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Från förövare till offer? : Prostitution som problem i SOU 1962:22 och SOU 1995:15 / From the perpetrator to the victim? : Prostitution as problems in SOU 1962:22 and SOU 1995:15Lefvenhjelm, Elina January 2016 (has links)
January 1, 1999 Sweden was the first country in the world who instituted the law of sex purchase act. It means that now was the person who was buying sex to be criminalized. But in 2005 the law was substituted by a new punishment provision called purchase of sexual services. But before the law sex purchase act was instituted, Sweden had different types of laws. One law was “lösdrivierilagen”. It means that the prostituted was accused crime. This law was abolished 1965. The purpose with this study is to view two Swedish state public investigations (SOU) that is focusing on prostitution. These two investigations published the years 1962:22 and 1995:15. The third investigations from 2010:49 will be used the consequences of the laws. To do this study gender needs to analyze the investigations. The professor Caroll Lee Bacchi´s method What is the problem represented to be? will be used in this essay.
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The coverage and extraordinary force of the open mortgage / La cobertura y vigencia extraordinaria de la hipoteca sábanaRisco Sotil, Luis Felipe del 25 September 2017 (has links)
In Peru, there are legal figures that, despite ofbeing abolished, continue having real effects. Such is the case of the "open mortgage”, which survives in our legal system.In this article, in regard to a recent judicial decision by the Peruvian Supreme Court, the author explains the figures of the “open mortgage” and the “ordinary mortgage”, showing their differences and warning of the inadequacy of equating their jurisprudential treatment. / En el Perú, existen figuras legales que, pese a estar derogadas, continúan teniendo efectos en la realidad. Tal es el caso de la “hipoteca sábana”, la cual pervive en nuestro sistema legal.En este artículo, a propósito de una reciente decisión judicial de la Corte Suprema del Perú, el autor explica las figuras de la “hipoteca ordinaria” y de la “hipoteca sábana”, mostrando sus diferencias, y advierte sobre lo inadecuado de equiparar su tratamiento jurisprudencial.
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Revisorns roll för små aktiebolagForsberg, Gustav, Zinkeviciute, Radvile January 2021 (has links)
År 2010 avskaffades revisionsplikt för små aktiebolag. De aktiebolag som inte uppnår två av följande tre krav: medeltalet av anställda är fler än tre, bolagets redovisade balansomslutning är mer än 1,5 miljoner kronor och bolagets redovisade omsättning är mer än 3 miljoner, behöver inte anlita en revisor. Syftet med avskaffandet är att revision är en hög kostnad för små aktiebolag. Tio år senare är det fortfarande många små aktiebolag som inte uppnår kraven för revision men ändå väljer att anlita en revisor frivilligt. Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse kring revisorns roll för små aktiebolag som valt frivillig revision. Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ metod genom tio stycken intervjuer med representanter från olika aktiebolag som inte uppnår kraven för revision men ändå anlitar en revisor. I studien har flera olika roller, som revisorn har för små aktiebolag med frivillig revision, framkommit. Rollerna kan variera beroende på erfarenhet och bransch inom aktiebolagen men det har också visat sig finnas gemensamma roller. De roller som har nämnts oftare är roll som skapare av trygghet (gestaltas på olika vis), roll som rådgivare, roll som skapare av rutin vid ambitionen om tillväxt samt behovet av skapa legitimitet mot intressenter. Kostnaden med revision har nämnts genomgående som en nackdel men det har ändå framkommit att den roll revisorn får hos små aktiebolag överväger kostnaden. Det visas genom att de små aktiebolagen anlitar revisor och fortsatt kommer anlita revisor. / In 2010, the audit obligation for small limited companies was abolished. The small limited companies that do not meet two of the following three requirements: the average number of employees is more than three, the company's reported total assets are more than SEK 1.5 million and the company's reported turnover is more than SEK 3 million, do not need to hire an audit. The purpose of the abolition is that auditing is a high cost for small limited liability companies. Ten years later, there are still many small limited liability companies that do not meet the requirements for auditing but still choose to hire an auditor voluntarily. The purpose of the study is to gain an increased understanding of the auditor's role for small limited companies that have chosen voluntary auditing. The study is based on a qualitative method through ten interviews with representatives from various limited companies who do not meet the requirements for auditing but still hire an auditor. In the study, several different roles for an auditor in small limited liability companies with voluntary audit have emerged. Factors can vary depending on experience and industry, but it has also been shown that there are common factors. The factors that have been mentioned more often are the need for security (embodied in different ways), the need for advice, the ambition for growth and the need to create legitimacy for stakeholders. The cost of auditing has been consistently mentioned as a disadvantage, but it has nevertheless emerged that the role the auditor receives from small limited liability companies outweighs the cost. This is shown by the fact that the small limited companies hire an auditor and will continue to hire an auditor.
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