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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza Morgan Stanley v průběhu finanční krize / Analysis of Morgan Stanley during the financial crisis

Holiš, Jakub January 2009 (has links)
The main task of the diploma thesis is an analysis of financial performance and position of Morgan Stanley during several successive periods before and during the subprime financial crisis. Through the analysis of trends in key items, it also demonstrates strong cyclicality of financial performance and position of the investment bank. The first chapter deals with history and key divisions of the Company. The following chapter generally discusses selected phenomena, which, as per the author's view, significantly influenced industry-wide record-breaking performance during the period before the subprime crisis, and which substantially determined Morgan Stanley's risk profile and performance's corrections later during the Crisis. The core part of the Thesis is conceived as an analysis of financial performance and position of Morgan Stanley during the selected periods. The analysis of pre-crisis period until 2006 in the third chapter demonstrates growth of activities lying behind the unprecedented profitability of the Institution. The following fourth chapter analyzes deteriorating financial performance during the subprime crisis and indicates crucial strategy changes, implemented by the Company at the end of 2008. Effects of the strategic changes and challenges of the future development of the Institution are discussed in the last chapter. Additionally, the Thesis includes annexes, which further deal with selected topics and their general relations to investments banks and two annexes which compare Morgan Stanley with its nearest peers during specific periods.

Architektura pro rekonstrukci knihy objednávek s nízkou latencí / Low-Latency Architecture for Order Book Building

Závodník, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Information technology forms an important part of the world and algorithmic trading has already become a common concept among traders. The High Frequency Trading (HFT) requires use of special hardware accelerators which are able to provide input response with sufficiently low latency. This master's thesis is focused on design and implementation of an architecture for order book building, which represents an essential part of HFT solutions targeted on financial exchanges. The goal is to use the FPGA technology to process information about an exchange's state with latency so low that the resulting solution is effectively usable in practice. The resulting architecture combines hardware and software in conjunction with fast lookup algorithms to achieve maximum performance without affecting the function or integrity of the order book.

Optimering av algoritmisk elhandelsstrategi genom prediktiv analys : Datavisualisering, regression, maskin- och djupinlärning / Optimization of algorithmic power trading strategy using predictive analysis : Data visualization, regression, machine learning and deep learning

Forssell, Jacob, Staffansdotter, Erika January 2022 (has links)
The world is right now in a global transition from a fossil fuel dependency towards an electrified society based on green and renewable energy. Investments in power grid capacity are therefore needed to meet the increased future demand which this transition implicates. One part of this is the expansion of intermittent energy sources, such as wind and solar power. Even though these sources have benefits in form of cheap and green energy, they have other characteristics that need to be addressed. Per definition, intermittent power sources cannot produce energy on demand since they are dependent on weather conditions such as wind and sun. This induces a second problem which is that it can be hard to predict the production from intermittent power sources, especially wind, which increases the volatility in the power market. Because of these characteristics, the expansion of wind power has increased the volume traded on the intraday power market. The intermittent energy surge, emphasizes the need of a good trading strategy for balance responsible parties to handle the increased trading volume and volatility. The prupose of this report is to introduce the elements which affect intraday power trading, formulate the fundamentals of a power trading strategy and thereafter explore how predictive models can be used in such a strategy. This includes predicting regulating and intraday market prices using linear regression models, neural networks and LSTM-models. Furthermore, the report highlights underlying properties which affects the predictive power of a prediction model used to forecast wind power production. Regulating prices can be predicted well using both linear regression models and more complex deep learning models based on weather and market data. Both approaches are better than using a simple model based on the latest regulating and market price, since the simple model tends to fall short in a volatile market. Overall, the deep learning models performs the best.  The difference in result when predicting the volume weighted average price on the intraday market, using linear regression and machine learning, are not as substantial. In fact, the linear models tends to outperform the machine learning models in some instaces. The conclusion when analyzing how underlying properties affect wind power prediction models is that how far ahead the model predicts is not the key factor affecting predictive power. Instead, the production volume predicted has a larger effect.

LSTM-based Directional Stock Price Forecasting for Intraday Quantitative Trading / LSTM-baserad aktieprisprediktion för intradagshandel

Mustén Ross, Isabella January 2023 (has links)
Deep learning techniques have exhibited remarkable capabilities in capturing nonlinear patterns and dependencies in time series data. Therefore, this study investigates the application of the Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) algorithm for stock price prediction in intraday quantitative trading using Swedish stocks in the OMXS30 index from February 28, 2013, to March 1, 2023. Contrary to previous research [12, 32] suggesting that past movements or trends in stock prices cannot predict future movements, our analysis finds limited evidence supporting this claim during periods of high volatility. We discover that incorporating stock-specific technical indicators does not significantly enhance the predictive capacity of the model. Instead, we observe a trade-off: by removing the seasonal component and leveraging feature engineering and hyperparameter tuning, the LSTM model becomes proficient at predicting stock price movements. Consequently, the model consistently demonstrates high accuracy in determining price direction due to consistent seasonality. Additionally, training the model on predicted return differences, rather than the magnitude of prices, further improves accuracy. By incorporating a novel long-only and long-short trading strategy using the one-day-ahead predictive price, our model effectively captures stock price movements and exploits market inefficiencies, ultimately maximizing portfolio returns. Consistent with prior research [14, 15, 31, 32], our LSTM model outperforms the ARIMA model in accurately predicting one-day-ahead stock prices. Portfolio returns consistently outperforms the stock market index, generating profits over the entire time period. The optimal portfolio achieves an average daily return of 1.2%, surpassing the 0.1% average daily return of the OMXS30 Index. The algorithmic trading model demonstrates exceptional precision with a 0.996 accuracy rate in executing trades, leveraging predicted directional stock movements. The algorithmic trading model demonstrates an impressive 0.996 accuracy when executing trades based on predicted directional stock movements. This remarkable performance leads to cumulative and annualized excessive returns that surpass the index return for the same period by a staggering factor of 800. / Djupinlärningstekniker har visat en enastående förmåga att fånga icke-linjära mönster och samband i tidsseriedata. Med detta som utgångspunkt undersöker denna studie användningen av Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM)-algoritmen för att förutsäga aktiepriser med svenska aktier i OMXS30-indexet från den 28 februari 2013 till den 1 mars 2023. Vår analys finner begränsat stöd till tidigare forskning [12, 32] som hävdar att historisk aktierörelse eller trend inte kan användas för att prognostisera framtida mönster. Genom att inkludera aktiespecifika tekniska indikatorer observerar vi ingen betydande förbättring i modellens prognosförmåga. genom att extrahera den periodiska komponenten och tillämpa metoder för egenskapskonstruktion och optimering av hyperparametrar, lär sig LSTM-modellen användbara egenskaper och blir därmed skicklig på att förutsäga akrieprisrörelser. Modellen visar konsekvent högre noggrannhet när det gäller att bestämma prisriktning på grund av den regelbundna säsongsvariationen. Genom att träna modellen att förutse avkastningsskillnader istället för absoluta prisvärden, förbättras noggrannheten avsevärt. Resultat tillämpas sedan på intradagshandel, där förutsagda stängningspriser för nästkommande dag integreras med både en lång och en lång-kort strategi. Vår modell lyckas effektivt fånga aktieprisrörelser och dra nytta av ineffektiviteter på marknaden, vilket resulterar i maximal portföljavkastning. LSTM-modellen är överlägset bättre än ARIMA-modellen när det gäller att korrekt förutsäga aktiepriser för nästkommande dag, i linje med tidigare forskning [14, 15, 31, 32], är . Resultat från intradagshandeln visar att LSTM-modellen konsekvent genererar en bättre portföljavkastning jämfört med både ARIMA-modellen och dess jämförelseindex. Dessutom uppnår strategin positiv avkastning under hela den analyserade tidsperioden. Den optimala portföljen uppnår en genomsnittlig daglig avkastning på 1.2%, vilket överstiger OMXS30-indexets genomsnittliga dagliga avkastning på 0.1%. Handelsalgoritmen är oerhört exakt med en korrekthetsnivå på 0.996 när den genomför affärer baserat på förutsagda rörelser i aktiepriset. Detta resulterar i en imponerande avkastning som växer exponentiellt och överträffar jämförelseindex med en faktor på 800 under samma period.

Simulating market maker behaviour using Deep Reinforcement Learning to understand market microstructure / En simulering av aktiemarknadens mikrostruktur via självlärande finansiella agenter

Marcus, Elwin January 2018 (has links)
Market microstructure studies the process of exchanging assets underexplicit trading rules. With algorithmic trading and high-frequencytrading, modern financial markets have seen profound changes in marketmicrostructure in the last 5 to 10 years. As a result, previously establishedmethods in the field of market microstructure becomes oftenfaulty or insufficient. Machine learning and, in particular, reinforcementlearning has become more ubiquitous in both finance and otherfields today with applications in trading and optimal execution. This thesisuses reinforcement learning to understand market microstructureby simulating a stock market based on NASDAQ Nordics and trainingmarket maker agents on this stock market. Simulations are run on both a dealer market and a limit orderbook marketdifferentiating it from previous studies. Using DQN and PPO algorithmson these simulated environments, where stochastic optimal controltheory has been mainly used before. The market maker agents successfullyreproduce stylized facts in historical trade data from each simulation,such as mean reverting prices and absence of linear autocorrelationsin price changes as well as beating random policies employed on thesemarkets with a positive profit & loss of maximum 200%. Other tradingdynamics in real-world markets have also been exhibited via theagents interactions, mainly: bid-ask spread clustering, optimal inventorymanagement, declining spreads and independence of inventory and spreads, indicating that using reinforcement learning with PPO and DQN arerelevant choices when modelling market microstructure. / Marknadens mikrostruktur studerar hur utbytet av finansiella tillgångar sker enligt explicita regler. Algoritmisk och högfrekvenshandel har förändrat moderna finansmarknaders strukturer under de senaste 5 till 10 åren. Detta har även påverkat pålitligheten hos tidigare använda metoder från exempelvis ekonometri för att studera marknadens mikrostruktur. Maskininlärning och Reinforcement Learning har blivit mer populära, med många olika användningsområden både inom finans och andra fält. Inom finansfältet har dessa typer av metoder använts främst inom handel och optimal exekvering av ordrar. I denna uppsats kombineras både Reinforcement Learning och marknadens mikrostruktur, för att simulera en aktiemarknad baserad på NASDAQ i Norden. Där tränas market maker - agenter via Reinforcement Learning med målet att förstå marknadens mikrostruktur som uppstår via agenternas interaktioner. I denna uppsats utvärderas och testas agenterna på en dealer – marknad tillsammans med en limit - orderbok. Vilket särskiljer denna studie tillsammans med de två algoritmerna DQN och PPO från tidigare studier. Främst har stokastisk optimering använts för liknande problem i tidigare studier. Agenterna lyckas framgångsrikt med att återskapa egenskaper hos finansiella tidsserier som återgång till medelvärdet och avsaknad av linjär autokorrelation. Agenterna lyckas också med att vinna över slumpmässiga strategier, med maximal vinst på 200%. Slutgiltigen lyckas även agenterna med att visa annan handelsdynamik som förväntas ske på en verklig marknad. Huvudsakligen: kluster av spreads, optimal hantering av aktielager och en minskning av spreads under simuleringarna. Detta visar att Reinforcement Learning med PPO eller DQN är relevanta val vid modellering av marknadens mikrostruktur.

Sequence-to-sequence learning of financial time series in algorithmic trading / Sekvens-till-sekvens-inlärning av finansiella tidsserier inom algoritmiskhandel

Arvidsson, Philip, Ånhed, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
Predicting the behavior of financial markets is largely an unsolved problem. The problem hasbeen approached with many different methods ranging from binary logic, statisticalcalculations and genetic algorithms. In this thesis, the problem is approached with a machinelearning method, namely the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) variant of Recurrent NeuralNetworks (RNNs). Recurrent neural networks are artificial neural networks (ANNs)—amachine learning algorithm mimicking the neural processing of the mammalian nervoussystem—specifically designed for time series sequences. The thesis investigates the capabilityof the LSTM in modeling financial market behavior as well as compare it to the traditionalRNN, evaluating their performances using various measures. / Prediktion av den finansiella marknadens beteende är i stort ett olöst problem. Problemet hartagits an på flera sätt med olika metoder så som binär logik, statistiska uträkningar ochgenetiska algoritmer. I den här uppsatsen kommer problemet undersökas medmaskininlärning, mer specifikt Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), en variant av rekurrentaneurala nätverk (RNN). Rekurrenta neurala nätverk är en typ av artificiellt neuralt nätverk(ANN), en maskininlärningsalgoritm som ska efterlikna de neurala processerna hos däggdjursnervsystem, specifikt utformat för tidsserier. I uppsatsen undersöks kapaciteten hos ett LSTMatt modellera finansmarknadens beteenden och jämförs den mot ett traditionellt RNN, merspecifikt mäts deras effektivitet på olika vis.

金融科技與投資產業 : 新商業模式 / Fintech and Investment : New Business Models

李齊良, Lee, Chi Liang Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 自2008年金融風暴後,長期的經濟動盪造成顧客喪失對於傳統投資產業之信心。在這樣的環境下,從自動化投資管理、社群交易平台到零售演算法交易的興起,提供低成本與先進的替代方案取代傳統的投資管理產業。這種方式獲得廣大消費者的信賴,並使得顧客擁有更多投資管理之控制權。 本研究欲探討賦權投資者於金融科技的浪潮下,競爭者加入後所面臨之挑戰進行情境分析,了解投資者如何以自動化管理及報告、社群交易平台和零售演算法交易改變投資管理業之發展,並使得傳統以顧問諮詢為主的投資管理興起全自動化或財務顧問協助之新商業模式;再者,透過個案分析,分別探討自動化管理及報告為代表之機器人理財公司以及零售演算法交易平台Quantopian,並建議投資產業應善用金融科技結合兩者,因此,未來顧問所扮演的角色將轉型為從旁協助財務規劃之服務,不僅能夠降低成本,亦可大幅提升理專的效率,為更廣大的客群提供高價值之金融服務。 / Abstract The 2008 financial crisis was the worst economic disaster since it has caused public losing confidence in traditional investement management industry. As a result, the three key innovation clusters are booming─automated management and advice, retail algorithmic trading and social trading platform─that offer lower-cost and advanced alternatives to replace the traditional investement management industry. Additionally, those innovation clusters gain more trust to the masses and allow customers to control in their own investment portfolio. This study analyzes three scenarios how the empowered investors face the challenges under the new waves of Fintech. In particular, we consider the investment management industry transfer the traditional model to the new business models of fully automation or advisor-assistant. In the case studies, we compare six typical robo-advisor firms and retail algorithmic trading platform like Quantopian. Furthermore, we suggest that the investment industry should make good use of Fintech that combines both advantage of automated management and retail algorithmic trading;therefore, it can not only reduce costs but also improve the efficiency of financial services.

Problèmes numériques en mathématiques financières et en stratégies de trading / Numerical problems in financial mathematics and trading strategies

Baptiste, Julien 21 June 2018 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse CIFRE est de construire un portefeuille de stratégies de trading algorithmique intraday. Au lieu de considérer les prix comme une fonction du temps et d'un aléa généralement modélisé par un mouvement brownien, notre approche consiste à identifier les principaux signaux auxquels sont sensibles les donneurs d'ordres dans leurs prises de décision puis alors de proposer un modèle de prix afin de construire des stratégies dynamiques d'allocation de portefeuille. Dans une seconde partie plus académique, nous présentons des travaux de pricing d'options européennes et asiatiques. / The aim of this CIFRE thesis is to build a portfolio of intraday algorithmic trading strategies. Instead of considering stock prices as a function of time and a brownian motion, our approach is to identify the main signals affecting market participants when they operate on the market so we can set up a prices model and then build dynamical strategies for portfolio allocation. In a second part, we introduce several works dealing with asian and european option pricing.

Reinforcement Learning for Market Making / Förstärkningsinlärningsbaserad likviditetsgarantering

Carlsson, Simon, Regnell, August January 2022 (has links)
Market making – the process of simultaneously and continuously providing buy and sell prices in a financial asset – is rather complicated to optimize. Applying reinforcement learning (RL) to infer optimal market making strategies is a relatively uncharted and novel research area. Most published articles in the field are notably opaque concerning most aspects, including precise methods, parameters, and results. This thesis attempts to explore and shed some light on the techniques, problem formulations, algorithms, and hyperparameters used to construct RL-derived strategies for market making. First, a simple probabilistic model of a limit order book is used to compare analytical and RL-derived strategies. Second, a market making agent is trained on a more complex Markov chain model of a limit order book using tabular Q-learning and deep reinforcement learning with double deep Q-learning. Results and strategies are analyzed, compared, and discussed. Finally, we propose some exciting extensions and directions for future work in this research field. / Likviditetsgarantering (eng. ”market making”) – processen att simultant och kontinuerligt kvotera köp- och säljpriser i en finansiell tillgång – är förhållandevis komplicerat att optimera. Att använda förstärkningsinlärning (eng. ”reinforcement learning”) för att härleda optimala strategier för likviditetsgarantering är ett relativt outrett och nytt forskningsområde. De flesta publicerade artiklarna inom området är anmärkningsvärt återhållsamma gällande detaljer om de tekniker, problemformuleringar, algoritmer och hyperparametrar som används för att framställa förstärkningsinlärningsbaserade strategier. I detta examensarbete så gör vi ett försök på att utforska och bringa klarhet över dessa punkter. Först används en rudimentär probabilistisk modell av en limitorderbok som underlag för att jämföra analytiska och förstärkningsinlärda strategier. Därefter brukas en mer sofistikerad Markovkedjemodell av en limitorderbok för att jämföra tabulära och djupa inlärningsmetoder. Till sist presenteras även spännande utökningar och direktiv för framtida arbeten inom området.

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