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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Liderazgo Femenino y su impacto en el Desempeño Laboral de las mujeres directivas de las áreas académicas en las Universidades Privadas de Lima Sur, año 2019 / Women’s Leadership and its Impact on the Work Performance of Women Directors of Academic Areas at Private Universities of Lima South, 2019

Alvarez Mosqueira, Ketty Marisol, Benito Ccuno, Rosario de los Ángeles 07 June 2019 (has links)
Con el pasar de los años la mujer ha ido ganando mayor espacio en el ámbito laboral, pasando de tener como principal función las labores domésticas a dirigir organizaciones importantes desde posiciones directivas. El Liderazgo Femenino, ha sido un factor determinante en este proceso de evolución y en su crecimiento profesional, éste las ha impulsado a poner en práctica sus capacidades y habilidades. Sin duda, el Liderazgo Femenino es un concepto que se viene escuchando desde hace algunos años atrás y más con los cambios de paradigma que la sociedad ha ido experimentando en cuanto a la forma de ver a la mujer y a la globalización. Sin embargo, aún no es un tema desarrollado a profundidad pese al impacto que pueda tener en las organizaciones y en la sociedad. Es así como, esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal identificar el impacto que genera el Liderazgo Femenino en el Desempeño Laboral de las mujeres directivas de las áreas académicas en las Universidades Privadas de Lima Sur del año 2019. En primer lugar, en el Capítulo I, se desarrollará el marco teórico que contiene las definiciones de las variables del tema de investigación que son el Liderazgo Femenino y Desempeño Laboral; además de sus antecedentes, evolución y dimensiones. Asimismo, se describe el sector elegido el cual es el sector universitario privado peruano incluyendo las universidades privadas que componen Lima Sur. En segundo lugar, en el Capítulo II muestra el plan de investigación, el cual engloba el estado de la cuestión, la justificación y/o relevancia del tema, así como los objetivos y las hipótesis planteadas de la investigación. En tercer lugar, en el Capítulo III se desarrollará la metodología de investigación, la cual determinará el tipo de investigación, el enfoque, el alcance, y el diseño de la investigación. Igualmente, las definiciones de la población y muestra de la investigación cualitativa como cuantitativa y sus respectivos instrumentos empleados. En cuarto lugar, en el Capítulo IV, se presentará el desarrollo de la metodología tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa. En quinto lugar, en el Capítulo V, se mostrará el análisis de los resultados obtenidos de la investigación. Por último, se presentarán las conclusiones y recomendaciones producto de la investigación realizada. / Over the year’s women have been gaining more space in the field of work, moving from having the main role of domestic work to leading important organizations from leadership positions. Women’s leadership has been a determining factor in this process of evolution and in their professional growth, which has prompted them to put into practice their capacities and abilities. Women’s Leadership is certainly a concept that has been heard for some years now, and more so with the paradigm changes that society has been experiencing in terms of how to see women and globalization. However, a theme is not developed in depth despite the impact it may have on organizations and on society. Thus, the main objective of this research is to identify the impact of Women’s Leadership on the Work Performance of women in academic areas in the Private Universities of Lima Sur, in 2019. First, in Chapter I, the theoretical framework will be developed that contains the definitions of the variables of the topic of research that are Female Leadership and Work Performance, in addition to their background, evolution and dimensions. It also describes the chosen sector, which is the Peruvian private university sector, including the private universities that make up Lima Sur. Secondly, Chapter II shows the research plan, which covers the status of the issue, the justification and/or relevance of the topic as well as the objectives and hypotheses of the research. Third, Chapter III will develop the research methodology, which will determine the type of research, approach, scope, and design of the research. Also, population definitions and sample qualitative research as quantitative and their respective instruments used. Fourthly, Chapter IV will present the development of both qualitative and quantitative methodology. Fifthly, in Chapter V, the analysis of the research results will be shown. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations resulting from the investigation carried out will be presented. / Tesis

Management control systems : An Empirical study of work performance

Borgström, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
Working from the office was not a plausible choice for many organizations due to the COVID-19 pandemic that started in 2020. The insurance industry was one of the industries in Sweden that had to start working from home. This impacted how management could do their job without direct interaction with, and oversight of, employees in the normal office environment. This paper uses theoretical frameworks to establish a foundation within management control systems and performance measurements. A self-built model was constructed based on previous frameworks from Merchant & Van der Stede and Kaplan & Norton. The study is of quantitative nature and uses a survey approach to collect new data within the insurance industry. The concluding remarks of this study are that a change occurred when tracking work performance according to the self-built model. Furthermore, different aspects of the self-constructed model have had a more significant response than others.

Competencies as a predictor of work performance for branch managers in a banking institution

Pema-Mistry, Deepa January 1900 (has links)
An essential blend between competencies, personality and skill is sought after for successful branch managers in today’s banking world in order to achieve a high level of quality, on-time delivery, as well as customer and employee satisfaction and loyalty. In this study the predictive relationship between competencies (as a portrayal of personality and abilities) and work performance was investigated among the branch managers. The scores on the essential Universal Competency Framework competencies, the Person- Job Match and performance data for three years were used to conduct correlation and regression analyses. The study was conducted among 95 branch managers at a banking institution in South Africa. A theoretical relationship was determined, and this was supported by the significant relationship that was evident between the identified essential competencies of the branch managers and their work performance. The regression model summary indicated significance when using all essential competencies combined against the overall criterion score. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Dohody o pracích konaných mimo pracovní poměr / The Agreements on Work Performed Outside of Employment

Stárková, Taťána January 2013 (has links)
The Agreements on Work Performed Outside of Employment The aim of my thesis was to summarize the current and former legislation of legal relations established by the Agreements on Work Performed Outside of Employment. I focused my work on private law legislation, especially on the area of labour law and also on the public law legislation, such as social security law and tax law. By using the analytical method of research of the above mentioned, I concluded to what extent is such institute still needed and what possible changes shall the legislator consider to reflect the best the current needs of the society. To examine the legal situation, it was necessary to summarize the relationship between civil and labour law and also to define certain terms closely related to the institute of Agreements on Work Performed Outside of Employment in the first and second part of my thesis. Such terms include especially the notion of dependent labour and dependent activity as well as the notion of employment itself. The next part of my work discusses the history of legislation of both types of the Agreements on Work Performed Outside of Employment. The fourth part of the thesis deals with the analysis of the up to date legislation governing this institute. Finally the work also refers to application problems that...

Návrh rozvoje systému hodnocení a odměňování zaměstnanců ve vybrané společnosti / Proposal for Development of Evaluation and Remuneration of Employees in the Selected Company

Sasková, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis deals with evaluation and remuneration of employees in selected company. Thesis consists of three part. First part containes theoretical knowledge of the issue. In the next part is analyzed current status of the company. This part also includes analysis of evaluation and remuneration of employees. In the last part of this thesis are proposals for developing the current system of evaluation and remuneration of employees.

The Outcome of Organizational Politics and The Tactics of Management

Mei-Hui, Wu 03 September 2004 (has links)
This investigation uses the model proposed by Ferris et al.¡]1989¡^to study the relationships among the perceptions of organizational politics with job satisfaction, job stress, job involvement, work performance, turnover intention, organization citizenship behavior, organizational commitment. Understanding and perceived of control as moderators to influence perceptions of organizational politics & outcome variables were examined. The sample consisted of 2559 employees selected from 35 diverse organizations. The data were analyzed by applying statistical methods, including factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation, regression and hierarchical regression analysis. The major results of this study are as follows. The perceptions of organizational politics have been reduced to three factors--general political behavior, going along to get ahead and the difference of policies & practices. Behavior of general politics were found have negative relationship with work performance and job involvement and positive relationship with job stress. The difference of policies & practice were found have negative relationship with job satisfaction, job involvement, organization citizenship behavior and organizational commitment and positive relationship with job stress, work performance and turnover intention. Understanding serves as moderators of the relationships between perceptions of organizational politics sub-dimension and job satisfaction, job stress, work performance, turnover intention, organization citizenship behavior, and organizational commitment. Perceived of control serves as a moderator of the relationships between perceptions of organizational politics sub-dimension and job stress, work performance, turnover intention, and organizational commitment.

The study of work choice motivation and workers' interaction in influencing job attitude and work performance for contingent workers

Yang, Chin-ann 14 July 2009 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation was (1) to examine the work choice motivation for accepting the contingent employment in relation to various outcomes (job satisfaction, job involvement, and psychological contract) and the effect on work performance (obedience, and work expectation), and (2) to test whether workers¡¦ interaction may assist in explaining difference between the various outcome and the effect on work performance. The results of this study challenged earlier assumptions on the importance of volition in temporary work research. Analyses were based on a sample of 415 contingent workers from various organizations and types of the contingent employment. The most striking findings were that work choice motivation did not consistently associate with favorable outcomes and the effect on work performance, and that the relationship between work choice motivations related to work performance outcomes were non-significant. By way of contrast, self-fulfilling motive has positively effects on job satisfaction and job involvement, work-life balance motive and self-constrain motive have positive effect on psychological contract, and work control motive has negative effect on job involvement, and psychological contract. Also, this dissertation established that workers¡¦ interaction may have potential to improve the variations on predictions. The result showed that task-related interaction between standard and contingent workers has positive effect on job satisfaction, job involvement, work expectation, and obedience. Moreover, the non-task related interaction has negative effect on obedience. The interaction effects of work choice motivation and workers¡¦ interaction on job attitudes and work performance were also examined in this study. The result shows that the interaction between work-life balance motive and non-task related interaction has positive effect on psychological contract. Moreover, the interaction effect of self-constrain motive and non-task related interaction also has positive effect on psychological contract. The implications were also discussed in this study.

Pardavimų sektoriuje dirbančių darbuotojų emocinio intelekto, subjektyvaus darbo efektyvumo vertinimo bei darbe patiriamo streso sąsajos / Relationship among sales sector employees emotional intelligence, subjective assessment of work efficiency and work-related stress

Naudžiūnas, Mindaugas 05 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas- ištirti pardavimų sektoriuje dirbančių asmenų emocinį intelektą, patiriamą stresą ir subjektyviai vertinamą darbo atlikimą, surasti šių konstruktų tarpusavio sąsajas, bei sąsajas su sociodemografiniais rodikliais. Tyrime dalyvavo 252 respondentai (237 moterys ir 15 vyrų). Respondentų amžius svyravo nuo 19 iki 59 metų.Tiriamųjų darbo stažas pardavėjo pareigose svyravo nuo 0 iki 32 metų. Tyrime naudotos metodikos: Psichologinės įtampos vertinimo klausimynas(Health and Safety Executive Management Standards Indicator Tool; S. Palmer, C. Cooper, 2007); Emocijų įvertinimo skalė (The Assesing Emotions Scale; Schutte N.S., Malouff J.M., Bhullar N., 2009) ir Darbo efektyvumo skalė (Job performance scale Dubinsky, Mattson, 1979). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad moterys, turinčios mažesnį nei dviejų metų darbo stažą pardavėjo pareigose geriau valdo kitų asmenų emocijas nei tos moterys, kurios yra išdirbusios pardavėjo pareigose daugiau nei dveji metai. Moterys, kurių amžius yra virš 30 metų subjektyviai efektyviau atlieka savo darbą nei tos moterys, kurių amžius yra nuo 19 iki 30 metų. Moterys, turinčios didesnį nei dviejų metų darbo stažą pardavėjo pareigose, patiria mažiau streso darbo vietoje nei tos moterys, kurių darbo stažas pardavėjo pareigose yra iki dviejų metų. Didėjant moterų, dirbančių pardavimo sektoriuje, emociniam intelektui, mažėja jų patiriamas stresas darbo vietoje. Mažėjant moterų, dirbančių pardavimo sektoriuje, darbe patiriamam stresui, didėja jų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to explore links among sales sector employees emotional intelligence, subjective assessment of work performance and work-related stress and relationship with sociodemographic characteristics. The study included 252 (237 women and 15 men) residents whose age was from 19 to 59 years old. Residents in sales sector were working from 0 to 32 years. Research methods are: Health and Safety Executive Management Standards Indicator Tool (S. Palmer, C. Cooper (2007), The Assesing Emotions Scale (Schutte N.S., Malouff J.M., Bhullar N. (2009) and Job performance scale (Dubinsky, Mattson (1979). The results of the research showed that women with less than two years sales experience had better control over emotions of others than those with more than two years tenure. Women over 30 years at age perform their jobsubjectively more productive than younger women ( age btetween 19 to 30 years). Women with more than two years sales experience indicated having work-related stress than women with less than two years sales experience. The increase of emotional intelligence was related to the decrease of their eork-related stress. Decrease of work-related stress was relatedto the increase of their subjective assesement of work performance. The increase of emotional intelligence scores was realated to the increase of subjective job performance. Also emotional intelligence performs as a mediator between work-related stress and subjective work performance. In this way it... [to full text]

Competencies as a predictor of work performance for branch managers in a banking institution

Pema-Mistry, Deepa January 1900 (has links)
An essential blend between competencies, personality and skill is sought after for successful branch managers in today’s banking world in order to achieve a high level of quality, on-time delivery, as well as customer and employee satisfaction and loyalty. In this study the predictive relationship between competencies (as a portrayal of personality and abilities) and work performance was investigated among the branch managers. The scores on the essential Universal Competency Framework competencies, the Person- Job Match and performance data for three years were used to conduct correlation and regression analyses. The study was conducted among 95 branch managers at a banking institution in South Africa. A theoretical relationship was determined, and this was supported by the significant relationship that was evident between the identified essential competencies of the branch managers and their work performance. The regression model summary indicated significance when using all essential competencies combined against the overall criterion score. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Le travail dans la performance organisationnelle : proposition d'une démarche pour étudier la performance du travail / Work within organisational performance : proposals for an approach to study work performance

Deschaintre, Stephane 30 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la performance du travail, c’est-à-dire sur la contribution du travail à la performance des organisations. Ce sujet a reçu peu d’attention dans la littérature, et s’articule autour de deux notions complexes : le travail et la performance. Aussi, la thèse vise à répondre à une question exploratoire et à visée méthodologique : «Comment rendre compte de la performance du travail dans les organisations ?». La démarche de la thèse est interdisciplinaire. Elle associe l’ergonomie et le contrôle de gestion. La thèse développe un cadre analytique original visant à appréhender la performance du travail à travers des catégories communes en contrôle de gestion (discours, mesures, pratiques managériales) et en ergonomie (activité). Ce cadre analytique structure la méthodologie de collecte de données, qui procède principalement par entretiens semi-directifs, collecte documentaire, observations non participantes et verbalisations. La première étude de cas concerne la performance du travail des vendeurs dans des magasins détaxés d’aéroports. La seconde se concentre sur la performance du travail d’ouvriers dans une PME industrielle. Nous montrons que la mobilisation du cadre analytique permet de rendre compte de la performance du travail, en mettant en évidence des dimensions souvent implicites et peu partagées de la façon dont le travail contribue à la performance. Nous montrons aussi que les représentations des acteurs sur la performance du travail s’affranchissent en partie de celles véhiculées par les mesures. Enfin, la thèse montre que le travail et sa performance constituent un objet de recherche légitime et pertinent en contrôle de gestion. / This thesis focuses on work performance, or in other words how work contributes to an organization’s performance. This topic has received little attention in the literature. However, the literature shows the complexity surrounding the notions of work and performance. Therefore, the question that this thesis seeks to answer is exploratory and methodological: "How to account for work performance within organisations?” This thesis adopts an interdisciplinary approach. It combines ergonomics and management control. The thesis develops an original, analytical framework aimed at understanding work performance using common categories in management control (discourse, measures, managerial practices) and in ergonomics (activity).The analytical framework structures the data collection methodology, which mainly relies on semi-structured interviews, documents, non-participatory observations and verbalizations. The first case study focuses on the performance of salespeople work in airports’ duty-free shops. The second case study focuses on the work performance of workers in an industrial SME.We show that using the analytical framework enables us to account for work performance and underscore the often implicit and divergent dimensions of how work contributes to organisational performance. We also highlight that the actors’ representations of work performance are partially independent of those conveyed by the measures. Finally, the thesis demonstrates that work and its performance are a legitimate and relevant research object in management control.

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