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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Webové stránky ve výuce matematiky se zaměřením na lineární rovnice a funkce / Websites in teaching mathematics focused on linear equations and functions

Kloučková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
1 Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to create websites focused on teaching linear equations and functions and verify their utility from the perspective of pupils and selected teachers. Websites are one of the form called E-learning. Therefore, the thesis deals not only with websites but also with the e-learning. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is mainly based on selected literature search and analysis of textbooks from the point of view of linear equations and functions. The practical part is about creating own website and about qualitative research implemented at the basic schools in Obříství and Neratovice. The research was conducted through questionnaires, which were enriched by interviews with selected pupils and teachers. It was found that pupils and teachers consider these created websites beneficial. The List of the strengths and weaknesses of the websites, as well as the possibilities for its improvement are one part of the thesis results. Keywords: websites, e-learning, linear equations, functions, models of implementation linear equations

Le rôle de la confiance de l’investisseur individuel sur la relation informations/intention d’achat : le cas de l’acquisition d'actions en bourse sur internet / The role of individual investor confidence on the information / purchase intention relationship : the case of internet stock exchange share acquisitions

Rzem, Marouane 01 February 2013 (has links)
Cette étude a pour objectif d’analyser l’influence de l’information multidimensionnelle diffusée à travers les sites boursiers sur la confiance de l’investisseur individuel, ainsi que tester l’effet médiateur de la confiance sur la relation informations/intention d’achat des actions.À partir d’une étude qualitative exploratoire et une étude quantitative auprès de 180 investisseurs individuels, nous montrons que la forme et la qualité de l’information influencent la confiance de l’investisseur. La qualité du site boursier exerce aussi un effet sur la confiance. De même, la confiance joue un rôle de médiateur partiel sur la relation informations/intention d’achat des actions. / This study aims to analyze the influence of multidimensional information disseminated through the stock-exchange websites on the confidence of individual investors, as well as test mediating effect of trust on the relationship information/ purchase intent actions.From a qualitative exploratory study and a quantitative study of 180 individual investors, we show that the shape and quality of the information affect investor confidence. Stock-exchange website quality also has an effect on trust. Similarly, trust plays a partial mediator of the relationship information/ intention to purchase shares.

E-governance in Africa: governing the continent through AU and Nepad websites

Mukhudwana, Rofhiwa Felicia 21 April 2008 (has links)
Africa’s way forward requires integration, democracy, good governance, participation and inclusive communication of all issues. Intergovernmental organizations are essential to facilitate the above mentioned goals. New thinking highlights the role of new media especially the Internet in democracy and governance in Africa. Therefore, the question solicited here is whether e-governance facilitates continental governance in Africa and under what circumstances would this be possible? This research introduced the internet (web) as a distinct medium of communications with distinct features and characteristics. A number of scholars argue that the Internet as a distinct medium of communication can better facilitate the democratizing role of the media in society, while others argues that the internet has not changed the nature of politics since ordinary politics in all its complexity and vitality has invaded and captured cyberspace. These arguments are divided respectively between Technological Determinism and the Social Shaping of Technology. This research investigates (AU, EU and Nepad) e-governance websites in order to understand practices, prospects and challenges of continental e-governance systems. It was found that the AU and Nepad use the websites for institutional information rather than interaction with citizens and online service delivery. However, significant steps are taken to enhance interaction in Nepad. It is therefore recommended that, the AU and Nepad need to invest time and commitment in enhancing interactivity and rising awareness for these e-governance systems. As projected, EU performs much better than the above two in terms of interactivity. This is because it has more experience and internet penetration and uses is widespread in Europe than it is here in Africa.

Vybrané e-shopy a jejich internetové stránky / Selected E-shops and their Websites

PRŮŠOVÁ, Linda January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with e-shops and their websites. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the selected e-shops and their websites, activities of supervisory authorities in this area and creating suggestions for an improvement. The theoretical part explains basic terms connected to e-shops, history, legislation and supervisory authorities related to this area. In the practical part is conducted controlled in-depth interview with the employee of the Czech Trade Inspection. Moreover a questionnaire survey was carried out in order to examine the consumer's experiences with e-shops and their legal awareness. The thesis also contains evaluation of the selected e-shops and their websites and case study containing purchase from one selected e-shop. Based on the obtained information are suggested recommendation for the improvement.

Raffinement de la localisation d’images provenant de sites participatifs pour la mise à jour de SIG urbain / Refining participative website’s images localization for urban GIS updates

Semaan, Bernard 14 December 2018 (has links)
Les villes sont des zones actives : tous les jours de nouvelles constructions ont lieu, des immeubles sont démolis ou des locaux commerciaux changent d'enseigne. Les gestionnaires des Systèmes d'information géographique de la ville ont pour but de mettre le plus à jour possible leurs modèles numériques de la ville. Ces modèles peuvent se composer de cartes en 2D mais aussi de modèles en 3D qui peuvent provenir d'une reconstruction à partir d'images. Ces dernières peuvent avoir été prises depuis le ciel comme depuis le sol. La cartographie participative, comme le permet la plateforme "OpenStreetMap.org", a émergé pour mettre à disposition de tous l'information géographique et maintenir les cartes 2D à jour par les utilisateurs de la plateforme. Dans le but d'améliorer le processus de mise à jour et suivant le même esprit que les approches participatives, nous proposons d'utiliser les plateformes de partage de photos comme "Flickr", "Twitter", etc. Les images téléchargées sur ces plates-formes possèdent une localisation imprécise de l'image sans information sur l'orientation de la photographie. Nous proposons alors un système qui aide à trouver une meilleure localisation et retrouve une information d'orientation de la photographie. Le système utilise les informations visuelles de l'image ainsi que les informations sémantiques. Pour cela nous présentons une chaîne de traitement automatisée composée de trois couches : la couche d'extraction et de pré-traitement des données, la couche d'extraction et de traitement des primitives, la couche de prise de décision. Nous présentons ensuite les résultats de l'ensemble de ce système que nous appelons "Data Gathering system for image Pose Estimation"(DGPE). Nous présentons aussi dans cette thèse une méthode que nous avons appelée "Segments Based Building Detection"(SBBD) pour la détection d'immeubles simples. Nous avons aussi testé cette méthode sous diverses conditions de prise de vue (occultations, variations climatiques, etc.). Nous comparons cette méthode de détection à une autre méthode de l'état de l'art en utilisant plusieurs bases d'images. / Cities are active spots in the earth globe. They are in constant change. New building constructions, demolitions and business changes may apply on daily basis. City managers aim to keep as much as possible an updated digital model of the city. The model may consist of 2D maps but may also be a 3D reconstruction or a street imagery sequence. In order to share the geographical information and keep a 2D map updated, collaborative cartography was born. "OpenStreetMap.org" platform is one of the most known platforms in this field. In order to create an active collaborative database of street imagery we suggest using 2D images available on image sharing platforms like "Flickr", "Twitter", etc. Images downloaded from such platforms feature a rough localization and no orientation information. We propose a system that helps finding a better localization of the images and providing an information about the camera orientation they were shot with. The system uses both visual and semantic information existing in a single image. To do that, we present a fully automatic processing chain composed of three main layers: Data retrieval and preprocessing layer, Features extraction layer, Decision Making layer. We then present the whole system results combining both semantic and visual information processing results. We call our system Data Gathering system for image Pose Estimation (DGPE). We also present a new automatic method for simple architecture building detection we have developed and used in our system. This method is based on segments detected in the image and was called Segments Based Building Detection (SBBD). We test our method against some weather changes and occlusion problems. We finally compare our building detection results with another state-of-the-art method using several images databases.

Využití internetového marketingu v činnosti agentury CzechTourism / Use of the Internet marketing activities by CzechTourism agency.

Doležalová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on internet marketing and its use in the field of tourism promotion agency CzechTourism. It examines the use of various internet marketing tools and their impact on tourism in the Czech Republic. It also focuses on work detail CzechTourism marketing activities on the Internet in terms of media campaigns in the past two years. An integral part is an analysis of websites, which serve as the main tool to promote the Czech Republic.

Panorama do acesso à informação nos portais web de legislação dos municípios do Rio Grande do Sul

Louzada, Suzanna do Carmo January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo da pesquisa é avaliar o acesso à informação legislativa digital dos municípios do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Em revisão de literatura, aborda a importância da informação legislativa no que concerne ao ordenamento jurídico como um todo, à segurança jurídica, ao acesso à informação e à inflação legislativa. Para realizar a avaliação, estabelece checklist e, posteriormente, aplica o instrumento aos portais de legislação das Câmaras de Vereadores e Prefeituras Municipais dos municípios selecionados por amostragem aleatória simples estratificada e na capital do Estado. O checklist é fundamentado em literatura acerca da avaliação de portais da web e da avaliação de portais de legislação em específico, sendo composto por 26 requisitos básicos desejáveis para os portais de legislação, divididos em 5 parâmetros: Usabilidade, Cobertura, Acessibilidade, Relacionamentos e Ferramentas Ao todo, analisa 62 portais de Prefeituras Municipais e 62 portais de Câmaras de Vereadores. Os resultados demonstram falta de planejamento e de profissionalismo na concepção e manutenção dos portais. Demonstram, ainda, não haver grande preocupação por parte dos gestores dos portais de legislação em garantir a completude do portal, a acessibilidade das normas, disponibilizar o texto atualizado (alterado e consolidado), facilitar o acesso à informação concernente à normas relacionadas, fonte, projeto de origem e ADIN, prover espaço com conteúdo de ajuda, bem como em gerar confiança a partir da disponibilização de informações sobre a responsabilidade do portal. Conclui que o acesso à informação legislativa dos municípios do Rio Grande do Sul é precário. / This research aims to evaluate the access to digital legislative information in municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul. The literature review explains the importance of legislative information to the legal order as a whole, to the legal certainty, access to information and legislative inflation. To concrete the evaluation, it establishs a checklist and applies the instrument to the Câmara de Vereadores’s and Prefeituras Municipais’s legislation websites selected by simple stratified random sampling and state’s capital. The checklist is based on literature about general websites and legislative websites evaluation, consisting on 26 basic requirements of legislative websites, sectioned in 5 parameters: usability, coverage, accessibility, relationships and features. In total, it analise 62 Prefeituras Municipais’s websites and 62 Câmaras de Vereadores’s websites. The results demonstrate lack of planning and professionalism in the design and maintenance of the websites. They also demonstrate that the site’s managers show no great concern in ensuring the completeness of the website, the accessibility to law, in making available the updated text (modified and consolidated), in facilitating access to related law, source, draft project and ADIN, in providing help content, as well as generating confidence from the availability of information on the responsibility of the website. It concludes that the access to legislative information of the municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul is precarious.


Ybarra, Marcos A 01 September 2017 (has links)
Due to technological advances, local city governments are relying heavily on websites and the Internet to connect with citizens. This project will discuss the relationship between e-government and civic engagement in San Diego county and its effectiveness. E-government is defined as the delivery of a city government’s information and services to its citizens through its website. Civic engagement involves active participation from the citizens and is defined as the interaction between the city government and its citizens. This project will analyze the 18 city websites of San Diego county to determine the effectiveness of each city’s website in providing e-government and civic engagement services. Each website will be rated and ranked, and a detailed recommendation on how the 5 lowest ranking cities can revise their websites to increase civic engagement will be provided. It will be shown that novel approaches such as online civic engagement, financial transparency, and personalized mobile apps not only enhance civic engagement in several city government websites but also receive positive user feedback and high resident satisfaction ratings.

Human-Computer Interface Design for Online Tutoring: Visual Rhetoric, Pedagogy, and Writing Center Websites

Myatt, Alice J 16 December 2010 (has links)
This dissertation examines the theory and praxis of taking an expanded concept of the human-computer interface (HCI) and working with the resulting concept to design a writing center website that facilitates online tutoring while fostering a conversational approach for online tutoring sessions. In order to foster a conversational approach, I explore the ways in which interactive digital technologies support the collaborative and communicative nature of online tutoring. I posit that my research will yield a deeper understanding of the visual rhetoric of human-designed computer interfaces in general and writing center online tutoring websites in particular, and will, at the same time, provide support and rationale for the use of interactive digital technologies that utilize the space within the interface to foster a conversational approach to online tutoring, an outcome that the writing center community strongly encourages but acknowledges is difficult to achieve in online tutoring situations (Bell, Harris, Harris and Pemberton, Gillespie and Lerner, Hobson, Monroe, Rickley, Thomas et. al). The resulting prototype design that I submit as part of this dissertation was developed by considering the surface and conceptual dimensions of the HCI along with pedagogies that support interactivity, exploration, communication, collaboration, and community.


李秀琪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在了解台灣地區幼教網站的設計理念與相關的網路特性,分析網站介面要素的設計與呈現方式,並探討網站如何呈現幼兒父母的教養形象。 研究方法採用內容分析法,以台灣地區幼教網站共十八家為分析對象,並輔以個案訪談,並取得三家網站之訪談資料。 研究結果包括:(1)在幼教網站中,女性被視為主要的使用族群,且科技能力較低;(2)網站的色彩運用偏向暖色系(如粉紅、黃、橘等),將網站風格營造為溫馨、可愛或熱鬧;而網站的圖像運用,以嬰/幼兒、娃娃圖像較多,且常與母親一同出現,從事的活動包括遊戲、閱讀、學習、表達親密等;(3)幼教網站呈現的父母親教養形象有所不同,母親被視為是幼兒的飲食營養、疾病防治與安全的主要負責人,且只有母親需面臨是否要放棄工作照顧幼兒的壓力;而父親則扮演了幼兒的玩伴、家計負擔者,以及學習作為「現代」父親等形象。 最後,研究者基於研究結果,對實務工作及未來研究提出相關反思與建議。

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