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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representações discursivas da moda no filme The Prime of Miss JeanBrodie

Palazzo, Daniela Vieira 04 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:27:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 daniela palazzo.pdf: 4236863 bytes, checksum: 47a8b62aec149e0d1bb0df8bba512400 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-04 / Fashion, in this thesis, considered to be a communicative tool crossed over for effects of meanings involved in social practices, is the focus of the analysis of the discursive setting of the film The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969). The objective is to investigate in which ways fashion materializes discourses throughout the clothes style, as it unveils the teacher´s behavior, beliefs, teaching practice and ideology. According to Garcia and Miranda´s view (2010), to whom fashion is communication, its interpretation can lead us to the understanding of experience, memory and links of the subject of the discourse. Placed in Scotland in the 1930s, the film narrative is divided into 17 sequences located in contextual spaces ─ the school, the street and the house ─, thus named by me, due to the use of Lefebvre´s concept of social/abstract space (2007). Miss Brodie, the teacher, performs her function incessantly, that is, without restraining herself to the school schedule and physical spaces, for her aim is to provide her distinct group of girl students ─ la crème de la crème ─, with readiness for the practical life, fact that raises the question of professional responsibility. Such a trajectory, besides showing a permanent conflict between the subject and the educational institution, determines its referentiality in the teacher´s fashion. Such a relationship attests her movement of social inclusion/exclusion. The analytical procedures applied to the verbal and imagistic materiality are also based on the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) categories, as it is proposed by Norman Fairclough (2001), combined with principles of the visual design by Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006) and with the perspective of the social gender according to feminist critics´ view, such as Joan Scott (1990), Teresa de Lauretis (1994) and Jane Flax (1991) among others. My approach to the theme takes into account the cultural, the social and the historical context in which one can read in the teacher´s fashion the basis of women s role as teachers / A moda, considerada nesta dissertação uma ferramenta de comunicação atravessada por efeitos de sentidos envolvidos nas práticas sociais, é o foco da análise do ambiente discursivo do filme The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969). O objetivo é investigar de que formas a moda materializa discursos por meio do estilo das roupas, na medida em que desvelam o comportamento, as crenças, a atuação docente e a ideologia da professora. Conforme entendimento de Garcia e Miranda (2010), para quem a moda é comunicação, interpretá-la, pode levar à compreensão de experiências, memória e vínculos do sujeito do discurso. Situada na Escócia da década de trinta do século XX, a narrativa fílmica é dividida em 17 sequências de cenas, alocadas em espaços contextuais ─ da escola, da rua e da casa ─, assim denominados por mim, a partir da utilização da concepção de espaço social/abstrato de Lefebvre (2007). A Srta. Brodie, a professora, exerce a docência de modo contínuo, isso é, sem observar horário nem os espaços físicos, pois seu objetivo é realizar a formação de seu seleto grupo de alunas ─ la crème de la crème ─, preparando-as para enfrentar a vida prática, que suscita o questionamento acerca da responsabilidade profissional. Esse percurso, além de evidenciar um conflito constante entre o sujeito e a instituição educacional, encontra referencialidade no modo de vestir da professora. Essa relação atesta o seu movimento de inclusão/exclusão social. Os procedimentos analíticos aplicados à materialidade verbal e imagística são também embasados em categorias da Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD), proposta por Norman Fairclough, combinadas com princípios da gramática visual de Kress e Van Leeuwen e com a perspectiva de gênero social, na visão de críticas feministas como Joan Scott (1990), Teresa de Lauretis (1994), Jane Flax (1991), entre outras. A abordagem ao tema considera também o contexto sócio-histórico e cultural em que se possa ler, na moda da professora, a concepção do papel das mulheres no exercício docente

Modelování durací mezi finančními transakcemi / Modeling of duration between financial transactions

Voráčková, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
❆❜str❛❝t ❚❤✐s ❞✐♣❧♦♠❛ t❤❡s✐s ❞❡❛❧s ✇✐t❤ ♣r♦♣❡rt✐❡s ♦❢ ❆❈❉ ♣r♦❝❡ss ❛♥❞ ♠❡t❤♦❞s ♦❢ ✐ts ❡st✐♠❛t✐♦♥✳ ❋✐rst✱ t❤❡ ❜❛s✐❝ ❞❡☞♥✐t✐♦♥s ❛♥❞ r❡❧❛t✐♦♥s ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ ❆❘▼❆ ❛♥❞ ●❆❘❈❍ ♣r♦❝❡ss❡s ❛r❡ st❛t❡❞✳ ■♥ t❤❡ s❡❝♦♥❞ ♣❛rt ♦❢ t❤❡ t❤❡s✐s✱ t❤❡ ❆❈❉ ♣r♦❝❡ss ✐s ❞❡☞♥❡❞ ❛♥❞ t❤❡ r❡❧❛t✐♦♥ ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ ❆❘▼❆ ❛♥❞ ❆❈❉ ✐s s❤♦✇♥✳ ❚❤❡♥ ✇❡ s❤♦✇ t❤❡ ♠❡t❤♦❞s ♦❢ ❞❛t❛ ❛❞❥✉st♠❡♥t✱ ❡st✐♠❛t✐♦♥✱ ♣r❡❞✐❝t✐♦♥ ❛♥❞ ✈❡r✐☞❝❛t✐♦♥ ♦❢ t❤❡ ❆❈❉ ♠♦❞❡❧✳ ❆❢t❡r t❤❛t✱ t❤❡ ♣❛rt✐❝✉❧❛r ❝❛s❡s ♦❢ ❆❈❉ ♣r♦❝❡ss✿ ❊❆❈❉✱ ❲❆❈❉✱ ●❆❈❉✱ ●❊❱❆❈❉ ✇✐t❤ ✐ts ♣r♦♣❡rt✐❡s ❛♥❞ t❤❡ ♠♦t✐✈❛t✐♦♥❛❧ ❡①❛♠♣❧❡s ❛r❡ ✐♥tr♦❞✉❝❡❞✳ ❚❤❡ ♥✉♠❡r✐❝❛❧ ♣❛rt ✐s ♣❡r❢♦r♠❡❞ ✐♥ ❘ s♦❢t✇❛r❡ ❛♥❞ ❝♦♥❝❡r♥s t❤❡ ♣r❡❝✐s✐♦♥ ♦❢ t❤❡ ❡st✐♠❛t❡s ❛♥❞ ♣r❡❞✐❝t✐♦♥s ♦❢ t❤❡ s♣❡❝✐❛❧ ❝❛s❡s ♦❢ ❆❈❉ ♠♦❞❡❧ ❞❡♣❡♥❞✐♥❣ ♦♥ t❤❡ ❧❡♥❣t❤ ♦❢ s❡r✐❡s ❛♥❞ ♥✉♠❜❡r ♦❢ s✐♠✉❧❛t✐♦♥s✳ ■♥ t❤❡ ❧❛st ♣❛rt✱ ✇❡ ❛♣♣❧② t❤❡ ♠❡t❤♦❞s st❛t❡❞ ✐♥ t❤❡♦r❡t✐❝❛❧ ♣❛rt ♦♥ r❡❛❧ ❞❛t❛✳ ❚❤❡ ❛❞❥✉st♠❡♥t ♦❢ t❤❡ ❞❛t❛ ❛♥❞ ❡st✐♠❛t✐♦♥ ♦❢ t❤❡ ♣❛r❛♠❡t❡rs ✐s ♣❡r❢♦r♠❡❞ ❛s ✇❡❧❧ ❛s t❤❡ ✈❡r✐☞❝❛t✐♦♥ ♦❢ t❤❡ ❆❈❉ ♠♦❞❡❧✳ ❆❢t❡r t❤❛t✱ ✇❡ ♣r❡❞✐❝t ❢❡✇ st❡♣s ❛♥❞ ❝♦♠♣❛r❡ t❤❡♠ ✇✐t❤ r❡❛❧ ❞✉r❛t✐♦♥s✳ ✶

Ett designbidrag till minskad rädsla för att falla : Forskning genom design / A design proposal to ease the fear of falling : Research through design

Ekberg, Lottie January 2021 (has links)
Med bakgrund av fallolyckor som ett betydande folkhälsoproblem, med personligt lidande och omfattande samhällskostnader som följd, undersökte studien produktdesigners möjligheter att skapa en tillgänglig och användbar produkt värd att använda, för personer över 65år, som känner rädsla för att falla (FHM, 2021). I en generell kommentar till FN:s mål för hållbar utveckling, uttrycks vikten av tillämpning av Universell Design (UD) i design av alla nya produkter (UN, 2013). Genom den globalt växande och breda målgruppen, blev det därför centralt att parallellt undersöka hur man kan skapa en bredare tillämpning av UD i designbranschen (WHO, 2018). Designprocessen tog stöd av principerna för UD (Story, Mueller & Mace, 1998) i kombination med Emotionell design och Normans (2004) tre nivåer av emotion. Studien tog även stöd i gerontologisk forskning om fenomenet Fear of falling (FoF), som pekar på att högst nivå av FoF uppmätts hos personer då man ställer rädslan i relation till en aktivitet (Lachman et al., 1998). Studiens empiri genererades huvudsakligen ur metoderna enkätundersökning och dagboksstudie, vilka visade en utbredd strategi bland användarna, att hantera rädsla för att falla genom aktivitetsbegränsning. Aktiviteten att nå högt placerade föremål i hemmet, blev central efter upptäckten att deltagarna i stor utsträckning använder annan utrustning och inredning än en avsedd stegpall. Studiens designbidrag resulterade i en stegpall, vars utformning inte ska motivera att använda en köksstol för aktiviteten. Studiens kunskapsbidrag till designbranschen är ett visuellt greppbart analysresultat, vars styrka är att kommunicera både konkret mätbara och känslomässiga värden i en produkt. / With the background in fall accidents as a significant public health issue, causing both individual suffering and a large social cost, the study examined product designers’ opportunities to create accessible, useful products worth using, for people over 65, who suffers from fear of falling (FHM, 2021). In a general comment to the UN’s sustainable development goal’s, the importance of practising Universal Design (UD) in design of all new products is clearly expressed (UN, 2013). With a globally ageing population and within a broad target group, it became central to explore how to reach a more common practice of UD in the industry of product design (WHO, 2018). The design process was supported by the principles of UD (Story, Mueller & Mace, 1998) combined with Emotional Design and Norman’s (2004) three levels of emotion. The study also included theories from gerontological research on the phenomenon of Fear of falling (FoF), which indicates that a higher level of FoF is expressed by people when it is put in relation to an activity (Lachman et al., 1998). The study’s empirics were mainly generated from the methods Questionnaire and Diary study, which showed a widespread strategy among users, to handle FoF through activity restriction. The activity to reach highly placed objects at home became central after the discovering that the participants often use other equipment and furnishing than a designated step stool. The study’s design proposal resulted in a step stool, which should not justify using a kitchen chair for the activity. The study contributes closing a knowledge gap, which can benefit the design industry with a visually tangible analysis result of both measurable and emotional value in a product.

Barns leksaker och könsstereotyper : Hur produktdesign kan underlätta för föräldrar att göra varierande och normbrytande val av leksaker och lek / Childrens toys and gender stereotypes : How product design can facilitate parents to make more varied and norm breaking choices of toys and play

Carlzon, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Könsnormerna bekräftas av föräldrar redan från barnets födsel, genom att välja könsstereotypiska leksaker, som enligt samhällets normer delar upp barnen mellan de biologiska könen. Detta påverkar inte endast barnets syn på sig själv utan även hur andra ser och behandlar barnet. Ett antal studier visar hur stereotypa leksaker ger barn en snäv syn på verkligheten och deras framtidsvisioner, något som påverkar jämställdheten mellan könen i framtiden. Det som saknas i litteraturen är föräldrars känslomässiga koppling till könsstereotypiska leksaker och problemen de står inför som resulterar i att de gör stereotypa leksaksval. I detta arbete blir det tydligt att föräldrar vill variera lek men att uppmuntra till detta tar för mycket tid och baserar då val av lek och leksaker framförallt på barnets egen vilja. För att exemplifiera en tänkbar lösning på detta problem utformades en produkt som underlättar för föräldrar att variera och göra normbrytande lek med barnets redan existerande leksaker. Detta arbete påpekar en viktig byggsten för ett framtida jämställt samhälle och hur detta lättare kan uppnås genom design. / Gender norms are validated by parents from the birth of a child by choosing gender stereotypical toys according to societal norms which divide children among the biological sexes. This affects not only the child's self-image but also how others judge and treat the child. A number of studies show how stereotypical toys give children a narrow world view and their visions for the future, something that affects gender equality. Parents' emotional bond to gender stereotypical toys and the difficulties they face that result in them making stereotypical toy choices is what is missing in the literature. In this project it becomes apparent that parents wants to vary play, but encouraging this takes too much time which leads the parents to make stereotypical choices of toys and play primarily based on their child's own will. To exemplify a possible solution to this problem, a product was designed, that makes it easier for parents to vary and make norm-breaking play with their child's already existing toys. This study points out an important building block for an equal future society and how this can be more easily achieved through design.

Iron-Based Flow Batteries: Improving Lifetime and Performance

selverston, steven 07 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

En mer omtyckt säkerhet : Hur kan en brandvarnare utformas för att vara mer estetiskt tilltalande? / A more attractive security : How can a smoke alarm be designed to be more aesthethically pleasing?

André, Melvin January 2022 (has links)
Det här projektet har utforskat frågeställningen - Hur kan en brand- varnare utformas för att bli mer estetiskt tilltalande för användaren? Den svenska Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap [MSB] har länge drivit en nollvision för Sverige med målsättningen att ingen människa ska omkomma i en brand (MSB, 2021a). En avgörande faktor för att målsättningen ska lyckas är att varje hem har fungerande brandvarnare. Med fungerande brandvarnare i alla hem skulle så många som 40% av dödsfallen kunna förhindras (Runefors, Johansson & van Hees, 2016). Studien genomfördes utifrån ett användar-centrerat arbetssätt där kvalitativa intervjuer med fem informanter samt krav från den europeiska standarden för utformning av brandvarnare har legat till grund för för arbetets utveckling. Intervjuerna visade att informanterna till stor del var negativt inställda till utformningen av existerande brandvarnare då de uppfattades som billiga puckar i vit plast. Det framkom att lågt pris, liten storlek och enkel montering utan borrning var de viktigaste egenskaperna för användarna. De uppgav även att de ogillade att byta batterier samt efterfrågade möjlighet till ökat visuellt samspel med övrig inredning. Naturmaterial och mjuka former var de mest efterfrågade egenskaperna för utformningen. Det kunskapsmässiga bidraget ligger i upptäckten av svårigheterna att samtala om Estetik med informanterna. Detta var en förtydligande insikt över skillnaderna mellan det akademiska och det allmänna språkbruket för att beskriva estetiska intryck. Resultatet av projektet blev en liten brandvarnare med en kropp i massivt trä, en stor knapp för testning och tystande av larm samt en batteritid på minst 10 år. / This project have explored the question - How can a smoke alarm be designed to be more aesthetically pleasing for the user? The Swedish Agency for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning [MSB] has long pursued a zero vision for Sweden with the goal that no one should die in a fire (MSB, 2021a). A crucial factor for the goal to succeed is that every home has a functioning smoke alarm. With effective smoke alarms in all homes, as many as 40% of deaths could be prevented (Runefors, Johansson & van Hees, 2016). The study was carried out on the basis of a user-centered approach where qualitative interviews with five informants and requirements from the European standard for the design of smoke alarms have formed the basis for the development of the project. Based on the interviews, it emerged that the informants were largely negative about the design of existing smoke alarms. These were perceived as cheap pucks in white plastic. It turned out that a low price, small size and an easy installation without the need for drilling were the most important features for the users. They also stated that they did not like to change batteries and requested the opportunity for increased visual unity with other furnishings. Natural materials and soft shapes were the most sought after properties for the design. The knowledge contribution lies in the discovery of the difficulties in discussing Aesthetics with the informants. This was a clarifying insight into the differences between academic and general language for describing aesthetic impressions. The result of the project was a small smoke alarm with a body in solid wood, a large button for testing and silencing of the alarm together with a battery life of atleast 10 years.

Numerical Computations of Wakes Behind Wind Farms

Eriksson, Ola January 2015 (has links)
More and larger wind farms are planned offshore. As the most suitable build sites are limited wind farms will be constructed near to each other in so called wind farm clusters. Behind the wind turbines in these farms there is a disrupted flow of air called a wake that is characterized by reduced wind speed and increased turbulence. These individual turbine wakes combine to form a farm wake that can travel a long distance. In wind farm clusters farm to farm interaction will occur, i.e. the long distance wake from one wind farm will impact the wind conditions for other farms in the surrounding area. The thesis contains numerical studies of these long distance wakes. In this study Large Eddy Simulations (LES) using an Actuator Disc method (ACD) are used. A prescribed boundary layer is used where the wind shear is introduced using body forces. The turbulence, based on the Mann model, is introduced as fluctuating body forces upstream of the farm. A neutral atmosphere is assumed. The applied method has earlier been used for studies of wake effects inside farms but not for the longer distances needed for farm to farm interaction. Numerical studies are performed to get better knowledge about the use of this model for long distance wakes. The first study compares the simulation results with measurements behind an existing farm. Three parameter studies are thereafter setup to analyze how to best use the model. The first parameter study examines numerical and physical parameters in the model. The second one looks at the extension of the domain and turbulence as well as the characteristics of the flow far downstream. The third one gathers information on the downstream development of turbulence with different combinations of wind shear and turbulence level. The impact of placing the turbines at different distances from the turbulence plane is also studied. Finally a second study of an existing wind farm is performed and compared with a mesoscale model. The model is shown to be relevant also for studies of long distance wakes. Combining LES with a mesoscale model can be of interest.

Complexation de triterpènes pentacycliques par des cyclodextrines : caractérisations physicochimiques et activités biologiques / Complexation of pentacyclic triterpenes by cyclodextrines : physicochemical characterization and biological activities

Fontanay, Stéphane 20 December 2012 (has links)
Le manque de thérapies innovantes en chimiothérapie humaine incite la communauté scientifique à s'intéresser à de nouvelles sources de composés bioactifs. Nous pouvons citer les métabolites secondaires de plantes, auxquels appartiennent les acides hydroxy pentacycliques triterpénoiques (AHPTs) et plus particulièrement les Acides Ursolique (AU), Oléanolique (AO) et Bétulinique (AB). Ces molécules font l'objet de nombreuses études qui tendent à démontrer leurs propriétés : anti-infectieuses, anticancéreuses, antiprolifératives, anti-inflammatoires, hépatoprotectrices. Le principal obstacle à leur utilisation à des fins thérapeutiques, reste l'insolubilité de ces AHPTs dans l'eau. L'objectif de ce travail a donc été d'augmenter leur hydrosolubilité. Dans un premier temps, en accord avec les recommandations et/ou normes existantes, nous avons démontré que le spectre d'activité antibactérienne de l'AU et de l'AO se limitait aux bactéries à Gram positif. Aucun AHPT n'a montré d'activité antifongique. Seul l'AB a montré une activité intéressante sur le Cytomégalovirus humain (hCMV) ; aucune activité antivirale n'ayant été retrouvée sur le Poliovirus. Enfin, l'AB, mais encore plus l'AU ont montré une activité anticancéreuse à l'encontre de cellules modèles de leucémie myéloïde chronique (LMC). Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons procédé à la fabrication et à l'étude de complexes entre les AHPTs et des cyclodextrines. Nous avons retenu la gamma-cyclodextrine (gamma-CD), qui présentait l'avantage de complexer les 3 AHPTs avec une constante de formation « moyenne » à « élevée ». Ces complexes AHPTs :gamma-CD ont été caractérisés en utilisant diverses techniques : chromatographiques, thermiques et spectrométriques. Nous avons conclu à l'obtention de complexes d'inclusion qui ont permis d'augmenter la solubilité des AHPTs. Dans une dernière partie, nous avons évalué les activités biologiques des complexes AHPTs : gamma-CD. Les résultats montrent que les complexes AU : gamma-CD et AO : gamma-CD restent actifs à l'encontre des bactéries à Gram positif (mais avec une efficacité plus faible) ; tandis que le complexe AB : gamma-CD se révèle être actif sur certaines bactéries. Le complexe AB : gamma-CD, et de façon surprenante le complexe AU : gamma-CD présentent une activité antivirale à l'encontre du hCMV. Enfin, la diminution de la cytotoxicité liée à la complexation des AHPTs accroit l'intérêt des molécules d'AU et d'AB sur les cellules de LMC / The lack of innovative therapies in human chemotherapy incites the scientific community to be interested in new sources of bioactive compounds. We can quote the secondary metabolites of plants, to which belong hydroxy pentacyclic triterpene acids (HPTAs) and more particularly Ursolic (UA), Oleanolic (OA) and Betulinic Acids(BA). These molecules are the subjetc of numerous studies which tend to demonstrate their properties: anti-infective, anticancer, antiproliferatives, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotectrive. The main obstacle to their use in therapeutic purposes stays the insolubility of these AHPTs in the water. Thus the objective of this work was to increase their hydrosolubility. At first, in agreement with the recommendations and/or the existing standards, we demonstrated that the antibacterial spectra of UA and OA are limited to Gram-positive bacteria. No HPTA showed antifungal activity. Only the BA showed an interesting antiviral activity on human Cytomegalovirus (hCMV); no antiviral activity was on Poliovirus. Finally, the BA, but even more UA showed an anticancer activity against cellular model of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Secondly, we proceeded to the manufacturing and to the study of complexes between HPTAs and cyclodextrines. We retained gamma-cyclodextrine (gamma-CD), which presented the advantage to complex the 3 AHPTs with a constant of "average" to "raised". These HPTAs:gamma-CD complexes were characterized by using diverse techniques: chromatographic, thermal and spectrometric. We concluded in the obtaining of inclusion complexes which allowed increasing the solubility of the HPTAs. In a last part, we estimated the biological activities of the HPTAs:gamma-CD complexes. The results show that the UA:gamma-CD and OA:gamma-CD complexes remain active against Gram-positive bacteria (but with a weaker efficiency); whereas the BA:gamma-CD complex shows to be active on certain bacteria. The BA:gamma-CD complex, and in a surprising way the UA:gamma-CD complex presents an antiviral activity against the hCMV. Finally, the decrease of the cytotoxicity linked to the complexation of the HPTAs believes the interest of UA and of BA on CML cells

Framing Iraqi Refugees in The Guardian and Deutsche Welle: A Critical Discourse and Multimodal Analysis Study

Abed, Ahmed Najm 02 September 2024 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis investiga la representación de los refugiados iraquíes en The Guardian y Deutsche Welle, empleando el Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD), el Análisis del Encuadre y el Análisis Multimodal. La investigación incluye el análisis lingüístico de titulares de noticias y el análisis multimodal de representaciones visuales. El primer análisis revela que The Guardian utiliza a menudo un discurso empático y político, especialmente hacia minorías étnicas como yazidíes y cristianos, mientras que la representación de Deutsche Welle está influida por los acontecimientos políticos en Alemania. Ambos medios enmarcan la crisis de los refugiados iraquíes como un problema social de Oriente Medio, destacando los desplazamientos forzosos y los ataques del ISIS. El análisis multimodal identifica cuatro temas en las representaciones visuales: individualización y distancia, que humanizan a los refugiados, y alteridad y objetivización, que los deshumanizan. El texto y las imágenes a veces se refuerzan mutuamente, pero también pueden presentar mensajes inconexos. Las imágenes visuales evocan respuestas emocionales más fuertes y proporcionan un contexto adicional más allá del análisis textual. La tesis concluye que la integración de los análisis de texto e imagen ofrece una comprensión más completa de las representaciones mediáticas, haciendo hincapié en la dimensión cohesiva de los textos multimodales a la hora de configurar el contexto y el significado. / [CA] Aquesta tesi investiga la representació dels refugiats iraquians en The Guardian i Deutsche Welle, emprant l'Anàlisi Crítica del Discurs (CDA), l'Anàlisi de l'Emmarcament i l'Anàlisi Multimodal. La recerca inclou una anàlisi lingüística dels titulars de notícies i una anàlisi multimodal de les representacions visuals. La primera anàlisi revela que The Guardian sovint utilitza un discurs empàtic i polític, especialment cap a les minories ètniques com els yazidites i cristians, mentre que la representació de Deutsche Welle està influenciada pels esdeveniments polítics a Alemanya. Ambdós mitjans emmarquen la crisi dels refugiats iraquians com un problema social de l'Orient Mitjà, destacant el desplaçament forçat i els atacs d'ISIS. L'anàlisi multimodal identifica quatre temes en les representacions visuals: individualització i distància, que humanitzen els refugiats, i alteritat i objectivació, que els deshumanitzen. Text i imatges a vegades es reforcen mútuament però també poden presentar missatges disjuntius. Les imatges visuals evoquen respostes emocionals més fortes i proporcionen context addicional més enllà de l'anàlisi textual. La tesi conclou que integrar l'anàlisi de text i imatge ofereix una comprensió més completa de les representacions mediàtiques, destacant la dimensió cohesionada dels textos multimodals en la configuració del context i significat. / [EN] This thesis investigates the depiction of Iraqi refugees in The Guardian and Deutsche Welle, employing Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), Framing Analysis, and Multimodal Analysis. The research includes linguistic analysis of news headlines and multimodal analysis of visual representations. The first analysis reveals that The Guardian often uses empathetic and political discourse, especially towards ethnic minorities like Yazidis and Christians, while Deutsche Welle's portrayal is influenced by political events in Germany. Both outlets frame the Iraqi refugee crisis as a Middle Eastern social problem, highlighting forced displacement and attacks by ISIS. The multimodal analysis identifies four themes in visual portrayals: individualization and distance, which humanize refugees, and otherness and objectivization, which dehumanize them. Text and images sometimes reinforce each other but can also present disjointed messages. Visual images evoke stronger emotional responses and provide additional context beyond textual analysis. The thesis concludes that integrating text and image analyses offers a more comprehensive understanding of media representations, emphasizing the cohesive dimension of multimodal texts in shaping context and meaning. / Abed, AN. (2024). Framing Iraqi Refugees in The Guardian and Deutsche Welle: A Critical Discourse and Multimodal Analysis Study [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/207879

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