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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A função executiva de atualização de informações na memória de trabalho para a ordem serial de eventos visuais e espaciais / The executive function of updating information in working memory for the serial order of visual and spatial events

Jeanny Joana Rodrigues Alves de Santana 20 September 2013 (has links)
No modelo dos multicomponentes da memória de trabalho o problema do armazenamento da ordem serial de eventos visuais e espaciais ainda é muito discutido. A literatura sugere que recursos do executivo central (o sistema de controle atencional da memória de trabalho) são utilizados para manter a representação da posição serial dos estímulos visuais e espaciais na memória. Mais precisamente, é proposto que a função executiva de atualização de informações esteja envolvida com este processo. Esta função promoveria a modificação contínua da representação mental conforme a entrada de novas informações no sistema cognitivo. Entretanto, não está esclarecido se ocorre uma dissociação visual e espacial no uso de recursos da função executiva de atualização de informações para o registro da ordem serial. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o envolvimento da função executiva de atualização da informação na memória para a ordem de eventos visuais e espaciais. Os participantes foram estudantes universitários (n = 71) que realizaram as tarefas de memória delineadas segundo o paradigma de tarefas duplas. Neste procedimento as tarefas primárias de memória visual e espacial foram combinadas a tarefas secundárias executivas de tempo de reação de escolha (CRT) e tarefas que exigiam recursos de atualização da informação (tarefa de tempo de reação de escolha para um item anterior CRT-1). Na tarefa CRT o participante deveria julgar dois tons auditivos como sendo de alta ou baixa frequência. Na tarefa CRT-1 esta resposta deveria ser atrasada em um item, ou seja, a resposta ao estímulo n só deveria ser dada quando o estímulo n + 1 fosse apresentado. As tarefas secundárias eram realizadas durante a apresentação dos estímulos e no intervalo de retenção das tarefas primárias. No primeiro experimento a capacidade máxima de armazenamento espacial e visual (span) de cada participante foi estabelecida em sessão pré-teste, e no segundo experimento o participante memorizou sequências de três a sete itens. Os resultados mostraram que, de modo geral, o desempenho dos participantes nas tarefas primárias foi prejudicado mediante a interferência na função de atualização de informações. As semelhanças entre a memória serial visual e a memória serial espacial foram: curvas de posição serial caracterizadas por primazia e recência; predominância de erros de transposição de deslocamento em um item da posição correta; efeito prejudicial do aumento do tamanho da sequência; queda do desempenho quando recursos executivos são reduzidos, principalmente os designados a sustentar a função executiva de atualização da informação. As diferenças entre os dois tipos de representação serial em geral foram: menor capacidade e precisão na representação de itens na memória visual em comparação à espacial; a memória visual é mais susceptível ao aumento da quantidade de itens para retenção e para este tipo de armazenamento não há uma diferenciação clara entre os efeitos dos dois tipos de interferência executiva (CRT e CRT-1), como pôde ser determinado para a tarefa espacial. Conclui-se que recursos executivos de atualização da informação participam dos mecanismos envolvidos com o registro da ordem serial dos eventos visuais e espaciais de maneira integrada aos recursos específicos do armazenador visuoespacial. Sugere-se que a memória visual conta com um mecanismo de registro da ordem serial semelhante à memória espacial, sendo que as diferenças entre os dois padrões de desempenho são atribuídas às especificidades no registro da identidade dos itens, e não na manutenção da ordem serial dos mesmos. Implicações para a compreensão da interação funcional entre recursos de armazenamento e processamento da informação na memória de trabalho são discutidos. / In the multicomponent model of working memory is still unclear how the serial order of visual and spatial events is retained in memory. The literature suggests that the central executive resources (the attentional control system of working memory) are used to maintain the representation of serial position. More precisely, it is proposed that the executive function of updating information is involved with this process. This function makes continuous modification of mental representation to accommodate new information in the cognitive system. However, until now had not yet been determined whether there is a visual-spatial dissociation in use of executive function of updating information for the registration of serial order. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of the executive function of updating information in memory for the order of visual and spatial events. Participants were undergraduate students (n = 71) who performed memory tasks designed under the paradigm of dual-tasks. In this procedure the primary tasks of visual and spatial memory were combined with secondary executive tasks of choice reaction time (CRT) and tasks that occupied resources required to update the information (one-back choice reaction time CRT-1). In the CRT task the participant should judge two auditory tones as high or low frequency. In CRT-1 task this response should be delayed in one item, that is, the response to the n stimulus should only be given when the n + 1 stimulus was presented. The secondary tasks were performed during the presentation of the stimuli and the retention interval of the primary tasks. In the first experiment the capacity (span) to retain spatial and visual information was established in pre-test session, and in the second experiment the participants memorized sequences of three to seven items. The results showed that, overall, participants\' performance on primary tasks was impaired by interference on the updating information. The similarities between visual and spatial serial memory were: primacy and recency in serial position curves; most frequent serial position error of transposition in one item; detrimental effect of increasing the size of the sequence, performance impaired by the interference in the executive resources, especially those designed to support the executive function of updating information. The differences between the two types of serial representation, in general, were: smaller capacity and precision in the representation of visual items as compared to the spatial characteristics; the vulnerability of visual memory to the increasing the amount of items is bigger than in spatial memory, and for visual memory there is not a clear differentiation between the effects of two types of executive interference (CRT and CRT-1) as could be determined for the spatial task. We conclude that executive resources of updating information are part of the mechanisms involved in the registration of the serial order of visual and spatial events, and they work in an integrated manner to specific visuospatial resources. The data suggests that visual memory has a mechanism for registration of serial order like spatial memory, and the differences between the two patterns of performance are attributed to the maintenance of identity of the items, and not the maintenance of serial order. Implications for understanding the functional interaction between storage resources and processing of information in working memory are discussed.

A recuperação da informação da memória de trabalho: evidências baseadas em tarefas de imagem mental e de memória visual / The retrieval of information from working memory: evidences based on mental imagery and visual memory tasks

Lívia Valenti 04 March 2016 (has links)
A imagem mental e a memória visual têm sido consideradas como componentes distintos na codificação da informação, e associados a processos diferentes da memória de trabalho. Evidências experimentais mostram, por exemplo, que o desempenho em tarefas de memória baseadas na geração de imagem mentais (imaginação visual) sofre a interferência do ruído visual dinâmico (RVD), mas não se observa o mesmo efeito em tarefas de memória visual baseadas na percepção visual (memória visual). Embora várias evidências mostrem que tarefas de imaginação e de memória visual sejam baseadas em processos cognitivos diferentes, isso não descarta a possibilidade de utilizarem também processos em comum e que alguns resultados experimentais que apontam diferenças entre as duas tarefas resultem de diferenças metodológicas entre os paradigmas utilizados para estuda-las. Nosso objetivo foi equiparar as tarefas de imagem mental visual e memória visual por meio de tarefas de reconhecimento, com o paradigma de dicas retroativas espaciais. Sequências de letras romanas na forma visual (tarefa de memória visual) e acústicas (tarefa de imagem mental visual) foram apresentadas em quatro localizações espaciais diferentes. No primeiro e segundo experimento analisou-se o tempo do curso de recuperação tanto para o processo de imagem quanto para o processo de memória. No terceiro experimento, comparou-se a estrutura das representações dos dois componentes, por meio da apresentação do RVD durante a etapa de geração e recuperação. Nossos resultados mostram que não há diferenças no armazenamento da informação visual durante o período proposto, porém o RVD afeta a eficiência do processo de recuperação, isto é o tempo de resposta, sendo a representação da imagem mental visual mais suscetível ao ruído. No entanto, o processo temporal da recuperação é diferente para os dois componentes, principalmente para imaginação que requer mais tempo para recuperar a informação do que a memória. Os dados corroboram a relevância do paradigma de dicas retroativas que indica que a atenção espacial é requisitada em representações de organização espacial, independente se são visualizadas ou imaginadas. / The mental image and visual memory have been considered as different components in the coding of information, and associate to different processes of working memory. Experimental evidence demonstrate, that Dynamic Visual Noise (DVN) impairs the performance of memory tasks based on mental image generation (visual imagination), but have no effect on memory tasks based on visual perception (visual memory). Although several evidences demonstrate that imagination and visual memory tasks have cognitive distinct processes, it doesnt rule out the possibility that they share common processes and that some experimental results that indicate differences between the cognitive processes are resulted from different methodological paradigms used to studied them. Our objective was to equate tasks of visual mental imagery and visual memory, using a recognition task and spatial retro-cue paradigm. Sequences of roman letters were presented in visual (visual memory task) and acoustic (visual mental imagery task) forms, each letter presented in four different spatial locations. The first and second experiment analyzed the time of the retrieval course for imaging process and for the memory process. In the third experiment, we compared the structure of the representations of the two components, with the presentation of DVN during the stage of generating and retrieval. Our results demonstrated that there are no differences in the storage of visual information during the retrieval period and that the DVN only affect the retrieval process efficiency, principally the imagination process. However, the retrievals time course is different for both components, since imagination requires more time than memory to retrieval information. The retro-cue paradigm reveals that spatial attention is required in representation with spatial organization based on visual perception or imagination

Färg och minne i berättande bild

Thepparit, Tunyaporn January 2017 (has links)
Mitt kandidatarbete går ut på att fastställa om det finns något samband mellan hur vi relaterar till färger i förhållande till platser och hur mycket våra tidigare erfarenheter som påverkar sambandet. Med hjälp av Donna Haraway´s arbeten om begreppet situerad kunskap och begreppet diffraktion av Karen Barad. I detta kandidatarbete används diffraktion som ett verktyg i skapandeprocess. Färg är någonting som vi ser hela tiden i vårt dagliga liv. Därför kopplar vårt minne ihop färg på både ett medvetet och omedvetet sätt, så som till platser, företagslogotyper, mat, hustyper, bilar och blommor. Eftersom mitt arbete handlar mycket om bilder, och färger, har jag använt mig av ett analysverktyg som heter Semiotisk analys, där jag får hjälp att tolka resultatet av färg och form i olika bilder. Slutsatsen kommer att handla om hur mycket tidigare erfarenheter kan påverka visuella arbetsminnet dvs. associationen mellan olika färger och olika platser, mycket, lite eller obetydligt. Resultatet kommer förmodligen att landa i någon form av påverkan. / With this Bachelor thesis, I want to enlighten if there are some connection between how we relate to colours in relations to separate places and how mush our previous experiences interfere with this relation. With the support of Donna Haraway´s works with the concept situated knowledge and with the concept diffraction of Karen Barad. In this Bachelor thesis, I use the concept diffraction as a tool in the design process. Colour is something as we see around us all the time in daily life. Therefor our memory connects colours together in a consciousness way and a unconsciousness way with a lot of different things as Places, Company Logos, food, different kind of Houses, Cars and Flowers among others. Because of my Bachelor thesis is about Pictures and colours, have I used a tool for analyses called Semiotic analyse, with this tool I got some support in the way of interpretation of colours and shapes in different Pictures. The conclusion is about how mush previous experience are going to affect the visual memory that is to say association between colours and separate places, a lot, little or almost nothing. The result is probably going to be some kind of influence.

Didakticky upravené pexeso ve výuce francouzského jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ / Didactically modified memory game in French at the primary school

Korábová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Anotation This thesis proposes a new structure of a memo game that is modified so it can be a part of a French class. It is discussed in wider perspective: besides the didactic of foreign language it touches also the intercultural domain or development of key competencies. Theoretic part elaborates on psychological and didactic bases from which the new concept of the memo game arise. The benefit of playing games in classes is also specified. Other games which can be played with the designed cards as well as reflections of these games are given in the practical part. These reflections allow the modified games to be more effective during French classes. Reflections also contain general didactic questions solved in the didactic of a foreign language.

Sensitivity to changes with and without awareness: An empirical investigation

Laloyaux, Cédric 08 May 2007 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif d'investiguer le sort réservé à  des changements de nature visuelle qui se produisent dans notre environnement et que nous ne détectons pas consciemment. J'investiguerai en particulier si de tels changements non-perçus consciemment peuvent néanmoins (1) être représentés d'une certaine manière en-dessous du seuil de la conscience, et (2) exercer une influence causale sur des tâches comportementales subséquentes. A cette fin, une première étude cherche à établir si les paradigmes classiques de détection de changement sous-évaluent les capacités réelles de la mémoire visuelle à court terme. Cette étude a effectivement montré qu'il était possible de récupérer de l'information stockée en mémoire visuelle à court terme (MVCT), suggérant donc qu'il existe plus de capacités mnésiques visuelles que ce qui est utilisé dans les tâches classiques de détection de changement. Ensuite, une seconde étude a répliqué un paradigme dit d'identification implicite de changements et qui était controversé dans la littérature en raison de biais potentiels. Après correction de ces biais, nous avons pu démontrer que ce paradigme suggère bel et bien un effet d'identification implicite de changement puisque l'identité d'un changement simple (changement d'orientation d'un rectangle parmi 8 rectangles orientés de différentes manières) peut indicer un jugement d'orientation subséquent. Finalement, dans le dernier groupe d'expériences, un nouveau paradigme dans lequel les changements se produisent très progressivement et très lentement sera décrit. En utilisant ce paradigme, j'ai pu démontrer qu'alors que les observateurs demeurent inconscients du changement, ils restent néanmoins sensibles aux changements puisqu'ils « synchronisent » leur représentation en mémoire visuelle avec le stimulus présenté à l'écran. Enfin, dans la conclusion, je m'attacherai également à  développer l'idée selon laquelle nous sommes (1) capables, au minimum, de mettre à jour notre mémoire visuelle d'un changement et probablement d'identifier, un tel changement sans conscience et (2) influençables par ce changement. En effet, à la fin de ce travail, j'arriverai à la conclusion que les représentations visuelles sont ébruitéess et incomplètes. Ceci est dû (1) à  la constitution de la rétine, qui n'est pas homogène (la quantité de photorécepteurs n'est pas identique dans la partie centrale et dans la périphérie du champ visuel), (2) aux imperfections des systèmes biologiques (des imperfections et des erreurs dans la planification des saccades et dans leurs exécutions surgissent,) et (3) aux limitations de nos capacités attentionnelles.

Langage oral, prélecture-compréhension et prévention de l’illettrisme : une analyse linguistique de productions orales d’élèves de grande section de maternelle créolophone à La Réunion / Oral language, prereading, comprehension and prevention of illiteracy : a linguistic analysis of oral productions of pupils of preschool older section in Reunion Island

Dijoux-Latchimy, Jasmine 13 September 2017 (has links)
Notre thèse Langage oral, prélecture-compréhension et prévention de l'illettrisme : une analyse linguistique de productions orales d'élèves de grande section de maternelle créolophone à La Réunion mobilise les choix théoriques de la linguistique descriptive à l’aune d’une saisie dynamique (Staudacher-Valliamée, 1999) des faits de langues sur le terrain scolaire réunionnais (Livret1-Institut de l'Illettrisme, 2012). Notre recherche s’inscrit dans le dispositif Dire, lire, calculer en grande section de maternelle. L’objet d’étude cerne les productions d’élèves dans l'acquisition du langage oral en français, LV2 (Véronique, 2009) à leur entrée dans la prélecture-compréhension. L’enquête linguistique (16 classes) touche 544 élèves dits sensibles, en situation potentielle de décrochage scolaire. Le corpus de base, constitué de 2500 énoncés d’un premier test diagnostique exploratoire (TD1) à partir d'images illustratives s’élargit à 5009 énoncés lors du second test expérimental (TD2), sur des images d’un album de littérature de jeunesse. Deux nouveaux outils sont élaborés, complétés par le logiciel AntConc, pour une analyse adaptée à la dynamique enregistrée : une grille d’observation des unités grammaticales les plus fréquentes (noms, pronoms de personnes, déterminants,verbes), une grille de sept indicateurs de compréhension. Sur le critère des productions orales conformes ou non conformes aux attentes lexicales et sémantiques, porteuses de compréhension ou non, les résultats obtenus différencient 3 types de profils (TD2) : le prélecteur confirmé ( 55,90%), le prélecteur en difficulté (35,60%) et le prélecteur silencieux (8,50 %). Notre travail réalise la fiche action 3 proposée par l’Institut de l'Illettrisme en partenariat avec l’académie de La Réunion pour le Plan APLCI 2010-2015. Nos résultats éclairent de manière inédite le lien entre la construction du langage oral et la mémoire visuelle chez les jeunes élèves à leur entrée dans l'écrit. Une contribution à la didactique de l’oral (Dolz, Schneuwly, 1998) préconise la considération de la langue des élèves imprégnée des caractéristiques de la société orale créole, perceptibles dans la référenciation et l'organisation informationnelle (Picoche, 1993) du discours. Les applications pédagogiques rendent compte des contenus de formation, d’élaboration d'un outil de diagnostic des compétences lexicales et des connaissances sémantiques des élèves. / Our thesis "Oral language, prereading, comprehension and prevention of illiteracy: a linguistic analysis of oral productions of pupils of preschool older section in Reunion Island" mobilizes the theoretical choices of descriptive linguistics in the light of a dynamic grasp of the language facts (Staudacher-Valliamée, 1999) in Reunion schools. Our doctoral research corresponds to the linguistic and logical axis of the device "Say, read, calculate in preschool older section". Its purpose is to study the observation of students in the acquisition of oral language in French as a second language (Véronique, 2009) when they start pre-reading comprehension. The linguistic survey conducted in 16 classes concerns 544 pupils, known as sensitive, in a potential school drop-out situation. The corpus of base of 2,500 statements, of a first exploratory diagnostic test (TD1) startingfrom illustrative images, expands to 5009 statements in the second experimental test (TD2), on images of an album of youth literature. Two new tools had to be developed, complemented by the AntConc software, for an analysis adapted to the linguisticdynamics of our corpus: an observation grid of the grammatical units (names, pronouns of people, determiners, verbs) and another one of 7 indicators of understanding. On the criterion of oral productions conforming or not conforming to lexical expectations and semantics, understanding or not, the results obtained differentiate 3 types of profiles: the confirmed preselector, the pre-selector in difficulty and the silent one. The spin-offs from our doctoral research have led to Action 3, in partnership with the Reunion Academy, within the framework of an action plan against illiteracy (2010-2015). Our results highlight in a new way the link between the construction of young students' oral language and their visual memory as they start writing. A contribution to the didactics of the oral (Dolz, Schneuwly,1998) advocates the consideration of the language of the pupils impregnated with the characteristics of Creole oral society, perceptible in the referencing and informational organization of discourse (Picoche,1993). The pedagogical applications reflect the contents of training, development of a tool of diagnosis of lexical skills and semantic knowledge of the students.

El debate sobre la memoria del conflicto armado en el Perú (1980-2000) : un acercamiento a través de la cultura visual

Paredes Dávila, José Ricardo 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Perception et intégration de l'image dans le cadre d'un enseignement-apprentissage du FLE / Perception and image integration in the context of a teaching and learning of French as a foreign language

Aghajanzadeh-Darzi, Parastoo 07 July 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche, qui s’inscrit dans le domaine de la didactique des langues-cultures, porte sur l'intégration des images dans les méthodes du FLE et s’attache à expliciter les avantages mais aussi les limites de son exploitation dans les cours de langues. En se basant sur le concept d'image en tant qu'un support visuel, notre recherche tente de cerner dans quelles mesures l’application d’une image favorise l’apprentissage d’une langue chez les apprenants. Notre étude empirique a été effectuée au sein d’une université à Paris avec des apprenants de niveaux A1 à B2. De ce fait, nous avons recueilli des données en observant les interactions et les productions orales et écrites d’un public estudiantin pluriculturel face aux images. A travers l’étude de trois corpus successifs (questionnaires, observations, entretiens) nous avons dressé un état des lieux de la présence des images dans les cours du FLE, ses apports dans l’acquisition de L2 et nous avons explicité l’approche des enseignants vis-à-vis de ces supports didactiques. Ce qui nous permet de nous focaliser sur quelques éléments qui devraient être différemment mis en œuvre afin d’optimiser l’exploitation des images dans l’enseignement des langues-cultures. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent que les apprenants déploient des stratégies communicatives et d’appropriation afin d’exprimer leurs réactions face aux images et de participer aux échanges. L’analyse des interactions autour des documents visuels témoigne des conditions favorables à un apprentissage potentiel. L’examen approfondi de notre corpus relève d’une occultation de la dimension interculturelle, aussi bien dans les tâches proposées que dans les interactions engendrées par les images. Ces échanges sont fortement influencés par les actions des enseignants, d’où l’émergence de la nécessité d’une formation. / The present research lies in the field of the didactics of languages and cultures. It focuses on the integration of pictures in the teaching of French as a foreign language and it also aims at explaining both the benefits and disadvantages of their use in language courses. Based on the concept of pictures as visual supports, this research attempts to define the potential of applying a picture in language learning among learners. Our empirical study was conducted in a university in Paris with A1 and B2 learners. In this respect, data were collected by observing the interactions and oral and written productions of pluricultural students faced with pictures. Through the study of three successive corpora (questionnaires, observations, interviews), we drew up a status report on the presence of pictures in lessons, its contributions to the acquisition of L2 and we explained the approach of teachers towards these teaching materials. This allows us to focus on a few different elements that should be implemented to optimize the use of pictures in the teaching of languages and cultures. Research findings in this study indicated that learners engage communicative and appropriation strategies to express their reactions to the pictures and to participate in interactions. Analyses of these interactions around the visual material reflect favorable conditions for potential learning. A thorough review of our corpus shows an occultation of the intercultural dimension both in the proposed tasks and in the interactions generated by the pictures. These interactions are strongly influenced by teacher actions, which points out to the the need for training.

Zraková paměť jako determinant rozvoje komunikačních kompetencí a kompetencí k učení u žáků se sluchovým postižením / Visual Memory as a Determinant of Communicative and Learning Competencies in Pupils with Hearning Impairment

Kotvová, Miroslava January 2017 (has links)
VISUAL MEMORY AS A DETERMINANT OF COMMUNICATIVE AND LEARNING COMPETENCIES IN PUPILS WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENT ABSTRACT: This submitted work concentrates on visual perception, especially on visual memory and related attention in children and pupils with hearing impairment, which from the theoretical point of view represents the most important compensatory sense for this group of people. The main part of the submitted paper consists in presenting the results of a research survey observing the levels of visual perception and attention in children and pupils in the age group 6 to 8 years old, as well as on comparing them with results achieved by a group of hearing children and pupils of the same age range. We chose four subtests focused on the current state of visual memory and attention. These subtests constitute a part of two standardized tests. The following analysis of the gained data was used to validate our hypotheses regarding the influence of the compensatory mechanism applied when processing visual inputs by people with hearing impairment existing on the level of the central nervous system. Furthermore, the paper provides processed and commented data gained from questionnaires destined for teachers. These questionnaires pursue the evaluation of communicative and learning competencies of the tested study...

Visuo-spatial Abilities In Remote Perception: A Meta-analysis Of Empirical Work

Fincannon, Thomas 01 January 2013 (has links)
Meta-analysis was used to investigate the relationship between visuo-spatial ability and performance in remote environments. In order to be included, each study needed to examine the relationship between the use of an ego-centric perspective and various dimensions of performance (i.e., identification, localization, navigation, and mission completion time). The moderator analysis investigated relationships involving: (a) visuo-spatial construct with an emphasis on Carroll’s (1993) visualization (VZ) factor; (b) performance outcome (i.e., identification, localization, navigation, and mission completion time); (c) autonomy to support mission performance; (d) task type (i.e., navigation vs. reconnaissance); and (e) experimental testbed (i.e., physical vs. virtual environments). The process of searching and screening for published and unpublished analyses identified 81 works of interest that were found to represent 50 unique datasets. 518 effects were extracted from these datasets for analyses. Analyses of aggregated effects (Hunter & Schmidt, 2004) found that visuo-spatial abilities were significantly associated with each construct, such that effect sizes ranged from weak (r = .235) to moderately strong (r = .371). For meta-regression (Borenstein, Hedges, Figgins, & Rothstein, 2009; Kalaian & Raudenbush, 1996; Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007), moderation by visuo-spatial construct (i.e., focusing on visualization) was consistently supported for all outcomes. For at least one of the outcomes, support was found for moderation by test, the reliability coefficient of a test, autonomy (i.e. to support identification, localization, and navigation), testbed (i.e., physical vs. virtual environment), intended domain of application, and gender. These findings illustrate that majority of what researchers refer to as “spatial ability” actually uses measures that load onto Carroll’s (1993) visualization (VZ) factor. The associations between this predictor and all performance outcomes were significant, but the significant iv variation across moderators highlight important issues for the design of unmanned systems and the external validity of findings across domains. For example, higher levels of autonomy for supporting navigation decreased the association between visualization (VZ) and performance. In contrast, higher levels of autonomy for supporting identification and localization increased the association between visualization (VZ) and performance. Furthermore, moderation by testbed, intended domain of application, and gender challenged the degree to which findings can be expected to generalize across domains and sets of participants.

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