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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A practical theological study of community pastoral work : an ecosystemic perspective

Nel, Frederik Benjamin Odendal 06 1900 (has links)
Chapter 1 describes practical theology as a communicative operational science and stresses how important it is that a hermeneutical and narrative approach compliments it. It is shown that pastoral work must be launched from the church community. The premise is that the Enlightenment paradigm causes a reductionistic, individualistic and denominational approach to pastoral work. A holistic, comprehensive and ecologically orientated approach is proposed. Chapter 2 discusses the need for an ecosystemic approach as a metaparadigrn for practical theology in terms of the move away from the Newtonian view of science and the post-modem critiques of a technocratic society. This is supported by developments in systemic family therapy, constructionism and community psychology. Chapter 3 describes an interrelated ecclesiology as a base theory for practical theology and pastoral work with reference to the church's interrelation with society and the need to include an anthropology as part of an ecclesiology. This interrelationship implies that the serving (diakonia) and caring (koinonia) functions of the church should converge, forming a diaconal pastorate. In chapter 4 the secularised modem world-vie\v and the traditional African world-view, both functioning in South Africa, are employed to shed light upon the importance of the concept community for the church's pastoral work. The term community is broadened to include the idea of networking, emphasisingg that community is more than geographical proximity. Chapter 5 is a quantitative investigation. by means of a questionnaire, of the views (ecosystemic/non-ecosystemic) of pastoral workers regarding the church and of pastoral work. Chapter 6 discusses the implications of a community pastoral work approach. Pastoral work has a serving-caring role, but should also function prophetically, to conscientise. sensitise and empower people. The church as a healing community must become the springboard from which pastoral actions can face the challenge of AIDS (chapter 7). This will require the church to shift its paradigm from the reductionist, individualist approach, presently prevalent in society and church pastoral actions, to an all-encompassing. holistic one. / Practical Theology / Th.D. (Practical Theology)

Role de la Mission Evangelique de la Delivrance dans la prevention de la transmission du VIH/SIDA a Kinshasa, 1998-2008 : perspectives missiologiques / The role of Mission Evangelique de la Delivrance in the prevention of the spread of HIV and AIDS at Kinshasa, 1998-2008 : missiological perspectives

Lubo Kasongo Edmond 02 1900 (has links)
French text / La Mission Évangélique de la Délivrance (M.E.D) est dans une ville où le VIH/SIDA fait rage. Ceci crée un problème social dû à la transmission par manque d’information sur cette maladie meurtrière. L’échantillon utilisé confirme l’idée selon laquelle la M.E.D contribue à la prévention de la transmission du VIH/SIDA et même cette lutte avec ses paroisses à travers les activités organisées concernant cette pandémie. Cependant, le besoin est d’étendre cette lutte dans les églises des autres communautés proches et lointaines dans la ville de Kinshasa. La MED intensifie son action pour convaincre les gens ayant une conception archaïque sur la pandémie. Elle veut bannir les mythes qui l’entourent et donner les conseils précis sur la pratique sexuelle responsable. La MED amène les gens à se faire examiner pour connaître leur état sérologique. Elle encourage les atteints à vivre positivement et à collaborer sans gêne. / The Mission Evangélique de la Délivrance is in a city where the HIV/AIDS makes rage. It creates a social problem due to the transmission for lack of information on this murderous illness. The used sample confirms the idea according to which the MED contributes to the prevention of the transmission of HIV/AIDS and even this struggle with her parishes through activities organized concerning this pandemic. However, the need is to spread this struggle in other near and far away community churches in Kinshasa. The MED intensifies her action to convince people having an archaic conception on the pandemic. She wants to outlaw myths that surround it and to give the precise advices on the responsible sexual practice. The MED brings people to make examine themselves to know their serological state. She encourages those who are reached by the illness to live positively and to collaborate without hindrance. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Encountering the Mbuti Pygmies : a challenge to Christian mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Musolo W'isuka Kamuha 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores the Mbuti Pygmies, a sub-group of the Pygmy peoples, one of the main ethnic groups of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The Mbuti Pygmies are settled mostly in the Ituri rainforest, and are, with regard to Christian mission, still unreached and unchurched. The oversight of the churches vis-à-vis these people is highlighted, through this thesis, as a challenge to Christian mission. This challenge is a result of the way Christian mission is understood and undertaken in DRC, namely in the selective and exclusive way of missioning, according to which some peoples are targeted and others forsaken. Churches in the DRC shy away from the Mbuti Pygmies probably because, on the one hand, these forest dwellers belong to the group of Pygmies whose existence as full human beings is enigmatic and very controversial. Because of the uniqueness of the Pygmy peoples in terms of physical features, culture, and way of life, on the other hand, the non-Pygmy peoples, including Christians, suffer from a kind of complex of superiority that creates in them a spirit of discrimination against the Mbuti Pygmies. As the Mbuti Pygmies are discriminated against even by Christians, it is very difficult for them to be taken into account within the mission agendas of the churches. This challenge to Christian mission is highlighted by two facts. Firstly, Christian mission is designed for all the nations to which the Mbuti Pygmies belong. Secondly, the churches, with their missional mandate to all the nations, shy away from the Mbuti Pygmies as if these people were outside the scope of Christian mission and, thus, unworthy of God’s grace and love.To remedy this challenge, with the aim of implementing Christian mission in the DRC, this study suggests a missional encounter as a way forward to addressing the Mbuti Pygmies. In practice, this may be implemented through the missionary conversion, the right perception of the Mbuti Pygmies as being fully made in the “image of God” and fully part of the “all nations”, promoting formal education among the Mbuti Pygmies, and sustaining the churches by an integrated theological education. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

'Hidden voices' : an exploratory single case study into the multiple worlds of a 15 year old young man with autism

O'Leary, Stephen January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a 31-day case study carried out with a 15 year old young man who has classical autism. The study involved introducing him to a number of new and challenging activities, in a variety of contexts, over 31 days, that were previously assumed to be outside of his range of capability. The case study found that the application of the concepts of choice, control, challenge and risk had an unexpectedly positive impact upon the young man’s performance. This study further attempts to explore the concept of narrative as a ‘pedagogical bridge’ between the ‘worlds’ of autism and neurotypicality, arguing that narrative may provide a ‘way in’ to the world of autism. ‘Narrative’, this study contends, may provide a tapestry across which the world of autism may be connected with the world that surrounds it; by revealing a multiplicity of selves in a multiplicity of contexts. Methods of data collection included field notes, interviews, photographs and film footage. Ultimately, the study found that the use of ‘performance texts’ (DVDs featuring the young man’s achievements) constituted a powerful means of celebrating his accomplishments within the school and its wider community. Research approaches were participatory and ethnographic in the data collection phases, while a more phenomenological approach was adopted in the data analysis phase. The overarching analytical framework was that of ‘narrative analysis’ in telling a story of bravery, courage, hope and optimism.

The challenge of industry challenges : the uneasy encounter between privacy protection and commercial expression

Miller, Danielle 09 1900 (has links)
En s’inspirant de l’exemple des défis corporatifs, c’est-à-dire, des initiatives déployées par les sociétés pour rendre le marché de l’emploi plus accessible aux membres de groupes perçus comme marginalisés, ce mémoire cherche à analyser le conflit qui pourrait surgir au Québec entre le droit à la vie privé, protégé notamment par la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels dans le secteur privé et la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et des documents électroniques et le besoin croissant de l’entreprise d’utiliser les données privées de leurs employés pour vendre leurs biens et services. Dans un premier temps, ce mémoire effectue un survol des régimes de protection de la vie privée des pays qui ont le plus influencé le droit québécois et canadien soit l’Europe, les États-Unis et le Royaume Uni en soulignant leur influence sur le régime en vigueur au Québec. Dans un second temps, il soulève les entraves que posent la LPRPS et la LPRPDE à la participation de l’entreprise aux défis corporatifs. Dans un troisième temps, il explore des pistes possibles à la fois interprétatives, législatives et contentieuses afin de rendre ces lois plus accommodantes aux besoins de l’entreprise. / This essay uses the example of Industry Challenges - a technique deployed by companies to promote the hiring and advancement of certain members of society - to explore a conflict that could arise in Quebec between the individual’s right to privacy as protected by An Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information In the Private Sector and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act , and that of an organisation to use personal information relating to its workforce to market itself. It briefly reviews privacy protection in jurisdictions with the greatest legal influence on Quebec and Canada: the European Union, the United States and the United Kingdom (Chapter 2). It demonstrates how a blend of these influences is reflected in the Quebec and Canadian approaches to privacy and how existing privacy legislation might prevent a company from effectively and efficiently responding to Industry Challenges (Chapter 3). Finally, the last two chapters respectively explore the interpretive and legislative amendments that could be made to PPIPS and PIPEDA to enable companies to respond to Industry Challenges (Chapter 4) as well as the possible legal action a company could take on the ground that Quebec’s privacy legislation violates its right to express itself commercially under s. 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Chapter 5).

Apport de l’expertise d’un hygiéniste au diagnostic de l’asthme professionnel

de Olim Rugginenti, Carlo 01 1900 (has links)
Introduction : L’asthme professionnel (AP) est diagnostiqué au Québec avec le test de provocation bronchique spécifique (TPS). Le TPS consiste à exposer le patient à un agent causal suspecté en vue de provoquer une réaction asthmatique. Un TPS négatif est possible quand un agent causal a été omis de l’histoire professionnelle du patient. L’évaluation des expositions professionnelles par une expertise en hygiène en santé du travail est considérée comme une méthode précise, lorsque des données de mesure ne sont pas disponibles. Cependant, l'apport de cette méthode dans le diagnostic de l’AP n'a jamais été examiné dans un contexte clinique. Objectifs : Déterminer l'apport de l'évaluation des expositions professionnelles par une expertise en hygiène du travail dans l'investigation de l'AP. Comparer les expositions professionnelles détectées par un clinicien et par un hygiéniste chez 1) des sujets avec de l’AP prouvé par des TPS positifs, 2) chez des sujets avec des TPS négatifs. Méthodes : Une analyse des expositions potentielles par le clinicien a précédé la réalisation du TPS. Une évaluation des expositions professionnelles a été réalisée par un hygiéniste. L’hygiéniste n’avait pas connaissance du diagnostic du patient. Résultats : 120 sujets (TPS positifs : 67 négatifs :53) ont été enrôlés dans l’étude. L’hygiéniste a identifié l’agent causal dans la très grande majorité des TPS positifs. Dans 33 TPS négatifs, l’hygiéniste a détecté des agents sensibilisants non identifiés par le médecin. Conclusion : L’évaluation des expositions professionnelles par une expertise en hygiène du travail est une méthode pouvant compléter l'évaluation clinique pour la détection d’agents sensibilisants associés à l’AP. L’inclusion de cette approche dans l’évaluation clinique de l’AP aurait comme effet de réduire la survenance d’un diagnostic erroné. / Introduction: Occupational asthma (OA) is diagnosed in the province of Quebec with the specific inhalation challenge (SIC) test. The SIC test consists of exposing the patient to a suspected causal agent in order to induce an asthmatic reaction. When a causal agent has been omitted from the occupational history, the SIC test can be negative. An expert assessment of occupational exposures by an occupational hygienist is considered an accurate method when quantitative measurements are not available. However, its contribution has never been evaluated in the diagnosis of OA. Objective: Evaluate the contribution of an occupational exposure assessment by an expert industrial hygienist to the diagnosis of OA. Compare the occupational exposures detected by an occupational hygienist and a clinician in: 1) OA subjects with a positive SIC, 2) Subjects with a negative SIC. Methods: The clinician assessed the workplace exposures during a routine clinical evaluation preceding the performance of the SIC. An expert assessment of work histories was performed by an occupational hygienist blind to the diagnostic status of the patient. Results: 120 subjects (Positive SIC: 67 Negative SIC: 53) were enrolled in this study. The occupational hygienist detected the causal agent in almost all cases of OA. In 33 negative SIC, the occupational hygienist identified sensitizing agents which were not detected by the clinician. Conclusions: An expert assessment of occupational exposures by an occupational hygienist is a method which could complement the clinical assessment for the detection of sensitizing agents associated with OA. This method could be included in the clinical evaluation of OA in order to decrease the probability of misdiagnosis.

Rozsudek pro uznání a rozsudek pro zmeškání / Judgment by Acknowledgement and Judgment by Default

Klein, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
70 Abstract This diploma thesis is focused mainly on the judgment by acknowledgement and judgment by default which are institutes of the civil procedural law, which purpose is mainly to increase the efficiency of the legal proceedings. The aim of the thesis is to offer a complete overview of the current legal legislation and its practical usage. At the same time this thesis attempts to cope with problems, which the current legislation suffers with, and offers convenient conceptual solutions. This piece of work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter generally concerns the judgment by acknowledgement and clarifies the conditions in details that are essential to meet for its issuance. It concurrently distinguishes the judgment issued on the basis of actual acknowledgement by defendant and a judgment issued on the basis of legal fiction of acknowledgement of claim. The second chapter is dedicated to the institute of judgment by default. In the first subchapter the individual preconditions for the judgment by default issuing are being discussed in details, whether the formal or the material ones. This subchapter is divided according to these individual preconditions. The second subchapter deals closely with the defence of the defendant consisting in the proposal of cancellation of the judgment by...

Comparison of the effects of low dose and high dose inhaled corticosteroid treatment of mild to moderate asthma in adults.

Baraket, Melissa, mbaraket@med.usyd.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. Corticosteroid medication is the most effective currently available treatment. Complications of corticosteroid therapy are dose-dependent, however, the clinical efficacy of varying doses of inhaled corticosteroids has been studied with mixed results. A randomized, double-blind, parallel group study was used to evaluate the inhaled corticosteroid dose-response relationship for clinical endpoints and in vitro parameters of underlying airway inflammation and remodelling. The mannitol provocation test with Forced Oscillation Technique (FOT) was used to derive potential dose-differentiating endpoints. In vitro inflammatory markers were measured in alveolar macrophages from bronchoalveolar lavage. Basement membrane thickness was measured from bronchial biopsies. Eleven nonasthmatic subjects were enrolled for comparison. This thesis addresses the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference in clinical and biological effects between low dose (200mcg/day, n=11) and high dose (1000mcg/day, n=11) treatment (for 6-7 weeks) with inhaled fluticasone propionate (FP) for a range of clinical outcomes and in vitro markers of airway inflammation and remodelling. Significant changes after FP included increased FEV1, reduced airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) (by FOT and FEV1), exhaled nitric oxide and Juniper symptom score. In addition, significant reductions occurred in expression of GM-CSF, TNF-alpha and IL-1ra in macrophages. A lower baseline FOT-derived respiratory system conductance was predictive of a greater degree of improvement in symptoms. No statistically significant differences in the changes after treatment between low and high dose FP were found in spirometry, exhaled nitric oxide, symptom scores, AHR, alveolar macrophage cytokine levels (GM-CSF, TNF-alpha, IL-1ra, IL-10) and basement membrane thickness, although there were trends towards greater improvements in many of the parameters after high dose FP. Basement membrane thickness appeared to be reduced by high dose FP, although this reduction was not statistically significant. There was a weak, but statistically significant, negative correlation between basement membrane thickness and FOT-derived conductance (r2=0.135, p=0.042). With the recognition of the limitations in the interpretation of these data, the results suggest that, in previously steroid naïve mild to moderate asthmatics, there may be only minimal benefit derived from an additional 800µg/day of inhaled fluticasone above the low dose of 200µg/day.

德國梅克爾政府對中國政策之研究(2005-2009) / The research of the Merkel's policy toward China(2005-2009)

劉育銘, Liu, Yu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
時至中國崛起的今日,世界上任何一國都無法忽略中國的存在。中國在改革開放後,憑著眾多的人口及豐富的資源,逐漸加強在國際上的影響力。各國遂加強與中國的關係,德國政府也不例外,在冷戰結束統一後,科爾總理即發表亞洲政策,宣佈加強與亞洲國家特別是中國的關係。繼任的德國總理施洛德則在對外政策上更加親中,曾三度訪問中國,經貿合作尤為其重點。2005年上任的梅克爾卻採取疏遠中國的作法,視中國為競爭對手。不但在新的亞洲戰略決議上建議加強亞洲國家如日本、澳洲以及印度的關係以圍堵中國,更以人權外交的名義持續給中國施加壓力。 而本論文就是以層次分析來研究梅克爾的對中外交政策,期望能以國際、國內以及個人因素來分析梅克爾政府與前任政府相比,來找出影響對中政策上轉變的原因。另外德國有著基本的外交政策,即基本保護德國的利益不會改變變,筆者也希望能找出其中變與不變之處,並分析這些基本外交政策對於中國政策的影響。 / “China rising” now is a hot topic in International affairs. By most population around the world and vast territory, China is gradually increasing its influence toward the international society. Many nations have seen this and tried to intensify bilateral relationship with China. Germany did so too. Following end of the Cold War, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl issued a file called “Asian policy” to strengthen the relation between the asian partner especially China. The Successor of Kohl, Gerhard Schröder, was following the rules even much closer toward China. In his term of chancellor, he has visited China as much as three times with a lot of business. Angela Merkel replaced Schröder in 2005 to be the new german Chancellor. Her party issued “Asia as strategic challenge and chance for Germany and Europe” to regard China as competitor of trade and tactic. Merkel also gave a lot of pressure with “Human Rights” to China. This Article is for Merkel’s foreign policy toward China with “Level-Analysis”. Author expects to find the shift of the foreign policy toward China from Schröder to Merkel. In another part, Germany has its framework of the basic foreign policy. We should know that the german vital interest with protecting business can’t be changed. But there are still slight differences between each german government. That’s why author wants to find it in this thesis.

Studies on Premenstrual Dysphoria

Eriksson, Olle January 2005 (has links)
<p>Premenstrual dysphoria, so severe that it affects the lives of the women afflicted, is the condition studied in this thesis. Physiological and pharmacological mechanisms of pathogenetic relevance were investigated. </p><p>Women with premenstrual dysphoria showed a stronger and less dampened response of LH to an estradiol challenge than asymptomatic women, indicating an altered neuroendocrine regulation. In women with premenstrual dysphoria, the LH response was correlated to the severity of irritability and bloating, and the early FSH response was correlated to the severity of depressed mood. </p><p>The positron-emission study showed strong, consistent correlations between worsening of mood symptoms and a decrease in brain trapping of the immediate serotonin precursor, from the mid-follicular to the late luteal phase in women with premenstrual dysphoria. The strongest correlations were seen for the cardinal mood symptoms of premenstrual dysphoria, and for their opposites. Physical symptoms showed weaker or no correlations with the exception of nociceptive symptoms from erogenous body regions which showed positive correlations to serotonin precursor trapping in the right caudate nucleus. The findings are consistent with the serotonin hypothesis of premenstrual dysphoria, and might possibly explain the observed effects of serotonin-augmenting drugs in this condition.</p><p>The partial 5-HT<sub>1A</sub> receptor agonist buspirone was superior to placebo in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoria. The weak SRI and 5-HT<sub>2</sub> receptor antagonist nefazodone was not superior to placebo. For women with premenstrual dysphoria in need of medication and who do not tolerate SRIs because of the sexual sideeffects, buspirone may be an alternative drug, since it had no adverse effects on sexual function. </p><p>The prevalence of polycystic ovaries and serum levels of androgens were not higher in women with premenstrual dysphoria than in their asymptomatic counterparts. The findings are not consistent with the hypothesis that irritability in women with premenstrual dysphoria is induced by elevated testosterone levels. </p><p>Thesis results, which are in line with the serotonin hypothesis of premenstrual dysphoria, may imply that increased brain sensitivity is one of the factors underlying severe premenstrual mood symptoms, thereby further supporting a common serotonergic dysregulation in this condition.</p>

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