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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nation und Geschlecht.

Stefanovic, Svetlana 26 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Dissertation bietet eine Darstellung und Analyse der Handlungsfelder serbischer Frauen. Dabei werden die Frauenbildung, das Engagement von Frauen in sozialkaritativen und patriotischen Frauenvereinen, sowie ihre Teilnahme an den zwischen 1876 und 1918 geführten „Befreiungskriegen“ thematisiert. Das Problemfeld von Nation und Geschlecht ist für Serbien fast völlig unbearbeitet. Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht den folgenden Fragen nach: Wie partizipierten Serbinnen am Prozess der Nations- und Nationalstaatsbildung? Welche Weiblichkeits- und Männlichkeitsbilder wurden im Nationsbildungsprozess verwendet? Auf welche Art und Weise partizipierten sie an den Kriegen und unterstützten das Militär? Wie wirkte sich der „Große Krieg“ auf die Geschlechterordnung in Serbien bzw. Jugoslawien aus? Da die für Frauen zentralen politischen, kulturellen und ökonomischen Wandlungsprozesse im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft der Städte stattgefunden haben, konzentriert sich auch diese Darstellung auf den städtischen Raum und seine Bewohnerinnen. Das bäuerlich-ländliche Frauenleben wird nur kurz angerissen. Die Arbeit nimmt den weiblichen Gruppenbildungsprozess in den Blick, der innerhalb einer schmalen bürgerlichen Schicht stattfand. In den westeuropäischen Ländern entstanden die ersten Frauenvereinigungen am Ende des 18. bzw. zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. Serbien, dessen Bevölkerung mehrheitlich lese- und schreibunkundig war und von einer ländlichen Subsistenzwirtschaft lebte, folgte mit einer zeitlichen Verzögerung von mehreren Jahrzehnten. Um 1900 war in allen diesen Ländern ein dichtes Netz unterschiedlichster Frauenvereine anzutreffen. Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts stieg auch in Serbien die Zahl der Frauenvereine, die sich in einem Dachverband zusammenschlossen. Dieser Bund trat den internationalen Frauenorganisationen bei.

Tendentiös könsfördelning i våra historieläroböcker? : En textanalys av utvalda läroböcker. / Skewed gender distribution in our Swedish history books? : A text analysis of selected textbooks.

Kjell, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to make visible, how and to what extent, women are illuminated in selected textbooks. All textbooks in this study are aimed at high school. In this essay, a qualitative method has been applied to generate opportunities to draw conclusions from the examined material. The textbooks are scrutinized individually and then compared to each other. Finally, the textbooks are set against the curricula to answer the overall question of the thesis, How well do the textbooks correspond with the curricula? Using theoretical formulas, the study shows that women are marginalized in all textbooks. It is the men's history that is served which generates that women become more like a complement. This study also shows that when women are co-authors, the representation of women in the textbooks increases. Although women are underrepresented it has over a 50-year period become more equal and it is our responsibility as future teachers to continue the gender equality work at school.

Nation und Geschlecht.: Frauen in Serbien von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg

Stefanovic, Svetlana 30 January 2013 (has links)
Diese Dissertation bietet eine Darstellung und Analyse der Handlungsfelder serbischer Frauen. Dabei werden die Frauenbildung, das Engagement von Frauen in sozialkaritativen und patriotischen Frauenvereinen, sowie ihre Teilnahme an den zwischen 1876 und 1918 geführten „Befreiungskriegen“ thematisiert. Das Problemfeld von Nation und Geschlecht ist für Serbien fast völlig unbearbeitet. Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht den folgenden Fragen nach: Wie partizipierten Serbinnen am Prozess der Nations- und Nationalstaatsbildung? Welche Weiblichkeits- und Männlichkeitsbilder wurden im Nationsbildungsprozess verwendet? Auf welche Art und Weise partizipierten sie an den Kriegen und unterstützten das Militär? Wie wirkte sich der „Große Krieg“ auf die Geschlechterordnung in Serbien bzw. Jugoslawien aus? Da die für Frauen zentralen politischen, kulturellen und ökonomischen Wandlungsprozesse im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft der Städte stattgefunden haben, konzentriert sich auch diese Darstellung auf den städtischen Raum und seine Bewohnerinnen. Das bäuerlich-ländliche Frauenleben wird nur kurz angerissen. Die Arbeit nimmt den weiblichen Gruppenbildungsprozess in den Blick, der innerhalb einer schmalen bürgerlichen Schicht stattfand. In den westeuropäischen Ländern entstanden die ersten Frauenvereinigungen am Ende des 18. bzw. zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. Serbien, dessen Bevölkerung mehrheitlich lese- und schreibunkundig war und von einer ländlichen Subsistenzwirtschaft lebte, folgte mit einer zeitlichen Verzögerung von mehreren Jahrzehnten. Um 1900 war in allen diesen Ländern ein dichtes Netz unterschiedlichster Frauenvereine anzutreffen. Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts stieg auch in Serbien die Zahl der Frauenvereine, die sich in einem Dachverband zusammenschlossen. Dieser Bund trat den internationalen Frauenorganisationen bei.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Vorwort 5 Einleitung 7 Ziel der Arbeit 13 Die Gliederung der Arbeit 16 Forschungsstand 17 Zur Quellenlage 20 Teil A Nation und Geschlecht in Serbien von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges 24 I. Grundlagen 25 I. 1. Historischer Hintergrund: Von den serbischen Aufständen bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges (1804–1918) 26 I. 2. Demographischer und sozialer Wandel 42 I. 2. 1. Territorium und Bevölkerungsentwicklung 42 I. 2. 2. Sozialer Wandel 49 II. Die Lage der Frauen in der serbischen Gesellschaft 54 II. 1. Die Bauernfamilie 55 II. 2. Die Rechtsstellung der Frauen nach dem Serbischen Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch (1844) und dem Strafgesetzbuch (1860) 60 III. Die Anfänge des weiblichen Engagements (ca. 1850–1870er Jahre) 67 III. 1. Der Hintergrund: Die Anfänge des Vereinswesens 68 III. 2. Die „Vereinigte Serbische Jugend“ 72 III. 2. 1. Die Frauen in der „Omladina“ 75 III. 2. 2. „Liebe Schwestern! nicht nur die Söhne, sondern im gleichen Maße auch die Töchter, gehören zu unserem Volk“: Die erste serbische Frauenrechtlerin „Schwester Draga“ 85 III. 2. 3. Svetozar Marković und die Frauenfrage 89 III. 3. Die Geschichte des serbischen Frauenvereinswesens in Südungarn 95 IV. Handlungsfelder der serbischen Frauenbewegung 105 IV. 1. Bildung (1846–1914/18) 106 IV. 1. 1. Grundschulen für Mädchen 106 IV. 1. 2. Die höhere Frauenbildung 109 IV. 1. 3. Die Frauenfachschule (Radnička škola) des Belgrader Frauenvereins 118 IV. 1. 4. Der Universitätszugang 122 IV. 1. 5. Weibliche Schul- und Berufserfahrungen 128 IV. 2. Sozialkaritatives Engagement und wirtschaftliche Förderung (1875–1914/18) 139 IV. 2. 1. Der Belgrader Frauenverein 139 IV. 2. 1. 1. Die Heimindustrie 143 IV. 2. 1. 2. Die Förderung der Heimindustrie: Der Pazar 145 IV. 2. 2. Mutterschaft – eine soziale Funktion 152 IV. 3. Frauen in der städtischen Gesellschaft 157 IV. 3. 1. Frauen und urbane Geselligkeit: Der Salon (Poselo) 157 IV. 3. 2. Frauen und Öffentlichkeit: Domaćica 165 IV. 3. 3. „Gott beglücke mein Volk, dem ich sechs Kinder geschenkt habe“: Frauen in der Ehe 172 IV. 4. Frauen und nationale Mobilisierung (1875–1914/18) 188 IV. 4. 1. Patriotische Wohltätigkeit: Der Belgrader Frauenverein 188 IV. 4. 1. 1. Die erste Schirmherrin des Belgrader Frauenvereins: Die Königin Natalija Obrenović 191 IV. 4. 1. 2. Die Kriege von 1877/78 und 1885/86 195 IV. 4. 2. Arbeit an der Nation: Das Engagement des Damenausschusses „Fürstin Ljubica“ in „Altserbien“ und Makedonien 199 IV. 4. 3. An der Seite von Nation und Armee: Der „Kranz der serbischen Schwestern“ 208 IV. 4. 4. Jüdische Frauen und Nation 226 IV. 4. 5. Intellektuelle Frauen und nationale Agitation: Das Beispiel Isidora Sekulić 232 IV. 4. 6. Wird jeder Serbe als Soldat geboren? – Patriotisch-wehrhafte Männlichkeitskonstruktionen 241 IV. 4. 7. Kämpfende Frauen: „Amazonen“ 254 IV. 4. 8. Zwischen national-patriotischen und frauenspezifischen Anliegen: Der Serbisch-nationale Frauenbund 261 V. Zwischenfazit 279 Teil B Nation und Geschlecht im Zwischenkriegsjugoslawien 282 I. Grundlagen 283 I. 1. Entstehung und Entwicklung Jugoslawiens (1918–1941) 284 I. 2. Demographischer und sozialer Wandel 293 I. 2. 1. Territorium und Bevölkerungsentwicklung 293 I. 2. 2. Sozialer Wandel 297 II. Die Lage der Frauen in der jugoslawischen Gesellschaft 304 II. 1. Die Bauernfamilie 305 II. 2. Die Rechtsstellung der Frauen 313 III. Die jugoslawische Frauenbewegung 322 III. 1. Akademische Bildung, Berufsleben, Berufsverbände 323 III. 2. Politische Partizipationsforderungen: Kampf um das Wahlrecht 335 III. 3. Zwischen traditionellem Patriotismus und Jugoslawismus, zwischen Feminismus und Sozialismus 354 III. 3. 1. Nationaler Unitarismus 355 III. 3. 2. Die Emanzipation der patriarchalen Gesellschaft 366 IV. Zwischenfazit 384 Zusammenfassung 390 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 393 Quellen und Literatur 394 Quellen 394 Literatur 399 Verzeichnis der Karten, Tabellen und Graphiken 410 Verzeichnis der Abbildungen 412

Debatten om kvinnliga präster i Växjö och Göteborg stift : En kvalitativ studie över debatten om kvinnliga präster i lokaltidningar i Växjö och Göteborg stift 1957-1958 / The debate regarding female priests in Växjö and Göteborg dioceses : A qualitative study about the female priest debate in local newspaper in Växjö and Göteborg dioceses 1957-1958.

Karlsson, Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
This study has investigated the debate about allowing women to be consecrated as priests that started as a propositon at the Church meetings in Sweden between 1957 and 1958. The essay's purpose was to shed light on the newspaper debate attitude towards the introduction of female priests, focusing on the debates that took place in two dioceses: Gothenburg and Växjö. It presents the arguments for and against female priests that occur in the studies material. Furthermore, the study has also examined which groups argued for and against female priests with a grouping by gender. The study has in a larger sense tried to bring greater understanding of gender relations in theological circles in the 1950s. To examine this the study is based on debate articles and letters to the editor in local newspapers from the two dioceses.    The primary result of the essay was that the secular arguments for and against female priests was based on the perception that men and women are different to each other and that this could either hurt or help the church. Some also argued that men and women are the same and that they therefore should be allowed in the priesthood. Regarding the theological arguments, revolves around how the Bible should be interpreted in the modern day. Furthermore, the study showed that both dioceses argued in majority for female priests, but the resistance was greater in Gothenburg and amongst men in both dioceses.

ŽENY LITERÁRNÍCH SALONŮ: MARIE ANNA ZE SCHWARZENBERGU A MADAME DE STAËL / The Women of literature salons: Madame de Stäel and Maria Anna von Schwarzenberg.

TAUCHMANOVÁ, Monika January 2012 (has links)
In Paris, in 1766 was born one of the most famous saloniérs at the turn of the 18. century Anne-Luise-Germaine de Necker later known as Madame de Staël. Only one year later came Marie Anna von Hohenfeld to life, later married to Schwarzenberg noble family, who was one of the important organizers of literature salons in Vienna.What influence had the interest on French milieu on Anna Maria and what influence had on the contrary the travels through Germany on Madame de Staël? What was common for these two women and what was different? What were their views about education, politics, culture and how they lived their religion?This diploma thesis is an attempt to unconventional images these two women, their salons, culture influences and above all motivations for organizing social life.The thesis results from yet not processed sources to Maria Anna as well as from published studies to Madame de Staël and salons as well. The thesis will certainly not to repeat what was written previously and to outline still missing comparison of mental worlds of both noblewomen.

Entre textos e imagens: representa??es femininas em livros did?ticos de hist?ria (2008 ? 2014)

Martins, Cristiane da Silva Lima 27 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-09-18T22:28:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIssertacaoCristianeMartins.pdf: 2498693 bytes, checksum: 401a9906739eca46d6900a643ca8a6e7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-18T22:28:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIssertacaoCristianeMartins.pdf: 2498693 bytes, checksum: 401a9906739eca46d6900a643ca8a6e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-27 / This dissertation aims to analyze the representation of women in history textbooks directed to the last years of Elementary School (8th and 9th grades), used in the public schools of Brazil, approved by the Programa Nacional do Livro Did?tico (PNDL) [The National Program of Textbook] in 2008, 2011, and 2014. Among the questions contained in the dissertation, there is the concern about the way in which the performance of women as historical agents was built up over the years in didactic materials. The analysis focuses on the texts and images included in the following textbooks: Hist?ria, Sociedade & Cidadania (2006), Projeto Ararib? (2007), and Estudar Hist?ria: Das origens do homem ? era digital (2011), since textbooks are important tools in the process of consolidation and propagation of representations. Hence, we sought to think the sphere of women?s representation in the textbooks created after a period of educational reforms: the process of evaluation of the textbooks undertaken by PNDL, which has started in the beginning of 1996; the elaboration of the Par?metros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs) [National Curriculum Parameters], in 1998; and the Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCNs) [National Curriculum Guidelines], in 2013. Furthermore, we have tried to problematize what will be, from now on, the possibilities of change, also in history textbooks, after the approval of the Base Nacional Curricular Comum (BNCC) [National Curricular Common Base] in 2017. The analysis of the sources allowed us to verify that most of the contents, in the textbooks, continue to privilege the political and economic aspects. In this way, the approaches on women, when mentioned, appear in complementary texts, separated from the main subject. The study of representations, as proposed by Roger Chartier, was the basis for the construction of the analyzes that constitute this work. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as representa??es sobre as mulheres nos livros did?ticos de hist?ria direcionados aos ?ltimos anos do Ensino Fundamental (8? e 9? ano) utilizados nas escolas p?blicas do Brasil, aprovados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Did?tico - PNLD em 2008, 2011 e 2014. Entre as quest?es contidas na disserta??o est? presente a inquieta??o em rela??o ? forma como a atua??o das mulheres enquanto agentes hist?ricos foi constru?da ao longo dos anos nos materiais did?ticos. O foco principal das an?lises recaiu sobre os textos e imagens contidas nos seguintes livros did?ticos - LD Hist?ria, Sociedade & Cidadania (2006), Projeto Ararib? (2007) e Estudar Hist?ria: Das origens do homem ? era digital (2011), haja vista que os livros did?ticos s?o ferramentas importantes na consolida??o e propaga??o de representa??es. Desse modo, procurou-se pensar a esfera da representa??o das mulheres nos livros escolares produzidos ap?s um per?odo de reformas educacionais: o processo de avalia??o dos livros did?ticos empreendidos pelo PNLD, que teve in?cio em 1996, a elabora??o dos Par?metros Curriculares Nacionais - PCN (1998), das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais - DCN (2013). Al?m disso, buscou-se problematizar quais ser?o, daqui para frente, as possibilidades de mudan?a tamb?m nos livros did?ticos de Hist?ria ap?s a aprova??o da Base Nacional Comum Curricular - BNCC (2017). A an?lise das fontes nos permitiu constatar que a maior parte dos textos, nos LD, continua privilegiando os aspectos pol?ticos e econ?micos. Desse modo, as abordagens sobre as mulheres, quando mencionadas, aparecem em textos complementares, separadas do corpo principal do conte?do. O estudo das representa??es, tal como proposto por Roger Chartier, foi a base para a constru??o das an?lises deste trabalho.

Libertas entre sobrados: contratos de trabalho doméstico em São Paulo na derrocada da escravidão / Released slaves among houses: Contracts of domestic work in São Paulo in the overthrow of slavery

Telles, Lorena Feres da Silva 22 August 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa acompanha as experiências sociais de mulheres escravas, libertas e descendentes livres, na cidade de São Paulo, durante o último quartel do século XIX, no processo social da transição do trabalho escravo para o livre. Pesquisamos livros de inscrições e de contratos de trabalho livre, exigências previstas pelas Posturas Municipais sobre Criados e Amas de Leite, de 1886. O conjunto de regulamentos vinha formalizar deveres e obrigações para empregadores e trabalhadores livres, no contexto do crescimento urbano acelerado, do processo avançado da abolição e da política imigratória que conduziam para a Capital imigrantes pobres e libertos destutelados. Migrantes das regiões escravistas da Província e daquelas que forneceram escravos para o tráfico interprovincial, africanas livres e nascidas na Capital empregaram-se nas residências das elites e camadas médias urbanas. Vislumbramos as estratégias de sobrevivência das agentes do trabalho doméstico livres e pobres, que a polícia registrava nos anos finais do regime escravista. Afastadas das atividades rentáveis, no contexto de pouca diversificação econômica, ex-escravas e descendentes livres sobreviveram dos parcos ganhos auferidos daqueles serviços socialmente desqualificados, dos quais os membros das elites e classes médias dependiam: fazendeiros, estrangeiros proprietários de hotéis, donos de confeitarias, coronéis, funcionários públicos, profissionais liberais, viúvas pobres e remediadas. Reconstituímos o cotidiano dos variados trabalhos que desempenharam a cozinha, a lavagem e o engomado das roupas, a limpeza da casa, o cuidado e o aleitamento de crianças , transitando entre as ruas, as várzeas dos rios e o tenso ambiente das casas. Das entrelinhas dos textos emergem libertas dispostas a improvisar variadas formas de resistência e recusa à opressão cotidiana. Experimentaram as liberdades possíveis e inegociáveis: recusaram com suas indisciplinas as jornadas extenuantes de trabalho, conquistaram aumentos salariais, cuidaram de seus doentes, compartilharam moradias com seus companheiros e filhos. Abandonando por fim os sobrados, indispuseram-se ao assédio sexual, aos maus tratos e aos baixos ordenados, que nem sempre recebiam: permanências de um escravismo doméstico e persistente, que, com suas práticas, ousaram recusar. / The research assembles the social experiences of slave women, released and free descendants in São Paulo during the last quarter of the nineteenth century, in the social process of transition from slave work to freedom. In order to accomplished our aim, we rummage into the books, subscriptions and free employment contracts, requirements established by Municipal ordinances on Criadas e Amas de Leite, from 1886. The ensemble of regulations was made in order to formalize the duties and obligations for employers and free employees , in the context of hasty urban growth the advanced process of abolition and the immigration policy that led, to the main city, poor immigrants and unruly people. Migrants from provincial slavery region sand those slaveholders who provided slaves to an interprovincial trafficking, mainly free African born, were employed in the elite and urban middle classes residences. We glimpse the survival strategies from poor and free agents of the housework registered by the police during the final years of the slave regime. Displaced from profitable activities in the context of low economic diversification, formers slaves and free descendants survived from meager gains earned from these socially unskilled services of which the members of the elite and middle classes depended and profited: farmers, foreigners hotel owners, colonels, civil servants, professional, widows and poor remedied. Our research attempt to reconstruct the daily life of several jobs that these free women have done in the new social order: the kitchen, washing and ironing clothes, cleaning the house, care and feeding children, traffic in the streets, the riverside and the tense environment of the houses. Reading between the lines of texts, it is possible to observe the existence of released women willing to improvise various ways of resistance and rejection of everyday oppression. Their experience makes possible ways of non-negotiable freedom, refusing, with their misbehavior, the days of exhausting work, consequently, winning wage increases, caring for their patients and the possibility of sharing housing with their partners and children. With the further abandon of the traditional townhouses, they eventually avoid the sexual harassment and the bad treatment: sojourn of domestic and persistent slavery, that these women, with their daily practices, have dared to decline.

Libertas entre sobrados: contratos de trabalho doméstico em São Paulo na derrocada da escravidão / Released slaves among houses: Contracts of domestic work in São Paulo in the overthrow of slavery

Lorena Feres da Silva Telles 22 August 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa acompanha as experiências sociais de mulheres escravas, libertas e descendentes livres, na cidade de São Paulo, durante o último quartel do século XIX, no processo social da transição do trabalho escravo para o livre. Pesquisamos livros de inscrições e de contratos de trabalho livre, exigências previstas pelas Posturas Municipais sobre Criados e Amas de Leite, de 1886. O conjunto de regulamentos vinha formalizar deveres e obrigações para empregadores e trabalhadores livres, no contexto do crescimento urbano acelerado, do processo avançado da abolição e da política imigratória que conduziam para a Capital imigrantes pobres e libertos destutelados. Migrantes das regiões escravistas da Província e daquelas que forneceram escravos para o tráfico interprovincial, africanas livres e nascidas na Capital empregaram-se nas residências das elites e camadas médias urbanas. Vislumbramos as estratégias de sobrevivência das agentes do trabalho doméstico livres e pobres, que a polícia registrava nos anos finais do regime escravista. Afastadas das atividades rentáveis, no contexto de pouca diversificação econômica, ex-escravas e descendentes livres sobreviveram dos parcos ganhos auferidos daqueles serviços socialmente desqualificados, dos quais os membros das elites e classes médias dependiam: fazendeiros, estrangeiros proprietários de hotéis, donos de confeitarias, coronéis, funcionários públicos, profissionais liberais, viúvas pobres e remediadas. Reconstituímos o cotidiano dos variados trabalhos que desempenharam a cozinha, a lavagem e o engomado das roupas, a limpeza da casa, o cuidado e o aleitamento de crianças , transitando entre as ruas, as várzeas dos rios e o tenso ambiente das casas. Das entrelinhas dos textos emergem libertas dispostas a improvisar variadas formas de resistência e recusa à opressão cotidiana. Experimentaram as liberdades possíveis e inegociáveis: recusaram com suas indisciplinas as jornadas extenuantes de trabalho, conquistaram aumentos salariais, cuidaram de seus doentes, compartilharam moradias com seus companheiros e filhos. Abandonando por fim os sobrados, indispuseram-se ao assédio sexual, aos maus tratos e aos baixos ordenados, que nem sempre recebiam: permanências de um escravismo doméstico e persistente, que, com suas práticas, ousaram recusar. / The research assembles the social experiences of slave women, released and free descendants in São Paulo during the last quarter of the nineteenth century, in the social process of transition from slave work to freedom. In order to accomplished our aim, we rummage into the books, subscriptions and free employment contracts, requirements established by Municipal ordinances on Criadas e Amas de Leite, from 1886. The ensemble of regulations was made in order to formalize the duties and obligations for employers and free employees , in the context of hasty urban growth the advanced process of abolition and the immigration policy that led, to the main city, poor immigrants and unruly people. Migrants from provincial slavery region sand those slaveholders who provided slaves to an interprovincial trafficking, mainly free African born, were employed in the elite and urban middle classes residences. We glimpse the survival strategies from poor and free agents of the housework registered by the police during the final years of the slave regime. Displaced from profitable activities in the context of low economic diversification, formers slaves and free descendants survived from meager gains earned from these socially unskilled services of which the members of the elite and middle classes depended and profited: farmers, foreigners hotel owners, colonels, civil servants, professional, widows and poor remedied. Our research attempt to reconstruct the daily life of several jobs that these free women have done in the new social order: the kitchen, washing and ironing clothes, cleaning the house, care and feeding children, traffic in the streets, the riverside and the tense environment of the houses. Reading between the lines of texts, it is possible to observe the existence of released women willing to improvise various ways of resistance and rejection of everyday oppression. Their experience makes possible ways of non-negotiable freedom, refusing, with their misbehavior, the days of exhausting work, consequently, winning wage increases, caring for their patients and the possibility of sharing housing with their partners and children. With the further abandon of the traditional townhouses, they eventually avoid the sexual harassment and the bad treatment: sojourn of domestic and persistent slavery, that these women, with their daily practices, have dared to decline.

The case of Mary Dean : sex, poisoning and gender relations in Australia

Brien, Donna Lee January 2003 (has links)
The genre of biography is, by nature, imprecise and limited. Real lives are lived synchronously and diversely; they do not divide spontaneously into chapters, subjects or themes. All biographers construct stories, in the process forcing the disordered complexity of an actual life into a neat literary form. This doctoral submission comprises a book length creative work, Poisoned: The Trials of Mary Dean, and a reflective written component on that creative work, Writing Fictionalised Biography. Poisoned is a biography of Mary Dean, who, although repeatedly poisoned by her husband at the end of the nineteenth century, did not die. This biography, presented in the form of a first-person memoir, is based closely on historical evidence and is supported with discursive notes and a select bibliography. The reflective written component, Writing Fictionalised Biography, outlines the process and challenges of writing a biography when the source material available is inadequate and unreliable. In writing Poisoned my genre solution has been fictionalised biography - biography which is historically diligent while utilising fictional writing strategies and incorporating fictional passages. This written component reflectively discusses how I arrived at that solution. It includes discussion of the sources I utilised in writing Poisoned, including the limitations of trial transcripts and other court records as biographical evidence; useful precursors to the form; the process wherein I located both a form for my fictionalised biography and a voice for my biographical subject; possible models I considered; how I distinguished established fact from speculative supposition in the text; as well as some of the ambivalences and ethical concerns such a narrative process implies.

LULEÅS FOLKBIBLIOTEKSUTVECKLING UR ETT GENUSPERSPEKTIV : - med fokus på centralbibliotekarien Olga Bardh

Bergenudd, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att synliggöra folkbiblioteksutvecklingen i Luleå, samt att lyfta fram fler kvinnor som bidragit till folkbiblioteksutvecklingen i Sverige. Studien undersöker vilka faktorer som påverkat progressionen av Luleå kommuns folkbibliotek, samtidigt som dessa sätts i relation till Sveriges biblioteksutveckling. Trots att Valfrid Palmgren beundrade och framhävde Luleås folkbibliotek i sin skrift år 1911, är Norrbottens bibliotekshistoria tämligen dold för omvärlden. Luleås bibliotek var bland de första biblioteken i Sverige som utsågs till centralbibliotek, där bibliotekarien Olga Bardh anställdes som chef. Olga Bardh var en välutbildad kvinna med stora visioner om att skapa ett modernt och framstående bibliotek i Luleå och Norrbotten. Denna studie ämnar undersöka vilken betydelse hennes arbete hade för biblioteksutvecklingen, och på vilket sätt detta i så fall yttrade sig. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter utgår från Christina Florins (1987) teorier om den svenska folkskolans feminiserings- och professionaliseringsprocess i början på 1900-talet, Yvonne Hirdmans (2004) teorier om genussystemet, samt Hanna Westberg-Wohlgemuths (1996) teorier om könsmärkning. Med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys har det empiriska materialet analyserats i hopp om att verka för social förändring, där undertryckta samhällsgrupper synliggörs.

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