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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La régulation de la perfusion musculaire dépendante du monoxyde d’azote (NO) : effet de l’aptitude aérobie et des facteurs de risques cardiovasculaires liés à la diméthylarginine asymétrique / Regulation of nitric oxide (NO) -mediated blood flow to muscles : effect of aerobic fitness and cardiovascular risk factors related to Asymmetric Dimethylarginine (ADMA)

Pawlak-Chaouch, Mehdi 11 December 2017 (has links)
Ce projet de thèse avait pour objet d’étudier la régulation de la biodisponibilité du monoxyde d’azote (NO) à travers la supplémentation en nitrate (NO3-) chez l’homme, et la perfusion d’ADMA chez l’animal. Nous avons essayé de déterminer les répercussions de la modulation de la biodisponibilité du NO sur la perfusion musculaire à l’exercice, et l’effet de l’aptitude aérobie sur cette modulation. Dans notre méta-analyse, nous avons rapporté une diminution de la consommation d’oxygène (V̇O2) lors d’exercices d’intensité modérée à élevée, avec une amélioration de la tolérance à l’exercice sans réduction du V̇O2 chez les sujets présentant une pathologie. Dans une seconde étude, aucune amélioration de la tolérance à l’effort n’a été observée chez des athlètes [consommation maximale d’oxygène (V̇O2max) > 65 mL.min-1.kg-1] au cours d’un exercice intermittent d’intensité supramaximale après une supplémentation en NO3- et sans modification au niveau du V̇O2 et de la perfusion musculaire. Une troisième étude montre que l’aptitude aérobie et l’apport en O2 aux muscles, dépendante de la perfusion musculaire, ne sont pas associés à la concentration plasmatique d’ADMA chez des sujets jeunes et sains. Enfin, notre quatrième étude ne rapporte pas d’effet de la perfusion de l’ADMA sur la perfusion musculaire au cours d’un exercice de course chez des rats. En conclusion, la supplémentation en NO3- peut contribuer à une amélioration de la performance à travers une réduction du coût en O2 pour des exercices sous-maximaux. Cependant, les sujets entraînés en endurance avec une aptitude aérobie élevée ne présentent ni d’effet ergogénique, ni d’amélioration de la perfusion musculaire à la suite d’une supplémentation en NO3- lors d’exercices intermittents supramaximaux, contrairement aux sujets modérément entraînés. En outre, l’ADMA, en tant inhibiteur de la synthèse du NO, ne semble pas jouer un rôle dans la régulation du débit sanguin et de l’apport en O2 aux muscles actifs, en l’absence de conditions pathologiques. / We aimed to determine whether dietary nitrate (NO3-) supplementation and ADMA modulate NO bioavailability and muscle blood flow during exercise. The second purpose was to establish whether aerobic fitness alters the effects of dietary NO3- supplementation and ADMA on muscle blood flow during exercise. In our meta-analysis, we found that dietary NO3- supplementation decreases V̇O2 during exercise performed in the moderate and heavy intensity domains in healthy subjects, and enhances exercise tolerance in subjects with chronic diseases, but no change in V̇O2. Our second study showed that dietary NO3- supplementation did not increase the number of repetitions completed during supramaximal intensity intermittent exercise in endurance athletes with high aerobic fitness (V̇O2max > 65 mL.kg-1.min-1), and did not increase muscle blood volume. In the third study, aerobic fitness is not related to muscle O2 delivery and plasma ADMA concentrations in young male subjects with a wide range of aerobic fitness level. In the fourth study, increased plasma ADMA levels did not decrease muscle blood flow during low-treadmill running exercise in healthy rats. In conclusion, dietary NO3- supplementation could contribute to an improved tolerance to exercise by reducing O2 cost during exercises at submaximal intensities. However, endurance-trained athletes with high V̇O2max level do not benefit from the effects of dietary NO3- supplementation on exercise performance and muscle blood flow as reported in moderately trained subjects. Moreover, ADMA did not regulate muscle blood flow and O2 delivery during exercise in conditions free from cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in humans and in the rat with pharmacological-induced increase in plasma ADMA levels.

Dietärt intag av nitrat förbättrar inte prestationen i Coopers test hos löpare på motionsnivå

Carlsson, Josef January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund. Nitrat är ett födoämne som fått stor uppmärksamhet inom forskningen de senaste åren. Studier påvisar blodtryckssänkande effekt, minskad syrekostnad vid submaximalt- och maximalt arbete. Det ökar samtidigt den muskulära verkningsgraden och kan därmed i idrottssammanhang ha eventuell positiv inverkan på prestationen. Syfte. Att undersöka om tre dagars uppladdning med nitrat i form av 7 cl rödbetsjuice (0,4 gram nitrat) om dagen, samt en fjärde dos på testdagen kan öka prestationen hos medeltränade löpare i ett Coopers test.  Metod. En randomiserad dubbelblind placebo-kontrollerad korsad studie utfördes på totalt 6 fullt friska försökspersoner, varav tre män och tre kvinnor (ålder 25,5±7 år, VO2max 46,7±22, kroppsvikt 73±17,1 kg, längd 178,8±17,9 cm, BMI 23±6,4). Försökspersonerna genomgick vid två tillfällen tre dagars uppladdning samt en fjärde dos på testdagen med två olika typer av kosttillskott, nitratprov (rödbetsjuice) och placebo (tranbärsjuice). De två testperioderna separerades av en 7 dagars washout-period. Totalt genomfördes fem olika typer av mätningar i följande ordning; längd och vikt, blodtryck, löptest (Coopers test 12min) då även puls och upplevd ansträngning registrerades. I den statistiska analysen tillämpades ett parat t-test för att jämföra placebo, nitrat och första och andra testperiod. Resultat. Ingen signifikant skillnad i prestation vid Coopers test mellan nitrat och placebo. En signifikant prestationsförbättring (p<0.03) noterades dock vid andra löptestet gentemot första. Blodtrycksvärden var inte signifikant olika mellan nitratprov och placebo. Däremot var både systoliskt och diastoliskt blodtryck lägre vid andra mätningen i förhållande till första (Systoliskt bt; p<0.02, diastoliskt bt; p<0.01). Konklusion. Tre dagars uppladdning samt en fjärde dos nitrat på testdagen förbättrar inte prestationen hos medeltränade löpare i ett Coopers test. Försökspersonerna presterade bättre vid andra löptestet än vid första vilket sannolikt beror på en träningseffekt. 60 minuter efter dietärt intag av nitrat har blodtrycket inte påverkats. Lägre blodtrycksvärden vid andra mätningen kan ha orsakats av ”white coat hypertension”.

Vias centrais purinérgicas envolvidas na regulação do fluxo sangüíneo muscular durante os comportamentos de alerta e defesa / Purinergic central pathways involved in the muscle blood flow regulation during alerting defense behaviours.

Willian Seiji Korim 15 December 2006 (has links)
As reações de alerta e defesa compreendem ajustes cardiovasculares proporcionando um fluxo sangüíneo muscular adequado nas situações de \"luta ou fuga\". As vias centrais e os possíveis neurotransmissores envolvidos nestes ajustes permanecem ainda, em grande parte, desconhecidas. Neste estudo buscamos analisar a participação da neurotransmissão purinérgica e glutamatérgica no núcleo do trato solitário (NTS) na gênese da vasodilatação muscular durante reações de defesa e o papel das vias glutamatérgicas do NTS para o núcleo rostroventrolateral (RVL) nestas respostas. Ratos Wistar machos (250-350 g) foram anestesiados (uretana 600 mg/kg + alpha-chloralose 50 mg/kg, i.v.), paralisados (d-Tubocurarina, 0,5 mg/kg, i.v.) e ventilados artificialmente. Registramos a pressão arterial média (PAM), a freqüência cardíaca (FC) e o fluxo sangüíneo dos membros posteriores (FSMP). A condutância vascular dos membros posteriores (CVMP) foi determinada como a razão FSMP/PAM e expressa como percentagem do valor basal. A estimulação elétrica (EE; 150 MuA; 0,6 ms; 100 Hz; 6 s) do hipotálamo lateral provocou hipertensão, taquicardia e vasodilatação nos membros posteriores. A microinjeção bilateral de suramin (100 pmol/50 nl), um antagonista não específico de receptores P2x no NTS, reduziu a vasodilatação nos membros posteriores durante a EE do hipotálamo (173±19,0 vs 28±14,1% do basal) sem alterar as respostas pressora e taquicárdica. A microinjeção do agonista P2x alpha, beta-methylene ATP (100 pmol/50 nl) no NTS produziu hipotensão, bradicardia e vasodilatação dos membros posteriores. A microinjeção de suramin (100 pmol/50 nl) bloqueou a vasodilatação muscular (76±15,2 vs 9±2,1% do basal) e a hipotensão (-47±4,5 vs -6±2,0 mmHg). A microinjeção de ácido quinurênico (4 nmol/50 nl), um antagonista glutamatérgico ionotrópico não seletivo no NTS bloqueou, de forma semelhante ao suramin, a vasodilatação durante a EE do hipotálamo (134±21,5 vs 27±12,7% do basal) sem alterar as respostas pressora ou taquicárdica. O bloqueio bilateral no RVL com microinjeções de ácido quinurênico reduziu intensamente a resposta hipotensora (-60±6,1 vs -9±3,7 mmHg) e vasodilatadora (126±16,9 vs 17±4,6% do basal) provocada pelas microinjeções de alpha, beta-methylene ATP (100 pmol/50 nl) no NTS. O agonista purinérgico A2a, CGS21680 (20 pmol/50 nl) no NTS, evocou hipotensão, bradicardia e vasodilatação muscular de longa duração. O bloqueio do RVL com ácido quinurênico (4 nmol/50 nl) reduziu a hipotensão (- 41±4,7 vs -7±1,9 mmHg), a bradicardia (-33±9 vs -10±3,1 bpm) e a vasodilatação nos membros posteriores (81±5,6 vs 8±1,5% do basal). Estes resultados sugerem que a vasodilatação muscular nas repostas de defesa depende da ativação de receptores P2x e receptores glutamatérgicos no NTS. Ajustes cardiovasculares por ativação dos receptores purinérgicos P2x e A2a no NTS provocam vasodilatação muscular que depende da liberação de glutamato no RVL, provavelmente ativando interneurônios inibitórios ali presentes. / The electrical stimulation (ES) of the hypothalamus in the rat produces a well- defined pattern of cardiovascular adjustments including hypertension, tachycardia and skeletal muscle vasodilation. These hemodynamic responses can also be observed in natural conditions during fight and/or flight behaviors. However the neural pathways and possible neurotransmitters involved remain largely unknown. In this study we sought to determine the role of purinergic and glutamatergic receptors into the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) in the cardiovascular responses induced by hypothalamic ES, also we aimed to analyze the role of glutamatergic neural pathways from the NTS to the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) in these responses. Male Wistar rats (250-350 g) were anesthetized (urethane 600 mg/kg + alpha-chloralose 50 mg/kg, iv), paralyzed (d-tubocurarine 0.5 mg/kg, iv) and artificially ventilated. Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and hindquarter blood flow (HQBF) were recorded. Hindquarter vascular conductance (HQVC) was calculated as the ratio HQBF/MAP and expressed as percentage of baseline. Hypothalamic ES (6s trains, 0.6 ms square pulses, 100 Hz, 150 MuA) evoked a transitory hypertension, tachycardia and hindlimb muscle vasodilation. After bilateral microinjections of suramin (100 pmol /50 nl), a non-specific P2x receptor antagonist, into the NTS the hindlimb vasodilation was reduced (173±19.0 vs 28±14.1% of baseline), even so the transitory hypertension and tachycardia remained unchanged. A similar vasodilation reduction (134±21.5 vs 27±12.7% of baseline) was observed after microinjections of kynurenic acid bilaterally at the same NTS sites. Microinjections of the P2x receptor agonist alpha, beta-methylene ATP (100 pmol/50 nl) into the NTS produced hypotension, bradycardia and hindlimb muscle vasodilation. Bilateral microinjections of suramin at the same NTS site reduced the hypotension (-47±4.5 vs -6±2.0 mmHg) and the vasodilation (76±15.2 vs 9±2.1% of baseline). After bilateral microinjection of kynurenic acid into the RVLM, both hypotension (-60±6.1 vs -9±3.7 mmHg) and the vasodilation response (126±16.9 vs 17±4.6% of baseline) induced by alpha, beta- methylene ATP into the NTS were reduced. The A2a agonist CGS21680 (20 pmol/50 nl) into the NTS produced a long-lasting hypotension, bradycardia and hindlimb vasodilation. Bilateral RVLM glutamatergic blockade reduced the hypotension (-41±4.7 vs -7±1.9 mmHg), the tachycardia (-33±9.0 vs -10±3.1 bpm) and the muscle vasodilation (81±5.6 vs 8±1.5% of baseline) when CGS21680 was injected into the NTS. Therefore the results suggest that in alerting defense reaction, hindquarter vasodilation is mediated by NTS P2x and also by glutamatergic receptors into the intermediate NTS. Cardiovascular responses evoked by either P2x or A2a receptors stimulation in the NTS are mediated by glutamatergic synapses into the RVLM probably through activation of inhibitory interneurones in this area.

Disfunçâo vasodilatadora durante o exercício físico em indivíduos saudáveis com histórico familiar de doença renal crônica

Souza, Livia Victorino de 17 August 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-06-27T11:38:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 liviavictorinodesouza.pdf: 1494176 bytes, checksum: f585792135ba272a938d24f794c1a178 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-06-28T13:04:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 liviavictorinodesouza.pdf: 1494176 bytes, checksum: f585792135ba272a938d24f794c1a178 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-28T13:04:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 liviavictorinodesouza.pdf: 1494176 bytes, checksum: f585792135ba272a938d24f794c1a178 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-17 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / INTRODUÇÃO: Indivíduos com histórico familiar positivo para doença renal crônica (HF+DRC) apresentam alterações hemodinâmicas que influenciam diretamente no surgimento e desenvolvimento dessa doença. Porém, ainda não está claro se há prejuízo na vasodilatação em indivíduos HF+DRC, durante o exercício físico. OBJETIVOS: Testar a hipótese de que indivíduos saudáveis com HF+DRC apresentam vasodilatação muscular diminuída durante o exercício físico. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 9 indivíduos saudáveis com HF+DRC e 17 indivíduos saudáveis sem histórico familiar para doença renal crônica (Grupo HF-DRC), pareados por idade (27±2 vs. 26±1 anos, p=0,67, respectivamente). A pressão arterial (oscilométrico - DIXTAL® 2023), a frequência cardíaca (DIXTAL® 2023) e o fluxo sanguíneo do antebraço (pletismografia de oclusão venosa - Hokanson®) foram aferidos durante 3 minutos basais seguidos de 3 minutos de exercício físico isométrico de preensão de mão a 30% da contração voluntária máxima. A vasodilatação muscular foi calculada pela divisão do fluxo sanguíneo do antebraço pela pressão arterial média, multiplicada por 100. A creatinina sérica foi medida para estimativa da taxa de filtração glomerular. Foi aplicada ANOVA two-way seguida pelo post hoc de Tukey, adotando significativo p<0,05. Os resultados são expressos como média±EP. RESULTADOS: A Creatinina sérica (p=0,74), a taxa de filtração glomerular estimada (p=0,90), a pressão arterial sistólica (p=0,11), diastólica (p=0,82), média (p=0,44) e a frequência cardíaca (p=0,86) foram semelhantes entre os grupos. E, todos os voluntários apresentaram ausência de proteinúria e hematúria. No basal, o fluxo sanguíneo do antebraço foi semelhante entre os grupos HF+DRC e HF-DRC (2,51±0,37 vs. 2,85±0,18 mL/min/100mL, p=0,06), porém aumentou significativamente durante o exercício físico apenas no grupo HF-DRC (p=0,03). No basal, a vasodilatação muscular foi semelhante entre os grupos (2,85±0,37 vs. 3,41±0,21 unidades, respectivamente, p=0,78). Durante o exercício físico o grupo HF+DRC não apresentou mudanças significativas durante o primeiro, segundo e terceiro minutos de exercício físico em relação ao basal (3,19±0,54, 2,91±0,30 e 2,45±0,24 unidades, respectivamente). Porém, foi observado aumento significativo da vasodilatação muscular em relação ao exercício físico no grupo HF-DRC (4,06±0,36, 4,30±0,34 e 4,55±0,48 unidades, respectivamente). CONCLUSÃO: Indivíduos saudáveis com histórico familiar positivo para DRC apresentam disfunção vasodilatadora durante o exercício físico. / INTRODUCTION: Individuals with positive family history of chronic kidney disease (CKD+FH) present hemodynamic changes that directly influence the emergence and development of this disease. However it is unclear whether there is impairment of vasodilatation in CKD+FH individuals during the exercise. OBJECTIVES: To test the hypothesis that healthy subjects with CKD+FH have diminished muscle vasodilatation during exercise. METHODS: We study nine healthy subjects with CKD+FH and 17 healthy individuals without family history of chronic disease (CKD-FH) matched for age (27±2 vs. 26±1 years, p=0,67, respective). Blood pressure (oscilometric - DIXTAL® 2023) heart rate (DIXTAL® 2023) and forearm blood flow (venous occlusion pletysmography - Hokanson®) were measured for 3 minutesbaseline followed by 3 minutes isometric handgrip exercise 30% of maximum voluntary contration. Vasodilatation muscle was calculated by dividing the forearm blood flow by the blood pressure mean multiplied by 100. Serum creatinina was measure to estimate glomerular filtration rate. Was applied ANOVA two-way followed by post hoc Tukey, adopting p<0,05. The results are expressed as mean ± SE. RESULTS: Serum creatinina (p=0,74), the estimate glomerular filtration rate (p=0,90), systolic blood pressure (p=0,11), diastolic blood pressure (p=0,82), mean blood pressure (p=0,44) and heart rate (p=0,86) were similar between groups. And all the volunteers showed no proteinuria and hematuria. At baselina forearm blood flow was similar between the groups CKD+FH and CKD-FH (2,51±0,37 vs. 2,85±0,18 mL/min/100mL, p=0,06), but increased significantly during exercise only in CKD-FH group (p=0,03). At baseline, muscle vasodilatation was similar between groups (2,85±0,37 vs. 3,41±0,21 units, respectively, p=0,78). During exercise the CKD+FH group showed no significant changes during the first, second and third minute of exercise in relation to baseline (3,19±0,54, 2,91±0,30 e 2,45±0,24 units, respectively). However we observed a significant increased in muscle vasodilatation in relation to physical exercise in CKF-FH group (4,06±0,36, 4,30±0,34 e 4,55±0,48 units, respectively). CONCLUSION: In healthy subjects with positive family history of chronic kidney disease have vasodilator dysfunction during exercise.

Identificação e validação de um novo alvo funcional de um peptídeo com atividade anti-hipertensiva do veneno da Bothrops jararaca / Identification and validation of a novel functional target of a peptide from Bothrops jararaca venom with antihypertensive activity

Guerreiro, Juliano Rodrigo 21 May 2009 (has links)
O BPP-10c é um decapeptídeo bioativo, rico em resíduos de prolina e é expresso em uma proteína precursora no cérebro e na glândula de veneno da Bothrops jararaca. Recentemente demonstramos que o BPP-10c tem um potente e sustentado efeito anti-hipertensivo em ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR), sem, no entanto, causar qualquer efeito em ratos normotensos, por um mecanismo farmacológico independente da inibição da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA), levando à hipótese de que outro mecanismo poderia estar envolvido na atividade do peptídeo. Neste trabalho, usamos cromatografia de afinidade para isolar e identificar as proteínas renais com afinidade pelo BPP-10c e demonstramos que a argininosuccinato sintase (AsS) é a principal proteína a se ligar ao peptídeo. Além disso, mostramos que essa interação promove um aumento na atividade catalítica da enzima, de forma dose-dependente. A AsS é reconhecida como uma peça chave na regulação do ciclo da citrulina-óxido nítrico (NO), e sua ação é passo limitante na síntese de NO. A interação funcional do BPP-10c com a AsS foi evidenciada pelos seguintes efeitos promovidos pelo peptídeo: i) estimulação da produção de NO por células HUVEC e da produção de arginina por células HEK 293, ii) aumento da concentração plasmática de arginina em SHR. Corroborando esses achados, mostramos a reversão dos efeitos do peptídeo, inclusive sobre a pressão arterial em SHR, quando o MDLA, um inibidor específico da AsS, foi co-administrado. Em conjunto, os resultados apresentados neste trabalho sugerem que a AsS é fundamental para o efeito anti-hipertensivo do BPP-10c. Tais resultados nos levaram a propor a AsS como um novo alvo terapêutico, e o BPP-10c como molécula-líder para a geração de medicamentos para tratamento de doenças relacionadas à hipertensão arterial / BPP-10c is a bioactive proline-rich decapeptide, part of the C-type natriuretic peptide precursor, expressed in the brain and in the venom gland of Bothrops jararaca. We recently showed that BPP-10c displays a strong, sustained anti-hypertensive effect in spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR), without causing any effect in normotensive rats, by a pharmacological mechanism independent of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition; therefore, we hypothesized that another mechanism should be involved in the peptide activity. Here we used affinity chromatography to search for kidney cytosolic proteins with affinity for BPP-10c and demonstrate that argininosuccinate synthetase (AsS) is the major protein binding to the peptide. More importantly, this interaction activates the catalytic activity of AsS in a dose-dependent manner. AsS is recognized as an important player of the citrulline-nitric oxide (NO) cycle that represents a potential limiting step in NO synthesis. Accordingly, the functional interaction of BPP-10c and AsS was evidenced by the following effects promoted by the peptide: i) increase of NO production in human umbilical vein endothelial cell culture, and of arginine in human embryonic kidney cells; ii) increase of arginine plasma concentration in SHR. Moreover, MDLA, a specific AsS inhibitor, significantly reduced the anti-hypertensive activity of BPP-10c in SHR. These results led us to suggest AsS as a new therapeutically useful target for the development of activators, such as BPP- 10c, useful to treat hypertension related diseases

Efeito do treinamento físico no controle autonômico e nas variáveis hemodinâmicas de crianças obesas / Effect the exercise training in the autonomic control and homodynamic variables of the obese children

Ribeiro, Mauricio Maltez 10 August 2006 (has links)
Introdução. O efeito da dieta e da dieta associada ao treinamento físico na resposta vasodilatadora e no controle autonômico cardíaco durante manobras fisiológicas ainda não foram estudados em crianças obesas. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi demonstrar que: 1) o controle autonômico cardíaco pode estar alterado na criança obesa; 2) a resposta de pressão arterial e a resposta vasodilatadora podem estar alteradas na criança obesa durante o exercício isométrico e o estresse mental; 3) dieta e treinamento físico podem melhorar o controle autonômico cardíaco; e 4) dieta associada ao treinamento físico restaura a resposta de pressão arterial e a resposta vasodilatadora durante manobras fisiológicas em crianças obesas. Métodos e Resultados. Trinta e nove crianças obesas (10±0,2 anos) foram randomizadas e divididas em dois grupos: Dieta associada ao Treinamento Físico (n=21, IMC=28±0,5 kg/m2) e Dieta (n=18, IMC=30±0,4 kg/m2). Dez crianças controles magras, da mesma idade, também foram estudadas (IMC=17±0,5 kg/m2). O controle autonômico foi estudado pela variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca. O fluxo sangüíneo do antebraço (FSA) foi mensurado pela técnica de Pletismografia de Oclusão Venosa. A pressão arterial (PA) foi monitorada de forma não-invasiva. O exercício isométrico no \"Handgrip\" foi realizado à 30% da Contração Voluntária Máxima (CVM) por 3 minutos. \"Stroop color word test\" foi realizado durante 4 minutos. Neste estudo, o controle autonômico basal demonstrou atenuado controle parassimpático cardíaco nas crianças com obesidade. A PA basal foi significantemente maior e a Condutância Vascular do Antebraço (CVA) significantemente menor nas crianças obesas. Durante o exercício e o estresse mental, a resposta de PA foi significantemente maior e a CVA significantemente menor nas crianças obesas. Dieta isolada e dieta associada ao treinamento físico reduziram o peso corporal total e o percentual de gordura. Ambos os grupos diminuíram significantemente o nível de PA durante o exercício e o estresse mental. O grupo dieta associada ao treinamento físico, em contraste ao grupo dieta, melhoraram o controle autonômico, em repouso, com aumento da atividade parassimpática cardíaca e diminuição da atividade simpática cardíaca, e significantemente aumento na resposta da CVA durante o exercício (3,7±0,3 vs. 5,6±0,4 unidades, P=0,01) e estresse mental (3,5±0,5 vs. 4,5±0,4 unidades, P=0,02). Após a intervenção com dieta associada ao treinamento físico, as respostas de PA e CVA durante o exercício e o estresse mental foram similares entre o grupo obeso e o grupo controle magro. Conclusão. A obesidade infantil aumenta a resposta de PA e prejudica a resposta vasodilatadora durante o exercício e o estresse mental, e em crianças obesas o controle autonômico cardíaco está alterado. Dieta associada ao treinamento físico restaura a resposta vasodilatadora e a resposta de pressão arterial, e melhora a função do controle autonômico cardíaco / Background. The effects of diet and diet plus exercise training on muscle vasodilatation and autonomic control of heart rate during physiological maneuvers in obese children are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that: 1) autonomic control would be altered in obese children; 2) blood pressure (BP) and forearm vascular conductance (FVC) responses during handgrip exercise and mental stress would be altered in obese children; 3) diet plus exercise training would improve the autonomic control of heart; and 4) diet plus exercise training would restore BP and FVC responses during exercise and mental stress in obese children. Methods and Results. Thirty nine obese children (10±0.2 years) were randomly divided into two groups: Diet plus exercise training (n=21, BMI=28±0.5 kg/m2) and diet (n=18, BMI=30±0.4 kg/m2). Ten age-matched lean control children (NC, BMI=17±0.5 kg/m2) were also studied. Autonomic control was studied by Heart Hate Variability. Forearm blood flow was measured by venous occlusion pletysmography. BP was noninvasively monitored. Handgrip exercise was performed at 30% Maximal Voluntary Contraction (MVC) for 3 minutes. Stroop color word test was performed for 4 minutes. On this study, baseline autonomic control shown decrease impaired heart parasympathetic control in obese children. Baseline BP was significantly higher and FVC significantly lower in obese children. During exercise and mental stress, BP responses were significantly higher and FVC responses significantly lower in obese children. Diet and diet plus exercise training significantly reduced body weight. Diet and diet plus exercise training significantly decreased BP levels during exercise and mental stress. Diet plus exercise training, in contrast to diet, improve the autonomic control with increases parasympathetic activity and decreases sympathetic activity in the obese children heart at rest, and significantly increased FVC responses during exercise (3.7±0.3 vs. 5.6±0.4 units, P=0.01) and mental stress (3.5±0.5 vs. 4.5±0.4 units, P=0.02). After diet plus exercise training, BP and FVC responses during exercise and mental stress were similar between obese children and NC. Conclusions. Obesity exacerbates BP responses and impairs FVC responses during exercise and mental stress in children, and altered autonomic control. Diet plus exercise training restore BP and FVC responses in obese children, and improve autonomic nervous system controls heart function

Rolle der Kaliumkanäle und des cGMP bei der Dilatation der perfundierten A. cerebri media der Ratte auf Azidose

Vogt, Johannes Andreas 15 September 2003 (has links)
Die Azidose gehört zu den stärksten dilatatorischen Stimuli zerebraler Arterien. Obwohl schon 1890 von Roy und Sherrington beschrieben, sind die Faktoren, die die Vasodilatation zerebraler Arterien auf Azidose vermitteln, bis heute nicht bekannt. Untersuchungen über die Rolle des schnell flüchtigen Bioradikals Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) haben gezeigt, daß NO bei der azidotischen Vasodilatation zerebraler Arterien als Modulator agiert. Darüber hinaus nimmt NO in der neurovaskulären Kopplung, d.h. bei der Vermittlung der regionalen Blutflußantwort nach neuronaler Stimulation, eine permissive Funktion ein. Die Vasodilatation auf Azidose wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit als Modellstimulus zur Untersuchung der NO-abhängigen Dilatation zerebraler Arterien verwendet. Dabei wurde die Rolle der Kaliumkanäle und die Funktion des cGMP an der Vasodilatation auf Azidose mittels spezifischer Inhibitoren untersucht. Die Experimente erfolgten an der isolierten und perfundierten A. cerebri media der Ratte. Bei der Untersuchung der Signaltransduktion von NO auf Ebene des cGMP wurde eine ausgeprägte Abhängigkeit der azidotischen Vasodilatation von cGMP beobachtet. Durch Restitution des basalen cGMP-Spiegels nach vorheriger Inhibition der löslichen Guanylatzyklase wurde gezeigt, daß NO über cGMP bei der Vermittlung dieser Reaktion als Modulator wirkt. Unter Blockade der einzelnen Kaliumkanalfamilien konnte eine Beteiligung der KCa an der Vasodilatation auf Azidose sowie am Gefäßtonus unter Ruhebedingungen beobachtet werden. Für eine Beteiligung der KATP, der KV und der Kir an diesen Reaktionen wurden dagegen keine Hinweise gefunden. Ebenso sprechen die Untersuchungen unter Blockade der Na+/K+-ATPase gegen eine Beteiligung dieses Enzyms an der Azidosereaktivität zerebraler Arterien. Um ein mögliches Zusammenwirken der Kaliumkanäle zu erfassen, wurde die Vasodilatation auf Azidose unter Blockade von jeweils zwei Kaliumkanaltypen untersucht. Unter Hemmung der KCa und der KATP, sowie unter Hemmung der BKCa und der KATP wurde keine Vasodilatation mehr auf Azidose beobachtet. Die Ergebnisse sprechen dafür, daß die Vasodilatation der A. cerebri media auf Azidose durch BKCa und KATP in redundanter Weise vermittelt wird. Dabei scheinen KCa die Funktion der KATP vollständig substituieren zu können. Die Resultate dieser Arbeit bilden den Ausgangspunkt für derzeit laufenden Untersuchungen über die funktionelle Modulation der KATP und der BKCa durch das NO/cGMP-System. Weiterhin bilden die vorliegenden Untersuchungen eine wichtige Grundlage zur Überprüfung der zentralen Rolle der KCa und der KATP auf weitere, durch das NO/cGMP-System modulierten Stimuli, wie z.B. der funktionellen Stimulation. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Experimente wurden mit Mitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 507), der Hermann und Lilly Schilling Stiftung, sowie der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin gefördert. / Acidosis is one of the most potent vasodilators in the cerebral circulation. Although first described 1890 by Roy and Sherrington the mechanisms of vasodilation to acidosis are still unknown. Experimental data show, that nitric oxide (NO) is a modulator but not a mediator of cerebral arterial pH reactivity. NO also acts as a modulator of neurovascular coupling in the rat somatosensory cortex. We used the experimental in vitro model of the isolated and perfused middle cerebral artery (MCA) to elucidate the general mechanisms of NO-modulated dilations. The present study was performed to clarify the role of cGMP and potassium channels for mediation of acidosis-induced dilation of cerebral arteries. The results indicate, that vasodilation to acidosis is mediated by cGMP. Restoring the basal cGMP-level we could demonstrate a permissive role of cGMP in the vasodilation to acidosis. We could also show that KCa are active under resting conditions and are able to contribute to the relaxation of the MCA to acidosis. Other potassium channels like KATP, Kir, KV and the Na+/K+ATPase appeared not to be involved in the process of dilation to acidosis. After administration of a selective inhibitor of KATP in addition to an inhibitor of KCa the relaxation to acidosis was completely abolished. Simultaneous application of selective inhibitors of KATP and BKCa also prevented from vasodilation to acidosis. These results indicate, that relaxation to acidosis is mediated by activation of KATP and BKCa. This potassium channels seem to have a redundant activity, in such a way that KCa could substitute for KATP. The present findings are a starting point for further studies concerning the modulation of KATP and BKCa by the NO/cGMP-System. This studies are a basis for coming experiments to determine the role of KATP and BKCa in the neurovascular coupling.

Der Einfluss von diätetisch verabreichten Sojaisoflavonen auf den Homocysteinmetabolismus und die Endothelfunktion bei gesunden, postmenopausalen Frauen / The impact of soy isoflavones on homocysteine metabolism and endothelial function in healthy postmenopausal women

Reimann, Manja January 2005 (has links)
Homocystein (tHcy) gilt als unabhängiger kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktor und korreliert eng mit einer endothelialen Dysfunktion, welche nichtinvasiv mittels der flussinduzierten Vasodilatation (FMD) messbar ist. Experimentelle Hyperhomocysteinämie ist mit einer reduzierten Bioverfügbarkeit von endothelialen Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) bei gleichzeitig erhöhten Spiegeln des kompetetiven Inhibitors der NO-Biosynthese asymmetrisches Dimethylarginin (ADMA) assoziiert. In-vivo senkt eine Östrogenbehandlung neben tHcy auch die ADMA-Spiegel und verbessert signifikant die Endothelfunktion. Hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkung als selektive Östrogenrezeptormodulatoren wird angenommen, dass Phytoöstrogene, speziell Sojaisoflavone, ähnliche Effekte hervorrufen.<br><br> Innerhalb einer europäischen, multizentrischen, doppelblinden Interventionsstudie an 89 gesunden, postmenopausalen Frauen wurde der Einfluss von Sojaisoflavonen auf den Homocysteinmetabolismus, den Blutdruck und die in-vivo Endothelfunktion untersucht. Die cross-over Studie umfasste zwei achtwöchige Interventionsperioden, die von einer gleichlangen Wash-out-Phase unterbrochen waren. Die Zuteilung zum Isoflavon- (50 mg/d) oder Plazeboregime für die erste Interventionsphase erfolgte randomisiert. Endpunkterhebungen fanden jeweils in den Wochen 0 und 8 der Interventionsperioden statt.<br><br> Die renale Ausscheidung von Genistein, Daidzein und Equol war während der Isoflavonintervention signifikant erhöht (P>0,001). Die Phyoöstrogene hatten weder einen Effekt auf die tHcy-Konzentration (P=0,286), noch auf ADMA, Erythrozytenfolat und Vitamin B-12 (P>0,05) im Plasma. Während die Summe aus Nitrat und Nitrit (NOx), welche die NO-Bioverfügbarkeit reflektiert, im Verlaufe der Plazebobehandlung abfiel, wurde ein leichter Anstieg bei der Isoflavonsupplementation beobachtet (Delta Wo8-Wo0: -2,60 [-8,75; 2,25] vs. 1,00 [-6,65; 7,85] µmol/L P<0,001), was zu einem signifikanten Behandlungseffekt führte. Weiterhin wurde eine positive Korrelation zwischen ADMA und Vitamin B-12 gefunden (R=0,252; P=0,018). Die flussinduzierte Vasodilatation (P=0,716), ein Maß für die Endothelfunktion, blieb durch die Isoflavonbehandlung unbeeinflusst, obwohl sich diese über die Zeit insgesamt verbesserte (P>0,001). Bis auf einen marginalen Anstieg des systolischen Wertes (P=0,032) im Vergleich zur Plazebobehandlung blieb der Blutdruck während der Isoflavonintervention unverändert.<br><br> Im Gegensatz zu Östrogen übten Sojaisoflavone weder einen Einfluss auf die in-vivo Endothelfunktion noch auf die traditionellen und neuen kardiovaskulären Risikofaktoren den Blutdruck, tHcy und ADMA aus. Demzufolge ist der gesundheitliche Nutzen isolierter Isoflavone hinsichtlich einer Prävention hormonmangelbedingter Erkrankungen in gesunden postmenopausalen Frauen fraglich. / Homocysteine (tHcy) is a strong and independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Hyperhomocysteinemia contributes to endothelial dysfunction as assessed by flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD). The mechanisms by which homocysteine generates endothelial dysfunction remain incompletely understood although a growing body of data suggests that the bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO) is reduced. The principal competitive inhibitor of endothelial NO-synthase asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) may play a central role in homocysteine related dysfunction as it is derived from homocysteine metabolism. Cardiovascular risk factor modification has suggested beneficial effects of estrogen on endothelial function by lowering homocysteine and ADMA levels. We hypothesize that phytoestrogens particular isoflavones act in a similar manner.<br><br> The effects of soy isoflavones on homocysteine metabolism and endothelial function were investigated within a multi-centre, double blind, cross-over intervention trial in 89 European postmenopausal women. Subjects consumed either fruit cereal bars with or without soy isoflavones (50 mg/d) for 8 weeks each with a 8 weeks washout period in between. Endpoint measurements were during both treatment phases at baseline and weeks 8, respectively. <br><br> Urinary phytoestrogens increased significantly after isoflavone intervention (P<0.001). Isoflavone supplementation did affect neither plasma total homocysteine (P=0.286) nor ADMA, vitamin B-12 or folate (P<0.05). Isoflavones had a favorable effect on NO-metabolism assessed by analysis of NO-metabolites (NOx) nitrite and nitrate. While NOx concentration significantly decreased during placebo there was a slight increase after isoflavone supplementation leading to a significant treatment difference (delta wk8-wk0: -2.60 [-8.75; 2.25] vs. 1.00 [-6.65; 7.85] µmol/L P<0.001). There was no association between total homocysteine and ADMA whereas a positive correlation was found for ADMA and vitamin B-12 (R=0.252; P=0.018). The endothelial function model did not demonstrate any difference between either treatment regime (P=0.716), although endothelial function assessed by flow-mediated vasodilation improved in general (P<0.001). A potential adverse effect was noted, with an elevation in systolic blood pressure (P=0.032) whereas diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure remained unaffected.<br><br> Soy isoflavones did not have beneficial effects on endothelial function as well as on traditional and novel cardiovascular risk factors like plasma homocysteine, blood pressure and ADMA as observed for estrogen treatment. The health benefit of isolated isoflavones in healthy postmenopausal women is questionable.

Treinamento aeróbio de alta intensidade melhora a vasodilatação dependente do endotélio em pacientes com síndrome metabólica ou diabetes mellitus tipo 2

Silva, Carlos Alberto da January 2006 (has links)
Introdução: A doença cardiovascular é a principal causa de morbidade e mortalidade em pacientes com síndrome metabólica ou diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Como a disfunção endotelial precede o desenvolvimento da doença cardiovascular, seria desejável identificar e tratar a disfunção endotelial antes que a aterosclerose se desenvolva. Hoje, existe evidência clara para sustentar o efeito protetor do exercício físico regular em pacientes com síndrome metabólica ou diabetes mellitus. O que está menos claro é a relação da intensidade de treinamento e melhora na função endotelial. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de um programa de exercício físico, de alta e baixa intensidade, na função endotelial de pacientes com Síndrome Metabólica ou Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2. Métodos: Foram estudados 31 pacientes com diabetes melittus tipo 2 ou síndrome metabólica, de idade média (±DP) de 58±6 anos, randomizados para treinamento aeróbio de alta intensidade (AI: 75 a 85% freqüência cardíaca máxima, n = 10), treinamento aeróbio de baixa intensidade (BI: 50 a 60% freqüência cardíaca máxima, n = 10) e controle (n = 11). O treinamento foi realizado por 50 minutos, 4 vezes por semana. Antes e após 6 semanas de treinamento, os sujeitos realizaram teste de esforço e estudo da função endotelial, por ultra-som de alta resolução da artéria braquial, avaliados após hiperemia reativa (dependente do endotélio) e após administração de nitrato (independente do endotélio). Resultados: O programa de treinamento aeróbio de alta intensidade resultou em um maior aumento da capacidade funcional, avaliado pelo tempo máximo tolerado no teste de esforço (AI antes 9,39±1,22 minutos e depois 12,12±1,24 minutos; BI antes 8,84s±1,82 minutos e depois 10,41±1,99 minutos; Controle antes 9,36±.1,21minutos e depois 8,96±.1,35minutos; p < 0,05). A diferença no diâmetro do vaso após hiperemia foi significativamente maior para o grupo de alta intensidade (AI antes 4,28±.0,73mm e depois 5,62±.0,95mm; BI antes 4,24±.0,49mm e depois 5,01±.0,56mm; Controle antes 4,31±.0,37mm e depois 4,23±.0,23mm; p < 0,05). Após nitrato, não houve diferença significativa para nenhum dos grupos (AI antes 5,13±.1,17mm e depois 5,20±.1,10mm; BI antes 4,93±.0,88mm e depois 5,07±.0,70mm; Controle antes 4,96±.0,36mm e depois 4,62±.0,36mm; p = 0,565). Conclusões: Quando comparado ao treinamento aeróbio de baixa intensidade e controle, o treinamento aeróbio de alta intensidade melhorou a capacidade funcional e resposta vasodilatadora dependente do endotélio, em pacientes com síndrome metabólica ou diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Estes achados sugerem que o treinamento físico de alta intensidade possa ser considerado como alternativa preventiva nestes pacientes. / Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with the metabolic syndrome or diabetes mellitus type 2. As the endothelial dysfunction precedes the development of cardiovascular disease, it would be desirable to identify and treat the endothelial dysfunction before the development of atherosclerosis. There is currently clear evidence to support the protective effect of regular physical exercise on patients with metabolic syndrome or diabetes mellitus. What is less clear is the relationship between training intensity and improvement in endothelial function. Objective: Evaluate effect of a physical exercise program, of high and low intensity, on endothelial function of patients with Metabolic Syndrome or Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Methods: Thirty one patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 or metabolic syndrome were studied, with mean age (±SD) of 58±6 years, randomized for high intensity aerobic training (AI: 75-85% of maximum heart rate, n = 10), low intensity aerobic training (BI: 50-60% maximum heart rate, n = 10) and control (n = 11). The training was performed for 50 minutes, four times a week. Before and after 6 weeks of training, subjects performed the exercise testing and had been studied for endothelial function, by high resolution ultrasound of the brachial artery, assessed after reactive hyperemia (endothelium dependent) and after nitrate administration (endothelium independent). Results: The high intensity aerobic training resulted in a higher increase of the functional capacity, assessed by maximum tolerated time on the exercise testing (AI before 9.39±1.22 minutes and after 12.12±1.24 minutes; BI before 8.84s±1.82 minutes and after 10.41±1.99 minutes; Controls before 9.36±.1.21minutes and after 8.96±.1.35minutes; p < 0.05). The diameter difference of the vessel after hyperemia was significantly higher for the high intensity group (AI before 4.28±0.73mm and after 5.62±0.95mm; BI before 4.24±0.49mm and after 5.01±0.56mm; Controls before 4.31±0.37mm and after 4.23±.0.23mm; p < 0.05). After nitrate, there was no significant difference for none of the groups (AI before 5.13±.1.17mm and after 5.20±.1.10mm; BI before 4.93±.0.88mm and after 5.07±.0.70mm; Controls before 4.96±.0.36mm and after 4.62±.0.36mm; p = 0.565). Conclusions: When compared to the low intensity aerobic training and controls, the high intensity aerobic training improved the functional capacity and vasodilator response endothelium-dependent in patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus type 2. These findings suggest that physical training of high intensity might be considered as a preventive alternative in those patients.

Treinamento aeróbio de alta intensidade melhora a vasodilatação dependente do endotélio em pacientes com síndrome metabólica ou diabetes mellitus tipo 2

Silva, Carlos Alberto da January 2006 (has links)
Introdução: A doença cardiovascular é a principal causa de morbidade e mortalidade em pacientes com síndrome metabólica ou diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Como a disfunção endotelial precede o desenvolvimento da doença cardiovascular, seria desejável identificar e tratar a disfunção endotelial antes que a aterosclerose se desenvolva. Hoje, existe evidência clara para sustentar o efeito protetor do exercício físico regular em pacientes com síndrome metabólica ou diabetes mellitus. O que está menos claro é a relação da intensidade de treinamento e melhora na função endotelial. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de um programa de exercício físico, de alta e baixa intensidade, na função endotelial de pacientes com Síndrome Metabólica ou Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2. Métodos: Foram estudados 31 pacientes com diabetes melittus tipo 2 ou síndrome metabólica, de idade média (±DP) de 58±6 anos, randomizados para treinamento aeróbio de alta intensidade (AI: 75 a 85% freqüência cardíaca máxima, n = 10), treinamento aeróbio de baixa intensidade (BI: 50 a 60% freqüência cardíaca máxima, n = 10) e controle (n = 11). O treinamento foi realizado por 50 minutos, 4 vezes por semana. Antes e após 6 semanas de treinamento, os sujeitos realizaram teste de esforço e estudo da função endotelial, por ultra-som de alta resolução da artéria braquial, avaliados após hiperemia reativa (dependente do endotélio) e após administração de nitrato (independente do endotélio). Resultados: O programa de treinamento aeróbio de alta intensidade resultou em um maior aumento da capacidade funcional, avaliado pelo tempo máximo tolerado no teste de esforço (AI antes 9,39±1,22 minutos e depois 12,12±1,24 minutos; BI antes 8,84s±1,82 minutos e depois 10,41±1,99 minutos; Controle antes 9,36±.1,21minutos e depois 8,96±.1,35minutos; p < 0,05). A diferença no diâmetro do vaso após hiperemia foi significativamente maior para o grupo de alta intensidade (AI antes 4,28±.0,73mm e depois 5,62±.0,95mm; BI antes 4,24±.0,49mm e depois 5,01±.0,56mm; Controle antes 4,31±.0,37mm e depois 4,23±.0,23mm; p < 0,05). Após nitrato, não houve diferença significativa para nenhum dos grupos (AI antes 5,13±.1,17mm e depois 5,20±.1,10mm; BI antes 4,93±.0,88mm e depois 5,07±.0,70mm; Controle antes 4,96±.0,36mm e depois 4,62±.0,36mm; p = 0,565). Conclusões: Quando comparado ao treinamento aeróbio de baixa intensidade e controle, o treinamento aeróbio de alta intensidade melhorou a capacidade funcional e resposta vasodilatadora dependente do endotélio, em pacientes com síndrome metabólica ou diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Estes achados sugerem que o treinamento físico de alta intensidade possa ser considerado como alternativa preventiva nestes pacientes. / Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with the metabolic syndrome or diabetes mellitus type 2. As the endothelial dysfunction precedes the development of cardiovascular disease, it would be desirable to identify and treat the endothelial dysfunction before the development of atherosclerosis. There is currently clear evidence to support the protective effect of regular physical exercise on patients with metabolic syndrome or diabetes mellitus. What is less clear is the relationship between training intensity and improvement in endothelial function. Objective: Evaluate effect of a physical exercise program, of high and low intensity, on endothelial function of patients with Metabolic Syndrome or Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Methods: Thirty one patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 or metabolic syndrome were studied, with mean age (±SD) of 58±6 years, randomized for high intensity aerobic training (AI: 75-85% of maximum heart rate, n = 10), low intensity aerobic training (BI: 50-60% maximum heart rate, n = 10) and control (n = 11). The training was performed for 50 minutes, four times a week. Before and after 6 weeks of training, subjects performed the exercise testing and had been studied for endothelial function, by high resolution ultrasound of the brachial artery, assessed after reactive hyperemia (endothelium dependent) and after nitrate administration (endothelium independent). Results: The high intensity aerobic training resulted in a higher increase of the functional capacity, assessed by maximum tolerated time on the exercise testing (AI before 9.39±1.22 minutes and after 12.12±1.24 minutes; BI before 8.84s±1.82 minutes and after 10.41±1.99 minutes; Controls before 9.36±.1.21minutes and after 8.96±.1.35minutes; p < 0.05). The diameter difference of the vessel after hyperemia was significantly higher for the high intensity group (AI before 4.28±0.73mm and after 5.62±0.95mm; BI before 4.24±0.49mm and after 5.01±0.56mm; Controls before 4.31±0.37mm and after 4.23±.0.23mm; p < 0.05). After nitrate, there was no significant difference for none of the groups (AI before 5.13±.1.17mm and after 5.20±.1.10mm; BI before 4.93±.0.88mm and after 5.07±.0.70mm; Controls before 4.96±.0.36mm and after 4.62±.0.36mm; p = 0.565). Conclusions: When compared to the low intensity aerobic training and controls, the high intensity aerobic training improved the functional capacity and vasodilator response endothelium-dependent in patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus type 2. These findings suggest that physical training of high intensity might be considered as a preventive alternative in those patients.

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