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Étude de la relation entre structure, dynamique et fonction de l’ARN par l’ingénierie du ribozyme VS de NeurosporaGirard, Nicolas 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Attractivité faciale des hommes et préférences des femmes en matière de partenaire sexuel : évolutionnisme et psychologie sociale / Men’s facial attractiveness and female’s mate preferences : evolutionism and social psychologyAziz, Ind 04 October 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons confronté l’explication du fitness model à celle du stéréotype beautiful is good, afin de mieux saisir l’influence de l’attractivité faciale d’un homme sur les préférences d’une femme. Selon le fitness model, une femme interprèterait l’attractivité faciale d’un homme comme l’indice de sa bonne santé (bonne condition génétique), profitable à la survie et au succès reproducteur de la progéniture. Mais selon des travaux en lien avec l’aisance cognitive (prototype, stéréotype beautiful is good), les traits attractifs et l’attention qu’une femme manifeste pour l’attractivité faciale d’un homme n’auraient pas de valeur reproductive, et s’expliqueraient plutôt en termes de facilité de traitement et d’économie cognitive, qui génèrent des réactions positives. Nous avons eu recours à un logiciel de ‘morphing’ afin de créer des visages artificiels d’hommes dont le genre, la correspondance à une moyenne et la symétrie variaient, et les avons fait évaluer par des femmes françaises et marocaines sur différents points : attractivité faciale, santé, revenus, rencontre, partenaire sur le long terme. Les résultats mettent en évidence que l’influence de l’attractivité faciale sur les préférences des femmes n’aurait pas seulement une valeur reproductive, et que l’économie cognitive permise par le recours au stéréotype beautiful is good expliquerait aussi les préférences. / In this work of thesis, we compared the fitness model explanation with the beautiful is good stereotype point of view to better evaluate the influence of men’s facial attractiveness on women preferences. According to the fitness model, a woman would interpret men’s facial attractiveness as an indicator of their good health (good genetic condition), profitable for the offspring’s survival and reproductive success. But according to studies in the field of cognitive ease (prototype, beautiful is good stereotype), the attractive facial features and the attention that a woman pay to men’s facial attractiveness is explained in terms of easy processing and cognitive economy, which generate positive reactions and would have no reproductive value. We used a software of morphing to create artificial men’s faces among which the masculine vs feminine, the averageness and the symmetry were manipulated. After, we submitted these faces to the evaluation of french and moroccan women on several aspects : facial attractiveness, health, income, meeting, long-term mate. The results suggest that facial attractiveness’s influence on women’s preferences would not only have a reproductive value, and that the cognitive economy allowed by the beautiful is good stereotype would also explain the preferences.
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Menneskelig svikt vs. systemfeil : - eller noe midt i mellom? / Human error vs. system failure : - or something in between?Meidell, Arve January 2010 (has links)
<p>I ulykkessammenheng går to av de vanligste undersøkelsesmetodene ut på henholdsvis å kartlegge det juridiske ansvaret for ulykken og å klarlegge årsaksforholdene. I media får vi stort sett bare høre om førstnevnte i form av oppslag om at ulykken skyldes menneskelig svikt. Årsaksforholdene tar gjerne lengre tid å kartlegge og har heller ikke elementer av helt eller syndebukk i seg, og er således mindre interessante å skrive om. I forebyggende sammenheng er det likevel gjerne her det er mest å hente. I erkjennelsen av at mennesket er og blir feilbarlig, bør man nettopp gripe tak i disse bakenforliggende årsakene, gjerne kalt latente feil, som også kan medvirke til å avverge at et tilløp får lov å utvikle seg til en ulykke. I denne oppgaven blir det gjort rede for bakenforliggende årsaker til en alvorlig samferdselsulykke på Vestlandet i 1999, nemlig hurtigbåten MS Sleipners forlis. Det blir også vist hvordan ulykken kunne vært unngått, eller i det minste at skadeomfanget kunne vært vesentlig redusert, dersom det hadde vært større fokus på å avdekke slike latente forhold. For å få offentligheten til å forstå viktigheten av slik årsakskartlegging, og ikke minst at ansvarlige instanser følger opp funnene i ettertid, er det viktig at media griper fatt i problemstillingen og setter den på dagsorden.</p> / <p>Two of the most common forms of investigations after accidents are the search for the judicial aspects of guilt on the one hand and the investigation to find the causes of the accident on the other hand. Media mainly tell us the result of the first one, namely that “the cause of the accident was human error”. Usually it takes more time to establish an understanding of the underlying causes. This investigation does not point out a hero, neither a scapegoat. Therefore the real causes are less interesting to the media. Still, when it comes to accident prevention, this is where one should make an effort. By recognizing the fact that humans are eligible to fail, it is here one should try to take preventive measures. By recognizing these latent conditions one may succeed to avoid potentially dangerous situations from developing to serious accidents. In this paper the underlying causes related to a serious accident that struck public transportation in Western Norway will be presented. The accident is the shipwreck of the high speed craft MS Sleipner in 1999. It will also be shown how this accident could have been prevented, or at least how the extent of the damage could have been substantially reduced, if only latent conditions had been paid a little more attention to. To make the general public understand the importance of uncovering such latent conditions, not to say make sure that they who are responsible take action to remove these conditions, it is vital that the media put these questions on the agenda.</p>
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Strategiska svårigheter i dagens mediesamhälle : En kvalitativ studie av lokala medieorganisationerns strategier i förändringsprocesserHögkvist, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Hela mediebranschen är idag inne i ständigt pågående förändringsprocess. Alla medieorganisationer, såväl på global nivå som på lokal nivå, påverkas på ett eller annat sätt och måste ta ställning till hur de ska agera i förändringarna. Att utforma hållbara strategier för något som är i ständig förändring är dock inte helt okomplicerat. I den här studien har fyra värmländska medieorganisationers förhållningssätt till strategier i förändringsprocesser undersökts. Två av dem, Nya Wermlands-Tidningen och TV4 Värmland, är kommersiellt drivna, medan två av dem verkar för public service, nämligen Sveriges Televisions Värmlandsnytt och Sveriges Radio Värmland. Dessa organisationer har valts ut för att det kan vara intressant att se hur det ser ut på lokal nivå, samt om synen på strategier i förändring skiljer sig åt beroende på om de verkar kommersiellt eller inte. För att besvara syftet med studien har två delstudier genomförts, dels en kvalitativ samtalsintervju, där en person i ledningen på respektive medieorganisation har intervjuats och dels en mindre kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen fungerar bara som ett komplement till samtalsintervjuerna, som är den huvudsakliga metoden i denna studie. Resultatet av den empiriska studien visar att det finns uppenbara skillnader i vad de värmländska medieorganisationerna anser är avgörande i deras förändring och vad som påverkar deras strategiska arbete. Informanterna på de kommersiellt drivna Nya Wermlands-Tidningen och TV4 Värmland menar att publikens intresse är avgörande, medan de på Sveriges Televisions Värmlandsnytt och Sveriges Radio Värmland är mer inne på att direktiv från regering och riksdag är mest avgörande. / The entire media industry is at the moment in a constantly ongoing process of change. All media organizations, both at global level and at local level, are affected in one way or another, and must consider how to act in the changes. Designing sustainable strategies for something that is constantly changing isn’t easy at all. In this study, the approach to strategies in change at four local media organizations has been studied. Two of them, Nya Wermlands-Tidningen and TV4 Värmland, are commercially driven, while two of them are working for public service. Those two are Sveriges Televisions Värmlandsnytt and Sveriges Radio Värmland. These organizations have been selected since it seems to be interesting to study the phenomenon at local level and to investigate if there are any differences in their views on strategies in change, depending on whether they are commercially driven or not. To respond to the purpose of this study, two separate studies were implemented, one qualitative interview study, where one member of the management at each media organization has been interview and one minor qualitative content analysis study. The function of the qualitative content analysis is to complement the interviews. The qualitative interview is the main methodology in this study. The result of the empirical study shows that there are clear differences in what the local media organizations believe is essential in their change and what influences their strategic work. The informants of the commercially driven organizations, Nya Wermlands-Tidningen and TV4 Värmland, believe that the interest of the audience is essential, while the informants of Sveriges Televisions Värmlandsnytt and Sveriges Radio Värmland believe that regulations from the Swedish government and the Swedish parliament is the most essential factor.
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Menneskelig svikt vs. systemfeil : - eller noe midt i mellom? / Human error vs. system failure : - or something in between?Meidell, Arve January 2010 (has links)
I ulykkessammenheng går to av de vanligste undersøkelsesmetodene ut på henholdsvis å kartlegge det juridiske ansvaret for ulykken og å klarlegge årsaksforholdene. I media får vi stort sett bare høre om førstnevnte i form av oppslag om at ulykken skyldes menneskelig svikt. Årsaksforholdene tar gjerne lengre tid å kartlegge og har heller ikke elementer av helt eller syndebukk i seg, og er således mindre interessante å skrive om. I forebyggende sammenheng er det likevel gjerne her det er mest å hente. I erkjennelsen av at mennesket er og blir feilbarlig, bør man nettopp gripe tak i disse bakenforliggende årsakene, gjerne kalt latente feil, som også kan medvirke til å avverge at et tilløp får lov å utvikle seg til en ulykke. I denne oppgaven blir det gjort rede for bakenforliggende årsaker til en alvorlig samferdselsulykke på Vestlandet i 1999, nemlig hurtigbåten MS Sleipners forlis. Det blir også vist hvordan ulykken kunne vært unngått, eller i det minste at skadeomfanget kunne vært vesentlig redusert, dersom det hadde vært større fokus på å avdekke slike latente forhold. For å få offentligheten til å forstå viktigheten av slik årsakskartlegging, og ikke minst at ansvarlige instanser følger opp funnene i ettertid, er det viktig at media griper fatt i problemstillingen og setter den på dagsorden. / Two of the most common forms of investigations after accidents are the search for the judicial aspects of guilt on the one hand and the investigation to find the causes of the accident on the other hand. Media mainly tell us the result of the first one, namely that “the cause of the accident was human error”. Usually it takes more time to establish an understanding of the underlying causes. This investigation does not point out a hero, neither a scapegoat. Therefore the real causes are less interesting to the media. Still, when it comes to accident prevention, this is where one should make an effort. By recognizing the fact that humans are eligible to fail, it is here one should try to take preventive measures. By recognizing these latent conditions one may succeed to avoid potentially dangerous situations from developing to serious accidents. In this paper the underlying causes related to a serious accident that struck public transportation in Western Norway will be presented. The accident is the shipwreck of the high speed craft MS Sleipner in 1999. It will also be shown how this accident could have been prevented, or at least how the extent of the damage could have been substantially reduced, if only latent conditions had been paid a little more attention to. To make the general public understand the importance of uncovering such latent conditions, not to say make sure that they who are responsible take action to remove these conditions, it is vital that the media put these questions on the agenda.
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Politique économique et piège du sous-développement au Maroc. / Economic Policy and Underdevelopment Trap in MoroccoYamani, Nezha 14 March 2012 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est de tester la pertinence de l’hypothèse du piège du sous développement, en montrant à travers les performances économiques, que la politique de désinflation a installé l’économie marocaine dans un équilibre bas. L’objectif est de mettre en évidence les effets restrictifs sur la croissance et l'emploi, de l'orientation de la politique monétaire et budgétaire. Le cadre conceptuel proposé découle des débats afférents à la règle versus discrétion, à l’indépendance et la crédibilité de la Banque centrale, à la soutenabilité budgétaire et un policy mix coopératif. L'évaluation du policy mix mis en œuvre avec rigueur depuis 1998, s’appuie sur l'articulation de cadres d’analyse issus des théories de la politique économique, de l'économie de la croissance endogène et de l'analyse en termes de capacités d'Amartya Sen. Deux axes de réflexion ont été élaborés. Le premier concerne le rattachement du concept de piège du sous développement à celui de la croissance molle constituant ainsi, les principales caractéristiques du régime de croissance en présentant les contraintes qui pèsent sur l’économie. Le second met l’accent sur l’évaluation du bien-être à partir des opportunités et des libertés offertes par les politiques publiques. Dans ce sens, il est question d’analyser les recoupements qui existent entre la politique économique, le bien-être social et les capacités. Ainsi, le premier des cinq chapitres de la thèse, traite des soubassements théoriques et des mécanismes sous-jacents qui ont guidé le décideur public dans le choix de sa politique économique. Les règles fixes en matière d'inflation et de limitation du déficit public, la coordination du réglage monétaire et de la gestion des finances publiques, l'indépendance de Banque centrale, les réformes structurelles entreprises ainsi que la priorité accordée à la stabilité macroéconomique, attestent et cautionnent les fondements néoclassiques de la politique économique. La recherche de la crédibilité monétaire à travers la règle fixe d'inflation de 2% a conduit à un renchérissement du coût du crédit. Le maintien des taux d’intérêt élevés est à l’encontre des intérêts des PME qui se trouvent pénalisées par le rationnement du crédit dont elles font l’objet. En matière budgétaire, la réduction du déficit public à 3% constitue une règle qui assure la maîtrise des finances publiques et soutient l’Institut d’émission dans sa lutte contre l’inflation. Le respect impératif de cette règle, quels que soient les chocs qui affectent l’économie, entretient les facteurs de blocage liés à la baisse de la demande et du revenu globaux. Le décideur public se prive ainsi, d'actions de redistribution et de régulation de la conjoncture susceptibles de limiter les disparités sociales. La politique de rigueur, de par le coût social qu’elle induit, limite la garantie des droits et des libertés. Le chômage des jeunes, les difficultés d’accès aux biens et services de base, la pauvreté, le sous emploi et l’analphabétisme constituent un manque de libertés et de droits qui restreint l’étendue des choix et des réalisations effectives. Il apparaît, en définitive, que le choix de la politique de rigueur axée sur des règles inflexibles, atteint assurément l’objectif de stabilité macroéconomique, mais au prix d’un déficit de croissance et de bien-être social. Les effets de la crise financière sur l’économie viennent confirmer la fragilité du système de croissance. Celle-ci a transité par des effets de revenus liés à la baisse de la demande externe à travers quatre canaux de transmission: le tourisme, les exportations, les transferts des résidents marocains à l’étranger et les IDE. Les taux de croissance enregistrés entre 2008 et 2010 restent faibles et l’emploi recule. L'impact de la crise met fin à l'illusion de résilience de l’économie et attire l’attention sur le fait qu’il existe une politique alternative axée sur la croissance et l’emploi. / The aim of this research is to test the relevance of underdevelopment trap concept, by showing through the economic performance, that the policy of disinflation has installed the Moroccan economy in a low balance. The purpose is to highlight the restrictive effects on the growth and employment, the orientation of monetary and fiscal policy. The proposed conceptual framework derives from the debates related to the rule versus discretion, independence and credibility of the Central Bank, fiscal sustainability and a cooperative policy mix. The evaluation of the policy mix implemented with rigor since 1998 is based on the articulation of analytical frameworks from the theories of the economic policy, the economy of the endogenous growth and analysis in terms of capabilities of Amartya Sen. Two lines of thought have been developed. The first one involves the incorporation of the concept of underdevelopment trap to the sluggish growth thus constituting, the main characteristics of the system of growth in presenting the constraints on the economy. The second puts the evaluation of the welfare on the opportunities and freedoms offered by public policies. In this sense, it is necessary to analyze the inferences that exist between the economic policy, social welfare and the capabilities. These analyzes have mobilized multiple empirical data in order to assess the contradictory factors that prevent the economic activity from achieving its potential growth. Thus, the first five chapters of the thesis deals with theoretical foundations and the underlying mechanisms that guided the policy makers in the choice of its economic policy. The fixed rules in regard to inflation and the limitation of public deficit, the coordination of monetary setting and for the management of public finances, the independence of the Central Bank, the structural reforms as well as the priority given to macroeconomic stability, attest and endorse the neoclassical foundations of the economic policy. Seeking monetary credibility through the fixed rule of 2% inflation led to an increase in the cost of credit. Indeed, maintaining high interest rates is counter to the interests of SMEs which are penalized by the rationing the amount of credit that they are the subject. In budgetary matters, reducing the deficit to 3% constitutes a rule that ensures the control of public finances and supports the issuing institute in its fight against inflation. The imperative respect for this rule, regardless of the adverse shocks that affect the economy, maintains the factors of blocking linked to the decline in demand and the global income. Public Decision makers are thus deprived the shares of redistribution and to regulate their situation likely to limit social disparities. The strict policy limits the guarantee of rights and freedom because of its resulting social costs. Youth unemployment, the difficulties of access to goods and basic facilities, poverty, underemployment and illiteracy are a lack of freedom and rights that restricts the range of choice and achievements. The growth deficit feeds the social deficit and the extent of inequality strengthens it. It appears, eventually, that the choice of the strict policy focused on inflexible rules ensures, certainly achieved the objective of macroeconomic stability, but at the cost of low growth and welfare. The effects of the financial crisis on the economy just confirm the fragility of the system of growth. The latter has channelled through the effects of income related to the decline in external demand through four channels of transmission: tourism, exports, and transfers from Moroccan living abroad and the IED. The rate of growth recorded between 2008 and 2010 remained low and employment declined. The impact of the crisis puts an end to the illusion of resilience of the economy and draws the attention to the fact that there is an alternative policy focused on growth and employment.
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[pt] O presente trabalho identifica e compara aspectos culturais e linguísticos inseridos em relacionamentos amorosos entre brasileiros e britânicos, a partir de duas categorias sugeridas pelo interculturalista Geert Hofstede: individualismo e masculinidade; e da categorização de Richard D. Lewis da cultura brasileira como multiativa e da cultura britânica como ativo-linear. O objetivo desse estudo é o de entender melhor como esses relacionamentos interculturais se dão, seus desafios, seus sucessos, investigando qual a influência da cultura e da língua nessas relações. Para nossa análise, utilizamos dados gerados por meio de entrevistas e questionários realizados com dez casais - todos formados por um/a brasileiro/a e um/a britânico/a envolvidos em um relacionamento amoroso. Entre os nossos resultados, identificamos os seguintes elementos que influenciam a relação desses casais: (i) o papel da mulher na relação; (ii) ciúmes, traição e dependência emocional; (iii) linguagem verbal, não verbal e estilística; e (iv) o lugar que o casal escolhe para viver. Portanto, esta pesquisa sinaliza os desafios encontrados pelos casais interculturais e apresenta sugestões, dadas pelos próprios informantes, para entendermos essas diferenças e tentarmos evitar que elas interfiram de maneira negativa nos relacionamentos de mesmo tipo. Por meio desse estudo, esperamos evidenciar a importância de se trabalhar esta temática em sala de aula, dando mais subsídios e embasamento teórico aos professores de PL2E, para que possam mostrar aos alunos de português a importância de se entender não só a língua como, principalmente, a cultura do outro, e contribuindo, assim, para o desenvolvimento das competências comunicativa e intercultural dos aprendizes. / [en] The present work identifies and compares cultural and linguistic aspects inserted in love relationships between Brazilians and Britons, from two categories suggested by the interculturalist Geert Hofstede: individualism and masculinity; and Richard D. Lewis s categorization of Brazilian culture as multiactive and British culture as active-linear. The objective of this study is to better understand how these intercultural relationships are given, their challenges, their successes, investigating the influence of culture and language on these relationships. For our analysis, we used data generated through interviews and questionnaires conducted with ten couples - all formed by a Brazilian and a British person involved in a loving relationship. Among our results, we identified the following elements that influence the relationship of these couples: (i) the role of women in the relationship; (ii) jealousy, betrayal and emotional dependence; (iii) verbal, nonverbal and stylistic language; and (iv) the place the couple chooses to live. Therefore, this research indicates the challenges encountered by intercultural couples and presents suggestions, given by the informants themselves, to understand these differences and try to avoid them interfering in a negative way in relationships of the same type. Through this study, we hope to highlight the importance of working this theme in the classroom, giving more subsidies and theoretical background to the teachers of PL2E, so that they can present to Portuguese students the importance of understanding not only the language but, mainly, one s culture, and thus contributing to the development of the communicative and intercultural competences of apprentices.
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Mine, yours and ours: economic analysis of Property Law / Mío, tuyo y nuestro: análisis económico del Derecho de PropiedadFriedman, David 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author analyzes the property legal system has to achieve efficient and useful results. In addition, he points out the reasons for the existence of private property and public property, then he explains the costs and benefits of private property, and he states the difference between real and personal property is the registry system. He concludes by stating the courts believe that a property agreement is obligatory if it is economically efficient. / En este artículo, el autor analiza que el sistema de reglas de la propiedad tiene que lograr resultados eficientes y útiles. También, señala las razones de la existencia de la propiedad privada y propiedad pública, luego, explica los costos y beneficios de la propiedad privada, y establece que la diferencia entre la propiedad inmueble y mueble es el sistema de registros. Concluye, afirmando que las cortes creen que un pacto de propiedad es vinculante si es económicamente eficiente.
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A natureza de AGR e suas implicações na ordem VS: um estudo comparativo entre o português brasileiro e o português europeuSilva, Cláudia Roberta Tavares 15 December 2004 (has links)
In this thesis I do a comparative study between the Brazilian Portuguese Grammar
(henceforth BP) and European Portuguese Grammar (henceforth EP) concerning to
the word order, more specifically, with respect to the subject order in relation to the
verb in finite declarative phrases. One defends that Verb-Subject order (VS) has
been lost in the first language in (in)transitive contexts due a parametric change in
the marking of Null Subject Parameter caused by weakness of AGR, what implies to
consider that BP is losing the characterization of a prototypical null subject language
as the EP for become a non-prodrop subject language as English. In this order, in
inaccusative contexts, the visible morphologically agreement between a verbal
inflection and the post-verbal DP is generally not observed and this DP can also be
definite or indefinite, unlike what is proposed by Belletti s approach. Futhermore,
researches have assumed that the subject position with respect to the verb comes
from the fact of the syntax be conditioned by discoursive constraints. Therefore, with
respect to these aspects, the goals of this research are: a) to develop an analysis
about VS order in both grammars, considering the implications of the AGR richness
for the position of the subjects ; b) to characterize this richness from the
rediscussion of some theoretical proposals; c) to show counter-evidences to the
proposal of that the word order codifies the informational structure; d) to explain the
possibility of the non-visible morphologically agreement between the post-verbal DP
and the verbal inflection in inaccusative contexts and its implications for the type of
mechanism concerned to the nominative Case assignment and e) to argue against
the universality of the Definiteness Efect on the post-verbal DP. To develope this
study, the analysis bases itself on Pricinciples and Parameters, and the Distributed
Morphology frameworks. The sentence structures are results from introspection data.
During this research, it was possible to conclude that rich AGR that licences and
identifies referential null subjects in null subject languages has no correlation with
rich AGR that causes the verb movement in the syntax, and that preverbal subjects
occupy an A-position in BP and in EP, unlike what is generally proposed.
Futhermore, the different behaviour of VS order observed among these languages
receives explanatory support from the type of syntactic output generated by each
grammar in particular but not from discoursive constraints. With respect to the order
in which there is no visibility of morphological agreement between the verbalinflection
and the post-verbal DP in inaccusative contexts, I argue that it is a pseudo-
VS order, in which Definiteness Efect does not act on. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nesta tese realizo um estudo comparativo entre a gramática do português brasileiro
(doravante PB) e a do português europeu (doravante PE) no que diz respeito à
ordem dos constituintes, mais especificamente, do sujeito em relação ao verbo em
frases declarativas finitas. Tem-se defendido que a ordem Verbo-Sujeito (VS) tem
sido perdida na primeira língua em contextos (in)transitivos em virtude de uma
mudança paramétrica na marcação do Parâmetro do Sujeito Nulo ocasionada pelo
enfraquecimento de AGR, o que implica considerar que o PB está deixando de ser
uma língua de sujeito nulo prototípica como o PE para tornar-se uma língua de
sujeito não-nulo como o inglês. Nessa ordem, em contextos inacusativos, a
concordância morfologicamente visível entre a flexão verbal e o DP pós-verbal, em
geral, não é observada e, ainda, esse DP pode ser definido ou indefinido, ao
contrário do que é proposto pela análise belletiana. Ademais, estudos têm assumido
que a posição do sujeito em relação ao verbo decorre do fato de a sintaxe estar a
serviço de requerimentos de ordem discursiva. Portanto, face a esses aspectos, os
objetivos desta pesquisa são: a) desenvolver uma análise sobre a ordem VS em
ambas as gramáticas, levando em conta as implicações da riqueza de AGR para a
posição dos sujeitos; b) caracterizar essa riqueza , a partir da rediscussão de
algumas propostas teóricas; c) apresentar contra-evidências à proposta de que a
ordem dos constituintes codifica a estrutura informacional; d) explicar a possibilidade
de concordância morfologicamente não-vísível entre o DP pós-verbal e a flexão
verbal em contextos inacusativos e suas implicações para o tipo de mecanismo
relacionado à atribuição de Caso nominativo e e) argumentar contra a
universalidade do Efeito de Definitude sobre o DP pós-verbal. Para a realização
desse estudo, a análise fundamenta-se no arcabouço teórico do Modelo de
Princípios e Parâmetros e da Morfologia Distribuída, sendo as estruturas frasais
resultados de dados de introspecção. No decorrer desta pesquisa, é plausível
concluir que AGR rico que licencia e idendifica sujeitos nulos referenciais em
línguas de sujeito nulo não tem a ver com AGR rico que motiva o movimento do
verbo na sintaxe, e que sujeitos pré-verbais ocupam uma posição-A no PB e no PE,
ao contrário do que é comumente proposto na literatura. De mais a mais, o
comportamento diferenciado da ordem VS atestado entre essas línguas ganha
suporte explicativo no tipo de output sintático gerado por cada gramática em
particular e não em requerimentos de ordem discursiva. No que concerne à ordem
em que não há visibilidade da concordância morfológica entre a flexão-verbal e o DP
pós-verbal em contextos inacusativos, argumento que seja uma pseudo-ordem VS ,
não sendo atuante sobre esse DP o Efeito de Definitude.
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The Dilemma of Collaboration for Innovation : Innovation with each other or past each other?Hedel, Henrike January 2018 (has links)
Background: Innovation and collaboration are deemed popular terms that are widely used and agreed on. It is implied that innovation without collaboration seems to be unlikely (Deichmann et al., 2017, Haanæs et al., 2018, Innov8rs, 2018). However, the meaning behind innovations of disruptive, incremental, or radical character remains vague and presumably differs between practitioners, just as it differs among scholars. Also, the literature only implies how collaboration can be used effectively for innovation, whilst focussing more on what forms of collaborations are existing. Research questions: How is innovation understood in the CIC? How does the CIC work together in order to realise cross-industry collaborations for innovation? Purpose: This study aims at investigating the variety of innovation understanding and how it is applied in collaborations, based on the views of practitioners from different companies that are part of the Cross Industry Club. Method: This research is designed as an exploratory case study and follows a qualitative strategy with abductive reasoning. Data is collected through nine semi-structured interviews with representatives from five different companies. Conclusion: The study revealed that practitioners have other aspects in mind which define their understanding of innovation compared to scholars. By that, the usage of innovation terminology is rather arbitrary in practice. The influence of innovation frameworks on the understanding of innovation and the collaborative work have been revealed. Innovation in a cross-industry collaboration, in its purpose and characteristics, is similar to the work of communities of practice. Challenges that appear during the emergence of a collaboration like the CIC, and values that affect the initial work towards cross-industry projects, have been identified.
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