Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wellbeing."" "subject:"well·being.""
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Impactos potenciais da mudança climática no desenvolvimento humano : uma análise baseada na abordagem das capacitaçõesCorrea Macana, Esmeralda January 2008 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta dissertação é analisar como a mudança climática pode afetar o processo de desenvolvimento humano. Com esse objetivo, procurou-se identificar, caracterizar e sistematizar os impactos potenciais da mudança climática em dimensões relevantes do desenvolvimento humano, tais como: saúde, educação, meios de subsistência, segurança, valores culturais e relações sociais. O trabalho propõe uma estrutura analítica na qual se identificam relações diretas e indiretas entre os componentes climáticos e do bem-estar humano e definem-se mecanismos que interligam as duas áreas, sendo estes os recursos naturais de água, solo e biodiversidade, assim como os serviços dos ecossistemas. A análise realizada não foi restrita à realidade de um país, ao invés, foram associados elementos tendo em conta as evidências em nível global. O estudo foi baseado na abordagem de desenvolvimento humano fundamentada por Amartya Sen, a qual permitiu considerar um conjunto amplo de dimensões na avaliação do bem-estar, abrangendo as diversas formas em que as pessoas são e podem ser privadas de desfrutar uma vida que eles valoram devido à mudança climática. Através da estrutura analítica proposta neste trabalho e na investigação sistemática de dois corpos de literatura (respectivamente ambiental e de desenvolvimento humano), foi possível constatar que o processo de desenvolvimento humano está determinado pela expansão de aspectos multidimensionais, como funcionamento e capacitações, bem como meios e intitulamentos que podem aumentar ou diminuir dependendo a relação com os sistemas do meio ambiente, em especial, do sistema climático. As evidências analisadas demonstraram como as alterações do clima constituem um risco latente para o retrocesso do desenvolvimento humano e ampliação das privações humanas em todo o mundo, com desproporcionais efeitos em países pobres e em desenvolvimento. Por um lado, os choques climáticos ameaçam em diferentes caminhos (direta e indiretamente) os funcionamentos e capacitações das pessoas, como a saúde, a educação, os valores culturais e as relações sociais. Por outro lado, os choques climáticos restringem o desenvolvimento humano ao afetar e limitar os "meios e intitulamentos" necessários para o sustento das pessoas, através da redução da quantidade e qualidade da água, da produção agrícola, da alteração de atividades de pesca, redução de rendimentos econômicos, entre outras formas. Os maiores impactos são em áreas rurais, as quais concentram maior proporção de pobres. O exame de impactos levou em conta a interação com aspectos de vulnerabilidade pré-existente de cada país ou região, relacionados com a exposição definida pela localização geográfica, a sensibilidade de acordo com a dependência na agricultura e nos serviços dos ecossistemas e a capacidade de adaptação determinada por aspectos sociais, econômicos, institucionais, políticos e dotação dos recursos naturais. / The main aim of this dissertation is to examine how climate change can affect the process of human development. In particular, it tries to identify, characterize and classify the potential impacts of climate change on relevant dimensions of human development, such as health, education, livelihoods, security, cultural values and social relations. The dissertation proposes an analytical structure in which it delves into direct and indirect relations between the components of the climate and well being, and set up mechanisms that link the two areas, which are the natural resources of water, soil and biodiversity as well as the ecosystem services. The analysis was not restricted to the particular realities of a given country, in contrast, it focused on evidence at a global level. This study is based on the vision of human development as characterized by the work of Amartya Sen, which enabled us to consider a wide range of dimensions in the assessment of well being, covering the various ways in which people are and can be deprived of enjoying a life that they value due to climate change. Through the analytical framework proposed in this paper and the systematic investigation of two bodies of literature (the environmental and human development), it was possible to see that the process of human development is determined by the expansion of multidimensional aspects, such as functionings and capabilities, as well as means and entitlements that may increase or decrease depending on the relation with the environment, especially the climate system. The analysis showed evidence such as that climate change is a latent risk to the setback of human development and expansion of human deprivation in the world, with disproportionate effect on poor and developing countries. The climatic shocks threaten in different ways (directly and indirectly) the functionings and capabilities of individuals, such as health, education, cultural values and social relations. Moreover, the climatic shocks restrict human development to affect and limit the "means and entitlements" necessary for the sustenance of the people, by reducing the quantity and quality of water, agricultural production, modification of fishing activities, reduction income, among other ways. The largest impacts are in rural areas, which concentrate the largest proportion of poor people. An examination of impacts took into account the interaction with aspects of pre-existing vulnerability of each country or region, associated with exposure defined by geographic location, according to the sensitivity of the dependence on agriculture and ecosystems services and the capacity of adaptation certain by social, economic, institutional, political and status of natural resources.
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Relações da ruminação e reflexão com o bem-estar subjetivo, facetas do neurocitismo e sexoZanon, Cristian January 2009 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar relações entre ruminação e reflexão com sexo, Neuroticismo/ajustamento emocional (vulnerabilidade, desajustamento psicossocial, depressão e ansiedade) e bem-estar subjetivo (BES) (satisfação de vida, afeto positivo e afeto negativo) e testá-las empiricamente. Participaram deste estudo 361 universitários que responderam coletivamente em sala de aula questionários de auto relato. Verificou-se que ruminação está relacionada com afeto negativo, depressão, ansiedade e vulnerabilidade. As implicações teóricas e clínicas destes resultados são discutidos a luz da literatura da área. / The aim of this thesis is to present relationships among rumination and reflection with sex, neuroticism (vulnerability, psychological maladjustment, depression and anxiety) and subjective well-being (SWB) (life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect) and test them empirically. For this, 361 undergraduate students answered self-report questionnaires in groups. The results showed that rumination is related with negative affect, anxiety, depression and vulnerability. Theoretical and clinical implications of these results are discussed.
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Quando o dinheiro compra mais felicidade? : o papel da self-regulation na felicidade de consumidores com experiências e bens materiaisGonçalves, Manuela Albornoz January 2009 (has links)
Estudos anteriores sugeriram que as compras de experiências, tais como viagens e shows, deixam as pessoas mais felizes do que compras materiais, como, por exemplo, roupas e eletrônicos. E, por esta razão, sugerem que as pessoas passem a alocar mais a sua renda discricionária em tais tipos de compra. Entretanto, acredita-se que isto não é verdade para todos os indivíduos. O nível de felicidade com cada tipo de compra, provavelmente, varie de acordo com o estado motivacional das pessoas. À luz da teoria de self-regulation, hipotetizase que a felicidade derivada das compras depende da adequação entre as diferentes orientações motivacionais (prevention x promotion) e o tipo de compra (experiência x material). Em um estudo experimental, manipulou-se o tipo de compra e o regulatory focus, e se descobriu que os participantes com promotion focus, realmente, são mais felizes com as compras de experiência, no entanto, os participantes com prevention focus são tão felizes com as compras materiais quanto com as de experiência. Em um segundo estudo experimental, testou-se como os participantes com diferentes estados motivacionais alocam sua renda discricionária de modo a se sentirem mais felizes. Dado os resultados, sugere-se que os participantes com promotion focus são os que devem melhorar sua forma de investir para ficarem mais felizes, estes sim devem seguir a recomendação à experiência. Ainda, quando o trade-off entre os tipos de compra (experiência e material) estava saliente, os participantes com prevention focus, na seqüência, avaliaram as experiências mais favoravelmente do que quando o trade-off não estava saliente. / Experiential consumption - which is made with the primary intention of acquiring a life experience - usually yields greater happiness than material purchases. However, it might not be true for all individuals. The level of happiness in each type of purchase may vary according to one's motivational state. Building on research on subjective well-being and regulatory focus it is being put forward a hypothesis that happiness derived from purchases depends on the fit between self-regulation (individual differences) and the type of purchase (experiential versus material). In the first experimental study, the regulatory focus (prevention vs. promotion) and type of purchase (experiential vs. material) have been manipulated. The data shows that the promotion-focused participants indeed were happier with the experiential purchases than with the material ones. However, the prevention-focused participants were as happy with the material purchases as with the experiential purchases. In the second experimental study, it has been tested how the participants with different regulatory foci allocate their discretionary income as to feel happier. According to the results, its been suggested that in order to spend their income more judisciously, the promotion-focused participants should choose the experiential form of purchase and the prevention-focused participants should continue to invest in both types of purchases. Further, when the trade-off between the material and experiential purchases was made salient, experiences were subsequently evaluated more favorably than when the trade-off was not salient.
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Escala de bem-estar psicológico : adaptação para o português brasileiro e evidências de validadeMachado, Wagner de Lara January 2010 (has links)
O Bem-estar Psicológico (BEP) é um construto que reflete o funcionamento positivo ou ótimo em nível psicológico. Suas seis dimensões, relações positivas com outros, autonomia, domínio do ambiente, crescimento pessoal, propósito na vida e auto aceitação, emergem da convergência de teorias do desenvolvimento humano, psicologia humanista-existencial e sobre a saúde mental. O objetivo desse estudo foi adaptar e investigar as evidências de validade da Escala de Bem-estar Psicológico (EBEP), e está dividido em três partes. Na primeira, é apresentado o conceito de BEP a partir de uma revisão seletiva da literatura, abordando questões sobre sua origem, o desenvolvimento do conceito, as diferentes abordagens na sua avaliação, e por fim, seus correlatos psicossociais, sociodemográficos e neurobiológicos. A segunda parte descreve o processo de adaptação da EBEP para o português brasileiro, a partir de uma abordagem que incluiu diferentes níveis de análise da adequação dos itens: tradução sintetizada, análise de juízes e avaliação da familiaridade. Por fim, a última parte descreve a validação da EBEP a partir de sua relação com indicadores prévios de bem-estar em nível psicológico, bem como a avaliação do desempenho psicométrico da mesma. Ao todo 346 sujeitos participaram do estudo ao longo de diferentes etapas. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a EBEP, a Escala de Satisfação de Vida, a Escala de Afeto Positivo e Negativo, o Inventário Beck de Depressão (BDI), e o Questionário de dados sociodemográficos. As análises dos dados incluíram estatísticas descritivas, análise multivariada de variância (MANOVA), correlações de Pearson, e medidas de consistência interna através do alpha de Cronbach. Os resultados indicam a validade da EBEP a partir de sua relação com indicadores prévios do bem-estar em nível psicológico. Ainda é constatada a necessidade de estudos n / Psychological Well-being (PWB) is a construct that reflects the positive or optimal functioning in psychological level. Its six dimensions, positive relations with others, autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, purpose in life and self acceptance, emerging from the convergence of human development, humanistic-existential psychology and mental health theories. The aim of this study was to adapt and investigate the validity evidences of the Psychological Well-being Scale (PWBS), and is divided into three parts. At first, we present the concept of PWB from a selective review of the literature, addressing their questions about their origin, development of the concept, the different approaches for their assessment, and ultimately, their psychosocial, sociodemographic, and neurobiological correlates. The second part describes the process of adapting PWBS to Brazilian Portuguese, from an approach that included different levels of items adequacy analysis: synthesized translation, judge’s evaluation and analysis of familiarity. Finally, the last part describes the validation of PWBS from his relationship with previous indicators of well-being in psychological level, as well as evaluating the psychometric performance of this instrument. Altogether 346 subjects participated in the study over different stages. The instruments used were the PWBS, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the Sociodemographic Questionnaire. The data analysis included descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), Pearson´s correlations, and measures of internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha. The results indicate validity evidences of EBEP from his relationship with previous indicators of well-being in psychological level. It is still found the need for studies in Brazil in relation to this construct.
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Understanding Burnout and Self-Regulation Capacity in Canadian Developmental and Elite Sport CoachesMcNeill, Kylie 25 July 2018 (has links)
The overarching aims of this research were to advance knowledge of coach burnout and interventions addressing this syndrome by investigating (a) the associations between burnout, well-being, self-regulation capacity, and perceived stress in coaches, and (b) the perceived impact of a self-regulation intervention implemented with coaches experiencing moderate to high levels of burnout. A sequential mixed methods design was employed to collect quantitative and qualitative data in two separate phases. In Phase 1, an online survey was used to collect cross-sectional quantitative data from a sample of 260 Canadian developmental and elite sport coaches to assess associations between the variables of interest (i.e., burnout, well-being, self-regulation capacity, and perceived stress). Selected based on data from Phase 1, five coaches experiencing moderate to high levels of burnout then participated in a self-regulation intervention in Phase 2, which involved completing a workbook and a reflective journal and participating in a semi-structured intake and outtake interview before and after the intervention, respectively. Four studies were carried out to address the overall aims of this research. Phase 1. The purposes of Study 1 were to identify profiles of psychological functioning within a sample of coaches based on burnout and well-being indices, and investigate whether coaches in these profiles differed in their capacity to self-regulate and their perceptions of stress. Findings of the two-stage cluster analysis revealed that 54% of the coaches were characterized by a “thriving” profile (i.e., relatively low burnout and relatively high well-being), while 14% of the coaches were characterized by a “depleted” profile (i.e., relatively high burnout and relatively low well-being). The remainder of coaches were characterized by an “at-risk” profile (i.e., relatively high burnout and moderate well-being), which suggests that experiencing symptoms of burnout may not necessarily preclude coaches from experiencing well-being. Moreover, thriving coaches reported higher levels of self-regulation capacity and lower levels of perceived stress than coaches in the two more maladaptive profiles. Depleted coaches also reported higher levels of perceived stress than at-risk coaches. These findings speak to the salience of effective self-regulatory capacity and stress management skills in coaches’ adaptive functioning. Finally, depleted coaches worked longer hours and were more likely to be remunerated for their coaching than thriving coaches, demonstrating the importance of monitoring these situational factors to ensure coaches’ optimal functioning. The purpose of Study 2 was to examine the associations between self-regulation capacity, perceived stress, and burnout in coaches, and more specifically, to test the intervening variable effect of perceived stress in the association between coaches’ self-regulatory capacity and their emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment. Results of the structural equation modeling showed that coaches with greater self-regulatory competencies (i.e., self-control and self-observation) perceived less stress in their lives, and in turn, experienced less emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and greater personal accomplishment (i.e., lower burnout). A direct association between these self-regulatory competencies and coaches’ sense of accomplishment was also found. This indicates that effective self-control and self-monitoring competencies may enable coaches to feel more efficacious in their coaching, regardless of their perceptions of stress. Phase 2. The purpose of Study 3 was to investigate coaches’ subjective experiences of burnout in order to shed light on the complex emotional nature of this syndrome. To this end, idiographic, first-person narrative accounts of the five coaches’ subjective experiences of burnout were provided. The narratives revealed that burnout was highly individualized and characterized by a variety of emotions (e.g., apathy, anger, dejection) linked to the dimensions of burnout. Burnout had negative implications for the coaches’ well-being (e.g., loss of enjoyment) and their coaching practice (e.g., yelling at athletes), and was associated with deficits in the coaches’ self-regulatory capacity (e.g., resistance to healthy eating and exercise). These findings underscore the need for interventions to help coaches effectively manage their personal and professional life and their symptoms of burnout. The purpose of Study 4 was to implement a self-regulation intervention with coaches experiencing moderate to high levels of burnout and examine the perceived impact of this intervention on their self-regulation capacity and experiences of burnout and well-being. A content analysis of the coaches’ outtake interviews and five bi-weekly journals revealed that all five coaches learned to self-regulate more effectively by developing various competencies (e.g., self-monitoring) and strategies (e.g., task delegation) throughout the intervention. Four of the coaches also perceived improvements in their symptoms of burnout (i.e., felt less emotionally drained, more engaged with their work and/or accepting of their athletes, and more effective in their coaching) and their well-being (e.g., experienced more positive emotions, satisfaction with life, and autonomy). Overall, the results of the current research shed light on important personal resources (i.e., self-regulation competencies) that can be strengthened to help coaches prevent or manage burnout and achieve greater well-being. This research also provides data on the first known empirical investigation of an intervention implemented with coaches experiencing burnout. As such, the findings from this dissertation make novel empirical and practical contributions to the literature on coach burnout.
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Perceived Control of the Attribution Process: Measurement and TheoryJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: The primary objective of this study was to develop the Perceived Control of the Attribution Process Scale (PCAPS), a measure of metacognitive beliefs of causality, or a perceived control of the attribution process. The PCAPS included two subscales: perceived control of attributions (PCA), and awareness of the motivational consequences of attributions (AMC). Study 1 (a pilot study) generated scale items, explored suitable measurement formats, and provided initial evidence for the validity of an event-specific version of the scale. Study 2 achieved several outcomes; Study 2a provided strong evidence for the validity and reliability of the PCA and AMC subscales, and showed that they represent separate constructs. Study 2b demonstrated the predictive validity of the scale and provided support for the perceived control of the attribution process model. This study revealed that those who adopt these beliefs are significantly more likely to experience autonomy and well-being. Study 2c revealed that these constructs are influenced by context, yet they lead to adaptive outcomes regardless of this contextual-specificity. These findings suggest that there are individual differences in metacognitive beliefs of causality and that these differences have measurable motivational implications. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Psychology 2014
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A Systems Approach to Understanding and Mitigating Barriers to Travel Accessibility and Well-being in the West Bank, PalestineJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: The conflict conditions that afflict the livelihoods of Palestinian residents living in the West Bank are embedded within the population's ability to travel more so than any other routine activity. For Palestinian residents, domestic and international travel is a process of following paths riddled with multiple barriers that are both physical and political. Past studies have done well to paint a clear picture of the harsh transportation landscape in the region. However, less attention has focused on how barriers interact to indirectly and directly affect levels of accessibility and well-being. Additionally, suggested development solutions are rarely capable of being successfully implemented given current political conditions. This dissertation uses a systems approach to understand drivers of accessibility challenges in the West Bank and uses the understanding to propose a method to identify transition strategies that may be presently initiated whilst maintaining the ability to provide adequate benefit. The research question informing the study asks, How do drivers influencing the issue of poor accessibility and well-being in the West Bank persist and interact, and how might solutions be approached? The dissertation approaches the question in four sequential actions that each produces a functional planning deliverable. First, a system map that depicts the drivers and influences to the problem of poor accessibility and well-being is constructed (Chapter 4). Second, a future vision for the transportation system in the West Bank is identified (Chapter 5). Third, the system map and vision are used to assess how conflict conditions affect transition research (Chapter 6). Finally, the previous three deliverables are used to suggest a guide for transition management for transportation development in the West Bank (Chapter 7). Combinations of four different data sets, including an extensive review of published literature, field observations, individual field expert interviews, and group commuter interviews inform the research. Additionally, the Transformational Sustainability Research framework provides a normative base for the steps taken throughout the research. Ultimately, the dissertation presents an interpretation of information that has theoretical and practical application potential in transformational sustainability research and development efforts in the region respectively. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Sustainability 2015
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Couples Coping with a Child’s Chronic Illness: Effects of Dyadic Coping on Stress and Well-BeingJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: The prevalence of chronic illness among children in the United States is on the rise (CDC, 2014). Having a child with a chronic illness can be a substantial source of stress for a couple, including physical, emotional, and financial demands of caregiving as well as difficult decision-making regarding the child’s health (Mayo Clinic, 2015). Coping with such stressors can have a negative effect on the couple’s well-being, and, if not managed within the relationship, can lead to increased negative outcomes for both partners. Partners can, however, learn to cope with stress by engaging in the coping process together with dyadic coping (DC). Couples can engage in positive (i.e., supportive emotion-focused, supportive problem-focused, and delegated) or negative forms of DC. DC has been shown to mitigate stress for couples, while increasing reports of individual well-being (IWB) and relational well-being (RWB), but it has not been examined in the context of couples with a child with a chronic illness.
To bridge this gap, the present study examined how couples cope with general stress as well as stress associated with their child’s diagnosis of a chronic illness (CI-related stress) and whether positive DC and negative DC moderate association between stress (general stress and CI-related stress) and well-being (IWB and RWB). Consistent with hypotheses, there were significant main effects of both types of stress (general and CI-related stress) on both types of well-being (IWB and RWB). Contrary to the hypotheses that DC (positive DC and negative DC) would moderate the associations between both types of stress and both types of well-being, only one significant interaction was found between CI-related stress and negative DC on IWB. Implications of these findings are discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Counseling 2016
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Immigrant Incorporation in the U.S. and Mexico: Well-being, Community Reception, and National Identity in Contexts of Reception and ReturnJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation focuses on the incorporation of twenty first century mixed-status families, living in Phoenix, Arizona and Central Mexico. Using a combination of research methods, chapters illustrate patterns of immigrant incorporation by focusing on well-being, community reception, and national identity. First, results of mixed-method data collected in Phoenix, Arizona from 2009-2010 suggest that life satisfaction varies by integration scores, a holistic measure of how immigrants are integrating into their communities by accounting for individual, household, and contextual factors. Second, findings from qualitative data collected in Mexico during 2010, illustrate that communities receive parents and children differently. Third, a continued analysis of qualitative 2010 data from Mexico, exhibits that both parents and children identify more with the U.S. than with Mexico, regardless of where they were born. Together these chapters contribute to broad concepts of assimilation, well-being, community reception, and national identity. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Justice Studies 2016
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Egalitarian Socialization and Subjective Well-Being in Multiracial Individuals: A Moderated Mediation AnalysisJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: Scholarly interest in racial socialization is growing, but researchers' understanding of how and when racial socialization relates to subjective well-being is underdeveloped, particularly for multiracial populations. The present study investigated the possibility that the relationship of racial socialization to subjective well-being is mediated by racial identification and that this mediation depends on physical racial ambiguity. Specifically, the proposed study used a moderated mediation model to examine whether the indirect relation of egalitarian socialization to subjective well-being through racial identification is conditional on physical racial ambiguity among 313 multiracial individuals. Results suggested egalitarian socialization was positively correlated with subjective well-being. The results provided no support for the moderated mediation hypothesis. The present study examined the complex interaction between racial socialization, racial identification, physical racial ambiguity, and subjective well-being among multiracial individuals. Despite receiving no support for the moderated mediation hypothesis, this research helped to further explicate a distinct pathway through which egalitarian socialization impacts well-being through racial identification for multiracial individuals independent of physical racial ambiguity. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Counseling Psychology 2016
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