Spelling suggestions: "subject:"work off then negative"" "subject:"work off them negative""
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[pt] A presente dissertação pretende investigar o paradoxo da pulsão de morte: se, por um lado, os movimentos destrutivos que esta coloca em ação são claramente observados na clínica psicanalítica, por outro, nos interessa apontar a possibilidade de criação que a mesma propicia ao desfazer as ligações já estabelecidas, colocando o psiquismo frente ao irrepresentável que o movimenta. Para tanto, estudaremos o trabalho do negativo, tendo em vista que essa teorização nos permite examinar a ação da pulsão de morte em sua face estruturante e em sua face desestruturante do aparato psíquico. No que se refere a sua ação desorganizadora, pensaremos os efeitos patológicos da ação da pulsão de morte como efeitos colaterais de uma tentativa radical de sobrevivência a um objeto primário absoluto, portanto, como um esforço de subjetivação. / [en] The present dissertation aims to investigate the paradox of the death drive: the destructive movements that are put into action are clearly observed in the psychoanalytic clinic, but in contrast we point out the possibility of creation that it facilitates by undoing what is already established, placing the psyche in front of the unrepresentable that makes it move. Therefore, we will study the work of the negative in view that this theorization allows us to examine the action of the death drive in its structuring perspective and in its deconstructing view of the psychic apparatus. With regard to their disorganizing action, we will think of the pathological effects of the death drive as the side effects of a radical attempt to survive an absolute primary object, therefore, as an effort of subjectivation.
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Pozitiva a negativa sociální práce u pacientů po poškození mozku z pohledu sociálního pracovníka / Positive and negative aspects of social work with patients after brain damage in terms of social workerMANDÁTOVÁ, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the social work with people after brain damage and is part of the GAJU project called "Coordinated Rehabilitation of Patients after Brain Damage (Reg. No. GAJU 138/2016 / S)". Collaboration with social workers from the region of České Budějovice was part of this thesis. Their work also consists of working with people after brain damage. The purpose of the collaboration was to map out follow-up services after hospitalization of people after brain damage. Information about these organizations has been shared with the patients who were included in the GAJU project. The complex results of the project will be elaborated within the publishing activities. The diploma thesis is divided into two parts. The first - the theoretical part - is focused on the basic description of brain damage, there is more about the cerebral stroke, the coordinated rehabilitation team, the role of the social worker. There is also described the burden that the social worker as a person in the helping profession may face and burnout syndrome as a possible consequence of this burden. In the research part, the main objective was to find out what positives and negatives the social workers perceive in working with people after brain damage. This objective was completed through interviews with the social workers situated in České Budějovice. We can fully understand the extend of the social workers' work with people after brain damage thanks to the interviews. In connection with the goal, research questions have been identified: What are the positive and negative aspects of social work related to work with patient after brain damage according to the subjective opinion of a social worker? Another one: What influences the perception of positives and negatives which the social workers experience during their work? A qualitative research strategy was used, a technique of interviewing with use of instructions was chosen for the interviews with fourteen social workers of the organizations, whose target group also includes people after brain damage. Data was processed in Atlas.ti 7. The administration which is more and more demanding due to the legislation. That results in less time with client and more time with paperwork. Finance which is related to the funding of services, lack of resources for employee remuneration and the financial difficulty for clients. Lack of qualified staff, time consuming activities that are closely tied to the extensive administration and the fact that social workers often work beyond their job responsibilities and competencies. Non-cooperation of a client's family or lack of interest of family on the client, there is also the legislation, which is often in contradiction with practice according to interviews. The social workers have to follow the actual amendments of the law and that is time-consuming and exhausting, absence of follow-up organizations for patients after brain damage, lack of competencies/authority/information of social workers, insufficient motivation, lack of financial remuneration or lack of benefits for employees, conflicts with authorities, barriers that may occur during work of a social worker or insufficient resources. The analysis also reveals that social workers subjectively perceive these positives during their work with patients after brain damage: client satisfaction, helping people, the good feeling after job well done, positive feedback, fulfilling job, positive in relation to the work environment. The results of the thesis show that the positive aspects dominates over the negative ones. Work in a multidisciplinary team has been perceived positively amongst the social workers and beneficial for the clients and for the team. This work will serve as a sub-part for the elaboration of complex outcomes of coordinated rehabilitation of patients after brain damage from the GAJU project. Research results will become part of the publication outputs from the above-mentioned project.
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[pt] Este trabalho consiste numa discussão sobre o destino do objeto nos casoslimite
diante das dificuldades envolvidas nas relações primárias com o objeto
absolutamente necessário no início da vida psíquica. Quando este objeto falha
sucessivamente em desempenhar suas funções adequadamente, em um momento
muito primitivo de despreparo subjetivo, a constituição psíquica é marcada por
traumatismos primários que impedem o luto e o trabalho do negativo estruturante,
ocasionando negativizações que desorganizam o interior do aparelho psíquico e
impedem a construção de um espaço de ausência fecundo para o surgimento de
representações que estruturam o pensamento. Ao fracassar em sua ação
constitutiva, o trabalho do negativo vai operar de forma patológica,
impossibilitando o apagamento do objeto primário que é insistentemente mantido
no campo psíquico por meio de sucessivas clivagens e idealizações que
cristalizam e purificam o objeto. Enquanto a clivagem consiste em uma saída
negativizante mal-sucedida que visa afastar as partes não representáveis da
vivência traumática que ameaçam retornar desorganizando a frágil delimitação
intrapsíquica e intersubjetiva, a idealização excessiva, por sua vez, é uma
estratégia defensiva que confere ao objeto uma posição inacessível, rígida e fixa,
ação que entrava o trabalho de luto, resultando, assim, no entupimento do espaço
pessoal e na obstrução do pensamento. / [en] This dissertation intends to discuss the vicissitudes of the object in
borderline patients faced with difficulties involved in relationships with the object
absolutely necessary at the beginning of psychic life. When this object
successively fails to perform its functions adequately, in a very primitive moment
of subjective unpreparedness, the psychic constitution is marked by primary
traumatisms that prevent mourning and the structuring work of the negative,
causing negative actions that disrupt the interior of the psychic apparatus and
prevent the building up of an empty space that could make possible the emergence
of representations that structure thought. By failing in its constitutive act, the work
of the negative operates in a pathological way, preventing the effacement of the
primary object that is consistently maintained in the psychic sphere as a result of
hrough successive splittings and idealizations that crystallize and purify the
object. Thus splitting consists in an unsuccessful negative action which attempts
to get rid of the unrepresentable aspects linked to the traumatic experience, which
threaten to return, disorganizing the fragiles intrapsychic and intersubjective
boundaries. Excessive idealization, on the other hand, is a defensive strategy that
gives the object an inaccessible rigid and fixed position that interferes with the
work of mourning, thus resulting in the clogging of personal space and the
obstruction of thought.
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[pt] A dissertação consiste numa pesquisa teórica que propõe o argumento de os ataques ao enquadre, frequentemente empreendidos pelos casos-limite, constituírem a tentativa clínica de passagem para o campo do uso do objeto. A agressividade não bem manejada pelo ambiente prejudica o reconhecimento da externalidade, resultando numa tendência à destruição que se torna característica central da clínica com estes casos. O trabalho do negativo malsucedido impossibilita a construção do espaço da ausência no psiquismo, fundamental à construção de representações, à instauração das fronteiras intrapsíquicas e intersubjetivas e ao investimento em objetos substitutos. Os prejuízos relativos à agressividade e ao trabalho do negativo redundam na precariedade das fronteiras entre o eu e o outro, sugerindo a prevalência de uma relação pautada na vertente subjetiva do objeto, logo não reconhecido em sua natureza externa. As contribuições de Winnicott e Green fundamentam nossa hipótese de que a destrutividade – expressa na clínica dos casos-limite através dos ataques ao enquadre – consiste numa tentativa atuada de passagem para o campo do uso do objeto, que consolida a unidade do self ao mesmo tempo que possibilita o reconhecimento do objeto na realidade compartilhada. / [en] The dissertation consists of theoretical research proposing the argument that the attacks on the setting, often undertaken by borderline patients, consists on a clinical way of reaching the use of an object. The aggressiveness not well handled by the environment affects the recognition of the externality, resulting in a tendency towards destruction which becomes the central feature in the borderline clinic. The unsuccessful work of the negative precludes the construction of an absence space in the psyche, fundamental to the construction of representations, the introduction of intrapsychic and intersubjective borders, as the investment in substitute objects. Losses related to aggressiveness and the work of the negative result in precarious boundaries between self and other, suggesting the prevalence of a relationship based in the subjective aspect of the object, not just recognized in his external nature. The contributions of Winnicott and Green underlie our hypothesis that the destructiveness – expressed in borderline clinic through the attacks on the setting – consists in an actuated way to reach the use of the object, which consolidates the unity of self while enables the recognition of the object in shared reality.
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Le travail du négatif chez Denis Diderot. Une étude de fictions choisies / The work of the negative in writing of Denis Diderot. A study of selected fictionsBohn, Marie-Anne 24 March 2018 (has links)
Le travail du négatif, théorisé au départ par la philosophie, nous a aidés à approcher ce qui apparaît, à nos yeux, comme le cœur de notre étude, cette action qui semble profondément agiter le corpus de fictions choisies. Si le travail du négatif est un mouvement qui prend forme dans un contexte de polarisation où l’autre est toujours sous-entendu, s’il est agitation équivoque et instabilité, comment s’actualise-t-il chez Diderot ? En ce sens, l’étude des circonstances de production s’avère primordiale. Les censures et les réseaux ont une incidence sur les productions artistiques. De plus, les textes denses déploient des techniques de louvoiement qu’il convient de défaire. Des genres au rapport au réel, de la mise en fiction de la pensée aux catégories référentielles, les brouillages de pistes sont réitérés et accordent en fin de compte à la parole une place centrale. Face à ces informations, le travail du lecteur est complexe. Le déploiement de la pensée diderotienne, à travers la multiplicité, est-il lié à cette agitation « négative » ? Enfin, nous interrogeons encore cette impression de mouvement qui se dégage des textes étudiés. Tout se passe comme s’ils tendaient vers la préservation de la force et de la puissance du geste de penser, comme si en même temps entre philosophie et littérature, le style diderotien se construisait. La forme dialogique structure le texte. L’ironie et ses figures façonnent les phrases et les situations de sorte à placer le lecteur dans un inconfort actif, de sorte à répercuter sur lui les questionnements internes au texte et à le déborder. Ce travail du négatif, plus ou moins abondant selon les œuvres, remet en perspective la notion de littérarité. / The work of the negative, a concept that initiated in philosophy, allowed the researcher to tackle the core of this study, as this action appears to shake profoundly the corpus of fictional texts chosen. If the work of the negative is a movement, which is shaped within a context of polarisation where the other is always implied, if there is an ambiguous turmoil and inconstancy, how does it actualize in Diderot’s work? To this extent, the study of the context of writing is essential as censorship and networks impact the arts. Additionally, the density of the texts requires unpacking the rhetorical effect of the convoluted prose. From genres to the connection to reality, from fictionalization of thoughts to narrative mode, tracks are covered repeatedly, thicken the plot, and eventually grant the central places to speech. In light of this information, the reader’s task is intricate. Is this “negative” stir connected to Diderot’s unfolding his thoughts through multiplicity? Lastly, we will probe further the feeling of movement which emanates from the texts at hand. It is as if it converged towards preserving the strength and power of thinking, as if in the meantime at a cross section between philosophy and literature, the style of Diderot was shaping up. A dialogic form structures the writing. Irony and its features mold sentences and situations in order to place the reader in an active discomfort, it reverberates the questioning inherent to the writing, and overflows. The work of the negative, which can be found more or less profusely in Diderot’s work, puts the notion of literarity into perspective.
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Le travail du négatif dans l’œuvre romanesque de Réjean Ducharme / The work of the negative in the novels of Réjean DucharmeHombourger, Juline 09 January 2012 (has links)
Dans les sciences humaines, le travail du négatif est une notion qui appartient surtout aux domaines philosophiques et psychanalytiques. En tenant compte de cette filiation, sa pertinence dans le champ littéraire se révèle également effective. En effet, lorsque l’on confronte l’idée à l’œuvre romanesque de Réjean Ducharme, l’action du travail du négatif rend compte des enjeux souterrains de cette écriture. Ainsi, le texte apparaît comme le lieu de l’instabilité où chacune des composantes donne à voir son envers et où les contradictions coexistent. Dans cette dynamique, les trois catégories du récit vacillent : elles sont sculptées dans une autre matière que celle qu’on leur assigne généralement. Dans un même élan, le style ducharmien s’empare du travail du négatif en défigeant le mot, en resémantisant la phrase, en offrant à la parole le pouvoir d’avoir un impact sur le réel. Tout est conçu pour échapper à la fixité. Construits de la sorte, les romans véhiculent une vision du monde tragique. Cette dernière, à travers l’acte de lecture, se voit pétrie par le grotesque et engendre alors un fatum qui s’apparente à l’uniformisation. Cette réalité dévoile, paradoxalement, un univers en déséquilibre qui fait écho à l’étymologie du mot baroque, « perle irrégulière ». Le texte ducharmien est donc le carrefour de plusieurs esthétiques qui possèdent toutes, en leur essence, un mouvement semblable au travail du négatif. Celui-ci peut être perçu, dans tous les cas, comme un révélateur de littérarité. Il opère, d’ailleurs, de cette manière, dans d’autres œuvres francophones, notamment dans celles de Rachid Boudjedra, de Maurice Bandaman et de Dominique Rolin. / In Human Sciences, the work of the negative is a concept which mainly belongs to the philosophical and psychoanalytical fields. Taking into account this relationship, its relevance in the literary field also proves effective. Indeed, when this notion is applied to the novels of Réjean Ducharme, the action of the work of the negative reveals the underground stakes of the author’s work. Thus, his writing takes us constantly back and forth between all the opposed elements which populate it. Ducharme’s texts are a place of instability, where each component shows its hidden side and where contradictions shaped by the process of involution coexist. Within this dynamic, the narrative mode loses its equilibrium: time, space and characters are sculpted with very unusual clay. In the same spirit, Ducharme’s writing style seizes the work of the negative by loosening words, and giving a new meaning to sentences, by offering to the word the power of having an impact on reality. Everything is designed to escape immobility. Novels built on this pattern convey a tragic vision of the world; a vision which through the act of reading finds itself steeped in the grotesque and therefore generates a fatum, which is very similar to sameness. Paradoxically, this reality unveils an unbalanced world and echoes the baroque word "irregular pearl" in its etymological meaning. Ducharme’s writing is at a crossroad between several aesthetics, whose quintessential principles are similar to the work of the negative. The latter can be perceived as an indicator of literariness and can be found in some of other French works, including those of Rachid Boudjedra, Maurice Bandaman and Dominique Rolin.
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Paciente-limite: entre Winnicott e GreenNichile, Felipe Ferreira de 07 June 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-06-07 / The basis of this psychoanalytic research is the comparative analysis between the works of D. W. Winnicott and André Green regarding the Theoretical-Clinical proposals presented by the authors to the treatment of the borderline patient, whose behavior is often characterized by a refractory dynamic to the classical treatment proposed by Sigmund Freud. Therefore, we aimed to draw a parallel between the psychoanalytic treatment sessions conducted by each of the authors, having as reference the instigating case of a borderline patient they had in common. Based on the clinical interventions that both authors report about the case, we attempt to establish which were the main theoretical aspects that supported them, as to investigate which innovations the authors bring to this type of patient, to whom they created clinical dispositives compatible with what they understand to be this psychopathology. To that end we intent to establish their main points of convergence and divergence. We concluded then that despite being quite close in some aspects, the authors propositions are, to a large extent, quite heterogeneous theories and present quite divergent clinical proposals. According to Winnicott, the regression to the dependency is the emphasis of the treatment, as a way to resume the normal process of personal maturation, amended by a traumatic situation and that needs to be lived again in analysis, this time with the support of a favorable environment to this return. To Green, the treatment is based on the creation of analytical environment favorable to the processes of verbalization and symbolization, as a possibility to give meaning to the vicissitudes of the drives as a way to the internalization of negative / A presente pesquisa psicanalítica tem como escopo a análise comparativa entre as obras de D. W. Winnicott e André Green no que diz respeito às propostas teórico-clínicas apresentadas pelos autores para o tratamento do paciente-limite, aquele que costuma apresentar uma dinâmica refratária ao tratamento psicanalítico clássico como foi proposto por Sigmund Freud. Para isto, buscamos traçar um paralelo entre as sessões do tratamento psicanalítico conduzido por cada um dos autores, tendo como referência o instigante caso de uma paciente-limite comum aos dois autores. Partindo, portanto, das intervenções clínicas que cada um deles relatam sobre o caso, buscamos estabelecer quais os principais aspectos teóricos que as fundamentaram, no intuito de apurar quais as inovações que os autores trazem para esta espécie de paciente, para a qual ambos se dedicaram a criar dispositivos clínicos compatíveis com o que eles entendem ser esta psicopatologia. Neste sentido, procuramos estabelecer quais são seus principais pontos de convergência e de divergência. Pudemos concluir com isso que, apesar das proposições dos autores serem bastante próximas em alguns pontos, em sua maior parte tratam-se de teorias bastante heterogêneas e que apresentam propostas clínicas bastante divergentes. Para Winnicott, a ênfase do tratamento encontra-se na regressão à dependência, como uma maneira de retomar o processo normal de amadurecimento pessoal, alterado por uma situação traumática e que necessita ser vivido novamente na análise, desta vez com o apoio de um ambiente favorável a esta retomada. Para Green, o tratamento baseia-se na criação de um ambiente analítico favorável aos processos de verbalização e simbolização, como uma possibilidade de dar sentido às vicissitudes das pulsões por meio da internalização do negativo
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