliuose išbandyti butanolio ir metanolio su rapso metil/butilesteriais bei dyzelino 2 ir 3 komponentų mišiniai. Išbandyti II kartos RRME mišiniai: Sėjamosios judros (lot. Camelina sativa) kartu su kiaulienos RRME ir mikro dumblių (lot. Clorella sp.). Atlikti dyzelino ir mišinių palyginamieji variklinių savybių tyrimai. Panaudojant mišinius, energijos panaudojimo efektyvumas didėja ~1–4 %; esant šiek tiek išaugusiai NOX koncentracijai, CO, CH koncentracijos sumažėjimas siekia iki 20 %, o deginių dūmingumas – 55–85 %. Įvertinti terminės ir mechaninės apkrovos kriterijai, indikuojantys variklio konstrukcinį patikimumą dirbant dyzelinu ir degalų mišiniais. Ištirta biodyzelinų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The relevance of dissertation research is determined increasing efficiency of energy use and reduction of environmental pollution in the transport sector. In order to accomplish the complex research of diesel engines (running on 2nd generation FAME, alcohol and diesel blends) performance indicators the experimental, simulation and methodological tasks are solved in dissertation. The analysis and evaluation of effect of fuel blends use in passenger car and vessel auxiliary diesel engines is presented in dissertation. The problem, aim, tasks of research work formulated after analysis of transport sector structure, the importance of air pollution and energy consumption and the EU's strategic plans. The blends of 1st and 2nd generation biofuels were investigated using laboratory equipment and in the exploitation conditions. 2 and 3 component blends of diesel, methanol, butanol, rape methyl/butyl esters were tested in diesel engines. Tested 2nd generation FAME blends: False flax (lat. Camelina sativa) with pork lards FAME and sea algae (lat. Clorella sp.). The comparable research of parameters while engine ran on diesel and blends was carried out. In the case of blends use the energy efficiency increases ~1–4%; at slightly increased NOX concentration the CO and CH concentrations decreased up to 20% and exhaust smoke, and smokiness decreased – 55–85%. The evaluation of thermal and mechanical load criteria which indicate 1.9 TDI 1Z engine reliability operating on diesel fuel and... [to full text]

Universalios sklendės tiesiaeigės pavaros tyrimas / Research on the Universal Linear Electric Drive

Inčirauskaitė, Asta 20 June 2011 (has links)
Šiame baigiamajame darbe apžvelgtos dulkių sprogimų atsiradimo priežastys bei sprogimų plitimų mechanizmas. Aprašyti sprogimų žemės ūkio įmonėse padariniai. Aptartos techninės priemonės, įgalinančias lokalizuoti pirminius silpnus dulkių sprogimus ir taip išvengiant stiprių, griaunamosios jėgos sprogimų. Išanalizuotos ugnį užtveriančių ir technologinių universaliųjų sklendžių tiesiaeiges elektros pavaros. Naudojant programinį modeliavimo paketą Matlab Simulink sudarytas universaliosios sklendės tiesiaeigės pavaros modelis ir gautos dinaminių charakteristikų imitacijos kreives. Naudojant programinį paketą SolidWorks sumodeliuota universalioji sklendė ir gauta smūginės bangos slėgio veikiamo sklendės judamojo elemento deformacija ir judamojo elemento deformacija, kai induktoriaus aktyviojoje zonoje įtaisyti papildomi atraminiai guoliai. Baigiamojo darbo pabaigoje pateiktos išvados ir pasiūlymai. / The final work of master analyses the causes of dust explosions and explosions spread mechanism. A short overview of the explosions effects in the agro - industry is presented. Technical devices enabling the localization of primary weak dust explosions and so avoiding the strong, destructive force explosions are discussed. Fire blocking and universal linear electric drives are analyzed. Using software package Matlab Simulink model of universal linear electric drive is created and dynamic characteristics are gained. Using software package SolidWorks model of universal linear electric drive is created and valves mobile element deformation and deformation of the mobile element, when there are installed additional supporting bearings in the inductor active zone are obtained when mobile element is affected by the pressure of the explosion wave. Concluding part presents inferences and suggestions.

Tiesiaeigės dažninės pavaros tyrimas / Research of linear variable frequency drive

Jenkinas, Piotras 08 June 2004 (has links)
The properties of linear induction motor and areas of its application are analyzed; frequency converters and their control methods are discussed in this final work. Methods to realize a pulse width modulation are analyzed, scalar and vector control principles as well as perspectives of perfection of semiconductor commutating elements and control systems are discussed. The principle of operation of control systems applied in frequency converters is analyzed On the base of analysis mathematical and Simulink model of linear induction motor in α-β reference frame is developed, mathematical and Simulink models of frequency controlled linear induction drives are carried out. Two models of linear frequency controlled induction drive: scalar and vector control are investigated, transient characteristics of inverter output voltage, currents of linear motor, developed force and linear speed are analyzed and results of different control principles are compared.

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