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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Well-Being of Chinese Immigrant Sons: Importance of Father-Son Attachment, Father Involvement, Father Acceptance and Adolescents' Phenomenological Perceptions of Father-Son Relationship

Hwang, Ray 25 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

A Place of Passage : Disturbed burials and dispersed human bone remains from the Mid-Neolithic burial ground at Ajvide on Gotland / Övergångsplats : (För)störda begravningar och spridda mänskliga skelettrester från det mellanneolitiska gravfältet i Ajvide på Gotland

Sointula, Anna January 2023 (has links)
The Mid-Neolithic site of Ajvide on the Baltic Island of Gotland comprises the burials of 89 individuals within 85 separate burial contexts (Österholm 2008). Some of these individuals were detected with absent skeletal elements, such as the cranium, which have been believed to be represented by the considerable number of dispersed human bone fragments discovered from the site (Burenhult 2002: 33, see also Lundén 2012). These occurrences were initially proposed to be caused by agricultural ploughing, which however has not been done on the fields of Ajvide with the modern machinery of the late 20th century (Burenhult 2002: 31). It was hence the intention of this study to investigate the alternative motives behind these phenomena, by reviewing the statistics between these skeletal materials. The correspondence was additionally analysed with some other selected variables on the available data from these burial contexts. Based on the attained results, it was concluded that the human skeletal remains from the disturbed burials were likely intentionally retrieved to be used in the different ritual activities of the PWC populations on Gotland. / Den mellanneolitiska Ajvidelokalen på Gotland omfattar 85 begravningar av totalt 89 individer (Österholm 2008, Burenhult 2002). Vissa av individerna påträffades utan specifika skelettelement, såsom kraniet. Dessa individer har använts som representanter för tolkningen av den markanta kvantiteten av spridda mänskliga benfragment, som hittats via arkeologiska utgrävningar på lokalen (Burenhult 2002: 33, se även Lundén 2012 och Wallin 2015). Till en början ansågs jordbruksplogningen vara ansvarig för detta fenomen, dock har inga plöjningar utförts med moderna maskiner, eller sedan 1900-talet (Burenhult 2002: 31). Därmed, var syftet med studie att undersöka alternativa tolkningar bakom dessa fenomen. Studien är på analyser av de två olika grupperna med skelettmaterial, som inkluderats i en statistisk modell. Dessutom utfördes en korrespondensanalys mellan andra särskilt utvalda variabler från varje gravkontext. Studien har konkluderat, att de mänskliga skelettresterna från de förstörda begravningarna, hämtades sannolikt avsiktligen för olika rituella aktiviteter som praktiserades av den mellanneolitiska befolkningen på Gotland.

Reconceptualizing Masculinized L/logos, Re(Image)ining the Rhetorical Feminine in Composition

Lee, Melanie January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Both temple and tomb: difference, desire and death in the sculptures of the Royal museum of central Africa

Morris, Wendy Ann 30 November 2003 (has links)
Both Temple and Tomb is a dissertation in two parts. The first part is an examination and analysis of a collection of 'colonial' sculptures on permanent display in the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Tervuren Belgium. The second part is a reflection on the author's own paintings, drawings and film and an examination of the critical potential of these images in challenging the colonial narratives of the RMCA. Part I presents two arguments. The first is that European aesthetic codes have been used to legitimize the conquest of the Congo and to award sanction to a voyeuristic gaze. The second is that the organization of the sculptures of Africans (and European females) into carefully managed spaces and relationships results in the creation of erotically-charged formations that are intended to afford pleasure to male European spectators. Part II examines the strategies used in Re-Turning the Shadows to disrupt (neo)colonial patterns of viewing that have become ritual and 'naturalized'. Against RMCA narratives that pay homage to the objectivity of science and research, the paintings and film present images that explore multiple subjectivities, mythologizing impulses, and metaphoric allusions. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Kind in die middelkinderjare se belewing van vaderlike afwesigheid

De Jager, Irma 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / The child in his middle childhood years are confronted with physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual demands. The support from his parents enables him to make changes by using them as male and female role models. With a physically absent father the child has to face his absence and learn to handle it. The aim of this study was to investigate the child in the middle childhood’s experience of a physically absent father. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with thirteen respondents within the middle childhood years with the aim to explore their perceptions, experiences and how they manage with a physically absent father. The data collected during the empirical study was analyzed and compared with existing literature as a control mechanism. The study was completed with conclusions and recommendations that could be of value during an intervention with children in the middle childhood years experiencing a physically absent father. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie)

The role of the emotional father-son relationship in the self-concept formation of adolescent boys in secondary schools

Pitsoane, Enid Manyaku January 1900 (has links)
The study investigated adolescent boys who experienced behavioural problems at school and the possible causes for these phenomena. It was evident that the adolescent boys who experienced behavioural problems were found to lack emotional connections with others due to their fathers’ absence and lack of positive attachment. A total of 403 adolescent boys from various schools in the Tshwane districts were used in the sample group. This quantitative study employed the use of a quantitative questionnaire as a means of data collection that included qualitative open-ended question as a method to enrich the quantitative data and obtain insight into the life world functioning and experience of the participants. The primary aim of the research study was to determine the emotional relationship between fathers and sons within the sample group. Secondly, the study sought to investigate how this emotional relationship affects the adolescent boy’s self-concept, resilience and motivational aspects in his daily functioning. The approach to quantitative data analysis was by means of descriptive statistical analysis. The findings revealed that emotionally absent fathers indeed impact negatively on the adolescent boys’ resilience and motivational aspects of their functioning and that a father’s absence has a significant influence on the behaviours of adolescent boys in relation to motivation and resilience. However, the research results also revealed that an emotionally absent father does not significantly affect the self–concept of an adolescent boy. Finally, an intervention programme was developed to assist and guide fathers and adolescent boys to improve their relationship with one another. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Absent fathers : an ecosystemic exploration of context

Mabusela, Moipone Hilda Martha 09 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore absent fathers' experiences. This involved determining absent fathers' conceptualisation of fatherhood, exploring the psychological well-being of absent fathers, and how absent fathers cope with being absent from their children‟s lives. An ecosystemic approach was employed as the epistemology to understand the participants in terms of organisation of their behaviour in social contexts. Qualitative research was used, and in-depth interviews were conducted to collect the data. The research found that these fathers' experiences of being absent from their children's lives have negatively affected several aspects of their lives, both emotionally and behaviourally. Furthermore, the study concluded that fathers who are absent from their children‟s lives, while aware of the roles they need to play, seem unable to fulfil these roles. Lastly, the absent fathers revealed a tendency to react ambivalently towards their identities as fathers. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

At risk youth: the experiences of adolescent boys with absent fathers

Sylvester, Frederick James 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The single-parent, female-headed household is a global phenomenon. In a patriarchal society such as South Africa, the absence of a father figure in the family place mothers in the unenviable position of having to play a double role, namely that of mother as well as the head of the family. The role of absent fathers in the at-riskness of adolescent boys is under researched in South Africa. The aim of this study was to explore and describe the perceptions and experiences of ten adolescent boys who are growing up in father absent homes. The participants were from a low socio-economic area of the Western Cape, and high school pupils who were purposively selected from Grades 8, 9 and 10. A qualitative research methodology was used and data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews, a focus group discussion and the construction of collages. The findings showed that adolescent boys face many challenges in their development when they grow up without a strong male role model. These ten adolescents seemed to struggle with discipline issues at school as well as at home. They are at a vulnerable age, and at risk of making decisions that would be devastating to their futures. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die enkelouer, vrou-as-hoof huishouding is ‟n globale fenomeen. In ‟n patriargale samelewing soos Suid-Afrika plaas die afwesigheid van ‟n vader in die gesin ma‟s in ‟n situasie waar hulle dubbele rolle moet vertolk, naamlik as ma sowel as hoof van die gesin. Die rol van die afwesige pa in die bevordering van riskantheid by adolessente seuns is nog nie voldoende nagevors nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die persepsies en ervaringe van tien adolessente seuns uit huise met afwesige vaders in te verken en te beskryf. Die deelnemers was uit ‟n lae sosio-ekonomiese area van die Wes-Kaap en doelgerig uit Grade 8, 9 en 10 geselekteer. ‟n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie is gebruik en data is deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, ‟n fokusgroepgesprek en die konstruksie van ‟n kollage ingesamel. Die bevindinge toon dat adolessente seuns baie uitdaging ervaar tydens hul ontwikkelingssfase wanneer hulle opgroei sonder ‟n sterk manlike rolmodel. Die tien adolessente sukkel met dissipline by die skool sowel as tuis. Hulle is ‟n brose ouderdom en loop die gevaar om besluite te neem wat hulle toekoms kan vernietig.

Absent fathers : an ecosystemic exploration of context

Mabusela, Moipone Hilda Martha 09 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore absent fathers' experiences. This involved determining absent fathers' conceptualisation of fatherhood, exploring the psychological well-being of absent fathers, and how absent fathers cope with being absent from their children‟s lives. An ecosystemic approach was employed as the epistemology to understand the participants in terms of organisation of their behaviour in social contexts. Qualitative research was used, and in-depth interviews were conducted to collect the data. The research found that these fathers' experiences of being absent from their children's lives have negatively affected several aspects of their lives, both emotionally and behaviourally. Furthermore, the study concluded that fathers who are absent from their children‟s lives, while aware of the roles they need to play, seem unable to fulfil these roles. Lastly, the absent fathers revealed a tendency to react ambivalently towards their identities as fathers. / Psychology / M. A. (Clinical Psychology)

Zákonnost důkazů v trestním řízení ve světle Evropské úmluvy o ochraně lidských práv a základních svobod / Legality of Evidence in Criminal Proceedings in the Light of the European Convention on Human Rights

Nejedlý, Josef January 2012 (has links)
1 Abstract This PhD thesis focuses on the legality of evidence in criminal proceedings in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights ("the Convention"). At first sight it might seem that this field is only remotely connected with the Convention. In fact, none of the provisions of the Convention expressly regulates issues of evidence and the European Court of Human Rights ("the ECtHR") traditionally refuses to rule on the legality and the admissibility of evidence having regard to its subsidiary role and the doctrine of fourth instance. Yet the days when the question of the legality of evidence was exclusively a matter of domestic law are now long gone, as is evidenced by the relatively abundant jurisprudence of the ECtHR and the former European Commission of Human Rights (jointly "the Convention organs"). Moreover, Strasbourg case-law has been evolving dynamically in this area. It is thus one of the challenges currently facing both legal science and practice which stand before the difficult task to capture and influence these developments. The gathering of evidence in criminal proceedings often conflicts with the fundamental rights of individuals. Consequently, it is not surprising that the jurisprudence of the Convention organs dealing with issues of evidence has developed particularly in the...

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