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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tra i misteri di Accabadora e Själabarn: Il mondo sardo trasferito in Scandinavia : Un’analisi traduttologica degli elementi culturospecifici nella traduzione svedese dell’opera testando l’applicabilità del modello di Jan Pedersen / Among the Mysteries of Accabadora and Själabarn: The Sardianian World transferred to Scandinavia : A Translation Analysis of Culture Specific Items of the Swedish Translation of the novel Accabadora by Testing the Applicabilty of Jan Pedersen's Model

Frigerio, Sara January 2023 (has links)
This study analyses the various culture-specific items known as realia words from the Italian novel Accabadora, written by Michela Murgia (2009) and translated into Swedish by Barbro Andersson (2012). Moreover, this paper also examines the various translation strategies used in rendering the specific culture items and their grade of frequency based on Jan Pedersen’s model. Finally, this study aims at testing the validity of Pedersen’s translation strategy model mainly aimed for subtitling and audio-visual translations on a literary text. A total of 160 culture specific items were identified and further subcategorized based on Bruno Osimo’s (2011) classification of realia. The ethnographic, geographic, social-political categories as well as the Sardinian realia were mostly translated by means of source text-oriented strategies while the category of idiomatic expressions displayed a slightly different outcome in which the target-text strategies were the most predominant but still featured by source target-text oriented strategies. The most frequent translation strategy in the first category was retention and direct translation whereas in the category of idiomatic expressions, cultural substitution and paraphrase followed by retention were the most frequently used strategies. Finally, the possible reasons for the choice of source-text versus target-text oriented strategies were further discussed. / Questo studio analizza i vari termini culturospecifici conosciuti come "realia" rinvenuti nel romanzo di Michela Murgia (2009) tradotto in svedese da Barbro Andersson (2012). Inoltre, questa tesi intende esaminare le varie strategie traduttologiche adoperate in modo da rendere i realia nella traduzione in svedese e la loro frequenza basato sul modello di Jan Pedersen. L’ulteriore obiettivo di questo studio è di testare la validità del modello delle strategie traduttologiche di Pedersen, le quali sono principalmente disegnate per le traduzioni dei sottotitoli audio visivi su un romanzo letterario. Un totale di 160 termini culturospecifici sono stati individuati e categorizzati secondo la classificazione dei realia di Osimo Bruno (2011). I realia etnografici, geografici, socioeconomici insieme ai realia sardi sono stati tradotti principalmente applicando strategie rivolte verso l’adeguatezza mentre le espressioni idiomatiche hanno mostrato un risultato leggermente diverso in quanto è emersa una forte tendenza di strategie volte verso l’adeguatezza, ma allo stesso tempo caratterizzata da una forte presenza di strategie volte verso l’accettabilità. Le strategie più adoperate nella prima categoria sono risultate retention e direct translation mentre nella categoria delle espressioni idiomatiche hanno avuto la predominanza le strategie traduttologiche come cultural substitution e paraphrase seguita da retention. Infine, lo studio analizza i vari motivi di tali scelte traduttologiche rivolte verso l’adeguatezza anziché l’accettabilità.

Build, Buy or Partner – Digitizing Securities Trading in Swedish Retail Banking / Bygga, Köpa eller Partner Digitalisering av värdepappershandeln i den svenska banksektorn

Caballero, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
Rapid rate of digitalization, emerging financial technology and changes in consumer behaviour have begun to transform the existing paradigm in the financial industry. Incumbent banks have found it difficult to keep up with this change however and are now faced with the challenge of deciding on what digital financial services build internally, buy externally or develop through partnerships. This study attempts to get a general overview of what factors traditional Swedish retail banks need to consider before deciding on a build, buy or partner strategy in order to digitize their financial services offering. This is done through a case study, where the empirical data consists of interviews with the retail division of a Swedish bank looking to digitize their securities trading offering as a response to a transforming industry. A few interviews were also conducted with people outside of the bank to increase the generalizability somewhat. The findings of the study identified 16 factors to be considered by traditional banks when faced with the challenge of deciding on whether to build, buy or partner in order to digitize their securities trading offering. Out of these, 9 factors were deemed to be especially important; Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Flexibility, Uncertainty, Supplier/Partner Relationship, Economies of Scale, Specialized Resources, Integration, Asset Specificity and Regulation. Several of the factors identified were shown to influence the build, buy or partner decision both positively and negatively and their impact should therefore be carefully evaluated and weighed against each other by managers before making a final decision on a build, buy or partner strategy. / Ökad digitaliseringstakt, ny finansiell teknologi och förändringar i kundbeteenden driver på en transformering inom finansindustrin. Traditionella banker har haft svårt att följa med i denna utveckling, och ställs nu inför utmaningen att bestämma vilka digital finansiella tjänster de bör bygga internt, köpa in externt eller utveckla tillsammans med en extern aktör genom ett partnerskap. Denna studie syftar till att få en generell överblick över vilka faktorer som svenska storbanker behöver överväga innan de beslutar sig för en bygg-, köp- eller partnerstrategi för att digitalisera sitt erbjudande av finansiella tjänster. Detta görs i form av en case studie, där den empiriska datan till största del består av intervjuer med nyckelpersonal från en svensk bank som ingår i ett projekt att försöka digitalisera deras värdepappershandelserbjudande som ett svar på en industri i förändring. Ett fåtal intervjuer genomfördes också med personer utanför banken för att öka generaliserbarheten av studien något. Resultatet av studien identifierade 16 faktorer som bör övervägas av traditionella banker som ställs inför beslutet om att bygga, köpa eller ingå i ett partnerskap för att digitalisera sitt värdepappershandelserbjudande. Av dessa anses 9 faktorer vara särskilt viktiga; Långsiktiga Konkurrensfördelar, Flexibilitet, Osäkerhet, Leverantörs-/Partnerrelation, Stordriftsfördelar, Specialiserade Resurser, Integration, Funktionsspecificitet och Regelverk. Resultatet indikerar också att flera av de identifierade faktorer kan påverka beslutet om en bygg-, köp- eller partnerstrategi både positivt och negativt. Deras påverkan bör därför utvärderas noggrant och jämföras mot varandra innan ett slutligt beslut tas gällande en bygg, köp eller partnerstrategi.

Aplicación de técnicas de Deep Learning para el reconocimiento de páginas Web y emociones faciales: Un estudio comparativo y experimental

Mejia-Escobar, Christian 07 March 2023 (has links)
El progreso de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) ha sido notable en los últimos años. Los impresionantes avances en imitar las capacidades humanas por parte de las máquinas se deben especialmente al campo del Deep Learning (DL). Este paradigma evita el complejo diseño manual de características. En su lugar, los datos pasan directamente a un algoritmo, que aprende a extraer y representar características jerárquicamente en múltiples capas a medida que aprende a resolver una tarea. Esto ha demostrado ser ideal para problemas relacionados con el mundo visual. Una solución de DL comprende datos y un modelo. La mayor parte de la investigación actual se centra en los modelos, en busca de mejores algoritmos. Sin embargo, aunque se prueben diferentes arquitecturas y configuraciones, difícilmente mejorará el rendimiento si los datos no son de buena calidad. Son escasos los estudios que se centran en mejorar los datos, pese a que constituyen el principal recurso para el aprendizaje automático. La recolección y el etiquetado de extensos datasets de imágenes consumen mucho tiempo, esfuerzo e introducen errores. La mala clasificación, la presencia de imágenes irrelevantes, el desequilibrio de las clases y la falta de representatividad del mundo real son problemas ampliamente conocidos que afectan el rendimiento de los modelos en escenarios prácticos. Nuestra propuesta enfrenta estos problemas a través de un enfoque data-centric. A través de la ingeniería del dataset original utilizando técnicas de DL, lo hacemos más adecuado para entrenar un modelo con mejor rendimiento y generalización en escenarios reales. Para demostrar esta hipótesis, consideramos dos casos prácticos que se han convertido en temas de creciente interés para la investigación. Por una parte, Internet es la plataforma mundial de comunicación y la Web es la principal fuente de información para las actividades humanas. Las páginas Web crecen a cada segundo y son cada vez más sofisticadas. Para organizar este complejo y vasto contenido, la clasificación es la técnica básica. El aspecto visual de una página Web puede ser una alternativa al análisis textual del código para distinguir entre categorías. Abordamos el reconocimiento y la clasificación de páginas Web creando un dataset de capturas de pantalla apropiado desde cero. Por otro lado, aunque los avances de la IA son significativos en el aspecto cognitivo, la parte emocional de las personas es un desafío. La expresión facial es la mejor evidencia para manifestar y transmitir nuestras emociones. Aunque algunos datasets de imágenes faciales existen para entrenar modelos de DL, no ha sido posible alcanzar el alto rendimiento en entornos controlados utilizando datasets in-the-lab. Abordamos el reconocimiento y la clasificación de emociones humanas mediante la combinación de varios datasets in-the wild de imágenes faciales. Estas dos problemáticas plantean situaciones distintas y requieren de imágenes con contenido muy diferente, por lo que hemos diseñado un método de refinamiento del dataset según el caso de estudio. En el primer caso, implementamos un modelo de DL para clasificar páginas Web en determinadas categorías utilizando únicamente capturas de pantalla, donde los resultados demostraron un problema multiclase muy difícil. Tratamos el mismo problema con la estrategia One vs. Rest y mejoramos el dataset mediante reclasificación, detección de imágenes irrelevantes, equilibrio y representatividad, además de utilizar técnicas de regularización y un nuevo mecanismo de predicción con los clasificadores binarios. Estos clasificadores operando por separado mejoran el rendimiento, en promedio incrementan un 26.29% la precisión de validación y disminuyen un 42.30% el sobreajuste, mostrando importantes mejoras respecto al clasificador múltiple que opera con todas las categorías juntas. Utilizando el nuevo modelo, hemos desarrollado un sistema en línea para clasificar páginas Web que puede ayudar a diseñadores, propietarios de sitios Web, Webmasters y usuarios en general. En el segundo caso, la estrategia consiste en refinar progresivamente el dataset de imágenes faciales mediante varios entrenamientos sucesivos de un modelo de red convolucional. En cada entrenamiento, se utilizan las imágenes faciales correspondientes a las predicciones correctas del entrenamiento anterior, lo que permite al modelo captar más características distintivas de cada clase de emoción. Tras el último entrenamiento, el modelo realiza una reclasificación automática de todo el dataset. Este proceso también nos permite detectar las imágenes irrelevantes, pero nuestro propósito es mejorar el dataset sin modificar, borrar o aumentar las imágenes, a diferencia de otros trabajos similares. Los resultados experimentales en tres datasets representativos demostraron la eficacia del método propuesto, mejorando la precisión de validación en un 20.45%, 14.47% y 39.66%, para FER2013, NHFI y AffectNet, respectivamente. Las tasas de reconocimiento en las versiones reclasificadas de estos datasets son del 86.71%, el 70.44% y el 89.17%, que alcanzan el estado del arte. Combinamos estas versiones mejor clasificadas para aumentar el número de imágenes y enriquecer la diversidad de personas, gestos y atributos de resolución, color, fondo, iluminación y formato de imagen. El dataset resultante se utiliza para entrenar un modelo más general. Frente a la necesidad de métricas más realistas de la generalización de los modelos, creamos un dataset evaluador combinado, equilibrado, imparcial y bien etiquetado. Para tal fin, organizamos este dataset en categorías de género, edad y etnia. Utilizando un predictor de estas características representativas de la población, podemos seleccionar el mismo número de imágenes y mediante el exitoso modelo Stable Diffusion es posible generar las imágenes faciales necesarias para equilibrar las categorías creadas a partir de las mencionadas características. Los experimentos single-dataset y cross-dataset indican que el modelo entrenado en el dataset combinado mejora la generalización de los modelos entrenados individualmente en FER2013, NHFI y AffectNet en un 13.93%, 24.17% y 7.45%, respectivamente. Desarrollamos un sistema en línea de reconocimiento de emociones que aprovecha el modelo más genérico obtenido del dataset combinado. Por último, la buena calidad de las imágenes faciales sintéticas y la reducción de tiempo conseguida con el método generativo nos motivan para crear el primer y mayor dataset artificial de emociones categóricas. Este producto de libre acceso puede complementar los datasets reales, que son difíciles de recopilar, etiquetar, equilibrar, controlar las características y proteger la identidad de las personas.

The Sixth Sense of Investing: How Expertise Shapes Gut-Driven Financial Decisions

Herath, Ruwini, Morgan, Oliver January 2024 (has links)
Background: This study investigates the role of gut feelings in early-stage venture investments, particularly in environments characterized by high uncertainty. By examining how both inexperienced and experienced investors utilize intuition, the research aims to uncover the cognitive and emotional foundations that influence investment decisions. Purpose: The research aims to understand how gut feelings impact investment decisions across different levels of investor experience. It compares the strategies of seasoned investors with those of novices, providing insights into how intuition and analytical reasoning are integrated. The objective is to offer practical guidance for investors on effectively combining gut feelings with analytical methods to navigate uncertain investment landscapes. Method: A multi-method qualitative approach was employed, combining semi-structured interviews and think-aloud protocols to capture real-time decision-making processes. Data were gathered from 11 investors, resulting in 14 hours of verbal protocols, which were subsequently analyzed using protocol analysis. A hypothetical investment scenario involving a fictional company, EcoPower Innovations, was used to elicit detailed responses from participants. Conclusion: The study finds significant differences in how gut feelings influence investment decisions based on the level of investor experience. Experienced investors skillfully blend intuition with data analysis, leveraging their expertise to manage uncertainty more effectively. In contrast, inexperienced investors tend to rely more on emotional impulses, demonstrating less integration of intuitive judgment with analytical reasoning. These findings highlight the importance of investor education in promoting the balanced use of gut feelings and analytical techniques, thereby improving decision-making in uncertain environments. Additionally, the research offers valuable insights for entrepreneurs on tailoring their approaches to potential investors based on their level of experience and expertise.

Monitoring of Partial Discharges on Cable Terminations : An experimental approach to evaluate non-conventional online PD measurement techniques / Övervakning av partiella urladdningar vid kabeländar : En experimentell utvärdering av icke-konventionella mättekniker

Sibo, Tony January 2023 (has links)
The transmission of electric power over long distances has historically posed challenges. However, the advent of high-voltage engineering has not only addressed distance barriers and power losses in electricity transmission and distribution, but it has also significantly improved the efficiency and transmission capacity of power grids. However, the use of high-voltage techniques has presented new challenges in identifying suitable insulator materials capable of withstanding high electrical stresses associated with elevated voltages. A significant issue arising from these extreme electrical stresses is the occurrence of partial discharges (PDs). Those are electrical sparks or pulses in the magnitude order of pico- or nano-coulombs (pC or nC) emitted from high voltage conductors due to the presence of impurities, contaminants or defects in their insulation system. PDs pose a serious threat to the insulation material due to their aggressive nature in breaking down weak points or links inside the insulation system leading to short-circuit and system failure. Means of offline or conventional testing of power assets against partial discharges has proven to be extremely precise but it is often an unavailable option since it requires a total power shutdown. In this paper, the performance of existing online PD detection techniques is tested and evaluated in terms of performance against conventional PD monitoring methods. Five non-intrusive detectors including an infrared camera (IR-camera), an ultrasonic sensor , a temperature and relative humidity sensor (TRH-sensor), high-frequency current transformer (HFCT sensor) and transient earth voltage antenna (TEV-antenna) were tested in a laboratory experiment for detection of PDs emitted by artificially-created defects inside a medium-voltage cable termination. The results showed varying sensitivity levels among the sensors, with the HFCT sensor demonstrating the highest sensitivity to all types and magnitudes of PDs. The IR-camera and ultrasonic sensor also showed potential, while the TRH-sensor exhibited poor sensitivity. The TEV-antenna had limited reliability. The findings of this study are that the HFCT system proved to be highly reliable for online PD monitoring, followed by the IR-camera and ultrasonic sensor, while the TEV-antenna and TRH-sensor showed lower reliability. In future work, further research on testing the HFCT system on-site can be conducted along with performing longer thermographic detection tests using the IR-camera to further investigate their potential in online PD detection. / Överföring av elektrisk kraft över långa avstånd har historiskt sett varit utmanande. Införandet av högspänningsteknik har inte bara övervunnit avståndsbarriärer och effektförluster vid överföring och distribution av elkraft, utan det har också avsevärt förbättrat kraftnätens effektivitet och överföringskapacitet. Användningen av högspänningsteknik har dock också inneburit nya utmaningar såsom utveckling av lämpliga isoleringsmaterial som tål höga elektriska påfrestningar vid höga spänningar. Ett betydande problem som härrör från dessa extrema elektriska spänningar är förekomsten av partiella urladdningar. Dessa urladdningar identifieras vara elektriska gnistor eller pulser i storleksordningen pico- eller nanocoulombs (pC eller nC) som emitteras från högspänningsledare på grund av närvaron av föroreningar eller defekter i närliggande isoleringssystem. PD:er utgör ett allvarligt hot mot isoleringsmaterialet på grund av deras aggressiva natur för att bryta ner svaga punkter eller länkar i isoleringssystemet, vilket kan leda till kortslutningar och systemfel. Konventionella metoder för att testa nätkomponenter mot partiella urladdningar har visat sig vara extremt noggranna, men detta är ofta inte ett tillgängligt alternativ eftersom det kräver ett totalt strömavbrott för att utföras. I denna studie testades och utvärderades prestandan hos befintliga metoder för online-detektering av partiell urladdning i förhållande till konventionella övervakningsmetoder. Fem icke-invasiva detektorer, inklusive en infraröd kamera, en ultraljudssensor, en temperatur- och relativ fuktighetssensor, en högfrekvent strömtransformator och en transient jordspänningsantenn, testades i ett laboratorieexperiment för att upptäcka partiella urladdningar orsakade av artificiellt skapade defekter i en mellanspänningskabelavslutning. Resultaten visade varierande känslighetsnivåer bland sensorerna, där högfrekventa strömtransformatorn visade den högsta känsligheten för alla typer och storlekar av partiella urladdningar. Den infraröda kameran och ultraljudssensorn visade också potential, medan temperatur- och relativ fuktighetssensorn visade låg känslighet. Den transienta jordspänningsantennen hade begränsad tillförlitlighet. Slutsatsen av denna studie är att den högfrekventa strömtransformatorn visade sig vara mycket tillförlitlig för online-övervakning av partiella urladdningar, följt av den infraröda kameran och ultraljudssensorn, medan den transienta jordspänningsantennen, temperatur- och fuktighetssensorn visade lägre tillförlitlighet. I framtida forskning kan ytterligare undersökningar av det högfrekventa strömtransformatorsystemet utföras på plats, tillsammans med längre termografiska detekteringstester med hjälp av den infraröda kameran för att ytterligare undersöka deras potential för onlinedetektering av partiella urladdningar.

Neuartige Radikalische Polymerisation von Vinylmonomeren über eine Iminbase / Isocyanat-vermittelte Initiierung

Polenz, Ingmar 24 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer neuartigen Initiierungsmethode zur Polymerisation von Vinylmonomeren über die Kombination von gewöhnlichen organischen Isocyanaten und Iminbasen. Der radikalische Charakter dieses Polymerisationstyps wurde durch Copolymerisationsexperimente verifiziert. Mit verschiedenen Iminbase / Isocyanat-Kombinationen als Initiatoren wurde die Homopolymerisation von diversen (Meth)-Acrylaten, Styrol, Acrylnitril und Methacrylnitril untersucht. Parameter, wie die Brutto-Polymerisationsgeschwindigkeitskonstante und die Aktivierungsenergie wurden ermittelt und Aussagen zur Polymerisation getroffen. Über die Auswertung von Massenspektren niedermolekularer Polymer-Proben wurden Vermutungen zum ablaufenden Initiierungsmechanismus abgeleitet. Das Anwendungspotential dieser Methode wurde in Hinblick auf die Synthese diverser Polymerarchitekturen untersucht. Neben der Oberflächenpolymerisation an funktionalisierten Kieselgel-Partikeln mittels „grafting-from“ wurden neuartige Block- und Kammpolymer-Strukturen hergestellt und analysiert. Zudem wurde die durch reine Iminbasen vermittelte Polymerisation von (Meth-)Acrylaten untersucht. Ferner wird der positive Einfluss der Zugabe katalytischer Mengen Ionischer Flüssigkeiten auf beide Systeme gezeigt und diskutiert.

Examination of the (si) and (ʃi) confusion by Japanese ESL learners

Nogita, Akitsugu 30 August 2010 (has links)
It is a general belief in Japan that the English /s/ and /ʃ/ before high front vowels (as in "see" and "she") are problematic for Japanese ESL (English-as-a-second-language) learners. Some research has also reported the /s/ and /ʃ/ confusion by Japanese ESL learners. Their pronunciation errors are often explained based on phonetics, but there are reasons to believe that the learners’ knowledge of the phonemes of the target words is at fault. This study examines 1) whether monolingual Japanese speakers distinguish the [si] and [ʃi] syllables in both perception and production in the Japanese contexts and 2) what would be the sources of Japanese speakers’ challenges in mastering the distinction between [si] and [ʃi] in their English production if Japanese speakers can produce and perceive the difference between these syllables. This study conducted two experiments. In the first experiment, 93 monolingual Japanese speakers between the ages of 17 and 89 in and around Tôkyô read aloud the written stimuli that had [si] and [ʃi] in the Japanese contexts, repeated the sound stimuli that had [si] and [ʃi] in the Japanese contexts, and listened to the [si:] and [ʃi:] syllables in isolation recorded by a native speaker of Canadian English. The results showed that the participants all distinguished [si] and [ʃi] in both perception and production regardless of their ages. Based on these results, I hypothesized that the [s] and [ʃ] confusion by Japanese ESL learners is caused by misunderstanding, rather than an inability to articulate these sounds. In the second experiment, 27 Japanese ESL students were recorded reading an English passage. The passage contains /s/ (7 times) and /ʃ/ (11 times) before high front vowels. After the reading, the participants were taught the basic English phonological system and the symbol-sound correspondence rules such as “s”-/s/ and “sh”-/ʃ/. The lesson lasted 40 minutes during which the participants were also interviewed to find out their awareness of the symbol-sound correspondence. No articulation explanations were given during the lesson. After the lesson, the participants read the same passage. The results showed that /s/ and /ʃ/ were mispronounced 39 and 67 times respectively in total by the 27 participants before the lesson, but only 7 and 19 times after the lesson. These changes are statistically significant. Moreover, the interview during the lesson revealed that the participants lacked phonological awareness in English as well as the knowledge of the symbol-sound correspondence rules. This study concluded that many of the mispronunciations by Japanese ESL learners, including /s/ and /ʃ/, can be solved by teaching the English phonics rules and some basic phonological rules without teaching the articulation of these sounds.

Effects of English as medium of instruction on pupils' academic achievement in social studies in primary schools in Malawi

Mchazime, Hartford Skaliot 01 January 2002 (has links)
The current language policy in education in Malawi allows pupils to be taught through local languages form Standard 1 to 4 and through English from Standard 5 upwards. However, classroom observation suggets that teachers use Chichewa as the language of learning even in areas where Chichewa is not the home language of the majority of pupils. Surveys indicate that generally parents feel that their children would be learning better if they started learning through English earlier than in Standard 5. This study was conducted with a view to finding out whether English is the most appropriate language of learning for senior primary school children in Malawi. The study specifically addressed the question of whether or not the use of English as the language of learning in Social Studies resulted in better academic performance among Standard 7 pupils in Malawi. The study also addressed the question of whether the use of English as the language of learning increased pupil participation in the learning process and whether the use of Chichewa as the language of learning favoured Chichewa home language pupils more than Chiyao home language pupils. The findings suggest that primary school children in Malawi are not linguistically prepared for instruction through the medium of English. Standard 7 pupils, the target of the study, found it difficult to learn Social Studies through English although they had had three years of English as the language of learing. Their participation in academic work was hampered by their limited mastery of the language. Pre-test and post-test results show that Standard 7 pupils receiving instruction through Chichewa obtained higher scores than those who were taught in English. When Yao and Chewa children were taught together through the Chichewa medium, the Yao children scored as well as their counterparts whose home language was Chichewa. Thus the study suggests that the use of Chichewa benefited both groups while the use of English seemed to retard their performance. These results imply that the language policy in Malawi and the way teachers are currently trained to teach English in primary schools need to be re-examined and reviewed. / English Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (English)

Moses son of Akhenaten? : a study of archaeology and textual perspectives

Vine, Jayne Margaret 13 October 2015 (has links)
The search for a ‘historical Moses’ is one which has been debated for several centuries. In spite of copious archaeological finds in Egypt and other parts of the ancient Near East, no material remains have been found to substantiate the Exodus story. Mythological stories from the ancient Near East bear striking similarities to the Moses narrative found in the Hebrew Bible. The inconsistencies found in the Hebrew Bible further hamper the attempt to find a historical Moses, instead Moses is found only in tradition. Taking these issues into consideration, other possibilities need to be investigated. This dissertation places Moses growing up in the court of Akhenaten an 18th Dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh in the middle of the 14th century BCE. The study investigates the possibility of Moses as a son of Akhenaten with Nefertiti as a stepmother, his own biological mother, a Mitannian princess, having died giving birth to Moses. Several similarities between Akhenaten and Moses are discussed throughout the study. The study moves into the 21st century with the groundbreaking discovery of DNA, which provides new conclusions which before were only debated. / Biblical & Ancient Studies / M.A. (Biblical Archaeology)


Troublefield, Robert C. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 23-26, 2000 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / Bit errors often occur in a wireless communications link when impairments alter the transmitted signal. It is advantageous to be able to predict how well a system will tolerate transmission problems. This paper details laboratory performance measurements and comparisons in terms of evaluating configurations of a digital receiver for Feher patented Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (FQPSK-B) demodulation. The transmitted signal is subjected to calibrated levels of impairments while the receiver performance is monitored in real-time.

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