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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In soft Complaints no longer ease I find

Blackmore, Sabine 30 March 2015 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht die verschiedenen Konstruktionen poetischer Selbstrepräsentationen durch Melancholie in Gedichten englischer Autorinnen des frühen 18. Jahrhunderts (ca. 1680-1750). Die vielfältigen Gedichte stammen von repräsentativen lyrischer Autorinnen dieser Epoche, z.B. Anne Wharton, Anne Finch, Elizabeth Singer Rowe, Henrietta Knight, Elizabeth Carter, Mary Leapor, Mary Chudleigh, Mehetabel Wright und Elizabeth Boyd. Vor einem ausführlichen medizinhistorischen Hintergrund, der die Ablösung der Humoralpathologie durch die Nerven und die daraus resultierende Neupositionierung von Frauen als Melancholikerinnen untersucht, rekurriert die Arbeit auf die Zusammenhänge von Medizin und Literatur im 18. Jahrhundert. Für die Gedichtanalysen werden gezielt Analysekategorien und zwei Typen poetisch-melancholischer Selbstrepräsentationen entwickelt und dann für die Close Readings der Texte eingesetzt. Die Auswahl der Gedicht umfasst sowohl Texte, die auf generisch standardisierte Marker der Melancholie verweisen, als auch Texte, die eine hauptsächlich die melancholische Erfahrung inszenieren, ohne dabei zwangsläufig explizit auf die genretypischen Marker zurück zu greifen. Die detaillierten Close Readings der Gedichte zeigen die oftmals ambivalenten Strategien der poetisch-melancholischen Selbstkonstruktionen der Sprecherinnen in den Gedichttexten und demonstrieren deutlich, dass – entgegen der vorherrschenden kritischen Meinung – auch Autorinnen dieser Epoche zum literarischen Melancholiediskurs beigetragen haben. Die Arbeit legt ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die sog. weibliche Elegie und ihrem Verhältnis zur Melancholie. Dabei wird deutlich, dass gerade Trauer, die oftmals als weiblich konnotierte Gegendiskurs zur männlich konnotierten genialischen Melancholie wahrgenommen wird, und die daraus folgende Elegie von Frauen als wichtiger literarischer Raum für melancholische Dichtung genutzt wurde und somit als Teil des literarischen Melancholiediskurses dient. / This thesis analyses different constructions of poetic self-representations through melancholy in poems written by early eighteenth-century women writers (ca. 1680-1750). The selection of poems includes texts written by representative poets such as Anne Wharton, Anne Finch, Elizabeth Singer Rowe, Henrietta Knight, Elizabeth Carter, Mary Leapor, Mary Chudleigh, Mehetabel Wright und Elizabeth Boyd. Against the background of a detailed analysis of the medical-historical paradigmatic change from humoral pathology to the nerves and the subsequent re-positioning of women as melancholics, the thesis refers to the close relationship of medicine and literature during the eighteenth century. Specifical categories of analysis and two different types of melancholic-poetic self-representations are developed, in order to support the close readings of the literary texts. These poems comprise both texts, which explicitly refer to generically standardized melancholy markers, as well as texts, which negotiate and aestheticize the melancholic experience without necessarily mentioning melancholy. The detailed close readings of the poems discuss the often ambivalent strategies of the poetic speakers to construct and represent their melancholic selves and clearly demonstrate that women writers of that time did – despite the common critical opinion – contribute to the literary discourse of melancholy. The thesis pays special attention to the so-called female elegy and its relationship to melancholy. It becomes clear that mourning and grief, which have often been considered a feminine counter-discourse to the discourse of melancholy as sign of the male intellectual and/or artistic genius, and the resulting female elegy offer an important literary space for women writers and their melancholy poetry, which should thus be recognized as a distinctive part of the literary discourse of melancholy.

The Great Gatsby and its 1925 Contemporaries

Faust, Marjorie Ann Hollomon 16 April 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT This study focuses on twenty-one particular texts published in 1925 as contemporaries of The Great Gatsby. The manuscript is divided into four categories—The Impressionists, The Experimentalists, The Realists, and The Independents. Among The Impressionists are F. Scott Fitzgerald himself, Willa Cather (The Professor’s House), Sherwood Anderson (Dark Laughter), William Carlos Williams (In the American Grain), Elinor Wylie (The Venetian Glass Nephew), John Dos Passos (Manhattan Transfer), and William Faulkner (New Orleans Sketches). The Experimentalists are Gertrude Stein (The Making of Americans), E. E. Cummings (& aka “Poems 48-96”), Ezra Pound (A Draft of XVI Cantos), T. S. Eliot (“The Hollow Men”), Laura Riding (“Summary for Alastor”), and John Erskine (The Private Life of Helen of Troy). The Realists are Theodore Dreiser (An American Tragedy), Edith Wharton (The Mother’s Recompense), Upton Sinclair (Mammonart), Ellen Glasgow (Barren Ground), Sinclair Lewis (Arrowsmith), James Boyd (Drums), and Ernest Hemingway (In Our Time). The Independents are Archibald MacLeish (The Pot of Earth) and Robert Penn Warren (“To a Face in a Crowd”). Although these twenty-two texts may in some cases represent literary fragmentations, each in its own way also represents a coherent response to the spirit of the times that is in one way or another cognate to The Great Gatsby. The fact that all these works appeared the same year is special because the authors, if not already famous, would become famous, and their works were or would come to represent classic American literature around the world. The twenty-two authors either knew each other personally or knew each other’s works. Naturally, they were also influenced by writings of international authors and philosophers. The greatest common elements among the poets and fiction writers are their uninhibited interest in sex, an absorbing cynicism about life, and the frequent portrayal of disintegration of the family, a trope for what had happened to the countries and to the “family of nations” that experienced the Great War. In 1925, it would seem, Fitzgerald and many of his writing peers—some even considered his betters—channeled a major spirit of the times, and Fitzgerald did it more successfully than almost anyone.

Nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques des affections articulaires du cheval : évaluation du potentiel thérapeutique des chondrocytes autologues et des cellules souches de cordon ombilical (sang et gelée de Wharton) : vers l'industrialisation de cellules médicaments. / New therapeutic strategies for articular disorders in the equine model : therapeutic potential evaluation of autologous chondrocytes and umbilical cord stem cells (from umbilical cord blood and Wharton jelly) : toward industrialization of drug cells

Rakic, Rodolphe 05 September 2017 (has links)
Les affections articulaires touchant le cartilage, telles que les lésions focales et l’arthrose, correspondent aux principales causes de baisse de performance et d’arrêt prématuré de la carrière sportive du cheval. Ainsi, le traitement des affections du cartilage représente un enjeu vétérinaire majeur dans le monde équin, du fait des importantes pertes financières qu’elles occasionnent à la filière. Les faibles capacités de réparation intrinsèque du cartilage, ainsi que l’absence de thérapie à long terme des dommages cartilagineux, nécessitent le recours à des thérapies de nouvelles générations telle que l’ingénierie tissulaire du cartilage. Dans ce cadre, notre étude s’est attachée à comparer différents types cellulaires pour la génération de cartilage in vitro, afin d’envisager une implantation pour traiter les atteintes cartilagineuses chez le cheval. Une technique initialement développée chez l’Homme, la transplantation de chondrocytes autologues, représente toujours un « gold standard » en ingénierie tissulaire du cartilage. Dans ce travail de thèse, après avoir développé une nouvelle génération de substitut cartilagineux de haute qualité biologique, à partir de chondrocytes articulaires équins, des limites techniques et biologiques inhérentes au type cellulaire persistent. Ainsi, nos travaux se sont tournés vers la recherche de types cellulaires alternatifs. Les cellules souches/stromales mésenchymateuses (CSM) néonatales issues de cordon ombilical telles que les CSM de sang placentaire (CSM-SPL) et les CSM de gelée de Wharton (CSM-GW) pourraient représenter un avantage thérapeutique du fait de leur isolement non-invasif, de leur forte prolifération cellulaire et de leur capacité de différenciation en chondrocyte. Il est néanmoins indispensable de définir le meilleur candidat thérapeutique, parmi ces deux sources cellulaires, pour l’obtention d’un substitut cartilagineux de qualité biologique optimale. Ces résultats de thèse ont montré d’importantes différences dans le processus de chondrogenèse de ces deux sources de CSM néonatales et plaident en faveur de l’utilisation des CSM-SPL dans le cadre d’une stratégie thérapeutique d’ingénierie tissulaire du cartilage équin. Ces travaux ont permis une meilleure compréhension de la biologie du chondrocyte et des CSM. De surcroît, ces travaux permettent d’envisager de futurs essais cliniques chez le cheval, afin de traiter les affections articulaires de ce modèle gros animal. / Articular cartilage disorders, such as focal defects and osteoarthritis, are the main causes of decreased performance or early retirement of sport- and racehorses. Thus, cartilage disorders represent a major veterinary issue in the equine industry, due to significant financial losses. Poor intrinsic cartilage repair properties and the absence of long- term therapy for cartilage defects lead to the development and use of new generation therapies such as autologous chondrocytes implantation. In this context, our study aimed to compare different cell types for the in vitro cartilage generation, in order to implant the biological substitute to treat cartilage defects in the horse. A therapeutic strategy initially developed in human medicine, the autologous chondrocytes transplantation, always represents a "gold standard" in cartilage tissue engineering. In the present study, after developing a new generation of cartilaginous substitute of high biological quality, composed of equine articular chondrocytes, technical and biological limits inherent to the cell type persist. Thus, we have used alternative cell types such as neonatal mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) from umbilical cord, such as umbilical cord blood MSC (UCB-MSCs) and umbilical cord matrix or Wharton jelly MSCs (UCM- MSCs). These MSCs sources could represent a therapeutic advantage due to their non-invasive isolation, their high cell proliferation and their ability to differentiate into chondrocytes. Nevertheless, it is essential to define the best therapeutic candidate between these two MSCs sources, to obtain an optimal quality for the neocartilaginous substitute. Our data highlighted important differences in the chondrogenesis process of these two neonatal MSCs sources, allowing us to consider UCB-MSCs as the best therapeutic candidate for equine cartilage tissue engineering. This work allows a better understanding of the chondrocyte and MSCs biology. Moreover, this work leads the way to setting-up future clinical trials in the horse, in order to treat articular defects of this large animal model.

A contribution to the selection of suitable cells, scaffold and biomechanical environment for ligament tissue engineering / Une contribution à la sélection de cellules adaptés, biomatériaux et d’environments biomécaniques appropriés pour l’ingéniere tissulaire ligamentaire

Liu, Xing 01 July 2019 (has links)
L'ingénierie tissulaire du ligament constitue une approche prometteuse pour réparer ou remplacer un ligament endommagé. Les trois piliers essentiels de l'ingénierie tissulaire ligamentaire sont la matrice de support (aussi appelée scaffold), la source cellulaire, ainsi que l'apport de stimulations biomécaniques/biochimiques : ces trois piliers ont été partiellement étudiés par le passé dans le but de s’orienter vers une régénération ligamentaire. Dans la présente étude, le polymère synthétique poly (L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) (PLCL) et la soie ont été proposés et comparés comme de potentiels candidats pour la constitution d’une matrice de support. Une série de matrices tressées multicouches à base de PLCL et de soie, ainsi qu'un nouveau composite soie/PLCL ont été développés et comparés. Les caractérisations physico-chimiques et biologiques ont démontré que le PLCL et la soie constituent des candidats pertinents, tant sur les plans mécaniques que biologiques, pour la constitution d’une matrice de support. De plus, nous avons montré que le composite soie/PLCL offrait des propriétés mécaniques et une biocompatibilité accrue par rapport aux autres matrice testées, et constituait probablement le candidat le plus approprié pour l'ingénierie tissulaire du ligament. Les cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSM) de la gelée de Wharton (WJ-MSCs) ainsi que les cellules souches mésenchymateuses de la moelle osseuse (BM-MSCs) ont été évaluées et comparées en tant que sources cellulaires potentielles pour la régénération ligamentaire. Les caractéristiques biologiques de ces cellules incluent l’adhésion cellulaire, la prolifération, la migration et la synthèse de matrice extracellulaire. Ces deux types de cellules ont montré une bonne biocompatibilité dans leurs interactions avec les matrices de support en PLCL et en soie. Aucune différence significative n'a été observée entre les WJ-MSCs et les BM-MSCs. Enfin, l'effet de la stimulation biomécanique sur la différentiation des CSM en tissu ligamentaire a été évalué par le biais d’un bioréacteur de traction-torsion. Bien que peu de cellules aient été détectées la matrice après 7 jours de stimulation, des CSM de forme allongée le long des fibres ont été détectées, ce qui permet de penser qu'il est possible de promouvoir la différenciation des biosubstituts matrice-cellules grâce à la stimulation mécanique en bioréacteur. En conclusion, cette étude démontre le potentiel prometteur de l’association de cellules souches mésenchymateuses issues de la gelée de Wharton ou de la moelle osseuse avec une matrice de support composite soie/PLCL pour la régénération ligamentaire dans le futur. / Ligament tissue engineering offers a potential approach to recover or replace injured ligament. The three essential elements that have been investigated towards ligament regeneration consist in a suitable scaffold, an adapted cell source, and the supply of biomechanical/biochemical stimulations. In the current study, synthetic polymer poly (L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) (PLCL) and silk have been evaluated as suitable candidates to constitute an adapted scaffold. A series of multilayer braided scaffolds based on PLCL and silk, as well as an original silk/PLCL composite scaffold, have been developed and compared. The conducted physicochemical and biological characterizations have demonstrated that both PLCL and silk constitute adapted candidate material to form ligament scaffolds from the mechanical and biological points of view. Moreover, it has been observed that silk/PLCL composite scaffold resulted in adequate mechanical properties and biocompatibility, and therefore could constitute suitable candidate scaffolds for ligament tissue engineering. Both Wharton’s Jelly mesenchymal stem cells (WJ-MSCs) and Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) have been evaluated to be cell source for ligament regeneration. MSCs behaviors including cell attachment, proliferation, migration and extracellular matrix synthesis have been investigated. In the present study, both MSCS showed a good biocompatibility to interact with PLCL and silk scaffolds. No significant differences have been detected between WJ-MSCs and BM-MSCs. Finally, the effect of biomechanical stimulation on MSCs differentiation towards ligament tissue has been carried out with a tension-torsion bioreactor. Although few cells were detected on scaffold after 7 days of stimulation, MSCs were observed to exhibit an elongated shape along the longitudinal direction of fibers, which may indicate that an adapted mechanical stimulation could promote MSC-scaffold constructs differentiation towards ligamentous tissue. As a conclusion, this study demonstrates the potential of WJ-MSCs and BM-MSCs combined with a new silk/PLCL composite scaffold towards ligament regeneration.

William Cave (1637-1713) and the fortunes of Historia Literaria in England

Wright, Alexander Robert January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is the first full-length study of the English clergyman and historian William Cave (1637-1713). As one of a number of Restoration divines invested in exploring the lives and writings of the early Christians, Cave has nonetheless won only meagre interest from early-modernists in the past decade. Among his contemporaries and well into the nineteenth century Cave’s vernacular biographies of the Apostles and Church Fathers were widely read, but it was with the two volumes of his Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria (1688 and 1698), his life’s work, that he made his most important and lasting contribution to scholarship. The first aim of the thesis is therefore to build on a recent quickening of research into the innovative early-modern genre of historia literaria by exploring how, why, and with what help, in the context of late seventeenth-century European intellectual culture, Cave decided to write a work of literary history. To do so it makes extensive use of the handwritten drafts, annotations, notebooks, and letters that he left behind, giving a comprehensive account of his reading and scholarly practices from his student-days in 1650s Cambridge and then as a young clergyman in the 1660s to his final, unsuccessful attempts to publish a revised edition of his book at the end of his life. Cave’s motives, it finds, were multiple, complex, and sometimes conflicting: they developed in response to the immediate practical concerns of the post-Restoration Church of England even as they reflected some of the deeper-lying tensions of late humanist scholarship. The second reason for writing a thesis about Cave is that it makes it possible to reconsider an influential historiographical narrative about the origins of the ‘modern’ disciplinary category of literature. Since the 1970s the consensus among scholars has been that the nineteenth-century definition of literature as imaginative fictions in verse and prose – in other words literature as it is now taught in schools and universities – more or less completely replaced the early-modern notion of literature, literae, as learned books of all kinds. This view is challenged in the final section of this thesis, which traces the influence of Cave’s work on some of the canonical authors of the English literary tradition, including Johnson and Coleridge. Coleridge’s example, in particular, helps us to see why Cave and scholars like him were excluded lastingly from genealogies of English studies in the twentieth century, despite having given the discipline many of its characteristic concerns and aversions.

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