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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The G-Cubed Show: YouTube and News

Brighter, Amy Elyse 12 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

#Ad: How YouTube Went From “Broadcast Yourself” to Broadcast Brands and Why It Matters

Lagiovane, Allyson 11 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Identifying Offensive Videos on YouTube

Kandakatla, Rajeshwari January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Audience's behavior and attitudes towards lifestyle video blogs on Youtube

Mironova, Ellina January 2016 (has links)
Audiences perform as a key factor driving social media nowadays, and there would not be any point to create video content on Youtube if there was nobody to watch it. It is therefore important to study audiences and their behavior in order to find out viewers' preferences and to understand what makes them follow Youtube channels.The purpose of this research is to find out what is audience's behavior on Youtube and its attitude towards lifestyle content on the video platform. Additionally, in the theoretical part of my research I will take a look at the phenomena of fandom and the relationship between advertising and audiences. I will apply social cognitive theory and cultivation theory in order to support my findings from reading materials. Using the method of semi-structured interviews, I will explore users' activity and their watching preferences on Youtube. In the analytical part I will combine both theoretical and practical approaches and figure out the answer to my research statement.To conclude my research, I will discuss my findings together with perspectives for the future studies within selected area.

Barn och produktplacering på Youtube

Sörensson, Albin January 2017 (has links)
Studien undersöker de effekter som dold produktplacering på Youtube har på unga tittare. För att kunna studera de eventuella effekterna har studien genomförts som en kvalitativ studie där semistrukturerade intervjuer har ägt rum med personer mellan 12 - 15 år samt med deras föräldrar. Intervjuerna genomfördes för att få information och förståelse kring hur unga personer upplever den dolda produktplaceringen på Youtube. Studiens vill ta reda på attityder kring produktplacering och hur de identifierar produktplacering på Youtube. Den dolda produktplaceringen påverkar barns köpbeteende samt köpbeslut. Eftersom den största delen av besökarna på Youtube är unga personer påverkas de av den produktplacering de ser. För att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar har studien granskat teorier kring köpbeteende, köpbeslut, produktplacering samt produktplaceringens påverkan på barn. Teorierna har sedan jämförts och analyserats med resultaten från de semistrukturerade intervjuerna. Resultaten visade att barn har svårt att identifiera produktplacering på Youtube och därmed får sitt köpbeteende påverkat. Unga personer köper det de ser på Youtube och kan därmed känna sig lurade om de förhoppningar som produktplaceringen har gett dem inte upplevs som uppnådda. Slutsatserna som studien drar är att barn som inte kan identifiera reklam på Youtube får sina köpbeslut och köplust påverkat av olika faktorer. De vill efterlikna sina idoler, köpa produkterna som visas på Youtube för att vara med i det sociala sammanhanget de tillhör. Detta gör dem utan att tänka på konsekvenserna av sina köp. / This rapport is studying the effects on the young group of viewers that are exposed to hidden product placement on Youtube. The study is conducted as a qualitative study where four children in the ages 12 - 15 and their parents was interviewed in a semi structured interview to learn about their internet habits and effects that they experienced. The purpose of the study is to gain information about how the hidden product placement on Youtube affects children and young viewers, what kind of different product placement the young person’s come across on the platform and what effects that they can see. The study also wants to show how the hidden product placement changes the young crowds buying behavior. To answer the study's questions about the hidden product placements effects has the study compared the results from the different interviews with theories about consumer behavior, effects of product placements in general and effects on children. The results showed that the participants of the study have a difficulty in identify the different hidden product placements in the videos that they are watching on Youtube and that the product placement is causing an effect into their buying behavior. The young viewers on Youtube are buying the products that they see in the videos that they are watching without needing the product or wanting the product on their own.

YouTube is the New Tube: Identity, Power, and Creator-Consumer Relationships in a New Culture (Cottage) Industry

Calkins, David Richard 28 May 2014 (has links)
YouTube is a new kind of media, offering new ways to search for meaning and identity in the digital information age. In this study, I explore how the struggle to establish meaning and identity is played out in this new cultural space, centering on amateur creators as they navigate tensions and test semiotic relationships with their productions online. I first situate YouTube within a larger context of cultural criticism that sees meaning as socially negotiated by consumers as active participants with cultural productions. I then discuss television as a cultural force and the effects of a new digital territory for these forces. By grounding my discussion in an understanding of media ecology that assumes a more varied and diverse collection of available cultural material will yield a healthier media ecology and thus healthier cultural subjects, I argue that YouTube is a positive intensification of television because it allows more viewers to participate in and more importantly participate in this media system. I then use two particular YouTube creators (Philip DeFranco and Hannah Hart) to demonstrate how these ideas are articulated in practice and how this process is not without its own problems. / Master of Arts

VOODIO: Proposal for an Online Video Content Creation Tool

Kirkland, Benjamin Renfroe 22 January 2020 (has links)
Video content is a massive source of entertainment, education, and income for a large population of online users. As more reliance upon this medium enters the field of education, formal and informal, people need tools to enhance their ability to tell stories and engage an audience. A tool that easily adjusts without compromising the interaction, the storytelling, or the visual moment, while also capturing as much information as possible, might be of great benefit to all creators of video content. Allowing tutorial creators the ability to efficiently record multiple views of their content may better aid in presenting concepts while retaining the attention of the viewership. The opportunity to present information effectively may have impacts on fields including education as well as entertainment. This thesis aims to explore possible reasons why content can be made to retain the audience's attention and to create a tool utilizing these facets for far reaching possibilities. / Master of Science / Video content is a massive source of entertainment, education, and income for a large population of online users. As more reliance upon this medium enters the field of education, formal and informal, people need tools to enhance their ability to tell stories and engage an audience. A tool that easily adjusts without compromising the interaction, the storytelling, or the visual moment, while also capturing as much information as possible, might be of great benefit to all creators of video content. Allowing tutorial creators the ability to efficiently record multiple views of their content may better aid in presenting concepts while retaining the attention of the viewership. The opportunity to present information effectively may have impacts on fields including education as well as entertainment. This thesis aims to explore possible reasons why content can be made to retain the audience's attention and to create a tool utilizing these facets for far reaching possibilities.

YouTube och vlogging ur ett användarperspektiv : En studie om den engagerade användarens deltagande, upplevelser och drivkrafter

Johansson Äijö, Mimmi January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is about YouTube, focusing on the phenomenon on the platform called vlogging. The study aims to examine how the dedicated user explains his/hers feelings towards the people of which vlogging content they have been consuming for a long period of time. Is there perhaps a noticeable pattern regarding how and why they established this relationship in the first place, and how it has developed over time. What is it that makes this type of video consumption valuable to the consumer, and what is the driving force that makes them stay so committed. The aim and purpose of this study is to find out what kind of participatory culture that is involved around vlogging as a media production and how it is described with the dedicated users own words. Is the driving force behind the engagement being a part of a community on the platform, or is the relationship straight between the producer and the consumer. If so, how and what is it that makes this one-way-relationship between the viewer and the vlogger valuable. To gather information about the dedicated users view of their consumption, and to answer the questions above, I have carried out 10 qualitative interviews with respondents who have been watching vlogs for five years or more within the media of YouTube. Through data collection and previous research within the subject, this thesis is able to confirm five different themes. Through analysis these themes together map out a pattern that concludes different factors for participating.

Vers une individuation médiatisée par la participation à une scène subculturelle numérique : les auteurs de school shootings et leurs publics / Towards mediatized individuation through participation in digital subcultural scene : school shooters and their audiences

Paton, Nathalie 07 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse traite des school shootings, soit les fusillades perpétrées par des élèves dans leur école. Elle rend compte de la globalisation de ce phénomène, observée depuis que les auteurs des fusillades prémédient leurs actes de violence via l'usage des médias participatifs. Il s'agit d'analyser cette stratégie de communication et montrer comment différents publics se l'approprient. Cette forme de violence produit des événements médiatiques disruptifs globaux. Nous montrons comment les citoyens ordinaires prennent part à ces événements en développant des formes contemporaines de sociation au sein des réseaux sociaux numériques. Nous en singularisons notamment une, la communauté cocon. Parmi ces publics ordinaires, on voit également émerger un contre public, celui des school shootings. Ils investissent les médias participatifs pour rappeler qu'une révolte souterraine se prépare. Ils la font vivre au quotidien dans une scène subculturelle numérique hébergée par YouTube, via des vidéos à l'effigie des tueurs. Leurs pratiques communicationnelles sont au cœur de cette thèse tant leur association est suspectée d'alimenter le vivier de futurs tueurs. L'investigation de cette subculture nous a amenée à singulariser le fait que les plus extrêmes, ceux qui passent à l'acte, s'engagent dans un processus d'individuation posthume d'anti-sujet. Si les auteurs des fusillades connaissent l'issue fatale qui les attend, un suicide by cop, ils la déjouent avec leurs stratégies médiatiques. En mobilisant des procédés imitatifs, ils instrumentalisent les médias pour garantir la signification de leurs actes et prendre leur revanche sociale en accédant au statut d'anti-héros. / This thesis deals with the phenomenon of "school shootings". It accounts for the globalization of this phenomenon, observed since school shooters started using participatory media for communication strategies. This thesis analyzes this strategy of premediation and shows how their audiences appropriate it. This extreme form of school violence creates global disruptive media events. We show how ordinary citizens take part in this event by developing contemporary forms of sociation in digital social networks. We shall highlight one particular: the cocoon community. Among the ordinary audience of the media event, we see the emergence of counter-public, “school shooting” fans. The use participatory media to remind everyone that an underground revolt is underway. The remind us of this daily in broadcasting videos to the effigy of the killers on a digital subcultural stage hosted by YouTube. These fans, as well as their audiovisual and communication practices, are at the heart of this thesis, as their subculture is suspected of constituting a pool of future killers. The investigation of this subversive subcultural scene has led us to single out a phenomenon that is characteristic of the youth in search of points of reference beyond good and evil. The most extreme, those planning to act, appear to engage in what we call a process of posthumous anti-subject individuation. Even if they know the fatal outcome awaiting them, “a suicide by cop”, they thwart it with their media strategies. By the means of imitation, they guarantee the attribution of meaning to their acts and instrumentalize the media to take their revenge by achieving social fame and the status of an anti-hero.

"I´m not ready for this, jag får inte ens in en tampong liksom" : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur fyra svenska Youtube-vloggar konstruerar sex / "I'm not ready for this, I can´t even fit a tampon" : A critial discourse analalysis of how four swedish vlogs mediates sex on Youtube

Veltman, Alfred, Wennersten, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Med det socialkonstruktionistiska antagandet att verkligheten skapas genom språkanvändning, undersökte denna studie hur sex konstrueras diskursivt i vloggar på Youtube. Materialet som analyserades var fyra stycken vloggar av Youtube-profilerna Therese Lindgren, Tova Helgesson, Lakidoris och Aina & Thobias. Syftet var att blottlägga underliggande sexuella normer och hierarkier för att skapa en klarare bild av diskursen kring sex i vloggar. För att uppnå detta syfte applicerades den kritiskt granskande metoden multimodal diskursanalys med tillhörande analysbegrepp (MCDA) i kombination med Rubins (2006) modeller över sexuella normer och hierarkier på materialet. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgjordes även av begreppen Infotainment och Edutainment som definierar medieinnehåll som befinner sig i gränslandet mellan information, utbildning och underhållning.     Analysen resulterade i tre teman som tillsammans bildade den övergripande diskursen. Det första temat var att vlogg-profilerna intog rollen som sexualupplysare. Med en ofta humoristisk ansats innehöll språket uppmaningar som bland annat handlade om sexuell integritet. Främst låg fokus på positiva aspekter av sex, snarare än negativa. Det andra temat var att vlogg-profilerna konstruerade bilden av sex utifrån ett subjektivt perspektiv där egna åsikter presenterades som objektiva sanningar. Det tredje temat var att det i vloggarnas till synes normbrytande diskurs förekom dolda sexuella normer och hierarkier. Det kan anses problematiskt att vloggarna utbildar och informerar sin publik när de har en humoristisk ansats, samtidigt som de utgår från ett subjektivt perspektiv och reproducerar sexuella normer och hierarkier. Detta eftersom den unga publiken, som ofta saknar egna sexuella referensramar, kan påverkas av de konstruktioner som de exponeras för. Vidare diskuteras fördelar och nackdelar med den undersökta sexdiskursen, vem som bär ansvar för den konstruktion av sex som unga människor exponeras för och hur normer utvecklas i takt med samhällsförändringar.

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