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兩岸全民國防教育比較研究帥開圓, Shuai,Kai-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
「全民國防」是提升一個國家自我防衛能量,確保國家安全的務實理念,也是全民參與、全民信賴、總體防衛的國防。由於現代戰爭已非單純的武力戰,而是國家整體力量的綜合展現,勝負關鍵取決於全民支援軍事作戰的能力與意志,如何持續強化全民國防教育,凝聚軍民抗敵意志,有效嚇阻敵人進犯野心,實為全民應共同正視的重要課題。本文旨在從兩岸全民國防教育相關法令規章及實施現況中,檢視並比較兩岸全民國防教育的機制,嘗試提出我國推展全民國防教育之相應措施,審視我國全民國防教育之優劣得失為何,並提出具體建議,俾提供政府、學校及軍事單位之參考。 / National Defense is closely related to national security and countrymen’s lives as well. So, modern defense is definitely all-out defense. The more supports people give, the more stable the defense foundation will be. All-out defense displays the total defense of each effort coming from the military and civilian, and the visible and invisible forces. We should not consider the system and thoughts only, but ponder how to combine it with the people’s livelihood to fulfill all-out defense, reach the goal of “getting the whole people’s attention, support, and participation”, inspire patriotism, and enhance the defense foundation.
“All-out defense” is practical belief to promote self-defense ability and total defense involved and trusted by the whole people. Since modern wars are not simply forces combat, they are countries’ whole power integrated performance. The ability and will from the whole people decide the war result. How to continually enhance the all-out defense education is truly an important issue for all people. The thesis attempts to promote practical measures for the related units’ reference and inspects the pros and cons of our all-out defense in the current rules and status between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.
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中共國防動員體系演變之研究高明賢, Kao,Ming-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
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從國防報告書探討我國國防政策之轉變 / The Transition of ROC National Defense Policy Change by Reviewing The National Defense Report陳勇憲, Chen, Yung-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:國防報告書、國防政策、國防轉型 / With the coming era of globalization, a revolution of information does not only cause each country in world to place emphasis on addressing the comprehensive and complex issues with regard to the international security but reconstruct the framework of national security which is originally based on the warfare operation. This shifted the relationship among countries and contributed significantly to a trend of reform regarding national defense in each country around the world.
What promoted the PRC’s military modernization are the domestic rapid economic growth and comprehensive national strength that is activated by the reform and open policy. However, this brings a serious threat to national security much more than ever before. Now, not only does our nation have to cope with the problems in globalization as well as power shift of the international society but we also have to confront the conventional military threat form the PRC.
On the other hand, the development from an authority system to the democratic polity, which did away with the martial law and established open policy including abolishment of suppression of factions and restrictions on medium, facilitated our national defense system to reform in the 80s. In short, that are those factors with respect to the international relationship, military threats from the PRC, and shits of domestic polity bring the great challenge to our national defense policy while reforming.
This paper explored ten national defense reports published in 1992 to date, and speculated works, journals and theses regarding discussion over national defense policy and strategy and the collections of official documents, so as to have readers comprehend the relations between the process of NDP reform and some outside factors. This research is based on the data analysis in 1992 to date within the realm of international circumstance, interactions across straight, and the shift in domestic policy.
Key words: national defence report, national defence policy (NDP), national defence reform
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中華民國全民國防教育法立法之研究 / The research of the act of all-out defense of ROC潘益修 Unknown Date (has links)
全民國防是21世紀世界各國國防發展的主軸,也是檢驗一個國家一旦面臨外患時,能否經得起戰爭考驗的必要機制。國防建設與發展一向是走在國家建設事務之先,因此,愈是先進的國家,愈是重視國防建設;愈是面臨戰爭與生存威脅的國家,「全民國防」的共識與行動愈顯重要。本文旨在探討中國民國《全民國防教育法》立法的動機與過程,以及其正式施行迄今,在整體執行規劃與成效是否尚有精進或強化之空間,並就研究心得,提出後續規劃修法建議,期使「全民國防教育」之推展更臻完善,以建立其國人具有全民防衛意識的國防認知與決心,維護國家安全。 / All-out defense is the core development of national in 21st century for countries throughout the world. It is also an essential mechanism to examine whether a country can stand up to war while facing intruding enemies. Construction and development of national defense usually precede the affairs of domestic construction. Therefore, the more advanced a country is, the more they will value the construction of national defense; the more a country is threatened by war and survival, the more important it becomes to have the consensus and acts of national defense. The objective of the paper aims to discuss the legislative motive and process of all-out defense education of the Republic of China. It addresses whether there is space for advancing or strengthening in executive planning and effectiveness as a whole. The research outcome suggests the revision of subsequent planning which expects to promote better development of all-out defense education and thereby civilians build the awareness and determination of national defense in support of maintaining national security.
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新加坡軍事戰略之研究鐘廣華, JONG,GOANG-HWA Unknown Date (has links)
七、新加坡所面對的軍事戰略挑戰,觀察該國的軍事戰略佈署則包括:(一)宣示決心。(二)展現能力。(三)軍事合作。 (四)國防科技。
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一九八○年代中共國防現代化及其在外交政策上的運用沈遠峰 Unknown Date (has links)
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國防訓儲暨轉型後的研發替代役對產業研發之影響 / The Influence on the Research of Industrial Circles by the Transformation of Defense Trainees Program to Research/Development Alternative Service.王精鴻, Wang, Ching Hong Unknown Date (has links)
由於兩種制度內涵不盡相同,本研究旨在探討制度改變後對國內產業研發之變化情形暨影響面向,以供決策部門施政之參考。 / After the Republic of China and the United States broke off their diplomatic relations in 1978, the sources of the R.O.C armament procurement had also been limited. In order to solve this problem, the government began to actively conscript talented personnel to develop national defense industry by itself at the same time, so that the national power could be greatly enhanced.
The regulation of preserving pre-military officers to serve national defense industry voluntarily was enacted in 1979, and implemented in 1980 which was the beginning of preservation of national defense industry readiness. The main purpose of this regulation is to integrate military service system with developing and training post graduate personnel including those with doctor’s degree. Consequently, let them join the national advanced research program. By doing so, the best trained personnel can help our country to enhance national scientific and technological ability without reducing national power.
With the quick development of the Hi-Tech industry, our country faces shortages of research and development personnel. Since 1999, the Ministry of National Defense allowed civil enterprises and research institutes to apply for preserving pre-military officers which is also known as national defense alternative service. This regulation has been implemented to nowadays. There are always significant achievements and tremendous contributions to our country and the outcome is recognized by all circles as well. As the coming of highly competitive era of science and technology, it is crucial for our country to optimize the allocation of human resource. While the regulation of preserving national defense industry readiness plays a very important role in both developing national defense industry and high-tech industries, it is also involved with people’s rights, obligations, and the allocation of resources. In September 2001, The Control Yuan accused the implementing of the regulation of preserving national defense industry readiness by Ministry of National Defense without any law as a basis, yet it’s also criticized by legislator’s private concern about personnel’s admission and queried the fairness of this regulation. Consequently, The Executive Yuan organized The Ministry of National Defense, The Ministry of Interior Affairs, The Ministry of Economy, The National Science Council, and CEPD into groups called “military service overall review group” which is responsible for full scale development and improvement of the military service regulation in June 2004. The original regulation is changed into “research alternative service”.
Because the essentials of two regulations are not exactly the same, this research will focus on the inventive evolvement within domestic industry according to the changes of different regulations, and how it becomes a reference within administrative department's decision making process.
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國防工業訓儲預備軍(士)官制度對役男生涯發展之影響林瑞怡, Lin, Eva Unknown Date (has links)
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2008年政黨輪替論我國國防戰略轉變研究傅茂田 Unknown Date (has links)
近年國際紛爭不斷、金融危機,及兩岸關係多變,對國家安全充滿挑戰。再則我國分於民國95年(2006年)公布首部《中華民國國家安全報告》、98年(2009年)3月公布《四年期國防總檢討》(Quadrennial Defense Review , QDR),此一時期正適逢我國政黨輪替執政,先後均基本闡述國家安全政策大方向。惟並未明確、完整擘劃我國的「國防戰略」,進而與國家安全戰略相銜接;本論文以並以2008年政黨輪替為時間切割點,針對國際環境變化、國家安全情勢及中共軍事威脅等情進行研究,探討我國「國防戰略」轉變。倘若能拋磚引玉,進而促使有關單位進行政策面的探討與研究,甚或是更完善制定一套屬於符合我國國家安全的「國防戰略」,為本論文之核心價值。
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我國高中職軍訓制度之研究 / none左敦雲 Unknown Date (has links)
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