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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Altruísmo, percepção de justiça, estresse agudo e cortisol em estudantes universitários

Ugarte, Luíza Mugnol January 2016 (has links)
O altruísmo é um importante constructo comportamental envolvido nas relações sociais; mesmo que aparentemente não haja ganho imediato em ações altruístas, o objetivo de favorecer o progresso do grupo e da sociedade resulta no beneficiamento do próprio agente. Objetivos são mais facilmente alcançados com a ajuda de outros, ao mesmo tempo que há melhora na qualidade das relações sociais. Alguns fatores influenciam o comportamento altruísta, o estresse é um deles; a indução aguda de estresse pode ser eficiente em verificar comportamentos a curto prazo em laboratório, apesar de não haver consenso de que maneira este modifica as intenções de ajuda e o comportamento prósocial. O estresse também pode influenciar a maneira como avaliamos a distribuição de dinheiro ou bens feita por outrem: percepção de justiça. O Jogo do Ditador mostrase eficiente para analisar altruísmo e percepção de justiça, assim como o cortisol salivar se mostra capaz em auxiliar a análise do estresse agudo. Este trabalho avaliou em 94 estudantes universitários, de diversos cursos da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, se a indução de estresse agudo via tarefa de estresse social (T rier Social Stress Task ) relacionase a comportamentos altruístas e maior avaliação negativa para divisões injustas de dinheiro em dois jogos do ditador computadorizados a interação em ambos foi com desconhecidos. Os grupos foram divididos em dois sexos e em duas condições: experimental estresse e controle placebo. O dinheiro fictício usado para jogar foi ganho em uma tarefa de planejamento, executada em seguida da indução de estresse. Este foi mensurado por duas medidas fisiológicas: batimentos cardíacos e coleta de saliva para análise de cortisol; e por resposta de autoavaliação de ansiedade; as sessões duraram 60 minutos. Não foram encontradas correlações entre medidas fisiológicas e tomada de decisão egoísta, entretanto, encontrouse diferenças estatísticas significativas comportamentais entre os grupos: mulheres do grupo de controle são mais altruístas, quando dividem montantes mais altos de dinheiro; o grupo experimental avaliou como mais injustas ofertas egoístas (menor parte para ele(a)) do montante mais baixo e também como menos injustas ofertas altruístas (maior parte para ele(a)) do montante mais alto; os grupos também diferiram significativamente na oferta de divisão feita a desconhecidos; ademais, o grupo experimental levou mais tempo para iniciar a tarefa de planejamento do que o controle para ambos sexos. Concluise que medidas fisiológicas não se relacionam aos resultados pósestresse, porém diferenças comportamentais podem ser analisadas. Inferese que mulheres tem comportamentos mais altruístas por influência cultural. Percepção de justiça aumentada, comportamento egoísta e aumento do tempo de preparação na tarefa de planejamento podem ser o resultado do aumento da carga cognitiva por efeito da indução de estresse. / Altruism is an important behavioral construct in social relations; even though it appears to be no immediate gain in selfless actions. The purpose of promoting the group's and society’s progress results in the agent's own benefit. Goals are more easily achieved with the help of others, while there is improvement in the quality of social relations. Some factors have influence in altruistic behavior, stress is one of them; inducing acute stress can be effective in checking behaviors in imediate reaction in the laboratory, although there is no consensus on how this modifies intentions to help others and prosocial behavior. Stress can also influence how we evaluate the distribution of cash or goods made by others: perception of justice. The Dictator Game proves efficient to analize altruism and sense of justice, and salivary cortisol has shown able to assist in the analysis of acute stress. This study evaluated the impact of acute stress induction on 94 university students of different graduation courses of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Acute stress was induced via social stress task (Trier Social Stress Task) to identify if it relates to altruistic behavior and the negative assessment to unfair money distribution in two computerized dictator games. The subjects in both games were unknown to each other. Subjects were divided by sex and than two groups: experimental stress condition and control placebo condition. The fictitious money used to play was won in a planning task, followed by the stress induction. The impact was measured by two physiological metrics: heart rate and saliva collection for cortisol analysis; and the selfassessment test of anxiety. Each individual sessions lasted 60 minutes. Correlations between physiological measurements and the making of selfish decision were not found. However, significant statistical behaviors differences were found between: the control group of women who were more altruistic when dividing larger amounts of money; t he experimental group evaluated selfish money offers as more unfair in the lower cash amount experiment (lower share for him/her). We also found as less unfair the altruistic offers made on the experiment’s larger cash amount (highest share for him/her). The groups also differ significantly in the division of money made to unknown individuals; in addition, the experimental group took longer to start the planning task than the control group for both sexes. We conclude that physiological measures are not related to poststress results, but behavioral differences can be analyzed. It appears that women tend to be more altruistic because of cultural influence. Increased perception of justice, selfish behavior and longer time taking to plan the planning task can be the result of increased cognitive overload as a result of induction of stress.

Transtorno de estresse agudo : um estudo sobre as características de personalidade e estilos defensivos em pacientes vítimas de trauma físico

Santana, Márcia Rosane Moreira January 2015 (has links)
O Transtorno de Estresse Agudo (TEA) reúne o conjunto dos sintomas presentes nos indivíduos diante exposição a um evento traumático. A maneira como os indivíduos enfrentam os acontecimentos da vida está relacionada a vários fatores como as características de personalidade e ao estilo defensivo, ambos com uma importante influência no momento pós-trauma. O objetivo desta investigação foi pesquisar as caracteristicas de personalidade e o estilo defensivo em pacientes que sofreram trauma físico e desenvolveram TEA. O delinemeanto utilizado foi um estudo transversal controlado. A amostra foi por conveniência, composta por 18 pacientes com TEA e 42 pacientes sem TEA que sofreram trauma físico e necessitaram de internação em um Hospital referência em trauma em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os instrumentos utilizados foram um questionário estruturado, entrevista clínica, questionário de nível sócio econômico (NSE), questionário de Estilo Defensivo (DSQ), Bateria Fatorial de Peronalidade (BFP) e “The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview” (M.I.N.I.). Resultados: Os dois grupos apresentarm uma distribuição homogênea em relação às variáveis clínicas e demográficas. Indivíduos com TEA apresentaram médias elevadas no fator de Neuroticismo da Bateria Fatorial de Personalidade, bem como nas sub-facetas de vulnerabilidade, instabilidade emocional e depressão. Em relação aos mecanismos defensivos foi demonstrado que a projeção, a agressão passiva, a atuação, o deslocamento, a cisão e a somatização podem estar relacionados a uma maior chance para o desenvolvimento de transtorno de estresse agudo em vítimas de trauma físico. Nesta amostra, os pacientes que desenvolveram transtorno de estresse agudo utilizaram mecanismos de defesas mais primitivos quando comparados aos indivíduos que não desenvolveram TEA. Além disso, são pessoas mais instáveis emocionalmente, apresentando um padrão de comportamento negativo em relação aos eventos cotidianos. / The Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) covers all the symptoms present in individuals before exposure to a traumatic event. The way individuals face the events of life is related to several factors such as personality characteristics and defensive style, both with an important influence in the post traumatic moment. The purpose of this research is to investigate the personality characteristics and defensive style in patients who have suffered physical trauma and developed ASD. The delimitation used was a controlled cross-sectional study. A convenience sample was used, consisting of 18 patients with ASD and 42 healthy who have suffered physical trauma and required admission to a referral hospital in trauma in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The instruments used were a structured questionnaire, clinical interview, questionnaire (NSE), Defensive Style Questionnaire (DSQ), Factorial Personality Battery (BFP) and The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Results: The two groups presented a homogeneous distribution in relation to clinical and demographic variables. Individuals with ASD had a high average in Neuroticism factor of Personality Factor Battery and the vulnerability of sub-facets, emotional instability and depression. In relation to the defensive mechanisms it has been shown that the projection, passive aggression, acting, displacement, division and somatization may be related to a greater chance for the development of acute stress disorder in physical trauma. In this sample, patients who developed acute stress disorder used more primitive defense mechanisms when compared to the patients without acute stress disorder. Besides that, they are more emotionally unstable people, having a negative pattern of behavior in relation to the daily events.

Transtorno de estresse agudo : um estudo sobre as características de personalidade e estilos defensivos em pacientes vítimas de trauma físico

Santana, Márcia Rosane Moreira January 2015 (has links)
O Transtorno de Estresse Agudo (TEA) reúne o conjunto dos sintomas presentes nos indivíduos diante exposição a um evento traumático. A maneira como os indivíduos enfrentam os acontecimentos da vida está relacionada a vários fatores como as características de personalidade e ao estilo defensivo, ambos com uma importante influência no momento pós-trauma. O objetivo desta investigação foi pesquisar as caracteristicas de personalidade e o estilo defensivo em pacientes que sofreram trauma físico e desenvolveram TEA. O delinemeanto utilizado foi um estudo transversal controlado. A amostra foi por conveniência, composta por 18 pacientes com TEA e 42 pacientes sem TEA que sofreram trauma físico e necessitaram de internação em um Hospital referência em trauma em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os instrumentos utilizados foram um questionário estruturado, entrevista clínica, questionário de nível sócio econômico (NSE), questionário de Estilo Defensivo (DSQ), Bateria Fatorial de Peronalidade (BFP) e “The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview” (M.I.N.I.). Resultados: Os dois grupos apresentarm uma distribuição homogênea em relação às variáveis clínicas e demográficas. Indivíduos com TEA apresentaram médias elevadas no fator de Neuroticismo da Bateria Fatorial de Personalidade, bem como nas sub-facetas de vulnerabilidade, instabilidade emocional e depressão. Em relação aos mecanismos defensivos foi demonstrado que a projeção, a agressão passiva, a atuação, o deslocamento, a cisão e a somatização podem estar relacionados a uma maior chance para o desenvolvimento de transtorno de estresse agudo em vítimas de trauma físico. Nesta amostra, os pacientes que desenvolveram transtorno de estresse agudo utilizaram mecanismos de defesas mais primitivos quando comparados aos indivíduos que não desenvolveram TEA. Além disso, são pessoas mais instáveis emocionalmente, apresentando um padrão de comportamento negativo em relação aos eventos cotidianos. / The Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) covers all the symptoms present in individuals before exposure to a traumatic event. The way individuals face the events of life is related to several factors such as personality characteristics and defensive style, both with an important influence in the post traumatic moment. The purpose of this research is to investigate the personality characteristics and defensive style in patients who have suffered physical trauma and developed ASD. The delimitation used was a controlled cross-sectional study. A convenience sample was used, consisting of 18 patients with ASD and 42 healthy who have suffered physical trauma and required admission to a referral hospital in trauma in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The instruments used were a structured questionnaire, clinical interview, questionnaire (NSE), Defensive Style Questionnaire (DSQ), Factorial Personality Battery (BFP) and The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Results: The two groups presented a homogeneous distribution in relation to clinical and demographic variables. Individuals with ASD had a high average in Neuroticism factor of Personality Factor Battery and the vulnerability of sub-facets, emotional instability and depression. In relation to the defensive mechanisms it has been shown that the projection, passive aggression, acting, displacement, division and somatization may be related to a greater chance for the development of acute stress disorder in physical trauma. In this sample, patients who developed acute stress disorder used more primitive defense mechanisms when compared to the patients without acute stress disorder. Besides that, they are more emotionally unstable people, having a negative pattern of behavior in relation to the daily events.

Effets d'un stress aigu sur le rappel mnésique : approches comportementale et endocrinienne chez la souris jeune et âgée

Tronche, Christophe 11 December 2009 (has links)
Nous avons évalué les conséquences sur un plan endocrinien et cognitif de l’administration d’un stress aigu chez la souris BalbC jeune (6 mois) ou d’âge moyen (16 mois). Le stress aigu a été appliqué 5, 60 ou 120 minutes avant la phase de rappel dans une épreuve de mémoire contextuelle. La concentration en corticostérone hippocampique a été mesurée avant et après le stress. Suite à l'administration du stress, elle augmente rapidement (dès 15 minutes post-stress) et est inversement liée au rappel mnésique. En effet, plus la concentration de corticostérone hippocampique est élevée, plus faible est la réponse hippocampe-dépendante. Les effets cognitif et endocrinien du stress ont été reproduits par l'administration de corticostérone dans l'hippocampe et ont été bloqués par la métyrapone. Le vieillissement accroit l’anxiété et induit des conséquences sur le plan mnésique comparable à celles du stress chez la souris jeune. De plus, la concentration de corticostérone hippocampique, basale ou en réponse au stress, est plus élevée et durable chez les animaux âgés, par rapport aux jeunes. Par ailleurs, l’administration de diazépam 30 minutes avant le rappel chez la souris d’âge-moyen atténue les effets délétères du stress sur la mémoire et la concentration hippocampique de corticostérone. Ces données suggèrent que la perturbation de l'axe HPA chez la souris âgée joue un rôle clef dans les troubles de mémoire hippocampe-dépendants induits par le vieillissement. / The cognitive and endocrinal consequences of an acute stress were studied in young (6 months) and middle-aged (16 months) BalbC mice. Acute stress was delivered 5, 60 or 120 minutes before the retrieval phase of a contextual memory task. Hippocampal corticosterone concentration was measured before and after stress delivery by microdialysis. The acute stress induces a rapid hippocampal corticosterone rise in relation with a cognitive impairment. Indeed, when the level of hippocampal corticosterone is high, the cognitive performance of hippocampal-dependent memory is impaired. Moreover, the cognitive and endocrinal effects of stress were mimicked using corticosterone microinjection in the hippocampus, whereas metyrapone (an inhibitor of corticosterone synthesis) blocked it. The consequences of aging on memory retrieval are similar to stress effects in young mice. Furthermore, pre and post-stress hippocampal corticosterone concentration is higher in middle-aged as compared to young mice. In addition, the increase in hippocampal corticosterone is longer in middle-aged in contrast to young mice. Finally, the administration of diazepam in middle-aged mice (30 minutes before the retrieval test phase) attenuates the deleterious effects of an acute stress on memory retrieval and the increase in hippocampal corticosterone concentration. In conclusion, our data suggest that HPA axis dysregulation, observed in middle-aged subjects, plays a key role in episodic-like memory impairments induced by aging.

Job Insecurity and its Association with Specific Health and Well-Being Outcomes

Küth, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Perceived job insecurity (JI) among employees is a common problem in our globalized economy that is characterized by competition and demands flexibility from both employees and employers. The existing literature presents a lot of evidence for the impact of JI on general physical health and psychological well-being outcomes, but asks for more longitudinal research on the impact of JI on specific outcomes, controlled for their baseline levels. The current study addresses this gap in existing research and investigates the associations between JI and diagnosed major depression, diagnosed acute stress, sleep quality, and the health-related behaviors of smoking and snussing in two Swedish samples from Stockholm and Norrland, over long time spans (up to 17 years for the Stockholm sub-sample). Data was obtained from the WOLF study. Results are mixed. For the Stockholm sub-sample, job insecurity correlates with most outcome measures except diagnosed stress, and predicts small shares of variance of sleep quality, the number of cigarettes participants smoke, and if participants use snus. The Norrland sub-sample replicates the impact of JI on general health and hints at a relationship between JI and sleep quality, but no other correlations with health-related behaviors or diagnoses were significant. Reasons for the differences among the sub-samples and limitations of the study are discussed.

Estresse e memória Efeito do estresse agudo e crônico na retenção da memória em diferentes perfis de personalidade em tilápias-do-Nilo /

Barretto, Adriana Beatriz. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Percília Cardoso Giaquinto / Resumo: CAPÍTULO 1 – Neste estudo avaliamos o efeito do estresse agudo e crônico na memória de aprendizagem de tilápias-do-Nilo com diferentes perfis de personalidade. Inicialmente definimos a personalidade dos peixes através de testes de objeto novo e exposição a um predador, classificando-os em shy (tímido) ou bold (ousado) e em seguida estes indivíduos foram condicionados por um método simples de condicionamento clássico como forma de aprendizagem para posterior avaliação da memória. Os peixes shy foram então divididos em dois grupos, sendo que em um deles os peixes foram diariamente estressados por hipóxia, perseguição com rede ou confinamento (grupo shy-experimental) por 64 dias consecutivos, enquanto que no outro grupo os peixes permaneceram apenas isolados (grupo shy-controle) pelo mesmo período de tempo. O mesmo procedimento foi adotado com os peixes classificados como bold. Nesse mesmo período, testes de memória foram realizados em dias específicos, tanto nos grupos experimental quanto nos grupos controle. Ao final do experimento, reavaliamos se as personalidades se mantiveram. Obtivemos que o estresse agudo afetou a memória de aprendizado em peixes, principalmente em indivíduos com perfil de personalidade shy. CAPÍTULO 2 – Aqui desenvolvemos uma metodologia simples de condicionamento clássico facilmente aplicável em laboratórios de experimentação com peixes, quando comparados aos métodos descritos na literatura atual, onde os estímulos geralmente aplicados para condicioname... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: CHAPTER 1 - In this study we evaluated the effect of acute and chronic stress in learning memory of Nile tilapia with different personality profiles. Initially we defined the personality of the fish through the testo f new object and exposure to a predator, classifying them as shy or bold, and then these individuals were conditioned by a simple method of classical conditioning as a way of learning to evaluation of memory. The shy fish were divided into two groups, and in one group the fish were daily stressed by hypoxia, net chase or confinement (shy-experimental group) for 64 consecutive days, while in the other group the fish remained only isolated (shy-control group) for the same time period. The same procedure was adopted with fish classified as bold. During the same period, memory tests were performed on specific days, in both groups, experimental and control group. At the end of the experiment, we reevaluated whether the personalities held. We found that acute stress affected learning memory in fish, especially in individuals with shy personality profiles. CHAPTER 2 - Here we develop a classical conditioning methodology easily applicable in fish experimentation laboratories when compared to the methods described in the current literature, where the stimuli generally applied for conditioning (sound or light) can interfere with the responses of experimental animals present in the same laboratory. For this conditioning, we isolate the fish in individual aquariums and intro... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Psychological Hardiness and Biochemical Markers of Acute Stress

McCoy, Paula K. 08 1900 (has links)
The establishment of physiological norms for psychologically hardy vs. non-hardy individuals was attempted by examination of levels of salivary cortisol and urinary norepinephrine before and after a mid-term examination stressor. Normative data was collected on the reported frequency of stressors and their severity one week prior to the examination, and self-reported ratings of stress immediately prior to the examination. Performance on the examination as a function of hardiness was explored. Associations between demographic variables and psychological hardiness were also studied. Results from this study were inconclusive in establishing physiological norms for psychologically hardy individuals. Associations were found between: 1) hardiness and frequency of stressors; 2) hardiness and age; and 3) self-reported ratings of stress and anxiety as measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI).

The effect of stress on the explore-exploit dilemma

Ferguson, Thomas 05 April 2022 (has links)
When humans are faced with multiple options, they must decide whether to choose a novel or less certain option (explore) or stick with what they know (exploit). Exploration is a fundamental cognitive process. Importantly, when humans attempt to solve the explore-exploit dilemma, they must effectively incorporate both feedback and uncertainty to guide their actions. While prior work has shown that both acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) stress can disrupt how humans solve the explore-exploit dilemma, the mechanisms of how this occurs are unclear. For example, does stress disrupt how people integrate feedback to guide their decisions to explore or exploit, or does stress disrupt computations of uncertainty regarding their choices? Importantly, the use of electroencephalography as a tool can help reveal the impact of stress on explore-exploit decision making by measuring neural signals sensitive to feedback learning and uncertainty. In the present dissertation, I provide evidence from a series of experiments where I examined the impact of both acute and chronic stress on the explore-exploit dilemma while electroencephalographic data was collected. In experiment 1, I exposed participants to an acute stressor and then examined their decisions to switch or stay – as a proxy for explore and exploit decisions – in a multi-arm bandit paradigm. I found tentative evidence that the acute stress response disrupted both the feedback learning signal (the reward positivity) and the uncertainty signal (the switch P300). In experiment 2 I adopted a computational neuroscience approach and directly classified participants decisions as explorations or exploitations using reinforcement learning models. There was only an effect of the acute stress response on feedback signals, in this case, the feedback P300. In experiments 1 and 2, I used contextual bandit tasks where the reward probabilities of the options shifted throughout, and there was no behavioural effect of acute stress on task performance or exploration rate. However, in experiment 3, I examined a learnable bandit where one option was preferred. Again, using computational modelling and electroencephalography, I found tentative evidence that the acute stress response disrupted the feedback learning signals (the feedback P300) and stronger evidence that acute stress disrupted the uncertainty signal (the exploration P300). As well, I observed that the acute stress response reduced task performance and increased exploration rate. Lastly, in experiment 4, I examined the impact of chronic stress exposure on explore-exploit decision making and electrophysiology – while I found no effects of chronic stress, I believe future research is necessary. Taken together, these findings provide novel evidence for the neural mechanisms of how the acute stress response impacts the explore-exploit dilemma through disruptions to feedback learning and assessments of uncertainty. These findings also highlight how theories of the P300 signal may not be properly capturing the varied role of the P300 in cognition. / Graduate

Maternal High-Salt Diet During Pregnancy in Sprague Dawley Rats Programs Exaggerated Stress-Induced Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Responses in Adult Female Offspring

King, Summer Hayes 03 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The prenatal environment has been shown to have lasting effects on cardiovascular health. In the present study, pregnant rats were fed a 0.7% NaCl normal salt (NS) diet or an 8% NaCl high salt (HS) diet throughout pregnancy. Adult offspring were fitted with radiotelemetry probes to continuously measure blood pressure and heart rate. Rats were placed in restraining cages to test for a programmed acute stress hyperresponsiveness. Offspring were challenged with HS diet for one week to determine if blood pressure salt sensitivity had been programmed by the prenatal HS diet. Animals were killed following resting and acute stress conditions, after which brains and blood were collected for in situ hybridization for corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) and radioimmunoassay for corticosterone. In order to determine the contribution of gene expression to differences seen, total brain RNA was analyzed with microarray. Rats were injected with a ganglionic blocker and an adrenergic receptor antagonist before restraint to examine the autonomic component of the stress response. High salt offspring of either sex did not have basal hypertension. Female HS offspring had an increased pressor and tachycardic response to acute stress compared with NS females. There were no differences between male NS and HS offspring during acute stress. Salt sensitivity was not induced during high salt challenge. According to the microarray, 11 genes were upregulated and 10 were downregulated in adult brains, while 17 were upregulated and 17 were downregulated in pup brains. These data indicate that there are long-term changes due to HS diet. CRH levels were higher in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of female HS offspring than in female NS offspring during both basal and stressed conditions, though no differences were seen in CRH expression levels of male offspring. Autonomic blockade completely abolished the enhanced tachycardic response seen in female HS offspring. However, a difference in NS and HS blood pressures remained. Thus, female offspring of mothers fed an 8% NaCl diet have alterations in cardiovascular control, indicated by an enhanced tachycardic response as adults, due to changes in the autonomic nervous system, and enhanced pressor response to stress mediated by unknown mechanisms.

Implementing an Acute Stress Disorder Screening Tool in the Trauma Intensive Care Unit Setting

Bridgers, Sierra 23 April 2023 (has links)
This is a quality improvement project that focuses on implementing screening for acute stress disorder using the Acute Stress Disorder Structured Interview–DSM-IV tool in a Trauma Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at a Level 2 Trauma Center in Nashville, TN. Currently, at this hospital there is not a screening process implemented for these patients. Every trauma patient meets the criteria for acute stress disorder. Starting the process early aims for patients to be properly educated about their trauma and gets them the resources they need to heal mentally from the trauma. During the 6-week implementation period of this project, the trauma performance investigator (TPI) team screens patients for acute stress disorder. The team records how many patients screened, how many patients were available to screen, if they screened positive with a 9 or greater score, if they received a “telepysch” visit, and if a referral card for mental health visit after discharge was given. From this information, it will be determined how to continue to improve the implementation process. Information gathered data by the TPI will be recorded in Excel spreadsheets. The ASD screening tool scores will be used to compare the mechanism of injury to the score to determine if a correlation exists. Some patients that do not screen positive still want a referral card due to the education provided during the screening process. This shows the continued need for patient screening and education about acute stress disorder for this patient population.

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