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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Espace urbain et identité : l’imaginaire de la ville comme symptôme de la crise identitaire dans l’oeuvre d’Orhan Pamuk

Ombasic, Maya 08 1900 (has links)
Istanbul est pour Pamuk ce que Paris est pour Baudelaire : une source inépuisable d’inspiration et de spleen. Or, si le poète est davantage conscient de ses états d’âme, le romancier turc le plus lu des deux côtés du Bosphore ne sait pas toujours que tout discours sur le monde extérieur est un discours sur lui-même. Dans un premier temps, il se complait dans l’hüzün, ce sentiment collectif et généralisé de mélancolie, apparemment intrinsèque à la ville et ses ruines, traces tangibles de la décadence d’un grand empire dont les héritiers peinent à se relever. Il n’en est pourtant rien, car, au fur à mesure que Pamuk suit les traces des écrivains et artistes étrangers de passage à Istanbul, il s’aperçoit que l’apparente mélancolie des ruines n’est qu’une strate parmi d’autres, c’est-à-dire glissante, malléable et fluide, tout dépend de l’emplacement et du point de vue de l’observateur, dans une ville palimpseste qui cache dans ses entrailles toutes les altérités. En suivant les traces de l’altérité, Pamuk découvre la nature hétérogène de sa ville et de lui-même et s’aperçoit que la mélancolie collective est fabriquée de toutes pièces par un certain récit socio-politique et une certaine classe sociale. En effet, c’est en traquant les reflets de son double que le romancier prend soudainement conscience du caractère fuyant de sa propre subjectivité, mais aussi de celui du monde et des autres. Si tel est le cas, l’espace urbain qui préoccupe et obsède Pamuk n’est qu’un reflet de son esprit et l’accès à la présence pleine s’avère une illusion. Comme si, l’inquiétante étrangeté de son inconscient, en lui dévoilant le côté insaisissable du monde et du soi, l’encourageait à remettre en cause un certain nombre d’opinions acquises, non seulement à l’intérieur de sa propre culture, mais aussi dans la culture de son double européen. Car si tout est fluide et malléable, il n’y a pas raison de ne pas tout questionner, incluant la tradition et la politique, cette dernière faisant de lui, « une personne bien plus politique, sérieuse et responsable que je ne le suis et ne souhaitais l’être ». Ainsi, Istanbul, souvenir d’une ville questionne le rapport entre la subjectivité et les strates hétérogènes d’Istanbul, pour aboutir à un constat déconstructiviste : tout n’est que bricolage et substitut du sens là où il brille par son absence. S’il brille par son absence, il en est de même loin d’Istanbul, dans une maison périphérique appelée La Maison du Silence à l’intérieur de laquelle les personnages soliloques et par moments muets, se questionnent sur le rapport entre la tradition et la modernité, le centre et la périphérie, l’Occident et l’Orient, sans oublier le caractère destructeur et éphémère du temps, mais aussi de l’espace. Et enfin, Le Musée de l’Innoncence, cette oeuvre magistrale où l’amour joue (en apparence seulement) le rôle principal, n’est en fait que l’étrange aboutissement de la quête obsessessive et narcissique du personnage principal vers un autre espace-temps, quelque part entre la réalité et la fiction, entre l’Est et l’Ouest, entre la tradition et la modernité, cet entre-deux qui campe indéniablement Pamuk parmi les meilleurs romanciers postmodernes de notre époque. Or, pour y parvenir, il faut au préalable un bouc-émissaire qui, dans le cas de Pamuk, représente presque toujours la figure du féminin. / Istanbul is for Pamuk what Paris is for Baudelaire: an inexhaustible source of inspiration and spleen. But, if the French poet is more conscious of his states of mind, the most widely read contemporary Turkish novelist seems at first to deliberately disregard the fact that any discourse on the external world is also a discourse about himself. At first, in emulation of other Turkish novelists, Pamuk seems to thoroughly enjoy mapping the hüzün, the much talked about collective feeling of melancholy, reputed to be intrinsic to the city and its ruins. Nevertheless, as soon as Pamuk starts to follow in the footsteps of foreign writers and artists who have visited Istanbul, he notices that the apparent melancholy of the ruins is only one layer among many fluid layers. While following the tracks of the otherness, Pamuk discovers the heterogeneous character of his city but also of himself and notices that the collective melancholy widely accepted by most his compatriots is fabricated by a certain socio-political narrative, within a specific social class. Indeed, by tracking the reflections of his own imaginative twin, the novelist is suddenly aware of the elusiveness of his own subjectivity but also of the world and the others. If such is the case, the urban space that preoccupies and obsesses Pamuk is only a reflection of his mind and the will to fully access to the presence, is nothing but an illusion. As if the disturbing uncanny of his unconscious, by revealing the elusive side of the world and the self, encourages Pamuk to challenge a number of views and opinions taken for granted, inside his own culture but also inside the culture of the other, his European twin. For, if everything is fluid and malleable, there is no reason not to question everything, including tradition and state politics, the latter making him, "a person well more political, serious and responsible that I am and ever whished to be". Thus, Istanbul: memoires and the city questions the relationship between the subjectivity and the heterogeneous layers of Istanbul in order to come to a deconstructionist conclusion: everything is a substitute; there is a general absence of sense. If the city lacks a tangible raison d’être or sense in its history and topography, then it must be the same in places that are far from Istanbul. Thus central characters in The House of the Silence question not only the very foundation of their identity and subjectivity, but also the relationship between tradition and modernity, center and periphery, East and West, not to mention the destructive and ephemeral nature of time and space. In Pamuk’s most recent novel, The Museum of Innocence, the protagonist engages in an even more obsessive and destructive quest for another kind of space and time — an imaginary in-between space allowing for a seamless traffic between reality and fiction, East and West, and tradition and modernity. This in-between space or identity clearly anchors Pamuk among the most interesting postmodern novelists of our time. But, this in-between positionality, however, can only be attained at a price: Pamuk’s work, illuminating insight or a precarious balance is more often than not achieved through the sacrifice of the female figure.

Por uma ecologia da formação de professores de música : diversidade e formação na perspectiva de licenciandos de universidades federais do Rio Grande do Sul.

Almeida, Cristiane Maria Galdino de January 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar como estão sendo formados os professores de música para trabalhar com/em a diversidade presente na sociedade, a partir da perspectiva dos licenciandos. Os objetivos específicos foram identificar em que condições os licenciandos estão sendo preparados - condição de produção/reprodução dos discursos e práticas na universidade e que nestas estão implicadas sua cultura, sua etnia e suas múltiplas identidades; identificar quais os instrumentos de construção/manutenção/transformação sociocultural de que vão dispor; e analisar que conhecimentos são priorizados nessa formação. O referencial teórico do trabalho está fundamentado em conceitos da teoria crítica pósmoderna, entre eles, sociologia das ausências e teoria da tradução, propostos por Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2005a). Foi realizado um estudo de entrevistas com 17 licenciandos de três universidades federais do Rio Grande do Sul. A técnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a da entrevista episódica, e as informações socializadas foram analisadas qualitativamente. A partir da análise, considerei que a diversidade ainda não faz parte da formação como um projeto consolidado institucionalmente e que o conhecimento é predominantemente monocultural. Esses aspectos tornam a formação um espaço de tensões e possibilidades. Proponho que ela seja vista a partir de uma ecologia da formação, como espaço de inter-relações, onde os diálogos interculturais sejam exercitados e, consequentemente, seja possível viver a formação com/em a diversidade para formar professores de música que possam trabalhar com/em a diversidade. / This research aimed at investigating how future music teachers are being educated to work with/in the diversity present in the society, from the perspective of the music student-teachers. The specific objectives aimed at identifying the conditions in which the music student-teachers are being prepared - the conditions of production/reproduction of the belief system and practices in the university, in which are implied their culture, their ethnicity, and their multi-faceted identities; identifying the available tools to generate sociocultural construction/maintenance/transformation; as well as analyzing the knowledge prioritized during the initial education course. The theoretical framework was composed by concepts coming from the post-modern critical theory, proposed by the Portuguese sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2005a). An interview study was carried out with 17 students from three federal universities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (southern Brazil). The research technique used was the episodic interview. The information shared with the students underwent a qualitative analysis. The analysis revealed that diversity is still not part of the initial education course as an institutional project and that the knowledge present in the course is mainly monocultural. Based on such aspects, the initial education course can be understood as a place of tensions and possibilities. Then, I propose that it be conceived as an ecology of education, as a space of interrelationships where the intercultural dialogues are exercised and, consequently, it will become possible to live educational processes with/in diversity in order to educate music teachers who can work with/in diversity.

Por uma ecologia da formação de professores de música : diversidade e formação na perspectiva de licenciandos de universidades federais do Rio Grande do Sul.

Almeida, Cristiane Maria Galdino de January 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar como estão sendo formados os professores de música para trabalhar com/em a diversidade presente na sociedade, a partir da perspectiva dos licenciandos. Os objetivos específicos foram identificar em que condições os licenciandos estão sendo preparados - condição de produção/reprodução dos discursos e práticas na universidade e que nestas estão implicadas sua cultura, sua etnia e suas múltiplas identidades; identificar quais os instrumentos de construção/manutenção/transformação sociocultural de que vão dispor; e analisar que conhecimentos são priorizados nessa formação. O referencial teórico do trabalho está fundamentado em conceitos da teoria crítica pósmoderna, entre eles, sociologia das ausências e teoria da tradução, propostos por Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2005a). Foi realizado um estudo de entrevistas com 17 licenciandos de três universidades federais do Rio Grande do Sul. A técnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a da entrevista episódica, e as informações socializadas foram analisadas qualitativamente. A partir da análise, considerei que a diversidade ainda não faz parte da formação como um projeto consolidado institucionalmente e que o conhecimento é predominantemente monocultural. Esses aspectos tornam a formação um espaço de tensões e possibilidades. Proponho que ela seja vista a partir de uma ecologia da formação, como espaço de inter-relações, onde os diálogos interculturais sejam exercitados e, consequentemente, seja possível viver a formação com/em a diversidade para formar professores de música que possam trabalhar com/em a diversidade. / This research aimed at investigating how future music teachers are being educated to work with/in the diversity present in the society, from the perspective of the music student-teachers. The specific objectives aimed at identifying the conditions in which the music student-teachers are being prepared - the conditions of production/reproduction of the belief system and practices in the university, in which are implied their culture, their ethnicity, and their multi-faceted identities; identifying the available tools to generate sociocultural construction/maintenance/transformation; as well as analyzing the knowledge prioritized during the initial education course. The theoretical framework was composed by concepts coming from the post-modern critical theory, proposed by the Portuguese sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2005a). An interview study was carried out with 17 students from three federal universities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (southern Brazil). The research technique used was the episodic interview. The information shared with the students underwent a qualitative analysis. The analysis revealed that diversity is still not part of the initial education course as an institutional project and that the knowledge present in the course is mainly monocultural. Based on such aspects, the initial education course can be understood as a place of tensions and possibilities. Then, I propose that it be conceived as an ecology of education, as a space of interrelationships where the intercultural dialogues are exercised and, consequently, it will become possible to live educational processes with/in diversity in order to educate music teachers who can work with/in diversity.

Por uma ecologia da formação de professores de música : diversidade e formação na perspectiva de licenciandos de universidades federais do Rio Grande do Sul.

Almeida, Cristiane Maria Galdino de January 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar como estão sendo formados os professores de música para trabalhar com/em a diversidade presente na sociedade, a partir da perspectiva dos licenciandos. Os objetivos específicos foram identificar em que condições os licenciandos estão sendo preparados - condição de produção/reprodução dos discursos e práticas na universidade e que nestas estão implicadas sua cultura, sua etnia e suas múltiplas identidades; identificar quais os instrumentos de construção/manutenção/transformação sociocultural de que vão dispor; e analisar que conhecimentos são priorizados nessa formação. O referencial teórico do trabalho está fundamentado em conceitos da teoria crítica pósmoderna, entre eles, sociologia das ausências e teoria da tradução, propostos por Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2005a). Foi realizado um estudo de entrevistas com 17 licenciandos de três universidades federais do Rio Grande do Sul. A técnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a da entrevista episódica, e as informações socializadas foram analisadas qualitativamente. A partir da análise, considerei que a diversidade ainda não faz parte da formação como um projeto consolidado institucionalmente e que o conhecimento é predominantemente monocultural. Esses aspectos tornam a formação um espaço de tensões e possibilidades. Proponho que ela seja vista a partir de uma ecologia da formação, como espaço de inter-relações, onde os diálogos interculturais sejam exercitados e, consequentemente, seja possível viver a formação com/em a diversidade para formar professores de música que possam trabalhar com/em a diversidade. / This research aimed at investigating how future music teachers are being educated to work with/in the diversity present in the society, from the perspective of the music student-teachers. The specific objectives aimed at identifying the conditions in which the music student-teachers are being prepared - the conditions of production/reproduction of the belief system and practices in the university, in which are implied their culture, their ethnicity, and their multi-faceted identities; identifying the available tools to generate sociocultural construction/maintenance/transformation; as well as analyzing the knowledge prioritized during the initial education course. The theoretical framework was composed by concepts coming from the post-modern critical theory, proposed by the Portuguese sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2005a). An interview study was carried out with 17 students from three federal universities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (southern Brazil). The research technique used was the episodic interview. The information shared with the students underwent a qualitative analysis. The analysis revealed that diversity is still not part of the initial education course as an institutional project and that the knowledge present in the course is mainly monocultural. Based on such aspects, the initial education course can be understood as a place of tensions and possibilities. Then, I propose that it be conceived as an ecology of education, as a space of interrelationships where the intercultural dialogues are exercised and, consequently, it will become possible to live educational processes with/in diversity in order to educate music teachers who can work with/in diversity.

Cartografia simbólica da dignidade dos docentes de universidades brasileiras: uma reflexão à luz de Boaventura Sousa Santos

Medeiros, Ana Lucia de 08 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:30:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Lucia de Medeiros.pdf: 900705 bytes, checksum: ee98187bfa0d2a4af41614259192637b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-08 / Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie / Studies on human dignity has gained importance in the social sciences, and in particular between those who research the issues-oriented organizations. The provision of higher education in Brazil showed a significant and fast growth through the creation of new courses and educational institutions. On the other hand, the expansion of higher education has led to precarization of faculty relations, both by the increase in working hours, and the devaluation of professor s salaries. The university management has been guided by monoculture of knowledge and scientific rigor, of linear time, the social classification, the dominant scale and the capitalist productivism, in the wake of Western rationality that is the dominant or hegemonic scientific paradigm. The grid of theoretical work was based on studies by Boaventura Sousa Santos, in particular, on the sociology of absences in the sociology of emergences and the ecologies of knowledge. This author seeks to find alternatives to think about a new world starting from the visibility of rich experiences that exist in the present, but for reasons that were discredited indolent, arrogant, and metonymic proleptic. Sousa Santos undertook to develop a new paradigm and also to counter-hegemonic, and from it, to find concrete alternatives while transforming social reality. In light of this thinking, this thesis intended to rethink the concept of dignity and devoted himself to the study of the following research problem: How the dignity of professors in higher education is designed and symbolized in management spaces in brazilian universities? The aim of this study was to analyze how the dignities of professors is designed and symbolized in management spaces in universities. Data were collected by means of fifteen semiestrutuctured interviews with Brazilian universities professors and they were treated by symbolic cartography. The results showed that professors assign as their responsibility to train and develop competent and ethical people to work in the labor market and in society. Achieving this goal depends on the philosophy and management practices adopted and implemented by higher education institutions. The survey results revealed that universities, as organizations are productive, produced absences and presences of dignity from the professors labor relations and production developed in their interior. The presence of dignity of professors was symbolized by the goddess Minerva representing knowledge and righteousness in Greek-Roman culture context. The lack of dignity was symbolized by the figure of Greek mythology called Sísifo, who was condemned by Zeus to hold a meaningless work and emptied in its subjectivities. The data revealed that Minerva became more present in federal universities and universities aimed at the long term, while Sísifo was more present in private colleges geared towards the short term, but the symbol of Minerva no longer represents the aspirations of society. As well as the Sísifo s. / Estudos relativos à dignidade humana vêm ganhando espaço no campo das ciências sociais, e, em especial, entre aqueles que pesquisam os assuntos orientados para as organizações. Por um lado, a oferta de ensino superior no Brasil apresentou um rápido crescimento por meio da criação de novos cursos e instituições de ensino e,, por outro, a expansão da rede de ensino superior tem provocado a precarização das relações de trabalho, tanto pelo aumento da jornada de trabalho, quanto pelo aviltamento dos salários dos docentes. A gestão das universidades tem sido orientada pelas monoculturas do saber e do rigor científico, do tempo linear, da classificação social, da escala dominante e do produtivismo capitalista, isso na esteira da racionalidade ocidental, que é o paradigma científico dominante ou hegemônico. A grelha teórica do trabalho assentou-se nos estudos de Boaventura Sousa Santos, em especial na sociologia das ausências, na sociologia das emergências e nas ecologias de saberes. O pensamento desse autor procura encontrar alternativas para pensar um novo mundo a partir da visibilidade das ricas experiências que existem no presente, mas que foram descredibilizadas pelas razões indolente, arrogante, metonímica e proléptica. Sousa Santos se encarregou de elaborar um paradigma emergente e também contra-hegemônico para, a partir dele, encontrar alternativas concretas e, ao mesmo tempo, transformadoras da realidade social. À luz desse pensamento, este trabalho propôs-se a repensar o conceito de dignidade e dedicou-se ao estudo do seguinte problema de pesquisa: Como a dignidade dos docentes do ensino superior é projetada e simbolizada nos espaços de gestão em universidades brasileiras? O objetivo geral deste trabalho consistiu em analisar como a dignidade dos docentes é projetada e simbolizada nos espaços de gestão em universidades brasileiras. Os dados foram coletados a partir da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com quinze docentes de universidades brasileiras e foram tratados mediante cartografia simbólica. Os resultados evidenciaram que os docentes se atribuem, como finalidade, formar e desenvolver pessoas competentes e éticas para atuar no mercado de trabalho e na sociedade. A concretização dessa finalidade depende da filosofia e das práticas de gestão implantadas e adotadas pelas instituições de ensino superior. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que as universidades, como são organizações produtivas, produziram ausências e presenças de dignidade do docente a partir das relações de trabalho e de produção desenvolvidas em seu interior. A presença de dignidade dos docentes foi simbolizada pela deusa Minerva, que representa o conhecimento e a justiça no cenário cultural Greco-romano. A ausência de dignidade foi simbolizada pela figura da mitologia grega chamada de Sísifo, que foi condenado por Zeus a realizar um trabalho sem sentido e esvaziado de subjetividades. Os dados revelaram que Minerva se fez mais presente em universidades federais e em universidades orientadas para o longo prazo, enquanto Sísifo esteve mais presente em faculdades particulares orientadas para o curto prazo. Porém, o símbolo de Minerva não mais representa os anseios da sociedade, como também tampouco o faz o de Sísifo.

Espace urbain et identité : l’imaginaire de la ville comme symptôme de la crise identitaire dans l’oeuvre d’Orhan Pamuk

Ombasic, Maya 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

An ecological examination of dropout rates and multiple level measures of social integration in Mississippi school districts 2005-2008: does career and technical education play a part?

Walker, Jacob Travis 11 December 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to conduct an ecological examination of the relationship between social integration and dropout rates at the school and community level, and the role of career and technical education in this relationship. This paper also attempts to determine if this relationship changes depending on how urbanicity is operationalized. This study adds to the existing research concerning the ecological relationships between dropout rates, community social integration, school social integration, and urbanicity in Mississippi. Three-year averaged event dropout rates for 2005-2008, multiple community and school measures of social integration, and three different operationalizations of urbanicity were used. Some expected relationships were found to be true while others indicate that social integration at both the school and community level are so intertwined in their effects on dropout rates that no clear pattern emerges. The varying results related to the role of urbanicity in this study provide support for the need to further examine the concepts of community and location as factors that impact educational outcomes such as dropping out of school. This is particularly important when one considers that most educational policies that are implemented in a state tend to be overarching treating school districts no matter what size they are the same. This study also highlights that there are factors that impact what one would traditionally expect to find in the relationship between dropout rates and social integration that do not hold true. For example, an inverse relationship between dropout rates and local funding was expected, but in this study the relationship was found to be positive. One possible explanation for this is related to the fact that local taxes for schools are mandated by the county government and not voted on by the people. This changes the theoretical expectations of this relationship leading to possibly false assumptions.

Relationships Between Teacher Attendance and Student Scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program Achievement Test in East Tennessee.

Hensley, Melissa Miniard 07 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This mixed methods study examined relationships between third, fourth, and fifth grade teacher attendance as well as teacher and administrator perceptions of teacher attendance during the 2005-06, 2006-07, and 2007-08 school years. Third, fourth, and fifth grade student test scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) Achievement test given in the spring of 2006, 2007, and 2008 were also examined. TCAP score data for this study were gathered electronically, with published data from the Tennessee Department of Education. Teacher attendance records were collected using Siesta, a teacher attendance tracking program. Teacher and administrator perceptions were gathered through surveys, interviews, and focus groups. The population for this study included five K-5 schools and two K-8 schools in a small, rural, public school system in Tennessee. All students in grades 3 through 8 take the TCAP test each spring. Students must take a total of 4 subtests. Quantitative variables were analyzed using descriptive statistics including t tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Mann Whitney U, and Pearson correlations. Qualitative data including interviews, focus groups, surveys, documents, handbooks, and school calendars were analyzed to better understand teacher and administrator perceptions about teacher absences. The results of this study were mixed. Teachers and administrators who participated in this study agreed that teacher absences do affect student test scores, but the quantitative data did not support this. The null hypotheses were retained in all courses and grades except third grade Math. This means there was no relationship between teacher absences and student test scores.

The Development of a Hybrid Knowledge-Based System for Designing a Low Volume Automotive Manufacturing Environment. The Development of A Hybrid Knowledge-Based (KB)/Gauging Absences of Pre-Requisites (GAP)/Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) System for the Design and Implementation of a Low Volume Automotive Manufacturing (LVAM) Environment.

Mohamed, N.M.Z.Nik January 2012 (has links)
The product development process for the automotive industry is normally complicated, lengthy, expensive, and risky. Hence, a study on a new concept for Low Volume Automotive Manufacturing (LVAM), used for niche car models manufacturing, is proposed to overcome this issue. The development of a hybrid Knowledge Based (KB) System, which is a blend of KB System, Gauging Absences of Pre-requisites (GAP), and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is proposed for LVAM research. The hybrid KB/GAP/AHP System identifies all potential elements of LVAM issues throughout the development of this system. The KB System used in the LVAM analyses the gap between the existing and the benchmark organisations for an effective implementation. The novelty and differences in the current research approach emphasises the use of Knowledge Based (KB) System in the planning and designing stages by suggesting recommendations of LVAM implementation, through: a) developing the conceptual LVAM model; b) designing the KBLVAM System structure based on the conceptual LVAM model; and c) embedding Gauging Absences of Pre-requisites (GAP) analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach in the hybrid KBLVAM System. The KBLVAM Model explores five major perspectives in two stages. Planning Stage (Stage 1) consists of Manufacturer Environment Perspective (Level 0), LVAM Manufacturer Business Perspective (Level 1), and LVAM Manufacturer Resource Perspective (Level 2). Design Stage (Stage 2) consists of LVAM Manufacturer Capability ¿ Car Body Part Manufacturing Perspective (Level 3), LVAM Manufacturer Capability ¿ Competitive Priorities Perspective (Level 4), and LVAM Manufacturer Capability ¿ Lean Process Optimisation Perspective (Level 5). Each of these perspectives consists of modules and sub-modules that represent specific subjects in the LVAM development. Based on the conceptual LVAM model, all perspectives were transformed into the KBLVAM System structure, which is embedded with the GAP and AHP techniques, hence, key areas of potential improvement are recommended for each activity for LVAM implementation. In order to be able to address the real situation of LVAM environment, the research verification was conducted for two automotive manufacturers in Malaysia. Some published case studies were also used to check several modules for their validity and reliability. This research concludes that the developed KBLVAM System provides valuable decision making information and knowledge to assist LVAM practitioners to plan, design and implement LVAM in terms of business organisation, manufacturing aspects and practices. / Universiti Malaysia Pahang and Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia

The Development of a Hybrid Knowledge-Based System for Integrated Maintenance Strategy and Operations in an Automotive Industry Environment: The Development of a Hybrid Knowledge-Based (KB) System/ Gauging Absences of Pre-Requisites (GAP)/Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Methodology for Integrated Maintenance Strategy and Operations in an Automotive Industry Environment

Milana, Milana January 2018 (has links)
The dependency of maintenance as a manufacturing logistic function has made the considerations of maintenance decisions complex in nature. The importance of maintenance has escalated significantly by the increasing of automation in manufacturing processes. This condition switches the traditional maintenance perspective of “fire-fighter” into the business competitive driver. As a consequence, maintenance needs to consider other related aspects of decision making to achieve competitive advantage. This research aims to develop a hybrid Knowledge-Based (KB) System/GAP/AHP methodology to support the integration of maintenance decision with business and manufacturing perspectives. It constructs over 2000 KB rules on Strategic Stage (business and manufacturing aspects) and Maintenance Operations Stage (maintenance aspects). Each aspect contains KB rules attached with GAP analysis to assess the gap between current and prerequisite condition. AHP analysis is then deployed to compare those aspects structurally in a pair-wise manner to identify the critical ones to be rectified. This hybrid KB system is useful in reviewing the existing maintenance system performance and provides reasonable recommendations to improve maintenance performance with respect to business and manufacturing perspectives. Eventually, it indicates the roadmap from the current state to the benchmark goals for the maintenance system. This novel methodology of KBS/GAP/AHP to support maintenance decision is developed for a particular application in the automotive environment. The validation is conducted in two automotive companies in Indonesia and one published case study in an automotive company. The result confirms that the developed KB system can provide the valid, reasonable and consistent result to propose structured recommendation for maintenance improvement priority.

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