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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Legislation of All-Out Defense Mobilization and Education in Taiwan

Chu, Yen-li 21 July 2007 (has links)
The wars and national defense nowadays are not simple military actions but comprehensive ones involving national power, military strength, financial resources and spirit of people. And both outer military and inner natural and man-made threats are likely to threaten our national security. Therefore, establishing concepts of comprehensive security has become a basic notion and common sense that all citizens should be equipped with as our nation steps into the 21st century. According to history, the rise and decline of a nation is closely related to the strength of the national defense and the reinforcement of the concepts of all-out defense which depend on whether the defense education is thoroughly implemented. To construct all-out defense, first it is necessary to establish the knowledge of all-out defense and national consciousness. The national consensus should be established by means of "education" to achieve its effectiveness. The ROC's "All-Out Defense Mobilization Act," which was legislated in 2001, shows that the government attempts to solidify the national consensus of all citizens through spirit mobilization. To promote the knowledge of all-out defense, intensify the concepts of defense mobilization and strengthen the development of defense for national security, the All-Out Defense Education Act was legislated to enforce all-out defense education and has been brought into effect since February 2, 2006, which means that all-out defense education can be enforced by law. Thus, all-out defense education is the foundation of the construction of all-out defense, while all-out defense mobilization is the means to achieve all-out defense. The study probes into the transformation and the status quo of defense education according to All-Out Defense Education Act and aims to understand the meanings of all-out defense and all-out mobilization and their relations and extent of mutual effects. The two sides across the Taiwan Strait spare no efforts to implement all-out defense education. Whether a democratic country or a communist one, it puts great emphasis on the importance of all-out defense education. Yet, what is their difference? Focusing on the organizations and their implementation of all-out defense education, the study hopes to offer proper suggestions for future reference.

Exploring the Policy Marketing Event of All-out Defense Education¡ÐA Case of Amphibious Warriors Battle Camp

Lin, Ming-da 22 July 2011 (has links)
Since the formal implementation of the All-out Defense Education Law, the Ministry of National Defense has actively organized relevant departments and bureaus to promote the ideas of All-out Defense Education policy through a diverse array of publicities and activities. Among these activities, the All-out Defense Military Summer Camp, organized every July and August by integrating the characteristics of all army services, is the most popular activity, and has received wide feedback from the youths. ¡§Actualization of All-out Defense Education policies and in-depth and grass-root work for Total National Defense¡¨ is the theme for the All-out Defense Military Summer Camp organized by the Ministry of National Defense. This study applied the perspective of marketing strategies, and investigated the students attending the ¡§2010 Amphibious Warriors Battle Camp¡¨ using questionnaires. It evaluated student backgrounds and motivation for participation, as well as the relationship with customer equity. Collected data is done through Descriptive Statistics Analysis, such as Independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-moment Correlation. Conclusion is listed as below: ¡§The summer camp reaches the purpose of All-Out Defense Policy; participants¡¦ motivation is highly influenced by¡¥to become mature¡¦, customer equity is highly influenced by value equity; participants¡¦ motivation and customer equity are highly influenced by some different kinds of background; motivation and customer equity has a positive relationship; three dimensions of customer equity have a positive relationship¡Flots of students have great will to receive the information of army.¡¨ Based on the conclusions, some suggestions proposed as follows: 1. To consider the needs of different targets in detail demands using more accurate market segmentation, and by providing more diverse activities and courses; the activity can be combined with the promotion of the army recruitment policy to improve the many functions and value of combat camps. 2. In order to fully promote the brand of All-out Defense Education policies, ¡§same branding but different marketing targets¡¨ as well as ¡§same brands, different logos and slogans¡¨ can be used in combination with other marketing tactics to improve the understanding and support of citizens to All-out Defense Education policies. 3. To take advantage of social networking websites that many youths and students use to construct an electronic forum or communications platform allowing students from the annual Combat Camps to share their experiences and opinions. At the same time, special activities can be planned for students with exceptional participation to maintaining a strong bond with the customers of All-out Defense Education.

The Study on the Effectiveness of All-out Defense in the High School Education

Yu, Yuang-chao 30 July 2011 (has links)
We have been operated the All-out Defense education for five years. The purpose of this study is to investigate the working effectiveness of All-out Defense education. The content of the test was based on ¡§the factors of influencing learning effectiveness¡¨. For supporting the above-mentioned purposes, I used questionnaire investigation method to collect the material data. A total of 570 questionnaires were sent out to a senior high school in Kaohsiung City , and the effective samples are 498. Describing statistics, discriminate analysis, t test, and Pearsonion correlation coefficient, were performedby SPSS statistics software to analyze and explain the raw data. Besides, I have interviewed a teacher who has winned the award of Teaching Excellence recognition in 2010. He made a description of operating the national defense education for the school. The results of this study were analyzed and discussed as follows. First, after operating the national defence education for five years, the preliminary effect has been noticed in the senior high school. Second, there was a significant difference between students¡¦ background and influencing factors of learning. Third, there was no significant difference between students¡¦ background and learning results. Forth, influencing factors have big impact toward learning effectiveness.


Chang, Ching-Ya 04 July 2006 (has links)

The Development of China's Information Warfare and It Impact on Taiwan's National Defense

Chou, Fang-Yi 09 February 2009 (has links)
In 1991 Persian Gulf war US has used the innumerable high-tech weapons, not only wins Iraq, but also lets various countries broaden the outlook.Thus it urges various countries military national defense to present the revolutionary change.The massive information technology skill is utilized at the military war, by the information military national defense concept primarily, launched rapidly. Receiveing this military revolution as well as the economic growth and the high-tech industry's rapidly expanding. The PLA starts to impel that it constructs the information troops and develops high-tech weapons systm including space technology. The PLA uses the information warfare to enter each kind of information attack, affect government's effective operation and the society stable without the world consensus pressure. It could relieve Taiwan rapidly and achieves it¡¦s political and the military purpose before other country military interference. This research's discovery is that compareing with mainland China, Taiwan is a highly information society. Facing the PLA¡¦s information menace, we should grasp the information superiority , strengthen the protection work, promot modernization armament, maintain the defense capability effectively and national information security by the outstanding information ability. In oder to achieve the prevention of war and the defense goal, now providing the following suggestion¡G 1¡BSelecting the outstanding talent and promoting the national troops quality. 2¡BExpaning crosswise Military organization and storing up the information defense ability. 3¡BEstablishing information strategy instruction and strengthening all the people defense education. 4¡BConstructing the information security system and establishing the information infrastructure. 5¡BStrengthening the information psychological warfare, the law warfare, sedan chair controversy. 6¡BUsing the folk technical force strengthens national defense whole.

從國家安全觀點探討我國全民國防與軍備發展 / A study of the ROC's all-out defense and armament development in terms of national security viewpoint

李永寧 Unknown Date (has links)
任何國家在面對安全威脅時,其關鍵在於強盛的國防軍力,現代戰爭已由「單純武力戰」轉為「全民總體戰」,而且台海一旦發生戰事,其作戰縱深短淺,已沒有前方和後方的分別,囿於國際情勢使武器外購受限,國防工業發展成為關鍵因素,我們應發展「小而精、小而強、小而巧」的國防武力,並建立全民國防理念與全民防衛動員機制,運用軍民一體的力量,共同來防衛我們的國土。本文將從「綜合性安全」的角度,以文獻分析法,透過國家安全的觀點,探討我國全民國防的建構、運用與軍備發展,並從中華民國國家安全遭受的威脅及全民防衛動員與軍備發展所面臨的挑戰,探討「全民國防」與「軍備發展」之涵義與重要性,並區分政策面、執行面兩個構面加以說明。在「政策面」的層次分析在「全民防衛動員準備法」的基礎上,闡述「全民國防的理念」與「軍備發展」;在「執行面」上,則針對塑造軍民共用之「國防工業發展」,以為「全民國防軍備體系」之實行方向等,說明全民國防與軍備發展的關係。俾整合全國產、學、研資源,推動國防和民生合一,釋出國防科技轉為民用,並藉由民生產業技術的提升,戰時能支持國防的需求,支援軍事作戰。達成「平時國防支持經建」、「戰時經建支持國防」的國家戰略目標。 / First of all whenever a country faces a threat security, the decisive point relies on the strength of its national power. This critical element has evolved over time from tangible arms forces into spiritual “All -out Defense”. Secondly due to our country’s long and narrow geography , as long as hostility breaks out across the straits, short battlefield depth makes no distinct from the area to frontline. Furthermore our foreign procurement for military we apons is subject to the international circumstance. Apparently “small but precise and strong” defense capability and All-out Defense Mechanism should be more suitable as the determining guidelines towards our defense industry. This study aims for the upcoming threats and challenges when it comes to our national security and is divided into 2 aspects: policy guidance and execution. The former focuses on the analysis of All-out Defense and Mobilization Law and sets forth concept and development tendency of the military preparedness. The latter direct at the relationship and interaction between the All -out defense and armament development. In the long term, we hope to consolidate efforts of the private sectors to develop defense technology industries, the public and civilian assets can be merged into a single whole; such combination can prompt the private sectors to support military missions in wartime and vice versa.

中華民國全民國防教育法立法之研究 / The research of the act of all-out defense of ROC

潘益修 Unknown Date (has links)
全民國防是21世紀世界各國國防發展的主軸,也是檢驗一個國家一旦面臨外患時,能否經得起戰爭考驗的必要機制。國防建設與發展一向是走在國家建設事務之先,因此,愈是先進的國家,愈是重視國防建設;愈是面臨戰爭與生存威脅的國家,「全民國防」的共識與行動愈顯重要。本文旨在探討中國民國《全民國防教育法》立法的動機與過程,以及其正式施行迄今,在整體執行規劃與成效是否尚有精進或強化之空間,並就研究心得,提出後續規劃修法建議,期使「全民國防教育」之推展更臻完善,以建立其國人具有全民防衛意識的國防認知與決心,維護國家安全。 / All-out defense is the core development of national in 21st century for countries throughout the world. It is also an essential mechanism to examine whether a country can stand up to war while facing intruding enemies. Construction and development of national defense usually precede the affairs of domestic construction. Therefore, the more advanced a country is, the more they will value the construction of national defense; the more a country is threatened by war and survival, the more important it becomes to have the consensus and acts of national defense. The objective of the paper aims to discuss the legislative motive and process of all-out defense education of the Republic of China. It addresses whether there is space for advancing or strengthening in executive planning and effectiveness as a whole. The research outcome suggests the revision of subsequent planning which expects to promote better development of all-out defense education and thereby civilians build the awareness and determination of national defense in support of maintaining national security.


潘建華 Unknown Date (has links)
在後911時代,世界各國體認到國家安全的領域已從過去單純國防方面轉移到全方位的整體安全。單純的軍事力量已不足已維護國家安全,在面對各式挑戰和衝突時,必須以更全面的思考來應對。生物戰劑,在過去大多是在教科書和軍事準則上提到的可能威脅之一,但真正威脅到國家安全則是在911之後的炭疽信件。世人瞭解到我們是處於多麼真實且危險的世界。生物科技的進步一方面提昇人類的生活品質和生命長度,另一方面則是直接威脅到人類的生存。生物戰劑的運用方式可以相當多樣且多變,正是製造恐怖的最佳武器。 生物戰劑的目標可以從個人的暗殺、殺傷大量人員、影響農牧業及糧食供應、破壞經濟和社會秩序、影響政治選擇到製造動亂。而各種疾病和生物戰劑的散佈很難區分,更是增加防疫和應變上的困難。 我國在防疫措施上雖然在SARS之後已經有應變機制,但面對多樣的生物戰劑攻擊,仍然顯得捉襟見肘。吾人應分析可能的生物戰劑威脅並擬定相關應變措施,建立有關國家安全生物防護網,發揮全民國防之功能,維護整體國家安全。 關鍵詞:生物戰劑、應變機制、國家安全生物防護網、全民國防 / After 911-terrorism attack, nations all over the world finally realized that the national security field have transformed from national defense to full-spectrum national security. Military force cannot defense national security alone. When face kinds of challenges and threatens, we should think and concern more complete. Biological warfare threat, in past, just only text on textbook and field manual. But after 911 anthrax envelope events, people realized that the biological warfare threat have come to the real world and what dangerous world we live with. Biological science and technology have improved people's quality of life and prolonged our length of life, in the other hand, it also threaten human being's survival. Biological warfare can be use in many different ways and can be the best weapon to make terror. The target or strategic goal can be used to assassin, cause mass casualty, bloke or disturb food supply, destroy economics and social order, influence political choose and make chaos. It is not easy to find the difference between distribution of disease and biological warfare. Moreover, that made counter insurgence more difficult. We have counter insurgence mechanism to deal with biological warfare attack and disease distribution, when face kinds of biological threat, it shows insufficient. We need to improve our anti-bioterrorism capability continuously. Analysis possible threat and get counter insurgence plan, build national bio-shied framework and all-out defense system to protect national security. Keyword: biological warfare, insurgence mechanism, national bio-shied framework, all-out defense system

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