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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Localization of a Microsporidia ADAM (A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease Domain) Protein and Identification of Potential Binding Partners.

Jolly, Carrie E. 15 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Microsporidia are spore-forming, obligate intracellular pathogens typically associated with opportunistic infections in immunocompromised individuals. Treatment options for microsporidia infections in humans are limited and additional research is necessary to create better therapeutic agents. For many pathogenic organisms, adhesion to the host cell surface is a prerequisite for tissue colonization and invasion. Our previous research has demonstrated a direct relationship between adherence of microsporidia spores to the surface of host cells and infectivity in vitro. In an effort to better understand adherence, we have turned our attention to determining what proteins may be involved in this process. Examination of the Encephalitozoon cuniculi genome database revealed a gene encoding a protein with sequence homology to members of the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) family of type I transmembrane glycoproteins. The microsporidia ADAM (MADAM) protein is of interest because ADAMs are known to be involved in a variety of biological processes including cell adhesion, proteolysis, cell fusion, and signaling. The objectives for this study were to examine the localization of MADAM, analyze its potential involvement during adherence and/or host cell infection, and to identify potential binding partners or substrates. Through the use of immunoelectron transmission microscopy, we demonstrated that MADAM is localized to the surface exposed exospore, plasma membrane, and the polar sac-anchoring disk complex (a bell-shaped structure at the spore apex involved in the infection process). Location of MADAM within the exospore and polar sac-anchoring disk suggests that MADAM is in a position to facilitate spore adherence or host cell infection. Thus far, we have been unable to conclusively demonstrate that MADAM is involved in either event. Through the use of a yeast two-hybrid system, we were able to identify polar tube protein 3 (PTP3) as a potential binding partner or substrate for the MADAM protein. The interaction between MADAM and PTP3 was confirmed by in vitro co-immunoprecipitation. PTP3 is hypothesized to be involved in the process of polar tube extrusion by stabilizing the interaction between PTP1-PTP2 polymers. Further analysis of the interaction between MADAM and PTP3 may lead to a better understanding of the events that occur during polar tube extrusion.

Investigation of Protein-protein Interactions within the Human Spliceosomal U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP Particle / Untersuchungen der Protein-Protein-Interaktionen innerhalb des humanen spleißosomalen U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-Partikels

Liu, Sunbin 28 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Untersuchungen zur Interaktion des Pathogenitätsfaktors P25 des beet necrotic yellow vein virus mit Proteinen der Zuckerrübe (Beta vulgaris L.) / Characterisation of physical interactions between pathogenicity factor P25 of beet necrotic yellow vein virus and the sugar beet proteome (<i>Beta vulgaris</i> L.)

Thiel, Heike 21 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Identification of novel sarcomeric modifiers of hypertrophy in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using the yeast two-hybrid system

Todd, Carol 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) occurs when the cardiomyocytes in the left ventricle become enlarged by increasing in mass in response to haemodynamic pressure overload. This can either be attributed to a normal physiological response to exercise or can be the result of a maladaptive process or disease state, such as chronic hypertension. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common form of Mendelian-inherited cardiac disease. A defining characteristic thereof is primary LVH that occurs when there are no other hypertrophy-predisposing conditions present. Therefore, HCM provides a unique opportunity to study the molecular determinants of LVH in the context of a Mendelian disorder, instead of in more complex disorders such as hypertension. Over 1000 HCM-causing mutations in 19 genes have been identified thus far, most of them encoding sarcomeric proteins residing in the sarcomeric C-zone. However, for many HCM patients no disease-causing genes have been identified. Moreover, studies have shown phenotypic variation in presentation of disease in, as well as between, families in which the same HCM-causing mutation segregates. This has led many investigators to conclude that genetic modifiers of hypertrophy exist. The aim of the study was to identify novel plausible HCM-causing or modifier genes by searching for interactors of a known HCM-causing protein, namely titin. The hypothesis was that genes encoding proteins, which interact with proteins that are encoded by known HCM-causative genes, may also be considered HCM-causing or may modify the HCM phenotype. To this end, the aim was to identify novel interactors of the 11-domain super-repeat region of titin, which resides within the sarcomeric C-zone, using yeast two-hybrid analysis. Five putative interactors of the 11-domain super-repeat region of titin were identified in this study. These interactions were subsequently verified by colocalisation in H9C2 rat cardiomyocytes, providing further evidence for possible interactions between titin and these proteins. The putative interactor proteins of titin determined from the Y2H library screen were: filamin C (FLNC), phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 4 (PEBP4), heart-type fatty acid binding protein 3 (H-FABP3), myomesin 2 (MYOM2) and myomesin 1 (MYOM1). The FLNC gene could be a candidate for cardiac diseases, especially cardiomyopathies that are associated with hypertrophy or developmental defects. The putative interaction of titin and PEBP4 is speculated to be indicative of the formation of the interstitial fibrosis and myocyte disarray seen in HCM. Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein 3 has prognostic value to predict recurrent cardiac events. Its suggested interaction with titin is speculated to play a role in inhibiting its functional abilities. Myomesin 2 is jointly responsible, with MYOM1, for the formation of a head structure on one end of the titin string that connects the Z and M bands of the sarcomere. This is speculated to be linked to a developmental error with the result being a defect in sarcomeric structure formation, which could result in pathologies such as HCM. Therefore, these identified proteins could likely play a functional role in HCM due to their interactions with titin. This research could thus help with new insights into the further understanding of HCM patho-aetiology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Linker ventrikulêre hipertrofie (LVH) ontstaan wanneer die kardiomyosiete in die linkerventrikel vergroot as gevolg van 'n verhoging in massa in reaksie op hemodinamiese drukoorlading. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan 'n normale fisiologiese respons op oefening of kan die gevolg wees van 'n wanaangepaste of siektetoestand, soos chroniese hipertensie. Hipertrofiese kardiomiopatie (HKM) is die mees algemene vorm van Mendeliese oorerflike hartsiekte. 'n Bepalende eienskap daarvan is primêre LVH, wat plaasvind wanneer daar geen ander hipertrofie-predisponerende voorwaardes teenwoordig is nie. Gevolglik bied HKM 'n unieke geleentheid om die molekulêre derterminante van LVH te bestudeer, in die konteks van 'n Mendeliese oorerflike siekte, in plaas van om dit in die meer komplekse siektes soos hoë bloeddruk te bestudeer. Meer as 1000 HKM-veroorsakende mutasies is tot dusver in 19 gene geïdentifiseer. Die meeste van hulle kodeer vir sarkomeriese proteïene wat in die C-sone voorkom. Egter, vir baie HKM-pasiënte is geen siekte-veroorsakende gene al geïdentifiseer nie. Daarbenewens het studies getoon dat variasie in fenotipiese aanbieding van die siekte in, sowel as tussen, families voorkom wat dieselfde HKM-veroorsakende mutasie het. Dit het daartoe gelei dat baie navorsers tot die gevolgtrekking gekom het dat genetiese wysigers van hipertrofie wel bestaan. Die doel van die studie was om nuwe moontlike HKM-veroorsakende of wysiger-gene te identifiseer deur te soek vir interaktors van 'n bekende HKM-veroorsakende proteïen, naamlik titin. Die hipotese was dat gene wat vir proteïene kodeer, wat in wisselwerking is met proteïene wat geïnkripteer word deur bekende HKM-veroorsakende gene, ook oorweeg kan word om HKM te veroorsaak. Dit kan ook die HKM fenotipe verander. Dus was die doel om nuwe interaktors van die 11-domein super-herhaalstreek van titin, soos gevind binne die sarkomeriese C-sone, te identifiseer deur middel van gis-twee-hibried-analise. Vyf vermeende interaktors van die 11-domein super-herhaalstreek van titin is in hierdie studie geïdentifiseer. Hierdie interaksies is later geverifieer met behulp van ko-lokalisering in H9C2-rotkardiomyosiete, wat verdere bewyse vir moontlike interaksies tussen titin en hierdie proteïene verskaf. Die vermeende interaktor-proteïene van titin wat bepaal is vanaf die gis-twee-hibried-biblioteeksifting was as volg: filamin C (FLNC), phosphatidylethanolamine-bindingsproteïen 4 (PEBP4), hart-tipe-vetsuur bindingsproteïen 3 (H-FABP3), myomesin 2 (MYOM2) en myomesin 1 (MYOM1). Die FLNC-geen kan 'n kandidaat vir kardiale siektes, veral kardiomiopatieë, wees wat geassosieer word met hipertrofie of ontwikkelingsafwykings. Die vermeende interaksie van titin en PEBP4 dui daarop om 'n aanduiding te wees vir die vorming van die interstisiële fibrose en miokardiale wanorde, soos gesien in HKM. Hart-tipe-vetsuur bindingsproteïen 3 het prognostiese waarde om herhalende kardiale gebeure te voorspel. Verder dui sy voorgestelde interaksie met titin moontlik daarop dat dit 'n rol kan speel in die inhibering van sy funksionele vermoëns. Myomesin 2 tesame met MYOM1 is verantwoordelik vir die vorming van 'n kopstruktuur aan die een kant van die titinstring wat dan die Z- en M-bande van die sarkomeer verbind. Daar word vermoed dat dit gekoppel is aan 'n ontwikkelingsfout, met die gevolg dat daar 'n defek is in sarkomeriese struktuurvorming, wat weer kan lei tot patologieë soos HKM. / Mrs Wendy Ackerman / Prof Paul van Helden / National Research Foundation (NRF) / Stellenbosch University

A análise do interactoma de SCI1 (Stigma/Style Cell Cycle Inhibitor 1) revela possíveis mecanismos de controle da proliferação celular / The analysis of the interactome of SCI1 (Stigma/Style Cell Cycle Inhibitor 1) reveals possible mechanisms controlling cell proliferation

Strini, Edward José 05 May 2014 (has links)
A biologia da reprodução de plantas é um campo de grande interesse, já que a maioria dos alimentos consumidos pelo homem é composta de partes reprodutivas das plantas (frutos e sementes). O pistilo é o órgão reprodutivo feminino, composto de estigma, estilete e ovário. Devido à importância central do pistilo no sucesso da reprodução de plantas, faz-se necessário um melhor conhecimento dos genes e processos que regulam seu desenvolvimento e funcionamento. Estudos comparativos da expressão gênica nos órgãos vegetativos e reprodutivos de Nicotiana tabacum revelaram genes de expressão preferencial nos órgãos reprodutivos, entre eles alguns codificando proteínas de função ainda desconhecida. Um destes genes foi caracterizado e denominado SCI1 (Stigma/style Cell-cycle Inhibitor 1), por apresentar um papel importante no desenvolvimento do estigma/estilete, atuando como um inibidor de ciclo celular tecido-específico (DePaoli et al., 2011). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar os mecanismos moleculares pelos quais NtSCI1 regula o ciclo celular, investigando seus parceiros de interação. Em um ensaio de pull-down, utilizando-se extrato proteico nuclear de estigmas/estiletes de N. tabacum, vários putativos reguladores de ciclo celular foram identificados, sendo a interação entre NtSCI1 e NtCDKG;2 confirmada por BiFC e localizada no nucléolo. Uma biblioteca de cDNAs de estigmas/estiletes de N. tabacum, no sistema de duplo-híbrido de levedura, foi construída com sucesso. O screening desta biblioteca, utilizando BD-NtSCI1 como \"isca\", permitiu a identificação de vários parceiros de interação com NtSCI1, entre eles: uma helicase de RNA DEAD-BOX, a proteína 14-3-3D2, dois fatores de transcrição (HOMEOBOX-22 e STOREKEEPER), um fator de splicing portador do domínio SWAP, uma quinase de adenosina e uma transposase. As interações entre NtSCI1 e os três primeiros parceiros citados já foram confirmadas por BiFC (observadas no núcleo e nucléolo) e a interação entre NtSCI1 e Nt14-3-3D2 foi confirmada também por co-imunoprecipitação. O envolvimento de NtSCI1 com a regulação do ciclo celular foi corroborado pela interação entre NtSCI1 e a proteína NtCICLINA-L1 (subunidade regulatória de CDKG;2), confirmada por duplo-híbrido e por BiFC, no nucléolo. A interação entre NtSCI1 e NtCICLINA-RELATED também foi confirmada por BiFC. Para entender a dinâmica de NtSCI1 no nucléolo, foi estudada a localização subcelular da proteína de fusão NtSCI1-GFP durante as fases do ciclo celular. NtSCI1-GFP foi observada no nucléolo de células BY-2 em interfase e prófase, desaparecendo na metáfase e anáfase e reaparecendo no nucléolo no final da telófase, mostrando que a presença de NtSCI1 na célula é controlada pelo ciclo celular. A construção de uma primeira versão do interactoma de NtSCI1 mostrou seu envolvimento direto e indireto com proteínas relacionadas ao metabolismo de RNAs, controle da transcrição e regulação do ciclo celular. Estes resultados sugerem que NtSCI1 possa atuar no controle do ciclo celular de forma não canônica, por meio de múltiplos processos paralelos que interconectam aspectos da regulação da transcrição e o processamento de RNAs com o controle do ciclo celular. / The biology of plant reproduction is a field of great interest, since most of the food consumed by humans is composed of reproductive parts of plants (fruits and seeds). The pistil is the female reproductive organ, composed of stigma, style and ovary. Due to the central importance of the pistil in the success of plant reproduction, a better knowledge of the genes and processes that regulate pistil development and function is necessary. Comparative studies of gene expression in vegetative and reproductive organs of Nicotiana tabacum have revealed genes preferentially expressed in the reproductive organs, among them some encoding proteins of unknown function. One of these genes was characterized and denominated SCI1 (Stigma/style Cell-cycle Inhibitor 1), since it has an important role in stigma/style development, acting as a tissue-specific cell-cycle inhibitor (DePaoli et al., 2011). The objective of the present work was to study the molecular mechanisms through which NtSCI1 regulates the cell cycle investigating its interaction partners. In a pull-down assay, using nuclear protein extracts from N. tabacum stigmas/styles, several putative cell cycle regulators were identified. Among them, the interaction between NtSCI1 and NtCDKG;2 was confirmed by BiFC and localized in the nucleolus. A N. tabacum stigma/style cDNA library in the yeast two-hybrid system was successfully constructed. The screening of this library, using BD-NtSCI1 as bait, allowed the identification of several NtSCI1 interaction partners, among them: a DEAD-BOX RNA helicase; the 14-3-3D2 protein; two transcription factors (HOMEOBOX-22 and STOREKEEPER); a splicing factor containing a SWAP domain; an adenosine kinase; and a transposase. The interactions between NtSCI1 and the first three mentioned partners have already been confirmed by BiFC (observed in the nucleus and nucleolus) and the interaction between NtSCI1 and Nt14-3-3D2 was also wconfirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. The NtSCI1 involvement in cell cycle regulation was corroborated by the interaction between NtSCI1 and the NtCYCLIN-L1 (a regulatory subunit of CDKG;2), which was confirmed by two-hybrid and BiFC in the nucleolus. The interaction between NtSCI1 and NtCYCLIN-RELATED was also confirmed by BiFC. To understand the dynamics of NtSCI1 in the nucleolus, the subcellular localization of the fusion protein NtSCI1-GFP was studied during the different cell cycle phases. NtSCI1-GFP was observed in the nucleolus of BY-2 cells at interphase and prophase, disappearing at metaphase and anaphase and reappearing in the nucleolus at the end of telophase, showing that NtSCI1 presence in the cell is controlled by the cell cycle. The construction of the first version of NtSCI1 interactome showed its direct and indirect involvement with proteins related to RNA metabolism, transcription control and cell cycle regulation. These results suggest that NtSCI1 may act in cell cycle control in a non-canonical way, through multiple parallel processes interconnecting aspects of transcription regulation, RNA processing and cell cycle control.

Characterization of phosphorylation-dependent interactions involving neurofibromin 2 (NF2, merlin) isoforms and the Parkinson protein 7 (PARK7, DJ1)

Worseck, Josephine Maria 19 June 2012 (has links)
Veränderungen in phosphorylierungsabhängigen Signalwegen, Akkumulation von Proteinaggregaten im Gehirn und neuronaler Zelltod sind Neurodegenerationskennzeichen und Indikatoren für überlappende molekulare Mechanismen. Um Einblicke in die involvierten Signalwege zu erhalten, wurde mit Hilfe eines modifizierten Hefe-Zwei-Hybrid (Y2H)-Systems für 71 Proteine, die mit neurologischen Erkrankungen assoziiert sind, proteomweit nach Protein-Protein Interaktionen (PPIs) gesucht. Für 21 dieser Proteine wurden PPIs identifiziert. Das Gesamtnetzwerk besteht aus 79 Proteinen und 90 PPIs von denen 5 phosphorylierungsabhängig sind. Ein Teil dieser PPIs wurde in unabhängigen Interaktionsassays mit einer Validierungsrate von 66 % getestet. Der netzwerkbasierte Versuch verbindet erfolgreich neurologische Erkrankungen untereinander aber auch mit zellulären Prozessen. Ser/Thr-Kinase abhängige PPIs verknüpfen zum Beispiel das Parkinson Protein 7 (PARK7, DJ1) mit den E3 Ligase Komponenten ASB3 und RNF31 (HOIP). Die Funktion dieser Proteine bekräftigt den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System und der Parkinson Krankheit (PD). Neurofibromin 2 (NF2, merlin) Isoformen und PARK7 interagieren mit der regulatorischen PI3K Untereinheit p55-gamma (PIK3R3). Diese PPIs basieren auf Tyr-Kinase Aktivität im modifizierten Y2H System und funktionellen PIK3R3 pTyr-Erkennungsmodulen (SH2 Domänen) in co-IP und Venus PCA Versuchen. Dies verknüpft den PI3K/AKT Überlebenssignalweg mit zwei unterschiedlichen neurologischen Erkrankungsphenotypen: dem PD assoziierten neuronalen Zelltod und der Neurofibromatose Typ 2-assoziierten Tumorentstehung. Die vergleichende Beobachtung von PIK3R3, AOF2 (KDM1A, LSD1) Interaktionen auf NF2 Isoformlevel offenbart eine Bevorzugung von Isoform 7 bei zytoplasmatischer Lokalisation, wohingegen Isoform 1 PPIs an der Membran lokalisiert sind. Das modifizierungsabhängige und isoformspezifische PPI Netzwerk ermöglichte neue Hypothesen zu molekularen Pathomechanismen. / Alterations in phosphorylation-dependent signalling pathways, accumulation of aggregated proteins in the brain and neuronal apoptosis are common to neurodegeneration and implicate overlapping molecular mechanism. To gain insight into involved pathways, a modified yeast-two hybrid (Y2H) system was applied to screen 71 proteins associated with neurological disorders in a proteome-wide manner. For 21 of these proteins interactions were identified including 5 phosphorylation-dependent ones. In total, the network connected 79 proteins through 90 protein-protein interactions (PPIs). A fraction of these Y2H PPIs was tested in secondary interaction assays with a validation rate of 66 %. The described network-based approach successfully identified proteins associated with more than one disorder and cellular functions connected to specific disorders. In particular, the network revealed Ser/Thr kinase-dependent PPIs between the Parkinson protein 7 (PARK7, DJ1) and the E3 ligase components ASB3 and RNF31 (HOIP). The function of these proteins further substantiates the established connection between Parkinson’s disease (PD) and ubiquitination-mediated proteasome (dis)functions. Neurofibromin 2 (NF2, merlin) isoforms and PARK7 were identified as PI3K regulatory subunit p55-gamma (PIK3R3) interactors. These PPIs required Tyr kinase coexpression in the modified Y2H system and functional PIK3R3 pTyr-recognition modules (SH2 domains) in co-IP and Venus PCA experiments. This finding implicates the PI3K/AKT survival pathway in PD-associated neuronal apoptosis and Neurofibromatosis type 2-associated tumour formation. Investigation of PIK3R3, AOF2 (KDM1A, LSD1) and EMILIN1 PPIs on NF2 isoform level revealed preferential isoform 7 binding and cytoplasmic or membrane localisation of these PPIs for isoform 7 or 1, respectively. The generated modification-dependent and isoform-specific PPI network triggered many hypotheses on the molecular mechanisms implicated in neurological disorders.

Étude des interactions protéine-protéine entre le complexe de Survie des MotoNeurones (SMN) et les facteurs d'assemblage des RNP à boîtes C/D et H/ACA / Study of the protein-protein interactions between the SMN complex and the factors required for box C/D and H/ACA RNP assembly

Huttin, Alexandra 11 December 2012 (has links)
Les particules ribonucléoprotéiques (RNP) à boîtes C/D et H/ACA sont impliquées dans la maturation des UsnRNA et des précurseurs des ARNr. L'assemblage de ces RNP dans les cellules est un processus complexe faisant intervenir de nombreux facteurs cellulaires dont NUFIP, commun aux deux RNP, et NAF1, spécifique aux RNP à boîtes H/ACA. Le complexe de Survie des Motoneurones (SMN) est essentiel à la survie cellulaire et est nécessaire à l'assemblage d'une autre RNP, les UsnRNP, composants des spliceosomes. Un déficit en protéine SMN conduit à une pathologie grave, l'amyotrophie spinale. Plusieurs études suggèrent que le complexe SMN puisse également jouer un rôle dans l'assemblage des RNP à boîtes C/D et H/ACA. Dans le but d'obtenir de plus amples informations, nous avons testé si des interactions existent entre les constituants du complexe SMN et i) les protéines associées aux RNP matures, ainsi que ii) les autres facteurs d'assemblage déjà connus. Ainsi, par une approche de double hybride chez la levure, nous avons observé des interactions fortes entre NAF1 et les protéines Gemin3 et Gemin8 du complexe SMN. Comme la protéine coeur GAR1 des RNP à boîte H/ACA interagit avec la protéine SMN, ces données suggèrent que le complexe SMN participe à l'échange de NAF1 par GAR1, qui est une étape clé de la biogenèse des RNP à boîtes H/ACA. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence des interactions entre Gemin3/NUFIP, Gemin4/NUFIP et Gemin6/NUFIP. L'étude de cette dernière interaction a été approfondie. Nous avons montré que l'interaction est directe, qu'elle existe dans les cellules de mammifères à la fois dans le cytoplasme et le noyau, et nous avons défini les domaines de chaque protéine nécessaires à l'interaction, en collaboration avec l'équipe d'E. Bertrand (IGM Montpellier). Ces résultats ouvrent de larges perspectives quant à un lien fonctionnel entre le complexe SMN et NUFIP dans l'assemblage des RNP à boîtes C/D et H/ACA, mais aussi dans l'assemblage de la snRNP U4 et dans le mécanisme de traduction localisée dans les cellules / Box C/D and H/ACA ribonucleoparticles (RNPs) are required for UsnRNA and ribosomal RNA maturation. Their assembly in cells is a complex process, which implicates numerous cellular factors, such as NUFIP, a common assembly factor, and NAF1, which is a specific factor for H/ACA box RNP assembly. The Survival of Motoneurons (SMN) complex is essential for cell survival and is required for the assembly of another class of RNPs, the UsnRNPs, which are essential components of the splicing machinery. Decreased levels of the SMN protein lead to a severe disease, the spinal muscular atrophy. Several studies led to the proposal that the SMN complex also plays a role in the assembly of box C/D and H/ACA RNPs. In order to obtain more information, we analyzed whether some interactions may exist between components of the SMN complex and i) core proteins of mature RNPs, or ii) factors already known to be involved in the assembly. Using a yeast two-hybrid approach, we observed strong interactions between NAF1 and the SMN complex components, Gemin3 and Gemin8. Since the core H/ACA protein GAR1 interacts with the SMN protein, our data suggest that the SMN complex participates to the exchange of NAF1 by GAR1, which is a crucial step of H/ACA box RNP biogenesis. Furthermore, we discovered strong interactions between Gemin3/NUFIP, Gemin4/NUFIP and Gemin6/NUFIP. Concerning the Gemin6/NUFIP interaction, we showed that is direct, that it exists in both compartments in mammalian cells and we defined domains of both proteins necessary for the interaction in collaboration with the E. Bertrand team (IGM Montpellier). These results open new perspectives concerning functional links between the SMN complex and NUFIP in box H/ACA and C/D RNP assembly, but also in U4 snRNP assembly and in the mechanism of localized translation

Estudos bioquímicos, funcionais e estruturais da septina humana SEPT2: fatores que determinam a formação de agregados / Functional and structural studies of human SEPT2: determinant factors triggering the sefl-assembly into amyloid fibrils

Damalio, Julio Cesar Pissuti 26 October 2011 (has links)
As septinas fazem parte de uma família de proteínas de ligação ao nucleotídeo guanina. As septinas têm mostrado ter um papel importante na citocinese e outros processos celulares, incluindo a determinação da polaridade celular e reorganização do citoesqueleto. Todos os membros da família de septinas são compostos por três domínios: um N-terminal variável, um domínio central GTPase e uma região C-terminal que inclui sequências de coiled-coil. Septinas possuem uma característica de polimerizarem para formar complexos hetero-oligoméricos altamente organizados, in vivo e in vitro. Estruturas homo-oligoméricas também foram observadas, embora sua função ainda não esteja bem estabelecida. A Septina 2 humana (SEPT2) se acumula no sulco de clivagem de células em divisão, desde a anáfase até a telófase, além de interagir com a actina, e também está envolvida em doenças neurodegenerativas, como mal de Azheimer. Nesse estudo, a ORF que codifica SEPT2, bem como os fragmentos que codificam seus domínios, foram clonados, expressos em E.coli e purificados por cromatografia de afinidade e cromatografia de exclusão molecular. Os produtos foram analisados por espectroscopia de dicroísmo circular, espalhamento de luz a ângulo fixo e espectroscopia de fluorescência extrínseca, usando Tioflavina-T, que é um marcador clássico para fibras amilóides. Em todos os casos, os produtos formaram homodímeros in vitro, e também agregaram em temperaturas fisiológicas. O desenovelamento térmico das proteínas recombinantes revelou a presença de uma população intermediária de desenovelamento, rica em folhas-&beta;, e que ligam Tioflavina-T, sugerindo uma estrutura amiloidogênica para essa proteína, confirmada pelos programas de predição TANGO e WALTZ. Imagens dessas fibras foram obtidas usando Microscopia eletrônica de Transmissão, evidenciando uma agregação organizada das proteínas. Além disso, usando monocamadas de Langmuir, foi possível confirmar a ligação específica de SEPT2 ao fosfolipídeo fosfatidilinositol 4,5-bifosfato (PtdIns(4,5)P2). Essa ligação específica mantém a estrutura secundária de SEPT2, observada pela técnica PM-IRRAS, algo que não ocorre caso o lipídio seja inespecífico, sugerindo uma associação de SEPT2 com a membrana plasmática e podendo ter um papel na regulação das septinas. Por meio da técnica de duplo híbrido em levedura, identificamos proteínas que interagem com a SEPT2, como a MPBI e a DCTN2, auxiliando na elucidação de processos em que a SEPT2 possa participar. O conjunto dos resultados sobre a estabilidade, os processos de agregação de SEPT2 e a identificação de novos parceiros protéicos de interação, obtidos nesse trabalho, contribuíram para o melhor entendimento da função da SEPT2 e de seu envolvimento em desordens neurodegerenativas. / Septins are members of a conserved group of GTP-binding and filament-forming proteins. They are involved in a variety of cellular processes, such as microtubule regulation, vesicle trafficking, the formation of scaffolding platforms and actin dynamics. Human Septin 2 (SEPT2) has an N-terminal polybasic region responsible for lipid binding, a GTPase domain, and a C-terminal domain. SEPT2 is essential for cytokinesis and it is found in many tissues, mainly in the brain. Together with SEPT1 and SEPT4, it is accumulated in deposits known as neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimers disease, which is evidence that SEPT2 may be involved in this process. In this study, the human SEPT2, and its domains, were cloned, expressed in E.coli and purified by affinity and size-exclusion chromatographies. The proteins form homodimers in vitro, suggesting that the GTPase domain is enough to promote the oligomerization. Thermal unfolding revealed the formation of aggregates under physiological conditions, which have the ability to bind a specific amyloid dye, Thioflavin-T, suggesting them to be an amyloidal fiber. Besides, in silico prediction programs, TANGO and WALTZ, corroborate that SEPT2 contain regions with high probability of aggregation and amyloidogenic formation, respectively. Moreover, we observed 20-50 nm thick filamentous structures by electron microscopy of negatively stained. Using Langmuir monolayers at the cell membrane lipid packing, SEPT2 and SEPT2NG bound to the phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2). Results from in situ PM-IRRAS experiments indicated that the secondary structure of SEPT2 is preserved upon interacting with PtdIns(4,5)P2, but not when interacting with DPPC - which is not specific for SEPT2 - at the air/water interface suggesting an association with the plasma membrane and a role in septin regulation. Furthermore, we also identified protein partners of SEPT2, from both human leukocyte and brain fetal cDNA libraries, using the yeast two-hybrid system. SEPT2 was shown to interact with: septins 6 and 4; a serine-protease and a MAP inhibitory protein; an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme; and proteins related to cellular division. Thus, taken together this study contributed for the knowledgment of the stability and the aggregation kinetic of the SEPT2, leading to a better understanding of this protein and their role in neurodegenerative disorders.

Identificação de interações proteína-proteína entre NS5 do vírus da febre amarela e proteínas celulares.

Madrid, Maria Carolina Ferrari Sarkis 04 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 mariacarolinaferrerisarkismadrid_dissert.pdf: 2834086 bytes, checksum: 6c83e7649397cb555812544b997d81d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-04 / Yellow fever is an infectious disease caused by the yellow fever virus (YFV), a Flavivirus transmitted to humans by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Despite the existence of the yellow fever vaccine, the disease is endemic in South America and Africa, causing public health problems such as dispersed outbreaks, epidemics with variable impact and the risk of re-emergency of the urban cycle due to the occurrence of sylvatic disease. Aim. The knowledge of the components of YFV replication complex is still incipient but it is known that there are interactions among viral RNA, viral proteins and host proteins and, due to evidences of the existence of protein-protein interactions related to the NS5 protein of other Flavivirus, the target of our study was YFV NS5 protein. Once protein-protein interactions present basic importance for the activation, the regulation and the control of diverse biologic functions related to these interactions, the identification and the characterization of them are essential for a better comprehension of the pathogenesis and for the rational design of drugs for YFV. Material and Method. The YFV NS5 gene was divided in its two domains, which were independently cloned in a GAL4 DNA-BD plasmid, generating the methyltransferase (MT) and RNA polymerase (RNApol) baits. A two-hybrid system screening in Saccharomyces cerevisiae AH109 strain was performed utilizing RNApol bait and cDNA library of Hela cells, which was cloned in a GAL4 AD plasmid. MT bait showed to be toxic for the yeast. Results. All 204 obtained transformants were tested for activation of reporter genes HIS3, ADE2 and lacZ from AH109 and only 35 samples indicated positivity to, at least, two of the reporter genes assessed. Thirty three distinct cellular protein partners of the RNApol NS5 were identified after the sequencing of the clones and the comparison of its sequences with GenBank. Proteins Snf5, p54NRB, HMG20B, U1A, eIF3S6IP, GIPC PDZ and MIF were chosen for next experiments. A plasmid linkage with these proteins was performed to exclude the possibility of false-positive clones and to confirm the protein-protein interactions identified in the initial screening. RNApol regions responsible for the Snf5 and eIF3S6IP interactions were mapped and a region of approximately 80 aminoacids was identified as the minimum domain requested for the interactions, called fragment A. Conclusion. The prominence of this YFV fragment as a determinant of protein interactions became more evident when its sequence was compared to the sequences of other Flavivirus, signalizing a homology from aminoacid 20 to 80, demonstrating that this fragment is a conserved region. Moreover, the production of a similarity model of RNA polymerase domain of YFV NS5 protein, using the known DENV NS5 protein structure, showed that the region of interaction is exposed and potentially capable of forming interactions. / A febre amarela é uma doença infecciosa causada pelo vírus da febre amarela (yellow fever virus YFV), um Flavivirus transmitido ao homem pela picada do mosquito Aedes aegypti. Mesmo com a existência de uma vacina anti-amarílica, a enfermidade conserva-se endêmica na América do Sul e na África, gerando problemas de saúde pública que incluem surtos isolados, epidemias de impactos variáveis e, principalmente, o risco da possível re-emergência da sua forma urbana a partir da ocorrência de surtos silvestres. Objetivo. Embora sejam mínimas as informações sobre os componentes do complexo de replicação do YFV, sabe-se que nele estão envolvidas interações entre o RNA viral, proteínas virais e proteínas do hospedeiro e, devido às evidências de interações proteína-proteína relacionadas à proteína NS5 de outros Flavivirus, o alvo principal do nosso trabalho foi NS5 do YFV. Como interações protéicas são de fundamental importância para ativação, regulação e controle de diversas funções biológicas a elas relacionadas fica evidente a relevância da identificação e caracterização das interações participantes desse processo para uma melhor compreensão da patogênese e para o desenho racional de drogas contra a febre amarela. Material e Método. O gene NS5 de YFV foi dividido em seus dois domínios, os quais foram clonados independentemente no plasmídeo com DNA-BD de GAL4, gerando as iscas metiltransferase e RNA polimerase. Em seguida, foi realizado um screening em sistema duplo-híbrido com a isca RNApol contra biblioteca de cDNA de células Hela clonada em vetor com AD de GAL4, uma vez que MT mostrou-se tóxica para a levedura hospedeira do experimento Saccharomyces cerevisiae, linhagem AH109. Resultados. Os 204 transformantes obtidos foram testados quanto à capacidade de ativação dos genes repórteres HIS3, ADE2 e lacZ de AH109 quando, então, apenas 35 amostras mostraram-se positivas para pelo menos dois dos repórteres testados. Após o seqüenciamento nucleotídico desses clones e comparação das seqüências com o GenBank, os resultados indicaram seqüências nucleotídicas codificadoras para 33 proteínas celulares diferentes como parceiras interativas de RNApol NS5, dentre as quais foram eleitas as proteínas Snf5, p54NRB, HMG20B, U1A, eIF3S6IP, GIPC PDZ e MIF para o prosseguimento dos experimentos. Para excluir a possibilidade de pertencerem a uma classe de clones falso-positivos e confirmar as interações proteína-proteína identificadas na triagem inicial, foi efetuado o plasmid linkage. Após tal confirmação, foram mapeadas as regiões em RNApol responsáveis pelas interações com Snf5 e eIF3S6IP, tendo sido descoberta uma mesma região de aproximadamente 80 resíduos aminoácidos como o domínio mínimo requerido para tais interações, a qual foi denominada fragmento A. Conclusões. A relevância do fragmento A de YFV como determinante das interações protéicas tornou-se mais evidente quando sua seqüência foi comparada à de outros Flavivirus, mostrando a presença de uma homologia principalmente entre os aminoácidos 20 a 80, demonstrando que esse fragmento se comporta como uma região conservada entre os Flavivirus considerados. Além disso, a geração de um modelo de similaridade do domínio RNA polimerase da proteína NS5 de YFV, a partir de NS5 de DENV, demonstrou que a região de interação está exposta ao solvente, sendo, portanto, potencialmente capaz de formar interações.

Estudos bioquímicos, funcionais e estruturais da septina humana SEPT2: fatores que determinam a formação de agregados / Functional and structural studies of human SEPT2: determinant factors triggering the sefl-assembly into amyloid fibrils

Julio Cesar Pissuti Damalio 26 October 2011 (has links)
As septinas fazem parte de uma família de proteínas de ligação ao nucleotídeo guanina. As septinas têm mostrado ter um papel importante na citocinese e outros processos celulares, incluindo a determinação da polaridade celular e reorganização do citoesqueleto. Todos os membros da família de septinas são compostos por três domínios: um N-terminal variável, um domínio central GTPase e uma região C-terminal que inclui sequências de coiled-coil. Septinas possuem uma característica de polimerizarem para formar complexos hetero-oligoméricos altamente organizados, in vivo e in vitro. Estruturas homo-oligoméricas também foram observadas, embora sua função ainda não esteja bem estabelecida. A Septina 2 humana (SEPT2) se acumula no sulco de clivagem de células em divisão, desde a anáfase até a telófase, além de interagir com a actina, e também está envolvida em doenças neurodegenerativas, como mal de Azheimer. Nesse estudo, a ORF que codifica SEPT2, bem como os fragmentos que codificam seus domínios, foram clonados, expressos em E.coli e purificados por cromatografia de afinidade e cromatografia de exclusão molecular. Os produtos foram analisados por espectroscopia de dicroísmo circular, espalhamento de luz a ângulo fixo e espectroscopia de fluorescência extrínseca, usando Tioflavina-T, que é um marcador clássico para fibras amilóides. Em todos os casos, os produtos formaram homodímeros in vitro, e também agregaram em temperaturas fisiológicas. O desenovelamento térmico das proteínas recombinantes revelou a presença de uma população intermediária de desenovelamento, rica em folhas-&beta;, e que ligam Tioflavina-T, sugerindo uma estrutura amiloidogênica para essa proteína, confirmada pelos programas de predição TANGO e WALTZ. Imagens dessas fibras foram obtidas usando Microscopia eletrônica de Transmissão, evidenciando uma agregação organizada das proteínas. Além disso, usando monocamadas de Langmuir, foi possível confirmar a ligação específica de SEPT2 ao fosfolipídeo fosfatidilinositol 4,5-bifosfato (PtdIns(4,5)P2). Essa ligação específica mantém a estrutura secundária de SEPT2, observada pela técnica PM-IRRAS, algo que não ocorre caso o lipídio seja inespecífico, sugerindo uma associação de SEPT2 com a membrana plasmática e podendo ter um papel na regulação das septinas. Por meio da técnica de duplo híbrido em levedura, identificamos proteínas que interagem com a SEPT2, como a MPBI e a DCTN2, auxiliando na elucidação de processos em que a SEPT2 possa participar. O conjunto dos resultados sobre a estabilidade, os processos de agregação de SEPT2 e a identificação de novos parceiros protéicos de interação, obtidos nesse trabalho, contribuíram para o melhor entendimento da função da SEPT2 e de seu envolvimento em desordens neurodegerenativas. / Septins are members of a conserved group of GTP-binding and filament-forming proteins. They are involved in a variety of cellular processes, such as microtubule regulation, vesicle trafficking, the formation of scaffolding platforms and actin dynamics. Human Septin 2 (SEPT2) has an N-terminal polybasic region responsible for lipid binding, a GTPase domain, and a C-terminal domain. SEPT2 is essential for cytokinesis and it is found in many tissues, mainly in the brain. Together with SEPT1 and SEPT4, it is accumulated in deposits known as neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimers disease, which is evidence that SEPT2 may be involved in this process. In this study, the human SEPT2, and its domains, were cloned, expressed in E.coli and purified by affinity and size-exclusion chromatographies. The proteins form homodimers in vitro, suggesting that the GTPase domain is enough to promote the oligomerization. Thermal unfolding revealed the formation of aggregates under physiological conditions, which have the ability to bind a specific amyloid dye, Thioflavin-T, suggesting them to be an amyloidal fiber. Besides, in silico prediction programs, TANGO and WALTZ, corroborate that SEPT2 contain regions with high probability of aggregation and amyloidogenic formation, respectively. Moreover, we observed 20-50 nm thick filamentous structures by electron microscopy of negatively stained. Using Langmuir monolayers at the cell membrane lipid packing, SEPT2 and SEPT2NG bound to the phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2). Results from in situ PM-IRRAS experiments indicated that the secondary structure of SEPT2 is preserved upon interacting with PtdIns(4,5)P2, but not when interacting with DPPC - which is not specific for SEPT2 - at the air/water interface suggesting an association with the plasma membrane and a role in septin regulation. Furthermore, we also identified protein partners of SEPT2, from both human leukocyte and brain fetal cDNA libraries, using the yeast two-hybrid system. SEPT2 was shown to interact with: septins 6 and 4; a serine-protease and a MAP inhibitory protein; an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme; and proteins related to cellular division. Thus, taken together this study contributed for the knowledgment of the stability and the aggregation kinetic of the SEPT2, leading to a better understanding of this protein and their role in neurodegenerative disorders.

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