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Photocatalytic degradation of acetic acid in gas phase in the presence and in the absence of O2 using different TiO2 and M-TiO2 : a comparative study on the conversion, mineralization and intermediates’ selectivities / Dégradation photocatalytique de l'acide acétique en phase gazeuse en présence et absence d'O2 en utilisant différents TiO2 et M-TiO2 : étude comparative sur la conversion, la minéralisation et les sélectivités intermédiairesNgo, Ha Son 08 November 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de dégradation photocatalytique se produisant sous air ou sous azote en étudiant la disparition, la minéralisation et les produits intermédiaires d'une molécule simple l'acide acétique. Les réactions sont réalisées sous ces deux atmosphères afin de se placer dans des conditions de dépollution ou de génération d'énergie. L'étude est réalisée en phase gazeuse et sous flux en prenant comme molécule organique une molécule simple l'acide acétique. Dans un premier temps nous avons étudié la dégradation de l'acide acétique en utilisant le photocatalyseur de référence, TiO2 P25. Quel que soit le flux gazeux de réaction, air ou N2, nous avons montré que la réaction de décarboxylation est la première étape de la disparition de l'acide acétique. Cependant, le sort du groupe méthyle dépend du gaz porteur et du débit molaire (en d'autres termes de la concentration du polluant en phase gazeuse). Le mécanisme de dégradation se produisant à la surface du photocatalyseur est alors représenté pour expliquer l'importance de ce mécanisme comparé à celui faisant intervenir les radicaux hydroxyles. La schématisation du mécanisme inclut la régénération du photocatalyseur et la formation possible de H2O2, lequel a été observé dans la littérature. Il est également noté que la sélectivité d'éthane observé sous flux d'air augmente avec la concentration en polluant et correspond à la réaction de deux radicaux méthyl. Comme précédemment la formation de ce composé en surface du TiO2 est proposée. L'étude des produits de dégradation de l'acide acétique marqué par du carbone 13 sur le groupe carbonyle (CH313COOH) suggère que l'acétone et l'acétaldéhyde ne proviennent pas de la réduction du groupe carboxylique. Dans une seconde étape l'impact du flux photonique et de l'humidité en présence de TiO2 P25 et l'effet de différents TiO2 commerciaux sur la conversion et plus particulièrement la distribution des produits intermédiaires ont été étudiés. La comparaison de l'efficacité de différents TiO2 commerciaux a été discutée en considérant la présence de phase rutile, la nature des espèces actives, la surface spécifique de TiO2, le nombre de groupes OH à la surface des catalyseurs, la présence d'impuretés et la porosité des matériaux. Notre étude s'est ensuite focalisée sur la détermination de l'efficacité d'échantillons de TiO2 modifiés par ajout d'or afin d'améliorer la séparation des charges et ainsi la dégradation de polluant en présence d'air ou la formation de produit en présence de flux d'azote. Deux séries de Au/TiO2 avec les mêmes charges d'or (~ 0,16% en poids) ont été préparées par les deux méthodes: pyrolyse laser et pyrolyse par pulvérisation de flamme (Au-TiO2 LP et Au-TiO2 FSP). Les résultats ont montré que la présence d'or améliore l'activité photocatalytique dans l'air dans le cas des échantillons préparés par pyrolyse laser alors qu'aucun effet n'est observé avec les catalyseurs préparés par pyrolyse à flamme (FSP). Ce résultat s'explique en considérant la taille des nanoparticules d'or plus petite dans le cas des échantillons obtenus par pyrolyse laser. L'effet inverse est observé sous atmosphère de N2, la présence d'or diminue de plus de moitié la dégradation de l'acide acétique mais favorise la formation d'éthane. Ce résultat est discuté en considérant la présence d'or sous forme cationique. Malheureusement, par XPS, il n'a pas été possible d'observer d'or probablement dû à sa faible quantité. L'impact du dopage à l'azote de TiO2 LP et Au-TiO2 LP a également été étudié. Ce dopage diminue l'efficacité de cet échantillon. Finalement des études préliminaires ont été conduite d'une part sur l'efficacité de textile lumineux photocatalytique pour dégrader l'acide acétique afin d'améliorer les rendements quantiques et d'autre part sur les efficacités de catalyseurs Ag/TiO2 lesquels, outre diminué la pollution organique permettrait également l'inactivation des microorganismes / The objective of the thesis is to better understand the mechanisms of photocatalytic degradation occurring under air or under nitrogen by studying the disappearance, mineralization and intermediate products of a simple molecule acetic acid. The reactions are carried out under these two atmospheres in gas phase and dynamic mode in order to place themselves under conditions of depollution or of energy generation. Firstly, we studied the degradation of acetic acid using the reference photocatalyst, TiO2 P25. Regardless of the atmosphere, air or N2, we have shown that the decarboxylation reaction is the first step in the disappearance of acetic acid. However, the fate of the methyl group depends on the carrier gas and the molar flow rate (in other words, the concentration of the pollutant in the gas phase). The mechanism of degradation occurring on the surface of the photocatalyst is then represented to explain the importance of this mechanism compared to that involving the hydroxyl radicals. The schematization of the mechanism includes the regeneration of the photocatalyst and the possible formation of H2O2, which has been observed in the literature. The study of the degradation products of acetic acid labelled with carbon 13 on the carbonyl group (CH313COOH) suggests that acetone and acetaldehyde do not result from the reduction of the carboxylic group. In a second step, the impact of photonic flux and moisture in the presence of TiO2 P25 as well as the effect of different commercial TiO2 on the conversion and more particularly the distribution of the intermediate products have been studied. Comparison of the effectiveness of different commercial TiO2s was discussed by considering the presence of rutile phase, the nature of the active species, the specific surface area of TiO2, the number of OH groups on the surface of the catalysts, the presence of impurities and the porosity of the materials
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Oxydation voie humide du phénol et de l'acide acétique sur catalyseurs métalliques (Ru, Pt) supportés sur oxydes TiO2-CeO2 / Catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol and acetic acid over metal catalyst (Ru, Pt) supported over TiO2-CeO2 oxidesEspinosa de los Monteros Reyna, Alejandra Elvira 17 June 2013 (has links)
Parmi les différents procédés chimiques, l'Oxydation en Voie Humide Catalysée (OVHC) apparaît comme une technique de choix pour le traitement des eaux usées à forte teneur en composés toxiques et peu biodégradables. Ce procédé, sous pression, est limité par la faible solubilité de l'oxygène. L'étape cruciale de la réaction est alors le transfert de l'oxygène jusqu'à la particule métallique via le support. Les phénomènes régissant ce transfert sont la composition des supports oxydes et l'interaction métal/support. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier l'influence de la teneur en CeO2, connue pour ses propriétés de transfert et de stockage d'oxygène, sur les propriétés de catalyseurs Ru/TiO2-x%CeO2 et Pt/TiO2-x%CeO2 en oxydation voie humide catalysée du phénol et de l'acide acétique.L'addition de cérine améliore les propriétés de stockage de l'oxygène des matériaux mais favorise (i) pour l'OVHC du phénol, la formation de polymères insolubles en solution et le dépôt d'espèces carbonées sur la surface catalytique, (ii) pour l'OVHC de l'acide acétique une carbonatation des supports. Il en résulte, dans les deux cas, une perte d'activité par blocage des sites catalytiques. Le platine s'avère plus actif que le ruthénium pour l'OVHC du phénol alors que l'inverse est observé dans le cas de l'acide acétique. / Among the different chemical processes, catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) appears to be a promising process for the treatment of wastewater containing high levels of toxic and poorly biodegradable compounds. This over pressure process is limited by the low oxygen solubility. The limiting step of reaction is the oxygen transfer to the metal particle through the support. Phenomena governing this transfer are the oxide support composition and the metal/support interaction. The objective of this work is to study the influence of the CeO2 content, known for its oxygen transfer and storage capacity, over the catalytic properties of Ru/TiO2-x%CeO2 and Pt/TiO2-x%CeO2 for catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol and acetic acid. The addition of ceria improves the oxygen storage capacity of materials but it enhances i) for CWAO of phenol, the formation of insoluble polymers in solution and the deposition of carbonaceous species on the catalytic surface, ii) for CWAO of acetic acid, the formation of carbonates on the support. In both cases an activity lost is due to the blocking of catalytic sites. Platinum is more active than ruthenium for CWAO of phenol while the opposite is observed in the case of acetic acid.
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Élaboration de matériaux catalytiques pour l'élimination de polluants organiques en phase gaz / Development of catalytic materials for the removal of organics pollutants in gas phaseSedjame, Henri-Joël 28 October 2013 (has links)
Les travaux dont les résultats sont présentés dans ce manuscrit ont été menés dans le but de préparer des matériaux catalytiques à base de métaux nobles pour l'élimination de certains composés organiques volatils (COV). Différents catalyseurs à base de platine ont ainsi été préparés et leurs performances catalytiques évaluées pour l'oxydation de deux polluants : le n-butanol et l'acide acétique. Une première étude sur l'élimination oxydative et non-oxydative du n-butanol sur des catalyseurs à base de platine supportés sur alumine a été menée. Ce travail a porté essentiellement sur l'étude de l'effet des différents paramètres intervenant dans la réaction (oxygène, eau, métal). Le phénomène d'adsorption-désorption du polluant à la surface du catalyseur a également été étudié. S'inspirant des données de la littérature sur les propriétés redox particulières de la cérine, les travaux ont ensuite porté sur l'effet de l'ajout de CeO2 à des catalyseurs de type Pt/Al2O3 pour l'oxydation du n-butanol et de l'acide acétique. La modification des propriétés redox et acido-basiques ainsi que celle des performances catalytiques du matériau observées avec l'ajout de CeO2 a permis d'établir une corrélation entre activité catalytique en oxydation, capacité de stockage de l'oxygène et basicité. Cette corrélation a été confirmée dans la dernière étude menée sur des catalyseurs mis en forme de type monolithes enduits avec différents matériaux (Pt/Al2O3, Pt/CeO2, Pt/ZrO2, Pt/Al2O3-CeO2, Pt/Al2O3-ZrO2 et Pt/CeO2-ZrO2). / The results presented in this manuscript have aimed at preparing catalytic materials based on noble metals for the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOC). Thus, different platinum based catalysts have been prepared and their catalytic performances have been evaluated for n-butanol and acetic acid oxidation. A first study on oxidative and non-oxidative removal of n-butanol over alumina supported platinum based catalysts has been performed. This work focused on the study of the effect of the different parameters involved in the reaction (oxygen, water, metal). The adsorption-desorption phenomenon of the pollutant on the catalyst surface has also been studied.Inspired by the literature on the specific redox properties of ceria, the work was then focused on the effect of the addition of CeO2 to Pt/Al2O3 catalysts for n-butanol and acetic acid oxidation. The modification of the redox and acid-base properties as well as that of the catalytic performances of the material with the addition of CeO2 allowed to establish a relationship between catalytic oxidation activities, oxygen storage capacity and basicity. This correlation has been confirmed in the last study performed on the monolithic catalysts coated with different materials (Pt/Al2O3, Pt/CeO2, Pt/ZrO2, Pt/Al2O3-CeO2, Pt/Al2O3-ZrO2 and Pt/CeO2-ZrO2).
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Hydrogen and lactic acid synthesis through capnophilic lactic fermentation by Thermotoga neapolitana / Production d'hydrogéne et d'acide lactique par Thermotoga neapolitana au cours de la fermentation lactiquePradhan, Nirakar 15 December 2016 (has links)
Les énergies non-renouvelables ont été d’un apport capital dans l’industrialisation et l’urbanisation dans les derniers centenaires. L’exploitation excessive des réserves d’hydrocarbures et son impact environnemental ont contribué au developpement de plusieurs technologies durables à caractère néo-carbone neutre. A cet effet, les processus biologiques comme la fermentation pourraient être exploités pour convertir biologiquement le hydrates de carbone en énergies comme l’hydrogène (H2) ou des acides organiques commercialement rentables. Ce travail a étudié les techniques d’ingénierie pour améliorer la synthèse simultanée d’H2 et d’acide lactique à travers des conditions de fermentation capnophile lactique (CLF) par une souche de labo de Thermotoga neapolitana.En un premier temps, une comparaison génotypique entre la souche de labo et celle sauvage a révélé une ressemblance de 88,1 (±2,4) %. En plus, les analyses du génotypage par RiboPrint® et par spectroscopie de masse matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF MS) ont montré une différentiation génétique au-delà du niveau sous-espèce ; et par conséquent la souche de labo a été proposée comme sous-espèce, T. neapolitana subsp. lactica. Basé sur la caractérisation phénotypique, la souche de labo produisait 10-90% plus d’acide lactique que celle sauvage sous les mêmes conditions sans pour autant affecté le taux de production d’H2.La souche de labo a donc été étudiée pour aussi bien optimiser les conditions de croissance que pour estimer les paramètres cinétiques de croissance. Un nouveau modèle cinétique basé sur les principes de fermentation à l’obscurité (DF) et les expressions mathématiques Monod ont été développés pour permettre la simulation de la croissance en biomasse, la consommation de substrat, et la formation de produit. Le modèle n’a cependant pas pu faire une estimation des acides acétique et lactique avec précision du fait que le modèle DF n’a pas considéré la carboxylation de l’acide acétique en acide lactique par l’enzyme pyruvate ferrédoxine oxydoréductase (PFOR) sous les conditions CLF.Le model a été associé avec le mécanisme CLF et les paramètres cinétiques ont été recalibrés. Les paramètres cinétiques que sont le taux d’absorption spécifique maximum (k), la constante semi-saturation (ks), le coefficient en rendement biomasse (Y), et le taux de décomposition interne (kd) étaient de 1,30 l/h, 1,42 g/L, 0,12 et 0,02 l/h. Fait intéressant, le nouveau modèle CLF s’est parfaitement adapté avec les résultats expérimentaux et a estimé que près de 40-80% de la production d’acide lactique est attribué au recyclage de l’acide acétique et le CO2.En plus, l’adsorption de l’acide lactique par le carbone actif et les résines polymères anioniques a été appliquée avec succès comme technique de transformation en aval dans la récupération et la purification de l’acide lactique à partir du modèle de fermentation type T. neapolitana. Pour ce faire, ce travail de recherche constitue une étape majeure dans le domaine de la fermentation bactérienne utilisable pour de vastes applications scientifiques prenant en compte le développement d’énergies renouvelables et la production industrielle d’acide lactique / The environmental impact of excessive exploitation of fossil fuel reserves has inspired the innovation of several sustainable neo-carbon-neutral technologies. To that end, the biological processes like fermentation may be leveraged to bioconvert carbohydrate-rich feedstocks to fuels like hydrogen (H2) or commercially valuable organic acids like lactic acid. This research work investigated the engineering techniques for improving simultaneous synthesis of H2 and lactic acid under capnophilic (CO2-dependent) lactic fermentation (CLF) conditions by a lab strain of Thermotoga neapolitana.Primarily, the genotypic comparison between the lab strain and the wild-type revealed DNA homology of 88.1 (± 2.4)%. Genotyping by RiboPrint® and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) analyses showed a genetic differentiation beyond subspecies level, hence the lab strain was proposed as a new subspecies, T. neapolitana subsp. lactica. The lab strain produced 10-90% more lactic acid, based on the phenotypic characterization, than the wild-type strain under similar operating conditions without impairing the H2 yield.The lab strain was then studied to optimize the growth conditions as well as to estimate the growth kinetic parameters. A new mathematical model based on the dark fermentation (DF) principles and Monod-like kinetic expressions was developed to enable the simulation of biomass growth, substrate consumption and product formation. The model failed to estimate acetic and lactic acid accurately, as the DF model did not consider the carboxylation of acetic acid to lactic acid by the pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFOR) enzyme under CLF conditions. The model was then incorporated with the CLF mechanism and the kinetic parameters were recalibrated.The calibrated kinetic parameters, i.e. maximum specific uptake rate (k), semi-saturation constant (kS), biomass yield coefficient (Y) and endogenous decay rate (kd) were 1.30 1/h, 1.42 g/L, 0.12 and 0.02 1/h, respectively, under CLF conditions. The new CLF-based model fitted very well with the experimental results and estimated that about 40-80% of the lactic acid production is attributed to the recycling of acetic acid and CO2.In addition, the adsorption of lactic acid by activated carbon and anionic polymeric resins was successfully applied as a downstream processing technique for the recovery of lactic acid from a model T. neapolitana fermentation broth. This research work serves as a practical milestone in the field of microbial fermentation with a scope for wider scientific applications, including the development of bio-based renewable energy and industrial lactic acid production
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Efeito do ácido indol-3-acético no metabolismo amido-sacarose durante o amadurecimento da banana (Musa spp.) / The effects of indole-3-acetic acid on starch-to-sucrose metabolism during banana (Musa spp.) ripeningEduardo Purgatto 13 December 2001 (has links)
Dentre os vários processos que concorrem para o amadurecimento da banana, a degradação do amido e sua conversão em açúcares solúveis, principalmente sacarose, são dois dos processos mais relevantes para a obtenção o sabor doce característico do fruto maduro. Embora venha sendo estudado há anos, ainda não foram esclarecidos quais os mecanismos regulatórios e os possíveis sinais hormonais envolvidos no controle da degradação do amido e na síntese da sacarose. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito do ácido indol-3-acético (AIA), um hormônio da classe das auxinas com reconhecido efeito retardador do amadurecimento, sobre o metabolismo amido-sacarose e algumas enzimas correlacionadas, em bananas. Observou-se um forte efeito retardador do hormônio sobre a degradação do amido no amido durante o amadurecimento de fatias de bananas infiltradas com uma solução contendo AIA em manitol, em comparação com fatias controle infiltradas apenas com manitol. As atividades de alfa e ß-amilase e alfa-1,4-glicosidase neutra foram afetadas pelo AIA, apresentando atraso no desenvolvimento de suas atividades durante o amadurecimento, quando comparadas às fatias controle. A atividade da fosforilase de amido aparentemente não foi afetada. A transcrição do mRNA da ß-amilase foi atrasada pelo AIA e pôde ser correlacionada ao atraso na degradação do amido Os resultados sugerem que o atraso na mobilização do amido provocado pelo AIA deve decorrer de seus efeitos sobre as enzimas amilolíticas. O trabalho também sugere a relevância da ß-amilase para o processo e que esta enzima, ao menos em parte, é regulada por transcrição. No sentido da síntese de sacarose, as atividades de SuSy e SPS não mostraram alterações significativas. A transcrição do mRNA da SuSy e da SPS não foram afetadas. O atraso no acúmulo da sacarose, observado nas fatias infiltradas com o hormônio, pode ser conseqüência da limitação de substrato para a síntese deste açúcar devido ao atraso na degradação do amido. Medidas de etileno revelaram que a produção deste hormônio não foi afetada pelo AIA, sugerindo que a degradação do amido, pelo menos em parte possa ser um evento etileno- independente. Medidas da forma livre do AIA endógeno nas fatias controle e em bananas inteiras, mostraram que os níveis desta auxina decrescem durante o amadurecimento, atingindo os menores valores durante a mobilização do amido. Nas fatias tratadas, as medidas da forma livre do AIA e de seus conjugados mostraram a existência de um eficiente sistema capaz de mobilizar o excesso do hormônio no tecido e acomodando os níveis da forma livre aos mesmos encontrados nas fatias controle e nas bananas inteiras. Esta observação pode ser temporalmente correlacionada ao atraso na degradação do amido. O presente estudo mostrou não apenas a capacidade do AIA em afetar o metabolismo amido-sacarose em bananas mas também sugere que este hormônio pode ser parte dos sinais que regulam o madurecimento em bananas. / During banana ripening, starch degradation and sucrose formation are important processes responsible for the sweetening of ripe fruit. Although has been studied for several years, the regulation and hormonal signals that control these metabolic processes still remains not clear. The objective of this work has been evaluate the effect of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), an auxin with inhibitory effect on ripening, on starch-to-sucrose metabolism and some correlated enzymes. The results showed a delay on starch degradation in slices infiltrated with IAA plus mannitol comparing to slices infiltrated only with mannitol. The activities of alfa- and ß-amylase and alfa-1,4-glucosidase was delayed. Starch phosphorylase was not affected. These results suggest that IAA can delay starch degradation inhibiting, at least partially, the amylolitic activity. Synthesis of ß-amylase mRNA was strong delayed on IAA-treated slices comparing to control slices, indicating that this enzyme could be, at least partially, regulated at the transciptional level. In sucrose synthesis direction, sucrose synthase (SuSy) and sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) activities and mRNA transcription were not affected. This suggests that delay on sucrose formation could be a consequence of lack of substrate, since starch degradation was inhibited. Ethylene measurements didn\'t reveal any significant differences between control and IAA-treated slices suggesting that starch degradation on banana ripening could be a ethylene-independent event. Free endogenous IAA measurements on control slices and whole banana fruit showed that this IAA fraction decrease continuously in the pulp of banana during ripening, reaching the lowest levels at the same time that starch degradation begun. On IAA-treated slices, the free plus conjugate IAA showed the existence of an efficient system that mobilized the hormone excess and brought the free IAA to the same levels of control and whole fruit. This could be timely correlated with the delay on starch degradation. This work shows not only that IAA can delay the starch degradation but also suggest that IAA could be part of regulatory signals involved on banana ripening.
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Silagem de cana-de-açúcar na alimentação de ovinos e caprinos: valor nutritivo, desempenho e comportamento ingestivo / Sugar cane silage for sheep and goats: nutritive value, performance and ingestive behaviorClayton Quirino Mendes 23 June 2006 (has links)
A ensilagem da cana-de-açúcar sem o controle da produção de etanol resulta em silagens de baixa qualidade, podendo reduzir o consumo voluntário e o desempenho animal. O valor nutritivo de silagens de cana-de-açúcar e seus efeitos sobre o desempenho e o comportamento ingestivo de cabras em lactação e de cordeiros confinados foram avaliados em diferentes ensaios. Trinta e nove cabras da raça Saanen foram utilizadas para avaliar o consumo de matéria seca (CMS), a produção e composição do leite, os componentes sangüíneos e o comportamento ingestivo. Trinta cordeiros da raça Santa Inês foram confinados para avaliar o desempenho, as características da carcaça e o comportamento ingestivo. Os animais foram alimentados com rações compostas de 50% de volumoso e 50% de concentrado, diferindo quanto ao tipo do volumoso utilizado: cana-de-açúcar in natura, silagem de cana-de-açúcar sem aditivo e silagem de cana-de-açúcar aditivada com L. buchneri (5x104 ufc/g MV), constituindo os tratamentos experimentais SC, SCS e SCS+Lb, respectivamente. O comportamento ingestivo foi realizado individualmente, com observações feitas a cada cinco minutos. Amostras das silagens foram analisadas para matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), carboidratos solúveis (CHOS), ácido acético e etanol, e as médias foram comparadas com a cana-de-açúcar in natura. A estabilidade aeróbia foi avaliada através do controle da temperatura, pH e perdas de MS das silagens expostas ao ar. Para determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade e o balanço de nitrogênio das rações utilizadas na avaliação de desempenho, 12 borregos foram mantidos em gaiolas para ensaios de metabolismo. O CMS foi maior (P<0,01) para as cabras que receberam o tratamento SC. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) para a produção de leite e produção de leite corrigida para 3,5% de gordura. Os teores de gordura e de sólidos totais no leite foram maiores para as dietas contendo silagem, sendo superior (P<0,01) para o tratamento SCS+Lb. A concentração plasmática de ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNE) e o tempo despendido com ruminação (min/g MS) foi maior (P<0,05) para os animais alimentados com as silagens. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) para o CMS, ganho de peso vivo, conversão alimentar e parâmetros de carcaça dos cordeiros. O tempo de ingestão (min/g FDN) e a eficiência de ruminação foram inferiores (P<0,05) nos cordeiros alimetados com silagem de cana-de-açúcar. A ensilagem da cana-de-açúcar resultou em redução (P<0,01) no teor de carboidratos solúveis e aumento (P<0,01) nas concentrações da FDN, FDA, hemicelulose e ácido acético. Os teores de MS, CHOS e ácido acético foram maiores (P<0,01) para o tratamento SCS+Lb. Não houve diferença (P>0,01) no teor de etanol entre as silagens. A silagem aditivada apresentou menores (P<0,05) perdas de MS, manutenção do pH e maior (P<0,05) estabilidade durante o período de avaliação em aerobiose. O consumo e a digestibilidade aparente da FDN, FDA e hemicelulose foram maiores (P<0,05) para a rações contendo silagem. / Sugar cane ensiled without controlling ethanol production results in low quality roughage and may decrease voluntary feed intake and animal performance. Sugar cane silages nutritive value and their effects on performance and ingestive behavior of lactating goats and feedlot lambs were evaluated in different trials. Thirty-nine Saanen does were used to evaluate dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield and composition, blood parameters and ingestive behavior. Thirty Santa Ines ram lambs were penned to evaluate performance, carcass characteristics and ingestive behavior. Animals were fed a 50:50 (concentrate:roughage ratio) total mixed ration, with different roughages: fresh sugar cane, sugarcane silage without additive and sugar cane silage treated with Lactobacillus buchneri (5x104 cfu/g wet basis) corresponding to the experimental treatments SC, SCS and SCS+Lb, respectively. Ingestive behavior was evaluated individually every 5 minutes for 24 h. Silages were sampled and analyzed for dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), soluble carbohydrates (CHOS), acetic acid and ethanol and compared with fresh sugar cane. Aerobic stability was evaluated by controlling the temperature, pH and dry matter losses of silages exposed to air for a period of ten days. To evaluate apparent digestibility and N metabolism of diets used in the performance trials, 12 ram lambs were placed in metabolism crates. DMI was higher (P<0.01) for goats fed SC. Milk production (MP) and fat corrected milk yield were similar (P>0.05). Milk fat and total solids were greater for diets containing silages. Does fed SCS+Lb diet had higher (P<0.01) milk fat content than SCS. NEFA concentration and time spent with rumination (min/g DM) was higher (P<0.05) for animals fed silage diets. There were no differences (P>0.05) on dry matter intake, average daily gain, feed conversion and carcass parameters of the feedlot lambs. Eating time (min/g NDF) and rumination efficiency (g DM/h) were lower (P<0.05) for lambs fed silage diets. Sugar cane silage decreased (P<0.01) soluble carbohydrates concentrations and increased (P<0.01) NDF, ADF, hemicelulose and acetic acid levels. DM, soluble carbohydrates and acetic acid were higher (P<0,01) for SCS+Lb. There was no difference (P>0.01) on ethanol levels between silages. SCS+Lb treatment had lower (P<0.01) dry matter losses, unchanged pH and greater (P<0.05) aerobic stability. NDF, ADF and hemicelulose intakes and apparent digestibility were higher (P<0.05) for silage treatments.
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jz Vibrational spectroscopic studies and DFT calculations on NaCH₃CO₂(aq) and CH₃COOH(aq)Rudolph, Wolfram W., Fischer, Dieter, Irmer, Gert 02 September 2020 (has links)
Aqueous solutions of sodium acetate, NaCH₃CO₂, and acetic acid, CH₃COOH, were studied using Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The spectra were recorded over a large concentration range, in the terahertz region and up to 4000 cmˉ¹. In the isotropic Raman spectrum in R-format, a polarized band at 189 cmˉ¹ was assigned to the υ₁Na–O stretch of the hydrated Na⁺-ion and a shoulder at 245 cmˉ¹ to the restricted translation band, υsO–H⋯O* of the hydrated acetate ion, CH₃CO₂ˉ(aq). The CH₃CO₂ˉ(aq) and the hydrated acetic acid, CH₃COOH(aq), possess pseudo Cs symmetry. Geometrical parameters for the species in the gas phase and for CH₃CO₂ˉ(aq) and CH₃COOH(aq) are reported. Characteristic bands for CH₃CO2ˉ(aq) and CH₃COOH(aq) were assigned under the guidance of the DFT vibrational frequency calculations and discussed in detail. In aqueous NaCH₃CO₂ solutions, at high concentrations, no contact ion pairs could be detected, but instead solvent separated ion pairs were found. In LiCH₃CO₂(aq), however, contact ion pairs are formed which is indicated by the appearance of a shoulder at 939 cmˉ¹ and the shift of the symmetric stretching mode of the –CO₂ˉ group to higher wavenumbers.
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Molekularbiologische Charakterisierung und funktionelle Analyse des GPR1-Genproduktes in der Hefe Yarrowia lipolyticaAugstein, Antje 12 July 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Fixering av blåssköljvätska för urincytologi : En jämförelse av ThinPrep® CytoLyt solution med fixeringslösning innehållande ättiksyra / Fixation of bladder washings for urine cytology : A comparison of ThinPrep® CytoLyt solution with fixative containing acetic acidLindgren, Pernilla, Söderblom, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Urinblåsecancer är den sjunde vanligaste cancerformen i Sverige där blåssköljvätska utgör det huvudsakliga provmaterialet vid utredning. ThinPrep® är en vanligt förkommande metod som används inom vätskebaserad cytologi vid analys av blåssköljvätska. Fixering av provmaterialet kan försvåra diagnostiken på grund av förändrad morfologi samt artefakter. Studiens syfte var att jämföra erhållet preparatinnehåll från blåssköljvätskor som fixerats med fixeringslösning innehållande ättiksyra med CytoLyt® solution. Studien ämnade även jämföra ThinPrep® filtren ”Non-GYN” och ”UroCyte”. Studien inkluderade 90 patientprover av blåssköljvätska som fixerades med tillsats av ättiksyra samt CytoLyt®, varvid filtren ”Non-GYN” samt ”UroCyte” användes. Preparaten bedömdes av cytodiagnostiker samt cytopatolog utifrån kriterierna: bakgrundsmaterial, cellmängd samt färgbarhet. Resultatet visade att CytoLyt® i kombination med filtret ”Non-GYN” gav ett mer representativt preparat samt lämnade en god bakgrundsbild. Användandet av CytoLyt® resulterade i fler diagnostiska fördelar jämfört med fixering av ättiksyra, vilket även gynnar patienter. / Bladder cancer is the seventh most common form of cancer in Sweden where the main source of material for investigation are bladder washings. A common method within liquid-based cytology for analysis of bladder washings is ThinPrep®. Altered morphology as well as artifacts due to fixation can complicate funkar “the diagnostics of the sample. The aim of this study was to compare the slide content obtained from bladder washings fixed with fixative containing acetic acid with CytoLyt® solution. The study also intended to compare the ThinPrep® filters "Non-GYN" and "UroCyte". A total of 90 samples of bladder washings from patients where included. The samples where fixed with the addition of acetic acid and CytoLyt®, using the "Non-GYN" and "UroCyte" filters. A cytotechnologist and a cytopathologist assessed the preparations based on the criteria background material, cell quantity and the amount of colour change. The results showed that CytoLyt® in combination with the filter "Non-GYN" gave a more representative preparation and provided a good background image. The use of CytoLyt® resulted in more diagnostic benefits compared to fixation with acetic acid, which also benefits patients.
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Mechanism and Prediction of Mild Steel Corrosion in Aqueous Solutions ContainingCarboxylic Acids, Carbon Dioxide, and Hydrogen SulfideKahyarian, Aria January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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