Spelling suggestions: "subject:"activitybased"" "subject:"activity.based""
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Rationale for adopting activity-based costing in hospitals:three longitudinal case studiesJärvinen, J. (Janne) 30 November 2005 (has links)
In the 1990's, a large number of Finnish hospitals began implementing new cost accounting systems, which were aimed at pricing the hospital outputs at full cost. Often the method of choice was activity-based costing, which was in the process of being transferred from the manufacturing industry to health care service production. The aim of this study is to analyse the motivations and rationale of this phenomenon in the light of three longitudinal case studies.
The first case study is archival, using documents produced between 1996 and 2002. In the second case study, the data consists mainly of research diaries and personal observation and covers a hospital district activity-based costing and pricing project of 2000–2001. The third case study covers budgeting and costing development in a private, non-profit hospital by analysing documents and field notes. Institutional theory is used to interpret the findings in the three case studies.
The theoretical framework used in analysing the data draws on Roberts and Greenwood's (1997) ideas, according to which an organisation's rational and efficiency-seeking actions are constrained by both economic (bounded rationality) and institutional factors. The results indicate that different constraints imposed on efficiency-seeking behaviour such as activity-based costing implementation may lead to different solutions concerning implementation. It is noteworthy that while all three case organisations represent the health care sector, their approaches to activity-based costing have been quite dissimilar. While institutional theory leads us to believe that managerial accounting systems may be converging due to the institutional pressures, evidence from the case studies supports the notion that this convergence seems limited to the adoption of the systems – function of the systems seems to remain characteristically different. / Tiivistelmä
Useat suomalaiset sairaalat aloittivat 1990-luvulla laajamittaisia kustannuslaskentaprojekteja, joissa tähdättiin täyskatteiseen hinnoitteluun. Usein valittuna menetelmänä oli toimintolaskenta, jota siirrettiin teollisesta toimintaympäristöstä terveydenhuollon palvelutuotantoon. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella tämän ilmiön syitä ja motiiveja kolmen tapaustutkimuksen valossa, joista kaksi on sairaanhoitopiirejä ja kolmas on voittoa tavoittelemattoman yhteisön omistama yksityinen sairaala.
Ensimmäisessä tapaustutkimuksessa aineisto on dokumentteihin perustuvaa arkistomateriaalia vuosilta 1996–2002. Lisäksi kustannuslaskentamallien rakennetta on tarkasteltu käymällä läpi laskelmissa tehtyjä rakenteellisia ja teknisiä ratkaisuja sekä laskentasääntöjä. Toisessa tapaustutkimuksessa aineisto koostuu pääasiassa tutkijan päiväkirjoista ja havainnoista, ja sisältää sairaanhoitopiirin laajuisen kustannuslaskenta- ja hinnoitteluprojektin kuvauksen vuosilta 2000–2001. Kolmannessa tapaustutkimuksessa käydään läpi yksityisen sairaalan budjetoinnin ja kustannuslaskennan kehitystä dokumentteihin ja tutkijan muistiinpanoihin nojautuen.
Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä aineiston tulkinnassa käytetään Robertsin ja Greenwoodin (1997) rajoitetun tehokkuuden mallia, jonka mukaan organisaation tehostamispyrkimyksiä rajoittavat sekä taloudelliseen rationaalisuuteen liittyvät tekijät (rajoitettu rationaalisuus) että institutionaaliset tekijät. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että erityyppiset rajoittavat tekijät vaikuttavat organisaatioiden tehokkuuspyrkimyksiin (joihin toimintolaskentaprojektit on luettava) siten, että lopputuloksena on erilaisia sovelluksia toimintolaskennan käyttöönotosta. On huomionarvoista, että vaikka kaikki tutkimuksen kohteena olleet tapaukset ovat erikoissairaanhoidon organisaatiota, niiden tavat ottaa toimintolaskenta käyttöön ovat olleet toisistaan hyvin poikkeavia. Vaikka institutionaaliseen teoriaan perustuvasta tutkimuksesta voikin tehdä sellaisen johtopäätöksen, että ulkoiset paineet muovaavat organisaatioita samanlaisiksi, näiden tapaustutkimusten perusteella on mahdollista väittää, että samanlaisuuden paineet liittyvät laskentajärjestelmien käyttöönottoon järjestelmien toiminnan jäädessä varsin erityyppisiksi.
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On digital forensic readiness for information privacy incidentsReddy, Kamil 26 September 2012 (has links)
The right to information privacy is considered a basic human right in countries that recognise the right to privacy. South Africa, and other countries that recognise this right, offer individuals legal protections for their information privacy. Individuals, organisations and even governments in these countries often have an obligation under such laws to protect information privacy. Large organisations, for example, multinational companies and government departments are of special concern when it comes to protecting information privacy as they often hold substantial amounts of information about many individuals. The protection of information privacy, therefore, has become ever more significant as technological advances enable information privacy to be breached with increasing ease. There is, however, little research on holistic approaches to protecting information privacy in large organisations. Holistic approaches take account of both technical and non-technical factors that affect information privacy. Nontechnical factors may include the management of information privacy protection measures and other factors such as manual business processes and organisational policies. Amongst the protections that can be used by large organisations to protect information privacy is the ability to investigate incidents involving information privacy. Since large organisations typically make extensive use of information technology to store or process information, such investigations are likely to involve digital forensics. Digital forensic investigations require a certain amount of preparedness or readiness for investigations to be executed in an optimal fashion. The available literature on digital forensics and digital forensic readiness (DFR), unfortunately, does not specifically deal with the protection of information privacy, which has requirements over and above typical digital forensic investigations that are more concerned with information security breaches. The aim of this thesis, therefore, is to address the lack of research into DFR with regard to information privacy incidents. It adopts a holistic approach to DFR since many of the necessary measures are non-technical. There is, thus, an increased focus on management as opposed to specific technical issues. In addressing the lack of research into information privacy-specific DFR, the thesis provides large organisations with knowledge to better conduct digital forensic investigations into information privacy incidents. Hence, it allows for increased information privacy protection in large organisations because investigations may reveal the causes of information privacy breaches. Such breaches may then be prevented in future. The ability to conduct effective investigations also has a deterrent effect that may dissuade attempts at breaching information privacy. This thesis addresses the lack of research into information privacy-specific DFR by presenting a framework that allows large organisations to develop a digital forensic readiness capability for information privacy incidents. The framework is an idealistic representation of measures that can be taken to develop such a capability. In reality, large organisations operate within cost constraints. We therefore also contribute by showing how a cost management methodology known as time-driven activity-based costing can be used to determine the cost of DFR measures. Organisations are then able to make cost versus risk decisions when deciding which measures in the framework they wish to implement. Lastly, we introduce the concept of a digital forensics management system. The management of DFR in a large organisation can be a difficult task prone to error as it involves coordinating resources across multiple departments and organisational functions. The concept of the digital forensics management system proposed here allows management to better manage DFR by providing a central system from which information is available and control is possible. We develop an architecture for such a system and validate the architecture through a proof-of-concept prototype. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Computer Science / unrestricted
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Mer än bara ett myndighetskontor : En studie om hur ett myndighetskontor kan utformas för att främja arbetsgruppens önskade arbetssätt.Karlsson, Therese January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är en studie i hur en kontorsmiljö i form utav fyra stycken cellkontor och ett konferensrum kan utformas för en myndighet. Med syfte att skapa ett gestaltningsförslag som visualiserar möjliga lösningar för kontorets arbetsgrupp, för att sedan utformas till en aktivitetsbaserad kontorsmiljö som ska stödja arbetsgruppens behov och arbetssätt. Samarbetet har varit tillsammans med Näringslivsenheten i Stadshuset, Eskilstuna. Arbetsgruppen på Näringslivsenheten upplever att de vill vara mer integrerade med varandra då det är en stor del av deras arbetssätt. Väggarna, som cellkontoren innebär, skapar barriärer mellan användarna och medför en påverkan av deras arbetssätt. Lokalerna som verksamheten befinner sig i saknar även en identitet som speglar verksamhetens arbete och värden. Studien baseras på teori och litteratur om den rumsliga miljön, aktivitetsbaserat kontor, zoner i kontorsmiljön, kognitivt perspektiv, affordans, färg, ljus och kreativitetens betydelse i kontorsmiljön. Metoderna som använts i studien är: Human centered-design, platsanalys, kvalitativ intervju, observation, workshop, 3D modell och analys av insamlad data. Resultatet av studien visar ett gestaltningsförslag på en aktivitetsbaserad kontorsmiljö som innefattar funktioner som bygger på användarnas behov. Resultatet ska vara ett inspirationsmaterial till Näringslivsenheten för en eventuell framtida genomförning. Samtidigt som det även är ett inspirationsmaterial till övriga användare i kontorsmiljöer som är ute efter en aktivitetsbaserad kontorsmiljö. / This is a study of how an office environment in the form of four cell offices and a conference room can be designed for a local authority. The purpose of the study is to provide a design proposal that visualizes possible solutions for the office's workgroup, which may then be transformed into an activity-based office that will support the users’ needs and working methods. This study was written in cooperation with the Business Unit in the City Hall, Eskilstuna. The working team at the Business Unit wants to be more integrated with each other as it is a major part of their way of working. The walls of the cell offices create barriers between users and negatively affect their preferred way of working. The premises in which the business is located also lacks an identity that reflects their work and their values. The study is based on theory and literature on the spatial environment, activity-based office, office environment zones, cognitive perspective, affordance, color, light and the importance of creativity in the office environment. The methods used in the study are: Human centered-design, site analysis, qualitative interview, observation, workshop, 3D model and analysis of collected data. The result of the study shows a design proposal in an activity-based office environment that includes features based on user needs. The result will be an inspiration to the Business Unit for a possible future implementation. At the same time, it is also an inspiration for other users in office environments that are looking for an activity-based office environment.
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Riadenie nákladov na IS/ICT vo vybranej spoločnosti / Management of IS/ICT costs in selected companyGazda, Štefan January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on IS/ICT cost management. The purpose of this thesis is to create an IS/ICT cost model based on the principles of managerial method ABC (Activity Based Costing) for business informatics of selected company. The theoretical part is focused on costs in IS/ICT, their classification and management, with the analyze of the reasons for continuous growth of IS/ICT cost management. A significant part of this section is a characteristic of ABC method and a description of different phases in creation of ABC model. The practical part of the thesis presents a selected company, its business informatics and an organizational structure. Subsequently the current state of IS/ICT cost management is described and analyzed. Based on the analysis and with regard to objectives of the company in the future, a new IS/ICT cost allocation model is designed. For the purpose of calculating and determining of intradepartmental prices for ICT services, a process of allocating and calculating costs is simulated on the new designed model, with the use of current and historical data of the company. At the end of the practical part, the results achieved through the designed model and the results of the current method of allocation and calculation costs are compared.
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Optimalizace podnikových procesů v LEF s.r.o. / Optimization of business processes in the company LEF s.r.o.Grombíř, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis deals with optimization of business processes in a food company. For this purpose the attention is paid to the three areas, namely process analysis, implementation of activity based costing model and business process optimization. The theoretical part describes the linkage between process analysis and activity based costing and acts as theoretical framework for practical part of the thesis. Presented cost model is implemented in existing company and information provided by model is used for business process optimization.
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Měření ziskovosti korporátních zákazníků v bankovnictví / Measurement of customers´ profitability in corporate bankingVacek, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation thesis aims to establish a complex theoretical basis for a measurement of customer's profitability which can be easily used in the practice. The main reason for that is the absence of such publication in the current academic sphere. A combination of management accounting and knowledge of banking enables to achieve the aim. The thesis itself is closely linked to the banking practice. There are derived customer's profitability indicators as modifications of the popular RAROC in which a customer margin is used instead of net profit. There is designed a simplified way of operational cost allocation. Questionnaires and interviews with senior representatives of seven Czech banks helped to identify the most significant labor-intensity factors of corporate customers. The description of principal features of risk costs and derivation of formulas for profitability variances are also the part of the thesis. The theoretical part is followed by the practical one where a contemporary banking practice of corporate customer's profitability measurement on the Czech market is explored. It identified three weak points -- cost allocation, profitability variances and one-year horizon of a calculation. At the end, the theoretical basis is applied on an existing customer portfolio and the result is compared with a currently used customer's profitability measurement.
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An initial implementation of a multi-agent transport simulator for South AfricaFourie, P.J. (Pieter Jacobus) 24 June 2009 (has links)
Transport demand planning in South Africa is a neglected field of study, using obsolete methods to model an extremely complex, dynamic system composed of an eclectic mix of First and Third World transport technologies, infrastructure and economic participants. We identify agent-based simulation as a viable modelling paradigm capable of capturing the effects emerging from the complex interactions within the South African transport system, and proceed to implement the Multi-Agent Transport Simulation Toolkit (MATSim) for South Africa's economically important Gauteng province. This report describes the procedure followed to transform household travel survey, census and Geographic Information System (GIS) data into an activity-based transport demand description, executed on network graphs derived from GIS shape files. We investigate the influence of network resolution on solution quality and simulation time, by preparing a full network representation and a small version, containing no street-level links. Then we compare the accuracy of our data-derived transport demand with a lower bound solution. Finally the simulation is tested for repeatability and convergence. Comparisons of simulated versus actual traffic counts on important road network links during the morning and afternoon rush hour peaks show a minimum mean relative error of less than 40%. Using the same metric, the small network differs from the full representation by a maximum of 2% during the morning peak hour, but the full network requires three times as much memory to execute, and takes 5.2 times longer to perform a single iteration. Our census- and travel survey-derived demand performs significantly better than uniformly distributed random pairings of home- and work locations, which we took to be analogous to a lower bound solution. The smallest difference in corresponding mean relative error between the two cases comes to more than 50%. We introduce a new counts ratio error metric that removes the bias present in traditional counts comparison error metrics. The new metric shows that the spread (standard deviation) of counts comparison values for the random demand is twice to three times as large as that of our reference case. The simulation proves highly repeatable for different seed values of the pseudo-random number generator. An extended simulation run reveals that full systematic relaxation requires 400 iterations. Departure time histograms show how agents 'learn' to gradually load the network while still complying with activity constraints. The initial implementation has already sparked further research. Current priorities are improving activity assignment, incorporating commercial traffic and public transport, and the development and implementation of the minibus taxi para-transit mode. Copyright / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Industrial and Systems Engineering / unrestricted
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Vad händer när övergången förändras? : En studie om hur övergången mellan studie-zonen och fritids-zonen påverkas samt hur det kan synliggöras, när studenter genomför sina studier hemifrån på distansStrand, Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
This is a bachelor thesis in information design, focusing on spatial design. This study examens the situation of remote study from home during the covid-19-pandamic. With a spatial perspective regarding new routines, and with a focus on zones, boundaries and transitions between studies and free time. How does the transition from having lessons on campus to only having lessons digitally from home effect the user? What approaches are there to use to ease the situation. How can the differences between free time and studies be communicated in a clearly and informative way? The study addresses contemporary and past research as well as theories, regarding activity- based offices, boundaries, transitions and notations. The study addresses also the execution and results of methods, including a questionnaire, user test and interview, and the AEIOU- method. The projects design process with its different phases is also addressed, where the structure of the project model and the design process were an important and interesting component that contributed to the continued work on the project. Based on all this a design proposal is produced in form of a concept, with the purpose of being a support for student and facilitate the situation when it comes to remote study from home. / Detta är ett examensarbete inom informationsdesign, med inriktning rumslig gestaltning. Projektet undersöker situationen av att studera digitalt hemifrån under Covid-19-pandemin. Med ett rumsligt perspektiv gällande nya rutiner, och med fokus på zoner, gränser och övergångar mellan studier och fritid. Hur påverkas användaren av omställningen av att ha övergått till att genomföra studierna digitalt hemifrån, från att tidigare varit på plats på campus för att ha lektioner? Vilka tillvägagångsätt finns det att använda för att underlätta situationen. Hur kan skillnaden mellan fritid och studier kommuniceras på ett tydligt och informativt sätt? Rapporten tar upp samtida och tidigare forskning samt teorier, gällande bland annat aktivitetsbaserade kontor, gränser, övergångar och notationer. Rapporten tar även upp genomförande och resultat av metoder, vilket inkluderar frågeformulär, användartest och intervju, samt AEIOU-metoden. Även projektets designprocess med olika faser och moment lyfts i rapporten, där uppbyggnaden av projektmodeller och designprocessen var en viktig och intressant komponent som även de bidrog till det fortsatta arbetet med projektet. Och utifrån allt detta tas slutligen ett gestaltningsförslag fram som ska understödja studenter och underlätta situationen av att studera digitalt hemifrån, i form av ett koncept.
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Hodnocení bonity zákazníků podniku / Financial Standing valuation of the Company´s CustomersKočvarová, Soňa January 2007 (has links)
This master´s thesis analyses and values state-of-the-art of debts control in company Becker Acroma spol. s r.o. Includes projects and provisions which call into financial standing valuation of the company´s customers system which will be improves to debts control and which call into better customers solvent morale.
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Hodnotový management a controlling / Value management and controllingŠimeček, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with the possibilities of utilizing value management and controlling methods and instruments in medical facilities with the purpose of economical, effective and efficient use of disposable resources of these organisations. The reason why this topic was chosen is endeavour to prove that the controlling system can be implemented in medical facilities and thus effectiveness of financial management in these organisations increased. The aim of the thesis is to analyse main problems and currently value management and controlling methods and instruments use in medical facilities and based on this analysis identify suitable value management and controlling methods usable management system framework of medical facility. The thesis based on the utility functions analysis of the most important actors of the health services market evaluates the potential growth of efficiency of these services introducing the Diagnosis Related Groups system of Financing and using theoretical model of this market. In consequence questionnaire survey analysis currently praxis of medical facilities management in Czech Republic compared with corporate sector and identifies possibilities of value management and controlling application in medical facilities. Currently is identified suitable costs calculation and management instrument for medical facilities in the framework of ABC/M, whereas planning and controlling process is projected in the framework of ABC/M using original mathematical methods for complex in-house price accounting and complex in-house process prices cost calculations based on for this purpose key usage of linear algebra tools for business economy as tool for mathematical model creation, which makes possible the fair description of firm in-house cost flow without any approximations and simplifications. This tool provides for practice important analytical comfort and essentially makes the scale of econometrical tools longer in the field of business management. In the case study is presented costs and calculations model of medical facility based on Activity Based Costing principles inclusive integrative suggestion of usage comprehensive system of the financial management based on advantages offered by the model of business cost flow listed above in framework of executive information system. Contribution of the doctoral thesis for theory and its contribution for further development of medical facilities management and managerial practice are emphasized in the end part thesis.
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