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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Büroarbeit im Intranet

Friedrich, Rico 17 January 2001 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Diplomarbeit wurde ein modernes System zur Erledigung typischer Geschäftsvorfälle des URZ entwickelt. Die Arbeit betrachtet den Einsatz von XML als Grundlage der Implementation und unterschiedliche XML-Applikationen auf ihre Verwendbarkeit zur Repräsentation von URZ-Dokumenten. Laufende Geschäftsvorfälle wurden anhand ausgewählter Dokumententypen analysiert und deren Strukturen und Inhaltstypen in XML definiert. Die Dokumentenerstellung wird durch eine Web-basierte Nutzerschnittstelle gewährleistet.

Prozessorientiertes Facility Management in verteilten Umgebungen

Karkola, Carsten 09 December 2005 (has links)
The term Facility Management describes one part of business management with the goal of supporting the management activities through the delivery of infrastructure, technology and services. It covers the whole life cycle of a structural facility. An integration of facility management in the active processes of an enterprise or an enterprise group will be substantially supported by the introduction of an efficient, flexible and future-safe computer aided facility management system. But still no universal standards were established in this area. With high expenditure adapted single solutions are the rule, harm however the demand for a save investment independently of proprietary special solutions of individual manufacturers. An analysis of existing business standards shows that these solutions are suitable only partly for combining the existing isolated solutions in a virtual enterprise group in order to create a sustainable architectural approach for a process oriented facility management. In doing so the communication must not be reduced to pure data exchange, but only stable interface definitions and accurately specified document formats can lead to a continuous solution. In order to make these solutions for developers and end users in the phases of the design, the implementation and maintenance equally clear, a common vocabulary of concepts is necessary. The usage of the Unified Modeling Language gives thereby a promising basis. The concrete models with the contained types and their relations to each other are described over meta models. The usage of XML as means to data exchange between the individual components and for the description of the meta models guarantees a flexible and future-safe development basis. In the context of the work based on use cases the conception for a framework with core components for process oriented facility management in distributed environments is designed. The framework Simplix conceived by the author integrates meta models for the description of concrete data, workflow and access schemes. The designed modules are embedded into a component-based architecture, in order to obtain a greatest possible flexibility for the deployment in heterogeneous IT environments. The framework Simplix covers four core components. The SchemaService describes the concrete product models, the associated processes are represented by the WorkflowService. The realization of the access rules is realized by the SecurityService. The exchange of workflow messages with the encapsulated project data is done by the ExchangeService in XML. The presented design focuses on the integration of existing business and IT standards. The design of the four core components describes a possibility of standardization in the area of CAFM, which connects only the relevant data over processes detached from conventional export/import scenarios: <ul> <li>Reduction of the complexity of conventional product models by a standardization over meta models, the actual product and process models can be designed for end users and to their vocabulary of concepts adapted</li> <li>Support of the Ad-Hoc-manipulation of concrete product and process models, only thereby can be achieved an integration of different vocabulary of concepts</li> <li>The usage of standardized methods in the analysis and design phases makes a fast technical implementation of the individual services possible, especially during the integration of external software systems as always necessary in the CAFM sector</li> <li>Due to a clear interface specification external offers for individual services can be provided and used, the continuous use of XML makes an effective long-term data storage in a standardized, self-describing language possible</li></ul> / Der Begriff Facility Management bezeichnet eine Facette des unternehmerischen Managements, die es zum Ziel hat, die unternehmerischen Aktivitäten durch die Bereitstellung von Infrastruktur, Technologien und Diensten zu unterstützen und umfaßt den gesamten Lebenszyklus einer baulichen Anlage. Eine Einbettung von Facility Management in die laufenden Prozesse eines Unternehmens oder eines Unternehmensverbundes wird durch die Einführung eines leistungsfähigen, flexiblen und zukunftssicheren Computer Aided Facility Management Systems wesentlich unterstützt. Allerdings haben sich auf diesem Gebiet noch keine durchgängigen Standards etabliert, mit hohem Aufwand angepaßte Einzellösungen sind die Regel, verletzen aber die Forderung nach Investitionssicherheit unabhängig von den proprietären Speziallösungen einzelner Hersteller. Eine Analyse vorhandener Geschäftsstandards zeigt, daß diese Ansätze nur teilweise dazu geeignet sind, die vorhandenen Insellösungen in einem virtuellen Unternehmensverbund miteinander zu kombinieren, um einen tragfähigen Architekturansatz für ein prozeßorientiertes Facility Management zu schaffen. Dabei darf die Kommunikation nicht auf den reinen Datenaustausch reduziert werden, sondern nur stabile Schnittstellendefinitionen und exakt spezifizierte Dokumentenformate können zu einer durchgehenden Lösung führen. Die konkreten Modelle mit den enthaltenen Typen und deren Beziehungen zueinander werden über Metamodelle beschrieben. Der Einsatz von XML als Mittel zum Datenaustausch zwischen den einzelnen Komponenten und zur Beschreibung der Metamodelle garantiert eine flexible und zukunftssichere Entwicklungsgrundlage. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird auf der Basis von Anwendungsfällen die Konzeption für ein Framework mit Kernkomponenten zum prozeßorientierten Facility Management in verteilten Umgebungen entworfen. Das vom Autor konzipierte Framework Simplix integriert Metamodelle zur Beschreibung konkreter Daten-, Workflow- und Zugriffsschemata. Die dazu geplanten Module werden in eine komponentenbasierte Architektur eingebettet, um eine größtmögliche Flexibilität beim Einsatz in heterogenen IT-Umgebungen zu erzielen. Das Framework Simplix umfaßt vier Kernkomponenten. Der SchemaService beschreibt die konkreten Produktmodelle, die zugehörigen Prozesse werden über den WorkflowService abgebildet. Die Realisierung der Mechanismen zur Zugriffskontrolle werden vom SecurityService übernommen. Der Austausch von Workflow-Nachrichten mit den gekapselten Projektdaten erfolgt über den ExchangeService in XML. Der vorgestellte Ansatz setzt auf die Integration vorhandener Geschäfts- und IT-Standards. Der Entwurf der vier Kernkomponenten beschreibt eine Möglichkeit der Standardisierung im CAFM-Sektor, die losgelöst von herkömmlichen Export-/Import-Szenarios funktioniert und nur die relevanten Daten über Prozesse verknüpft: <ul> <li>Reduzierung der Komplexität herkömmlicher Produktmodelle durch eine Standardisierung über Metamodelle, die eigentlichen Produkt- und Prozeßmodelle können für die Endanwender entworfen und an deren Begriffswelt angepaßt werden</li> <li>Unterstützung der Ad-Hoc-Manipulation von konkreten Produkt- und Prozeßmodellen, nur dadurch kann eine Integration verschiedener Begriffswelten erreicht werden</li> <li>der Einsatz standardisierter Techniken im Entwurf und dem Design ermöglicht eine schnelle technische Umsetzung der einzelnen Dienste gerade bei der im CAFM immer notwendigen Einbindung von Fremdsoftware</li> <li>auf Grund einer klaren Schnittstellenspezifikation können externe Serviceangebote für einzelne Dienste erstellt und genutzt werden, der durchgehende Einsatz von XML ermöglicht eine effektive Langzeitdatenhaltung in einem standardisierten, selbstbeschreibenden Format</li></ul>

Technologies for teaching mathematics via the world wide web

Junquiera, K.E January 2007 (has links)
Published Article / This paper tries to find answers to the question concerning the availability of suitable technologies to accommodate the teaching and learning of mathematics by means of the World Wide Web. It addresses three standards for the presentation of content mark-up and touches on the importance of adequate browser applicability with respect to MathML as one of the standards. Various tools for rendering MathML on the web, as well as plug-ins and extensions and other combinations of technologies, are discussed. The paper concludes with the introduction of a dynamic mathematics object model (DMOM) by Robert Miner from Design Science Inc. Requirements for a DMOM are formulated and its implementation is discussed.


Dietz, Anthony, Friets, Eric, Finger, William, Bieszczad, Jerry, Miller, Matt, Freudinger, Lawrence 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 20-23, 2003 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Modern aircraft and space vehicles routinely sense and record vast quantities of information relevant to assessing the vehicles’ health. However, limitations imposed by the bandwidth of telemetry and network connections prevent real-time transmission of the complete data set to central stations for analysis. An online health-management system suitable for bandwidth-limited network environments that enables interrogation of the full data set by ground-based operators is described. The system uses distributed objects organized in a data processing hierarchy linked by a buffered data-management subsystem. Reduced health information is routinely transmitted, but dynamic reports may be requested on demand from any object.


Pesciotta, Eric, Portnoy, Michael 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2006 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Second Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 23-26, 2006 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / As data acquisition systems evolve and begin utilizing new avenues of acquisition such as Ethernet, an entirely new range of flight test capabilities become available. These new capabilities, defined by acquisition, monitoring, and varying of test measurements, enhance previous operation as they can now be realized during flight. Achieving such high levels of integration between ground station and test vehicle involves complex network protocols. Implementing such systems from scratch would be a time consuming and costly proposition. Fortunately, employing Internet protocols (TCP/IP) over Ethernet provides a cornucopia of readily available technology. Using state-of-the-art integration techniques, modern data acquisition systems can leverage years of proven technology offered by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This paper discusses an implementation of dynamic data acquisition measurements for use in network data acquisition systems. The methodology used to determine whether or not a measurement can and should be variable during a flight test is examined in detail along with a discussion of the advantages of dynamically varying flight test measurements. Finally, an implementation is presented which successfully integrates Internet protocols with modern flight test equipment using the techniques described above for dynamic data acquisition measurements.

IHAL and Web Service Interfaces to Vendor Configuration Engines

Hamilton, John, Darr, Timothy, Fernandes, Ronald, Sulewski, Joe, Jones, Charles 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2010 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Sixth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 25-28, 2010 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / In this paper, we present an approach towards achieving standards-based multi-vendor hardware configuration. This approach uses the Instrumentation Hardware Abstraction Language (IHAL) and a standardized web service Application Programming Interface (API) specification to allow any Instrumentation Support System (ISS) to control instrumentation hardware in a vendor neutral way without requiring non-disclosure agreements or knowledge of proprietary information. Additionally, we will describe a real-world implementation of this approach using KBSI‟s InstrumentMap application and an implementation of the web service API by L-3 Communications Telemetry East.


Portnoy, Michael, Berdugo, Albert 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2005 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-First Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 24-27, 2005 / Riviera Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Designing and implementing an instrumentation cockpit display system presents many unique challenges. The system must be easy to use, yet highly customizable. Typically, these systems require an experienced programmer to create graphical display screens. Furthermore, most current display systems do not provide for bi-directional communication between the instrumentation system and the display system. This paper discusses an architecture that addresses these issues and other common problems with cockpit displays. This system captures data from the instrumentation system, displays parameters, and returns calculated parameters and status information regarding pilot actions to the instrumentation system. Unlike traditional systems, the configuration of the graphical presentation of the cockpit display can be done by a non-programmer. All communication between the instrumentation system and the cockpit display system is done transparently using XML. The usage of XML in this system facilitates real-time form previewing, cross-platform compatibility, and seamless transitions between project management, graphical configuration, and engineering unit conversions.


Meric, Burak, Graul, Michael, Fernandes, Ronald, Jones, Charles H. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 20-23, 2003 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / This paper presents the description of a new XML-based data display language called Data Display Markup Language (DDML) that can be used as an interlingua for different data display configuration formats. Translation of data display configuration between various vendor- formats can be accomplished by translating in and out of DDML. The DDML can also be used as a vendor-neutral format for archiving and retrieving display configurations in a test and evaluation (T&E) configuration repository.

Introduction to XidML 3.0 An Open XML Standard for Flight Test Instrumentation Description

Cooke, Alan, Herbepin, Christian 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2010 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Sixth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 25-28, 2010 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / A few years ago XidML was introduced as an open XML standard for capturing the meta-data associated with flight test instrumentation (FTI). This meta-data schema was broken down into elements for Parameter (name, range, units, offset-binary), Instrument (name, serial number, misses-to loss), Package (bits per word, words per minor-frame, rate) and Link (name, type) and so on. XidML remains one of the only published schema for FTI meta-data and with XidML 3.0 many simplifications have been introduced along with support for nested tree structures and a single instrument schema allowing anyone to define the validation for instruments from any vendor. This paper introduces the XidML schema and describers the benefits of XidML 3.0 in particular. It begins by giving a brief description of what XidML is and describes its history and motivation. The paper then outlines the main differences between XidML-3.0 and earlier versions, and how the XidML schema has been further refined to meet the challenges faced by the FTI community. As an example of usage the FTIManager software developed at Eurocopter will be briefly presented in order to illustrate the XidML ability to describe a multi-vendor FTI configuration.

Excel Application Leverages XML to Configure Both Airborne Data Acquisition System and Ground Based Data Processing System

Dunnaville, Ted, Lindsey, Mark 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2009 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Fifth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 26-29, 2009 / Riviera Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Flight test instrumentation/data processing environments consist of three components: * Airborne Data Acquisition System * Telemetry Control Room * Post Test Data Processing System While these three components require the same setup information, most often they are configured separately using a different tool for each system. Vendor supplied tools generally do not interact very well with hardware other than their own. This results in the multiple entry of the configuration information. Multiple entries of data for large complex systems are susceptible to data entry errors as well as version synchronization issues. This paper describes the successful implementation of a single Microsoft Excel based tool being used to program the instrumentation data acquisition hardware, the real-time telemetry system, and the post test data processing system on an active test program. This tool leverages the XML interfaces provided by vendors of telemetry equipment.

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