Spelling suggestions: "subject:"weaponry"" "subject:"deaconry""
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Militaria à Lugdunum : étude de l'armement et de l'équipement militaire d'époque romaine à Lyon (1er s. av.-IVe s. apr. J.-C.) / Militaria in Lugdunum : a study of the roman weaponry and military equipment in Lyon (1st century BC- 4th century AD).Guillaud, Lucas 12 April 2017 (has links)
En tant que colonie romaine, capitale administrative de la province de Lyonnaise, la ville de Lugdunum tisse depuis ses origines des liens étroits avec l’exercitus romanus. Impliquée directement, et à plusieurs reprises, dans des conflits militaires de grande ampleur, elle est la seule ville de Gaule à avoir accueilli une cohorte urbaine, dont l’existence est attestée par les sources écrites comme par les inscriptions funéraires. Face à ces témoignages, et à défaut de découvertes récentes, l’archéologie, jusqu’ici peu prise en compte, apparaît comme une source complémentaire de poids pour comprendre les modalités de la présence et de l’occupation militaire de Lugdunum. Le développement récent de l’archéologie programmée et préventive a favorisé la collecte d’un mobilier toujours plus abondant. Parmi les ensembles d’instrumentum recueillis, certains objets, appelés militaria, relèvent de la sphère militaire. Le travail exposé au sein de cette thèse se propose donc de traiter de la question de la présence militaire romaine à Lugdunum à travers le prisme de ces artefacts archéologiques. L’étude proposée s’appuie sur un corpus de de 496 fragments pour 337 objets, répartis sur quarante sites disséminés sur le territoire de la colonie romaine et ses abords proches. Chaque artefact fait l’objet d’une étude exhaustive selon les catégories fonctionnelles en usage (armement offensif et défensif, ceintures/baudrier, harnachement, autres). Une discussion d’ordre technologique, typologique et chronologique est proposée pour chacun d’eux, sur la base des comparaisons observées à l’échelle du monde romain. A l’appui des données collectées, une discussion d’ordre quantitative, spatiale et contextuelle est engagée ainsi qu’une réflexion sur une éventuelle production artisanale de certaines catégories d’armement et d’équipement militaire à Lugdunum. Les résultats de l’étude servent de point d’appui pour un discours élargi sur la présence militaire romaine à Lyon entre le Ier et le IVe s. apr. J.-C. La confrontation des données archéologiques, historiques et épigraphiques permet de proposer plusieurs hypothèses sur la nature de l’occupation militaire de Lugdunum, sur son évolution et sa densité mais aussi son intégration au tissu urbain de la colonie de droit romain. / As a roman colony and administrative capital of the Gaul Lyonnaise province, the city of Lugdunum entwines, since its origins, direct links with the exercitus romanus. This city was entangled directly and often in major military conflicts. Furthermore, it was the only settlement in Gaul to welcome a roman cohort, whose existence is confirmed by written sources such as funerary inscriptions. Taking into account these evidences, and lacking of recent findings, Archeology, lightly valued till now, appears as a great important source to understand the procedures of the military presence and occupation in Lugdunum. Recentdevelopments in both rescue and voluntary Archeology, favored the assemblage of a great number of collections. Among the gathered sets of instrumentum, certain objects arise mainly from the military sphere, the militaria.The work set out at the center of this thesis enables to approach the interpretation of the roman military presence in Lugdunum through the perspective of these archeological artifacts. The present study relies on a militaria corpus of 496 fragments to 337 objects, diffused over forty sites, scattered on the territory of the roman colony and its outskirts. Each artifact wassubjected to a thorough research, according to the classifications in use: defensive and offensive armament, belts, straps, harness and others. A technological, typological and chronological analysis is proposed for each one of them, based on the fieldwork observed at the scale of the roman world. After analyzing the data collected, conclusions about space, context and quantity can be established, as well as the notion of a possible craft-related production of certain types of military weaponry and equipment in Lugdunum.The results of this study provide a support for a broader discussion, as it concerns the roman military occupation in Lyon between the 1st century BC and the 4th century AD. The combination of the archaeological, historical and epigraphical data allows several hypothesis on the nature of the military establishment in Lugdunum, but also on its evolution, density andits role on the urban network of the colony of roman law.
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Traces d'utilisations et mutilations sur les armes laténiennes : l'exemple des armes du site de La Tène conservées au Laténium / Use-Wear weapons on La Tène weapons : the example of LaténiumReich, Guillaume 29 June 2018 (has links)
La principale collection d’armes du site de La Tène (armes de poing, d’hast, de jet, boucliers) est étudiée sous l’angle de la tracéologie. Les armes du Laténium sont dans l’ensemble bien préservées du fait de l’anaérobie, parfois recouvertes d’une simple patine. L’approche de cette thèse de doctorat est basée sur un croisement disciplinaire entre l’analyse typo-chronologique, l’archéologie expérimentale, « l’ethno-archéologie » et les sciences forensiques. Est-ce possible, à compter de traces visibles sur les objets de La Tène, mais également sur d’autres sites laténiens, d’interpréter les traces de destructions sur les armes ? Ces dernières sont-elles plutôt imputables à des actes rituels volontaires ou faut-il y voir les résultats accidentels de combats ? Il ne s’agit pas ici de trancher définitivement l’épineuse question de la fonction du site de La Tène, mais d’apporter quelques pistes de réflexion sur l’interprétation de ce « gisement » énigmatique (sanctuaire, trophée militaire,…). / The weapons from the main collection from La Tène (impact and thrusting weapons, lances, projectiles/throwing spears, shields) have been analysed for use-wear. Due to the anaerobic conditions, the pieces at the Laténium are largely well preserved, with many bearing a simple patina. This PhD thesis combines chronotypology, experimental archaeology, «ethnoarchaeology» and forensics to answer the following question : is it possible by examining the traces visible on the objects from La Tène and other sites to as certain whether the weapons were put beyond use deliberately, as part of a ritual, or did it occur during combat ? The objective is not to deduce the function of the enigmatic site (sanctuary, monument to a military victory,…) but to find ways of interpreting it.
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Causas e consequências da poliandria / Causes and consequences of polyandrySantana, Erika M. 06 September 2018 (has links)
De acordo com o paradigma Darwin-Bateman, fêmeas não ganham benefícios em copular com múltiplos machos (i.e., poliandria), dado que seu sucesso reprodutivo depende principalmente da qualidade dos seus parceiros sexuais. Porém, a poliandria é um comportamento amplamente encontrado nas espécies com reprodução sexuada. O objetivo central desta tese foi explorar as possíveis causas e consequências da poliandria. No Capítulo 1, utilizamos experimentos em laboratório para investigar como a experiência social antes e depois da maturação influencia o grau de poliandria. A espécie estudada foi o grilo australiano Teleogryllus commodus, para a qual o ambiente acústico antes da maturação determina o comportamento reprodutivo das fêmeas após a maturação. Nossos resultados mostram que o grau de poliandria não varia entre fêmeas criadas em dois ambientes acústicos distintos, um composto por machos de qualidade variada (QV) e outro composto por machos de alta qualidade (AQ). As fêmeas do grupo AQ foram menos responsivas aos machos de alta qualidade e aceitaram machos independentemente de sua qualidade, um padrão diferente daquele encontrado para as fêmeas do grupo QV. Quando a qualidade média dos machos encontrados pelas fêmeas do grupo QV foi baixa, o número total de machos aceitos foi baixo, porém quando a qualidade média dos machos foi alta, o número de machos aceitos foi alto. Portanto, há uma interação entre a experiência social antes e após a maturação na determinação do grau de poliandria. No Capítulo 2, utilizamos métodos comparativos para testar se o risco de competição espermática promovido pela poliandria determina a evolução de características masculinas relacionadas à monopolização de fêmeas. Nosso modelo de estudo foram rãs da subfamília Leptodactylinae, cujas espécies podem depositar ovos na água (onde o risco de competição espermática é alto) ou dentro de tocas na terra (onde o risco de competição espermática é baixo). Encontramos que há correlação entre o tipo de local de reprodução (aquático x terrestre) e quatro características masculinas relacionadas à monopolização de fêmeas. Nossos resultados provêem uma relação causal entre características dos machos e a reprodução terrestre, mas os padrões encontrados nem sempre seguiram as previsões propostas pela hipótese de que o risco de competição espermática é menor em espécies com reprodução terrestre. Tais resultados sugerem que as pressões seletivas que agem nas quatro características masculinas exploradas aqui não são as mesmas, provavelmente devido a diferenças nas funções que cada característica tem durante as interações inter- e intra-sexuais. Ao fim desta tese, fornecemos evidências de uma nova causa da poliandria, além de mostrarmos as consequências da poliandria sobre a evolução de características dos machos / According to the Darwin-Bateman paradigm, females derive no benefit from multiple mating (i.e., polyandry) and their reproductive success is mainly influenced by the quality of their partners. However, there is increasing evidence that polyandry is ubiquitous across many animal groups. The main goal of this thesis was to explore possible causes and consequences of polyandry. In Chapter 1, we conducted an experiment to investigate how the social experience pre- and post-maturity influences the degree of polyandry. We studied the Australian cricket Teleogryllus commodus, for which we know that the acoustic environment prior to maturity alters female reproductive behavior after maturity. We found that the degree of polyandry did not differ between females reared in two acoustic environments, one composed of varied-quality (VQ) males and other composed of only high-quality (HQ) males. However, whereas females from the HQ group were less responsive to high quality male calls, accepting males regardless of their quality, females from the VQ group showed a different response. When the mean male quality experienced by a female from the VQ group was low, the total number of accepted males was low, and when the mean male quality was high, the total number of accepted males was high. Thus, the social experience pre- and post-maturation interact to determine the degree of polyandry in females of the Australian cricket. In Chapter 2, we used comparative methods to test if the risk of sperm competition promoted by polyandry drives the evolution of male traits related to female monopolization. We studied frogs of the subfamily Leptodactylinae, which lay eggs either on the water (where sperm competition risk is high) or inside terrestrial burrows (where sperm competition risk is low). We found evidence of an evolutionary correlation between the type breeding site (aquatic x terrestrial) and four male traits related to female monopolization. Our study creates a causal link between male traits and terrestrial reproduction, but the patterns not always followed the hypothesis that sperm competition risk is lower in terrestrial breeders. This finding suggests that the selective pressure acting on male traits is not the same, probably because they have different functions during inter- and intrasexual interactions. In conclusion, we provide evidence of a new cause of polyandry and show that polyandry may have consequences for the evolution of weaponry traits in males
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Des guerriers au contact : transferts de technologie et évolutions tactiques en Europe occidentale du IIIème au Ier s. a.C. / Warriors in touch, technology transfers and tactical evolutions in Western Europe from IIIrd to Ist c. B.C.Bertaud, Alexandre 20 February 2017 (has links)
Durant les derniers siècles avant notre ère, les sociétés protohistoriques d’Europe occidentale sont successivement aux prises avec les grandes puissances méditerranéennes. Cette proximité a pu engendrer des modifications de l’armement qui sont souvent analysées dans une optique bilatérale, entre une population et Rome. Nous proposons une étude des interactions guerrières en Europe occidentale qui ne se contente pas d’analyser les échanges entre puissances méditerranéennes et populations protohistoriques mais qui prend en compte l’ensemble des armes échangées et qui essaye d’en déterminer les mécaniques. Après avoir introduit les grands groupes culturels présents dans la zone étudiée et discuté des principaux apports historiographiques, nous proposons de déterminer la place de l’armement dans les sociétés protohistoriques. En nous fondant sur une documentation abondante des contextes de découvertes fiables (environ 900), nous proposons d’analyser les dynamiques socio-culturelles inhérentes à chaque société dans leurs rapports à la guerre. Ce rapport des sociétés au fait guerrier est observé dans le temps : les modifications de ce rapport peuvent être liées à des changements propres aux groupes protohistoriques ou peuvent être mises en lien avec des bouleversements imposés par Rome. En analysant un corpus abondant d’armes (plus de 3500), nous pouvons mettre en évidence des choix particuliers à chaque groupe culturel mais également des emprunts et des adoptions. Les techniques de combats jouent un rôle essentiel dans les choix d’adopter ou non certaines armes. Cette analyse nous pousse à proposer de nouveaux moyens d’appréhender certaines problématiques depuis longtemps débattues comme le cas du glaive romain. Traiter des interactions guerrières en Europe occidentale implique d’analyser une grande variabilité de données. Ces analyses permettent de resituer plus précisément la place du fait guerrier dans les sociétés protohistoriques et de comprendre les moteurs des échanges d’armes. Elles permettent également de rendre compte et de relativiser l’impact de Rome dans le rapport des sociétés protohistoriques à la guerre ainsi que des techniques de combats des populations protohistoriques dans le système militaire romain. / During the last centuries BC, late prehistorical societies were struggled against great Mediterranean Powers. With this proximity, some weapon modifications has been seen as a one way exchange: between one people and Rome. We want to study the warfare interactions in Western Europe in a large range of possibility by the analyses of all the warlike artefacts exchanged without focusing on the Mediterranean Powers against the prehistorical peoples. Through this we can understand the warfare interactions mechanisms. Introducing the main cultural groups and discussing the history of weaponry research, we propose to understand the place of the weapon in the late prehistorical societies. Through the trustworthy discovery contexts (around 900), we want to understand the socio-cultural dynamics of each group in relation to warfare behavior. This relation will be seen during the long time to approach the modifications that are strictly from the prehistorical people or that are deliberate conducted by Rome. Through analyses of several weapons (more than 3500), we can highlight the choices of each cultural group and the adoptions. The fighting techniques are essential in the choices to adopt some weapons. This analyses leads us to propose some new ways to think about ancient issues as the roman gladius. We must use several kind of data to apprehend the warfare interaction in Western Europe. These analyses are useful to understand the warlike behavior in the societies and so the mechanics of weapon exchanges. They also permit to realize and relativize the impact of Rome, as in the rapport of the prehistorical societies to warfare, as the fighting techniques in the roman military system.
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Weapons, warfare and skeleton injuries during the Iron Age in the Ancient Near EastPretorius, Johan 06 1900 (has links)
Due to the nature of war, persons are killed with various types of weapons.
Throughout the history of humanity, weapons were used in this regard and these
weapons left injuries on the victims that are distinguishable. The type of force
conveyed by the ancient weapons effected injuries that enable modern-day
bioarchaeologists to extrapolate which weapons caused which injuries. The
Assyrians depicted their wars and battles on reliefs. An analysis of these depictions,
with an extrapolation of the lesions expected in skeletal remains, could contribute to
better understanding of the strategies of war in ancient times. This dissertation will
discuss how the evaluation of human remains in comparison to Assyrian reliefs may
contribute to the chronological knowledge of war and warfare in the Iron Age Ancient
Near East – especially at Lachish. A discourse of the approaches available to
researchers regarding access to data in the forensic bioarchaeological field will be
presented. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Biblical Archaeology)
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