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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Berufsbezogene Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung: Skalierbarkeit und Beziehung zu beruflicher Arbeitsleistung: Occupational action state orientation: Scalability and its relation to job performance

Stadelmaier, Ulrich W. 01 December 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit verknüpft die Theorie der Interaktion psychischer Systeme von Kuhl (2000, 2001) mit dem Modell beruflicher Arbeitsleistung von Tett und Burnett (2003). Unter Anwendung reizorientierter arbeitspsychologischer Stressmodelle werden Hypothesen über einen durch das subjektive Bedrohungs- und Belastungspotenzial der Arbeitssituation moderierten Zusammenhang zwischen dem berufsbezogenen und nach Maßgabe der Item Response Theorie skalierbaren Persönlichkeitsmerkmal Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung und beruflicher Arbeitsleistung aufgestellt. In drei Befragungen an N = 415, N = 331 sowie N = 49 Berufstätigen wurden querschnittliche Daten zur Hypothesenprüfung erhoben. Berufsbezogene Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung zeigt sich als valides Subkonstrukt der allgemeinen Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung, welches gemäß Graded Response Modell von Samejima (1969, 1997) mit 14 Items skalierbar ist. Prospektive berufsbezogene Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung erklärt in multiplen hierarchischen Regressionsanalysen, im Gegensatz zu allgemeiner Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung, inkrementell zu Gewissenhaftigkeit, Extraversion und Neurotizismus Anteile kontextueller und aufgabenbezogener Arbeitsleistung. Hypothesenkonträr werden diese Zusammenhänge nur marginal vom subjektiven Belastungspotential der Arbeitssituation moderiert. Die Prädiktorfunktion prospektiver berufsbezogener Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung für berufliche Arbeitsleistung bleibt auch unter pfadanalytischer Kontrolle eines vorhandenen Common Method Bias erhalten. Die dispositionelle Fähigkeit, durch berufliche Hindernisse gehemmten positiven Affekt vorbewusst gegenregulieren zu können, scheint demnach ein bedeutender Prädiktor beruflicher Arbeitsleistung zu sein, insbesondere bei Führungskräften. Für die berufliche Eignungsbeurteilung ist es damit von diagnostischem Mehrwert, Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung kontextualisiert zu erheben. Der Einsatz probabilistisch- testtheoretisch konstruierter Skalen steigert dabei die Effizienz des Beurteilungsprozesses. / The current paper combines personality systems interaction theory (Kuhl, 2000, 2001) with the model of job performance by Tett and Burnett (2003). Using established stress models from work psychology it is hypothesized that there is a relation between occupational action state orientation, scalable by means of items response theory, and job performance, which is moderated by the subjective stress level of job characteristics. Three surveys among samples of N = 415, N = 331, and N = 49 professionals yielded cross sectional data for investigating the hypotheses. Occupational action state orientation proves a valid construct which is compatible with Samejima’s (1969, 1997) Graded Response Model using a 14-item scale. As a result of multiple hierarchical regression analyses, the hesitation dimension of specifically occupational, in contrast to general action state orientation is a predictor of both contextual and task performance, incremental to conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism. Contrary to expectations this relation is only marginally moderated by stress-relevant job characteristics. Even when controlling for an occurring common method bias by means of path analysis the occupational hesitation dimension’s predictor role perseveres. Therefore, the dispositional ability in subconsciously regulating inhibited positive affect due to occupational obstacles, seems to be a crucial predictor of job performance, especially regarding leaders. Hence, professional aptitude assessment benefits from assessing action state orientation in a contextualized manner. Application of item response theory-based scales further enhances assessment process efficiency.

Produktive und sichere Netzanwendungen

Wolf, L., Richter, F., Heik, A., Meyer, R., Ehrig, M., Heide, G., Fischer, G., Kalfa, Junghaenel, J., Parthey, M., Grunewald, D., Sontag, R., Riedel, W., Harder, F., Becher, M., Mueller, T., Ziegler, C., Anders, J., Breiler, A., Friedrich, R., Koehler, S. 13 July 1999 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und Professur Rechnernetze (Fakultaet Informatik) der TU Chemnitz. Globales Thema: Produktive und sichere Netzanwendungen

Termoregulace mravenců rodu Formica, konflikt jedince versus kolonie / Thermoregulation in ant genus Formica, an individual vs. colony conflict

Kadochová, Štěpánka January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with thermoregulation in red wood ants, in Formica rufa group. Our aim was to better understand the mechanisms by which red wood ants maintain thermal homeostasis in their nests. Red wood ants are known to keep high and stable temperatures in their nests from spring to autumn. Most emphasis is placed on the role of the nest mound as a solar collector or on a heat production by microbial community present in the nest material. However, some researchers believe that wood ants are able of active nest thermoregulation in which they can affect the nest temperature by behavioural reactions, mainly by sun basking, increased metabolic heat production or heat transport. The thesis consists of three research articles. The first one is focused on the timing of thermoregulation in red wood ants, the second one investigates in more detail one specific aspect of red wood ant thermoregulation - a sun basking behaviour. These two papers provide data from long-term field observations and experiments. The last paper is based on laboratory experiments where we tested a hypothesis resulting from field observations. Thanks to the field research we found out that ant activity (traffic on ant trails) significantly correlates with nest temperature; once the activity decreased the thermal homeostasis...

New Country, New(s) Habits: How does migration affect news consumption and avoidance behavior? : A case study on young millennial immigrants living in Stockholm, Sweden

Adolph, Jasmin January 2022 (has links)
This audience study explores the changes of news consumption and avoidance behaviour by young millennial immigrants from various backgrounds, living in Stockholm, Sweden. Considering various theoretical frameworks, such as the intentional vs. unintentional model (Skovsgaard & Andersen, 2020), the migration change model (Tabor & Milfont, 2011), as well as a combination of a phenomenology of news model (Bengtsson & Johansson, 2021) and media repertoires established by Swart et al. (2017), a qualitative research has been conducted consisting of eight semi-structured interviews. Through a thematic analysis possible patterns have been established and findings show that individuals tend to change their behaviour in news consumption for various reasons. (1) Participants want to be able to establish their own news-routines and use their migration as an opportunity for a new start, (2) there is a certain influence by people closest to them and with their social circle changing, their (news) interests change as well, and (3) motivation and interest play an important role in shaping new consumption behaviours in a new country: the more one is interested in learning more about the new country, its culture and its language, the more likely they are to check that country’s traditional news media sources.

Historie nerovných příležitostí v USA: Segregace hispánských dětí ve školách / Historie nerovných příležitostí v USA: Segregace hispánských dětí ve školách

Veselková, Eva January 2015 (has links)
A History of Unequal Opportunity in the U.S. Segregation of Latino School Children Half a century has passed since the U.S. Supreme Court famously stated that separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. After all this time, separate facilities are still the reality and they are still unequal. This thesis examines the educational experience of Latino children in the United States from the twentieth century up to the present, with the main focus on the area of the American Southwest. The history of Latino school segregation is examined from the legal perspective, focusing on the significant court cases in which Latinos fought against segregation and for equal educational opportunities. A special attention is paid to Mendez v. Westminster federal court case, which has ended de jure segregation of Latinos after the World War II. While the topic of school segregation in relation to Latinos is often overlooked by professional literature and little known to the public, it is very important as Latinos represent one fourth of all public school children in the United States today. This paper concludes that, because of school segregation, the educational history of Latinos in the United States is one of unequal opportunity. Moreover, the educational opportunities of Latino children remain...


Menna, Luigi 07 May 2012 (has links)
This work is a reflection on the results of an experimentation carried out on secondary school students of between 16 and 18 from various classes. The experimentation aims at identifying the implicit ideas they use when asked to solve a certain mathematical problem. In particular, in giving them these problems an heuristic approach was suggested, and the differences between this and a purely deductive approach were measured. Analyzing the different approaches used by the students and the difficulties they had in distinguishing between argumentative and demonstrative operations has given rise to a reflection on the use of software such as Geogebra and Excel.

Formal function and phrase structure in contemporary music : Pierre Boulez’s late solo works and Sean Clarke’s "Lucretia Overture" and "4 Impromptus"

Clarke, Sean 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The promotion of the production of electricity from renewable energy sources in the European Union through marked-based regulatory policies : a political, economic and legal analysis / La promotion des énergies renouvelables par la régulation économique dans l'Union européenne : une analyse politique, économique et juridique

Rusche, Tim Maxian 09 September 2013 (has links)
La thèse analyse la promotion de l'électricité produite à partir de sources renouvelables par la régulation économique. Elle combine la recherche existante en économie, sciences politiques et droit. Les principaux apports scientifiques nouveaux par rapport à la recherche existante sont les suivants : - L'échec des efforts de la Commission européenne d'harmoniser les systèmes de soutien au niveau de l'UE s'explique par une alliance (de prime abord improbable) des OGN "vertes" et des producteurs d'électricité verte, soucieux de protéger le système des prix garantis par l'État, ainsi que des États membres, soucieux du respect du principe de subsidiarité. - Contrairement à l'avis dominant en sciences économique, des prix minima garantis, arrêté au niveau de 'UE, constituent la politique règlementaire la plus efficient. - La première analyse compréhensive de la pratique décisionnelle de la Commission européenne eu matière d'aide d'État et la jurisprudence de la Court depuis 1990 montre que, contrairement à l'avis dominant dans la recherche juridique, les systèmes de soutien de la plupart des États membres constituent des aides d'État, car l'arrêt PreussenElektra a un champ d'application beaucoup plus restreint que généralement admis. - Les règles de l'OMC, du Traité sur la Charte de l'Énergie, du droit des aides d'État et du marché intérieur interagissent d'une manière qui n'a pas encore été pleinement compris par la littérature juridique. - Des parallélismes surprenants au débat juridique en Europe existent dans le débat juridique aux États-Unis. Cependant, il n'ont pas été mis en exergue par les juristes. Ainsi, la "dormant commerce clause" soumet les régimes de soutien au États-Unis à des contraintes similaires que les règles du marché intérieur; et le contrôle fédéral de la régulation des prix sous le Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) ressemble au contrôle des aides d'État. / The thesis analyses the promotion of electricity from renewable energy sources by regulatory policies, bringing together the existing research in economics, political science and law. The main new findings compared to the existing research are: The failure of the Commission's attempts to harmonize support schemes al the EU level is due to an (at first sight: unlikely) alliance of green NGO and renewable electricity producers, concerned about protecting fixed purchase prices, and Member States, concerned about subsidiarity; Contrary to the dominating view in the economic literature, fixed purchase prices, set at the EU level, are the most efficient regulatory option; The first comprehensive analysis of the Commission's decision practice and the Court's case law on support schemes under EU State aid rules since 1990 shows that, contrary to the dominating view in legal writing, the support schemes of most Member States do constitute State aid, because PreussenElektra has a much narrower scope than generally thought. WTO rules, the Energy Charter Treaty, and EU State aid and internal market rules interact in ways which have thus far not been analyzed in detail in the legal literature. Surprising parallelisms exist in the legal debate in the US and in the EU, which have thus far been widely overlooked by legal scholars: the "dormant commerce clause" puts very similar constraints on State support schemes as internal market rules; and federal control on price regulation under the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) in the US acts similarly to State aid control in the EU.

Development of a Correlation Equation Between Shear Wave Values And NSPT Values in Northeastern Ohio

Idri, Amanda C. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation and Comparison of Project Scheduling Methods and Software Used in the Construction Industry

Parlak, Mehmet 12 August 2016 (has links)
The objectives of this thesis are to evaluate scheduling methods and most common construction project management software (CPMS) which are Primavera and MS Project, and to determine most widely used project scheduling techniques and CPMS with a survey. The thesis focus on project scheduling since it is very deterministic for project success. Evaluation results indicate that, Gantt Chart Method and PDM are useful for small to medium projects, CPM is for complex projects, PERT is for uncertain projects, and LOB Technique is for repetitive projects. The comparison between Primavera and MS Project show that Primavera is more robust, professional, and detailed while MS Project is cheaper and easier. The survey was completed with 22 participants from construction companies in the US and Turkey and the results demonstrate CPM and Gantt Chart Method are the most common methods. Also, MS Project is the most widely used CPMS followed by the Primavera.

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