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Conjunctive Relations in Argumentative Essays : Second language learners of English and the frequency of connective wordsBlixt, Jojo January 2022 (has links)
This essay aims to examine texts written by students in upper secondary school year 10 to see which conjunctions and linking words students at that level use, the normalized frequency as well as how they are used. For the investigation, a corpus, the Swedish Learner English Corpus (SLEC), was searched using AntConc, a corpus analysis toolkit for concordancing and text analysis. The investigated and compared groups are vocational and academic students, girls and boys, all studying the English 5 course, and no one speaking English as their native language. The hypotheses were that academic students, due to higher motivation, would use a higher normalized frequency of internal conjunctive relations which create text cohesion compared to the vocational students, and also that girls would use a higher normalized frequency of the same type of conjunctive relations than boys due to better results in general. The results were as predicted that the students enrolled in the academic programs do use a higher frequency of conjunctive relations of the internal kind than students in the vocational programs, apart from the temporal category, and that the girls use a higher frequency of conjunctive relations of the internal kind, than the boys within all functions except the temporal.
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Evaluation of Generic GraphQL Servers for Accessing Legacy Databases / Evaluation of Generic GraphQL Servers for Accessing Legacy DatabasesIsmail, Muhammad January 2022 (has links)
Over a few years back, REST APIs were considered standard web APIs, which nowhave a strong competitor. REST APIs provide some excellent features like stateless serversand structured access to resources. However, over time, it doesn’t offer flexibility withthe access of data and client changing requirements. In 2015 GraphQL was introduced byFacebook, which overcomes the problems with the REST and provides more flexibility andefficiency to the client requirements. For example, remove the over and under fetching.To change the existing APIs into GraphQL APIs require considerable time and effort.Therefore, some server implementation tools are developed to reduce the developmentcost and time. A few of these tools generate GraphQL schema and server implementationsautomatically over a legacy database.This master thesis studies tools that automatically generate GraphQL server implementationover legacy databases and evaluate such generated GraphQL server’s performance.First, we find some GraphQL server implementation tools such as Hasura andPostGraphile and then compare the server’s performance using benchmark methodology.Secondly, we run an experiment on a computer system and use the performance metricsfor assessment. The results of our experiment concluded that PostGraphile has higherthroughput and low query execution time as compared to Hasura. In most of the querytemplates from the benchmark, PostGraphile outperforms Hasura.
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Vision vs. produktion : - En designers frustrerande arbetsprocess från start till mål / Vision vs. production : - A designer's frustrating work process from start to finishFältström, Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
Additiv tillverkning eller 3D-utskrift som det även kallas är en produktionsprocess som kan erbjuda snabba prototyper med spännande och komplexa geometriska former. Under de senaste åren har expansionen för additiv tillverkning verkligen tagit fart och tekniken, kombinerat med nya progressiva material, blir alltmer efterfrågat. Jag har i detta examensarbete, tillsammans med Akademiska Hus och Stora Enso, undersökt potentiella produktionsmetoder för additiv tillverkning av storskaliga produkter i biokomposit. Det här samarbetet startade i mars 2022 och produkten som jag framställas är en ljudstol som jag valt att kalla Bönan. Den första versionen vi arbetade med visade sig vara för svår att producera med den additiva tekniken. Det är här mitt examensarbete tagit vid. I arbetet har jag undersökt hur mycket avkall jag som designer behöver göra för att produkten ska kunna produceras mer än bara en gång samt vilka moment som är essentiella för att ta en produkt från vision till produktion. Under examensarbetet har jag även fördjupat mina kunskaper inom additiv tillverkning genom att själv skriva ut småskaliga prototyper för att få en större inblick i produktionsprocessen och vilka tekniska aspekter som är fundamentala för att nå ett önskvärt slutresultat. Jag har även parallellt med detta haft kontinuerlig kontakt med Stora Enso och Akademiska hus och överlagt kring kommande steg i processen. Förhoppningsvis har mina fördjupade kunskaper inom additiv tillverkning och en mer holistiskt fokuserad utgångspunkt kunnat påverka verkshöjden på slutprodukten.
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Determining When to Use 3D Sand Printing: Quantifying the Role of ComplexityAlmaghariz, Eyad S. 11 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A presente tese se dedica ao estudo do sistema de comunicação sem fio
MIMO-GFDM-IM. Este sistema, por apresentar atratividades como elevada eficiência espectral, eficiência energética e resiliência ao canal de
propagação multipercurso, é de interesse para os futuros sistemas de comunicação. Antecedendo o estudo deste sistema, o modelo de sinais e
sistemas para MIMO-GFDM é desenvolvido com base no modelo MIMOOFDM e estratégias de detecção para o sistema são propostas. Uma nova
proposta para a detecção MIMO-GFDM, baseada em duas fases de filtragem, é apresentada, resultando em atrativa relação desempenho de detecção e complexidade computacional. O modelo de sistema apresentado
é então estendido para incluir a modulação de índice como portadora de
informação, resultando no sistema MIMO-GFDM-IM. Inicialmente considerando sistemas ponto-a-ponto, são avaliados diferentes propostas de
detectores baseados no processamento da matriz de canal completa e também para os detectores de complexidade reduzida, sob a ótica de desempenho de detecção e complexidade computacional. Por fim, é considerado
o sistema MIMO-GFDM-IM no uplink de um sistema multiusuário. / [en] This thesis is dedicated to the study of the MIMO-GFDM-IM wireless
communication system. This system, due to its attractiveness such as high
spectral efficiency, energy efficiency and resilience to the multipath propagation channel, is of interest for future communication systems. Preceding
the study of this system, the model of signals and systems for MIMOGFDM is developed based on the MIMO-OFDM model and detection
strategies for the system are proposed. A new proposal for MIMO-GFDM
detection, based on two filtering phases, is presented, resulting in an attractive relation between detection performance and computational complexity. The presented system model is then extended to include index
modulation as an information carrier, resulting in the MIMO-GFDM-IM
system. Initially considering point-to-point systems, different proposals
for detectors based on processing the complete channel matrix and also
for detectors of reduced complexity are evaluated, from the perspective of
detection performance and computational complexity. Finally, the MIMOGFDM-IM system is considered in the uplink of a multiuser system.
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Metacognitive prompts and the paper vs. screen debate: how both factors influence reading behaviorChen, Dar-Wei 21 September 2015 (has links)
As online learning rises in popularity, students are increasingly learning through technology and without regular guidance from teachers. These learning environments differ from traditional classrooms in many ways and deliver different experiences. In this study, participants’ learning environments were manipulated using two independent variables, each with two levels for a total of four conditions: study medium (text was presented either on paper or a screen) and prompt type (text was interspersed with prompts designed either to induce metacognitive processes or to be interacted with non-metacognitively). Ninety-two participants were each assigned to one of the four conditions in a between-subject design, read three expository texts, completed a comprehension test after each text, and responded to a survey at the end of the study. Participants who read text on paper tended to take more notes and spend more time studying than those who read from a screen, but performance was equal between the mediums. Participants receiving metacognitive prompts performed better than non-metacognitive participants on multiple-choice questions with an effect size comparable to those generated by educational interventions in existing literature; however, the performance difference was not statistically significant unless prompt response scores were controlled for. In addition, behavioral differences emerged between metacognitive participants (re-read more) and non-metacognitive participants (summarized more while reading). The results from this study can be used to inform dialogue about technology in classrooms and instructional design.
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Influence de la granulométrie sur la vitesse des ondes de cisaillement des sols granulairesTchabat Tcheutchoum, Harlette January 2011 (has links)
La détermination de la vitesse de propagation des ondes de cisaillement (Vs) dans un sol est fondamentale dans tous les problèmes en dynamique des sols. Plusieurs techniques permettent la mesure de Vs dans les sols. En effet, le paramètre Vs permet la caractérisation et l'évaluation du potentiel de liquéfaction des sols granulaires. Cependant, indépendamment de la technique de mesures utilisées, plusieurs valeurs de Vs peuvent être obtenues. Cette diversification peut se justifier par plusieurs facteurs, notamment la granulométrie. D'où cette étude qui porte sur l'influence de la granulométrie sur la vitesse des ondes de cisaillement des sols granulaires. Dans ce mémoire de maîtrise, l'effet des éléments caractéristiques des sols granulaires (D[indice inférieur 50], e, Cu, [sigma][indice inférieur m]) sur la vitesse des ondes de cisaillement est étudié. Quatre types de sols granulaires ayant des propriétés granulométriques différentes sont considérés. Il s'agit de : (1) Le sable d'Ottawa (C-190) (D[indice inférieur 50] = 0,37 mm et Cu=1,96), (2) Le sable de Milby qui est un sable très fin ((D[indice inférieur 50] = 0,247 mm et Cu= 3,2), (3) Le sable Eastman (D[indice inférieur 50] = 0,6 mm et Cu = 11,05) et (4) Le Till Eastman (D[indice inférieur 50] = 0,1 mm et Cu = 22). Les essais en laboratoire ont été réalisés sur une cellule oedométrique équipée d'un dispositif d'anneau piézoélectrique qui permet de déterminer à la fois la valeur le module oedométique (Eoed) à partir de la cellule et la mesure de Vs à partir de l'essai ring actuator développé à l'université de Sherbrooke. Il ressort de cette étude que la vitesse des ondes de cisaillement augmente avec l'augmentation du D[indice inférieur 50]. De plus, cette étude révèle qu'il existe une corrélation directe entre le module oedométrique et le module de cisaillement Gmax. Cette corrélation peut se traduire par une fonction de la forme de la forme Eoed / Gmax = f([sigma]).
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Conception des fondations superficielles reposant sur des sols granulaires en utilisant la vitesse des ondes de cisaillementBouassida, Wafi January 2015 (has links)
Un bon dimensionnement d’une fondation superficielle nécessite une bonne
caractérisation du sol sur lequel elle reposera. Pour le cas des sols granulaires, les
essais de reconnaissances destructifs (SPT, CPT, etc.) impliquent la conversion des
profils obtenus du sol exploré en un profil de rigidité afin de pouvoir estimer sa
portance. Une telle tâche peut induire des erreurs au niveau de l’estimation étant donné
qu’elle nécessite le passage d’un nombre de paramètres (N, qc) n’illustrant pas l’état réel
du sol (rigidité) à des paramètres caractérisant sa performance (module élastique,
coefficient de Poisson). La caractérisation des sols granulaires en utilisant la vitesse des
ondes de cisaillement (non destructive) nous permet de contourner ce problème étant
donné qu’elle nous donne directement la variation d’un paramètre intrinsèque au sol (Vs)
à partir duquel il est possible d’effectuer le dimensionnement. La disponibilité d’une
technique de mesure de vitesses de cisaillement (P-RAT) sur des échantillons de sols au
laboratoire géotechnique de l’UdeS, nous a permis de mettre en œuvre l’application de
Vs dans l’estimation de la portance des sols granulaires.
Au cours de ce mémoire, une procédure servant à estimer le tassement des fondations
superficielles reposant sur des dépôts granulaires est présenté. Les paramètres de
cisaillement (Vs, G) d’un sable déterminés à l’aide des essais de caractérisation (P-RAT)
ont été utilisés pour construire un modèle numérique de fondation. La consistance des
résultats numériques du modèle a été confirmée à travers des essais de chargement de
plaque. Ce travail montre donc l’importance des paramètres de cisaillement dans la
modélisation d’une application fréquente en géotechnique. Il constitue un départ
considérable pour la construction de relations constitutives basées sur le paramètre
vitesse de cisaillement.
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Design, implementation and performance evaluation of robust and secure watermarking techniques for digital coloured images : designing new adaptive and robust imaging techniques for embedding and extracting 2D watermarks in the spatial and transform domain using imaging and signal processing techniquesAl-Nu'aimi, Abdallah Saleem Na January 2009 (has links)
The tremendous spreading of multimedia via Internet motivates the watermarking as a new promising technology for copyright protection. This work is concerned with the design and development of novel algorithms in the spatial and transform domains for robust and secure watermarking of coloured images. These algorithms are adaptive, content-dependent and compatible with the Human Visual System (HVS). The host channels have the ability to host a large information payload. Furthermore, it has enough capacity to accept multiple watermarks. Abstract This work achieves several contributions in the area of coloured images watermarking. The most challenging problem is to get a robust algorithm that can overcome geometric attacks, which is solved in this work. Also, the search for a very secure algorithm has been achieved via using double secret keys. In addition, the problem of multiple claims of ownership is solved here using an unusual approach. Furthermore, this work differentiates between terms, which are usually confusing the researchers and lead to misunderstanding in most of the previous algorithms. One of the drawbacks in most of the previous algorithms is that the watermark consists of a small numbers of bits without strict meaning. This work overcomes this weakness III in using meaningful images and text with large amounts of data. Contrary to what is found in literature, this work shows that the green-channel is better than the blue-channel to host the watermarks. A more general and comprehensive test bed besides a broad band of performance evaluation is used to fairly judge the algorithms.
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Applications of microsatellite markers to genetic management of carps in aquacultureGheyas, Almas Ara January 2006 (has links)
Carp aquaculture in South Asia suffers severely from a lack of genetic management, which has eroded the genetic quality of both captive and wild populations. Use of molecular markers, especially microsatellites, has revolutionized genetic management of hatchery stocks through its ability to detect kinship between individuals and hence in controlling level of inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity. In the present PhD work, microsatellite markers were applied to breeding programmes for silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) to study different genetic management aspects and new markers were generated from rohu (Labeo rohita). A set of newly isolated microsatellite markers from silver carp were characterized and two pentaplex PCR reactions were optimized to enable rapid genotyping of large number of individuals at 10 microsatellite loci. The utility of these markers in parentage, sibship and relatedness analysis were assessed by applying them to groups of fish with known relationship. These markers were used for parentage analysis in a breeding programme designed to estimate heritability of harvest weight and length in silver carp. Full- and half-sib families were created in three sets of partly factorial mating and all the families from each set were reared in communal ponds from very early life stages. With ten microsatellites 96.3% of the offspring could be assigned to a single family. Heritability estimates were found to be 0.65 ± 0.13 for weight and 0.50 ± 0.13 for length. High estimates of h2 suggested that this population should respond rapidly to selection for increased harvest size. Microsatellite markers were also applied to monitor the early stages of a mass selection programme in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). The selection was initiated from a base population synthesized from six different stocks. The selected individuals were divided to create two separate lines. The aims of this study were to monitor whether the stocks were represented in the intended proportions in the F1 selected populations, to investigate the relative contribution of families and its impact on effective population size and to identify any loss of molecular genetic variation. Five highly polymorphic microsatellites were used for parentage analysis of the selected fish to track stock and family contribution. Overall, large perturbations were observed in the relative contributions of two major stocks. Family contribution was also highly variable, causing the Ne to drop to below half the census size. A loss of 6.9%-12.2% of microsatellite alleles was observed but loss of heterozygosity was not very prominent. The replicate lines showed significant differences in allelic distribution after the first generation of selection, but not in genotypic distribution. Finally, 52 microsatellite markers were isolated from a partial genomic library of rohu using a selective hybridization protocol. Characterization of these markers resulted in 36 polymorphic loci, which will be useful in future work on conservation and management of both wild and captive rohu populations.
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