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Synthèse et structure électronique de phases MAX et MXènes / Synthesis and electronic structure of MAX and MXene phasesMagné, Damien 06 October 2016 (has links)
Les objectifs de ce travail sont d'une part d'étudier la structure électronique de carbures de titane bidimensionnels appartenant à la famille des MXènes, et d'autre part de synthétiser des films minces pour caractériser certaines de leurs propriétés. L'étude de la structure électronique a été réalisée sur le système Ti3C2T2 avec une attention particulière portée aux groupements de surface T (T=OH, F ou O) en comparant les résultats obtenus par spectroscopie de perte d'énergie des électrons à ceux des calculs ab initio. Cette étude, portée à la fois sur les excitations du gaz d'électrons de valence et des électrons de coeur, a permis de mettre en évidence la localisation des groupements de surface, ainsi que leur influence sur la structure électronique du MXene. La comparaison des simulations et des spectres expérimentaux a également permis de caractériser la nature chimique des groupements de surface. Enfin, la limite d'une telle étude est discutée en considérant les phénomènes d'irradiation responsables de la perte d'atomes d'hydrogène. La synthèse d'échantillons modèles nécessite la synthèse préalable d'un film mince de phase MAX précurseur pour le MXene : nous avons choisi la phase Ti2AlC, précurseur de Ti2C. La synthèse de Ti2AlC a été réalisée par recuit ex-situ de systèmes multicouches déposés à température ambiante. Les films ont été caractérisés par diffraction des rayons X et microscopie électronique en transmission. Au-delà de l'obtention d'un film mince de Ti2AlC texturé, cette étude a permis de montrer que la phase recherchée était obtenue via des mécanismes d'interdiffusions induisant la formation d'une solution solide métastable vers 400°C qui se transforme en phase MAX vers 600°C. Enfin, l'application de ce procédé à la phase V2AlC a permis de montrer l'importance de l'orientation de la phase initiale pour l'obtention d'un film mince texturé. / The aim of this work is at first to study the electronic structure of bidimensional titanium carbide systems, belonging to the MXene family and also to synthesize thin films of such new materials to characterize their properties. The study of the electronic structure has been performed for the Ti3C2T2 MXene with a special attention to the T surface groups by using a combination of electron energy loss spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. This study, focused on both valence and core electrons excitations, enabled the identification of the surface group localization, their influence on the MXene electronic structure as well as their chemical nature. The limits of our TEM-based study is also discussed in view of irradiation phenomena which induce the loss of hydrogen atoms. The synthesis of a MXene thin film requires, beforehand, that of a MAX phase thin film: we opted for Ti2AlC, the precursor for the Ti2C MXene. The MAX phase thin film synthesis was carried out by ex-situ annealing of a multilayer layers. X-ray diffraction experiments and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy observations show that a highly textured Ti2AlC thin film is obtained above 600°C after the formation, at 400°C, of a metastable solid solution. Finally, by using the same process for V2AlC, we demonstrate that the initial phase orientation plays a key role for the texture of the thin film so obtained.
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La société anonyme unipersonnelle en droit OHADA : étude critique / The one-person limited company under the OHADA LAW : A Critical StudyN'Takpé, Adjoua Marie-Hortense 30 June 2016 (has links)
Le régime juridique de la société anonyme unipersonnelle (SAU) de droitOHADA est défini par renvoi au régime prévu pour la SA pluripersonnelle, avec desadaptations minimales. En réalité, le caractère unipersonnel de la SA lui confère une certaineparticularité qui rend inappropriée la transposition pure et simple des règles du modèlepluripersonnel. Outre les difficultés d’application qu’elle entraîne souvent, la technique durenvoi laisse irrésolues de nombreuses questions suscitées par l’unipersonnalité. Le régimejuridique de la SAU dans son ensemble en ressort insuffisamment adapté à l’unicitéd’actionnaire.Une adaptation du régime juridique de la SAU de droit OHADA au particularisme del’unipersonnalité devient alors nécessaire. Elle doit être entreprise sous fond de simplificationdes règles, d’une part à l’égard de la société, à travers les règles relatives à sa constitution et àson évolution, d’autre part, à l’égard des acteurs que sont l’actionnaire unique, les organesd’administration et de contrôle.Au-delà de son approche critique, l’étude a surtout pour ambition de proposer unmodèle de société anonyme unipersonnelle au régime juridique plus lisible, simple et attractif. / The one-person limited company under the OHADA LAW has seen itslegal regime being defined with reference to the regime of the multi-persons limited company,with minimum adaptations. In fact the one-person character of the Limited company gives it a certain peculiarity that renders inappropriate the pure and simple transportation of rules of the multi-person limited company model. Besides the difficulty of implementation that it oftenentails, the technique of referring leaves unresolved many questions raised by the one-personlimited company model. The legal regime of the one-person limited company as a whole thatarises is insufficiently adapted to the unique shareholder.An adaptation of the one-person limited company legal regime of the OHADA LAWto the particularity of the one-person thus becomes necessary. It has to be undertaken underthe simplification of rules, on the one hand with regards to the company, through rules relatedto its constitution and its evolution, on the other hand, with respect to the actors that are thesole shareholders, administrative and control bodies.
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Effective Statistical Energy Function Based Protein Un/Structure PredictionMishra, Avdesh 05 August 2019 (has links)
Proteins are an important component of living organisms, composed of one or more polypeptide chains, each containing hundreds or even thousands of amino acids of 20 standard types. The structure of a protein from the sequence determines crucial functions of proteins such as initiating metabolic reactions, DNA replication, cell signaling, and transporting molecules. In the past, proteins were considered to always have a well-defined stable shape (structured proteins), however, it has recently been shown that there exist intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), which lack a fixed or ordered 3D structure, have dynamic characteristics and therefore, exist in multiple states. Based on this, we extend the mapping of protein sequence not only to a fixed stable structure but also to an ensemble of protein conformations, which help us explain the complex interaction within a cell that was otherwise obscured. The objective of this dissertation is to develop effective ab initio methods and tools for protein un/structure prediction by developing effective statistical energy function, conformational search method, and disulfide connectivity patterns predictor.
The key outcomes of this dissertation research are: i) a sequence and structure-based energy function for structured proteins that includes energetic terms extracted from hydrophobic-hydrophilic properties, accessible surface area, torsion angles, and ubiquitously computed dihedral angles uPhi and uPsi, ii) an ab initio protein structure predictor that combines optimal energy function derived from sequence and structure-based properties of proteins and an effective conformational search method which includes angular rotation and segment translation strategies, iii) an SVM with RBF kernel-based framework to predict disulfide connectivity pattern, iv) a hydrophobic-hydrophilic property based energy function for unstructured proteins, and v) an ab initio conformational ensemble generator that combines energy function and conformational search method for unstructured proteins which can help understand the biological systems involving IDPs and assist in rational drugs design to cure critical diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular diseases caused by challenging states of IDPs.
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Caractérisations biophysiques et structurales du complexe de réplication des RhabdoviridaeGerard, Francine 28 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le virus de la stomatite vésiculaire (VSV) sert de modèle pour l'étude de la multiplication des virus (Mononegavirales) alors que la rage(RV) reste un sérieux problème de santé publique. Le génome de VSV et RV code notamment la nucléoprotéine (N) et la phosphoprotéine (P). N s'associe étroitement à l'ARN viral. Ce complexe N-ARN sert de matrice pour la réplication et la transcription virale. P est le cofacteur de la polymérase virale (L) et chaperonne N. En interagissant avec N-ARN (domaine C-terminal) et avec L (domaine N-terminal), P assure le lien physique entre l'ARN viral et L. La stœchiométrie de P, sa structure et son rôle exact pendant la transcription et la réplication restent incertains. Mon travail a consisté à une caractérisation biophysique et structurale de P et des complexes N-ARN-P pour mieux comprendre la dynamique du complexe de réplication de ces virus.<br />L'analyse biophysique montre que P RV & VSV existent sous forme de dimère allongé en solution. L'analyse bioinformatique a révélé une organisation modulaire, confirmé par des études biochimiques et biophysiques de mutants de P RV. La structure du domaine C-terminal de P VSV a été résolue par RMN et montre une homologie celle du C-ter de P RV. La caractérisation de l'interaction entre P et les anneaux N-ARN a révélé l'existence de deux types de complexes N-ARN-P (contenant un et 2 dimères de P par anneau). L'étude par ME des complexes nucléocapsides-P a permis de mettre en évidence un changement de conformation important.<br />Pour devenir accessible à L, l'ARN viral doit se dissocier localement de N. L'interaction N-ARN-P représente potentiellement une nouvelle cible pour le développement d'antiviraux.
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Étude par dynamique moléculaire ab-initio des verres de chalcogénures GeS2 et (M2S)0.33(GeS2)0.66 M=Na, AgLe Roux, Sébastien 11 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
La dynamique moléculaire ab-initio est utilisée pour étudier les verres de chalcogénures GeS2 et GeS2 dopés de formule (M2S)0.33(GeS2)0.66 M=Na,Ag. Une nouvelle méthode théorique d'analyse de la connectivité des matériaux amorphes est proposée en utilisant les recherches d'anneaux. L'effet de la vitesse de trempe sur les propriétés physiques des verres GeS2 est analysé. L'analyse de l'ordre à moyenne et courte portée révèle l'existence d'une vitesse de trempe maximale au dessus de laquelle la structure du matériau est trop proche de celle du liquide. Ceci est confirmé par les résultats des recherches d'anneaux qui permettent également de mettre en avant des différences fondamentales entre les connectivités des phases liquides et vitreuses du GeS2. Enfin la présence de zones chargées est confirmée dans les matrices vitreuses de GeS2, même aux plus basses vitesses de trempe. Les conditions nécessaires à la diffusion des atomes de sodium dans les matrices vitreuses (Na2S)0.33(GeS2)0.66 sont étudiées. Lorsque la diffusion apparaît le déplacement des atomes de sodium semble devenir coopératif. Des essais de paramétrisation sont réalisés pour tenter de modéliser les verres de chalcogénures (Ag2S)0.33(GeS2)0.66 et GeS2 à l'aide du code SIESTA.
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Mass-Selected Infrared Multiple-Photon Dissociation as a Structural Probe of Gaseous Ion-Molecule ComplexesMarta, Richard 27 August 2009 (has links)
Mass-selected infrared multiple photon spectroscopy (IRMPD), Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) kinetic experiments, RRKM and electronic structure calculations have been performed in order to propose a complex mechanism involving the formation of the proton-bound dimer of water (H5O2+) from 1,1,3,3-tetrafluorodimethyl ether. It has been found that the reaction is facilitated by a series of sequential exothermic bimolecular ion-molecule reactions. Evidence for the dominant mechanistic pathway involving the reaction of CF2H-O=CHF+, an ion of m/z 99, with water is presented. The primary channel occurs via nucleophilic attack of water on the ion of m/z 99 (CF2H-O=CHF+), to lose formyl fluoride and yield protonated difluoromethanol (m/z 69). Association of a second water molecule with protonated difluoromethanol generates a reactive intermediate which decomposes via a 1,4-elimination to release hydrogen fluoride and yield the proton-bound dimer of water and formyl fluoride (m/z 67). The 1,4-elimination of hydrogen fluoride is found to be strongly supported by the results of both RRKM theory and electronic structure calculations. Lastly, the elimination of formyl fluoride occurs by the association of a third water molecule to produce H5O2+ (m/z 37). The most probable isomeric forms of the ions with m/z 99 and 69 were found using IRMPD spectroscopy and electronic structure theory calculations. Thermochemical information for reactant, transition and product species was obtained using MP2/aug-cc-pVQZ//MP2(full)/6-31G(d) level of theory.
Ionic hydrogen bond (IHB) interactions, resulting from the association of ammonia and two of the protonated methylxanthine derivatives, caffeine and theophylline, have been characterized using mass-selected IRMPD and electronic structure calculations at the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ//B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory. It was found that the formation of a proton-bound dimer (PBD) of caffeine and ammonia was elusive under the experimental conditions. The low binding energy of the caffeine and ammonia PBD is responsible for the perceived difficulty in obtaining an IRMPD spectrum. The IRMPD spectrum of the PBD of theophylline and ammonia was obtained and revealed bidentate IHB formation within the complex, which greatly increased the binding energy relative to the most stable isomer of the PBD of caffeine and ammonia. The IRMPD spectra of the protonated forms of caffeine and theophylline have also obtained. The spectrum of protonated caffeine showed the dominant existence of a single isomer, whereas the spectrum of protonated theophylline showed a mixture of isomers. The mixture of isomers of protonated theophylline resulted as a consequence of proton-transport catalysis (PTC) occurring within the PBD of theophylline and ammonia. All calculated harmonic spectra have been produced at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory with fundamental frequencies scaled by 0.9679; calculated anharmonic spectra have also been provided at the same level of theory and were found to greatly improve the match with the IRMPD spectra obtained in all cases.
Ionic hydrogen bond (IHB) interactions, resulting from the association of caffeine and theophylline with their protonated counterparts, forming proton-bound homodimers, have been characterized using mass-selected IRMPD and electronic structure calculations at the MP2/6-311+G(2d,2p)//B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory. It is found that the IRMPD spectra of the proton-bound homodimers of caffeine and theophylline are complicated resulting from the existence of several pairs of enantiomers separated by a narrow range of relative Gibbs free energies (298 K) of 15.6 and 18.2 kJ mol-1, respectively. The IRMPD spectrum of the proton-bound homodimer of theophylline is dominated by a unique isomer facilitated by formation of a bidentate IHB. Formation of this interaction lowers the relative Gibbs free energy of the ion to 9.75 kJ mol-1 below that of the most favourable pair of enantiomers. The IRMPD spectrum of the PBD of caffeine is complicated by the existence of at least two pairs of enantiomers with the strong likelihood of the spectral contributions of a third pair existing. The most favourable enantiomeric pair involves the formation of a O-H+⋯O IHB. However, verification of a pair of enantiomeric PBDs containing a N-H+⋯O IHB is also observed in the IRMPD spectrum of the PBD of caffeine due to the presence of three free carbonyl stretching modes located at 1731, 1751 and 1785 cm-1.
The mass-selected IRMPD spectra of the sodium cation-bound dimers (SCBD) of caffeine and theophylline also have been obtained. Both the mass-selected IRMPD spectra and electronic structure calculations predict the most likely structure of the SCBDs of caffeine and theophylline to form by an efficient O⋯Na+⋯O interaction between C=O functional groups possessed by each monomer. The frequencies of the C=O-Na+ stretch are found to be nearly identical in the IRMPD spectra for both of the SCBDs of caffeine and theophylline at 1644 and 1646 cm-1, respectively. However, the degenerate free C=O symmetric and asymmetric stretches for the SCBDs of caffeine and theophylline found at 1732 and 1758 cm^(-1), respectively, demonstrating a red-shift for caffeine possibly linked to a steric interaction absent in theophylline. Free rotation about the O⋯Na+⋯O bond is found to greatly decrease the complexity of the IRMPD spectra of the SCBDs of caffeine and theophylline and demonstrates excellent agreement between the IRMPD and calculated spectra. Electronic structure calculations have been done at the MP2(full)/aug-cc-pCVTZ/6-311+G(2d,2p)//B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory using the aug-cc-pCVTZ basis set for Na+ and all Na+-interacting heterotatoms, and the 6-311+G(2d,2p) basis set for all non-interacting atoms within the SCBDs, in order to provide accurate electronic energies.
Currently, installation and implementation of a pulsed electrospray high pressure ion source mated to an existing high pressure mass spectrometer (HPMS) is underway. The new ion source will greatly increase the range of possibilities for the study of ion-molecule reactions in the McMahon laboratory. One of the unique features of the new design is the incorporation of a gas-tight electrospray interface, allowing for more possibilities than only the study of cluster-ion equilibria involving hydration (H2On⋯S+), where S+ is an ion produced by electrospray. Other small prototypical biological molecules such as amines and thiols can be used without concern for the toxicity of these species. Another unique design feature allows electrosprayed ions to associate with neutral solvent species in an electric field free reaction chamber (RC). This ensures that values of equilibrium constants determined are truly representative of ions in states of thermochemical equilibrium. The existing HPMS in the McMahon laboratory is limited to the study of small volatile organic molecules. The new ion source will permit the exploration of systems involving non-volatile species, doubly charged ions and many biologically relevant molecules such as amino acids, peptides, nucleobases and carbohydrates.
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Mass-Selected Infrared Multiple-Photon Dissociation as a Structural Probe of Gaseous Ion-Molecule ComplexesMarta, Richard 27 August 2009 (has links)
Mass-selected infrared multiple photon spectroscopy (IRMPD), Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) kinetic experiments, RRKM and electronic structure calculations have been performed in order to propose a complex mechanism involving the formation of the proton-bound dimer of water (H5O2+) from 1,1,3,3-tetrafluorodimethyl ether. It has been found that the reaction is facilitated by a series of sequential exothermic bimolecular ion-molecule reactions. Evidence for the dominant mechanistic pathway involving the reaction of CF2H-O=CHF+, an ion of m/z 99, with water is presented. The primary channel occurs via nucleophilic attack of water on the ion of m/z 99 (CF2H-O=CHF+), to lose formyl fluoride and yield protonated difluoromethanol (m/z 69). Association of a second water molecule with protonated difluoromethanol generates a reactive intermediate which decomposes via a 1,4-elimination to release hydrogen fluoride and yield the proton-bound dimer of water and formyl fluoride (m/z 67). The 1,4-elimination of hydrogen fluoride is found to be strongly supported by the results of both RRKM theory and electronic structure calculations. Lastly, the elimination of formyl fluoride occurs by the association of a third water molecule to produce H5O2+ (m/z 37). The most probable isomeric forms of the ions with m/z 99 and 69 were found using IRMPD spectroscopy and electronic structure theory calculations. Thermochemical information for reactant, transition and product species was obtained using MP2/aug-cc-pVQZ//MP2(full)/6-31G(d) level of theory.
Ionic hydrogen bond (IHB) interactions, resulting from the association of ammonia and two of the protonated methylxanthine derivatives, caffeine and theophylline, have been characterized using mass-selected IRMPD and electronic structure calculations at the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ//B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory. It was found that the formation of a proton-bound dimer (PBD) of caffeine and ammonia was elusive under the experimental conditions. The low binding energy of the caffeine and ammonia PBD is responsible for the perceived difficulty in obtaining an IRMPD spectrum. The IRMPD spectrum of the PBD of theophylline and ammonia was obtained and revealed bidentate IHB formation within the complex, which greatly increased the binding energy relative to the most stable isomer of the PBD of caffeine and ammonia. The IRMPD spectra of the protonated forms of caffeine and theophylline have also obtained. The spectrum of protonated caffeine showed the dominant existence of a single isomer, whereas the spectrum of protonated theophylline showed a mixture of isomers. The mixture of isomers of protonated theophylline resulted as a consequence of proton-transport catalysis (PTC) occurring within the PBD of theophylline and ammonia. All calculated harmonic spectra have been produced at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory with fundamental frequencies scaled by 0.9679; calculated anharmonic spectra have also been provided at the same level of theory and were found to greatly improve the match with the IRMPD spectra obtained in all cases.
Ionic hydrogen bond (IHB) interactions, resulting from the association of caffeine and theophylline with their protonated counterparts, forming proton-bound homodimers, have been characterized using mass-selected IRMPD and electronic structure calculations at the MP2/6-311+G(2d,2p)//B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory. It is found that the IRMPD spectra of the proton-bound homodimers of caffeine and theophylline are complicated resulting from the existence of several pairs of enantiomers separated by a narrow range of relative Gibbs free energies (298 K) of 15.6 and 18.2 kJ mol-1, respectively. The IRMPD spectrum of the proton-bound homodimer of theophylline is dominated by a unique isomer facilitated by formation of a bidentate IHB. Formation of this interaction lowers the relative Gibbs free energy of the ion to 9.75 kJ mol-1 below that of the most favourable pair of enantiomers. The IRMPD spectrum of the PBD of caffeine is complicated by the existence of at least two pairs of enantiomers with the strong likelihood of the spectral contributions of a third pair existing. The most favourable enantiomeric pair involves the formation of a O-H+⋯O IHB. However, verification of a pair of enantiomeric PBDs containing a N-H+⋯O IHB is also observed in the IRMPD spectrum of the PBD of caffeine due to the presence of three free carbonyl stretching modes located at 1731, 1751 and 1785 cm-1.
The mass-selected IRMPD spectra of the sodium cation-bound dimers (SCBD) of caffeine and theophylline also have been obtained. Both the mass-selected IRMPD spectra and electronic structure calculations predict the most likely structure of the SCBDs of caffeine and theophylline to form by an efficient O⋯Na+⋯O interaction between C=O functional groups possessed by each monomer. The frequencies of the C=O-Na+ stretch are found to be nearly identical in the IRMPD spectra for both of the SCBDs of caffeine and theophylline at 1644 and 1646 cm-1, respectively. However, the degenerate free C=O symmetric and asymmetric stretches for the SCBDs of caffeine and theophylline found at 1732 and 1758 cm^(-1), respectively, demonstrating a red-shift for caffeine possibly linked to a steric interaction absent in theophylline. Free rotation about the O⋯Na+⋯O bond is found to greatly decrease the complexity of the IRMPD spectra of the SCBDs of caffeine and theophylline and demonstrates excellent agreement between the IRMPD and calculated spectra. Electronic structure calculations have been done at the MP2(full)/aug-cc-pCVTZ/6-311+G(2d,2p)//B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory using the aug-cc-pCVTZ basis set for Na+ and all Na+-interacting heterotatoms, and the 6-311+G(2d,2p) basis set for all non-interacting atoms within the SCBDs, in order to provide accurate electronic energies.
Currently, installation and implementation of a pulsed electrospray high pressure ion source mated to an existing high pressure mass spectrometer (HPMS) is underway. The new ion source will greatly increase the range of possibilities for the study of ion-molecule reactions in the McMahon laboratory. One of the unique features of the new design is the incorporation of a gas-tight electrospray interface, allowing for more possibilities than only the study of cluster-ion equilibria involving hydration (H2On⋯S+), where S+ is an ion produced by electrospray. Other small prototypical biological molecules such as amines and thiols can be used without concern for the toxicity of these species. Another unique design feature allows electrosprayed ions to associate with neutral solvent species in an electric field free reaction chamber (RC). This ensures that values of equilibrium constants determined are truly representative of ions in states of thermochemical equilibrium. The existing HPMS in the McMahon laboratory is limited to the study of small volatile organic molecules. The new ion source will permit the exploration of systems involving non-volatile species, doubly charged ions and many biologically relevant molecules such as amino acids, peptides, nucleobases and carbohydrates.
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Design ab-initio de matériaux micro et nanostructurés pour l'émission thermique cohérente en champ proche et en champ lointainDrevillon, Jérémie 04 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
L'émission thermique à partir d'un corps chaud a été longtemps considérée comme étant large bande et quasi-isotrope. Aujourd'hui nous savons que ce paradigme est faux et de nombreux matériaux micro et nanostructurés ont été développés pour rayonner dans des bandes spectrales étroites et autour de certaines directions d'espace. Les techniques modernes de dépôt permettent maintenant de concevoir des structures complexes à base de matériaux métalliques, polaires ou diélectriques à l'échelle nanométrique. Ces avancées soulèvent la question de la meilleure structure possible pour obtenir des propriétés radiatives désirées et pour augmenter le degré de cohérence d'une source. Cependant, jusqu'à présent, seules des stratégies heuristiques basées sur une approche de type essai-erreur ont été suivies pour concevoir des sources thermiques. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous présentons une méthode générale pour le design ab-initio de sources thermiques cohérentes en champ lointain et en champ proche. Le cadre de ce travail est celui de la théorie des matrices de diffusion et de l'électrodynamique fluctuationnelle. De nouveaux effets de champ proche sont prédits théoriquement pour les matériaux nanostructurés multicouches. Ils ouvrent de nouvelles opportunités pour améliorer de façon significative les performances des technologies modernes de conversion d'énergie.
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Proprietes optiques non lineaires des verres borophosphates de titane ou de niobiumCardinal, Thierry 07 January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Les verres présentant des propriétés optiques non linéaires importantes constituent des candidats pour des applications de commutation optique ou de propagation soliton. Les verres du système vitreux (1 - x) (0,05Na2B4O7 - 0,95NaPO3) (x TiO2 ou x Nb2O5) ou l' oxyde de titane ou de niobium, réputés non linéaires, sont introduits en fortes proportions sont élaborés et caractérisés du point de vue optique et thermique. Une étude comparative de ces verres borophosphates de titane ou de niobium avec des verres silicates de titane ou de niobium est entreprise. L'étude de l'évolution de l'environnement local de l' ion de transition, en fonction de sa concentration dans le verre et de la matrice vitreuse, est déduite de l'analyse des spectres d'absorption X et RAMAN. A partir de ces résultats structuraux et des grandeurs non linéaires, un modèle semi-empirique base sur une théorie de l'orbitale de liaison est proposé. Conjointement des calculs ab initio, confrontes a l'approche semi-empirique, sont menés dans le cas des verres de titane.
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Atomistic and molecular simulations of novel acid-base blend membranes for direct methanol fuel cellsMahajan, Chetan Vasant 04 February 2014 (has links)
One of the main challenges to transform highly useful Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC) into a commercially viable technology has been to develop a low cost polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) with high proton conductivity, high stability and low methanol crossover under operating conditions desirably including high temperatures. Nafion, the widely used PEM, fails to meet all of these criteria simultaneously. Recently developed acid-base polymer blend membranes constitute a promising class of PEMs alternative to Nafion on above criteria. Even though some of these membranes produce better performance than Nafion, they still present numerous opportunities for maximizing high temperature proton conductivity and dimensional stability with concomitant minimization of methanol crossover. Our contribution embarks on the fundamental study of one such novel class of blend membranes viz., sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) (SPEEK)(95 % by weight) blended with polysulfone tethered with base (5 % by weight) such as 2-aminobenzimidazole (ABIm), 5-amino-benzotriazole (BTraz) and 1H-perimidine (PImd), developed by Manthiram group at The University of Texas at Austin.
In this work, we report extensive all-atom classical as well as ab-initio molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of such water-methanol solvated blend membranes (as well as pure SPEEK and Nafion) the first time. Our approach consists of three steps: (1) Predict dynamical properties
such as diffusivities of water, methanol and proton in such membranes (2) Validate against experiments (3) Develop understanding on the
interplay between basic chemistry, structure and properties, the knowledge that can potentially be used to develop better candidate membranes.
In particular, we elucidate the impact of simple, fundamental physiochemical features of the polymeric membranes such as hydrophilicity,
hydrophobicity, structure or the size of the base on the structural manifestations on the bigger scale such as nanophase segregation, hydrogen bonding or pore sizes, which ultimately affect the permeant transport through such systems. / text
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