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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vilken effekt har uppvärmning på prestation vid uthållighetsidrotter? : En litteraturstudie / What is the effect of warm up on performance in endurance sports? : A literature study

Svärdhagen, Axel, Blomqvist, Anton January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Uppvärmning har visat sig ha en positiv påverkan på prestationen vid muskelstärkande träning och kan ha en skadeförebyggande effekt vid både muskelstärkande träning samt uthållighetsträning. Däremot saknas evidens för vilken effekt uppvärmning har på prestation vid uthållighetsidrott. Det kan vara av värde för fysioterapeuter att veta för att kunna ge råd i syfte att främja atleters och motionärers prestation. Detta då de möter patienter som håller på med olika typer av uthållighetsidrotter på olika nivåer.  Syfte: Sammanställa det nuvarande evidensläget gällande om uppvärmning har någon effekt på prestation, mätt med time trial, hjärtfrekvens, laktat och upplevd ansträngning vid uthållighetsidrott.  Design: Systematisk granskning av randomiserade kontrollerade studier. Metod: Systematiska sökningar genomfördes i databasen PubMed och granskades utifrån urvalskriterierna. Populationen bestod av vuxna motionär- och elituthållighetsidrottare. Åtta studier inkluderades och granskades med PEDro-skalan för att bedöma risken för snedvridning. Den sammanvägda tillförlitligheten utvärderades med en mall för bedömning av den sammanvägda tillförlitligheten i systematiska översikter.  Resultat: Hälften av studierna (4/8) visade en signifikant bättre prestation hos gruppen som värmde upp jämfört med kontrollgruppen. Samtliga studier bedömdes ha hög kvalitet och låg risk för snedvridning. Vid bedömning av studiernas sammanvägda tillförlitlighet blev resultatet att tillförlitligheten var mycket låg.  Konklusion: Utifrån det sammanvägda resultatet kan det inte med säkerhet sägas att uppvärmning har en effekt på prestationen och därmed osäkert om uppvärmning inför uthållighetsidrott ur ett prestationsperspektiv behövs. Vidare forskning rekommenderas för att studera om och i så fall hur idrottare ska värma upp för att kunna maximera sin prestation. / Background: Currently, there is evidence that warming up has a positive impact on performance in strength training, and it also has a preventive effect on injuries in both strength training and endurance exercise. However, there is a lack of evidence regarding the impact of warm-up on performance in endurance sports. This information is valuable for physiotherapists as they encounter patients engaged in various forms of endurance sports at different levels. Physiotherapists are often part of the support staff for elite athletes. With this information, there is a need for physiotherapists to provide clear advice aimed at enhancing athletes' performance. Purpose: To compile the current state of evidence regarding whether warm-up has any effect on performance in endurance sports. Design: Systematic review   Method: Systematic searches were conducted in the PubMed database and reviewed based on the selection criteria. Eight studies were included and assessed using PEDro scale to determine the risk of bias. The overall reliability was evaluated using a template for assessing the cumulative reliability in systematic reviews. Results: Half of the studies (4/8) demonstrated a significantly better performance in the group that warmed up compared to the control group. All articles were assessed to be of high quality with low risk of bias. However, when assessing the overall reliability of the articles, the result indicated that the reliability was very low. Conclusion: Based on the combined results, it cannot be concluded that warm-up influences outcome measures, and thus, it is uncertain whether warm-up before endurance sports is needed from a performance perspective. Further research is recommended to more clearly delineate how endurance athletes should warm up to maximize their performance.

Advanced Control Strategies for Diesel Engine Thermal Management and Class 8 Truck Platooning

John Foster (9179864) 29 July 2020 (has links)
<div> <div> <div> <p>Commercial vehicles in the United States account for a significant fraction of greenhouse gas emissions and NOx emissions. The objectives of this work are reduction in commercial vehicle NOx emissions through enhanced aftertreatment thermal management via diesel engine variable valve actuation and the reduction of commercial vehicle fuel consumption/GHG emissions by enabling more effective class 8 truck platooning. </p> <p><br></p><p>First, a novel diesel engine aftertreatment thermal management strategy is proposed which utilizes a 2-stroke breathing variable value actuation strategy to increase the mass flow rate of exhaust gas. Experiments showed that when allowed to operate with modestly higher engine-out emissions, temperatures comparable to baseline could be achieved with a 1.75x exhaust mass flow rate, which could be beneficial for heating the SCR catalyst in a cold-start scenario. </p> <p><br></p><p>Second, a methodology is presented for characterizing aerodynamic drag coefficients of platooning trucks using experimental track-test data, which allowed for the development of high-fidelity platoon simulations and thereby enabled rapid development of advanced platoon controllers. Single truck and platoon drag coefficients were calculated for late model year Peterbilt 579’s based on experimental data collected during J1321 fuel economy tests for a two-truck platoon at 65 mph with a 55’ truck gap. Results show drag coefficients of 0.53, 0.50, and 0.45 for a single truck, a platoon front truck, and a platoon rear truck, respectively. </p> <p><br></p><p>Finally, a PID-based platoon controller is presented for maximizing fuel savings and gap control on hilly terrain using a dynamically-variable platoon gap. The controller was vetted in simulation and demonstrated on a vehicle in closed-course functionality testing. Simulations show that the controller is capable of 6-9% rear truck fuel savings on a heavily-graded route compared to a production-intent platoon controller, while increasing control over the truck gap to discourage other vehicles from cutting in. </p></div></div></div>

Processor design-space exploration through fast simulation / Exploration de l'espace de conception de processeurs via simulation accélérée

Khan, Taj Muhammad 12 May 2011 (has links)
Nous nous focalisons sur l'échantillonnage comme une technique de simulation pour réduire le temps de simulation. L'échantillonnage est basé sur le fait que l'exécution d'un programme est composée des parties du code qui se répètent, les phases. D'où vient l'observation que l'on peut éviter la simulation entière d'un programme et simuler chaque phase juste une fois et à partir de leurs performances calculer la performance du programme entier. Deux questions importantes se lèvent: quelles parties du programme doit-on simuler? Et comment restaurer l'état du système avant chaque simulation? Pour répondre à la première question, il existe deux solutions: une qui analyse l'exécution du programme en termes de phases et choisit de simuler chaque phase une fois, l'échantillonnage représentatif, et une deuxième qui prône de choisir les échantillons aléatoirement, l'échantillonnage statistique. Pour répondre à la deuxième question de la restauration de l'état du système, des techniques ont été développées récemment qui restaurent l'état (chauffent) du système en fonction des besoins du bout du code simulé (adaptativement). Les techniques des choix des échantillons ignorent complètement les mécanismes de chauffage du système ou proposent des alternatives qui demandent beaucoup de modification du simulateur et les techniques adaptatives du chauffage ne sont pas compatibles avec la plupart des techniques d'échantillonnage. Au sein de cette thèse nous nous focalisons sur le fait de réconcilier les techniques d'échantillonnage avec celles du chauffage adaptatif pour développer un mécanisme qui soit à la fois facile à utiliser, précis dans ses résultats, et soit transparent à l'utilisateur. Nous avons prit l'échantillonnage représentatif et statistique et modifié les techniques adaptatives du chauffage pour les rendre compatibles avec ces premiers dans un seul mécanisme. Nous avons pu montrer que les techniques adaptatives du chauffage peuvent être employées dans l'échantillonnage. Nos résultats sont comparables avec l'état de l'art en terme de précision mais en débarrassant l'utilisateur des problèmes du chauffage et en lui cachant les détails de la simulation, nous rendons le processus plus facile. On a aussi constaté que l'échantillonnage statistique donne des résultats meilleurs que l'échantillonnage représentatif / Simulation is a vital tool used by architects to develop new architectures. However, because of the complexity of modern architectures and the length of recent benchmarks, detailed simulation of programs can take extremely long times. This impedes the exploration of processor design space which the architects need to do to find the optimal configuration of processor parameters. Sampling is one technique which reduces the simulation time without adversely affecting the accuracy of the results. Yet, most sampling techniques either ignore the warm-up issue or require significant development effort on the part of the user.In this thesis we tackle the problem of reconciling state-of-the-art warm-up techniques and the latest sampling mechanisms with the triple objective of keeping the user effort minimum, achieving good accuracy and being agnostic to software and hardware changes. We show that both the representative and statistical sampling techniques can be adapted to use warm-up mechanisms which can accommodate the underlying architecture's warm-up requirements on-the-fly. We present the experimental results which show an accuracy and speed comparable to latest research. Also, we leverage statistical calculations to provide an estimate of the robustness of the final results.

Aménagement de la zone littorale européenne et ses problèmes environnementaux : pour une nouvelle typologie / Management of the European coastal area and its environmental problems

Nassica, Catherine 24 June 2015 (has links)
Le présent travail essaye de démontrer que le littoral, à l’échelle du temps, est un domaine d’appropriation multiple par les sociétés. Il l’établit en trois étapes : définition de l’entité « littoral », prise en considération de l’eau dans l’aménagement et empreinte humaine néfaste. Il considère le littoral tel un organisme riche en vie et une interface entre les mondes terrestre et maritime. Il utilise les approches multiscalaire et géométrique pour appréhender l’hétérogénéité morphologique, la diversité biologique et la dimension spatiale. Il quantifie et qualifie, afin de caractériser les phénomènes naturels et les événements induits et afin d’énoncer une dominante révélatrice, l’eau, qui est à prendre en considération dans un aménagement respectueux de l’environnement littoral. Il analyse et synthétise les données des quatre terrains sélectionnés, fait émerger les spécificités et les problèmes environnementaux et recherche un état d’équilibre par une mise en valeur de la dynamique endogène. Il expose la relation diachronique de l’homme avec ces milieux et la prise de conscience a posteriori de la communauté scientifique sur le devenir des territoires littoraux, face aux nouvelles conditions climatiques. L’objectif de cette thèse est de mettre en évidence l’utilisation optimale de la ressource « littoral » et de révéler ses potentialités plurielles en vue d’un développement durable, où l’aménagement est la clé de voûte d’un nouveau modèle d’organisation bio–spatio–temporelle (BST). Cette approche holistique introduit la politique adaptative et la conscience collective, en vue d’un aménagement évolutif et d’une moralisation des usages du littoral et du 6ème continent. / This work tries to demonstrate, on the time scale, that the littoral is a domain of multiple appropriations by the human societies. It is made up of three stages: the definition of the « coast » entity, the water consideration in the management and the negative human influences. It considers the coast as a lifelike organism and an interface between land and sea worlds. It uses the multistage and geometrical approach to apprehend the morphological heterogeneity, the biological diversity and the spatial dimension. It quantifies and qualifies to characterize the natural phenomenon and the induced events by human beings and to announce the importance of the water, which has to be considered into a respectful management of the coastal environment. It analyzes and synthesizes the data from four selected sites, it brings out the specificities and the environmental problems and looking for a steady state by an enhancement of endogenous dynamics. It describes the diachronic relationship of man with this environment of transition and the awareness subsequent of the scientific community on the future of the coastal areas, face to new climatic conditions. The aim of this thesis is to prove the optimized use of « coast » resource and to valorize its plural potentialities for a sustainable development, where the management is the keystone of a new model, the bio-spatial-temporal (BST) organization. This holistic approach introduces the adaptive politics and the collective consciousness, for an evolutionary management and for a moralization of coast and of 6th continent use.

Vliv dynamického strečinku na výslednou dynamiku dolních končetin u volejbalistů / Influence of dynamic stretching on the resulting dynamics of lower extremities in volleybal

Hons, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
Title: Influence of dynamic stretching on the resulting dynamics of lower extremities in volleyball Objectives: The aim of this work was to find out if there is a correlation between long term dynamic stretching and muscle dynamics of lower limbs of volleyball players. Methods: Theoretical part is based on foreign literature and researches. To gain the necessary data, experimental study was created. It contained 10 male probands in the age of 16-19. In the beginning of the experiment, all the participants attended the Bosco test at the biomedical lab at UK FTVS. The main parameter was the total flight time of the entire 60 seconds. After that participants attended 8 weeks of 2 times a week of dynamic stretching before the training instead of their usual stretching stereotype. Immediately after those 8 weeks, second Bosco testing took place and the comparison of the data of the whole group and individuals was made from the view of their volleyball posts. Results: There was a slight improvement in all the data at the whole group and significant improvement in anaerobic endurance. After comparing of the results of all the probands no significant differences between the probands from the perspective of player's volleyball posts. Keywords: volleyball, stretching, static stretching, dynamic stretching,...

Акутни ефекти различитих садржаја уводно-припремног дела тренинга на моторичке способности и неуромишићну адаптацију кошаркаша / Akutni efekti različitih sadržaja uvodno-pripremnog dela treninga na motoričke sposobnosti i neuromišićnu adaptaciju košarkaša / Acute Effects of Different Types of Warm-up and Stretching on Motor Abilities and Neuromuscular Adaptation of Basketball Players

Stevanović Vuk 06 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Циљ рада: Циљ истраживања је да се утврди разлика у акутним ефектима статичког (СИ) и динамичког истезања (ДИ), у комбинацији са специфичним кошаркашким загревањем (СКЗ), на флексибилност, експлозивну снагу ногу, брзину, агилност и неуромишићну адаптацију кошаркаша јуниорског узраста.</p><p>Методе: Истраживање у оквиру ове докторске тезе су чинила два одвојена експеримента, један спроведен у теренским условима, и други спроведен у лабораторијским. Оба су била &bdquo;cross-over&ldquo; дизајна. У теренском експерименту је учествовало 46 кошаркаша (узраста 17&plusmn;0,83 година), док је у лабораторијском учествовало 12 (узраста 17,7&plusmn;0,49 година). У теренском експерименту су тестиране четири моторичке способности. За процену флексибилности коришћен је тест досезања у седећем претклону, експлозивна снага ногу је процењивана уз помоћ вертикалног скока са контактне плоче, брзина трчањем на 20 метара, док је Т тест коришћен за процену агилности. У лабораторијском експерименту је као мера неурофизиолошке адаптације коришћена промена ексцитабилности &alpha;-мотонеурона, која је представљена као однос Хофмановог (Х) рефлекса и М таласа (Х/М). За њихово одређивање се користио Medelec ST-10 стимулатор (Medelec, Old Woking, UK). Површинске електромиографске електроде су биле постављене на унутрашњој глави m.gastrocnemius-a одскочне ноге, применом тзв. &bdquo;belly-tendon&ldquo; монтаже. Као третмани, у оба експеримента су коришћени протокол статичког и протокол динамичког истезања, уз комбинацију са специфичним кошаркашким загревањем. Мерења су се у оба експеримента изводила у 3 временске тачке и то пре протокола истезања, одмах након протокола истезања (а пре специфичног кошаркашког загревања) и одмах након специфичног кошаркашког загревања.</p><p>Резултати: Резултати истраживања показују да постоје одређене разлике акутних ефеката комбинација протокола СИ+СКЗ и ДИ+СКЗ. Комбинација протокола СИ+СКЗ је повољније утицала на експлозивну снагу ногу и на агилност кошаркаша јуниорског узраста. Ефекти обе комбинације протокола су били готово идентични на флексибилност, а разлика је изостала и у ефектима на брзину, иако је пре СКЗ био&nbsp;уочљив негативан ефекат СИ. Однос Х/М се значајно разликовао одмах након истезања, када је СИ значајно оборило однос, али су се те разлике изгубиле након примене СКЗ.</p><p>Закључак: Посматрајући ефекте комбинације протокола СИ+СКЗ и ДИ+СКЗ на моторичке способности и неуромишићну адаптацију кошаркаша јуниорског узраста, може се закључити да је примена СИ+СКЗ препоручљивија у свакодневном тренингу и такмичењу.</p> / <p>Cilj rada: Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi razlika u akutnim efektima statičkog (SI) i dinamičkog istezanja (DI), u kombinaciji sa specifičnim košarkaškim zagrevanjem (SKZ), na fleksibilnost, eksplozivnu snagu nogu, brzinu, agilnost i neuromišićnu adaptaciju košarkaša juniorskog uzrasta.</p><p>Metode: Istraživanje u okviru ove doktorske teze su činila dva odvojena eksperimenta, jedan sproveden u terenskim uslovima, i drugi sproveden u laboratorijskim. Oba su bila &bdquo;cross-over&ldquo; dizajna. U terenskom eksperimentu je učestvovalo 46 košarkaša (uzrasta 17&plusmn;0,83 godina), dok je u laboratorijskom učestvovalo 12 (uzrasta 17,7&plusmn;0,49 godina). U terenskom eksperimentu su testirane četiri motoričke sposobnosti. Za procenu fleksibilnosti korišćen je test dosezanja u sedećem pretklonu, eksplozivna snaga nogu je procenjivana uz pomoć vertikalnog skoka sa kontaktne ploče, brzina trčanjem na 20 metara, dok je T test korišćen za procenu agilnosti. U laboratorijskom eksperimentu je kao mera neurofiziološke adaptacije korišćena promena ekscitabilnosti &alpha;-motoneurona, koja je predstavljena kao odnos Hofmanovog (H) refleksa i M talasa (H/M). Za njihovo određivanje se koristio Medelec ST-10 stimulator (Medelec, Old Woking, UK). Površinske elektromiografske elektrode su bile postavljene na unutrašnjoj glavi m.gastrocnemius-a odskočne noge, primenom tzv. &bdquo;belly-tendon&ldquo; montaže. Kao tretmani, u oba eksperimenta su korišćeni protokol statičkog i protokol dinamičkog istezanja, uz kombinaciju sa specifičnim košarkaškim zagrevanjem. Merenja su se u oba eksperimenta izvodila u 3 vremenske tačke i to pre protokola istezanja, odmah nakon protokola istezanja (a pre specifičnog košarkaškog zagrevanja) i odmah nakon specifičnog košarkaškog zagrevanja.</p><p>Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoje određene razlike akutnih efekata kombinacija protokola SI+SKZ i DI+SKZ. Kombinacija protokola SI+SKZ je povoljnije uticala na eksplozivnu snagu nogu i na agilnost košarkaša juniorskog uzrasta. Efekti obe kombinacije protokola su bili gotovo identični na fleksibilnost, a razlika je izostala i u efektima na brzinu, iako je pre SKZ bio&nbsp;uočljiv negativan efekat SI. Odnos H/M se značajno razlikovao odmah nakon istezanja, kada je SI značajno oborilo odnos, ali su se te razlike izgubile nakon primene SKZ.</p><p>Zaključak: Posmatrajući efekte kombinacije protokola SI+SKZ i DI+SKZ na motoričke sposobnosti i neuromišićnu adaptaciju košarkaša juniorskog uzrasta, može se zaključiti da je primena SI+SKZ preporučljivija u svakodnevnom treningu i takmičenju.</p> / <p>Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the difference of acute effects of static stretching (SS) and dynamic stretching (DS), in combination with specific basketball warm-up (SBWU), on flexibility, explosive leg strength, speed, agility and neuromuscular adaptation of basketball players U18.</p><p>Methods: This study consisted of two separated experiments, first in field conditions, and second conducted in laboratory. Both had &bdquo;cross-over&ldquo; design. Forty-six basketball players (age: 17&plusmn;0,83 years) participated in field experiment, while twelve participated in laboratory experiment (age 17,7&plusmn;0,49 years). In field experiment, four motor abilities were tested. Seat and rech test was used for the evaluation of flexibility, explosive leg strength was evaluated by vertical jump from contact plate, speed by 20m run, and T test was used for agility testing. In laboratory experiment, the excitability of &alpha;-motoneuron was taken for the evaluation of neuromuscular adaptation. It is presented as a ratio of the maximal amplitudes of Hoffman (H) reflex and M wave (H/M). For their determining we used Medelec ST-10 stimulator (Medelec, Old Woking, UK). Surface electromyographic (EMG) electrodes were placed over the m.gastrocnemius medialis, and Achilles tendon, in a &bdquo;belly-tendon&ldquo; montage. In both experiments, SS protocol and DS protocol, in the combination with SBWU, were used as a treatment. Measures were taken in 3 time points: before the stretching, immediately after stretching (and before SBWU) and immediately after the SBWU.</p><p>Results: Results of this study showed that there are certain differences in acute effects of combination of protocols SS+SBWU and DS+SBWU. Combination of protocols SS+SBWU had more positive influence on explosive leg strength and agility of U18 basketball players. The effects of both protocols were almost the same on flexibility, and there was no noticeable difference in effects on speed, although before SBWU there was significant negative of SS. Immediately after the stretching there was significant difference in H/M ratio, it was significantly lower after the SS, but after the application of SBWU, differences disappeared.<br />&nbsp;<br />Conlcusion: Regarding the effects of SS+SBWU and DS+SBWU protocols on motor abilities and neuromuscular adaptation of U18 basketball players, it could be concluded that the use of SS+SBWU is more preferrable in everyday practice and competition.</p>

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