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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Natūraliosios kalbos šablonais užrašytų veiklos taisyklių panaudojimas projektuojant ir realizuojant IS / Application of the natural language templates based business rules during the is design and implementation

Jonaitytė, Rita 25 November 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – perėjimas nuo formalizuotų, natūraliosios kalbos šablonais specifikuotų veiklos taisyklių prie formalių Roso taisykių diagramų. Sprendžiami uždaviniai: 1. Išnagrinėti VT koncepcijos pagrindus, specifikavimo, panaudojant natūraliosios kalbos šablonus, modelį BRS RuleSpeak. 2. Išnagrinėti VT modeliavimą pagal Roso metodą. 3. Sukurti metodiką, pagal kurią modifikuotu BRS RuleSpeak išreikštos taisyklės galėtų būti transformuojamos į modifikuotu Roso metodu išreikštas taisykles. 4. Išbandyti ir įvertinti sukurtą metodiką. Lyginant VT užrašymo natūraliosios kalbos šablonais ir Roso diagramomis metodus, randama panašumų tarp modelių šablonų elementų ir sintaksės, VT tipų grupių. Aprašoma VT transformavimo iš BRS RuleSpeak natūraliosios kalbos šablonais užrašytų į Roso diagramomis išreikštus modelius metodika. Gauti darbo rezultatai: - atlikta veiklos taisyklių užrašymo pagal BRS RuleSpeak natūraliosios kalbos šablonus analizė ir perėjimas prie Roso modeliais užrašomų taisyklių; - sudaryta metodika perėjimui nuo reikalavimų specifikavimo prie projektavimo stadijos; - išskirti 6 sąlyginiai žingsniai perėjimui nuo BRS RuleSpeak natūraliosios kalbos šablonai sužrašytų veiklos taisyklių prie Roso diagramų. Automatizuoti perėjimą nuo taisyklėmis išreikštų reikalavimų prie formalių projektinių modelių įmanoma tik dalinai. Projektavimo metodas žymiai paspartėja. / The main purpose of this paper is to create a methodology for the transition of formalized, natural language templates based business rules to formal Ross charts. For this purpose these tasks were determined : 1. Examine the concept of business rules, its specification using natural language templates and the BRS RuleSpeak model. 2. Examine the modelling of business rules according to the Ross method. 3. Create a methodology by which the rules expressed by the modified BRS RuleSpeak would be transformed into rules based on the modified Ross method. 4. To test and evaluate the developed methodology. The natural language templates and Ross charts methods were compared and the similarities of their models, patterns, syntactic elements and types of business rules groups were distinguished. According to the results of the comparison the methodology defining the transformation of BRS RuleSpeak natural language templates based on business rules to the Ross charts expressed models was created.. The main results of the work are: - The analysis of natural language templates expressed business rules according to BRS RuleSpeak method and their transition to Ross models was made; - A methodology for the transition of the requirements to the design specifications stage was created; - 6 steps of the transformation from BRS RuleSpeak natural language templates based BR on Ross charts were distinguished;. The automation of the transition of the rule-based requirements to formal models is... [to full text]

Veiklos taisyklių redaktorius / A Business Rules Editor

Miklovienė, Rasa 24 September 2004 (has links)
Nowadays, nearly all of the commercial and government organizations are highly dependent on software systems. Due to the inherent dynamic nature of their business environment, software evolution is inevitable. The changes generated by business policies and operations are propagated onto software system. A large portion of total lifecycle cost is devoted to introduce new requirements, and remove or change existing requirements. However, the evolution of a successful software system is inevitable for the software to remain useful in its environment. Many research projects attempt to find a more applicable way for building a software system that is adaptive to changes. They strive to propose a software model, or architecture, that has the ability to minimize the effect of changes as well as providing requirements traceability in their model. Most of them utilize the benefit of object-oriented, distributed system, software architecture and component-based technologies. Our research attempts to address these issues in a slightly different way namely by considering business rules as volatile part of a software system. In this position paper, we introduce a software architecture which includes a link model that aims to reduce the effects of software changes by improving requirements traceability. When we have analyse this problem, we decide to make the program, which will have ability to resolve business rules isolation from all program code problem. The main purpose in this... [to full text]

Veiklos taisyklių modeliavimo UML kalbos pagrindu tyrimas / The Research of Business Rules Modeling on the Basis of the Language UML

Blažytė, Inga 15 January 2005 (has links)
The main aim of the system’s analysis is to find the most important information about real world (problematic sphere); and, firstly, that will be data about processes, their structure and data shift. Business rules combines all these three things that were mentioned above, that is why they can be regarded as the central part in the system’s analysis, and the system’s analysis can be applied to business rules. Business rule is a proposition that defines and limits some aspects of the business. Certain business structure is defined by the business rule; additionally, certain business is controlled or influenced by the business rule too. Moreover, business rules do not depend on projecting model or technical platform. Objective application informational system creation methodology was chosen for the analysis; and it was based on objective modelling of the real world objects and the use of that model for the projecting that does not depend on certain programming language. UML language was chosen for business rules modelling because this language is universal of conception modelling and it is an objective programming language. Despite of all advantages of UML, it does not specify business rules as a separate model’s unit. In UML the rules are depicted as comment; in the beginning they are written by the help of natural speech then they are made into OCL (object constrain language). OCL is not a programming language that is why the logics and control of the program cannot be... [to full text]

Veiklos taisyklių struktūrizavimo pagal modifikuotą R. Roso metodą tyrimas / Research of business rules structuring by modified Ross method

Baškevičius, Saulius 26 May 2006 (has links)
The master work presents the modified Ross method-based model for business rules structuring during the information systems design as well as a software implementation of this model. The developed tool provides the designer with possibilities to create graphical business rules models, relating them with the specific elements of universe of discourse data model. The models are then processed and stored in a specialized repository. The presentation includes the overview of the model as well as the analysis of the specific features of the developed tool.

SAP išplėtimas adaptuojamų taikomųjų programų kūrimui / SAP Expansion for Adaptive Applications Development

Dundulis, Raimundas 05 June 2006 (has links)
The research work is focused on analysis of possibilities of business rules formalization, storage in database tables, user friendliness improvement, and rules management. Business rules have been taken into investigation not long ago. Possibilities of using business rules in business software are still being defined. Formalization and usage of business rules in IT systems is very important, because rules are very often in any business, and any rule has a strong tendency to change over time. The changes of rules are caused by dynamic laws, competitors’ decisions, changing environment in the market, and many other factors. Business rules influence and guide the behavior of employees (influence on business), influence the information that is recorded in IT systems as well as restrict the modification of this information (influence on IT). The practical task of the work is to design and to develop a business rules management system for usage in SAP environment. The system should optimize the work of coders during the development and maintenance of additional functions for SAP R/3 ERP system.

Šiuolaikinių veiklos taisyklių standartų taikymas kuriant IS / IS development applying current production rules standards

Ivančikaitė, Giedrimė 25 November 2010 (has links)
Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas – naujausių OMG (Object Management Group) veiklos taisyklių standartų tyrimas ir jų standartų taikymo, kuriant informacines sistemas, metodikos sudarymas bei jos eksperimentinis įvertinimas. Pagrindiniai darbe keliami uždaviniai yra: 1) Išnagrinėti veiklos taisyklių koncepciją ir jos taikymo principus. 2) Ištirti standartus, skirtus reikalavimų specifikavimo stadijai (akcentuojant SBVR ir PRR). 3) Apibrėžti pasirinktų standartų charakteringąsias savybes ir jų ryšius. 4) Sukurti pasirinktų standartų taikymo metodiką. 5) Ištirti pasiūlytos metodikos realizavimo galimybes. 6) Išbandyti metodiką pasirinktos dalykinės srities pagrindu. Iš OMG siūlomų standartų išskirti SBVR (Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules) ir PRR (Production Rule Representation), kurie aktualūs veiklos taisyklėms. Tyrimo metu apibrėžtos pasirinktų standartų charakteringosios savybės bei ištirtos jų susiejimo bei PRR išraiškų generavimo iš SBVR šablonų galimybės. Pagrindiniai darbo metu gauti moksliniai/taikomieji rezultatai yra: - Analitinis SBVR ir PRR standartų įvertinimas jų tarpusavio santykio atžvilgiu; - SBVR ir PRR panaudojimo IS kūrimo metu specifikuojant veiklos žodyną ir produkcines taisykles metodika, standartų sulietuvinimo galimybių analizė; - Sukurtąją metodiką palaikančių saugyklų struktūros apibrėžimas. - Atviro kodo įrankio SBeaVeR analizė bei jo modifikavimo rekomendacijos, siekiant jį pritaikyt darbe siūlomai metodikai. Nors veiklos taisyklių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this paper is the analysis of the new OMG (Object Management Group) business rules standards, the creation of methodology for their application and its practical evaluation. The main tasks of the work are: 1. Analysis of business rules conception and application. 2. Analysis of the standards designed for requirement specification phase (emphasizing SBVR and PRR). 3. Definition of the main characteristics of the selected standards. 4. Creation of the standards application methodology. 5. Investigation of the implementation possibilities of the created methodology. 6. Practical evaluation of methodology. From the analyzed OMG standards two have been distinguished - SBVR (Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules) and PRR (Production Rule Representation), which are relevant to the production rules. The study defined the selected standards fundamental properties and investigated the binding of PRR and SBVR expressions and the options of the generation of templates. The main results of the work are: - Analytical evaluation of SBVR and PRR standards and their interaction; - The methodology of SBVR and PRR application during the specification of the concept dictionary and production rules; - Definition of the repository structures for the developed methodology; - The analysis of the open-source tool SBeaVeR and the recommendations for its modification to fit the created methodology; The application of business rules approach for the creation of IS is very... [to full text]

Veiklos taisyklių manipuliavimo mechanizmo ir duomenų bazės tarpusavio sąveikos tyrimas / Business rules manipulation mechanism and database interaction research

Korsakas, Artūras 15 July 2009 (has links)
Sprendžiami, veiklos taisyklių specifikavimas ir klasifikavimas manipuliavimo mechanizmais. Tiriama, kaip, duomenų bazės struktūra transformuojama į veiklos taisyklių kūrimo aplinką, neprarandant duomenų struktūros elementų, ir užtikrinant pilną sąveika su duomenų baze.Išanalizuota veiklos taisyklės sąvoka ir jos pritaikymo galimybės veiklos procesų architektūroje. Apžvelgtos šiuolaikinės veiklos taisyklių manipuliavimo mechanizmų architektūros. Plačiau išnagrinėtos Blaze Advisor sistemos galimybės, kaip veiklos taisyklių valdymo sistema. Išnagrinėta 18 literatūros šaltinių. Sudaryta projektavimo metodika. Kurioje atsispindi pagrindiniai principai kaip transformuojama duomenų bazės struktūrą į veiklos taisyklių valdymo sistemos duomenų struktūrą. Laikantis metodikos atliktas eksperimentas tarp Blaze Advisor sistemos ir duomenų bazės. Sudarytos konceptualios schemos vaizduojančios duomenų srautus vykdymo metu informacinėje sistemoje: nuo duomenų bazės iki sprendimo. Suformuota metodika yra skirta praktiniam panaudojimui; ją taikant užtikrinamas sklandus veiklos taisyklių susiejimas su duomenų bazėje saugomais duomenimis sistemos projektavimo ir realizavimo etapuose. / Nowadays, nearly all of the commercial and government organizations are highly dependent on software system. Due to the inherent dynamic nature of their business environment, software evolution is inevitable. The growing of needs in management of global organizations similarly is growing the expert systems designing companies, which offer their own organizations management systems. This paper substance is how to transform the data structures to the business rules management systems, without losing the database structure elements, and ensuring fully interaction with the database. Representing the concept of business rules, analyzing architecture of business rules manipulation mechanisms. Exploring the Blaze Advisor as tool of business rule management system, which is implement of components such as: rule sets, decision trees, decision tables, and etc. These components are developing the processes of organization, which helps to efficient maintain and control the operations of internal logic. A study carried out between the Blaze Advisor tool and database, and established how to filtering the data from database, and then a data are transformed into information, and under information using the components to get the solution. To give spirit of this work was formulated a method of transforming data structures into development environment of business rules.

UML CASE įrankio įskiepis veiklos taisyklėms specifikuoti ribotos natūralios kalbos šablonais / UML CASE tool plugin for representation of business rules using limited natural language templates

Bisikirskas, Justinas, Bartkus, Audrius 04 March 2009 (has links)
Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – sukurti struktūrizuotų ribojimų įvedimo į informacinių sistemų modelius įskiepį. Išbandyti struktūrizuotus ribojimus buvo pasirinkta MagicDraw UML sistema, kuriai sukurtas veiklos taisyklių įvedimo įskiepis. Įskiepis remiasi pagrindiniais šablonizuoto įvedimo principais ir dalinai užtikrina įvedamų duomenų teisingumą, kadangi aprašant ribojimus galima pasirinkti modelio elementus pagal jų navigavimo ryšius. Pasiūlytas prototipas skirtas sistemų analitikui, kuris aprašo sistemos reikalavimus. Sukurtas prototipas pasiekia užsibrėžtus darbo tikslus ir gali būti tobulinamas ateityje. Ribotos natūraliai kalbai artimos kalbos šablonai gali būti kuriami panaudojant TBEProfile modulį. Įskiepio pagalba sukurtos veiklos taisyklės yra struktūrizuotos ir nesunkiai suprantamos. Tai padidina projekto kūrimo automatizavimo lygį. Vartotojas naudojantis prototipu gali specifikuoti veiklos taisykles UML klasių, protokolų būsenų, būsenų mašinų, sekų ir veiklos diagramose. Įskiepis buvo sukurtas JAVA programavimo kalba ir naudojantis „MagicDraw UML“ OpenApi dokumentacija. / The main goal of this project was to develop template based business rules plug-in for CASE tool. We have chosen to create plug-in for CASE tool “Magic Draw UML”. This plug-in extends “Magic Draw UML” abilities of constraints creation, because system partially ensures the correctness of constraint elements. Plug-in was developed for system analysts, who precisely specify requirements for systems. The prototype we made successfully embodies main goals of project and can be improved in the future. Limited natural language templates can be specified using TBEProfile module. Business rules created with plug-in are formatted and clear to understand. It helps to improve project engineering level of automation. User using prototype is able to specify business rules in UML class, state protocol, state machine, sequence and activity diagrams. System was created using JAVA programming language and “Magic Draw UML OpenAPI”.

Veiklos taisyklėmis pagrįsta IS projektavimo metodika / Integrating Business Rules into Software Development Process Model

Lukošius, Vilius 25 May 2005 (has links)
Today’s business’s more and more depend on information systems to give them edge on competition and keep double digit growth rates needed to satisfy shareholders. And information systems, serving their needs, have to keep up with changing business requirements. Business Rules Approach [10] seems to be the answer to their demands, but not many service and solution providers can satisfy their needs, because there is no standard based software engineering process to efficiently provide solution to customers. This works provides methodology of integrating business rules approach into existing and time proven software development process as well as providing needed infrastructure to creating solution specification and integrating externalized business rules with created system specification. This work concentrates on tasks: 1. Creating business rules management model; 2. Selecting software development process, adaptable to business rules approach; 3. Integrating business rules management model into selected software development process; 4. Relating externalized business rules with specification entities; 5. Providing comparison of unmodified software process with provided proposal.

Veiklos žodyno ir veiklos taisyklių formavimo automatizuotu būdu iš veiklos procesų modelio metodas / Method of business vocabulary and business rules formation in automated manner from business process model

Mickevičiūtė, Milda 13 August 2012 (has links)
Šiuo metu vis daugiau įmonių nori apibrėžti organizacijose vykstančius veiklos procesus (toliau VP) atvaizduojant juos grafiškai, tačiau VP modeliuojantis analitikas ne visuomet nustato visus procese esančius apribojimus. Kadangi šių apribojimų jis negali peržiūrėti ir jų patvirtinti sumodeliuotame VP modelyje, padidėja rizika atsirasti neatitikimams ir klaidoms. Tai gali sutrikdyti organizacijos veiklą. Vadovaudamasis pateiktais VP modeliais kiekvienas dalyvis žino, kokia yra jo pozicija organizacijoje bei kokios jam deleguotos atsakomybės. Todėl ir yra svarbu, kad nubraižyti VP modeliai atitiktų realius organizacijos procesus. Taip pat svarbu išlaikyti informacijos vieningumą, modeliuojant kitus veiklos aspektus bei aiškumą bendradarbiaujant organizacijoje. Dėl šių priežasčių reikalingas veiklos žodynas (toliau VŽ), apibrėžiantis organizacijoje naudojamus pagrindinius terminus, faktus ir sinonimus, bei veiklos taisyklės (toliau VT), apibrėžiančios visus apribojimus organizacijoje. Dėl VP pokyčių ir didelės apimties, VŽ ir VT sudarymui turi būti naudojamas automatinis VŽ formavimo ir VT sudarymo metodas, kurio pagalba verslo atstovas sutaupo laiko ir užtikrina jo atitikimą realiai vykstantiems VP. Metodo realizacijai analizuojami VP modeliavimo (BPMN2, UML, Workflow) ir VŽ bei VT (SBVR, SRML ir PRR) formavimo standartai, įvertinant suprantamumą vartotojams, informacijos pateikimą, bei kitas funkcijas (pavyzdžiui, modelių transformavimas į vykdomąjį kodą, XML failo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There are many organizations that want to represent their business processes (BP) using modeling notations, such as BPMN, UML and Workflow but usually the analyst cannot identify all necessary constraints of BP. Therefore responsibilities for the representatives of the organization cannot be correctly specified which leads to poor quality of work. In order to avoid such problems business process diagrams (BPD) must meet the real world processes. The research area of thesis covers various BP and business rules (BR) modeling notations, the intersection of BP and BR (the relevance and formation of BP and BR, applicability and integration of BR, the extraction of BR and business vocabulary (BV) from BPD). The main issue is the automated extraction of BV and BR from BPD which is used not only to compare business model to real organization processes but also it is useful to have BV in organization for more effective collaboration. The main tasks to solve the identified issue are the analysis of BP with their constraints, analysis of the structures of BR and their applicability in BP, the analysis of structures of BR in BP and finally the formation of the algorithm for the automated result’s extraction, creation and evaluation of prototype. The analysis of existing methods revealed that there is no such method that allows user to form BP and BR effectively integrating all necessary aspects. BPMN and SBVR standards are chosen as main knowledge resources because of their ability to... [to full text]

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