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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Art et mal-voyance à l'épreuve : un paradoxe fertile / Art and visual impairment in the test : a fertile paradox

Sanzay-Langlais, Julie 19 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse met en valeur une correspondance entre le système visuel humain d’un point de vue strictement scientifique et une expression plastique personnelle associant installations et photographies questionnant la mal-voyance. Comment rendre l'art accessible à tous ? Pour répondre à cette question nous avons interrogé les relations entre art et science et montré qu’ils sont tous deux concernés par la perception : l’art, car il développe une approche sensible, la science, car elle s’appuie sur une connaissance approfondie de l’œil et peut en pallier les défaillances. Nous avons étudié la perception d’un point vue théorique en nous attardant sur la théorie de la Gestalt, ainsi que les phénomènes que constituent les illusions et la synesthésie qui met en avant l’association des sens. Nous avons ensuite abordé la cécité à partir des points de vue terminologique et statistique, puis du vécu psychique et pratique du mal-voyant. Forts de cela, notre propos repère comment s’impose la figure de l’aveugle dans la culture occidentale à travers la littérature et les arts. De sa considération au cours de la Grèce antique à l’ouvrage, Les Aveugles, de Sophie Calle en passant par le Picasso mélancolique de la période bleue, nous avons pu apprécier l’évolution de son image. Il est alors temps de se pencher sur les rapports que le mal-voyant entretient avec l’art et, dans ce cadre l’intérêt que peut revêtir le braille qui infiltre la peinture, la sculpture, la photographie, la performance, etc. Comment appréhender l’art sans passer par le visuel en développant tous les autres sens ou en misant sur l’économie du visible ? L’architecture quant-à elle s’adapte aux normes juridiques tout en développant une créativité qui enrichit le vivre ensemble. Les innovations de la science en arrivent à proposer des outils révolutionnaires comme les dispositifs de substitution sensorielle, l’œil artificiel, ou encore un appareil photographie pour les mal-voyants. La perception étant la clé d’une communication entre voyant et mal-voyant. / This dissertation focuses on the link between the human visual system – examined from a scientific point of view – and the personal plastic expression relating facilities and photographs which deal with visual impairment. How can art be made accessible to everybody? To answer this question I explored the links between art and science and I demonstrated that both deal with perception: art develops our sensitive approach whereas science relies on a deep knowledge of the eye and can alleviate its failures. I examined perception from a theoretical point of view, dwelling on the Gestalt theory as well as on the phenomena deriving from illusions and the synesthesia which emphasizes senses association. I then dealt with blindness, first with its terminology and statistics and then with the psychological and practical life experience of the visually impaired. Against this backdrop, my research led me to investigate the image of the visually impaired through literature and art in western culture. I assessed its evolution first from an analysis of its image in ancient Greece, then through a book entitled Les Aveugles by Sophie Calle and also through the Blue Period of melancholy Picasso. This led me to examine how the visually impaired connect with art in order to gauge how fundamental Braille is in painting, sculpture, photography performance etc. How can we perceive art without resorting to visual perception? By developing all other senses or by relying on visual perception economy? Architecture adapts to legal standards while developing a kind of inventiveness which enriches the “living together”. Regarding scientific innovations, revolutionary tools are being proposed such as sensory replacement devices, the artificial eye or a camera for the visually impaired. The perception being the key of a communication between clairvoyant and visually impaired.

Create and Sustain Competitive Advantage in Online/IT industry / Create and Sustain Competitive Advantage in Online/IT industry

Jukelsonová, Sofie January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to define a theorical framework to explain sustainability of competitive advantage in what we will name network industries: social networks, internet based services, mobile devices and online softwares. This framework will consist in integration of the well known Porter approach combined with a more recent Resource Based View of the firm. Using four real cases, with a focus on Google, we will demonstrate that sustaining competitive advantage in those industries requires a combination of external opportunities and a strong defensible resource position. One without the other cannot lead to long term success. In order to make our conclusions actionable, we will lay down a checklist of strategic diagnosis that any decision maker in that industry should have in mind at all time, in order to defend his / her market share.

An Appraisal of Structures and Point of View in the Novels of William Styron

Merril, Charles S. 06 1900 (has links)
This paper, then, purposes to examine these two characteristics of Styron's novel form--structure and point of view--as they are handled in his major works, the novels Lie Down in Darkness and Set This House on Fire, and the novella The Long March.

Developing a normative framework for effective turnaround management for state-owned enterprises by applying key learnings of successful turnaround management in the private sector

Emanuel, Matthew Torben 30 June 2012 (has links)
The study sought to understand the factors that contribute to effective turnaround management of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs), based on the extant determinants of successful private sector turnaround strategies. The purpose was to develop a normative framework for effective turnaround management in SOEs, as well as to provide a conceptual view of the potential cohesions of turnaround strategies in public and private sector management. The study was conducted in two phases. A straw framework was developed based on the literature review, consisting of generic turnaround conceptual themes. This was supplemented by three primary strategies drawn from private sector evidence. The framework was then refined and used as a basis for analysing three published cases of turnaround in SOEs, with a pragmatic view to developing a normative framework for effective turnaround management. The theoretical underpinnings of the resource-based view (RBV) were ruminated throughout the research process, and proved to be a fairly significant enabler for enhancing competitiveness through managerial-orientated competencies, during periods of turnaround. Organisational conditions varied, rendering fluctuating impacts of the ascribed strategies. However, findings indicated that well-conceived adaptions of private sector strategies were broadly effective in improving performance in SOEs. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Aprendizado de máquina parcialmente supervisionado multidescrição para realimentação de relevância em recuperação de informação na WEB / Partially supervised multi-view machine learning for relevance feedback in WEB information retrieval

Matheus Victor Brum Soares 28 May 2009 (has links)
Atualmente, o meio mais comum de busca de informações é a WEB. Assim, é importante procurar métodos eficientes para recuperar essa informação. As máquinas de busca na WEB usualmente utilizam palavras-chaves para expressar uma busca. Porém, não é trivial caracterizar a informação desejada. Usuários diferentes com necessidades diferentes podem estar interessados em informações relacionadas, mas distintas, ao realizar a mesma busca. O processo de realimentação de relevância torna possível a participação ativa do usuário no processo de busca. A idéia geral desse processo consiste em, após o usuário realizar uma busca na WEB permitir que indique, dentre os sites encontrados, quais deles considera relevantes e não relevantes. A opinião do usuário pode então ser considerada para reordenar os dados, de forma que os sites relevantes para o usuário sejam retornados mais facilmente. Nesse contexto, e considerando que, na grande maioria dos casos, uma consulta retorna um número muito grande de sites WEB que a satisfazem, das quais o usuário é responsável por indicar um pequeno número de sites relevantes e não relevantes, tem-se o cenário ideal para utilizar aprendizado parcialmente supervisionado, pois essa classe de algoritmos de aprendizado requer um número pequeno de exemplos rotulados e um grande número de exemplos não-rotulados. Assim, partindo da hipótese que a utilização de aprendizado parcialmente supervisionado é apropriada para induzir um classificador que pode ser utilizado como um filtro de realimentação de relevância para buscas na WEB, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste em explorar algoritmos de aprendizado parcialmente supervisionado, mais especificamente, aqueles que utilizam multidescrição de dados, para auxiliar na recuperação de sites na WEB. Para avaliar esta hipótese foi projetada e desenvolvida uma ferramenta denominada C-SEARCH que realiza esta reordenação dos sites a partir da indicação do usuário. Experimentos mostram que, em casos que buscas genéricas, que o resultado possui um bom diferencial entre sites relevantes e irrelevantes, o sistema consegue obter melhores resultados para o usuário / As nowadays the WEB is the most common source of information, it is very important to find reliable and efficient methods to retrieve this information. However, the WEB is a highly volatile and heterogeneous information source, thus keyword based querying may not be the best approach when few information is given. This is due to the fact that different users with different needs may want distinct information, although related to the same keyword query. The process of relevance feedback makes it possible for the user to interact actively with the search engine. The main idea is that after performing an initial search in the WEB, the process enables the user to indicate, among the retrieved sites, a small number of the ones considered relevant or irrelevant according with his/her required information. The users preferences can then be used to rearrange sites returned in the initial search, so that relevant sites are ranked first. As in most cases a search returns a large amount of WEB sites which fits the keyword query, this is an ideal situation to use partially supervised machine learning algorithms. This kind of learning algorithms require a small number of labeled examples, and a large number of unlabeled examples. Thus, based on the assumption that the use of partially supervised learning is appropriate to induce a classifier that can be used as a filter for relevance feedback in WEB information retrieval, the aim of this work is to explore the use of a partially supervised machine learning algorithm, more specifically, one that uses multi-description data, in order to assist the WEB search. To this end, a computational tool called C-SEARCH, which performs the reordering of the searched results using the users feedback, has been implemented. Experimental results show that in cases where the keyword query is generic and there is a clear distinction between relevant and irrelevant sites, which is recognized by the user, the system can achieve good results

GGraph: Uma ferramenta para aplicações que envolvem grafos / GGraph: a tool for applications involving graphs

Luiz Carlos Lucca 28 November 2012 (has links)
Diversas são as aplicações que podem ser expressas por meio de grafos [2]. Algoritmos [3] e modelos de visualização [15] podem ser encontrados amplamente na literatura. Todos os problemas de grafos possuem uma base em comum: um modelo genérico que nasce da própria natureza dos elementos e das relações que podem ser expressas entre eles, diferindo apenas pelo tipo de resposta que queremos obter desta complexa malha. Além disso, é natural que, para problemas que sejam de áreas distintas, mas que sejam semelhantes quanto ao processamento interno, apenas o que mude, seja a visualização dos elementos que o compõe (nós, arestas, etc.). Da mesma forma, independente do tipo de processamento interno, os grafos devem manter a estrutura original de grafos, ou seja, ainda deve haver uma malha que descreve os nós e suas ligações. Neste aspecto, fundamentamos nosso estudo: propomos neste trabalho, desenvolver uma API que possa ser estendida para os mais diversos problemas na área de grafos, tanto na parte visual como na representação matemática do modelo e dos algoritmos, porém, robusta, no sentido de manter a complexidade dos algoritmos envolvidos na área de grafos, além de ser completamente dirigida as necessidades de cada aplicação, podendo-se alterar apenas algumas partes da aplicação para obter um produto específico ao trabalho do usuário / There are several applications that can be expressed by means of graphs [2]. Algorithms [3] and visualization models [15] can be widely found in the literature. All graph problems have a common base: create a generic model that arises not only from the nature of their elements, but also from the relationships which these elements can express, differing just by the type of response we want to get from this complex mesh. Moreover, it is natural for problems that are in different fields, but similar in internal processing, that the only change is related to how elements are visualized (nodes, edges, and so on). Likewise, regardless the internal processing, the graphs must keep their original structure, i.e., they must still be a mesh that describes the nodes and their connections. Based on that, this study proposes to develop an API that is generic enough to be extended to several problems in the graphs area. This API can be applied in both visual and mathematical representation of models and algorithms. Besides that, it must be robust to maintain the complexity of the algorithms involved in the graph. Also, it has to be flexible so that only some parts of the application can be changed to get a specific product to the user´s need

Tillförlitliga identifieringsverktyg? : En kvantitativ studie om samband mellan läsförståelseresultat på Nationellt prov svenska årskurs 3 och testet LegiLexi samt dessa testers användbarhet som identifieringsverktyg för läsförståelsesvårigheter / Reliable Identification Tools? : A Quantitative Study of the Correlation between Reading Comprehension Results from the National Test in Swedish Year 3 and the Test LegiLexi including the Usability of These Tests as Identification Tools of Reading Comprehension Difficulties

Sandström, Carina January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att öka vår kunskap om två i svensk skola förekommande bedömningsstöd i läsförmåga, Nationellt prov svenska och LegiLexi, och dessa testers användbarhet vad gäller att i årskurs 3 identifiera elever i lässvårigheter. Sekundärdata, i form av resultat på dessa båda test från vårterminen 2019 på 71 elever, har analyserats för att hitta samband samt söka bakomliggande problematik till olika resultat på läsförståelsedelarna, skönlitterär text och faktatext, i dessa två test. Resultatet visade på ett signifikant starkt samband mellan de två testens läsförståelsedelar. Ordkunskap är den förmåga som starkast predicerar hur det ska gå resultatmässigt i båda testen. Däremot var det stor skillnad i resultat för eleverna. Ett av testen uppvisade takeffekt i båda deltesten medan det andra i ett deltest visade på golveffekt. Endast en liten andel av eleverna identifierades gemensamt av de båda testen som godkända respektive inte godkända. Läsförståelse betraktas som ett av de svåraste områdena att bedöma och ställer höga krav på provkonstruktörer. Studiens slutsatser är att skolan behöver pedagoger, på alla stadier, som är välutbildade i läs- och skrivinlärningens processer. Nationellt prov i svenska åk 3 är långt ifrån tillräckligt för att rätt kunna planera verksamheten, läs-och skrivundervisningen och det specialpedagogiska stödet, på organisations- grupp- och individnivå. Skolans pedagoger behöver ta hjälp av flera olika identifieringsverktyg för att hitta elever i läsförståelsesvårigheter, då lästest mäter olika färdigheter beroende på provkonstruktion.

Predicción de robo de vehículos basado en redes neuronales alimentadas por datos espacio temporales e imágenes de Google street view

Cabargas Carvajal, Pablo Antonio January 2019 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil Eléctrico / El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal la predicción de robos de vehículos en la ciudad Santiago de Chile, mediante la confección de un modelo de Redes Neuronales que se alimente de información gráfica, socioeconómica y temporal de un sector geográfico de robo. Para ello se utiliza la base de edatos de robos de vehículos de la Asociación de aseguradoras de autos de Chile (AACH), y a cada muestra se le asignan cuatro imágenes de Google Street View, 15 características socioeconómicas extraídas del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) y de la Infraestructura de Datos Geospaciales de Chile (IDE), en conjunto con la temperatura en la fecha del incidente y la cantidad de incidentes cercanos que ocurren en el mes anterior. Esta memoria está enmarcada en el proyecto Fondef ID16I10222, liderado por los profeso- res Richard Webe y Ángel Jiménez del departamento de Ingeniería Industrial de la Univer- sidad de Chile. Para alcanzar el objetivo señalado al comienzo ,se propone un modelo de red neuronal alimentado por joint features y deep features; esto es que la red neuronal aprende de dis- tintos formatos de información como lo son datos estadísticos e imágenes. Además, en el caso de las imágenes, no son utilizadas directamente sino que se extraen carecterísticas de ellas, mediante una segunda red convolucional denominada Alexnet. Para entrenar la red es necesario disponer de zonas seguras, para lo cual se organiza la base de datos de ro- bos por fecha y se agrupa por mes, períodos en los cuales se denotan como zonas seguras aquellas que en el presente mes no posean a la redonda de 500 metros una ubicación de robos. El principal resultado esperado de la aplicación de este modelo es la obtención de proba- bilidades por zonas en una grilla de 0.01 grados de latitud y longitud sobre Santiago de Chile que puede ser representado como un heatmap de riesgo en la ciudad. Del modelo presentado, utilizando el conjunto completo de características se obtiene un 97.7% de accuracy, un 95% de precisión , un 98.9% de recall y un 97% de F1. Además al hacer reducción de características mediante Recursive feature selection y seleccionar las principales 1000 características, se obtiene un 92.96 % de accuracy, un 93.46 % de precisión, un 92.09 % de recall y un 92.77 % de F1. Con esto se concluye que el desempeño del modelo propuesto efectivamente permite una alta tasa de clasificación y además permite la creación de una representación gráfica. / Fondef 16I10222

Understanding trends toward social entrepreneurship by non-profit organisations

Griffith, Monique Denise 02 April 2013 (has links)
This paper investigated trends in social entrepreneurship within non-profit organisations (NPOs). It was inspired by a survey conducted by Trialogue, a non-profit research organisation that surveys corporate social investment in South Africa. The survey showed a significant number of Non-profit organisations (69%) are moving toward developing social enterprise due to issues of sustainability. The research sought to ascertain what are the causes for the trend. The method of sampling used was non-probability, purposeful sampling to select 12 organisations from the available population. An exploratory qualitative study was conducted via face-to-face interviews with 12 organisations and 14 respondents. The transcripts of each were manually reviewed line-by-line for common themes to compare and generate results. The study was undertaken to better understand what motivated NPOs to social entrepreneurship and how they identified and exploited opportunities; distributed revenues and what form of relationship was created with the parent organization. The study reviewed theoretical models and selected a best-fit model of the Opportunity Creation Process which had to be modified to suit the trends in thought that arose from the study. The findings showed that funding challenges of the parent NPO and limited access to funds were key features likely to illustrate when an NPO will move into social entrepreneurship. The research concludes with evidence demonstrating that NPOs are not always willing participants in the social enterprise game, but are forced to discover opportunities to prove to funders that they are seeking means to be sustainable, with varying degrees of success. The form of social enterprise they select is often determined by the centrality of the NPOs mission to that of the social enterprise. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Sverigedemokraterna och kvinnan : En kvalitativ textanalys av Sverigedemokraternas kvinnosyn under 1989-2018

Rova, Emmy January 2020 (has links)
The following study is a qualitative text analysis and an idea- and ideologyanalysis with the aim of examining the Sweden Democrats view on women over time and if the party’s organizational and ideological development is reflected in the party’s ideas regarding women’s role in society. The material of research consists of the Sweden Democrats party programs which has been analysed through conservatism and populism, which is the theoretical framework of this study. The results of the analysis have been divided into three different time periods and the first period between 1989-1999 indicated a strong connection between the Sweden Democrats view on women and a conservative view on women. During the second and third time period, between the years 1999-2018, the operational indicators for a conservative view on women could not be discovered, however several operational indicators which indicated a populistic view on women could be established. Previous academic research has categorized the Sweden Democrats view on women as conservative, but the results of this study´s analysis argues that the party´s view on women rather should be described as populism.

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