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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La réception de la culture russe par les Français et les Espagnols: analyse sémiotique, linguistique et socioculturelle

Sandakova, Elena 25 January 2016 (has links)
El trabajo trata diferentes caminos que pueden llevar a lo esencial de la cultura rusa: lengua y léxico; semiótica visual, fotos y códigos arquitecturales; factores externos a la lengua; comportamiento comunicativo de los individuos. Se pretende demostrar que esta aprensión de la cultura meta es más eficaz y verosímil que su recepción en base a un inventario de heteroestereotipos.

Subject to change: nine constructions of the crossover between Western art and popular musics (1995-2005)

Millington, Aliese January 2008 (has links)
Exchange between musical cultures has always occurred, but in the age of the global music industry, marketing categories have multiplied and often created boundaries between musics. Today the term “crossover” is attached to many of the musical exchanges that occur across these boundaries. One such exchange is represented by the intersection between Western art music string instruments and popular musics. A well-known commercial niche, this particular crossover is often discussed in popular media, but has been examined by relatively few music scholars. By way of addressing this gap, this study considers the crossover between Western art music string instruments and popular musics in the context of extra-musical promotion and critical reception. It examines four artists in the period 1995 to 2005. These four examples are: U.K./Australian string group bond; Australian string group FourPlay; U.K. violinist Nigel Kennedy; and U.K. violinist Vanessa-Mae. It also draws on other relevant cases to illuminate the discussion. The primary aim of the study is to discover and analyse the complex ways that parties engage, consciously or unconsciously, with the term “crossover”. The inherent complexity of the term is not commonly captured by scholarly musical writing since crossover is often regarded simply as a marketing term. The study begins by establishing the scholarly and popular context of the crossover between the Western art music string tradition and popular forms. Nine constructions or layers of meaning evoked by the term “crossover” are then identified. In the context of each of these nine constructions, the work continues by exploring how the term “crossover” is used in the promotion and critical reception of the examples. It is argued that crossover is constructed as a marketing category, to mark individuality, to provide media shortcuts and signposts, to evoke associations of prestige and of credibility, to increase accessibility, to encourage confrontation and to take part in larger musical debates. This research thus identifies multiple layers of meaning evoked by the term that are “subject to change” and that, in turn, illuminate deeper social and cultural implications of “crossingover”, ones which no doubt themselves continue to change. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1338922 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, Elder Conservatorium of Music, 2008

Mate choice of wild spawning coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the Umpqua River, Oregon

Whitcomb, Amelia C. 27 November 2012 (has links)
Evidence for reduced reproductive success (RS) of wild spawning hatchery-reared fish invites serious consideration with regard to the detrimental effects on subsequent generations of wild populations. Mate choice was evaluated as a potential mechanism contributing to these observed RS differences using a previous pedigree of wild spawning hatchery-reared and wild origin coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Genetic variance at immune-relevant genes was used as ametric toexaminematechoice. Twoyears (2005 and2006)of threewild spawning mate pair classes were examined: wild x wild (W x W), hatchery x hatchery (H x H), and wild x hatchery (W x H). We tested for: (1) a departure from random expectations with regard to mate pair allelic diversity at immune-relevant markers, (2) a correlation between immune-relevant gene diversity and mate pair RS, and (3) distinguishable differences between mate choice strategies used by hatchery-reared and wild origin coho. Eight immune-relevant gene-linked microsatellite markers were used to evaluate mate choice; four linked to immune-relevant expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and four linked to the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). We found evidence for non-random mating between 2006 W x H mate pairs at BHMS429,an MHC-linked marker, and at SsalR016TKU,an immune-relevantEST-linked marker, which was identified as a vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein. Non-random mating was also evident between 2005 H x H pairs at SsalR015TKU,an immune-relevantEST-linkedmarker,thoughno putativegene was identified. All other pair classes did not display a significant mate choice signature. We found a significant correlation between mate pair RS and immune gene diversity among 2005 and 2006 W x W mate pairs as well as 2006 W x H mate pairs. Notably, H x H mate pair RS was not correlated to immune gene diversity in either year. Results suggest that mate choice and genetic compatibility may influence fitness of wild spawning coho. / Graduation date: 2013

Fields of Gold : The Bioenergy Debate in International Organizations / Fält av guld : Debatten om bioenergi i internationella organisationer

Kuchler, Magdalena January 2012 (has links)
The concept of producing energy from biomass has, for the last two decades, occupied attention of policy-makers, private industries, researchers and civil societies around the world. The highly contested and contingent character of the biofuel production, its entanglement in the nexus of three problematic issues of energy, climate and agriculture, as well as its injection into the current socioeconomic arrangements, is what makes it timely to analyse. The thesis sheds light on the state of international debate on bioenergy by looking at deliberations of three major global institutions: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Energy Agency (IEA) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The primary aim is to trace and analyse how the concept of bioenergy is conceptualized and contextualized in assessments, reports, policy papers and other documents issued by FAO, IEA and IPCC in the 1990-2010 period. The secondary aim of the thesis, based on results derived from the primary objective, is set to problematize and reflect upon currently dominating socioeconomic arrangements that the concept of biomass-derived energy is inserted into. The research questions are organized around four distinctively contentious issues in the debate: biofuel production in developing countries, the food vs. fuel dilemma, bioenergy as a win-win-win solution and the future role of the second-generation bioenergy technology. The research questions are operationalized by applying four theoretical perspectives: the world-economy, Michel Foucault’s genealogy, discourse theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, and Fredric Jameson’s critical approach. The institutional debate illustrates that, while bioenergy appears to be an easy, plausible and thus attractive patch able to temporarily fix societal challenges of energy insecurity, climate change and agricultural crisis without changing much in the socioeconomic structure, its implementation exposes internal discrepancies of the hegemonic capitalist system. Whether bioenergy could actually function as a feasible win-win-win solution is of secondary importance. It is its economic feasibility expressed in the pressure on cost-effectiveness that matters the most but, at the same time, causes serious internal discrepancies in conceptualizations pursued by the organizations. The results point to two main conclusions. On the one hand, bioenergy is inevitably entrapped by the rules and arrangements of the hegemonic system that, in turn, cause internal contradictions. On the other hand, the institutional debate attempts to stabilize the shaky conceptualization of bioenergy, so that it can appear consistent and plausible, even if the possibility of reaching the closure of meaning fades away, with more conflicts on the rise. Furthermore, the results also show that the three international organizations exhibit uniform patterns of argumentations and the way they similarly discuss biomass-derived energy illustrates the objective to stabilize the meaning and adjust the concept of bioenergy to the hegemonic system. / Under de senaste två decennierna har idén om att producera energi av biomassa rönt stor uppmärksamhet bland forskare, företagare, beslutsfattare och i samhället i övrigt. De förhållandevis många kontroverser och alternativ som är förbundna med produktion av biobränslen, deras koppling till de tre problemområdena energi, klimat och jordbruk, samt deras etablering inom samtida geopolitiska, socioekonomiska och miljömässiga sammanhang, gör dem till en aktuell fråga att analysera. Avhandlingen belyser den internationella debatten genom att fokusera överväganden och ståndpunkter inom tre globala institutioner: FN:s mat- och jordbruksorgan (FAO), Internationella Energiorganet (IEA) och FN:s klimatpanel (IPCC). Huvudsyftet är spåra och analysera hur begreppet bioenergi formas och kontextualiseras i bedömningsrapporter och policydokument producerade av FAO, IEA och IPCC under perioden 1990-2010. Ett ytterligare syfte är att problematisera och reflektera över de socioekonomiska förhållanden som bioenergibegreppet ingår i. Forskningsfrågorna är formulerade utifrån fyra kontroversiella områden i debatten: biobränsleproduktion i utvecklingsländer, dilemmat mat kontra biobränsle, bioenergi som en ”win-win-win-lösning” och den framtida roll som tillskrivs andra generationens bioteknologi. Forskningsfrågorna operationaliseras genom att var och en knyts till ett av fyra teoretiska perspektiv: världssystemteori, Michel Foucaults genealogi, Ernesto Laclaus och Chantal Mouffes diskursteori respektive Fredric Jamesons kritiska ansats. I debatten framställs ofta bioenergi som ett enkelt och rimligt alternativ med kapacitet att tillfälligt lösa samhälleliga utmaningar som energi-osäkerhet, klimatförändringar och jordbrukskrisen, dock utan att den socioekonomiska strukturen ändras nämnvärt. Analysen visar emellertid att begreppsliggörandet istället påvisar interna diskrepanser i det hegemoniska, kapitalistiska systemet. Huruvida bioenergi verkligen kan fungera som en sådan ”win-win-win”- lösning framstår som sekundärt i dessa texter. Det är kostnadseffektiviteten som har störst betydelse, men samtidigt skapar man här allvarliga begreppsliga diskrepanser inom organisationerna. Utfallet av analysen pekar på två huvudslutsatser. Å ena sidan är bioenergin oundvikligen låst av det hegemoniska systemets struktur och de motsägelser som det rymmer. Å andra sidan tycks debatten inom organisationerna söka efter en stabilisering av det instabila begreppsliggörandet av bioenergin så att den framstår som konsistent och möjlig. Vidare visar analysen också att de tre organisationerna har liknande argumentationsmönster, och det likartade sätt på vilket de diskuterar energi från biomassa illustrerar en stabilisering av mening inom diskursen där bioenergibegreppet anpassas till det hegemoniska systemet.

A comparison of early marine residence in hatchery and natural Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)

Claiborne, Andrew M. 12 March 2013 (has links)
The mechanisms of mortality during critical life stages of fish are not well-understood and, for many species, it is not clear if the mechanisms are similar for naturally and artificially propagated individuals. For Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), natural fish potentially face negative interactions, such as competition, and survival disadvantages, such as smaller size, that may limit survival when in association with hatchery fish. To better understand the mechanisms of mortality for hatchery and natural Chinook salmon during the critical early marine residence stage, I: (1) developed a model to discriminate between hatchery and natural juveniles using otolith structure; (2) directly compared migratory patterns of hatchery and natural juveniles; and (3) determined if there was evidence for selective mortality during early marine residence. I followed two cohorts through space and time by collecting juveniles from May-September in the Columbia River estuary and off the coast in September of 2010 and 2011. I compared attributes of those juveniles when they firstentered marine waters with those of survivors after their first summer at sea. I used a combination of genetic stock identification, otolith chemistry and structure, and physical tags to determine stock of origin, size at and timing of freshwater emigration, marine growth, and production type (hatchery or natural). I focused on the subyearling life history of a federally managed genetic stock group (upper Columbia River summer and fall Chinook salmon, UCR Su/F) because: 1) it is an abundant stock group; 2) subyearlings may be more vulnerable to size-selective mortality than yearlings; and 3) it is currently impossible to assess impacts of hatchery production due to low rates of marking the hatchery fish within this stock group. The classification model included two metrics, the presence or absence of a previously unreported transfer check associated with hatchery rearing and variability in otolith increment width, and predicted production type with a 92% jack-knifed accuracy. Overall, timing of marine entry was similar for hatchery and natural UCR Su/F juveniles, which entered marine waters from May-September with a peak in July and August in both years. Estuarine residence times were brief: 80% of the individuals captured in the estuary had resided in saline waters for < 3 days and mean estuarine residence was significantly greater (7 ± 1.3 d) in 2010 than 2011 (1 ± 0.3 d). The only clear difference was that natural individuals captured in the estuary in 2011 migrated to saline waters earlier (July 13th ± 4 d) than hatchery conspecifics (August 10th ± 6 d). However, the timing of marine entry was similar (July 27th ± 1 d) between hatchery and natural fish collected later in the ocean. This observation could be due to differential survival related to the timing of marine entry. Alternatively, estuarine collections may not have adequately represented the emigrating population due to rapid emigration. I documented clear spatial overlap between production types during early marine residence but no difference in median size at marine entry (100 ± 3.5 mm), size at capture (152 ± 4.0 mm), or marine growth (0.94 ± 0.1 %b l d-1). There were also no significant differences in size at marine entry between estuary and ocean collections, which indicates that size-selective mortality had not occurred. Based on both external tags and the otolith classification model, the mean percentage of natural fish in ocean collections was 17% (± 4.8) greater than in the Columbia River estuary; this finding may indicate that estuarine collections are biased to hatchery fish or, more likely, that natural fish survived at higher rates than hatchery fish. Increased survival of natural fish may be related to greater selection pressure during freshwater rearing and prior experience with predators. This study provides the first direct stock-specific comparison of juvenile migratory behavior in natural and hatchery juvenile Columbia River Chinook salmon during early marine residence. Further research is needed to determine if natural fish consistently survive better than hatchery conspecifics and, if so, determine the specific traits and behaviors that afford a survival advantage. / Graduation date: 2013

Faculty Senate Minutes December 1, 2014

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 28 January 2015 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Etude multi-échelle des mécanismes de (dé)lithiation et de dégradation d'électrodes à base de LiFePO4 et de Silicium pour accumulateurs Li-ion

Robert, Donatien 29 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ces travaux ont permis d'approfondir les mécanismes de (dé)lithiation et de vieillissement dans des électrodes à base de silicium et de LiFePO4 pour accumulateurs Li-ion à partir d'observations multi-échelles. Des cartographies de phases, autant à l'échelle de la particule qu'à l'échelle de l'électrode, ont été menées par microscopie électronique mettant en évidence de fortes hétérogénéités. Pour le silicium, la mise en place de cartographie unique par STEM/EELS, s'appuyant sur une base de données des pertes faibles d'alliages sensibles à l'air et au faisceau d'électrons, a permis de comprendre les mécanismes de lithiation à l'échelle du nanomètre. L'étude de la première lithiation a montré des différences de mécanismes de réaction avec le lithium suivant deux facteurs : la taille des particules et les défauts au sein de celles-ci. Il a été observé une composition d'alliage LixSi plus faible pour les nanoparticules que pour les microparticules. Les défauts dus notamment au broyage constituent des sites préférentiels de lithiation. En vieillissement, les nanoparticules subissent de profonds changements structuraux et morphologiques, passant d'un état sphérique cristallin (50 nm) à un réseau de fils amorphe (5-10 nm d'épaisseur) contenu dans une matrice de SEI. Pour le LiFePO4, il a été clairement montré, par la combinaison de plusieurs techniques de microscopies électroniques (diffraction des électrons en précession, EFSD : Electron Forward Scattering Diffraction, EFTEM), que les particules de taille nanométrique (100-200 nm) étaient soit entièrement lithiées soit entièrement délithiées à l'équilibre thermodynamique. De fortes hétérogénéités ont été observées dans les électrodes fines comme dans les électrodes épaisses. A l'échelle des particules, l'analyse statistique de plus de 64000 particules a montré que les plus petites particules se délithient en premier. A l'échelle de l'agglomérat, les cartographies de phases ont révélé un mécanisme " cœur-coquille " : la réaction débute de la surface vers le centre des agglomérats. A l'échelle de l'électrode, le front de propagation de phase se déplace suivant des chemins préférentiels de plus grandes porosités de la surface de l'électrode vers le collecteur de courant. La conductivité ionique au sein de nos électrodes est le facteur limitant.

Influencing consumer perceptions of a social issue: an experiment on the effects of credibility of the source, message sidedness and inward/outward focus on consumer attitudes toward genetically modified foods.

Renton, Michelle Susan January 2008 (has links)
This thesis aims to increase understanding of New Zealand consumer reactions to messages promoting genetically modified food products (GMFs) and to determine how the manipulation of three persuasion variables, message sidedness, source credibility and inward vs. outward focus impact upon consumer attitudes. To achieve this aim, the study integrated two frameworks, Bredahl's, (2001) determinants of attitudes towards GMFs and Wansink and Kim's, (2001) strategies for educating consumers about GMFs, into a new model. To empirically examine the model, a web-based experiment using a 2x2x2 between-subjects factorial design was conducted. The experiment exposed participants to one of eight treatment groups containing a promotional message for Genetically Modified foods. The participants then completed an on-line questionnaire detailing their responses to the messages. A total of 380 useable questionnaires were collected from a national sample of consumers and analysed using ANCOVA. The results of the study suggest that the outwardly focused, two-sided message was more powerful at lowering perceptions of risks, raising perceptions of benefits and positively influencing attitudes toward the ad than either the one-sided, outwardly focused message, or the inwardly focused messages of either sidedness condition. For purchase intentions individual differences appeared to be of greater influence than message factors.

Offshore wind farms - ecological effects of noise and habitat alteration on fish

Andersson, Mathias H. January 2011 (has links)
There are large gaps in our understanding how fish populations are affected by the anthropogenic noise and the alteration of habitat caused by the construction and operation of offshore wind farms. These issues are of great importance as the construction of offshore wind farms will increase all over the world in the near future. This thesis studies these effects with a focus on fish. The wind turbine foundations function as artificial reefs and are colonized by invertebrates, algae and fish. The epibenthic assemblages are influenced by factors such as hydrographical parameters, time of submergence, distance to natural hard bottom, material and texture (PAPER I, II). Once an epibenthic assemblage has been developed, fish utilize it for different ecosystem services such as food, shelter, and spawning and nursery area. Benthic and semi-pelagic species show a stronger response to the introduced foundation than pelagic species, as it is the bottom habitat that has mainly been altered (PAPER I, II). Pelagic species could be positively affected by the increased food availability - but it takes time and the effect is local. Construction noise like pile driving creates high levels of sound pressure and acoustic particle motion in the water and seabed. This noise induces behavioural reactions in cod (Gadus morhua) and sole (Solea solea). These reactions could occur up to tens of kilometres distance from the source (PAPER III). During power production, the wind turbines generate a broadband noise with a few dominating tones (PAPER IV, V), which are detectable by sound pressure sensitive fish at a distance of several kilometres even though intense shipping occurs in the area. Motion sensitive species will only detect the turbine noise at around a ten meter distance. Sound levels are only high enough to possibly cause a behavioural reaction within meters from a turbine (PAPER IV, V). / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3, 4 and 5: Manuscripts.

Learning from nature-based Indigenous knowledge: a trail to understanding elders' wisdom

McBee, Gabriela 13 August 2013 (has links)
Fostering collaboration among people of diverse ethnicities is vital to improving our relationships with Nature and with each other. All knowledges known to humans have their limits, including Western scientific knowledge. This study argues that Indigenous elders have a wealth of nature-based wisdom which is urgently needed. The Thirteen International Indigenous Grandmothers have been sharing their wisdom with the world and meeting them inspired this work. Two Grandmothers, one Mazatec and member of the Thirteen Grandmothers who follows in the healing tradition of curandera María Sabina, the other Taíno (Caribbean Arawak), and several members of their families in Mexico and in Cuba kindly agreed to be research participants so that I could bring attention to their gifts and share with the world. Embodying their ancient wisdom they do not see themselves as separate from Nature but as integral part of her. Their relationships to all beings, humans, animals, plants, minerals, and spiritual entities, are imbued with love and care. They can be role models for people who have forgotten the most basic premise of respect, reciprocity, responsibility, and empathy for all our relations. The methodologies underlying this investigation are Indigenous. I used strategies of inquiry such as storytelling, participant observation, and reflexive self study. Relationality and accountability are its pillars. Being of European descent, doing research with Indigenous elders required great vigilance on my part. I had to challenge my own conventional Western views and question the truths I am surrounded with to gain an understanding of my research participants’ worldview. Even with the best of intentions all I could hope for was an approximation. As I immersed myself into the worlds of my participants the great significance of plants as part of their physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing became evident. Maize, tobacco, and the plant teachers cohoba and psilocybe mushrooms were, and for the most part still are, essential and closely knit into their cultural fabric. Coming from a background where the written word is placed high above the spoken one, and Nature is seen as separate to us, it is important to acknowledge that much rich understanding of the world is beyond pen and paper, even beyond words. / Graduate / 0727 / gabriela@uvic.ca

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