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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Air-water experiments in a vertical DN200-pipe

Beyer, M., Lucas, D., Kussin, J., Schütz, P. January 2008 (has links)
The extensive experimental results presented in this report provide a high-quality database for air-/water flows in a vertical pipe with a nominal diameter of 200 mm. This database can be used for the development and validation of CFD-like models for two-phase flows, e.g. for bubble coalescence and fragmentation. In particular, the investigations aim on the evolution of the two-phase flow along the pipe height. Therefore, up to 18 single measurements with varying distances between the gas injection and measurement plane were realised for each of the 92 combinations of gas and water flow rates. The pressure at the position of the activated gas injection was kept constant at 0.25 MPa(a). This boundary condition has the advantage that the measured data represent exactly the evolution of the flow along the pipe, i.e. they reflect a configuration at which the gas injection is at a fixed height position, while the measurement plane varies. Important results of this test series are time averaged radial profiles of the gas fraction, and the gas velocity, as well as the time and cross-section averaged bubble size distributions. Furthermore, gas fraction data resolved regarding the bubble size and spatial distribution are presented. As in previous test series, flow patterns were analysed, whereby the classification results from the bubble size. A substantial part of these new air/water experiments were quality and plausibility checks of the measured data. In the result, a clear and consistent trend regarding their evolution with increasing distance from the position of the gas injection was found. Comparisons of the trend of time and cross section averaged gas volume fraction along the pipe height with the theoretically expected values were carried out. The influence of the orifice diameter of the gas injection on flow patterns is also discussed in the report.

Luft-Wasser Experimente im vertikalen DN200-Rohr

Beyer, M., Lucas, D., Kussin, J., Schütz, P. January 2008 (has links)
Die im Rahmen dieser Versuchsserie erzielten umfangreichen experimentellen Ergebnisse bilden eine hochwertige Datenbasis für Luft-Wasser-Strömungen in einem vertikalen DN200-Rohr, die für die Entwicklung und Validierung von CFD-Modellen, beispielweise bzgl. Blasenkoaleszenz und -fragmentierung, genutzt werden können. Besonderes interessant ist die Untersuchung der Entwicklung der Zweiphasenströmung über der Rohrhöhe. Aus diesem Grund wurden für jede der 92 betrachteten Kombinationen aus Gas- und Wasser-Volumenstromdichten bis zu 18 Messungen mit variablen Abständen zwischen Gaseinspeisung und Messebene durchgeführt. Dabei wurde der Druck an der Gaseinspeisestelle konstant auf 0,25 MPa(a) gehalten. Diese Randbedingung bietet den Vorteil, dass die so gemessenen Daten die Entwicklung der Strömung über der Rohrhöhe widerspiegeln, d.h. eine Konfiguration beschreiben, bei der das Gas an einer festen Höhenposition eingespeist wird und die Messungen in verschiedenen darüberliegenden Ebenen erfolgen. Wesentliche Ergebnisse dieser Messserie sind radiale zeitgemittelte Profile für den Gasgehalt und die Gasgeschwindigkeit sowie zeit- und querschnittsgemittelte Blasengrößenverteilungen. Außerdem liegen blasengrößen- und ortsaufgelöste Gasgehaltsdaten vor. Wie bereits bei früheren Versuchsserien wurden auch in diesem Fall die Strömungsformen analysiert, wobei die Klassifizierung anhand der Blasengröße erfolgte. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser neuen Luft/Wasser-Versuche war die Qualitäts- und Plausibilitätsprüfung der Messdaten. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Daten einen eindeutigen, widerspruchsfreien Trend bzgl. ihrer Entwicklung mit zunehmendem Abstand von der Gaseinspeisung aufweisen. Zur Plausibilitätsprüfung wurden Vergleiche des Gasgehaltsverlaufes über der Rohrhöhe mit theoretisch zu erwartenden Kurven durchgeführt. Zusätzlich zu diesen Ergebnissen enthält der Bericht eine Einschätzung des Einflusses des Bohrungsdurchmessers an der Gaseinspeisung auf die sich einstellende Strömung.

Modeling the Microstructure Evolution During and After Hot Working in Martensitic Steel

Safara Nosar, Nima January 2021 (has links)
In this study, the goal is to predict the microstructure evolution during and after the hot working of a martensitic stainless steel with 13% chromium using a physically-based model in the form of a MATLAB toolbox. This model is based on dislocation density theory and consists of coupled sets of evolution equations for dislocation, vacancies, recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth. The focus in this work is on the flow stress calculation and the effect of second phase particles on the strengthening mechanisms in the material at elevated temperatures. Recovery and recrystallization are also studied for this alloy during deformation and following stress relaxation. The experimental part of this work was performed with a Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulator over the temperature range of 850 to 1200°C. Samples were investigated later by a light optical microscope (LOM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDS). Hardness test and phase isolation were also performed on the samples and the results are compared with the modeling results. The model can satisfactorily predict the grain growth, recovery, recrystallization, and flow stress for this alloy. Further investigation on the second phase particles showed that the measured mean size of carbides has a good agreement with what is obtained from the model and the hardness values. On the other hand, the modeled volume fraction of the carbides followed a slightly different trend comparing to hardness values, and phase isolation results at temperatures higher than 1000°C. Additionally, the Ms temperature and fraction of the martensite phase are calculated for quenched samples where the results are following the measured hardness values. Finally, the Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) and its relation to the flow stress and the activation energy for deformation are defined. The dynamic recrystallization (DRX) kinetic is modeled and the fraction DRX was calculated at various temperatures and strain rates for this alloy. / I denna studie är målet att förutsäga mikrostrukturutvecklingen under och efter varmbearbetning i ett martensitiskt rostfritt stål med 13 % krom med hjälp av en fysisk baserad modell i form av en MATLAB verktygslåda. Denna modell är baserad på en teori för dislokationstäthet och bestårav kopplade uppsättningar av evolutionsekvationer för dislokation, vakanser, återhämtning, rekristallisation och kornstillväxt. Fokus i detta arbete är beräkning av flytespänningen och effekten av sekundärfaspartiklar på härdningsmekanismerna i materialet vid höga temperaturer. Återhämtning och rekristallisation studeras också för denna legering under deformation och efter spänningsrelaxation. Den experimentella delen av detta arbete utfördes med en Gleeble termomekanisk simulator inom temperaturområdet 850 till 1200°C. Proverna undersöktes senare med ett ljust optiskt mikroskop (LOM) och svepelektronmikroskop(SEM) utrustad med energidispersiv spektroskopi (EDS). Hårdhetstest och fasisolering utfördes också på proverna och resultaten jämförs med modelleringsresultaten. Modellen på ett tillfredsställande sätt kan förutsäga korntillväxt, återhämtning, rekristallisation och flytspänningen för denna legering. Vidare undersökning av partiklarna i sekundärfasen visade att den uppmätta medelstorleken för karbider har bra överensstämmelse med vad som erhålls från modellen och hårdhetsvärdena. Den modellerade volymfraktionen av karbiderna följde en något annorlunda trend vid temperaturerna högre än 1000°C jämfört med hårdhetsvärden och fasisoleringsresultat. Dessutom beräknas Ms temperaturen och fraktionen av martensitfasen för släckta prover där resultaten följer de uppmätta hårdhetsvärdena. Slutligen definieras Zener-Hollomon-parametern (Z) och dess förhållande till flytspänningen och aktiveringsenergin för deformation. Den kinetiska dynamiska rekristallisation (DRX) modelleras och fraktionen DRX beräknades vidolika temperaturer och töjningshastigheter för denna legering.

Homogenization of a higher gradient heat equation: Numerical solution of the cell problem using quadratic B--spline based finite elements

Dumbuya, Samba January 2023 (has links)
This study focuses on the numerical solution of a fourth-order cell problem obtained through a two- scale expansion approach applied to a higher gradient heat equation microscopic problem involving temperature distributions. The main objective is to investigate the temperature field within the macroscale domain and compute the effective conductivity using finite element methods. The research utilizes numerical techniques, specifically finite element methods, to solve the fourth-order cell problem and obtain the temperature distribution.

Modeling the Microstructure Evolution During and After Hot Working in Martensitic Steel

Safara Nosar, Nima January 2021 (has links)
In this study, the goal is to predict the microstructure evolution during and after the hot working of a martensitic stainless steel with 13% chromium using a physically-based model in the form of a MATLAB toolbox. This model is based on dislocation density theory and consists of coupled sets of evolution equations for dislocation, vacancies, recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth. The focus in this work is on the flow stress calculation and the effect of second phase particles on the strengthening mechanisms in the material at elevated temperatures. Recovery and recrystallization are also studied for this alloy during deformation and following stress relaxation. The experimental part of this work was performed with a Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulator over the temperature range of 850 to 1200°C. Samples were investigated later by a light optical microscope (LOM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDS). Hardness test and phase isolation were also performed on the samples and the results are compared with the modeling results. The model can satisfactorily predict the grain growth, recovery, recrystallization, and flow stress for this alloy. Further investigation on the second phase particles showed that the measured mean size of carbides has a good agreement with what is obtained from the model and the hardness values. On the other hand, the modeled volume fraction of the carbides followed a slightly different trend comparing to hardness values, and phase isolation results at temperatures higher than 1000°C. Additionally, the Ms temperature and fraction of the martensite phase are calculated for quenched samples where the results are following the measured hardness values. Finally, the Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) and its relation to the flow stress and the activation energy for deformation are defined. The dynamic recrystallization (DRX) kinetic is modeled and the fraction DRX was calculated at various temperatures and strain rates for this alloy. / I denna studie är målet att förutsäga mikrostrukturutvecklingen under och efter varmbearbetning i ett martensitiskt rostfritt stål med 13 % krom med hjälp av en fysisk baserad modell i form av en MATLAB verktygslåda. Denna modell är baserad på en teori för dislokationstäthet och bestårav kopplade uppsättningar av evolutionsekvationer för dislokation, vakanser, återhämtning, rekristallisation och kornstillväxt. Fokus i detta arbete är beräkning av flytespänningen och effekten av sekundärfaspartiklar på härdningsmekanismerna i materialet vid höga temperaturer. Återhämtning och rekristallisation studeras också för denna legering under deformation och efter spänningsrelaxation. Den experimentella delen av detta arbete utfördes med en Gleeble termomekanisk simulator inom temperaturområdet 850 till 1200°C. Proverna undersöktes senare med ett ljust optiskt mikroskop (LOM) och svepelektronmikroskop(SEM) utrustad med energidispersiv spektroskopi (EDS). Hårdhetstest och fasisolering utfördes också på proverna och resultaten jämförs med modelleringsresultaten. Modellen på ett tillfredsställande sätt kan förutsäga korntillväxt, återhämtning, rekristallisation och flytspänningen för denna legering. Vidare undersökning av partiklarna i sekundärfasen visade att den uppmätta medelstorleken för karbider har bra överensstämmelse med vad som erhålls från modellen och hårdhetsvärdena. Den modellerade volymfraktionen av karbiderna följde en något annorlunda trend vid temperaturerna högre än 1000°C jämfört med hårdhetsvärden och fasisoleringsresultat. Dessutom beräknas Ms temperaturen och fraktionen av martensitfasen för släckta prover där resultaten följer de uppmätta hårdhetsvärdena. Slutligen definieras Zener-Hollomon-parametern (Z) och dess förhållande till flytspänningen och aktiveringsenergin för deformation. Den kinetiska dynamiska rekristallisation (DRX) modelleras och fraktionen DRX beräknades vidolika temperaturer och töjningshastigheter för denna legering.

Control of Wear-Resistance Properties in Ti-added Hypereutectic High Chromium Cast Iron

Liu, Qiang January 2012 (has links)
High chromium cast iron (HCCI) is considered as one of the most useful wear resistance materials and their usage are widely spread in industry. The wear resistance and mechanical properties of HCCI mainly depend on type, size, number, morphology of hard carbides and the matrix structure (γ or α). The Hypereutectic HCCI with large volume fractions of hard carbides is preferred to apply in wear applications. However, the coarser and larger primary M7C3 carbides will be precipitated during the solidification of the hypereutectic alloy and these will have a negative influence on the wear resistance. In this thesis, the Ti-added hypereutectic HCCI with a main composition of Fe-17mass%Cr-4mass%C is quantitatively studied based on the type, size distribution, composition and morphology of hard carbides and martensite units. A 11.2μm border size is suggested to classify the primary M7C3 carbides and eutectic M7C3 carbides. Thereafter, the change of the solidification structure and especially the refinement of carbides (M7C3 and TiC) size by changing the cooling rates and Ti addition is determined and discussed. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of hypereutectic HCCI related to the solidification structure are discussed. Mechanical properties of HCCI can normally be improved by a heat treatment process. The size distribution and the volume fraction of carbides (M7C3 and TiC) as well as the matrix structure (martensite) were examined by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). Especially for the matrix structure, EBSD is a useful tool to classify the fcc (γ) and bcc (α) phases. In conclusion, low holding temperatures close to the eutectic temperature and long holding times are the best heat treatment strategies in order to improve wear resistance and hardness of Ti-alloyed hypereutectic HCCI. / <p>QC 20121130</p>

Experimental and numerical investigation of steady-state and transient ultrasound directed self-assembly of spherical particles in a viscous medium

Noparast, Soheyl 04 June 2024 (has links)
Ultrasound directed self-assembly (DSA) utilizes the acoustic radiation force associated with a standing ultrasound wave field to organize particles dispersed in a fluid medium into specific patterns. The ability to tailor the organization and packing density of spherical particles using ultrasound DSA in a viscous fluid medium is crucial in the context of (additive) manufacturing of engineered materials with tailored properties. However, the fundamental physics of the ultrasound DSA process in a viscous fluid medium, and the relationship between the ultrasound DSA process parameters and the specific patterns of particles that result from it, are not well-understood. Researchers have theoretically described the acoustic radiation force and the acoustic interaction force that act on spherical particles in a standing ultrasound wave field in both inviscid and viscous media. In addition, they have solved the forward and inverse ultrasound DSA problem in an inviscid medium, in which they relate the patterns of particles and the ultrasound DSA operating parameters. However, no theoretical model exists that allows simulating the steady-state and transient local particle packing density in a viscous medium during ultrasound DSA. Thus, in this dissertation, we (i) theoretically derive and experimentally validate a model to determine the steady-state locations where spherical particles assemble during ultrasound DSA as a function of medium viscosity and particle volume fraction. (ii) We also theoretically derive and experimentally validate a model to quantify the steady-state and transient local packing density of spherical particles within the pattern features that result from ultrasound DSA. Using these models, we quantify and predict the locations where spherical particles assemble during ultrasound DSA in a viscous medium, considering the effects of medium viscosity and particle volume fraction. We demonstrate that the deviation between locations where particles assemble in viscous and inviscid media first increases and then decreases with increasing particle volume fraction and medium viscosity, which we explain by means of the sound propagation velocity of the mixture. In addition, we quantify and predict the steady-state and transient local packing density of spherical particles within the pattern features, using ultrasound DSA in combination with vat photopolymerization (VP). We show that the steady-state local particle packing density increases with increasing particle volume fraction and increases with decreasing particle size. We also show that the transient local particle packing density increases with increasing particle volume fraction, decreasing particle size, and decreasing fluid medium viscosity. Increasing particle size and decreasing fluid medium viscosity decreases the time to reach steady-state. Finally, we implement single and multiple scattering in the calculation of the acoustic radiation force for spherical particles in a viscous medium and quantify their relative contributions to the calculation of the acoustic radiation force as a function of ultrasound DSA operating parameters and material properties. We demonstrate that the deviation between considering single and multiple scattering may reach up to 100%, depending on the ultrasound DSA process parameters and material properties. Also, increasing the particle volume fraction increases the need to account for multiple scattering. Quantifying and predicting the local packing density of spherical particles during ultrasound DSA in a viscous medium, as a function of ultrasound DSA process parameters is crucial towards using ultrasound DSA in engineering applications, in particular (additive) manufacturing of engineered polymer matrix composite materials with tailored properties whose properties depend on the spatial organization and packing density of particles in the matrix material. / Doctor of Philosophy / Ultrasound directed self-assembly (DSA) is a technique that uses ultrasound waves to arrange small particles submerged in a fluid into specific patterns. When combined with other manufacturing techniques, ultrasound DSA can be used to fabricate composite materials that derive their properties from the spatial organization of particles in a matrix material. However, ultrasound DSA in viscous fluids is not well-understood. Researchers have studied the forces associated with ultrasound waves that move small spherical particles in an inviscid fluid medium (fluids that experience little to no internal resistance to flow), and they have demonstrated intricate control of the patterns of particles that form using ultrasound DSA. However, that knowledge is not currently available for ultrasound DSA in viscous media. In this dissertation, we develop and evaluate theoretical models to understand ultrasound DSA of small spherical particles in a viscous fluid medium. We simulate where particles organize and how densely they pack together. We also determine the difference of the time-dependent motion of particles in a viscous fluid compared to that in an inviscid fluid medium and relate the difference to the number of particles submerged in the fluid and the viscosity of the fluid. Additionally, we examine the effect of particle size and fluid viscosity on the speed by which the particles reach their final location. We also study how ultrasound waves interact with multiple small particles in a viscous fluid, focusing on the forces that move these particles. We explore two models that account for single and multiple ultrasound wave scattering. Scattering is the process by which ultrasound waves deflect in different directions when they encounter a particle. The results show that the difference between single and multiple scattering models can be significant, depending on the ultrasound DSA process parameters and the properties of the fluid and particles. In general, the importance of accounting for multiple scattering increases with the number of particles submerged in the fluid. Understanding particle packing density when using ultrasound DSA in a viscous fluid is essential in many engineering applications, in particular manufacturing of composite materials that derive their properties from the spatial arrangement of particles in a matrix material.

Microstructure Evaluation and Wear-Resistant Properties of Ti-alloyed Hypereutectic High Chromium Cast Iron

Liu, Qiang January 2013 (has links)
High chromium cast iron (HCCI) is considered as one of the most useful wear resistance materials and their usage are widely spread in industry. The mechanical properties of HCCI mainly depend on type, size, number, morphology of hard carbides and the matrix structure (γ or α). The hypereutectic HCCI with large volume fractions of hard carbides is preferred to apply in wear applications. However, the coarser and larger primary M7C3 carbides will be precipitated during the solidification of the hypereutectic alloy and these will have a negative influence on the wear resistance. In this thesis, the Ti-alloyed hypereutectic HCCI with a main composition of Fe-17mass%Cr-4mass%C is studied based on the experimental results and calculation results. The type, size distribution, composition and morphology of hard carbides and martensite units are discussed quantitatively. For a as-cast condition, a 11.2μm border size is suggested to classify the primary M7C3 carbides and eutectic M7C3 carbides. Thereafter, the change of the solidification structure and especially the refinement of carbides (M7C3 and TiC) size by changing the cooling rates and Ti addition is determined and discussed. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of hypereutectic HCCI related to the solidification structure are discussed. Mechanical properties of HCCI can normally be improved by a heat treatment process. The size distribution and the volume fraction of carbides (M7C3 and TiC) as well as the matrix structure (martensite) were examined by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), in-situ observation by using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLSM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). Especially for the matrix structure and secondary M7C3 carbides, EBSD and CLSM are useful tools to classify the fcc (γ) and bcc (α) phases and to study the dynamic behavior of secondary M7C3 carbides. In conclusion, low holding temperatures close to the eutectic temperature and long holding times are the best heat treatment strategies in order to improve wear resistance and hardness of Ti-alloyed hypereutectic HCCI. Finally, the maximum carbides size is estimated by using statistics of extreme values (SEV) method in order to complete the size distribution results. Meanwhile, the characteristic of different carbides types will be summarized and classified based on the shape factor. / <p>QC 20130913</p>

Fluidic Tuning of a Four-Arm Spiral-Based Frequency Selective Surface

Wells, Elizabeth Christine 2011 May 1900 (has links)
Frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) provide a variety of spatial filtering functions, such as band-pass or band-stop properties in a radome or other multilayer structure. This filtering is typically achieved through closely-spaced periodic arrangements of metallic shapes on top of a dielectric substrate (or within a stack of dielectric materials). In most cases, the unit cell size, its shape, the substrate parameters, and the inter-element spacing collectively impact the response of the FSS. Expanding this design space to include reconfigurable FSSs provides opportunities for applications requiring frequency agility and/or other properties. Tuning can also enable operation over a potentially wider range of frequencies and can in some cases be used as a loading mechanism or quasi-ground plane. Many technologies have been considered for this type of agility (RF MEMS, PIN diodes, etc.). This includes the recent use of microfluidics and dispersions of nanoparticles, or fluids with controllable dielectrics, which have entered the design space of numerous other EM applications including stub-tuners, antennas, and filters. In this work they provide a material based approach to reconfiguring an FSS. An FSS based on a four-arm spiral with tunable band-stop characteristics is presented in this work. A thin colloidal dispersion above each element provides this tuning capability. The radial expansion and contraction of this dispersion, as well as the variable permittivity of the dispersion, are used to load each element individually. This design incorporates thin fluidic channels within a PDMS layer below the substrate leading to individual unit cells that provide a closed pressure-driven subsystem that contains the dispersion. With the capability to individually control each cell, groups of cells can be locally altered (individually or in groups) to create gratings and other electromagnetically agile features across the surface or within the volume of a radome or other covering. Simulations and measurements of an S-band tunable design using colloidal Barium Strontium Titanate dispersed Silicone oil are provided to demonstrate the capability to adjust the stop-band characteristics of the FSS across the S-band.

Elaboration et étude des propriétés mécaniques et thermiques de matériaux constitués de nanotubes de carbone verticalement alignés / Elaboration and study of both mechanical and thermal properties of vertically carbon nanotubes reinforced materials

Bouillonnec, Jonathan 17 July 2015 (has links)
Les tapis de nanotubes de carbone verticalement alignés sont des candidats potentiels pour des applications telles que les interconnexions ou les matériaux d'interface thermique. Ce travail de recherche porte sur la synthèse de tapis de nanotubes de carbone alignés selon le procédé de dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD) d'aérosols liquides, sur l'élaboration de nanocomposites constitués de différentes nuances de matrices époxy infiltrées au sein de ces tapis, ainsi que sur l'étude des propriétés mécaniques et thermiques longitudinales et transverses des tapis secs eux-mêmes et des nanocomposites 1D formés. Les conditions de synthèse permettent notamment de faire varier les caractéristiques des tapis telles que leur épaisseur, leur masse volumique, le diamètre externe moyen des nanotubes de carbone (NTC), l'espace intertube et la teneur volumique en NTC, alors que leur structure cristalline peut être modifiée par le biais d'un traitement thermique à haute température. L'objectif principal de ce travail consiste à démontrer et quantifier l'effet de certaines caractéristiques des tapis de nanotubes de carbone sur les propriétés mécaniques et thermiques des différents types de tapis et matériaux composites obtenus. Les deux méthodes d'imprégnation mises en oeuvre, voie liquide et infusion, conduisent à des tapis de NTC alignés denses avec un alignement des NTC conservé et une répartition homogène des NTC au sein du système époxy. La fraction volumique en NTC s'avère être le paramètre-clé permettant d'exacerber, dans la direction longitudinale aux NTC, les propriétés mécaniques et thermiques des nanocomposites. Par ailleurs, les tapis de NTC et les nanocomposites voient leurs propriétés de conduction thermique longitudinale nettement exacerbées lorsque les NTC présentent une amélioration de leur structure cristalline. L'augmentation significative des performances apportées par les tapis de NTC verticalement alignés au sein de ces matériaux nanocomposites anisotropes par rapport aux matrices organiques non chargées est prometteuse et ouvre des pistes de réflexion visant à répondre aux nouvelles exigences de multifonctionnalité des secteurs de l'aéronautique et de l'aérospatial. / Vertically aligned carbon nanotube carpets are potential candidates for applications such as interconnections or thermal interface materials (TIMs). This research work deals with the synthesis of aligned carbon nanotube carpets from the aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition (CVD) technique, with the elaboration of nanocomposites made of different grades of epoxy matrix infiltrated within these carpets, as well as the study of both longitudinal and transverse mechanical and thermal properties of dry carpets themselves and 1D-nanocomposites separately. The synthesis conditions notably enable to vary characteristics of the differents carpets such as their thickness, their density, the mean external diameter of the carbon nanotubes (CNT), the intertube space and the CNT volume fraction, whereas their crystalline structure can be modified with a high temperature thermal treatment. The main goal of this work is to prove and quantify the effect of some of the characteristics of the carbon nanotubes carpets on both mechanical and thermal properties of the different kinds of CNT carpets and resulting composite materials. The two impregnation methods used, liquid way and infusion, lead to dense CNT carpets with a preserved alignment of the CNT and an homogeneous distribution of these latest within the epoxy system. The CNT volume content is evidenced as the key-parameter exacerbating the mechanical and thermal properties mainly in the longitudinal direction compared with the alignment axis of the CNTs. Moreover the mechanical and thermal conduction properties of the CNT carpets and the 1D-nanocomposites are clearly increased when the crystalline structure of the CNT is improved. The significant increasing of the properties brought by the vertically aligned CNT within these anisotropic 1D-nanocomposites compared with the only organic matrixes is promising and opens new pathways aiming to meet the latest specifications related to multifunctionnality in fields such as aeronautics and aerospace.

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