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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Women’s career journeys in intercollegiate athletic administration: A focus on authenticity, balance, and challenge through the kaleidoscope career model

Kapusta, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Social Entrepreneurship in the Favelas of Brazil: Challenges and Constraints

Rafid, Mohammed January 2023 (has links)
As global inequality reaches unprecedented levels, social entrepreneurship has emerged as a promising tool for addressing this and fighting some of the most challenging social issues of our time. This thesis seeks to dive into the specific challenges that social entrepreneurs encounter in low-income settings by conducting a case study in the favelas in Brazil, one of the world’s most widely recognized low-income areas. By conducting a comprehensive literature review, the thesis establishes a conceptual framework for the challenges facing social entrepreneurs in low-income settings. This is used to guide the analysis for the data collection in a deductive manner. Data is collected using semi-structured interviews with seven social entrepreneurs operating within the favelas. The findings reveal that the interviewed social entrepreneurs in the favelas face significant obstacles across five main areas: financial capital, legal and regulatory environment, infrastructure, human capital, and social capital. These challenges are consistent with the conceptual framework of challenges facing social entrepreneurs in low-income settings. / I takt med att den globala ojämlikheten når rekordnivåer har socialt entreprenörskap vuxit fram som ett lovande verktyg för att tackla några av vår tids mest utmanande samhällsfrågor. Denna avhandling syftar till att undersöka de specifika utmaningar som sociala entreprenörer möter i låginkomstmiljöer genom att genomföra en fältstudie i favelorna i Brasilien, ett av världens mest kända låginkomstområden. Genom att göra en omfattande litteraturgenomgång etablerar avhandlingen först ett konceptuellt ramverk för de utmaningar som sociala entreprenörer i låginkomstmiljöer står inför. Denna används senare för att vägleda analysen av datainsamlingen på ett deduktivt sätt. Data samlas in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju sociala entreprenörer verksamma inom dessa områden. Resultaten visar att de intervjuade sociala entreprenörerna möter betydande hinder inom fem huvudområden: finansiellt kapital, lagar och regler, infrastruktur, humankapital och socialt kapital. Dessa utmaningar är i linje med det konceptuella ramverket för utmaningar som sociala entreprenörer står inför i låginkomstområden.

Engaging the Adaptive Challenge: How Twenty Individual Higher Education Leaders Think About Corporatization in American Higher Education

McAndrew, Sheryl A. 29 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Surviving Set Theory: A Pedagogical Game and Cooperative Learning Approach to Undergraduate Post-Tonal Music Theory

Ripley, Angela N. 16 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Metabolomic Assessment of Dietary Interventions in Obesity by Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry

Lam, Karen Phoebe January 2018 (has links)
Capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry (CE-MS) is a versatile instrumental method for metabolomics, which allows for comprehensive metabolite profiling of volume-limited biological specimens in order to better understand the molecular mechanisms associated with chronic diseases, including an alarming epidemic of obesity worldwide. Multiplexed CE separations enable high-throughput metabolite screening with quality assurance to prevent false discoveries when combined with rigorous method validation, robust experimental designs, complementary statistical methods, and high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) for unknown metabolite identification. In this thesis, multiplexed CE-MS technology is applied for both targeted and untargeted metabolite profiling of various biological fluids, including covalently bound thiol-protein conjugates, as well as free circulating metabolites in serum and plasma, and excreted/bio-transformed compounds in urine due to complex host-gut microflora co-metabolism. This work was applied to characterize aberrant metabolic responses of obese subjects in response to dietary challenges, and measure the benefits of dietary interventions that reduce adiposity without deleterious muscle loss. Chapter 2 presents, a simple, sensitive yet robust analytical protocol to expand metabolome coverage in CE-MS for the discovery of labile protein thiols in human plasma using a rapid chemical derivatization method based on N-tert-butylmaleimide (NTBM). Chapter 3 describes targeted metabolite profiling of serum and plasma to investigate the differential metabolic responses between healthy and unhealthy obese individuals before and after consumption of a standardized high-caloric meal, respectively. Chapter 4 of this thesis describes an untargeted metabolite profiling strategy for urine using multisegment-injection (MSI)-CE-MS for elucidating the effects of protein supplementation following a short-term dietary weight-loss intervention study. This work revealed six urinary metabolites that were classified as top-ranking treatment response biomarkers useful for discriminating between subjects consuming carbohydrate (control), soy, and whey supplemented diets. In summary, this thesis demonstrated the successful implementation of multiplexed CE-MS technology for biomarker discovery in nutritional-based metabolomic studies as required for more effective treatment and prevention of obesity for innovations in public health. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

LaMOSNet: Latent Mean-Opinion-Score Network for Non-intrusive Speech Quality Assessment : Deep Neural Network for MOS Prediction / LaMOSNet: Latent Mean-Opinion-Score Network för icke-intrusiv ljudkvalitetsbedömning : Djupt neuralt nätverk för MOS prediktion

Cumlin, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Objective non-intrusive speech quality assessment aimed to emulate and correlate with human judgement has received more attention over the years. It is a difficult problem due to three reasons: data scarcity, noisy human judgement, and a potential uneven distribution of bias of mean opinion scores (MOS). In this paper, we introduce the Latent Mean-Opinion-Score Network (LaMOSNet) that leverage on individual judge’s scores to increase the data size, and new ideas to deal with both noisy and biased labels. We introduce a methodology called Optimistic Judge Estimation as a way to reduce bias in MOS in a clear way. We also implement stochastic gradient noise and mean teacher, ideas from noisy image classification, to further deal with noisy and uneven bias distribution of labels. We achieve competitive results on VCC2018 modeling MOS, and state-of-the-art modeling only listener dependent scores. / Objektiv referensfri ljudkvalitétsbedömning ämnad att härma och korrelera med mänsklig bedömning har fått mer uppmärksamhet med åren. Det är ett svårt problem på grund av tre anledningar: brist på data, varians i mänsklig bedömning, och en potentiell ojämn fördelning av bias av medel bedömningsvärde (mean opinion score, MOS). I detta papper introducerar vi Latent Mean-Opinion-Score Network (LaMOSNet) som tar nytta av individuella bedömmares poäng för att öka datastorleken, och nya idéer för att handskas med både varierande och partisk märkning. Jag introducerar en metodologi som kallas Optimistisk bedömmarestimering, ett sätt att minska partiskheten i MOS på ett klart sätt. Jag implementerar också stokastisk gradient variation och medellärare, idéer från opålitlig bild igenkänning, för att ännu mer hantera opålitliga märkningar. Jag får jämförelsebara resultat på VCC2018 när jag modellerar MOS, och state-of-the-art när jag modellerar enbart beömmarnas märkning.

Effect of Geometry on the Evolution of DLOFC Transients in High Temperature Helium Loop

Broderick Michael Sieh (18390246) 17 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Generation IV high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGR) are designed to exhibit passive safety under all off-normal circumstances. One such scenario, known as depressurized loss of forced circulation (DLOFC), occurs after a break in the coaxial inlet/outlet header. As the headers are traditionally located at the base of the reactor vessel, the low-density helium coolant is preserved in the core following the initial rupture accident. Upon depressurization, however, air from the surrounding reactor environment slowly enters the coolant channel through molecular diffusion. As the incoming fluid continues to deplete the helium concentration, the onset of natural circulation (ONC) can occur causing bulk air ingress leading to the oxidation and degradation of core components. Therefore, investigating methods to improve the time to ONC is critical in impeding reactor core component damage brought about by DLOFC in an HTGR.</p><p dir="ltr">The Transformational Challenge Reactor (TCR) has similar features to those of an HTGR, but the primary difference is the use of a more complex, additively manufactured (AM) fuel geometry. The more compact, AM, ceramic fuel elements can be conveniently produced with optimally configured channels that suppress the air ingress progress and improve thermofluidic performance. DLOFC and air ingress are experimentally studied in a scaled HTGR flow test setup. Distributed temperature measurements and time to ONC data are collected for the experiments conducted. Multiple geometries are analyzed throughout the investigation. The thermal transient and time to ONC data gathered for the different test geometries and temperatures are compared. The results show that the AM and pebble bed elements deter ONC significantly longer than the baseline geometry representative of a prismatic fuel coolant channel. The AM part delayed ONC as compared to the pebble bed test piece at higher temperatures. The distributed temperature sensor shows intra-leg circulation at higher temperature tests.</p><p dir="ltr">Thermophysical properties of the 316 stainless steel AM component are compared to those of a standard 316 stainless steel round bar. The properties ascertained include the density, emissivity, specific heat, and thermal conductivity. The density of the AM part is 1.5% greater than the density of the standard bar. The emissivity of the AM part is determined to be over three times greater than the emissivity of the polished standard stainless steel round. The specific heat of the AM element is 16% greater than that of the standard 316 stainless steel specific heat. The thermal conductivity of the AM component is measured to be within 1.5% of the standard 316 stainless steel round bar thermal conductivity.</p>

Medarbetarundersökningens viktigaste del; att hantera resultatet : - Ett förbättringsarbete på SmartOptics / The most important part of the employee survey;to manage the result : - An improvement initiative at SmartOptics

Öhrnell, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Employee satisfaction is a crucial aspect of organizational success, influencing productivity,retention rates, and overall workplace experience. This thesis presents an in depth investigationof handling the results from an employee satisfaction survey at the Swedish/ Norwegiancompany, SmartOptics. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of employee satisfaction, the studyutilizes data from the company’s employee survey to investigate factors affecting employees'perceptions of their workplace. With the help of data from a previous employee satisfactionsurvey, three areas were identified as interesting and chosen for further investigation, which was done through an interview questionnaire. Subsequently, a thematic analysis was used to identifythemes and subthemes within the answers. The results reveal key areas for improvement related to the three predetermined areas: challenge, motivation and collaboration. The analysis highlights the root causes of these issues accordingto the employees using the theoretical background, as well as the effectiveness of variousinitiatives aimed at improving employee satisfaction. In the thesis's discussion chapter, the adequacy of what is considered motivating implementationsfor the employees, is discussed in light of the underlying dissatisfaction. It also examines howgreater challenges can lead to more satisfied employees, the role of social interactions in theworkplace and how they can support better collaboration, and the complications of individualdesires and needs compared to those of the group and the company. The methods used in thethesis are discussed and suggestions for improvements in implementations are presented, basedon the survey responses and the theoretical background. / Medarbetarnöjdhet är en avgörande aspekt för organisationens framgång och påverkarproduktivitet, personalomsättning och den övergripande upplevelsen av arbetsplatsen. Dettakandidatarbete presenterar en djupgående undersökning av hanteringen av resultaten från enmedarbetarundersökning på det svensk/norska företaget SmartOptics. Med insikt om denmångfacetterade komplexiteten av medarbetarnöjdhet tillämpar studien data från företagetsmedarbetarundersökning för att undersöka faktorer som påverkar de anställdas upplevelse avderas arbetsplats. Med hjälp av data från den tidigare medarbetarundersökningen identifieradestre intressanta områden och valdes för ytterligare undersökning, vilket genomfördes genom eninkätstudie. Därefter användes en tematisk analys för att identifiera teman och subteman inomsvaren. Resultaten avslöjar nyckelområden för förbättring kopplat till de tre förutbestämda områdena,utmaning motivation och samarbete, och analysen belyser grundorsaker till dessa enligt demanställda, samt effektiviteten av olika initiativ som syftar till att förbättra medarbetarnöjdheten. I arbetets diskussionskapitel diskuteras om vad som anses som motiverande implementeringarför de anställda är dugliga med tanke på det missnöje som ligger bakom, hur större utmaningarkan leda till nöjdare medarbetare, den sociala tillvarons roll på arbetsplatsen och hur den kanstödja ett bättre samarbete samt komplikationer med individens önskemål och behov jämfört medgruppens och företagets behov. De metoder som används i avhandlingen diskuteras ochförbättringsförslag för implementeringar presenteras, baserat på svaren från inkätundersökningenoch den teoretiska bakgrunden.

Engagiert ein Leben lang? / eine empirische Studie zur Motivation älterer Menschen für bürgerliches Engagement in der nachberuflichen Lebensphase

Heller, Anne 15 June 2009 (has links)
Vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels und einer steigenden Zahl Älterer, steht die Gesellschaft vor der Aufgabe, Ideen und Konzepte zu entwickeln, engagierten Älteren sinnvolle Perspektiven zur gleichberechtigten Partizipation zu bieten. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich vor diesem Hintergrund mit der Motivation älterer Menschen, sich in der nachberuflichen Lebensphase für das Gemeinwohl zu engagieren. Empirischer Ausgangspunkt für die Fragestellung war das Modellprogramm „Erfahrungswissen für Initiativen“, das im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend in zehn Bundesländern mit der Zielstellung durchgeführt worden ist, ein Handlungs- und Strukturkonzept zu entwickeln, mit dem das Erfahrungswissen Älterer für den Freiwilligenbereich nutzbar gemacht werden kann. Die auf der Grundlage von leitfadengestützten Interviews erhobenen Daten der Stichprobe mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 63 Jahren weisen einen eindeutigen Zusammenhang zwischen lebensgeschichtlichen Ereignissen und konkreten Engagementtätigkeiten nach. Engagement in der nachberuflichen Lebensphase speist sich demnach aus historischen, gesellschaftlichen, kulturellen und familiären Erfahrens- und Erlebensräumen, die in gemeinwohlorientierten Projekten erneut sichtbar werden. Als maßgebliche Einflussfaktoren gelten die Lebensphase der Kindheit und Jugend im Kontext der Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit, elterliches Vorbild und familiäre Prägung, die Familiengründung, berufliche Entwicklungen und Weiterbildungsteilnahme sowie krisenhafte Lebensereignisse und das Erleben der Phase des Übergangs vom Arbeitsleben in die Phase der Nachberuflichkeit. / In the content of the demographic challenge an increasing number of older people has been searching for a new and active role in society. Therefore voluntary work becomes more and more necessary and develops as an important component in society. It is necessary to develop innovative ideas and concepts according of getting chances for the involvement of these people in local communities. The actual study works on the topic of individual motivation of older people, who decide to become volunteers after their career. The empiric background of the research was the Federal Model Programme „Experience for Initiatives“, that took place under authority of the Federal Ministry für Familiy Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. About 1.000 older people at the age range from 55 to 70 and older have taken part in courses to become a seniortrainer and get active across the ages. Their aim is to work with children, young and older people and become ambassadors for a new image of old age. The results of the study show the very high importance of individual biography according to the decision to start volunteer work after the family phase and career. Especially the familiar background, historical events (World War Two and the Political Change in Germany) and critical life events influence the way of volunteering. Biographical themes become topical in present volunteer projects of the older people and they are to find in the different fields of community life, where seniors are active. It is obvious, that there exists a great wealth of knowledge and life long experience, that can establish community life and innovation apart from traditional ways of volunteer work.

Leadership in rural areas : a community development process

Mokgohloa, Lobisa Ellen Tiny 11 1900 (has links)
A community development project involving the tribal leaders, civic organisations and the aged action group had been completed in 1994 in Rathoke, a rural area in the Mpumalanga Pre ince. In the process, the reseacher observed tension built as a result of the refusal of people in authority like tribal officers, civic organisation members and individual professionals to acknowledge that aged people can take a lead in articulating their needs and alternative solutions. Assumptions prevailing among them are that: 1. Old and rural people need help. 2. Have no potential for leadership development. 3. Are dependent on existing leadership structures and 4. Their needs are not a priority. On the bases of these assumptions, the reseacher undertook to do a case study based on the analysis of community development process reports kept for the project.There have been a number of learnings which can be of benefit to people interested in the leadership concept in the field of community development. / Social work / M.A. (SS) (Mental Health)

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