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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

That's So Last Season: Fashion Trend Agenda Setting by Bloggers or Journalists During The Summer 2016

Adamson, Alexandra Cecelia, Adamson, Alexandra Cecelia January 2016 (has links)
Ten years ago, the only contenders for the role of setting the fashion media agenda were mainstream fashion media magazines such as Vogue. With the evolution of blogging and the popularity of blog sites associated with magazine websites, a new contender was born: the fashion-themed blog. Now mainstream fashion media outlets and fashion bloggers sit side-by-side in the front row at designer fashion shows covering fashion news and trends. This study focused on ten elite fashion-themed blogs (fashion blogs) reporting on women’s fashion and ten mainstream fashion media websites during the summer 2016 fashion season looking retrospectively at the fashion forecast from October 2015 New York Fashion Week. The study examined how media outlets respond to fashion blogs and whether the blogs were used as sources by mainstream fashion media or vice a versa. This study has filled a research gap by conducting the first analysis examining fashion blogs through the lens of agenda setting. This research uncovered a media landscape in transition with fashion bloggers and mainstream fashion media communicating in a new and different way. Communicating fashion news is no longer a one-way street controlled by mainstream fashion media magazines. Instead it is a two-way street where each outlet uses the other and neither plays the role of lead agenda setter. This new synergy suggests the acceptance of fashion blogs as credible sources for fashion news and potential agenda setters for the fashion community. The relationship between bloggers and mainstream fashion media also creates excitement regarding trends because fashion bloggers have the ability to instantly comment and generate buzz on a trend when the mainstream fashion media are reporting on other issues or waiting for their magazines to be published. Out of the five trends studied, denim was the leading trend with 44 percent of the posts or articles discussing denim. With every trend, bloggers were present in the five earliest published posts or articles and continued to post on the trends throughout the study period. Style.com dominated the mainstream fashion media landscape, with 25 published articles. For fashion bloggers, Gal Meets Glam and Atlantic Pacific tied with 19 blog posts each. Over 57.6 percent of the total blog posts and blog articles linked to fashion designer websites where readers could purchase the trend being discussed. Fashion bloggers did not quote sources in their posts; 74 blog posts and articles recognized no sources at all. Understanding the new relationship between fashion bloggers and fashion magazine websites will help guide future reporters of fashion and fashion trends.

Periodismo de declaraciones: Cuando la prensa renuncia a ser el lugar de los hechos / Statements journalism: W hen the press renounces being the scene of facts

Munive, Mario 10 April 2018 (has links)
It is not a journalism genre, but a discourse that seems to be in the DNA of Latin America’s press. On the newsroom it is known as “He said, she said” journalism. This term refers to a kind of contagious disease. Journalists and media that have been affected assume that news can give us statements instead of facts. In other words, that the inverted pyramid is licensed to replace verified facts with others opinions. It is time to ask us some questions from an academic perspective. Why is “He said, she said” journalism so rooted on the day-to-day practices of journalists? What are the causes of this strong tendency in the content supply of the media? Have they impacted in the construction of the agenda or in the formation of public opinion? This article tries to give answers to these questions and also suggest to pay attention to a practice that nowadays is considered a necessary evil, although is recognized as a symptom of an insufficient quality of the news that are transmitted by local media. / No es un género periodístico, pero sí una modalidad discursiva que parece estar en el ADN de la prensa latinoamericana. En las salas de redacción es conocida como “declaracionitis”, término que alude a una enfermedad inflamatoria que afecta a la mayoría de periodistas. Estos creen que las opiniones de las fuentes tienen más importancia que los hechos verificados. Es hora de plantear algunas preguntas desde la academia: ¿Por qué el periodismo de declaraciones está tan enraizado en el ejercicio cotidiano de los profesionales de la información? ¿Cuáles son las causas de esta tendencia dominante en la oferta noticiosa de los medios? ¿Tiene alguna influencia en la construcción de la agenda o en la formación de la opinión pública? Además de ensayar respuestas preliminares a tales preguntas, este artículo propone enfocar la atención en una práctica señalada como un síntoma de la escasa calidad de los contenidos difundidos por los medios locales.

Velhas questões, novos métodos: posições, agenda, ideologia e dinheiro na política brasileira / Old questions, new methods: positions, agenda, ideology and money in Brazilian politics

Mauricio Yoshida Izumi 27 October 2017 (has links)
Esta tese é formada por quatro capítulos independentes. No primeiro capítulo desenvolvemos um modelo Bayesiano da Teoria da Resposta ao Item para estimar posições políticas utilizando textos como dados. A literatura tem utilizado a matriz de frequência de palavras como fonte primária para modelar as posições políticas. Ao contrário desta abordagem, utilizamos classificações feitas por meio de análise de sentimentos. Para demonstrar a aplicação desse modelo, estimamos as posições políticas dos partidos políticos brasileiros entre 1995 e 2014 utilizando os discursos dos senadores. Os resultados sugerem que, em vez de uma clivagem ideológica, os partidos estão organizados em uma dimensão que representa o conflito entre governo e oposição. O objetivo do segundo capítulo é analisar como ideias sobre políticas são construídas ao longo do tempo. Em termos empíricos, verificamos como o conteúdo presente em um projeto de lei reaparece de forma semelhante em outros projetos. Avaliamos também qual o impacto inclusão de interesses sobre a sua probabilidade de aprovação. Para isso utilizamos todos os projetos de lei apresentados durante a 54a legislatura na Câmara dos Deputados e técnicas de análise quantitativa de textos. Mostramos que projetos que foram influenciados por outros projetos tem mais chances de aprovação, principalmente se eles forem de origem do Executivo. Sugerimos que a inclusão de interesses é o fator chave para um projeto se tornar lei. No terceiro capítulo partimos do principal pressuposto da teoria espacial do voto. De acordo com esse pressuposto, eleitores diante de dois (ou mais) candidatos escolherão aquele que estiver mais próximo de suas preferências. O primeiro objetivo deste capítulo será testar esse pressuposto para as eleições presidenciais no Brasil entre 2002 e 2014. Para isso utilizamos os dados do Estudo Eleitoral Brasileiro e técnicas de escalonamento. Os resultados apontam que a probabilidade de um eleitor votar no candidato que está mais próximo dele do ponto de vista ideológico é extremamente alta. O segundo objetivo do capítulo é verificar se esse resultado se sustenta a despeito do nível de sofisticação política do eleitor. Isto é, testamos a hipótese de que eleitores pouco informados tomariam as suas decisões a partir de elementos não espaciais (não ideológicos). Os resultados contrariam essa ideia. Eleitores pouco sofisticados do ponto de vista político também escolhem os candidatos que estão mais próximos deles. Por fim, no quarto capítulo, o objetivo será testar qual o efeito de ser eleito para um cargo público sobre o patrimônio individual. Sendo mais preciso, iremos estimar o efeito de ser eleito para o cargo de prefeito no Brasil sobre o total de bens declarados pelos candidatos no futuro. Para isso utilizaremos modelos de regressão descontínua comparando os pares de candidatos que foram eleitos e que não foram eleitos em eleições apertadas e que se reapresentaram na eleição subsequente para o mesmo cargo. Os resultados sugerem que ser eleito a um cargo público não tem efeito sobre a quantidade de bens declarada pelos candidatos. Eleitos e não eleitos em eleições acirradas apresentam um patrimônio semelhante após os primeiros exercerem o cargo de prefeito. Além disso, esse resultado não varia conforme a filiação partidária, região ou experiência política do candidato. Também não encontramos efeitos sobre o patrimônio dos familiares e nem efeitos de longo prazo. / This dissertation consists of four distinct chapters. In the first chapter we develop a Bayesian procedure to estimate policy positions from text data. Instead of using word frequencies to model policy positions, our approach is based on sentiment analysis classifications. We demonstrate our procedure by estimating the position of Brazilian political parties between 1995 and 2014 using the speeches of senators. The results suggest that, instead of an ideological cleavage, parties are organized in a government-opposition dimension. In the second chapter we examine how policy ideas are built over time. Empirically, we examine how the content of a bill appears in a similar way in other bills. We also examine what is the impact of preferences inclusion on the probability of a bill be passed. In order to do that, we use all bills proposed during the 54th term in Câmara dos Deputados and we employ quantitative text analysis. The results suggest that bills that have been influenced by other bills have more chances to be passed. This result is stronger for bills written by the executive branch. We suggest that the inclusion of preferences is the key factor for a bill to be passed. In the third chapter we examine the main assumption of the spatial theory of voting. According to this assumption, voters will cast their votes for the candidate whose policy position is the closest to their own views. The goal of this chapter is twofold: the first one is to test this assumption for the Brazilian presidential elections between 2002 and 2014. In order to do that we use data from the Brazilian Electoral Study and scaling methods. The results suggest that the probability of a voter cast his vote for the candidate whose policy position is the closest to their own is pretty high. The second goal of this paper is to assess if this result holds despite of voters political sophistication. In other words, we test if ill-informed voters make their electoral decisions based on nonspatial candidate characteristics. The results contradict this wisdom. Politically illinformed voters also choose the candidates who are closer to themselves. In the last chapter we examine the monetary returns to incumbency in Brazilian mayoral elections. In other words, we estimate the causal effect of winning a close election on the wealth declared by Brazilian mayoral candidates in the subsequent election. In order to do that we employ a regression discontinuity design of close elections focused on pairs of repeated candidates. The results suggest no causal effects of winning a close election on the wealth of the candidates. The results are robust to incumbent partisanship, region, political experience and holds if the definition of wealth is extended to relatives and long term wealth.

Social hållbarhet i den cirkulära ekonomin : Förväntade skillnader mellan storstad och landsbygd i Sverige

Bane, Jonas, Bromarker Garcia, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Den svenska strategin för att implementera en cirkulär ekonomi avser att stödja Agenda 2030 för hållbar utveckling. Dock kritiserar den akademiska litteraturen konceptet cirkulär ekonomi för bristande inkludering av social hållbarhet. Eftersom implementeringsåtgärder redan införs storskaligt både nationellt och i EU, har frågan lyfts om dess lämplighet i olika regionala kontext. Således ämnar denna studie att undersöka hur de aviserade åtgärderna för cirkulär ekonomi förväntas påverka social hållbarhet i svenska storstads- och landsbygdskommuner på olika sätt. En enkätundersökning utfördes till folkvalda politiker i 37 svenska kommuner. Resultaten visar att sociala hållbarhetsaspekter generellt inte förväntas påverkas nämnvärt i omställningen till cirkulär ekonomi. Detta kan förklaras med dess frånvaro i den politiska konceptualiseringen av cirkulär ekonomi. Vidare finner vi att landsbygdskommuner generellt är mer positiva till styrmedel för cirkulär ekonomi än storstadskommunerna. Vi avslutar med att föreslå att den svenska politiska tolkningen av cirkulär ekonomi skulle kunna justeras för att bidra till sociala hållbarhetsmål mer effektivt. / The Swedish strategy for implementing a circular economy aims to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. However, academic literature is increasingly criticizing the circular economy concept for its lack of inclusion of social sustainability. With implementation measures already taking place economy-wide both nationally and in the EU, questions have been raised concerning its suitability to different regional contexts. Thus, this study aims to explore how the announced policies for circular economy are expected to affect social sustainability in urban and rural Swedish municipalities differently. A survey was conducted to elected officials in 37 Swedish municipalities. The results show that social sustainability aspects are generally not expected to be noticeably affected in the transition to circular economy. This could be due to its absence in the political conceptualization of the circular economy. Furthermore, we find that rural municipalities are generally more positive to the circular economy policies than their urban counterparts. We conclude by proposing that the Swedish political interpretation of the circular economy could be adjusted to support social Sustainable Development Goals more effectively.

Utvecklingen av hållbara flerbostadshus i relation till Agenda 2030 : En fallstudie med fokus på Kvarteret Hinderbanan i Gävle / Development of sustainable apartments in relation to Agenda 2030

Grönvall, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
I en tid med klimatförändringar har den hållbara utvecklingen blivit en allt viktigare fråga för planetens överlevnad. I och med Our common future uppkomst uppmärksammades behovet av balans mellan ekologisk, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet, med den ekologiska aspekten som begränsning till övriga aspekter. I rapportens fotspår skapades Agenda 2030 för att skapa stöd till en hållbar utveckling med riktlinjer och mål hur världen ska ta sig i en positiv riktning innan år 2030. För att samhällsplaneringen ska gå i linje med Agenda 2030 bör bostadsbyggandet gå i enlighet med dess mål vilket har undersökts i denna studie. Empirin baseras främst på dokumentanalys av kommunal detaljplan över Kvarteret Hinderbanan i Gävle. Detta på grund av att kommunen har det yttersta ansvaret att uppfylla de globala målen i en lokal kontext. Resultatet i denna studie visade att detaljplanen berörde och även uppfyllde många mål inom Agenda 2030 men att bevarandet av naturen var minimal. / In a time of climate change, sustainable development has become an important issue for the planet's survival. Since the start of Our common future, has attention been drawn to the balance between ecological, social and economic sustainability, with the ecological aspect as a limitation. In the report's footsteps, Agenda 2030 was created in 2015 to create support for sustainable development with guidelines and goals for how the world should move in a positive direction by 2030. In order for community planning to be in line with Agenda 2030, housing construction should be in line with its goals which has been the analysis in this study. The empirical data is mainly based on document analysis of the municipal plan for Kvarteret Hinderbanan in Gävle. This is because the municipality has the main responsible for acting on the global goals in a local context. The results of this study showed that the detailed plan mentioned and also achieved many goals in Agenda 2030, but that the conservation of nature was minimal.

Svenska byggföretags ställning till Agenda 2030 : En analys av Sveriges tio största byggföretag kring hållbarhetsarbete och mål / The positioning of Swedish Construction Companies on the 2030 Agenda

Sadik, Bala, Elias, Sanar January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete avhandlar hållbarhetsprojekten och målsättningar av Sveriges 10 största byggföretag samt deras ställningstaganden gentemot Agenda 2030. Faktum att begreppet hållbarhet kan uppfattas och definieras på olika sätt har skapat en viss otydlighet i världen kring begreppet. De största byggföretagen i Sverige presenterar en hållbarhetsredovisning som redogör för de framgångsrika hållbarhetsprojekten inom verksamheten samt företagets framtida planer. Byggföretagens tillvägagångssätt i deras arbete för att uppnå målen i Agenda 2030 är i stort sätt densamma, med undantag för vissa bolag som har unik taktik. Flera av de utvalda byggföretagen har även antalet mål uppsatta som sträcker sig längre fram än år 2030; vilket delvis beror på regeringens klimatlag för att uppnå ett klimatneutralt Sverige år 2045. I denna studie har fyra mål från Agenda 2030 blivit utvalda för granskning; sedan har byggföretagens hållbarhetsredovisningar undersökts i syfte att utläsa företagens ställningstaganden i förhållande till målen. Teorin om svag och stark hållbarhet tillämpad i en organisation har applicerats på respektive byggföretags hållbarhet vilket resulterade i ett tydligt mönster. Resultaten pekar mot att styrkan av hållbarhet i ett företag beror på dess omsättning, vilket var relativt klart eftersom hållbarhetsredovisningarna hos de företag som hade större omsättning var mer omfattande samtidigt som målsättningen var mer preciserad och antalet hållbarhetsprojekt högre. Härvid bör nämnas att signaleringsteorin till viss del motsäger antagandet om att hållbarhetsstyrkan av ett företag är beroende på dess omsättning. Signaleringsteorin menar att företag kan öka sitt värde och popularitet via frivillig redovisning samt betoning och upplyftning av de ’finare’ delarna ur verksamheten. Framtida studier kan finna denna studie som hjälpsam för bedrivandet av forskning inom samma fält. Ytterligare fördjupande rapporter inom samma område kan framtas med denna studie som grund, vilket möjligtvis kan ljusna förutsättningarna av djupdykande hållbarhetsresearch av alla typer av företag, bygg- eller inte. Hållbarhetsarbete är ett relevant ämne i världen just nu, varför ytterligare studier av denna karaktär fordras i syfte att uppnå en bättre förståelse för hållbarhetskonceptet och utvecklingen av effektiva strategier för en ännu mer hållbar värld / This thesis deals with the sustainability programmes and goals of Sweden's 10 largest constructioncompanies as well as their position on Agenda 2030. The fact that the concept of sustainability canbe perceived and defined in different ways around the world has created a certain ambiguity aroundthe notion. The largest construction companies in Sweden present sustainability reports that accountfor successful sustainability projects as well as future planning. The work of construction companiesin achieving the goals of Agenda 2030 is much the same, with the difference of some companieshaving unique approaches to achieving them. Several of the selected construction companies in thisthesis also have a number of goals set up that extend beyond the scope of 2030, partly because of theSwedish government's climate legislation for creating a climate-neutral Sweden by 2045.In this study, four goals from Agenda 2030 have been selected for analysis within the frame of thechosen construction companies' sustainability reports. The reports have been analyzed in order todecipher the companies’ different positions in regard to the chosen goals. The theory of weak andstrong sustainability applied in an organization has been applied to the sustainability of eachconstruction company, which produced a clear pattern as a result. The degree of strength within thesustainability efforts depends on the individual company’s turnover. This was relatively clear sincethe sustainability reports of the companies with a higher turnover were more comprehensive,contained more clearly presented progress, all while the number of Agenda 2030-goals was greater.Herein must be noted that the Signal Theory contradicts, to some extent, the assumption that thestrength of a company's sustainability is dependent on turnover, since companies can increase theirvalue and popularity through voluntary accounting and emphasize and highlight the ‘finer’ parts ofthe business.Future studies can find this study helpful in carrying out research within the same field. Even morein-depth investigational reports can be done using this study as a foundation, which could possiblybrighten prospects for deep-digging sustainability research into any type of company, constructionor non-construction. Sustainable work is a relevant topic in the world right now, which is whyfurther studies of this character will be needed in order to achieve a better understanding of thesustainability concept and development of effective strategies to make the world even moresustainable.

Local Government Policy Agendas, Budgets, and the Impact of Focusing Events

Butler, Lathania W. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Synen på Agenda 2030 bland några av de största fastighetsbolagen i Sverige / The View on Agenda 2030 From the Largest Swedish Real Estate Companies

Hultström, William January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund och syfte: Vid FN:s toppmöte 25 september 2015 antog världens ledare och regeringschefer Agenda2030 och de 17 globala målen för hållbar utveckling. Detta är dock inget tvingade dokument, de svenskafastighetsbolagen behöver inte implementera Agenda 2030. Om Agenda 2030 implementeras på företags nivåsker det på frivillig basis, samtidigt står fastighetsbranschen idag för 40% av energianvändningen i EU och förstora mängder utsläpp som ökar år för år. Därför har detta arbete som syfte att undersöka hur några av destörsta fastighetsbolagen i Sverige ställer sig till Agenda 2030. Studien ska även fördjupa sig i mål 11, hållbarastäder och samhällen. Metod: De tio största bolagens års- och hållbarhetrapporter analyserades för att ta reda på hur de ser påAgenda 2030. Detta sammanställdes och analyserades tematiskt och med hjälp av intressent-, legitimitets-,signal- och institutionell teori. Resultat och slutsats: Studien visade att bolagens ställning till Agenda 2030 var positiv. För att operationaliseraAgenda 2030 valde ett antal företag att tolka den, utifrån Agenda 2030 skapades ”fokusområden” som kundekopplas till bolagens olika verksamhetsdelar. En annan återkommande strategi var att bolagen valde ut ettantal mål som man vill eller tror att man kan bidra till. Studien visade att alla bolag i studien hade nämnt mål11, men få kunde beskriva en strategi kopplat till mål 11 eller de tillhörande delmålen. / At the UN summit 25th of September 2015 agreed world leaders and head of states to adopt the Agenda 2030 the 17 sustainable development goals. However, this is not a forced document, the Swedish Real Estate companies do not ness to implement the Agenda 2030. If Agenda 2030 is implemented at a company levels it is done on a voluntary basis, while the Real Estate today account for 40% of the energy use in the EU and large amounts of emissions, increasing year by year. Therefore, is the aim of this paper to investigate how some of the largest Real Estate companies in Sweden view Agenda 2030. This study will also delve into goal 11, sustainable cities and communities. The ten largest companies´ annual and sustainability reports were analysed to found out how the view Agenda 2030. This was compiled and analysed thematically and with help of stakeholder, legitimacy, signal, and institutional theory. The study showed that the companies position on Agenda 2030 was positive. To operationalize Agenda 2030, several companies chose to interpret it, based on Agenda 2030, “focus areas” were created that could be linked to the companies' different sections of the business. Another recurring strategy was that companies selected several SDG´s that they want or believe that they can contribute to. The study showed that all companies in the study had mentioned goal 11, but few could describe a strategy linked to goal 11 or the associated sub-goals.


[pt] A Agenda 2030 orienta as políticas nacionais de desenvolvimento nos próximos anos. A conquista da transversalização de questões de gênero na Agenda 2030 é atribuída, dentre outros fatores, à influência da sociedade civil e de organizações internacionais que trabalham com pautas de gênero e desenvolvimento, no processo de consulta para a construção dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). Tendo em vista esse histórico de engajamento, o objetivo do presente trabalho é mapear como a sociedade civil brasileira atuante sob a bandeira de alcançar a igualdade de gênero está avaliando e acompanhando o cumprimento do ODS5 da agenda 2030 e quais são seus posicionamentos acerca desse monitoramento e dos indicadores relacionados. A governança por indicadores norteia as formulações de políticas internacionais; sendo assim, usar essa linguagem com uma perspectiva feminista para tornar os instrumentos de mensuração mais qualificados e benéficos para as mulheres é uma estratégia ecomendada pelo presente relatório. / [en] The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will guide national development policies in the coming years. The achievement of gender mainstreaming in the 2030 Agenda is attributed, among other factors, to the influence of civil society and international organizations working with gender and development guidelines in the consultation process for the construction of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGss). Considering this history of engagement, the objective of this paper is to map how the Brazilian civil society working under the banner of achieving gender equality is evaluating and monitoring compliance with SDG5 of Agenda 2030 and what their positions are regarding monitoring and the indicators involved. Governance by indicators guides the formulation of international policies; thus, using that language with a feminist perspective to make the measurement tools more qualified and beneficial to women is a strategy recommended by this report.

Budování mediální agendy v českých médiích na příkladu zpravodajství o zdravotnictví / Media agenda building in czech news coverage on the example of health news

Ciborová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to describe agenda building process in Czech news media on the example of health news. The thesis is based on the concept of agenda-setting which operates with the term "media agenda". The fundamental question of media agenda building is how and why some topics get to the news while others not. Two separate pieces of research have been conducted for the purpose of this thesis. Firstly quantitative content analysis explores how selected Czech news media report on health news during 2013. The analysis is focused on daily press Mladá fronta Dnes, Lidové noviny, Hospodářské noviny, Právo, Česká televize TV news, and Český rozhlas radio news. Secondly, interviews with journalists who are or were devoted to the health news describe media routines forming media content. The result based on the two research methods is a description of health newsgathering. Particularly, the issues in question are how health journalists receive ideas for their stories, what motivates them, who forms health news, what role plays intermedia agenda, public relations materials or human stories.

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