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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Honarvar, Mohammad January 2014 (has links)
Needle-based intervention insertion is one of the common surgical techniques used in many diagnostic and therapeutic percutaneous procedures. The success of such procedures highly depends on the accuracy of needle placement at target locations. An active needle has the potential to enhance the accuracy of needle placement as well as to improve clinical outcome. Bending forces provided by the attached actuators can assist the maneuverability in order to reach the targets following a desired trajectory. There are three major research parts in the development of active needle project in the Composites Laboratory of Temple University. They are thermomechanical characterization of shape memory alloy (SMA) or Nitinol as an actuator for smart needle, mechanical modeling and design of smart needles, and study of tissue needle interaction. The characterization of SMA is the focus of this dissertation. Unique thermomechanical properties of Nitinol known as shape memory effect and superelasticity make it applicable for different fields such as biomedical, structural and aerospace engineering. These unique behaviors are due to the comparatively large amount of recoverable strain which is being produced in a martensitic phase transformation. However, under certain ranges of stresses and temperatures, Nitinol wires exhibit unrecovered strain (also known as residual strain); which limits their applicability. Therefore, for applications that rely on the strain response in repetitive loading and unloading cycles, it is important to understand the generation of the unrecovered strain in the Nitinol wires. In this study, the unrecovered strain of Nitinol wires with various diameters was investigated, using two experimental approaches: constant stress and uniaxial tensile tests. Moreover, a critical range of stress was found beyond which the unrecovered strain was negligible at temperatures of 70 to 80C depending on the wire diameter. Wire diameters varied from 0.10 to 0.29 mm were tested and different ranges of critical stress were found for different wire diameters. The transformation temperatures of different wire diameters at zero stress have been achieved by performing the Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) test. The actuation force created by Nitinol wire is measured through constant strain experiment. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) study was also performed to investigate the phase of Nitinol wires under various thermomechanical loading conditions. In summary, the effect of wire diameter on the required critical stresses to avoid the unrecovered strain between first and second cycle of heating and cooling are presented and the results of both mechanical tests are justified by the results obtained from the XRD study. / Mechanical Engineering

Development of a Method to Measure Residual Stresses in Cast Components with Complex Geometries

Yang, Yang January 2020 (has links)
Cast iron, taking the advantages of the advanced castability forming components of complex geometries and favorable mechanical properties, is employed in engine components in truck industries. Compacted graphite iron (CGI) integrates both merits of lamellar graphite iron (LGI) and spheroidal graphite iron (SGI) such as good machinability and high thermal conductivity from LGI, high ultimate tensile strength (UTS), good fatigue resistance, high elastic modulus, and high ductility from SGI, thus is now becoming a competitive alternative of traditional LGI in cylinder blocks and heads. Due to the shape complexity of cast components, residual stresses arise accordingly. Normal methods for measuring stresses have various practical difficulties that affect accuracy. For example, in strain gauge measurements such as hole drilling and cutting, casting skins need to be polished as the attachment of strain gauge requires a smooth surface condition for precise detection, though any mechanical treatment would change the residual stress state. On the other hand, electropolishing applied in XRD measurement for extracting depth profile causes no release of stresses, nevertheless, there is no dissolution reaction on graphite particles. This would retard further polishing and form a rough surface instead of flat extraction. A visual strain detection system relies on a stable and clean surface condition, therefore, when it is combined with the drilling technique, the drilling chips could be a vital problem for repeatability when they block the view of drilling edges. Ultrasonic measurement, in theory, has lower precision by averaging the stresses within a certain volume beneath surfaces. A number of methods have been developed to measure residual stresses, ranging from destructive to non-destructive according to the removal amount of materials. In this thesis work, several measurement methods are implemented on cylinder heads and the results are compared with simulation to develop a suitable method of measuring residual stresses in cast engine components. It is found that longer shakeout time lowers the tensile stresses and develops more compressive stresses in the surface layer. Cutting is a suitable method compared with others. Incremental center-hole drilling technique is not suitable to measure cast components as the surface grinding before stain gauge mounting causes high deviation. Hole drilling with visual strain detection provided high errors within the first 0.1 mm as the strains were too weak to be visualized at the beginning of drilling. The electropolishing process was also found retarded by graphite particles, and the XRD results are more trustworthy with more tilt angles. Ultrasonic measurement is rather rough due to the influence of graphite on the traveling velocity of ultrasound. / Tack vare sin utmärkta gjutbarhet, som möjliggör gjutning av komplexa geometrier, samt goda mekaniska egenskaper är gjutjärn första valet i många motorkomponenter inom lastbilsindustrin. Kompaktgrafitjärn (CGI) kombinerar fördelarna med lamellärt grafitjärn (LGI) och sfäroidalt grafitjärn (SGI) såsom god bearbetbarhet och hög värmeledningsförmåga från LGI, hög draghållfasthet (UTS), hög utmattningshållfasthet, hög elastisk modul (E-modul) och hög duktilitet från SGI. Detta gör kompaktgrafitjärn till konkurrenskraftigt alternativ till traditionell LGI i cylinderblock och huvud. På grund av formkomplexiteten hos gjutkomponenter uppstår restspänningar. Normala metoder för att mäta spänningar har olika praktiska svårigheter som påverkar noggrannheten. Vid töjningsmätningar genom hålborrning och sågning måste t ex gjutskinn slipas bort eftersom fästning av töjningsmätare kräver en jämn yta för exakt detektion, även om prepareringen kan påverka spänningstillstånd. Å andra sidan orsakar elektropolering som appliceras i XRD-mätning för extrahering av djupprofil inte att spänningar frigörs, däremot finns det inget etsmedel för grafitpartiklar. Detta gör att poleringen skapar en ojämn yta istället för en platts yta. Systemet för visuell detektering av förlängning förlitar sig på en stabil och ren yta. Därför kan borrspånen, när visuell detektering kombineras med borrteknik, vara ett viktigt problem för repeterbarheten. Ultraljudsmätning har i teorin lägre precision genom att den endast mäter medelvärdet av spänningarna i en viss volym under ytan. Ett antal metoder har utvecklats för att mäta restspänningar, både förstörande och oförstörande. I denna examensarbetesrapport implementeras flera mätmetoder på motorcylinderhuvuden och resultaten jämförs med simulering för att utveckla en lämplig metod för att mäta restspänningar i gjutna motorkomponenter. Det visas i arbetet att längre urslagstid kan sänka dragspänningarna och utveckla mer tryckspänningar i ytskiktet. Sågning är en lämplig metod jämfört med de andra. Inkrementell hålborrningsteknik är inte lämplig för att mäta restspänningar på gjutkomponenter eftersom ytslipningen före montering av töjningsmätare orsakar hög avvikelse. Hålborrning med visuell töjningsdetektering gav höga fel inom den första 0,1 mm från ytan eftersom töjningen är för liten för att kunna visualiseras i början av borrningen. Det är hänt ofta att elektropoleringsprocessen före XRD-mätningen blir fördröjd av grafitpartiklar, och XRD-resultaten är mer pålitliga med fler lutningsvinklar. Ultraljudsmätning är grov på grund av grafitens påverkan på ultraljudets hastighet.

Design and Fabrication of Piezoresistive Flexible Sensors based on Graphene/ Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Nanocomposite

Maharjan, Surendra 15 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Development of a Protocol for Powder Analysis : Particle size distribution and compositional analysis of reclaimed and pristine powders used in Nilar’s nickel metal hydride batteries

Byrén, Oskar, Hökfelt, Agnes, Essvik, Tuva, Jansson, Linn, Nordgren, Felix January 2023 (has links)
The particle size distribution of a powder plays a crucial role in the performance of bat- teries with powder-based electrodes and requires reliable and practical analysis. The aim of this project was therefore to develop a protocol for analysis of the particle size dis- tribution and composition of powders used in the electrodes of Nilar’s batteries. The analytical methods described in the protocol permits practical applications, such as com- paring the particle size distribution and composition of pristine and reclaimed powders with the manufacturer’s data as quality control.  A literature survey was initially conducted to select appropriate analysis methods for this project. After performing several practical trials, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, laser diffraction analysis, and scanning electron microscopy were the techniques included in the protocol. X-ray diffraction showed potential in obtaining the crystallite size of the powders, but other techniques are required to confirm the results. X-ray fluorescence analysis was found to produce fairly similar values as those given by the manufacturer. Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyse the particle size distribution with the help of an image processing software. Complementary data of the smaller particle sizes was obtained using laser diffraction analysis.

Ακινητοποίηση πρωτεϊνών σε υμένια TiO2 για την κατασκευή ηλεκτροχημικών βιοαισθητήρων

Τιφλίδου, Χριστίνα 03 July 2013 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία γίνεται χρήση λεπτών υμενίων TiO2 ως στερεό υπόστρωμα για την ακινητοποίηση πρωτεϊνών με απώτερο σκοπό την ανάπτυξη ενός αμπερομετρικού βιοαισθητήρα με ευαισθησία στο υπεροξείδιο του υδρογόνου (H2O2). Αρχικά περιγράφεται η λειτουργία των βιοαισθητήρων καθώς και οι σημαντικότεροι τύποι βιοαισθητήρων που έχουν κατασκευαστεί μέχρι σήμερα. Σημαντικό ρόλο στην επιτυχή κατασκευή ενός βιοαισθητήρα παίζει η επιλογή του υλικού που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί ως υπόστρωμα / ηλεκτρόδιο (υμένια TiO2) καθώς και ο τρόπος που ακινητοποιείται το βιομόριο πάνω σε αυτό, γι’ αυτό και έχει δοθεί έμφαση στην ανάλυση των παραπάνω πληροφοριών. Επίσης περιγράφεται η δομή και η φυσική λειτουργία της πρωτεΐνης, (κυτόχρωμα c), που χρησιμοποιήθηκε ως το βιομόριο επιλογής για την ανάπτυξη του βιοαισθητήρα. Αναλύθηκαν επίσης οι κρυσταλλικές δομές του διοξειδίου του τιτανίου, οι βασικές φυσικοχημικές τους ιδιότητες και οι λόγοι που επιλέξαμε την ανατάση για τη συγκεκριμένη εργασία. Περιγράφεται η πειραματική διαδικασία εναπόθεσης των υμενίων του TiO2 σε υποστρώματα αγώγιμου υάλου. Στη συνέχεια περιγράφονται οι πειραματικές διατάξεις που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν τόσο για τον χαρακτηρισμό των υμενίων διοξειδίου του τιτανίου (TiO2) όσο και για την αναλυτική μελέτη της ακινητοποίησης του κυτοχρώματος c πάνω σε αυτά. Τέλος περιγράφεται η ηλεκτροχημική κυψελίδα 3 ηλεκτροδίων και η τεχνική της κυκλικής βολταμετρίας που επιλέχθηκαν τόσο για τη μελέτη των ηλεκτροχημικών ιδιοτήτων των υμενίων TiO2 με ή χωρίς ακινητοποιημένη πρωτεΐνη όσο και για την ανάπτυξη ενός αμπερομετρικού βιοαισθητήρα με ευαισθησία στο H2O2. / In the present study, the use of thin nanocrystalline TiO2 films as solid substrates for protein immobilization and for the development of an electrochemical biosensor for hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are investigated. First of all, a general description of biosensors and their most important types that have been developed to date is given. For the successful development of a biosensor, the choice of material/substrate used as the surface/electrode (thin film of TiO2) for the attachment of the bio-molecule of interest, as well as the manner in which the bio-molecule is immobilized upon it are critical and therefore emphasis is given for the analysis of this information. Furthermore, a description of the structure and basic functions of the bio-molecules (cytochrome c and hemoglobin), used for the immobilization studies and for the development of the biosensor is presented. Additionally, the crystalline structures of titanium dioxide have been analyzed, along with its basic physicochemical properties and the reasons for choosing its anatase structure for the specific project. In the experimental part, the deposition of the colloidal TiO2 paste on conducting glass for the preparation of the thin mesoporous TiO2 films is described in detail. Also described are the experimental techniques used for the characterization of these films as well as a thorough analysis of the binding of cytochrome c upon them and the parameters that influence its adsorption. Finally, description of the 3-elecrode electrochemical cell used in this study of perform of cyclic voltammetry experiments in order to investigate the electrochemical properties of the TiO2 thin films with or without immobilized protein is given. The same setup is also used for the development of an electrochemical biosensor for H2O2.

Sulfatna otpornost betona na bazi recikliranog agregata / Sulfate resistance of concrete with recycled aggregate concrete

Bulatović Vesna 24 October 2017 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji su prikazani rezultati sopstvenog eksperimentalnog<br />istraživanja sulfatne otpornosti betona sa recikliranim agregatom.<br />Istraživanje je zasnovano na komparativnoj analizi dve grupe betona koje<br />se razlikuju u krupnom agregatu, a u okviru kojih su varirani dve vrste<br />cementa i dva vodocementna faktora. Sulfatna otpornost je proveravana<br />nakon 3 i 6 meseci boravka u 5% Na2SO4 i u 5% MgSO4. Na očvrslom betonu<br />ispitivani su kapilarno upijanje vode, promena dužine uzoraka, čvrstoća<br />pri pritisku i urađene su mikrostrukturne analize: MIP, SEM, BSE/EDS,<br />XRD i FTIR. Istaknuto je da se primenom krupnog agregata od recikliranog<br />betona i veziva odgovarajućeg mineraloškog sastava mogu dobiti<br />konstrukcijski betoni, odnosno betoni sa zadovoljavajućim mehaničkim<br />karakteristikama, ali i sa zadovoljavajućom trajnošću sa aspekta<br />sulfatne korozije.</p> / <p>This paper presents the experimental research results of the sulphate resistance of<br />concrete with recycled aggregate. The research is based on a comparative analysis of<br />two groups of concrete that differ in coarse aggregate types. Within these two concrete<br />groups, two types of cement of the same class and two water/cement ratios have been<br />varied. Sulphate resistance was examined after 3 and 6 months of immersion in 5%<br />Na2SO4 and 5% MgSO4. Capillary water absorption, sample length change and<br />compressive strength were studied in hardened concrete and the following<br />microstructural analyzes were performed: MIP, SEM, BSE/EDS, XRD and FTIR. It has<br />been found that structural concrete with apppropriate mechanical properties as well as<br />with satisfactory durability from the aspect of sulphate corrosion can be obtained by<br />combination of a coarse recycled concrete aggregate and a binder of an appropriate<br />mineralogical composition.</p>

Ion-induced stress relaxation during the growth of cubic boron nitride thin films / Ionen-induzierte Spannungsrelaxation während der Abscheidung von kubischen Bornitrid Schichten

Abendroth, Barbara 27 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the presented work was to deposit cubic boron nitride thin films by magnetron sputtering under simultaneous stress relaxation by ion implantation. An in situ instrument based on laser deflectometry on cantilever structures and in situ ellipsometry, was used for in situ stress measurements. The characteristic evolution of the instantaneous stress during the layered growth of cBN films observed in IBAD experiments, could be reproduced for magnetron sputter deposition. To achieve simultaneous stress relaxation by ion implantation, a complex bipolar pulsed substrate bias source was constructed. This power supply enables the growth of cBN thin films under low energy ion irradiation (up to 200 eV) and, for the first time, the simultaneous implantation of ions with an energy of up to 8 keV during high voltage pulses. It was demonstrated that the instantaneous stress in cBN thin films can be released down to -1.1 GPa by simultaneous ion bombardment during the high voltage pulses. A simultaneous stress relaxation during growth is possible in the total investigated ion energy range between 2.5 and 8 keV. These are the lowest ion energies reported for the stress relaxation in cBN. Since such a substrate bias power supply is easy to integrate in existing process lines, this result is important for industrial deposition of thin films, not only for cubic boron nitride films. It was found that the amount of stress relaxation depends on the number of atomic displacements (displacements per atom: dpa) that are induced by the high energy ion bombardment and is therefore dependent on the ion energy and the high energy ion flux. In practise, this means that the stress relaxation is controlled by the product of the pulse voltage and the pulse duty cycle or frequency. The cantilever bending measurements were complemented on microscopic scale by x-ray diffraction (XRD). The analysis of the cBN (111) lattice distances revealed a pronounced biaxial compressive state of stress in a non-relaxed cBN film with d(111) being larger in out-of-plane than in in-plane direction. Post deposition annealing at 900 ° C of a sample with an ion induced damage of 1.2 dpa, resulted in a complete relaxation of the lattice with equal in-plane and out-of-plane lattice parameters. In the case of medium-energy ion bombardment, the in-plane and out-of-plane lattice parameters approach the value of the annealed sample with increasing ion damage. This is a clear evidence for stress relaxation within the cBN lattice. The stability of cBN under ion bombardment was investigated by IR spectroscopy and XRD. The crystalline cBN was found to be very stable against ion irradiation. However a short-range ordered, sp3/sp2 - mixed phase may exist in the films, which could be preferably converted to a sp2 -phase at high damage values. From the analysis of the near surface region by XANES, it can be concluded the stress relaxation by the energetic ion bombardment is less at the surface than in the bulk film. This is explained with the dynamic profile of the ion induced damage, that reaches the stationary bulk value in 15-20 nm depth, whereas it is decreasing towards the surface. This fits with the results that the stress relaxation is dependent on the amount of ion induced damage. Comparing the results from substrate curvature measurement, XRD, XANES, and IR spectroscopy possible mechanisms of stress relaxation are discussed. Concluding the results, it can be stated that using simultaneous ion implantation for stress relaxation during the deposition it is possible to produce BN films with a high amount of the cubic phase and with very low residual stress.

Zerstörungsfreie Eigenspannungsbestimmung für die Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung 3D-integrierter Kontaktstrukturen in Silizium / Non-destructive Determination of Residual Stress for the Evaluation of Reliability of 3D-integrated Contact Structures in Silicon

Zschenderlein, Uwe 27 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit behandelt die zerstörungsfreie Eigenspannungsbestimmung in Silizium von 3D-integrierten Mikrosystemen am Beispiel Wolfram gefüllter TSVs. Dafür wurden die Verfahren der röntgenographischen Spannungsanalyse und der Raman-Spektroskopie genutzt. Interpretiert und verglichen wurden die Ergebnisse mit FE-Simulationen. Als Proben standen Querschliffe eines Doppelchip-Systems zur Verfügung, in denen der obere Chip Wolfram-TSVs enthielt. Beide Chips wurden mit dem Kupfer-Zinn-SLID-Verfahren gebondet. In Experimenten und Simulation konnte der Einfluss von Wolfram-TSVs auf die Netzebenendehnung im Silizium nachgewiesen werden. Die FE-Simulationen zeigen im Silizium Spannungen zwischen -20 und 150 MPa, wenn intrinsische Schichteigenspannungen des Wolframs vernachlässigt werden. Direkt am TSV entwickeln sich Spannungsgradienten von einigen 10 MPa pro Mikrometer. Für die röntgenographische Spannungsanalyse wurden Röntgenbeugungsmessungen am PETRA III-Ring des DESY durchgeführt. Dafür wurde der 2-Theta-Raum in Linienscans untersucht und Beugungsdiagramme aufgenommen. Die ermittelten Dehnungen liegen im Bereich von einigen 10E-5, was uniaxialen Spannungen zwischen 5 und 10MPa entspricht. Im Fall kleiner Gradienten werden die Verläufe der FE-Simulation zufriedenstellend bestätigt. Starke Spannungsgradienten, die sich in wenigen Mikrometern Abstand um das TSV entwickeln, konnten über eine Profilanalyse des Beugungspeaks bestimmt werden. Aus den Ergebnissen lässt sich schließen, dass lateral eng begrenzte Spannungsgradienten von 170 MPa pro µm in TSV-Nähe existieren. Verglichen wurden diese Ergebnisse mit Hilfe der Raman-Spektroskopie. Sowohl die Ergebnisse der Röntgenographischen Spannungsanalyse als auch die der Raman-Spektroskopie lassen darauf schließen, dass die Spannungsgradienten im Silizium in unmittelbarer Nähe zum TSV höher sind als von der FE-Simulation vorhergesagt. Des Weiteren wurde in der Arbeit eine universelle Röntgenbeugung- und Durchstrahlungssimulation XSIM entwickelt, die das Ray-Tracing-Modell nutzt und neben kinematischer und dynamischer Beugung auch optional Rayleigh- und Compton-Streuung berücksichtigt. / This thesis covers the non-destructive determination of residual stress inside Silicon of 3D-integrated micro systems using the example of Tungsten-filled TSVs by X-ray stress analysis and Raman spectroscopy. The results were interpreted and compared by FE-simulations. Double-die systems with Tungsten-TSVs at the top-die were prepared as cross-sections and used as specimens. Both dies were bonded by a Copper-Tin-SLID interconnect. The influence of Tungsten-TSVs on the lattice spacing in Silicon could be demonstrated by experiment as well as in FE-simulations. The FE reveals in Silicon stress between -20 and 150 MPa, if intrinsic stress of deposition inside Tungsten is neglected. The Silicon-Tungsten-interface develops stress gradients of some 10 MPa per micron. The X-ray diffraction measurements for the stress analysis were conducted at the PETRA III-Ring at DESY. The reciprocal 2-Theta-space was investigated by line scans and diffraction patterns were recorded. The registered strain is in the range of some 10E-5, what results in uniaxial stress between 5 and 10 MPa. The strain distributions at line scans of the FE were satisfyingly approved in case of small gradients. Large stress gradients were determined by a profile analysis of the diffraction peak. The investigation shows that stress gradients up to 170 MPa pro micron are present close to the TSV. The results were compared by Raman-spectroscopy. Both X-ray stress analysis and Raman-spectroscopy indicate larger stress gradients nearby the Tungsten-TSV than proposed by the FE-simulation. In addition a universal X-ray diffraction and radiography simulation named XSIM was developed within that thesis. A ray-tracing model was applied to that simulation. XSIM covers both kinematical and dynamical diffraction and optionally allows for Rayleigh and Compton scattering.

Microstructure and mechanical properties of new composite structured Ti-based alloys

Okulov, Ilya 09 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The demanding structural applications (e.g. aerospace, biomedical, etc.) require new materials with improved mechanical performance. The novel Ti-based dendrite + nano-/ultrafine-structured (Ti-based DNUS) composites exhibit an advantageous combination of high compressive strength (2000 – 2500 MPa) and large compressive ductility (10 – 30 %) already in the as-cast state [1,2] and, therefore, can be referred as high-performance materials. However, these Ti-based composites frequently exhibit very low or even lack of tensile ductility [3]. Therefore, the aim of this research work is to develop high strength Ti-based DNUS composites with pronounced tensile plasticity and to correlate the mechanical properties with their microstructure. In order to reach the goal, the high-strength Ti66Nb13Cu8Ni6.8Al6.2 (at.%) alloy exhibiting large compressive ductility [4] was selected for the modification. The microstructure of Ti66Nb13Cu8Ni6.8Al6.2 is composed of two metallographic constituents including β-Ti dendrites and an interdendritic component. The β-Ti dendrites are enriched in Nb and, therefore, Nb is referred as “dendritic element” whereas the interdendritic component is enriched in Ni and Cu and, therefore, these are referred as “interdendritic elements”. To perform a systematic study of the “interdendritic elements” (Ni, Cu and Co) effect on microstructure, a number of alloys with different concentration and types of alloying elements (Ti-Nb-Cu-Ni-Al, Ti-Nb-Co-Ni-Al, Ti-Nb-Cu-Co-Al and Ti-Nb-Ni(Co)-Al) were developed. It was shown that a higher concentration of the “interdendritic elements” in a composition within one alloy system corresponds to a higher volume fraction of the interdendritic component. Additionally, the crystal structure of the interdendritic phases is affected by type of the “interdendritic elements”. Since the most advanced applications (e.g. aerospace) require materials with high specific strengths, the new ductile Ti-Nb-Cu-Ni-Al alloys were modified to reduce their density, i.e. the Nb was substituted by lighter V. As a result, a new family of Ti-V-Cu-Ni-Al alloys with improved specific strength compared to the Ti-Nb-Cu-Ni-Al alloys was developed. Additionally, moduli of resilience of the Ti-V-Ni-Cu-Al alloys are superior when compared with those of the commercial Ti-based spring materials. The effect of microstructure on deformation of the newly developed alloys was studied through the in-situ microstructural analysis of samples at different strained states by means of scanning electron microscopy. To reveal the effect of the metallographic constituents on strength, the microhardness mapping of the new alloys was performed. Using the obtained empirical principles of microstructure adjustment, a new Ti68.8Nb13.6Co6Cu5.1Al6.5 (at.%) alloy with a large static toughness (superior to those of the recently developed Ti-based metallic glass composites) was developed. This large static toughness is due to both high strength and significant tensile plasticity. To study the effect of microstructure on tensile plasticity of Ti68.8Nb13.6Co6Cu5.1Al6.5 the in-situ microstructural analysis of samples at different strained states in the scanning electron microscope as well as the transmission electron microscopy studies were performed. / Der erhöhte Anspruch an strukturelle Anwendungen (z.B. Luftfahrt, Biomedizin, etc.) verlangt neue Werkstoffe mit verbesserten mechanischen Leistungsfähigkeiten. Neuartige Ti-basierte dendritische nano-/ultrafeine Komposite (Ti-basierte DNUS Komposite) besitzen eine vorteilhafte Kombination von hoher Druckfestigkeit mit großer plastischer Verformbarkeit unter Druckbelastung bereits im Gusszustand [1,2] wodurch sie als hochleistungsfähige Werkstoffe angesehen werden. Jedoch besitzen diese Ti-basierte DNUS Komposite heufig eine stark verringerte oder gar keine Duktilität unter Zugbelastung [3]. Deswegen ist es das Ziel dieser Forschungsarbeit neue hochfeste Ti-basierte DNUS Komposite mit ausgeprägter Duktilität unter Zugbelastung zu entwickeln und die mechanischen Eingeschaften mit ihrer Mikrostruktur zu korrelieren. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen wurde die hochfeste Legierung Ti66Nb13Cu8Ni6.8Al6.2 (at.%) [4], die eine große plastische Verformbarkeit unter Druckbelastung aufweist, ausgewählt. Die Mikrostruktur von Ti66Nb13Cu8Ni6.8Al6.2 setzt sich aus zwei metallographischen Konstituenten, einschließlich β-Ti Dendriten und einer interdendritischen Komponente, zusammen. Die β-Ti Dendriten sind mit Nb angereichert, weswegen Nb als “dendritisches Element” bezeichnet wird, wohingegen die interdendritische Komponente mit Ni und Cu angereichert ist und deswegen diese als “interdendritische Elemente” bezeichnet werden. Um den Einfluss der “interdendritischen Elemente” (Ni, Cu and Co) auf die Mikrostruktur zu untersuchen wurden Legierungen mit verschiedenen Konzentrationen unterschiedlicher Legierungselemente (Ti-Nb-Cu-Ni-Al, Ti-Nb-Co-Ni-Al, Ti-Nb-Cu-Co-Al and Ti-Nb-Ni(Co)-Al) entwickelt. Es wurde gezeigt, dass eine höhere Konzentration “interdendritischer Elemente” in einer bestimmten Zusammensetzung einem höheren Volumanteil der interdendritischen Komponente entspricht. Zusätzlich wird die Kristallstruktur der interdendritischen Phase sehr stark durch die “interdendritischen Elemente” beeinflusst. Da die meisten hoch entwickelten Anwendungen (z.B. Luftfahrt) gesteigerte spezifische Festigkeiten erforden, wurden die neuen duktilen Ti-Nb-Cu-Ni-Al Legierungen modifiziert um ihre Dichte zu reduzieren, indem Nb durch das leichtere V ersetzt wurde. Als Ergebniss wurde eine neue Familie von Ti-V-Cu-Ni-Al Legierungen, mit im Vergleich zu Ti-Nb-Cu-Ni-Al Legierungen verbesserten spezifischen Festigkeiten, entwickelt. Zusäzlich ist die elastische Formänderungsenergiedichte der neu entwickelten Legierungen höher verglichen mit kommerziellen Ti-basierten Federmaterialien. Der Effekt der Mikrostruktur auf das Verformungsverhalten der Legierungen wurde mittels in-situ mikrostruktureller Analysen verschiedener Verformungszustände im Rasterelektronenmikroskop untersucht. Um ein Einfluss der metallographischen Konstituenten auf die Festigkeit zu bestimmen wurden Mikrohärtekarten erstellt. Unter Verwendung der erhalten empirischen Prinzipen zur Einstellung der Mikrostruktur wurde eine neue Legierung Ti68.8Nb13.6Co6Cu5.1Al6.5 (at.%) mit hoher statischer Zähigkeit (besser als die der kürzlich entwickelten Ti-basierten gläsernen metallischen Kompositlegierungen) entwickelt. Diese hohe statische Zähigkeit wird sowohl durch die hohe Festigkeit als auch durch die ausgeprägte Plastizität unter Zugbelastung verursacht. Um den Einfluss der Mikrostruktur auf die Plastizität unter Zug zu untersuchen wurde Transmissionelektronmikroskopie sowie in-situ mikrostrukturelle Analysen verschiedener Verformungszustände im Rasterelektronmikroskop durchgefühlt.

Microdiffraction et microtomographie in situ des transformations hétérogènes du C¦« sous haute pression et haute température / In situ microdiffraction and microtomography of heterogeneous high-pressure high-temperature forms of C60

Alvarez Murga, Michelle Jenice 06 November 2012 (has links)
Le diagramme des phases du C60 continue d'être un sujet de discussion et de controverse, malgré la grande quantité de travaux expérimentaux et théoriques fait au fil des ans. Ceci est principalement dû au manque d'études in situ, a l'existence d´états désordonnés présentant des pics de diffraction très mal résolus et à la coexistence de plusieurs polytypes de faible densité. Ce manuscrit présente une étude systématique in situ des transformations hétérogènes du C60 sous haute pression et haute température dans la gamme 1-10 GPa et 300-1200 K. Afin de discriminer les poly(a)morphes de densité similaire dans des échantillons hétérogènes, nous avons utilisé une combinaison de micro-diffraction et micro-tomographie. Les échantillons ont été synthétisés dans une cellule Paris-Edimbourg et caractérisés à l'aide de diffraction des rayons X in situ en dispersion angulaire. Des images tridimensionnels à haute résolution ont été obtenus sur des échantillons trempés par la méthode de micro-tomographie de diffraction/diffusion. Cette méthode permet l'analyse 3D de l'intensité de diffusion reconstruite à partir de séries de projections 2D. Une telle analyse est non destructive et offre une grande sensibilité (0,1% en volume), une haute résolution spatiale (μm3) et peut être multimodale, fournissant des données quantitatives sur la morphologie, la densité, la composition élémentaire ou la structure des matériaux. En outre, nous décrivons le développement d´un système de micro-tomographie in situ sous haute pression et haute température en utilisant une nouvelle cellule rotative Paris-Edimbourg (RoToPEC), combinée avec le rayonnement synchrotron. La capacité à tourner complètement la chambre de l'échantillon sous charge, surmonte la contrainte d'ouverture angulaire limitée des cellules ordinaires et permet l'acquisition de projections tomographiques pour l'imagerie de plein champ ainsi que pour l'imagerie par micro-diffraction. Cette méthode innovante permet l´étude des matériaux sous conditions extrêmes de pression, température ou stress, et pourra être appliquée dans des domaines variés tels que la physique, la chimie, la science des matériaux ou la géologie. Le potentiel de cette nouvelle technique expérimentale est démontré par l'étude de la polymérisation de C60 sous haute-pression et haute température. Mots-clés: C60, diagramme de phase, diffraction, micro-tomographie, haute pression et haute température / The C60 reaction diagram continues to be a subject of discussion and controversy, despite the vast amount of experimental and theoretical work done over the years. This is mainly due the lack of in situ studies, the highly disordered-states showing poorly resolved diffraction peaks and the coexistence of several low-density polytypes. This manuscript presents a systematic in situ study of high-pressure–high-temperature forms C60 in the range of 1-10 GPa and 300-1200 K. In order to discriminate poly(a)morphs with similar densities in heterogeneous samples, we used a combination of microdiffraction and microtromography. The samples were synthesized in a Paris-Edinburgh cell and characterized using in situ angular dispersive X-ray diffraction. Three-dimensional submicron images were obtained on quenched samples using diffraction/scattering microtomography. This method provides 3D analysis of the scattering intensity reconstructed from sets of 2D microdiffraction projections. Such analysis is non-destructive and provides high sensitivity (0.1% volume), high spatial resolution (µm3) and can be multi-modal providing quantitative information on the morphology, density, elemental composition or structure of materials. Additionally, we describe the development of in situ high-pressure–high-temperature microtomography using a new rotating Paris-Edinburgh cell (RoToPEC) combined with synchrotron radiation. The ability to fully rotate the sample chamber under load, overcomes the limited angular aperture of ordinary high-pressure cells for acquiring tomographic projections in both, full-field imaging or microdiffraction modes. This innovative method enables dynamic studies of materials under extreme pressure-temperature-stress conditions, impacting areas such as physics, chemistry, materials science or geology. The potential of this new experimental technique is demonstrated on the in situ investigation of of high-pressure–high-temperature polymerization of C60 . Keywords: C60, phase diagram, diffraction, microtomography, high-pressure–high-temperature

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