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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av personcentrerad vård : En allmän litteraturöversikt

Abrahamsson, Eva, Sääskilahti, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Background: In the 1950s there is a shift from an approach where patient have a passive role towards a more actice and participatory role in caring. Laws and policies emphasize patients' rights and the nurse's responsibility for providing good and safe care. Patients describe that person-centered care brings about a sense of trust, dignity, integrity and security. Aim: To describe nurses´ experiences of person-centred care. Method: A general literature review. Result: Nurses could create a care relationship by involving patients, taking into account patients individual preferences. With adapted information for the individual patient, nurses could contribute to an increased knowledge and understanding of the patients. Barriers to the performance of person-centered care arose in a shortage of time and when patients views were abscent. Conclusion: By being attentive and present, nurses can monitor patients change and make visible the needs and values of patients. The fact that the patients are involved in the care gives them an opportunity to grow.

Testimony of Trauma: Ernest Hemingway’s Narrative Progression in <em>Across the River and into the Trees</em>

Robinson, Kathleen K 19 March 2010 (has links)
Specifically, the study of the progression focuses on examining Hemingway's Across the River and into the Trees for evidence of traumas' effects on Hemingway's development of narrative structure. Throughout his career, Hemingway pinpoints the importance of witnessing and experiencing war on a writer. I endeavor to demonstrate-in detail, achieved by close reading, and with solid evidence-how the imbrication of trauma in Across the River and into the Trees represents a vital moment in Hemingway's progression as a writer. My assertion, a new calculus of subjectivity and objectivity appearing in the narrative structure via the protagonist, viably counters previous critical dismissal of this text and offers new horizons for studies of form and content in Hemingway's writing.

Virtuella vägmarkeringar för att påverka hastighetsval vid bilkörning : Effekt och upplevelse hos bilförare med respektive utan ADHD / Virtual Road Markings to influence speed choices during driving : Effect and experience amongst drivers with and without ADHD

Iversen, Katarina January 2020 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har visat att bilförare tenderade att underskatta hastigheten de färdas i med ca 20%. Forskning har även visat att hastighetsupplevelse hos bilförare kan påverkas av ett utökat Field of View (FoV) vilket resulterar i lägre hastighetsval (Pretto et al., 2009; Schütz et al., 2015; Lidestam, Eriksson &amp; Eriksson, 2019). Utöver FoV har även virtuella vägmarkeringar (VRM), visats ha potentialen att påverka hastighetsval genom att bistå bilförare med ytterliggare visuell information kring dennes omgivning (Lidestam, Eriksson &amp; Eriksson, 2019). Attityder gentemot system som syftar till att påverka bilförares hastighetsval har studerats (Wall et al., 2013), med det finns luckor i forskning gällande hur dessa upplevs av bilförare med ADHD. Vidare har även upprepning av körningar med samma konstellationer av visuella stimuli har visats påverka hastighetsval vilket skulle tyda på perceptuell inlärning sker under bilkörning (Lindestam, Eriksson &amp; Eriksson, 2019). Syftet med den aktuella studien var att undersöka huruvida VRM påverkade hastighetsval samt hur de upplevs av bilförare med respektive utan ADHD. Studien ämnade att göra detta genom att besvara följande frågeställningar 1. a. Hur upplevdes VRM? b. Finns det en skillnad i upplevelsen av VRMs mellan bilförare med ADHD och utan ADHD? 2. Vilken effekt har ADHD, FoV, VRM och replikat på självvald hastighet? Resultaten visade att upplevelsen av VRM inte skiljde sig signifikant mellan de två guppen, trots detta skattades samtliga frågor kring upplevelsen av VRM högre av bilförare med ADHD än bilförare utan ADHD. Körningarna rapporterades som signifikant mer koncentrationskrävande av bilförare utan ADHD. Replikat och FoV uppvisade en signifikant interaktionseffekt på hastighetsval. Framtida forskning kan med fördel studera hur VRM kan utformas för att upplevas som mer hjälpsamma samt hur de bör implementeras för att bilförare ska vilja använda dem vid körningar. Det är viktigt att framtida forskning i området även inkluderar bilförare med ADHD för att säkerställa att system som utformas även är gynnsamma för dessa bilförare.

Field Validation of an Advanced Autonomous Method of Exterior Dam Inspection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Barrett, Benjamin Joseph 01 July 2018 (has links)
The maintenance of infrastructure is critical to the well-being of society. This work focuses on a novel method for inspecting the exterior of dams using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in an automated fashion. The UAVs are equipped with optical sensors capturing still images. The resulting images are used to generate three-dimensional (3D) models using Structure from Motion (SfM) computer software. The SfM models are then used to inspect the exterior of the dam. As typical dam inspections entail completing a checklist of inspection items with varied degrees of precision (e.g. a concrete spillway may be finely inspected for cracking or joint deterioration while the general stability and water-tightness of a large embankment may be observed from a distance), a targeted inspection is also needed for the UAV method. In conjunction with the work presented in this thesis, a novel algorithm was developed which uses camera view planning across multiple proximity levels to generate a set of camera poses (positions and orientations) which can be collected in an autonomous UAV flight that facilitates generation of SfM models having tiered model quality for targeted inspection of infrastructure features. In this thesis, this novel algorithm and accompanying mobile application (referred to together as the novel advanced autonomous method) were field validated at Tibble Fork Dam, UT. The advanced autonomous method was compared to two other common image acquisition methods—basic autonomous and manual piloted—based on the SfM models produced from the collected image sets. The advanced autonomous method was found to produce models having tiered quality needed for efficient targeted inspection (25% and 50% higher resolution in medium and high priority target areas). The advanced autonomous method was found to produce models having on average 38% higher precise point accuracy (1.3cm) and 53% tighter surface reproducibility (for repeat inspections) (1.9cm) than basic autonomous and manual piloted image acquisition methods. The advanced autonomous method required on average 167% longer flight time and 38% fewer images than the other two methods, resulting in increased field time but decreased processing load. Additionally, viability of the advanced autonomous method for practical dam inspection was assessed through a case study inspection of Tibble Fork Dam using the collected SfM model and corresponding still images. The SfM model and corresponding images were found fully adequate for performing 94% of the inspection tasks and partially adequate for the remaining tasks. In consideration of this and other practical implementation factors such as time and safety, the method appears highly viable as an alternate to or supplement with traditional on-foot visual exterior inspection of dams such as Tibble Fork Dam. Suggestions for future work include adjustments to the optimization framework to improve field efficiency, development of a framework for cooperative inspection using UAV swarms, and development of a more automated workflow that would allow fully-remote dam inspections.

“Actually, it could be like this, why it is not?” : Examining early career in-service Polish preschool teachers’ conceptions of preschool children’s contributions to their own education through the lens of the Swedish Preschool Curriculum

Świerczyńska, Katarzyna January 2018 (has links)
Throughout the world, children's contributions to the preschool education are key for respecting children's rights and establishing the environment of democratic relationships between teachers and children. However, it is unclear how, internationally, given the various cultural contexts and steering documents, teachers conceptualize a child and therefore engage children in their everyday practices at preschools. The aim of this study was to examine early career in-service Polish preschool teachers’ reflections on the Swedish curriculum’s view of the child and children's contributions to their own education, as well as to identify obstacles for incorporating these contributions in the Polish preschool teachers’ practices. Furthermore, the study aimed to document Polish preschool teachers’ conceptualizations of potential implementations in their own practices of the Swedish curriculum's principles and guidelines representing pre-schoolers as competent contributors. Four focus groups interviews were conducted with 11 early career in-service Polish preschool teachers. Results indicate that Polish preschool teachers do not generally support children's contributions and conceive of a child as incompetent and in the need of control. Nevertheless, when discussing Pedagogical Documentation as a tool to develop their work practices, the preschool teachers presented an altered view of a child and could identify possible implementations of the Swedish practices based on children's contributions. It might suggest that the way in which teachers conceptualize children vary according to the context and hence, Pedagogical Documentation could be a promising tool for promoting genuine contributions by children in Poland. Given the complexity of the phenomenon and the potential for changes in the Polish preschool provision, future large-scale research on how exactly the pedagogical tools, steering documents and the work environment can influence on the teachers’ practices, is recommended.

Perspectives : the use of dual perspectives in my films

Markussen, Maren Eline January 2022 (has links)
In this thesis, I will examine how I worked artistically with perspectives and subjective truths in my two short films, What I Wanted to Say and TIPS. Both films are exploring the use of first-person perspective in different ways to allow the audience to experience two different opinions of the story. This exploration is the main part of my artistic research. Through my work with perspectives, I have also added the dual perspective of working as an actor-director on both films and how that method evolved through this process. This method will also be explored as a part of this thesis. In working with perspectives, I have studied when to focus on what role, both when it comes to what character’s perspective should be in focus on the screen at what time, and when to focus on what part of the actor-director role. Searching for this balance will be the focus of my artistic research, as well as looking into the possibility of allowing both roles the focus at the same time. The first film I made, What I Wanted to Say, is a love letter to a broken relationship, a short drama that explores the difficulties of ending a relationship. For this film, I used the same visuals twice but changed the voiceovers so that the visuals of the couple being in love and then fighting with each other would be influenced by each character’s subjective thoughts. The voiceovers take the audience on a reflective journey through their thoughts as Lisa leaves her lover, Oliver at the end of the film. The second film, TIPS, is a story about the newly hired bartender, Sarah, and a group of guys celebrating their friend’s birthday. Here, I worked on changing the perspectives visually through closeups and point-of-view shots, as Sarah builds up the courage to flirt for tips. This act is misinterpreted by the guys who decide to follow her home after work in pursuit of her phone number. We move back and forth between the perspective of Sarah, who learns to stand up for herself, and the self-proclaimed leader of the friend group, Pete, who learns to apologize in the end. I will be starting my thesis with an introduction to my work on the films and the artistic research. Then, I will bring up theories from my acting background to explain why I started working with perspectives and how I work with acting, before exploring the method of working as an actor-director and how I worked with that during the two film productions. The exploration of perspectives came about as a response to the seemingly growing number of echo chambers, which I will be explaining more in-depth through the research part of this thesis. Here, I will study the structure of echo chambers and look at the possibility of having narrative films counteract them. Moving over to the discussion part I will go more in-depth on how I worked with the perspectives, both when writing the script and when acting-directing. I will also look at how I worked with and developed my method of acting-directing, before concluding the thesis with a summary and how I plan to continue my work on perspectives.

Business Incubation Success in Biotechnology : How Should Bio-incubator Performance be Assessed?

NÄTTERLUND, LINA, Sigerud Lärkert, Julia January 2014 (has links)
University business incubators (UBIs) are organizations that provide new startup companies with a support environment. However, there are split opinions on the UBIs’ contributions to the startups and the regional economy and, consequently, there are also split opinions on  how to assess UBI performance. According to the resource-based view (RBV), a company’s competitive advantage results from the various resources the company has access to. The biotechnology industry is characterized by high research intensity, weak entrepreneurial and managerial skills of the entrepreneur, huge capital requirements, and long product  evelopment approval processes. Previous research has showed that these characteristics imply certain challenges for new biotech ventures. In this study, these industry specific characteristic and challenges were believed to affect what constitutes successful bioincubation and how bio-incubators’ performance should be assessed. The purpose of this report is, thus, to examine how bio-incubator performance can, and should be, assessed. An existing framework for assessing UBI performance is used as a basis for performing  emistructured interviews with 18 incubator managers in order to examine what performance indicators are perceived as robust for assessing bio-incubator performance. The findings show that the value contributions of bio-incubators mainly include space and network provision, support services, and coaching. The perceived value contributions, in combination with the perceived challenges, imply that it is particularly appropriate to assess bio-incubators performance in terms of Job Creation, Economy Enhancement, Access to Funds, and the Incubator Offer and Internal Environment. However, Job Creation and Economy Enhancement are closely related and are therefore suggested to be merged into a single performance indicator. Hardware and Services, on the other hand, seems to be less relevant for assessing bio-incubator performance as it depends on the incubator’s strategy. The study concludes that there are additional ways of assessing bio-incubator performance, such as shortened time to graduation, links with universities, and the flexibility of the incubator. Further research may include the entrepreneurs’ point of view or use the approach of this study to examine incubator performance in other high-technology industries.

Strategic market entry by applying the path dependency approach

Dahlström, Sara, Bern, Susanne January 2013 (has links)
Entering a new market is one of the most important strategic decisions a company makes, and being an external player can make it possible to reveal opportunities not apparent to the industry players. The key is to not take industry structures for granted, but to think outside the box when formulating the entering strategy. This study rests on the assumption that there are factors in industries that are more path dependent than others, hence they are rigid and difficult to change. These factors could eventually prevent the industry from evolving even though new technology and processes are available. By first identifying factors strongly governed by path dependency and then delving deeper to understand the reason why they have not changed, this study argue that new business opportunities can evolve. The approach developed in this paper is particularly beneficial when the product or service is not yet developed and the company has many different resources, enabling a more diversified product portfolio, in which opportunities can be prioritized against the company resources. This enables matching a product or service to the industry rather than pushing it out on the market. In this report the path dependency approach is applied on the banana market, which has features governed by path dependency, and the entering company is a subsidiary to an established company and thereby has multiple resources as well as products and services. Since the subsidiary chose to proceed with the strategy formulated by using the path dependency approach the findings from the case study show that the approach can be useful when entering a new market. The report concludes that the concept of path dependency is ambiguous and subjective but could be useful when formulating an entry strategy into a new market. However, further research is needed to evaluate the application of the approach and the path dependency approach should primarily be seen as a complement to existing market entry strategies.

Elever i skrivsvårigheter på högstadiet  - svensklärares undervisning och samverkan med speciallärare

Pettersson, Lena, Larsson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
När elever lämnar grundskolan ska de ha utvecklat en adekvat skriftlig förmåga för vidare studier och arbetsliv. Många elever har skrivsvårigheter och behöver mer stöttning under lärandeprocessen, vilket kan vara en utmaning för lärarna. Syftet med studien var att utöka kunskaper om hur svensklärare i årskurs 7–9 arbetar med skrivundervisningen samt hur de samverkar med speciallärare för att utveckla skrivandet hos elever i skrivsvårigheter. Genom att använda en kombinationsmetod bestående av en kvantitativ webbenkät och kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer sökte studien svar på hur lärarna tar hänsyn till elever i skrivsvårigheter när de planerar och genomför sin skrivundervisning, vilka extra anpassningar lärarna gör i skrivundervisningen samt hur de samverkar med specialläraren för att utveckla skrivundervisningen för elever med skrivsvårigheter. Det empiriska materialet analyserades utifrån teorierna Not-So-Simple View of Writing samt de kategoriska och relationella specialpedagogiska perspektiven. Studien visade att det lärarna upplever orsakar skrivsvårigheter kan kopplas till nedsatt exekutiv förmåga och arbetsminne och att det kräver mycket av lärarna för att stötta eleverna i de processerna. Ett annat viktigt resultat är att extra anpassningar inte är så vanligt förekommande i skrivundervisningen, utan att svensklärarna istället utformar undervisningen för att bemöta elevernas svårigheter och göra anpassningarna tillgängliga för alla. Specialläraren med sin kompetens om språk-, läs- och skrivutveckling anses både kunna ge mer rådgivande stöd och vara med och stötta i klassrummet. Det är därför av stor vikt att denna profession finns på alla skolor och i alla stadier.

Marketing AI in B2B relationships from an attentional perspective : A qualitative multiple case study on marketing managers from manufacturing and IT industries

Ayad El Alam, Oussama, Kumlin, Peter January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: To explore the influence of marketing AI on marketing managers' attention allocation to leverage customer relationships in different business-to-business contexts. Method: Abductive approach and multiple case study, data collection was made by qualitative semi-structured interviews and secondary data collection. Conclusion: The study identified both similarities and differences within three main categories across two industrial clusters where marketing AI effect marketing managers’ attention allocation in B2B relationships. Marketing AI is shown to affect B2B relationships through marketing managers’ attentional selection towards efficiencies and/or new opportunities. Marketing AI is shown to influence marketing managers’ attention allocation by distorting the focus of attention on relational dynamics by introducing automated or augmented marketing AI solutions into the relationship.

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