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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Infernal imagery in Anglo-Saxon charters /

Hofmann, Petra. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of St Andrews, May 2008.

Architecture, ritual and identity in the Cathedral of Saint-Etienne and the Abbey of Saint-Germain in Auxerre, France /

Heath, Anne Elizabeth. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Brown University, 2005. / Vita. Thesis advisor: Sheila Bonde. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 201-209). Also available online.

L'architecture monastique sous le règne de Charlemagne / The architecture of monastic complexes during the reign of Charlemagne / Klosterarchitektur zur Zeit Karls des Grossen

Pain, Marie-Laure 08 December 2017 (has links)
Notre sujet porte sur l’étude des complexes monastiques construits – ou du moins dont les constructions ont débuté ou qui ont fait l’objet de modifications de leurs structures ou de leurs dispositifs cultuels – pendant le règne de Charlemagne. Ces recherches privilégient ce qui a trait à la représentativité du pouvoir carolingien et à l’affirmation politico-religieuse de celui-ci à travers le medium du monumental. Il s’agit également de se focaliser sur le rôle et les impacts spirituels, politiques, économiques et sociaux de ces centres monastiques au sein des territoires sur lesquels ils sont implantés. Instruments au service de « la Renaissance carolingienne », ces derniers subirent des modifications structurelles et liturgiques (mutation des vocables, développement d’une liturgie stationnale et multiplication des autels ainsi que des édifices cultuels au sein d’un même complexe) et adoptèrent parfois des dimensions monumentales. Enfin, notre propos s’applique à mesurer l’implication de Charlemagne et de ses conseillers dans ces constructions ainsi que la part de nouveautés et d’emprunts qui constituèrent et caractérisèrent l’architecture monastique de son temps. / Our subject deals with the study of the monastic complexes built – or whose construction started or has been modified – during the reign of Charlemagne. This research explores how these facilities could have been conceived as a mean to advertise and strengthen the political and religious power of the Carolingian emperor. The analysis is focused on the spiritual, political, economical and social impact of these monasteries upon the surrounding lands. As instruments of the “Carolingian Renaissance”, they have underwent some structural and liturgical modifications (renaming, development of the stational liturgy, addition of several altars and churches in one complex), and sometimes grew to monumental size. Ultimately, our intention is to assess the implication of Charlemagne and his councilors in these constructions, as well as to bring to light the architectural innovations or reuses that characterize the monastic architecture of Charlemagne’s reign. / Die Dissertation behandelt die klösterlichen Gebäudekomplexe zur Zeit Karls des Großen, ob nun zu dieser Zeit erbaut oder in ihrer Struktur oder ihrem Gebrauch verändert und angepasst. Die Untersuchung betont den Repräsentationscharakter des Mediums Klosterbau für die karolingische Herrschaft und dessen politische und religiöse Umsetzung in den Bauten. Außerdem werden die Rolle und die Wirkmächtigkeit dieser monastischen Zentren in ihren jeweiligen räumlichen Kontexten auf der spirituellen, politischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Ebene untersucht. Sie dienten als Vehikel der „karolingischen Renaissance“ und erfuhren strukturelle und liturgische Veränderungen (Wechsel der Patrozinien, Entwicklung einer Stationsliturgie, Vervielfachung der Altäre und der Artefakte für den Gottesdienst innerhalb eines Baukomplexes). Mitunter erreichten sie monumentale Ausmaße. Die Arbeit möchte schließlich die Beteiligung Karls des Großen und seines Beraterkreises bei diesen Baumaßnahmen erfassen und den Anteil des Neuen und des Übernommenen ermessen, der die monastische Architektur dieser Zeit charakterisiert.

The nature and function of setting in Jane Austen's novels

Kelly, Patricia Marguerite Wyndham January 1979 (has links)
This study examines the settings in Jane Austen's six novels. Chapter I introduces the topic generally, and refers briefly to Jane Austen's aims and methods of creating her settings. Short accounts are given of the emphasis put on setting in the criticism of Jane Austen's work; of the chronology of the novels; and of the use made of this aspect of the novel in eighteenth-century predecessors. Chapter II deals with the treatment of place in Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park and Emma. The consideration of five novels together makes it possible to generalize about aspects of place common to all , and to discuss particulars peculiar to individual novels without, I hope, excessive repetition. The chapter may be thought disproportionately long, but this aspect of setting is most prominent and important in the delineation of character. Chapter III discusses the handling of spatial detail and time in these five novels. Chapter IV offers a fuller analysis of what is the chief concern of this thesis, the nature and function of setting, in respect of the single novel Persuasion, and attempts to draw together into a coherent whole some of the points made in Chapters II and III. Persuasion separates conveniently from the other works, not only because it was written after them, but more importantly because in it there is a new development in Jane Austen's use of setting. Some critics, notably E.M. Forster and B.C. Southam, have found startlingly new qualities in the setting of Sanditon, and, certainly, the most striking feature of the fragment is the treatment of place. But Jane Austen left off writing Sanditon in March 1817 because of illness, and the twelve chapters make up too small and unfinished a piece to be considered in the same way as the other novels. The Watsons, too, except for some references to it in Chapter I, does not come within the scope of this dissertation. Another introductory point needs to be made briefly. Where it is necessary, the distinction between Jane Austen and the omniscient narrator is observed, but generally, partly because it is clear that Jane Austen's values are close to those of the narrator, and partly because it is convenient, traditional and sensible to do so, the name "Jane Austen" is used to refer both to the actual person and to the narrator of the novels.

Being Ireland: Lady Gregory in Cathleen Ni Houlihan

Bell, Caehlin O'Malley 24 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

L'abbaye de Marmoutier (Touraine) et ses prieurés dans l'Anjou médiéval (milieu du XIe siècle-milieu du XIIIe siècle) / The Abbey of Marmoutier (Touraine) and its priories in the Medieval Anjou (Eleventh century – Thirteen century)

Lamy, Claire 30 November 2009 (has links)
Du XIe au XIIIe siècle, l'abbaye de Marmoutier a constitué un important réseau de dépendances monastiques – ou prieurés – dans l'Ouest de la France et notamment en Anjou. Dans cette région, le processus de fondation s'étend des années 1040 à 1150 et les moines font preuve d'un réel savoir-faire en ce domaine, sachant s'adapter aux contraintes et aux acteurs locaux. Chaque prieuré est à la tête d'un patrimoine à la structure complexe, accumulé, organisé et défendu par les moines dans les dépendances, avec le soutien et la surveillance de l'abbaye-mère. Les liens entre abbaye et prieurés sont constants, ce que l'étude de la production écrite des moines permet de mettre en valeur. La fin du XIIe siècle et le début du XIIIe siècle sont marqués par des remaniements du réseau monastique. En Anjou, certains prieurés disparaissent, d'autres se renforcent, ce qui est le signe de la capacité d'adaptation de l'abbaye aux difficultés rencontrées, afin de maintenir durablement ses possessions. / From the 11th century to the 13th century the abbey of Marmoutier established a significant network of monastic dependencies – or priories – in Western France and especially in the area of Anjou. In this region the foundation movement flourished between the years 1040 and 1150, the monks of Anjou being well-skilled in navigating the often intricate local constraints and power relationships. Each priory managed its own complex set of lands, the acquisition, organization and legal defense of which were undertaken by the monks, with the support and supervision of the mother-abbey. A study of the monastic writings attests to these strong ties between the Abbey and its priories. Finally, major modifications of this prioral system characterized the end of the Twelfth century through the beginning of the Thirteenth : in Anjou some houses disappeared while others continued to grow, yet another sign of the Abbey's ability to adapt to difficult circumstances in order to persevere.

Death and the Concept of Woman's Value in the Novels of Jane Austen

Moring, Meg Montgomery, 1961- 12 1900 (has links)
Jane Austen sprinkles deaths throughout her novels as plot devices and character indicators, but she does not tackle death directly. Yet death pervades her novels, in a subtle yet brutal way, in the lives of her female characters. Austen reveals that death was the definition and the destiny of women; it was the driving force behind the social and economic constructs that ruled the eighteenth-century woman's life, manifested in language, literature, religion, art, and even in a woman's doubts about herself. In Northanger Abbey Catherine Morland discovers that women, like female characters in gothic texts, are written and rewritten by the men whose language dominates them. Catherine herself becomes an example of real gothic when she is silenced and her spirit murdered by Henry Tilney. Marianne Dashwood barely escapes the powerful male constructs of language and literature in Sense and Sensibility. Marianne finds that the literal, maternal, wordless language of women counts for nothing in the social world, where patriarchal,figurative language rules, and in her attempt to channel her literal language into the social language of sensibility, she is placed in a position of more deadly nothingness, cast by society as a scorned woman and expected to die. Fanny Price in Mansfield Park is sacrificed as Eve, but in her death-like existence and in her rise to success she echoes Christ, who is ultimately a maternal figure that encapsulates the knowledge of the goddess, the knowledge that from death will come life. Emma Woodhouse in Emma discovers that her perfection, sanctioned by artistic standards, is really a means by which society eases its fears about death by projecting death onto women as a beautiful ideal. In Persuasion, Anne Elliotfindsthat women endure death while men struggle against it, and this endurance requires more courage than most men possess or understand. Austen's novels expose the undercurrent of death in women's lives, yet hidden in her heroines is the maternal power of women—the power to bear children, to bear language and culture, to bear both life and death.

L'abbatiale de Baume-les-Messieurs à l'époque romane : histoire d'un chantier. / The abbey of Baume-les-Messieurs during the romanesque period : the history of a construction site

Bassi, Marie-Laure 02 April 2013 (has links)
Le monastère bénédictin de Baume-les-Messieurs, attesté dans les textes à la fin du IXe siècle, est avec celui de Gigny à l’origine de la fondation de l’abbaye de Cluny. Deux siècles plus tard, Balma figure parmi les plus importants établissements monastiques de l’actuelle Franche-Comté, et son église est considérée dans l’historiographie régionale comme un des édifices phares de la période romane. Pour autant, l’église abbatiale attendait toujours une étude monographique que nous avons souhaité développer par les méthodes, notamment, de l’archéologie du bâti. Les investigations archéologiques réalisées entre 2006 et 2012 ont renouvelé pleinement nos connaissances sur le parti architectural primitif de l'église romane et ont permis d’identifier différentes phases de construction. L’étude du bâti, conjuguée aux résultats de la fouille archéologique du chœur, a révélé une première phase constructive datée du début du XIe siècle qui se caractérise par un parti architectural ambitieux et insoupçonné jusqu’alors, où la monumentalité du chevet s’exprimait par cinq chapelles échelonnées, encadrées de deux puissantes tours de clocher érigées à l’extrémité des bras du transept. Une seconde phase romane est identifiée au moment du voûtement de l’ensemble de la nef. Cette solution est révélatrice des expériences précoces sur le voûtement qui se manifesta dans le Jura et, plus largement, dans la vallée de la Saône, dès les années 1020-1030. Cette seconde campagne de travaux se caractérise également par une recherche de nouveaux effets plastiques des parois extérieures, avec la présence d’un registre de lésènes et d’arcatures aveugles. Les choix constructifs et décoratifs adoptés au cours du XIe siècle pour l’abbatiale Saint-Pierre de Baume, placent l’édifice au cœur de cette nouvelle expression architecturale du « premier art roman » qui se diffusa, de manière plus ou moins concomitante, dans plusieurs foyers à travers l’Europe. La reconstruction d’une vaste église abbatiale à partir du début du XIe siècle traduit également les besoins d’une communauté monastique en pleine expansion et reflète la puissance, au moins temporelle, de l’établissement / The Benedictine monastery of Baume-les-Messiers, attested in the textual sources at the end of the ninth century, is, along with Gingy, at the origin of the foundation of the abbey of Cluny. Two centuries later Balma figures among the preeminent monastic establishments in modern day Franche-Comté, and its church appears in the regional historiography as one of the stand out buildings of the Romanesque period. In spite of this, however, until recently the abbatial church still lacked a monographic study of the type that it was our intention to carry out, through the use of methods such as building archaeology. The archaeological investigations carried out between 2006 and 2012 have completely reshaped our understanding of the architectural layout of the earliest phase of the Romanesque church and have allowed us to identify a number construction phases. The study of the upstanding building, allied with the results of the archaeological excavations of the chancel, have revealed an initial phase of construction dateable to the beginning of the 11th century, which is characterised by an ambitious and hitherto unexpected architectural layout, in which the monumentality of the chevet is expressed through a series of five staggered chapels, framed by two imposing bell towers positioned at either extreme of the transept. A second Romanesque phase is discernable at a point in which the nave ensemble undergoes alteration, becoming vaulted. This modification is indicative of the early experimentation with vaulting that came about in the Jura, and more generally in the Saône valley, during the years 1020-1030. This second building campaign is also characterised by a considerable amount of experimentation in new forms of decorative features on the external walls, expressed through the inclusion of a series of lesenes and blind arcades. The architectural and decorative choices adopted throughout the course of the 11th century for the abbatial church of Saint-Pierre of Baume place the building firmly at the forefront of the new architectural expression of early Romanesque art, which was expanding more or less concomitantly, appearing in numerous centres throughout Europe. Moreover, this reconstruction of a large abbatial church from the 11th century onwards, conveys the wishes of a flourishing monastic community and reflects the power, albeit temporary, of the establishment

Panství kláštera cisterciáků v Oseku se zaměřením na inkorporované farnosti / Dominion of the Cistercian monastery in Osek with a focus on its incorporated parishes

Tylová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the dominion of the Cistercian monastery in Osek. It describes the development of the dominion since the foundation of the monastery till the present day. Its aim is to present the dominion as a distinctive economic and cultural unit interconnected with a system of incorporated parishes and their collatures The thesis is dedicated to 9 incorporated parishes of the Osek monastery that were proved to be part of the dominion during a longer time period. The thesis also explores the issue of the Marian pilgrimage tradition, which was strongly reaffirmed after the Council of Trent. The tradition is described in the context of history of two of the incorporated parishes - Mariánské Radčice and Jeníkov - where it is still possible to find pilgrimage sites with depictions of Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Sorrows.

The Cistercian Abbey of Coupar Angus, c.1164-c.1560

Hodgson, Victoria Anne January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of the Cistercian abbey of Coupar Angus, c.1164-c.1560, and its place within Scottish society. The subject of medieval monasticism in Scotland has received limited scholarly attention and Coupar itself has been almost completely overlooked, despite the fact that the abbey possesses one of the best sets of surviving sources of any Scottish religious house. Moreover, in recent years, long-held assumptions about the Cistercian Order have been challenged and the validity of Order-wide generalisations disputed. Historians have therefore highlighted the importance of dedicated studies of individual houses and the need to incorporate the experience of abbeys on the European ‘periphery’ into the overall narrative. This thesis considers the history of Coupar in terms of three broadly thematic areas. The first chapter focuses on the nature of the abbey’s landholding and prosecution of resources, as well as the monks’ burghal presence and involvement in trade. The second investigates the ways in which the house interacted with wider society outside of its role as landowner, particularly within the context of lay piety, patronage and its intercessory function. The final chapter is concerned with a more strictly ecclesiastical setting and is divided into two parts. The first considers the abbey within the configuration of the Scottish secular church with regards to parishes, churches and chapels. The second investigates the strength of Cistercian networks, both domestic and international. Through the exploration of these varied aspects, this study demonstrates that while Coupar maintained a strong sense of Cistercian identity and a European outlook, it was also highly enmeshed in and profoundly influenced by its immediate environment. The nature of Coupar’s experience was shaped by its locality, just as the abbey, in turn, had a reciprocal impact on its surroundings. Coupar was both a Cistercian house and a distinctively Scottish abbey.

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