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Sampling Inequalities and Applications / Sampling Ungleichungen und AnwendungenRieger, Christian 28 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Rough Isometries of Order Lattices and Groups / Grobe Isometrien von Ordnungsverbänden und GruppenLochmann, Andreas 06 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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The role of different modes of interactions among neighbouring plants in driving population dynamicsLin, Yue 18 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The general aim of my dissertation was to investigate the role of plant interactions in driving population dynamics. Both theoretical and empirical approaches were employed. All my studies were conducted on the basis of metabolic scaling theory (MST), because the complex, spatially and temporally varying structures and dynamics of ecological systems are considered to be largely consequences of biological metabolism. However, MST did not consider the important role of plant interactions and was found to be invalid in some environmental conditions. Integrating the effects of plant interactions and environmental conditions into MST may be essential for reconciling MST with observed variations in nature. Such integration will improve the development of theory, and will help us to understand the relationship between individual level process and system level dynamics.
As a first step, I derived a general ontogenetic growth model for plants which is based on energy conservation and physiological processes of individual plant. Taking the mechanistic growth model as basis, I developed three individual-based models (IBMs) to investigate different topics related to plant population dynamics:
1. I investigated the role of different modes of competition in altering the prediction of MST on plant self-thinning trajectories. A spatially-explicit individual-based zone-of-influence (ZOI) model was developed to investigate the hypothesis that MST may be compatible with the observed variation in plant self-thinning trajectories if different modes of competition and different resource availabilities are considered. The simulation results supported my hypothesis that (i) symmetric competition (e.g. belowground competition) will lead to significantly shallower self-thinning trajectories than asymmetric competition as predicted by MST; and (ii) individual-level metabolic processes can predict population-level patterns when surviving plants are barely affected by local competition, which is more likely to be in the case of asymmetric competition.
2. Recent studies implied that not only plant interactions but also the plastic biomass allocation to roots or shoots of plants may affect mass-density relationship. To investigate the relative roles of competition and plastic biomass allocation in altering the mass-density relationship of plant population, a two-layer ZOI model was used which considers allometric biomass allocation to shoots or roots and represents both above- and belowground competition simultaneously via independent ZOIs. In addition, I also performed greenhouse experiment to evaluate the model predictions. Both theoretical model and experiment demonstrated that: plants are able to adjust their biomass allocation in response to environmental factors, and such adaptive behaviours of individual plants, however, can alter the relative importance of above- or belowground competition, thereby affecting plant mass-density relationships at the population level. Invalid predictions of MST are likely to occur where competition occurs belowground (symmetric) rather than aboveground (asymmetric).
3. I introduced the new concept of modes of facilitation, i.e. symmetric versus asymmetric facilitation, and developed an individual-based model to explore how the interplay between different modes of competition and facilitation changes spatial pattern formation in plant populations. The study shows that facilitation by itself can play an important role in promoting plant aggregation independent of other ecological factors (e.g. seed dispersal, recruitment, and environmental heterogeneity).
In the last part of my study, I went from population level to community level and explored the possibility of combining MST and unified neutral theory of biodiversity (UNT). The analysis of extensive data confirms that most plant populations examined are nearly neutral in the sense of demographic trade-offs, which can mostly be explained by a simple allometric scaling rule based on MST. This demographic equivalence regarding birth-death trade-offs between different species and functional groups is consistent with the assumptions of neutral theory but allows functional differences between species. My initial study reconciles the debate about whether niche or neutral mechanisms structure natural communities: the real question should be when and why one of these factors dominates.
A synthesis of existing theories will strengthen future ecology in theory and application. All the studies presented in my dissertation showed that the approaches of individual-based and pattern-oriented modelling are promising to achieve the synthesis.
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Uso de sistema de informação geográfica para subsidiar o cálculo de estoque de carbono em florestas no âmbito do mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo. / Use of geographic information system to subsidize the calculation of forests carbon supply in the scope of the clean development mechanism.Luiz Alberto Cunha 15 March 2007 (has links)
Com a entrada em vigor do Protocolo de Quioto, intensificam-se as expectativas pela regulamentação de um mercado de créditos de carbono. No caso de esses créditos terem sua origem em projetos de reflorestamento ou de florestamento, conforme previsto pelos chamados Mecanismos de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), vem a ser fundamental o estabelecimento de uma metodologia para quantificação de estoques de carbono armazenados sob a forma de biomassa vegetal. Este trabalho propõe, como um método informatizado para cálculo de estoque de carbono em florestas, um conjunto de funcionalidades e um modelo de dados cadastrais totalmente integrados com um Sistema de Informações Geográficas de arquitetura aberta. A partir de mapas e imagens geo-referenciadas e com base em dados obtidos de pequenos transectos, o sistema calcula a quantidade total de carbono estocada em toda a floresta. Além de permitir apresentar esses resultados para diferentes agentes armazenadores de carbono, como, por exemplo, segmentos de floresta ou cada espécie vegetal, o sistema mantém registro histórico de dados dendrométricos, o que virá permitir a geração de gráficos de curvas de crescimento e, por conseguinte, estimativas futuras. / Increasing expectation for the carbon credit market regulamentation take place as a result of the Kyotos Protocol enforcement. In case of credits that come from reforestation or forestation projects, as foresseen under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), it is fundamental to establish a methodology for quantification of carbon stocks stored under the vegetal biomass form. This work proposes, as an informatizated method of forests carbon stocks calculation, a set of functionalities and a cadastre data model totally integrated with an open architeture of Geographyc Information System. Based on maps and images georeferenced on data basis provided by small transectos, the system calculates the total amount of carbon storages all over the forest. Besides allowing to present the results to different storing carbon agents, for instance, forests segments or each vegetal species, the system keeps historical register of dendrometrics data, which will make possible the generation of graphs, curves of growth and, therefore, future evaluation.
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Uso de sistema de informação geográfica para subsidiar o cálculo de estoque de carbono em florestas no âmbito do mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo. / Use of geographic information system to subsidize the calculation of forests carbon supply in the scope of the clean development mechanism.Luiz Alberto Cunha 15 March 2007 (has links)
Com a entrada em vigor do Protocolo de Quioto, intensificam-se as expectativas pela regulamentação de um mercado de créditos de carbono. No caso de esses créditos terem sua origem em projetos de reflorestamento ou de florestamento, conforme previsto pelos chamados Mecanismos de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), vem a ser fundamental o estabelecimento de uma metodologia para quantificação de estoques de carbono armazenados sob a forma de biomassa vegetal. Este trabalho propõe, como um método informatizado para cálculo de estoque de carbono em florestas, um conjunto de funcionalidades e um modelo de dados cadastrais totalmente integrados com um Sistema de Informações Geográficas de arquitetura aberta. A partir de mapas e imagens geo-referenciadas e com base em dados obtidos de pequenos transectos, o sistema calcula a quantidade total de carbono estocada em toda a floresta. Além de permitir apresentar esses resultados para diferentes agentes armazenadores de carbono, como, por exemplo, segmentos de floresta ou cada espécie vegetal, o sistema mantém registro histórico de dados dendrométricos, o que virá permitir a geração de gráficos de curvas de crescimento e, por conseguinte, estimativas futuras. / Increasing expectation for the carbon credit market regulamentation take place as a result of the Kyotos Protocol enforcement. In case of credits that come from reforestation or forestation projects, as foresseen under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), it is fundamental to establish a methodology for quantification of carbon stocks stored under the vegetal biomass form. This work proposes, as an informatizated method of forests carbon stocks calculation, a set of functionalities and a cadastre data model totally integrated with an open architeture of Geographyc Information System. Based on maps and images georeferenced on data basis provided by small transectos, the system calculates the total amount of carbon storages all over the forest. Besides allowing to present the results to different storing carbon agents, for instance, forests segments or each vegetal species, the system keeps historical register of dendrometrics data, which will make possible the generation of graphs, curves of growth and, therefore, future evaluation.
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Untersuchungen zur Verbreitung ausgewählter Pflanzenarten im Erzgebirge und Hügelland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung veränderter KlimaverhältnisseLohse, Holger 16 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In der Dissertation wird untersucht, ob die bereits eingetretenen Änderungen des Klimas und weiterer Standortsfaktoren im Erzgebirge und vorgelagertem Hügelland zu Verlagerungen der Verbreitungsschwerpunkte von Pflanzenarten in ihrer Höhenverbreitung geführt haben. Eine weitere Untersuchungsfrage ist die Begünstigung oder Gefährdung bestimmter Arten infolge der Standortsänderungen. Betrachtet werden 27 Pflanzenarten, sowohl Baum- und Straucharten als auch krautige Pflanzen.
Zur Klärung der Fragen werden die Zeiträume 1946 – 1980 und 1981 – 2015 verglichen. Die Auswertung erfolgt auf der Basis von Messtischblatt-Viertelquadranten für die Standortsfaktoren mittlere Meereshöhe, Jahresmitteltemperatur, durchschnittlicher Jahresniederschlag sowie vorherrschender Bodentyp. In der Diskussion werden zusätzlich die Veränderungen in der Land-, Forst- und Jagdwirtschaft sowie die Wirkungen der Immissionsbelastungen und Bodenschutzkalkungen betrachtet.
Schwerpunkte umfangreicher statistischer Auswertungen sind die Analyse der Verbreitung in den Untersuchungszeiträumen und die Ermittlung der Wahrscheinlichkeit von Artvorkommen.
Eine gesonderte Fragestellung ist die genetische Untersuchung von Prunus padus. Dazu wurden Vorkommen im Tief-, Hügel- und Bergland ausgewählt.
Der bisherige Anstieg der Jahresmitteltemperaturen hat nicht grundsätzlich zu einer Verschiebung der Verbreitungsschwerpunkte in höhere Gebirgslagen geführt. Die Pflanzenarten können hinsichtlich ihrer Verbreitung sowie im Vergleich der Untersuchungsperioden in Gruppen geordnet werden.
Bei einigen Pflanzenarten, die in höhere Lagen des Untersuchungsgebietes vordringen, fällt eine enge Bindung der Vorkommenswahrscheinlichkeit an den Faktor Jahresmitteltemperatur auf. Andererseits werden bislang submontan bis montan verbreitete Arten nicht generell in die Hochlagen zurückgedrängt. Die Wirkungen der Klimaänderung können deshalb nicht losgelöst von anderen Faktoren beurteilt werden.
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Právo na zdraví a legitimní očekávání z pohledu standardních a nadstandardních zdravotních služeb v systému českého zdravotnictví / Right to health and legitimate expectations in perspective of the standards and above-standards in Czech health care systemMezeiová, Vendula January 2017 (has links)
Thesis title: Right to health and legitimate expectations in perspective of the standards and above-standards in Czech health care system This diploma thesis deals with the legal regulation of the right to health as a social right. In the first chapter, the genesis of the social rights, their specific characteristics and the social rights' role in relation to civil and political rights are analysed for the purpose of interpretation of the right to health. The actual problematics of legitimation crisis based on the states' inability to fulfil the obligations and expectations rising from social rights are later discussed. In relation to the socio-legal context, the international legislation as well as some specific national legislation of the right to health are analysed in detail within subsequent chapter. With this regard, the practice of the courts as well as the practice of the quasi-judicial bodies is considered in the following chapter, especially with respect to the right to health and its relation to some civil and political rights. The standardization process of right to health within this decision-making practice is also examined. Moreover, the right to health is explored in perspective of the Czech legislation. The diploma thesis deals with the content and the protection of the...
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Mateřská škola Pampeliška / Kindergarten DandelionFryčka, Marek January 2018 (has links)
The Diploma thesis "Kindergarten Dandelion" was made as a project documentation for a building construction. It is a detached building with a rugged design on a large and gently sloping land. Kindergarten is divided into three parts, two one-storey parts and one middle two-storey part. There are two operating units for children, technical and administrative part and separate language classroom. Kindergarten is planed as a masonry building based on strip foundations.
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Sportovní centrum / Sports CentreSauer, Vít January 2018 (has links)
The content of the master´s thesis is new building sports hall of ball sports. This building has contains no cellar and three above-ground floors. In ground floor, there are playing area, changing rooms, relevant functional facilities including utility rooms. The first floor is completely reserved for spectators, there are tribune for sitting spectators, gallery for standing spectators, hygienic rooms and buffet for spectators. In the third floor, there are rooms for VIP spectators, briefing room, head office of sports hall including conference room, spaces for TV transmission, hygienic rooms and utility room. Object is based on concrete foundation pads and strips foundation. Structural system of the object is combination of column system from cast-inplace reinforced concrete and wall system from brickwork. Floor structures over above the first and second floor are designed as castin- place reinforced concrete, floor structure above the third floor is folded from wood beams. Loadbearing structure of roof is system of glue laminated timber girders, roof cladding is mechanically anchored.
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Bytový dům s obchodními prostory / The block of flats with trade galleryVyskočil, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Content of the Diploma thesis is the design documentation a block of flats with trade gallery in Tábor. The design documentation and annexes of diploma thesis are elaborated according to present valid laws, goverment´s restrictions and standards. This object is located on plot no. 1457/33 and 1457/1 cadastre unit Tábor. The building is situated in area designated to housing development. Next to the land are there public infrastructure. The apartment building is divided into 20 flats including one accessible flat and café for 60 customers and max 5 employees. Flats are located from second floor except accessible flat, which is in grounfloor. In grounfloor is common storage area and utility room. Building has four (above-ground) floor. Object is dimensioned 31,7 x 25,2 m and high 13,6 m.The object is builded on finished grade. Load-bearing structural systém is from hollow bricks. Building has flat roof and whole object is thermal insulated.
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