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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Riglyne vir die ontwerp van 'n terapeutiese program vir oudlede van destruktiewe kultes / Guidelines for the design of a therapeutic programme for ex-members of destructive cults

Venter, Maria Adriana 11 1900 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of daar 'n behoefte aan spesifieke terapeutiese riglyne vir oudlede van destruktiewe kultes bestaan. Die studie is daarop gemik om aanvullend tot die bestaande inligting rakende terapie te werk te gaan. Die uitgangspunt van hierdie studie is dat die invloed wat psigiese beheer (mind control) op 'n persoon kan he, tydens terapie in aanmerking geneem behoort te word. Gedurende literatuurstudie en persoonlike kontak met oud-kultelede is bevind dat individue selfs jare na die beeindiging van lidmaatskap onder die gevolge van psigiese beheer ly. Dit wil voorkom asof die probleme nie opklaar voordat insig ontwikkel is in die wyse waarop misleiding en beheer plaasgevind het nie. Dit sou vir 'n terapeut dus nodig wees om die verbande wat daar tussen sielkundige probleme wat deur persone ervaar word en psigiese beheer bestaan, in te sien voordat terapie suksesvol aangepak kan word. Ter aanvang is die definisies en kenmerke van kultes bespreek. Die persoonlikheid, wyse van gesagsuitoefening en relasies van die tipiese kulteleier is aan die orde gestel. Faktore wat vatbaarheid vir werwing by kultes kan verhoog, is bespreek en onderskeid is getref tussen die twee belangrikste beinvloedingstrategiee wat daar in kultes kan bestaan, te wete breinspoeling en psigiese beheer. Die verloop van die proses van psigiese beheer is bespreek asook die nadele wat lidmaatskap by kultes vir die individu kan inhou. Die volgende sielkundige prosesse wat by psigiese beheer betrokke kan wees, is aan die orde gestel, naamlik: houdings, oorreding, kognitiewe dissonansie en toestande van gewysigde bewussyn waaronder dissasiasie, psigagene amnesie, depersanalisasie, derealisasie, hipnose en suggestie. Ten einde meer akkurate inligting van die tipiese aud-kultelid te bekam, is anderhaude met ses aud-kultelede gevaer. Terwille van kwalitatiewe verdieping, is diepte-andersaeke op twee van hierdie persane uitgevaer. Op grand van inligting wat uit die literatuurstudie en van die praefpersone verkry is, is riglyne vir die antwerp van 'n terapeutiese program vir oud-kultelede saamgestel. / The aim of this study is to ascertain whether a need exists for specific therapeutic guidelines for ex-members of destructive cults. This study is intended to work complementary to existing therapeutic techniques. The point of departure of this study is that the influence that the process of mind control can have on a person, should be taken into consideration in therapy. During the literature study and personal contact with ex-cult members it was found that even years after they had left the cult, individuals still suffered from the consequences of mind control. Apparently problems are not solved before insight is gained into the way in which deception and control has taken place. For a therapist it would thus be necessary to gain insight into the relationship that exists between psychological problems that people experience and mind control before therapy can be successfully undertaken. Initially the definitions and characteristics of cults are discussed. The personality, methods of exercising control and the relationships of the typical cult leader are discussed. Factors that can make a person more vulnerable to recruitment are discussed and a distinction is made between the two main influencing strategies in cults, namely brainwashing and mind control. The course of the process of mind control is discussed, as well as the personal disadvantages of membership to cults. The following psychological processes which can be present in mind control, are discussed, namely: attitudes, persuasion, cognitive dissonance and conditions of altered consciousness, i.e. dissociation, psychogenic amnesia, depersonalisation, derealisation, hypnosis and suggestion. In order to obtain more accurate information about the typical ex-cult member, interviews were conducted with a sample group of six persons. For the sake of qualitative deepening, in-depth studies were conducted with two of these persons. On the basis of the information that was obtained from the literature study and from the sample group, guidelines for the design of a therapeutic program for ex-cultists are presented. / Psychology of education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

L'obligation de coopération dans le statut de Rome : analyse critique du respect des engagements internationaux devant la cour pénale internationale. / The obligation of cooperation in the Status of Rome : analysis criticizes some respect for the international commitments in front of the International Criminal Court

Ndiaye, Yaram 27 September 2012 (has links)
A l’instar des juridictions qui l’ont précédé dans la répression des crimes internationaux, la Cour pénale internationale a besoin de la coopération des Etats pour exister. C’est une condition d’effectivité de l’action de la Cour qui se traduit par la participation des Etats à la procédure pénale internationale et par l’harmonisation des législations nationales. Toutefois, en dépit de son affirmation dans le Statut, les Etats parties exécutent difficilement l’obligation de coopération. Ces difficultés s’observent tant au niveau de leur participation à la procédure initiée par la Cour que dans l’exercice de la justice au niveau national. De fait, pour un respect des engagements internationaux devant la Cour, l’institution doit surmonter l’obstacle de la souveraineté nationale. Pour atteindre les objectifs fixés, elle doit amener les Etats à dépasser les critères traditionnels de compétence dans le domaine pénal et à taire les résistances souverainistes en la matière. C’est seulement à ce titre qu’elle peut être fonctionnelle, en opposant aux Etats une conception plus étendue de la justice pour laquelle ils se sont engagés. / Following the example of the jurisdictions which preceded her in the repression of the international crimes, the International Criminal Court needs the cooperation of States to exist. It is a condition of effectiveness of the action of the Court that is translated by the participation of States in the international criminal procedure and by the harmonization of the national legislations. But in spite of its assertion in the Status, States execute with difficulty the obligation of cooperation. These difficulties observe as long at the level of their participation in the procedure in front of the Court that in the exercise of the justice at the national level. Actually, for a respect for the international commitments in front of the Court, the institution has to surmount the obstacle of the national sovereignty. To reach the fixed objectives, she has to bring States to exceed the traditional criteria of skill in the penal domain and to keep silent about the resistances of states on the subject. It is only as such that she can be functional, by setting to States a more vast conception of the justice for which they made a commitment.

Psychologismus metod misijních náboženství / Methods Psychologism of Missioning Religions

PLOS, Michal January 2012 (has links)
Author´s research has led to the processing of psychologism theory as a tool to detect the methodological procedure of doctrine of Jehova´s Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, The Bahai Faith, Haifan Bahaism from movement management, through the movement medium to the seeker and to what extent can these doctrines manipulate the seeker. The thesis attempts to extract the thinking core within new religious movements, as a prerequisite for the detection of intentions of the mentioned movements, and also it tries to extract analogous statements about how these movements may develop in the future stages of their existence. The basic tool of academic study and view: comparison, psychology of religion.

Étude d'un lapidaire alphabétique du XVe siècle en prose, d'après le manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds français, 2007.

Jolin, Audray 04 1900 (has links)
En raison de l’hétérogénéité et de l’extravagance de leur contenu, les lapidaires ont souvent été délaissés et restent, encore à ce jour, très peu considérés dans les études sur la littérature médiévale. Le nombre important de manuscrits répertoriés attestent pourtant de leur grande popularité et de la place qu’occupaient les pierres précieuses dans la société et la littérature médiévales. Le lapidaire anonyme tanscrit par le manuscrit Paris, BnF, fonds français, 2007, un lapidaire en prose daté du XVe siècle, n’est à ce jour abordé que dans une seule étude, celle de Barbara Geromel, qui s’est intéressée surtout à un autre témoin (le Turin, Biblioteca Reale, Varia 110) dont le contenu – même s’il est incomplet – correspond en tout point à celui du manuscrit de Paris. Ce lapidaire en prose s’inscrit dans une histoire longue et riche, celle des pierres précieuses depuis l’Antiquité, mais s’en démarque également par son organisation complexe de la matière, puisqu’il adopte de manière partielle et imparfaite le paradigme alphabétique, jusqu’alors très peu employé dans les encyclopédies dû aux tensions qu’il incarnait vis-à-vis l’ordre théologique. Témoin matériel d’une sphère plus considérable encore – celle de l’encyclopédisme médiéval –, ce lapidaire participe à la compilation du savoir de jadis et invite à une étude plus approfondie, à la fois de la matière qu’il recèle, de ses sources, issues d’une quantité importante de traditions manuscrites, et de son classement alphabétique. / Regarding the heterogeneity and extravagant nature of their content, the lapidaries have too often been put aside from studies concerning medieval literature, and, still to this day, only a few of them have been studied by scholars. However, the very high number of known manuscripts of such texts does tell us a lot about the popularity and the role played by precious gems within medieval society and litterature. The prose lapidary copied in ms Paris, BnF, fonds français, 2007, a prosaic lapidary dated from the XVth century, has yet only been mentioned once, in a study by Barbara Geromel, who was mostly interested by another manuscript – albeit incomplete – of the same text : ms Turin, Biblioteca Reale, Varia 110. The content remaining in this manuscript corresponds precisely to the one found within the Paris manuscript. This manuscript written in prose represents one single step in a long and rich history (the tradition of describing precious stones dating back to the Antiquity). Nervertheless, it also differs from this tradition by its complex inner organisation of the subject, since it puts to use to this effect an imperfect and incomplete alphabetical paradigm as a mean of classification, an unpopular paradigm at the time, as it embodied elements difficult to correlate with the theological order. This lapidary, a material witness of an even larger intelectual context – the world of mediaeval encyclopedism –, participates to the compilation of knowledge from older times, and calls for deeper studies of its general content, sources (themselves coming from varied manuscript traditions) and usage of an alphabetical classification.

Experiences and challenges of witnesses in the witness protection programme in South Africa : guidelines for coordinated service delivery developed from a social work perspective

Mphaphuli, Lucy Nthepa 11 1900 (has links)
Modern society is increasingly threatened by organised crime. Crime undermines democracy and causes harm to the general functioning of a country and the quality of life of its citizens. A lack of protection measures for witnesses of crime renders the criminal justice system weak and ineffective in its quest to fight crime. Witness protection programmes and the testimony of a witness play a pivotal role in the fight against organised crime, without which securing successful prosecutions becomes a daunting task. Despite the important role of witnesses in the criminal justice system, there seems to be a dearth of literature focusing on the experiences of witnesses within the South African context. The researcher was able to gain an in-depth understanding of the experiences, challenges, and coping strategies of witnesses by employing an instrumental case study design within the framework of exploratory, descriptive, and contextual research from the vantage point of witnesses and staff members in the witness protection programme in South Africa. A total number of 30 participants were recruited by means of purposive sampling. Data was collected through individual, face-to-face interviews undertaken in six provinces. Analysis of the data was conducted in line with the eight steps of data analysis proposed by Tesch (in Creswell 2009:186) and Guba’s principles of trustworthiness were employed in the verification of the data. The ethical principles of informed consent, confidentiality, anonymity, beneficence, data management, and debriefing were observed. This study drew from Caplan’s (1964) crisis theory and the coping theory by Lazarus (1993). The findings of this study revealed that there is a general lack of awareness among the communities and members of the criminal justice system about the existence of the witness protection programme in South Africa. Witnesses also expressed that they found it difficult to cope and adjust in the programme, because of challenges such as social uprooting and isolation. While some witnesses were able to adjust, some resorted to exiting the programme prematurely. Suggestions by participants towards the support of witnesses paved a foundation for the development of guidelines for coordinated service delivery in the South African Witness Protection Programme. / Social Work / D. Phil. (Social Work)

Post-hoc prescience: retrospective reasoning and judgment among witnesses of interpersonal aggression / Post-hoc préscience: raisonnement et jugement rétrospectifs chez les témoins d'agressions interpersonnelles

Marchal, Cynthie 07 December 2011 (has links)
When judging interpersonal aggression, witnesses are usually expected to rationally consider, based on the evidence they have, what another reasonable person could (or should) have thought, known and done. However their analysis may be affected by judgment biases and personal motivations. These evaluative and retrospective biases, as well as the ascription of blame, are the main interests of this research. More specifically, we investigated the consequences of witnesses being prone to the hindsight bias, which is a common bias that gives individuals the feeling that they would have been able to predict past events, what in fact, is not the case. This process may have important effects on the victim, who “should have known” that an aggression would happen to him/her. In this dissertation, we examine the moderators of this bias and the role of the communication context in which it develops. We hypothesized that the communication context might affect the perspective that is taken on the event of interpersonal aggression and the perceived distance towards it. Also, we expected that the hindsight bias and victim blame would be decreased when reducing the psychological distance towards the event (i.e. perceived temporal distance and perceived proximity with the victim’s fate). In a same vein, we expected that the aggressor would be more derogated in this condition. The first four studies were designed to investigate the role of communication goals about the aggression. Asking participants to describe how (vs. why) the aggression happened was expected to diminish the perceived distance. The following study (study 5) examined whether reporting the event in the passive voice (vs. active voice) would have a similar effect. The four last studies investigated how the time of presenting the event (before vs. after its antecedents) would influence the perception of distance towards the events and the judgments. We expected that knowing the outcome initially might reduce the perceived distance with the events. Results of the first five studies confirmed the main hypotheses: the communication context that focused on the “how” of the event or that presented it in the passive voice reduced the perceived distance and diminished the predictability of the aggression and victim derogation. It also increases the derogation of the aggressor. In addition, the latter studies revealed that learning about the outcome right away leads to reduced derogation of the perpetrator and increased derogation of the victim, even when reducing the perceived distance with the event. Overall, this research suggests that the communication context in which the hindsight bias emerges, as well as the perceived distance with the negative event, are important factors when examining the retrospective reasoning and judgments of witnesses.<p><p><p><p><p>Lorsque les témoins jugent une agression interpersonnelle, il est généralement attendu d’eux qu’ils considèrent rationnellement ce qu’une personne raisonnable aurait pu penser, savoir et faire dans pareille situation, et ce en se fondant uniquement sur les preuves qui leur sont fournies. Il n’en reste pas moins que leur analyse sera toutefois tronquée par des biais de jugement et des motivations personnelles. C’est pourquoi la détermination du blâme et l’influence des déformations rétrospectives et évaluatives sont au cœur de cette recherche. Ainsi, nous investiguons plus particulièrement le biais de rétrospection, à savoir l’erreur commune qui laisse à l’individu penser qu’il est en mesure de prévoir n’importe quel événement, alors qu’en réalité, il n’en est rien. Une telle erreur peut cependant avoir de graves conséquences pour la victime dès lors que les témoins sont amenés à croire qu’elle aurait « dû » prévoir ce qui allait survenir. Dans cette thèse, nous envisageons également les modérateurs de ce biais, dont le rôle du contexte communicationnel. Nous avons, dès lors, fait l’hypothèse que le contexte communicationnel pourrait affecter l’angle sous lequel les témoins considèrent l’événement et la distance perçue par rapport à celui-ci. Ce faisant, nous pensions que le biais de rétrospection et le blâme de la victime seraient réduits lorsque le contexte diminuait la distance perçue vis-à-vis de l’événement (en l’occurrence, la distance temporelle et la proximité perçue avec le sort de la victime). De même, il était attendu que l’agresseur soit davantage blâmé dans pareille condition. Les quatre premières études s’intéressaient donc au rôle des buts poursuivis lors de la communication à propos de l’agression, afin d’envisager en quoi décrire comment (vs. pourquoi) l’agression s’était produite aidait à réduire la distance perçue. Une cinquième étude nous a ensuite permis de considérer si la voix passive (versus active) avait aussi un effet similaire. Quant aux quatre dernières études, elles avaient pour objectif d’investiguer dans quelle mesure l’ordre de présentation des informations (connaître la fin avant, vs. après les antécédents) pouvait avoir également une incidence sur la prise de distance par rapport à l’événement et aux jugements. Plus précisément, nous faisions l’hypothèse que connaître l’événement en premier lieu (avant ses antécédents) facilitait la réduction de la distance perçue. Les résultats obtenus dans les cinq premières recherches semblaient confirmer nos hypothèses :Un contexte communicationnel qui réduisait la distance psychologique perçue par rapport à l’événement pouvait non seulement diminuer le biais de rétrospection et le blâme de la victime, mais augmenter aussi le blâme de l’agresseur. Toutefois, les dernières recherches ont semblé démontrer, a contrario, que connaître l’agression en premier lieu pouvait réduire le blâme de l’agresseur et augmenter celui de la victime, alors même que la distance perçue avec les événements était réduite. In fine, ce travail suggère donc que le contexte communicationnel, dans lequel le biais émerge, et la prise de distance face à l’événement négatif sont autant de pistes qu’il faudrait creuser à l’avenir pour mieux comprendre le raisonnement et les jugements rétrospectifs des témoins. / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

John Milton’’s Bible: Biblical Resonance in Paradise Lost

Stallard, Matthew S. 24 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Dealing with sexually abused children: a framework for social workers in the South African justice system

Makhubu, Lindiwe Yvonne 12 1900 (has links)
The South African Justice System is a broader system that brings law and order to society. This law and order also includes the constitutional rights of the sexually abused children. A special court dealing with cases of children who are sexually abused is functioning throughout the country. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for social workers working with children in these special courts. The problem identified is that in these courts no framework exists for social workers focusing on the guidance of the child through the processes of the Justice System. This includes the therapeutic guidance by means of brief or directive therapy. The research methodology for this study focused on developmental research by using the Intervention research model of Rothman and Thomas (1994). The phases implemented in the study were Problem analysis and project planning, information gathering and synthesis and design. Qualitative data was gathered by means of semi-structured interviews and integrated in phase two of the research report. A proto-type guideline was developed and needs to be evaluated in future research. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

Dealing with sexually abused children: a framework for social workers in the South African justice system

Makhubu, Lindiwe Yvonne 12 1900 (has links)
The South African Justice System is a broader system that brings law and order to society. This law and order also includes the constitutional rights of the sexually abused children. A special court dealing with cases of children who are sexually abused is functioning throughout the country. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for social workers working with children in these special courts. The problem identified is that in these courts no framework exists for social workers focusing on the guidance of the child through the processes of the Justice System. This includes the therapeutic guidance by means of brief or directive therapy. The research methodology for this study focused on developmental research by using the Intervention research model of Rothman and Thomas (1994). The phases implemented in the study were Problem analysis and project planning, information gathering and synthesis and design. Qualitative data was gathered by means of semi-structured interviews and integrated in phase two of the research report. A proto-type guideline was developed and needs to be evaluated in future research. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

The trial in literature. A study of the legal aspects in three emblematic novels: The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, by Dickens; Billy Budd, by Melville; and The Bonfire of the Vanities, by Tom Wolfe / El proceso en la literatura. Análisis de los aspectos jurídicos de tres obras emblemáticas: Los papeles póstumos del Club Pickwick, de Dickens; Billy Budd, de Melville; y La hoguera de las vanidades, de Tom Wolfe

Zolezzi Ibárcena, Lorenzo 10 April 2018 (has links)
The plots of Billy Budd and The Bonfire of the Vanities are organized entirely around a lawsuit. In The Pickwick Papers the trial is only a part, though an important one, of a series of related adventures in which the main characters of the novel participate. In the three novels there is a trial in which the accused is found guilty, although he is actually innocent. In The Posthumous Papers of the Club Pickwick, the author’s main purpose is to present the operation of the legal system, in which the modus operandi of unscrupulous lawyers, who rely only on cheating and deceiving methods, is atthe beginning of and determines the outcome of the lawsuit. In Billy Budd, an innocent is sentenced to death in order to preserve a supposed higher interest: the common good. In The Bonfire of the Vanities, political factors, personal interests, resentments and other worldly elements determine the outcome of the trial. In the three cases, the watchmaking mechanism that a lawsuit appears to be is completely overcome by factors outside it. / Las tramas de Billy Budd y La hoguera de las vanidades están organizadas íntegramente alrededor de un juicio. En Los papeles póstumos del Club Pickwick, el proceso es una parte importante de la obra, pero también existen aventuras relacionadas en las que participan los diversos personajes. En los tres juicios se juzga a un inocente. En Los papeles póstumos del Club Pickwick, el autor busca presentar el funcionamiento real del sistema legal, en el cual el modus operandi de abogados inescrupulosos, quienes emplean únicamente métodos tramposos y fraudulentos, determina el origen y el resultado del proceso. En Billy Budd, un inocente es condenado a muerte para preservar un supuesto interés mayor: el bien común. En La hoguera de las vanidades, factores políticos, intereses personales, resentimientos y otros elementos de carácter mundano determinan el resultado del proceso. En los tres casos, el mecanismo de relojería que parece ser el proceso es totalmente sobrepasado por factores externos al mismo.

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